Recommendations for increasing the volume of sales of products. Methods for increasing sales. We are working on the possibility of buying on credit

  • 31.03.2021

When it comes to the need to increase conversions, the method to increase the number of customers is to understand the mechanism of their thinking. This is where social research by psychologists in the field of neuromarketing comes to the aid of web marketers.

Yes, we are all different, but in many cases our brain reacts to certain situations in the same way. Understanding these intricacies of the human mind can help you reach your customers and get them to take the desired action, saving you a lot of money in your advertising budget.

Below are ways to offer services, descriptions of customer behavior patterns, tips for increasing conversions, and some of the most striking examples from life that will tell you what your customers think about most often and how to use all these psychological phenomena to achieve their goals.

1. Overcome the "entry barrier"

There are situations when a person needs an extra stimulus. To do this, many companies give the opportunity to a potential buyer to test the offer in practice for free for a certain time. During this time, the user gradually gets used to the product or service, which gives rise to a high probability that after the allotted time he will not be able to refuse and wish to extend the offer, but for money.

Here, the correct wording of the offer is of great importance. To do this, most companies often use this phrase on : "Sign up for a 30-day free trial." But agree that the phrase: "First month free" sounds much softer and more attractive. The goals are the same, but potentially a different result. You should also use a subtitle to strengthen CTA element , such as "Unsubscribe at any time." Feel free to experiment, create several options and choose the most effective one with .

2. The magical power of persuasion

In behavioral psychology research, one curious feature was established: as soon as randomly selected volunteers were announced that, according to the researchers, they belonged to a group of people who “have an active citizenship”, these same volunteers, who received a subconscious setting to increase involvement, increased their voting activity by 15%.

Recall that the volunteers were chosen absolutely randomly, but their behavior was strongly influenced by the conviction that they belonged to a certain group. This psychological phenomenon can be used in marketing campaigns: find a way to convince users that they are the unique and chosen target audience for your product.

3. Types of buyers

Experts in the field of neuroeconomics have identified three types of buyers:

  • economical;
  • spenders;
  • moderate type.

In order to force buyers of the first type (and such 24% of the total number) to fork out, there are various methods impact.

Here are some examples of how this can be done:

  • Change in the offer price - when the price remains the same, but is broken down into more easily perceived amounts (for example, 150 rubles / month versus 1800 rubles / year).
  • Internet company AOL has replaced its hourly Internet service charge with a monthly charge. This is the opposite of the first example, the essence of which is to ensure that users do not track their expenses on a daily basis.
  • All inclusive resorts give a sense of security, as the client knows that all services have already been paid for, and there will be no unexpected expenses during the holiday.
  • Netflix uses a monthly payment system for unlimited movie access instead of paying per movie.

4. Get stronger by admitting flaws

How to increase sales due to your mistakes? There are many examples of catastrophes that have occurred throughout recent years(e.g. oil spills). The reason for this was the reluctance of companies to notice shortcomings in their work until the moment came when it was too late to change anything. For example, the Japanese energy company TEPCO admitted its mistakes only a year and a half later, which resulted in a nuclear crisis on the coast of Japan.

You have probably received emails with company apologies if something went wrong. Thus, the company makes it clear that such cases are not left without attention, and in the future everything possible will be done to avoid their recurrence.

Explore the Admitting Failure Project ( at your leisure. Here you can find stories of companies in which they openly admit and analyze their mistakes so that their bitter experience serves as a lesson to everyone else.

5. Tell us how to proceed

In the course of research, the American psychologist Howard Leventhal came to the conclusion that people tend to neglect up-to-date information unless it contains certain clear instructions. Consumers tend to think that possible problems they are not affected in any way and there is nothing to worry about. But when information is followed by instructions, the effect is amazing.

So, in one experiment, the number of people who got vaccinated against influenza increased by 25% after specific advice on how to avoid this disease.

By the way, this is one of the most effective ways to attract new customers in insurance. It serves the same purpose - it indicates the further path to your user.

6. Nobody likes to wait

Consumers tend to fear delivery and verification issues when buying online (especially around the holidays), which has a huge impact on the conversion process. Therefore, in order for the client to trust you, use phrases that are encouraging, for example: “We will quickly deliver any of your orders throughout Russia”, “If the product does not fit, you can immediately return it to the courier”, etc.

7. Find a competitor

If you create for yourself - let it be virtual! - a competitor, and you will be able to make the advantages of your offer look more vivid than your rival, people will become more loyal to you, especially if you pit companies against each other in a fun way.

Remember, for example, a funny video about the confrontation between MAC OS and PC computer systems, which significantly increased the number of Apple customers. Or a classic example of a PR battle between Coca Cola and Pepsi, in which Pepsi's huge advantage is the unclassified composition of the drink, which earns the trust of many consumers.

8. Increase Sales Using Your Phone

This is an art - increasing sales using the phone. Purchased databases of numbers, which are often used by representatives of unscrupulous companies, should be forgotten: obsession can only ruin your reputation.

Offer your services to those who are already interested in them. You need to have information not only about your product, but also about the person you are calling: where he works, what he does and is interested in, what problems he has - and how your product can help solve them.

A great way to legitimately collect this kind of information is to create a special landing page, or capture page, and place a lead form on it with the necessary fields. Ready-made landing pages are already presented in many areas - select your niche, add a page to the editor and customize it for yourself in a couple of clicks.

In addition to a tempting offer, do not forget to offer the user something in return: a free book, participation in a webinar, or a demo version of the product.

9. Attract like-minded clients

Tell your potential buyers about the global goal of your company (for example, charity), then you will have a chance to attract like-minded people with similar intentions. For example, in one study, 64% of respondents said that this factor prompted them to make a purchase decision.

A striking example of this approach is a charity campaign to raise sales, held by TOMS Shoes. Its meaning was as follows: when selling a pair of shoes from this company, the company sent another pair to needy children. Thanks to this action, millions of pairs of shoes were sold worldwide, and, accordingly, millions of children received new shoes for free.

A great way to sell and increase conversions with the help of good and useful deeds!

10. Social Proof

Studies show that people are more willing to make purchases when they have no doubts about the reliability of your company and the security of transactions.

One of the ways to gain trust is an official document (certificate of quality, for example), the results of certain studies and, of course, testimonials from satisfied customers.

Treat them with surprises and you'll earn brand loyalty and a huge amount of valuable positive feedback. Online shoe store Zappos is a classic example of this tactic.

Believing the promise to receive the order within 5 days, you receive it in two days. Or they give you the opportunity to return the shoes within a year! With the help of such pleasant surprises, the company managed to accumulate a huge number of customer reviews on its website, which is a powerful marketing tool for influencing the buyer.

Methods for increasing sales: set and control the execution of daily plans

First of all, the methods of increasing revenue include setting daily plans for sellers and their control.

Where do such plans come from?

Sellers' daily plans are the result of a decomposition of the company's main predictive indicator - profit. It is its size that determines the volume closed deals every day by every single manager.

We have already described how to build a conversion model for a month. Recall that you should go through the following steps:

  1. determine the amount of profit;
  2. calculate revenue;
  3. calculate the number of leads;
  4. calculate intermediate monthly activity indicators for the entire department;
  5. set plans for intermediate indicators of activity for each employee;
  6. calculate how many actions he must perform daily in order to close the required number of transactions.

How to control the execution of daily plans?

Control their execution by 2 points.

  1. Employees must make daily changes to the report "Fact of payments for today" in the form:

The payment status indicates the status - "paid", "on payment", "partially paid". You need to control the changes 2-3 times a day. Reference points for this can be, for example:

  • 11:00
  • 15:00
  • 17:00
  1. In addition, it is necessary to monitor daily such an indicator as "percentage of the plan for the current day." This is not an absolute number, but an indicator of whether the seller will be able to fulfill the plan if they continue to move at the same pace.

This "percentage" is calculated by the formula:

Current fact / (Plan for the month / total number of working days in the month * number of days worked per month) * 100

If it is below 100%, it's time to intervene in the employee's work: figure out why he is lagging behind, make changes to his work and communication strategy with customers.

Techniques for Increasing Sales: Pay Attention to Quantities

Provided that you are confident in the quality of leads, you need to monitor the quantitative indicators of their processing daily. It refers to the number of calls sent commercial offers, appointments, presentations, etc.

Plans for daily activity, for example, the number of calls per day, are mandatory and are one of the effective methods for increasing the number of closed deals. To do this, take a few steps.

1. Decide on the daily amount of activity for each manager, for example, calls.

2. Compare these numbers to industry labor standards.

3. Incorporate call metrics into the system. Sellers must be motivated to make the required number of telephone conversations.

4. If telephony is integrated with CRM, upload and view reports on the number of calls daily.

5. Use the "Quick Call" service so that employees do not spend a lot of time listening to beeps in the handset and dialing.

Sales Boosting Techniques: Use Mystery Shoppers

The use of a mystery shopper is also one of the methods to increase revenue. The mystery shopper should call the company and make an appointment. In the process, he supervises the development of certain skills by employees.

  • Greeting, introduction;
  • Clarification of the position and scope of the company;
  • Using techniques: compliment, addressing a person by name, small talk and SPIN;
  • Designation of the purpose of the call;
  • Keeping conversations in positive tones;
  • Conversation management;
  • Working out objections (taken into account and not taken into account in the example of a selling script), etc.

The best control of skills is carried out using development sheets and the “traffic light” system. So you get a "three-dimensional" picture for a specific manager.

It doesn't cost that much. For example, in Volgograd the visit of a mystery shopper can cost 500 rubles, in Moscow - 1500-5000 rubles. depending on the area of ​​business. But in any case, this tool will quickly pay for itself.

Methods to increase sales: use Youtube

Youtube can be used as a method to increase successfully closed deals. This is a good content marketing channel and an effective way to provide added value to your company's products. It is necessary to take into account 3 points that the famous video blogger Evgeny Gavrilin mentions on our Sales Code channel :

  • observe the regularity of video releases;
  • clearly follow the needs of the target audience;
  • Don't try to be what you are not.

Contests heat up competition and kindle sports interest among sellers.

Contests are intangible, although victory in them is rewarded. For example, you could award points to each employee for completing a daily plan.

So did one of Oy-li's clients, the owner of the chain of jewelry stores La Nature, Nikolai Aseev. In the last 15 days of December, he awarded salespeople 10 points for completing a daily plan. Whoever scores the most gets an iPhone as a gift. Managers were so captivated by the game that Nikolai managed to make money on the BMW X6!

Methods for increasing sales: make reports

Ekaterina Ukolova, shareholder of Oy-li, advises to make 36 reports on the work of the department in order to always accept right decisions. But even if you start with 2-3, you will immediately see the effect of this method of increasing revenue.

Reporting is generated for 3 areas. Start to control the basic parameters.

Lead generation

We control 2 indicators:

  • the number of incoming leads;
  • the effectiveness of the channels through which they come.

Convert to deal

We control 3 indicators

  • The quality of leads is their qualification for matching the portrait of the target audience;
  • when moving from stage to stage;
  • Execution of daily plans to close deals.

Development of the current base

This is already an advanced level. However, try to learn more about these 5 indicators for example at trainings, as they will be very useful for working with regular customers.

  • Share in the client (penetration)
  • Customer Value (LTV)
  • Retention Rate (CRR)
  • Average amount of transactions for the period (ARC)
  • Loyalty Index (NPS)

Sales Boosting Techniques: Find Your Lead Magnet

Lead magnet as a method of increasing revenue works quite effectively. This is a product that is provided free of charge or at a low cost.

Give your lead magnet a good promotion. It can be issued as a share or a whole marketing campaign. But just remember that this product is not an end, but a means. A tool that should lead buyers to spend money. Options for the development of events can be as follows:

  1. The buyer took nothing but the lead magnet. This means that the seller was not up to par and did not fulfill his function;
  2. The buyer received a lead magnet plus bought something else. An additional sale was made;
  3. The buyer came for a lead magnet, but bought something more expensive instead. The goal has also been achieved.

For example, the owner of a photo studio, an Oy-li client, used cold calls to invite them to free photo shoots. People came, got 1 photo for free and they were immediately offered to take a few more photos in another zone, but for money. About 80% agreed.

Saving as a method of increasing revenue also works. Review your spending in the following areas.

1. Don't waste money on ineffective promotion channels. This requires analytics to track where customers come from. There are not many effective channels. Remember the magic number "4". The main traffic is given by 3-4 channels. Not more.

2. Don't promote obviously unprofitable products. Which "do not go", which are low-margin. In general, make your assortment matrix understandable and optimal for the target audience.

3. Do not feed employees instead of yourself. This means that they cannot, firstly, be paid for past merits. Sellers should not receive "rent" from already closed transactions during the time the contract is in effect. The bonus for this is paid once. Second, don't pay the full fixed salary. Make it complex. Pay only for what is done.

4. Do not squander resources on hopeless counterparties in the hope that they will buy. Control everything in terms of average trade length. If the manager does not go out to sell, then maybe it's not about him. "Fire" problem customers.

5. Do not fall into the sin of total manufacturability and. Automation is great. But why do you need unnecessary options. Automate only what is needed for the business process. Don't try to implement all services at once.

6. Be sure to hire the right ones. They must solve a specific problem. If the coach just plays games with employees, then this will not lead to an increase in revenue.

7. Do you really need this office? This chair? Such a table? Control business expenses.

Sales Boosting Techniques: Save on 7 Things

In order for the performance of the commercial department to increase, it is necessary not only to correctly set individual and general tasks for managers, but also to monitor their implementation. You can track the effectiveness of the work, as well as significantly simplify the steps to achieve it, using CRM implementations. This is the basic method of increasing sales in a company.

Where urgently need to implement CRM

  • when leads start to “lose” today with a large flow of applications,
  • where the assigned tasks for transactions are not performed or are performed with a delay due to the forgetfulness of subordinates,
  • where it is impossible to assess the intensity of work of subordinates: how many calls they make per day and what is the duration,
  • where it is impossible to work on bugs, because conversations are not recorded, etc.

If at least one of the points is relevant for the company, then this is the first call to implement CRM. This method of increasing revenue has now been tested in all leading companies in their segments.

CRM in the commercial department allows you to save salespeople's working time, which was previously spent on dialing numbers, searching for a customer base, etc. According to statistics, the manager takes about 3 days out of the working week to perform related work. Ready to donate?

If not, then Oy-li recommends integrating CRM with IP-telephony and e-mail distribution. Another customizable feature in CRM is creating a wow effect. This method allows you to recruit a buyer exactly at the moment when he opens a commercial offer.

Sales automation

Automation of all processes in CRM allows you to organize control over the quality of tasks. This is another effective method to increase sales. You can control the workflow in a team thanks to CRM by at least 36 different indicators. Here are just a few of them that must be formed in the commercial department:

  1. Daily report on the facts of payments for today and the payment plan for tomorrow
  2. Sales channel reports
  3. Reports on deals with a specific status
  4. Reports on different funnel sections
  5. Customer Value Reports
  6. Trade length reports

The introduction of this method alone contributes to an increase in revenue by 30%.

Methods for increasing sales: create a department to work with new and current customers

Dividing the functionality within the department into those who work only with new ones and those who accompany current customers is another effective method of increasing revenue in the company. If all sellers are not scattered to perform all tasks, then their efficiency will be many times higher.

So, in large companies - leaders in their industry, the areas of responsibility of sellers are divided not only by new and current customers, but also by segments. Some specialists may be responsible for working with small and medium-sized businesses, while others may be responsible for managing large clients. This method of increasing sales helps the employee to concentrate on completing the main tasks.

Sales Boosting Techniques: Decompose Your Goals

To reach the desired profit, another effective method of increasing the number of closed deals is the decomposition of goals. How to do it right, Oy-li experts can tell you at author's courses. And now some basic recommendations.

Before proceeding with the splitting of goals into small subtasks on the way to achieving it, it is important to understand what kind of profit the owner expects to achieve the goal. To do this, designate:

  1. How much does the owner intend to earn?
  2. What is the margin of the business, what are the sources of cash flow?
  3. What is the total conversion and what is the conversion of each of its stages?
  4. How many potential customers are at the entrance?
  5. What is the average check for customers?
  6. What is the activity of sellers?

Having seen the ultimate goal, you should decompose it into smaller actions that the seller must take in order to reach this goal. An example from everyday life: if you are going on vacation, then this is your global goal. To achieve it, you need to book a tour, complete current affairs at work, and pack your bags. To choose a suitable tour, you need to contact the agency, or even several agencies, in order to complete business at work, you need to complete certain tasks according to the list, etc.

A clear understanding of the next step and the ultimate goal encourages you to work with double efficiency to increase revenue.

Sales Boosting Techniques: Calculate NPS Rank

The NPS (Net Promoter Score) rating reflects the level of loyalty of current buyers to the company, their willingness to make repeat purchases and recommend interaction with you to friends. Often, the owners of the company or the heads of the department () do not pay due attention to the miscalculation of this rating out of ignorance. Sales are dropping and ROPs don't even know why.

A small survey will help correct the situation. Ask your clients two questions: the first is how they would rate working with the company on a scale of 1 to 10 and how likely they are to recommend it to friends, and the second is what employees need to do to get a higher rating next time. This method allows you to identify problem areas in the company and helps increase sales.

Divide the data obtained into three groups:

  1. Promoters are those buyers who gave you 9-10 points;
  2. Passive, who rated interaction with the company at 7-8 points;
  3. Dissatisfied, who put 0-6 points. It is not necessary to expect recommendations from the latter.

The NPS index is calculated according to the following formula:

NPS = number of those who gave 9-10 points / total number of respondents - number of those who gave 6 points and below / total number of respondents

What do these indicators mean and how does this method affect the increase in sales?

If the NPS index turned out to be in the region of 5-10%, then this is a low indicator of loyalty. Such companies need to seriously think about both improving the product itself and the level of service.

If the indicator reached 45%, this is a good result. Of course, you are not among the leaders, but you have a significant potential for growth. Your product is recognizable, but you need to work on loyalty a little.

If the index is 50-80%, then these are market leaders. Buyers are ready to come back again and again.

To increase customer loyalty, we recommend measuring this indicator on a monthly basis, as well as listening to the recommendations that promoters give you. They are already satisfied with the interaction with you and no less than you are interested in improving the quality of the services provided. This is the method that helps to increase revenue at least twice.

Methods to increase sales: bring back old customers

Returning old customers to the pool of potential buyers is another important method to increase sales using the company's own reserves. Offer to start over with those who at some point were dissatisfied with the interaction with the company. Since then, a lot of time has passed, the employees in the departments have changed. Former turmoil is not a reason to lose up to 30% of revenue. Therefore, we recommend not to neglect this method of increasing sales.

Sales Generator

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Issues discussed in the material:

  • What factors can lead to a decrease in retail sales
  • What methods will help increase retail sales without large investments
  • What tricks should be adopted to increase retail sales

Any network owner retail wants his business to be profitable. The main indicator of successful business development is constantly increasing income. But how to increase sales in a market oversaturated with various products in a highly competitive environment? Today it is a very relevant topic. There are many ways to increase retail sales. In this article, we will focus on the most effective ones.

Reasons for the drop in retail sales

Retail is a process involving the sale of goods individually or in small quantities for the consumer's personal non-commercial use. The form of this type of trade can be varied. So, sellers rent premises under trading activity, equipping them accordingly, personally sell the product, distribute it through television and via the Internet.

Retail offers the consumer maintenance of the following types:

  1. Selection among similar goods (for example, sweets of a certain type, made by different firms).
  2. Self-selection of different products at points of sale (self-service stores).
  3. Comprehensive (full) service - assistance to the client at all stages of the purchase up to free delivery.
  4. Mixed form - the sale of products in small wholesale and retail (large retail outlets, supermarkets).

Why are sales falling? Basically, due to the fact that buyers become less active, demand decreases. In addition, a businessman (seller) is not able to influence certain circumstances on which income depends.

Among them:

  • worsening economic situation as a whole in the territory of the state;
  • identification of a critical marriage in the goods sold;
  • market launch new products replacing existing products.

The decline in retail sales is also due to other reasons, which are not as serious as the above, they are easy to correct. These factors include the following.

  1. Write one amount on the price tag, and punch another on the check.
  2. Leave a banner with an announcement about a promotion that has already ended.
  3. Provoke competition. If possible, you should resell the product in another store without indicating its "source". After all, it is quite clear that at the next opportunity, the buyer will come to the specified place.
  • Opening within walking distance of new stores and shopping centers. The number of potential buyers in many cities, especially in small and medium ones, almost does not increase and has been at the same level for many years. At the same time, the number of stores per capita is continuously growing. This is followed not only by natural economic processes, such as price equalization, but also paradoxical phenomena. Thus, the consumer begins to perceive more or less quality products as equally valuable. At the same time, the "equalization" line runs along the lower boundary. What to do in such a situation? Again, it is necessary to offer the buyer variety. There is simply no other way to increase sales.

10 Effective Ways to Increase Retail Sales

Today, any store owner or person involved in its management seeks to find an effective method to instantly increase retail sales. However, this is a complex process, and there is no one-time method here. It is necessary to constantly monitor innovations and innovations, to be able to efficiently manage your subordinates, to work competently with customers. A businessman can enjoy low-cost, but efficient technologies marketing.

1. Up-sell, Cross-sell, Down-sell.

Increasing retail sales in this way is almost a win-win option, as it is considered one of the most effective.

Selling more expensive products. Suppose a person wants to buy a slow cooker from you. You offer to purchase an improved model, the cost of which is several thousand rubles higher. The client has already decided to spend a certain amount, and plus or minus 2-3 thousand rubles does not play a special role. This method allows you to increase the amount of the average check, while increasing the profit from retail sales.

The sales assistant must carefully monitor each new customer who enters the store in order to offer a more expensive product at the right time and thereby increase the purchase price. Sounds weird? We don't think so. For example, seeing that a customer is ready to buy a scarf, the seller should unobtrusively offer a similar but more expensive product. Please note that this product:

  • better than the previous one;
  • sewn at the most famous factory;
  • relevant for the next season;
  • emphasizes the status of the owner...etc.

All this information will certainly have the desired effect on anyone who likes to dress stylishly. Psychology also works here. For most people, saying “this is expensive for me”, “I can only afford something cheaper” is almost impossible. But even if 30-45% of all customers fall for such a hook, the conversion will increase by 22%.

This is the sale of additional goods and services. Sellers can and should act in this way: for example, when they buy trousers from you, politely offer them a shirt. Even if only 4 out of 10 people agree to buy the second item, sales will still increase.

In order for a client to purchase not one, but several products, a serious motive is needed. At the same time, the seller should under no circumstances impose the goods, put pressure on the buyer. This approach will give quite the opposite result. You need to act like this: show the second thing, describe its advantages and tell why the client needs it at all. You can also try to convince yourself that the proposed accessory fits perfectly with the selected trousers and creates a harmonious stylish ensemble.

Down-sell relevant when the client intends to purchase a product, but its budget is limited. The seller may recommend a product that meets the requirements, but is cheaper and of lower value. The task of Down-sell is to keep the buyer and satisfy his needs. For example, a young man wants to buy flowers, but there is not enough money for a quality bouquet. Recommend him a potted Dutch rose. The main thing is to offer products or services with high margins.

What is margin? Simply put, it is an analogue of profit, that is, it is the difference between the cost of a product and its selling price. The proceeds from the sale is the margin. The higher the margin for a product, the more high-margin it is.

2. Related offer.

This rule is somewhat similar to the previous one. Each outlet has products that can further increase sales. But usually they are not offered to buyers who choose the main product. These are the so-called "small" goods, which often lie near the cash register or on small racks around the trading floor.

For example, in a clothing store there are related products:

  • scarves;
  • hairpins;
  • umbrellas;
  • bijouterie;
  • covers;
  • wallets.

Everything works simply. Let's say a woman buys a dress. At the checkout, she is offered the appropriate jewelry, explaining that upon purchase, the total amount will reach the required minimum, and this will allow her to open a discount card. Many clients will like the offer. The purchased related product may be needed, and the discount card will save on purchases in the future. As you can see, subconsciously a person considers this advice beneficial and agrees.

As a result, despite the fact that the entrepreneur receives a small profit from one sale, at the end of the month, the increase in retail sales becomes obvious.

3. Competent merchandising.

Another popular option to increase sales is the use of merchandising, that is, the use of a set of activities carried out on the trading floor and aimed at promoting a particular product, brand, type or packaging.

What does a merchandiser do?

  • Firstly, the specialist ergonomically and attractively arranges the goods for the buyer. This process is the most important. Most people go to a store for one reason: to find a product, compare prices, or see if it can be ordered. Accordingly, the easier it is for the buyer to navigate the trading floor, the more likely it is that he will continue to communicate with the seller and want to return. Everything is elementary: today there are a lot of trade enterprises, there are fewer truly unique products, as the industrial sector develops and a large number of analogues appear. It follows from this that the potential the client will go where he is most comfortable.

It is very important to properly place products in the store. You should not create difficulties for the visitor, so that, for example, he goes around the store several times in search of the right shoes between jeans and T-shirts. Let the shoes be in one place, and the clothes in another. Properly and neatly organized space is already automatically liked by a potential buyer. He is not annoyed by the need for long searches for goods. He is more willing to start talking with the seller and agrees to purchase an additional product. This is how an increase in sales in a retail clothing store is achieved.

It also means a lot how aesthetically the product is laid out. When selecting homogeneous or closely related products, you need to focus not only on categories, but also on colors. So, it is not enough that the shirts are located on the same shelf. It is necessary to distribute them by shades (for example, from green to yellow) with all transitions. You shouldn't lump everything together. This approach definitely does not work to increase sales and does not bring proper income even to those stores that position themselves as "economy class" and focus not on quality, but on minimal prices.

  • Secondly, the functions of the merchandiser include the use of informative and stimulating signs and signs. This method is best used in large retail outlets, which include adjacent halls. It is also relevant for small shops. The most elementary way to increase retail sales is to demonstrate to the buyer the specific location of the desired product. Not all customers have a desire to communicate with sales consultants. Accordingly, visitors need signs both for certain categories of products (jeans, shirts, jackets, cereals, canned food, cheeses) and for individual items of goods for which there is a special demand (salt, matches, candles).

At the sight of such signboards and pointers, a person will easily move from showcase to showcase without any difficulties and be in the right mood, conducive to shopping. And the incentive for him will be various advertising signs near the products, informing about promotions, special properties of the product or its limited quantity.

  • Thirdly, The merchandiser can use special music to create a mood in the buyer, stimulating to make a purchase. Let this melody not be overly aggressive, irritating the client, or too lyrical and relaxing, depriving the mood for shopping. The best option for a retail store is light electronic or pop music (you should put popular tracks that are no more than a year old). In addition, the melodies of the tracks should flow smoothly from one to another without drops. You can also broadcast any popular radio channel (preferably with a general theme).

In this case, you should not set a very high volume. This rule is especially important to consider, since many modern people use headphones. A shopper may be annoyed when a tune playing in their headphones is interrupted by loud music in a store.

Product placement affects the consumer in supermarkets and other self-service outlets. It is there that you can most clearly see how important it is to correctly position the product being sold. So, all grocery stores use a common trick - they place the bread department in the most remote part of the hall. Thus, entering only for bread, the client passes through the entire territory with shop windows and makes additional purchases.

At the same time, one should not think that competent merchandising is possible only in large grocery or hardware stores. For example, thanks to the well-placed workplaces of the salon employees, comfortable furniture, the client feels comfortable, is better disposed to buy an expensive car or goods from a colorful stand with new products at the entrance.

4. Loyalty programs.

The increase in retail sales in the store is a process that is also achieved by the implementation of "point impact" programs. The programs are intended exclusively for loyal customers, that is, the more often the buyer visits the store, the larger his check, the higher the likelihood that he will be given a discount or bonus card. Programs are of the following types.

  • Bonus. The main element of the bonus program is bonuses, that is, points that are calculated as a percentage (less often fixed) from each purchase. When a certain amount is reached, the buyer can pay part of the purchase or the entire purchase with a bonus card.

Worth noting: the second option is most preferable, when the purchased goods are fully paid for by the accumulated bonuses. At the same time, it often seems to people that the restriction of the right to use reward points is another fraud, and in the future, buyers no longer want to visit such an outlet. The image of the entrepreneur (owner) and his store becomes less attractive. A striking example: a well-known Russian chain of sportswear and accessories stores, which limits the possibility of paying with bonus points to 30% of the total purchase price, has lost about 15% of regular customers over the past two years.

  • Cumulative. This program is similar to the bonus program, it differs only in the form of points accrual. If absolutely any formula can be used to calculate bonuses, then interest from the next purchase or a fixed amount “drops” on the accumulation card. Otherwise, everything is exactly the same, the buyer can, at his discretion, spend his bonus funds on the purchase of the desired product or partially pay for services.

  • Discount. Under this program, a regular customer receives a discount on a part of the products or the entire range. To receive the service, he must show a branded card or give a name and phone number. There are both fixed discounts, and growing together with an increase in the client's investment in retail store. The latter option is the most popular among cardholders, and accordingly, it is also optimal for an entrepreneur.

Thus, bonus programs are The best way win customer loyalty and increase retail sales. When a consumer receives a branded card (bonus, accumulative or discount), he feels himself included in a certain circle of "chosen ones", which stimulates him to buy in this particular trade organization.

Under normal circumstances, cards should only be issued regular customers. But when it opens new shop or a deep rebranding is being carried out, it is permissible to distribute them to the first 10-100 buyers, regardless of the duration of "cooperation" with the trade enterprise. This not only encourages them to continue visiting this establishment, but also improves the image of the retail chain.

If the bonuses are addressed to the "chosen ones", then promotional offers (discount or those that are carried out under the conditions of the importation of a limited assortment of goods) are for everyone. Each customer who enters the store at the right time and chooses required item(if the promotion is valid for the entire range), can get a discount. This procedure is carried out in accordance with applicable law, as it is a public offer.

Promotions work great to increase retail sales. They can be distributed in terms of certain products, product groups (for example: seasonal items or sports equipment) or the entire range in general. You should not often carry out promotions in relation to "substandard" products. Although such events help to quickly sell such goods and, accordingly, increase retail sales, at the same time, the store forms the image of a retail outlet where you can go “in a pinch”, and there are no high-quality goods here. Of course, even if you focus on customers with a minimum level of income, it is not possible to achieve positive results.

Most best option- alternate promotions: 1-2 times a year (for example, on the eve of summer and the New Year) make discounts “for everything”; 10-12 times - for slow-moving goods; and at least once a season to hold such events associated with the importation of new products. The latter need not be associated with lower prices. Customers can purchase limited edition items, order free home delivery, and more. Everything is determined by the flight of fancy and financial position retailer.

It is better to inform consumers about promotions in advance, and the larger it will be advertising campaign, all the better.

It is very important today to promote goods on the Internet, including in social networks. Note that you are not conducting online sales, but an advertising campaign on the Internet. A smart strategy works great for increasing retail sales.

SMM promotion gives the store the opportunity to tell the audience what promotions and bonus programs it holds without buying expensive TV advertising and without resorting to the services of well-known bloggers. All that is required to increase retail sales is to create store pages on social networks, and then maintain them with high quality, informing potential customers about upcoming events in a timely manner. Additionally, it will be useful to publish reviews that grateful customers leave on official websites. trading platform or fan clubs.

The importance of hashtags in SMM promotion is currently difficult to overestimate. If the SMM manager or the business owner himself uses the right specially selected tags, then potential customers are immediately directed to the store page.

The task of SMM promotion is to reach the target audience as much as possible. Some of the prospective clients prefer Facebook, some use Odnoklassniki, some use YouTub and Instagram. Given this, it is useful to create accounts in all social networks on the Internet. The content of each of them can be approximately the same. Another thing is important - active users should receive all the necessary information.

Having launched an SMM promotion, you should think about a full-fledged marketing company, which includes advertisements on television and radio, the production of banners, stretch marks, handouts (booklets, leaflets, business cards).

A retail promotion can be tied to a specific event (such as a store's birthday, a public or religious holiday, or a new outlet opening). It is also useful to hold this event to maintain customer loyalty.

By placing ads and making appropriate handouts, in parallel, you can give bonus or discount cards to the first customers. When conducting a specific PR campaign, it is advisable to launch several commercials on television and on the Internet, announcing "discount days" at the same time.

  • providing discounts for certain types of goods or the entire assortment group;
  • organization holiday events, including concerts of popular artists;
  • product tasting.

In any case, the main task is to create comfortable and safe conditions for customers to stay in retail outlet and in the adjacent territories. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid such negative phenomena caused by discounts as crowding, brawls, queues. It should be remembered that each such phenomenon is serious and, as a rule, permanently spoils the reputation of the store.

8. Guest bookand offers.

Legislation Russian Federation obliges each outlet to have its own book of reviews and offers. Most businessmen perceive it as a plaintive book, and this is a big mistake. It is necessary to constantly keep this document in the field of view of visitors, the best place to place it is an information stand. On a monthly basis, a representative of the store administration should view it, carefully read the advice and comments of customers, and talk with the staff.

In addition to the above document, it is useful to use mini-questionnaires in the store. It is recommended to place them on the table or directly at the checkout. Checking several boxes for a client is much easier than writing text in a book. At the same time, the information obtained in this way will be no less useful than feedback and suggestions.

With the above approach, you can quickly increase sales without commissioning expensive research and without wasting time trying to choose an effective marketing strategy.

In order to increase retail sales, the professional level of employees who communicate directly with customers should be assessed. The minimum that they should do is to know the assortment perfectly and understand how to conduct a dialogue with the client. It is necessary to avoid situations when the seller ignores the buyer's request to consult him, does not pay attention to the potential client, stands at one window for a long time and does not respond politely enough to comments and requests.

A sales worker should not go to the other extreme - to behave very intrusively. A customer who has entered the store with a specific purpose or without it at all may not be eager to communicate in principle or specifically at that moment to conduct a dialogue. One way or another, you need to greet the visitor, offer help at the first opportunity. Further, you should lag behind him if consultations are no longer necessary, and allow him to calmly leave the store.

The best option for training is to send sales staff to refresher courses or personal training. The cost of such programs is quite acceptable, and the effect, as a rule, gives a positive result.

Through selective calls to buyers, questionnaires, surveys in social media communities, you can find out the problems of buyers. It is advisable to ask questions regarding the assortment, quality of service, accessibility, store design, etc. If you correctly use the received data, then not only the level of sales will increase, but also the quality of service will improve.

You should use communication tools that, at the time of the sale of a particular product, allow you to get the contact phone number of the client. The easiest way is to ask to fill out a short questionnaire, and then give the person a discount card for this. In this way, a customer database is formed.

How does it work to increase retail sales? It's very simple: customers are called by the received phone numbers.

Here is how sellers argue their call:

  • inform about new arrivals in the store;
  • inform about profitable offers.

During a telephone conversation, you can ask why a person has not visited the store for a long time, whether he has any wishes for service and products. Calling customers should be trusted only to employees with clear diction who can skillfully work out objections.

The above ways to increase retail sales are really effective. But, in an effort to increase the profitability of the business, one should remember the main thing: customer care, high quality goods and professional consultants are the main engines of success. If this “base” is normal, then the methods outlined earlier will help increase sales in a short time.

12 Retail Sales Boosts

How to encourage people to buy more from you, and thereby increase your retail sales? There are several tricky tricks that absolutely affect all buyers. Every seller can use them and for this it is not necessary to know the psychology of a person thoroughly.

Perhaps everyone knows the feeling when it becomes more and more difficult to control oneself at sales or in stores where this or that product is presented at a discount. As if in a fog, we buy everything we see and do not stop until we have spent every penny. At such moments it is not clear what drives us when buying absolutely useless things. But it has already been proven that such feelings appear for a reason: a person falls under the influence of tactical manipulations by experienced marketers. What activities do they carry out to increase retail sales?

    Inscriptions and announcements like "Buy one thing - get the second for free", "Delivery as a gift", "Find cheaper" cause a positive response in the vast majority of people's minds. But it is clear to every retailer that any "free" shipping or "gift" item is already included in the price of the product purchased for money. This technique has been working flawlessly for decades all over the world, it is used both in retail sales and in other industries. It is the apparent “free” that arouses the interest of many people who, for a start, simply come in to “look” and leave the store with purchases.

    A wonderful effect is also obtained from word of mouth. When a customer finds out about a “lucrative” promotion at your outlet, they bring their relatives and friends there so that they can all buy the maximum number of goods together and get even more “gifts”.

    From time to time it is useful to have "free" promotions in the store (for example, such as "second jeans at half price" or "second item with 50% off"). In the course of these events, buyers are given almost for nothing stale off-season items or products that cannot be sold in the near future, while slightly increasing the cost of the most popular goods.

    This approach will ensure the turnover of all goods and will definitely bring income. But when organizing such actions, it is important to calculate all the risks and benefits. It often happens that the wrong approach reduces rather than increases retail sales.

    Everyone knows about the strong impact of red price tags in retail outlets. In this case, an association subconsciously pops up among buyers: red stickers - price reduction. It is in red that retailers all over the world highlight the size of discounts, sellers urge to look for such price tags on the shelves, promising customers a reduction in the cost of goods. This well-established perception of the entrepreneur can be used for good.

    A red price tag does not always mean a dizzying discount for a customer. The price reduction may be minimal or even negligible, or the cost remains the same. However, the fact that the vast majority of customers will take a product with a bright red tag off the shelf is obvious. Therefore, in order to increase retail sales, it is sometimes recommended to resort to this technique: specifically to minimize the cost expensive goods, place red price tags on them and watch how visitors sweep everything off the shelves, not doubting a bargain.

  1. We hide the most popular goods.
  2. The most famous and therefore effective way to increase retail sales is perhaps the placement of the most in-demand products at the back of the store. It has been noticed that the stalls with bread, dairy products, sausages always located in the far corners of the trading floor. An experienced merchandiser will certainly make sure that the buyer goes as far as possible for essential products, and along the way he picks up a whole basket of related and supposedly necessary goods.

    So, in order to increase retail sales, the most popular inexpensive goods should be placed on distant stands and shop windows. At the same time, the most expensive and less popular units are located in the most conspicuous place - next to the entrance, where even passers-by will pay attention to the goods.

  3. Salegoodsparties.

  4. Another popular method is the sale of products in batches, for example, under the action "10 packs for 500 rubles." At the same time, the retailer usually makes a small discount, but this "trick" again affects such a simple human trait as the natural desire to save money, even if it's a little.

    Strive to sell the maximum number of goods for a promotion, since every visitor subconsciously looks at them, often without thinking why he needs 10 packs scented candles with a purchase benefit of 20 rubles. An experienced seller will “play” on this desire to buy at a discount.

    In batches, you can sell both the most popular products, and goods that have an expiration date, as well as illiquid products

  5. Promotion "one product in one hand".
  6. So many retailers use this simple promotional technique, once again aimed at stimulating customer interest and increasing retail sales. We are talking about the so-called "purchasing restrictions". It is at the very moment when they say that this product can be obtained in an amount of no more than 3 units in one hand, the client subconsciously considers it unique and special, therefore, he tries to buy in the maximum quantity. A store visitor is sure that “if there is a high demand for a product, it will end soon, so you need to take more right away.”

    Do not hesitate to make individual products "unique" and place appropriate ads next to them. Such an artificially created shortage always affects the increase in retail sales.

  7. Rule of nine.

  8. Each of us, having briefly seen the price of “2999 rubles” in the store, subconsciously rounds the value to two, and not to three thousand rubles - as it would be mathematically correct. This reaction of our brain is called the “left signs effect”: we unconsciously round the indicator down even before we realize its true value. It is this unconscious reflex that the seller can use when working to increase sales in the retail business.

    Advice: when forming and printing price tags, it is better to use numbers ending in 90, 95 or 99. Such prices are also called "charming". They visually reduce the cost of the product in the perception of people, thereby stimulating the latter to buy.

  9. Usagecolors, Sveta, aromas.

  10. It has long been proven that buying activity directly depends on color, light, aromas. How it works? The human body releases the hormone of joy - endorphin, which causes a pleasant thrill before shopping. Unconsciously, he wants to buy more products and please himself. And it’s quite easy to trigger dopamine, or the hormone of satisfaction, in a store.

    Recommendation: when organizing retail premises, it is worth considering many factors that significantly affect the sale of products and services of certain categories. In order to increase sales in window dressing, it is necessary to use bright colors. As for grocery stores, it is better to place juicy colorful fruits and vegetables closer to the entrance so that the visitor can see them from afar and feel the joy of the upcoming purchases.

    Placement, design, appearance of sellers, light, temperature, musical accompaniment - all this is very important for creating a holistic image of the company. Great idea- scent marketing or any other "sensory marketing" that affects the feelings of customers and their emotional background. To understand this, let's look at a few well-known brands.

    These establishments are distinguished by an attractive interior design that combines wood and rich green, a sign reflecting the menu, unobtrusive audio, and the aroma of natural coffee. Here you can eat deliciously, but you can’t smell the food - it simply doesn’t exist here according to the aroma marketing concept.

    Take a close look at this entertainment complex. The aroma of popcorn is everywhere. At the same time, it does not matter at all that pizza, nachos, and other products are also sold here. But the smell of this brand is popcorn being cooked. Cinema visitors can not only smell the aroma, but also see the cooking process.

    Walk into any brightly lit store with this sign and you'll instantly smell the fresh, woody scent. You will never see the process of sawing trees there. However, you will always feel the smell, and it will be your incentive to make repairs at home.

    Conclusion: a combination that includes thoughtful visual, tactile and aromatic elements is very important, because these components can influence the desires of customers and stimulate an increase in retail sales in the store.

  11. Right hand law.
  12. It is no secret that the vast majority of buyers move counterclockwise around the trading floor, starting from the right side of the entrance. This must be remembered when placing goods on the counter.

    Advice: given that visitors always walk around the trading floor along the perimeter, the main amount of products should be placed in this area. Place the best and most visible products on the right side of the entrance: from this point, buyers will start their journey, and the products laid out here will become the most interesting for them.

    It is on spontaneous purchases that any store can make excellent money. Some sellers underestimate the product for "spontaneous purchases" in the checkout area. But this is wrong. Many customers very often make purchases on the spur of the moment. In addition, against the backdrop of expensive purchases already made in the past, visitors can easily purchase an insignificant product. Thus, in practice, spontaneous purchases work great for increasing retail sales.

    Recommendation: you should definitely place racks with the necessary small goods for daily use at the checkout. These can be newspapers, chocolates, batteries, chewing gum, antiseptics, etc. Most buyers, while waiting for their turn, willingly take something from inexpensive trifles from the cash register.

    Our subconscious has another unique property: when shopping, we want to quickly fill an empty basket with goods. That is why large supermarkets are constantly increasing the size of carts and baskets. Even if a person went to the store to buy bread, but then picked up a cart, he would fill it up very soon. And this feature of our brain can be used competently.

    Recommendation: for visitors to a retail outlet (especially a large supermarket), a basket or cart is a great incentive to buy more products than planned. An excellent solution is beautiful small wicker baskets, which can often be found in cosmetic stores or boutiques. women's clothing. With such a basket it is pleasant to walk around the hall, and putting the necessary products into it is even more pleasant. This undoubtedly works to increase sales in the retail business.

  13. Implementation of a unique service that customers are waiting for, but which competitors do not have.

  14. The type of service is determined by the type of business. How does this affect the increase in retail sales? For example, a grocery supermarket can additionally inform customers about promotions by phone. This approach will appeal to pensioners and will work like word of mouth. The shoe salon offers to increase the period for returning goods by the client if for some reason it did not fit (30 days instead of 14 days). The household appliances trade store promises to deliver large-sized products around the city free of charge.

  15. Organization of a lottery or your own holiday in the store.

  16. The Russian consumer lacks moments of joy. People like promotions, during which the goods can be obtained for free.

    It is permissible to coincide with the date of your own holiday either to the next anniversary of the opening (“We are three years old”), or to a professional celebration. For example, a building materials store can celebrate Builder's Day on a large scale. And a free product raffle, during which the customer fills out a questionnaire, will allow the store to receive addresses Email buyers for future mailings.

    The talent of a businessman lies not only in the ability to calculate sales profits or build relationships with tax authorities. First of all, it lies in the ability to find contact with the client and competently push him to buy. And of course, the main task of an entrepreneur is to increase retail sales in all available ways, involving both their own staff and outside experts in the process.

    Before you start working on increasing sales, you should study the issue in detail and select a few basic business optimization strategies. The tools and ways to increase retail sales that are covered here work effectively both in combination and separately from each other.

We will talk about the possible reasons for the decline in sales in retail or wholesale store, how to solve the problem and how to increase the number of sales step by step.

When the financial results of a business fall, action must be taken quickly. How to increase sales? is the cornerstone of business.

There are several effective ways to increase sales and increase the profitability of the store. Qualitative Analysis activities will identify effective tools to stabilize the situation.

1. Features of wholesale and retail trade - the psychology of sales

Retail sales - piece sales of goods to the final consumer.

  • furniture stores;
  • women's clothing stores;
  • pharmacies;
  • markets;
  • crafts fairs, etc.

Wholesale trade is aimed at corporate buyers who purchase products in bulk. Most often they are intermediaries who are engaged in resale. In some cases, large parties are needed for the personal purposes of the enterprise.


Factory produces upholstered furniture- sofas, armchairs and ottomans. For the uninterrupted supply of upholstery material, the company concludes a supply contract with a wholesaler.

When drawing up a plan to increase profitability, the director of a wholesale enterprise does not focus on the end consumer.

Attention is paid to:

  1. Search for new counterparties - achieved through presentations, a recommendation channel, cold phone calls, personal sales, studying the psychology of buyers, etc.
  2. Development of relations with current partners - optimization of logistics, provision of discounts, feedback, etc.
  3. Increasing customer focus and developing the professional skills of salespeople - conducting trainings, mentoring, motivation, etc.

For the head of a retail outlet, the main goal is to interest and encourage the visitor of the representative office or the company's online store to make a purchase. Analysis is required to increase sales current situation, detection weaknesses, development and implementation of measures to improve the situation.

2. Why retail sales are falling - possible reasons

It is difficult to take into account and predict economic, political, social and other factors influencing sales volumes. Even if they are obvious, it is often almost impossible to influence them.

But there are probable reasons for the decline in retail sales that need to be identified and addressed first.

Poor store location

Even when choosing a commercial premises for purchase or rent, you need to compare the location of the object and the specifics of the company's activities.


An entrepreneur decides to open a clothing store near a popular business center with the expectation of a large flow of customers. This idea is unsuccessful - visitors come for work, and not to update the wardrobe. It is better to move the outlet to a residential area, and open a stationery store near the business center.

You need to take into account the presence of competitors and their conditions, transport accessibility, ease of access, the population of the area and the daily number of people passing by. If the store is in the courtyard of a house with a barrier, then only customers living nearby will visit it.

Poor window display

If the buyer does not like the appearance of the store, then he will not enter it.

Showcase that will encourage the buyer to visit the outlet:

  • informative - the consumer understands what the store sells;
  • attractive in appearance - the design is bright and noticeable, but not flashy;
  • talks about current promotions - the data is necessarily relevant and truthful;
  • indicates a price category - an example of a product with an indication of its cost looks good.

If you want to know an objective opinion about the design of the store - ask the buyers themselves to evaluate this criterion through a survey or checklist.

Small assortment

If a competitor has a wider choice, then the buyer will go to him. Comparing the assortment of a similar outlet with your own will allow you to understand what is missing.

Another way to expand the product offer is to take into account the interests of a larger number of visitors. In a shoe store, it is good to have each model in unpopular sizes, and when selling food products, products for diabetics should be added to the assortment.

Poor quality of service

If the sellers are careless in their communication with the buyer, he will not want to return to the store. Service should be polite but not intrusive.

Trainings and seminars will teach staff the basics of quality sales, and Mystery shopper and Feedback from users will help to control the fulfillment of service requirements.

3. 7 simple tools to increase retail sales

When a manager sees that profitability is falling, he needs effective measures to stabilize the situation.

When developing measures to increase profitability, be sure to take into account the specifics of the company. But there are a number of universal methods that will raise profits from product sales.

Method 1. Competent merchandising

Clear and visual placement of goods in the store is a simple and effective way to increase sales immediately by tens of percent. But the products should be laid out not only conveniently for the visitor, but also beneficially for the seller.

To place the most profitable goods at eye level of the consumer, and to place promotional products in the checkout area - these are the main recommendations of specialists for the effective display of the assortment.

Pay special attention to the appearance of the product. The packaging should be neat and intact, and the thing should make you want to look at it closer.

Method 2: Companion offer

This technique is used by McDonald's - for each order it is proposed to try a pie or something else. Related products are available in every store.


In the furniture salon, the buyer purchases a sofa, upholstered with elite fabric. The consultant suggests taking a cleaning agent that will effectively remove the most popular types of dirt.

Some of the customers will agree to an additional purchase, someone will refuse it. But if you offer each buyer, then the average check will increase.

Method 3. Loyalty program

Discounts on discount cards and bonus points for purchase are powerful tools that increase sales. If the client chooses between two similar outlets, he will prefer the one in which he has privileges.

Use the method with caution. It happens that the return on the loyalty program does not cover the costs of using it. This happens if regular customers were given discount cards, but new customers did not appear. In this case, the bonus system is subject to revision or cancellation.

Method 4. Promotions and sales

The goal is to motivate the client to purchase more than he originally planned. The tool is especially popular for increasing sales during a crisis or when you need to get rid of the old assortment.

There are several stock options:

SentenceCondition examplePossible features
Promotion "2 + 1"If you buy 2 items, 1 more will be freeThe product with the lowest value on the check is given as a gift
Discount for one category or anotherRed clothes 2 days 10% cheaperIn addition to outerwear
Complete sale20% discount on the entire rangeException - items from the new collection
Action "Bring a friend"5% discount on referral from an existing clientMaximum 1,000 rubles
10% discount on birthdayAvailable 3 days before and 1 day after the eventDoes not apply to alcohol and confectionery

Method 5. Social networks

Representing your store on Instagram, Facebook and VK will significantly increase the number of users. They will learn from publics and groups about the assortment, promotions and discounts. To do this, the manager needs to fill the accounts with interesting content and relevant information.

An effective way to increase the return from a site or group on social networks is to announce a repost contest with a real prize.

The conditions are roughly as follows:

  1. The user shares a post with friends.
  2. The message is not deleted within a month.
  3. A winner is chosen at random.

It is better to offer a sold product or a service as a prize - the advantages and features of the offer indicated in the text of the repost will be read by a large number of users.

Method 6. Feedback

A selective call to customers, questionnaires, surveys in groups on social networks - these tools will allow you to identify what buyers lack. It is better to ask closed questions about the assortment, quality of service, accessibility and design of the store and any other aspects, but detailed answers should also be provided.

Proper use of the information received will not only increase sales, but also improve service.

Method 7. Marketing promotions

Distribution of leaflets, contests and sweepstakes, gifts for a purchase, an offer to try products for free - these and other events will increase customer interest and business profitability.

When conducting marketing research it is important to control their effectiveness. If the costs do not pay off, the customer acquisition policy should be reconsidered.

4. How to increase sales - step by step instructions

To determine which tools to apply first, follow three simple steps.

Step 1. Determine the specifics of trading

The problem of each store is unique.

The specifics of the activity depends on:

  • product categories - food or non-food products;
  • forms of enterprise - a network, a single outlet, mobile trade, etc.;
  • type of service - an online store, distribution through catalogs, placement of ads on Avito, a self-service point, vending machines, etc.

To understand the reasons for the decline in profits, it is necessary to determine the features of a particular outlet.

Step 2. Looking for weaknesses

It will be possible to determine which method is more effective and will increase sales after analyzing the reasons for their decline.


A customer enters a clothing store and immediately leaves it. There may be several reasons - an obsessive greeting, disinterest on the part of the staff, an unsuccessful display of goods, etc. The buyer will leave the online store sooner because of an incomprehensible menu or a repulsive interface.

Find out the reasons for customer dissatisfaction through surveys and questionnaires.

Step 3. We choose a method for solving the problem and implement it

After receiving answers to the first two questions, the way to increase sales will be clear.

You can get some more interesting ideas to increase sales from the following video:

5. Conclusion

If you correctly approach the issue of increasing sales, it will not be difficult to correct the situation.

To ensure that business profitability does not decrease again, monitor business indicators constantly and promptly respond to their deterioration.

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Issues discussed in the material:

  • What influences the increase in sales in the enterprise
  • What is the basic formula for increasing sales in any enterprise
  • What methods and tools should be used to increase sales in the enterprise

How to make sales grow? This is the most asked question in business. Even realizing a lot, everyone wants to increase volumes. Therefore, increasing sales at the enterprise is a priority for any business: manufacturing, service, online store. An increase in sales leads to an increase in income, there are funds for development.

3 factors influencing the increase in sales in the enterprise

The adoption of laws, the welfare of buyers and other external factors are an objective reality that cannot be influenced. But the other two groups of parameters are entirely in your power.

Whether the product will be of high quality, whether sales managers will be able to sell it in the required volumes, whether marketing is thought out - it all depends on you. The high quality of a product or service ensures demand, a competent advertising campaign allows you to attract more customers, employee training and script development become a guarantee of increasing sales.

With each specific transaction, the income of the enterprise grows. If the potential customer does not buy the product, there is no revenue. What determines the desire of a person to purchase a particular product? To get an answer, you need to imagine yourself in the place of the client.

You need to buy a liter of juice suitable for baby food. We come to a store near the house, on the racks with juices we see several dozen multi-colored boxes. Something familiar from advertising, some drinks were tried at a tasting a couple of weeks ago, some even caught my eye for the first time. The choice will be made between several brands. We study their price tags, choose the package of juice you like, look at the composition, expiration date, volume, whether it is suitable for children. As a result, we leave the store with one box of juice: one liter, the date of manufacture is a month ago with a one-year shelf life, the discounted price is 84 rubles.

Thus, the sales volume of products depends on all aspects of the marketing complex (the product itself, its distribution and promotion, price) and the seller as an element from the service area.

Remember that there are also external factors:

  • fashion trends;
  • seasonality;
  • the general situation in the economy;
  • adopted laws and much more.

They are tangibly reflected in the level of sales, and business cannot influence them.

Therefore, you need to focus on those aspects that you can change, and ensure sales growth by increasing:

  • volume of advertising (not to the detriment of its quality);
  • conversions from an interested visitor (lead in e-commerce) to a buyer;
  • the frequency of purchases by regular customers and the "lifetime" of the client.

At the same time, it is important to correctly fit all tactical decisions into the overall carefully thought-out strategy for the development of the company as a whole and market promotion in particular.

The basic formula for increasing the sales volume of the company's products

To increase the implementation rate, you need to clearly understand what components it includes.

About 100 people visit our outlet every day, 20 of whom become real buyers, making purchases for an average of two thousand rubles each. That is, there are three sales criteria: attendance (traffic), the ratio of the number of customers to the total number of people who visited the store (conversion) and the average cost of the transaction (average bill). Sales volume is obtained by multiplying these indicators by each other.

This means that the growth of one characteristic inevitably leads to an increase in the result of multiplication - sales. Now let's find out how to provide it.

Of course, the above list of ways to increase sales is not exhausted. Consider those of them whose effectiveness has been proven in practice.

19 effective ways to increase sales in the enterprise

The main goal of any commercial company is to achieve maximum sales. The path to success begins with the development of a strategy to increase sales and the choice of tactical solutions for the implementation of the plan.

10 simple and effective tools to increase company sales

If profitability indicators rushed down, it is required to stabilize the situation. A prerequisite for choosing tactics is to take into account the specifics of the business. However, there are methods to increase sales, characterized by versatility.

    By informing the target audience about your product, you will undoubtedly raise the level of sales. The best solution would be to form your own base, but often companies do not have the time or money for this. But there are a lot of offers for sale ready lists customers, which are used by enterprises for the most part.

    When deciding to buy a generated list, you should remember the need:

    Acquisition of bases from companies with similar to yours target audiences;

    Familiarization with comments about the quality of the list of clients sold by this company;

    Evaluation of the compliance of the base with your requirements (before purchasing, ask for several numbers, ring them up).

  1. Merchandising

    Convenient for the buyer (and profitable for the seller) visual display of products at the point of sale will help to simply and effectively increase sales by tens of percent.

    Appearance- an important product characteristic for consumers: a product in a neat, intact package should be pleasant to pick up and examine.

  2. Pick up additional item to the main purchase can be in every store. Remember McDonald’s, where every order will be offered to take something else.

    The manager of the optics salon, having provided the client with qualified assistance in the selection of glasses, advises to purchase a case / chain / napkin for cleaning the lenses.

    Of course, not all consumers will necessarily complete the purchase, but many will agree, increasing the company's profit and their loyalty to it (after all, the consultant cares about the convenience of customers by offering a really necessary product).

  3. Loyalty program

    Discounts on discount cards and bonus points for purchases have a powerful effect on increasing sales. The client's choice will always be in favor of the store where, for example, a card with cumulative discounts is registered in his name.

    It is required to carefully and carefully approach this tool in order to avoid unjustified costs that level the return on the loyalty program. By offering discount cards to regular customers, the seller is counting on the arrival of new consumers who for some reason do not appear. Then the bonus system should be completely abolished or at least revised.

  4. Promotions and sales

    This tool works great when you need to sell stale goods to make room for a new assortment. It is indispensable during the crisis, allowing you to increase sales even in economically difficult times.

    There are different options:


    Condition example

    Possible features

    Promotion "3 for the price of 2"

    Buying two items, the client receives the third as a gift

    The cheapest product of the three will be free.

    Discount on a certain product category

    Green items 10% off on Saturday and Sunday

    Promotion does not apply to outerwear

    Total sale

    20% discount on the entire range of "Spring-Autumn"

    The discount does not apply to items from the new collection.

    Action "Bring a friend"

    5% discount for a new customer purchase and 7% discount for an existing, recommended store

    Not more than one thousand rubles

    "Happy Birthday" (10% discount)

    Upon presentation of a passport, it begins to operate the day before the holiday, ends the day after

    Does not apply to cakes and liquor

    No need to deceive the trust of buyers. Let your shares be fair.

  5. Social networks

    Provide business representation in popular networks, entrust a dedicated specialist with filling accounts with interesting publications and useful information. Users of VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook on their favorite sites will learn about your offers and will be happy to participate in repost contests, increasing the effectiveness of the public or community.

    Sample conditions:

    A person posts your entry on his page.

    Do not delete it for some time (most often - a month).

    A random winner is selected using special applications or services and receives a real prize.

  6. It is optimal if the reward is the product described in the repost.

    Ask your customers what they lack. Whether the assortment suits you, whether the store is accessible, whether the goods are conveniently located, how they evaluate the quality of service - these and any other questions that are important to you can be asked by phone, in questionnaires, and questionnaires on social networks. Closed options are preferable (they are the majority), but you can give users the opportunity to speak out in a detailed answer.

    The information obtained will improve service, increase customer loyalty and increase sales.

  7. Marketing promotions

    The interest of customers and the profitability of the business are increased by tastings, lotteries, contests, leaflets, gifts for the purchase.

    When conducting marketing campaigns, it is important to control their effectiveness and payback. If the costs are higher than the returns, the toolkit needs to be revised.

  8. Automation systems

    The activities of sellers that have a significant impact on the performance of the company must be monitored and analyzed. Help in this is provided by CRM systems that allow you to track:

    How many products each manager sold (in real time, for a certain period);

    The number and result of contacts with the buyer of each employee (sales funnel);

    How specialists distribute their working time, etc.

    This way you can identify the best performers to reward them for even more productive performance, and the underperformers to influence them. In general, an increase in sales will follow.

  9. A good salesperson provides a high level of customer service, increases the company's sales volumes, and, accordingly, should receive incentives from management.

    Motivation is one of the tools of intra-company marketing, which includes a lot of aspects. Here and emotional comfort, and the establishment of teamwork, interaction between departments.

    Internal marketing is best introduced in stages, starting with the introduction of bonuses for sales managers. The competitive basis works great when employees compete for a premium, trying to sell as many units of a particular product as possible. Naturally, the volumes are growing, but at the same time, specialists are also improving their skills and using a creative approach.

    Present your sales strategy to your salespeople, monitor the implementation of the plan on an ongoing basis.

3 secret techniques that increase sales in the enterprise

  1. Low cost "entry ticket"

    For clarity, let's imagine the relationship "manager - buyer" as a relationship "man - woman".

    There is a girl who is approached by an unfamiliar young man with a proposal to marry him. But why should she become the wife of someone she sees for the first time in her life? At best, the potential bride will laugh.

    The boy is the seller, the girl is the buyer, and the situation is standard for many companies. Without delay, they instantly make a serious offer to the client: buy from us right now.

    Some are ready to argue, believing that the potential customer is aware of his need and that there is a product that can satisfy it.

    Okay, let's imagine that the same young man approaches the girl with the following speech: “You are not married, because there is no wedding ring on your finger. You look about 25 years old, and in these years 90% of women dream of marriage. Can you marry me?"

    What changed? Yes, the young man flashed deduction, but this does not mean at all that Young lady immediately throws herself into his arms. It is possible that they will get married, but definitely not here and not now.

    It’s the same in sales: the fact that you have a product, and the client has a need for it, does not yet give one hundred percent confidence in making an immediate transaction.

    Let's return to the unlucky boyfriend and his chosen one. Having met, the young man invites the girl to drink a cup of coffee. Agree, this obligation is incomparable with marriage, it is much easier to fulfill it.

    The success of the first date is then consolidated by a joint dinner, going to the cinema, and so on.

    Why not do the same in sales? Offer the client at the first communication a very small agreement, after completing which a satisfied potential buyer will be ready for the next, already more serious actions.

    This is the "entrance ticket" - that tiny obligation that the seller imposes on the future customer on the "first date".

    It can be free or paid.

    The free option is a delicate lead magnet that helps to attract a client with useful information in exchange for his contacts. For example, you have an online store of goods for children. An excellent lead magnet is a small PDF-format brochure "The Best Cosmetics for Babies".

    After reviewing the booklet, a potential client:

    Get value in the form useful information;

    Will begin to trust you as an expert who has compiled a much-needed brochure;

    Find out what cream and shampoo to buy for your child and what you can afford to buy them.

    A paid "ticket" should be cheap - a product at cost or only with delivery charges. For example:

    Outlet offline: free product trial.

    Online store: mini pack of baby lotion.

    "Entrance ticket" provides two very important benefits to the business.

    First, there is a conversion from visitors to customers. In the future, this will simplify sales, because you are no longer the first person you meet, for no reason at all, offering to go to the registry office.

    Secondly, one small commitment miraculously gives rise to trust and gratitude in a person - such important reciprocal feelings.

    And if many people know about the importance of trust (cases and customer reviews are shown for a reason), then such a powerful tool as gratitude is undeservedly forgotten.

    Gratitude is the first rule of influence.

    By making a gift, you thereby oblige people to return the service.

    An invitation to visit should be requested to make a return visit. It is worthy to respond to help from the outside consider it necessary. If a person used someone's service, then most likely he will respond to the request of the one who provided it.

    A good example is a series of experiments, the field for which were restaurants.

    Along with the bill, the waiter brought visitors a nice, but very small gift: candy, chewing gum, Chinese fortune cookies.

    Do you think mint candy can affect the size of the tip? Say "no" and you're wrong.

    Research has shown that guests who received one piece of candy as a gift gave an average of 3% more tips.

    Will two candies double the reward? Again "no"? Well, this time you are right, because the tip increased ... Already four times (up to 14% on average).

    However, the main focus lies ahead. The waiter gives the mint, says goodbye, then comes back and says: "You are wonderful people and wonderful customers, keep one more candy." And he gets just a cosmic tip, which increased by an average of 23%. It is clear that the point here is not the number of sweets, but the way they are presented.

    To make gratitude an effective weapon, you need to be the first to give. Do not forget to make sure that your present is a pleasant surprise and that it was exactly as intended, personally for the client.

    "Entrance ticket" is a really cool way to increase sales in your enterprise.

    If your business is the sale of goods, then you can use:

    Valuable information (lead magnet in the form of the already mentioned PDF brochure, e-book, price list).

    A gift, small, but nice and free.


    If you are selling services, offer the following "entry tickets":

    Lead magnet.

    Service at the lowest price.


    When implementing educational products, use:

    Lead magnet (webinar, template, video, PDF report).

    A free book on the topic (with shipping).

    A demo version of the proposed online course.

    At the same time, one should not unambiguously count on an increase in the income of the enterprise. "Entrance ticket" is guaranteed to increase sales, but the increase in the level of sales is not always equal to the increase in profits.

    Is it possible to influence the profitability of the enterprise through an increase in sales? Can. Your attention - the second secret technique.

  2. Selling a lot of "entry tickets" will not make you rich. It is necessary to offer customers other products already at full price. Let's say you decide to purchase a domain. You will immediately be advised to buy:

    Convenient professional mail;

    An important option to protect contact data;

    Similar domains.

    Many giants work on this principle: Apple, Amazon, McDonald's.

    The cost of each client for the latter is 1 dollar 91 cents. And a burger at this diner costs $2.90:

    $2,09 - $1,91 = $0,18.

    It turns out that from one sandwich the network has only 18 cents. But how then does one of the world's largest fast food corporations live and thrive? Where does she get money from?

    From french fries and Coca-Cola, which together provide a 6.3 times increase in profits and bring $1,14 . Income is multiplied thanks to an exceptionally competent product line.

    To increase sales almost instantly, put into practice offering related products to customers and see from personal experience that sales growth is an elementary thing!

    Attracting customers is a costly process both in terms of time and financial terms. It is necessary to work as much as possible with existing consumers, each additional purchase of which significantly increases the company's profit.

    A wide product line is out of competition if you need a simultaneous increase in sales by manufacturing plant and the growth of its profitability.

    Range development is not the best difficult task. Can:

    Create a new product.

    Upgrade an existing product to a premium version.

    Make a set by combining several items.

    Enter subscription.

    Of course, it's easier to work with an existing product: add additional features, extended service - and now the premium version is ready. Sets are also easy to create. Let's say there are three items, one hundred dollars each. Buying them individually costs $300, and they cost $250 as a set.

    There are many ways to monetize your asset, because payments from customers come in regularly. For example, create a subscription for a car wash: for three thousand rubles a month, a client can wash the car as many times as they like.

    You can find a lot of ideas to expand the product line or come up with your own.

    These are well-written scenarios for returning potential customers to buy (or re-buy) your products. They are very important, because, unfortunately, not all possible customers will get an “entrance ticket”. And not all of the signatories will decide to buy even the main product, not to mention related ones.

    The return track allows you to increase sales, but its capabilities are catastrophically underestimated.

    It can be implemented through:


    Another tool of the return track is promotions, the use of which can significantly increase sales figures. The main thing is to use them wisely, just like any other way to increase sales.