The spring session is a presentation of such a wide world of professions. Presentation on the theme "world of professions". Determine what is common for these pairs of professions

  • 15.04.2020

THE WORLD OF PROFESSIONS OF THE XXI CENTURY. For students in grades 9-11 Author: Anikina Tatyana Nikolaevna Geography teacher, class teacher of MBOU "Khotkovskaya secondary school No. 5"

Purpose: to introduce students to the diversity of professions and professions of the 21st century.

Tasks: 1) to orient students in the vast world of professions;

2) to help determine the choice of future profession.





V. Mayakovsky

What could be

more important at seventeen

years than choice

profession, which

will be devoted to

your subsequent




Mikhail Lomonosov, driven by thirst

knowledge, walked thousands of miles to Moscow

university and, not being rich, became

great and famous. Good times these days

Education costs a lot of money

the number of state-funded places in universities will be reduced

schaetsya, the second higher education can be obtained

only paid. But there is a way to save...

There is a house where I live

And for me he is the best

In it and in a dream and in reality

And in the evenings daddy me,

When the birds in their nests fall silent,

Tell quietly about the moon,

Rockets, satellites and stars.

May my home last forever

Let there be bread and laughter in it.

There I will return endlessly,

And only with him is my success possible.

There are many professions

good and different...

The doctor treats us for measles

There is a teacher

Painters and carpenters -

important workers

We'll build a new house

We will live together in it.


The cook cooks compotes for us -

It is very good!

The chef makes meatballs

it's also good!

Up to 500 (!) new professions appear annually.

Some, reflecting the specifics of a particular time and the current situation,

"live" only 5 - 15 years,

then "die" or are transformed beyond recognition. In total, according to a single

tariff-qualification directory, there are up to 6 thousand professions.

It's not easy to choose!

Here are some of the latest and most promising.


emergency commissioner -

an employee of the insurance company, preferably a lawyer by training, determines the amount of damage and assesses the company's obligations to the client who has been involved in an accident.

Arbitrator -

during the period of bankruptcy

"new director" of the enterprise,

controls his work, trying to bring

from debt bondage.

Education - higher legal or

economic plus special courses


purchasing specialist fashion clothes and shoes. Selects fresh collections at exhibitions and shows, understands well

in fashion trends and consumer preferences.

By education, as a rule, a merchandiser.

lawyer specializing in labor dispute resolution

from the enterprise, including trade unions.

Must have excellent knowledge of labor law

to be a good psychologist and a sociologist.

Barista -

specialist in the preparation of espresso coffee and drinks from it,

knows everything about the degree of grinding coffee beans, perfectly masters the technique of obtaining milk foam.

Currency trader -

person who earns

on the difference in exchange rates.

Get necessary knowledge can

in special courses.

The main advantage of this profession is complete freedom.

Developer -

real estate specialist

with construction and financial education.

Logistics -

controls the movement

material and information flows,

monitors the coordination of work

all departments, counts

the most profitable and economical scheme for the development of a particular project.

Logistics is taught in economic universities.

Speechwriter -

writes texts of speeches, reports, prepares interviews.

As usual, he has a philological education and works individually or in a team of politicians, entrepreneurs or on commission.

PR agencies.

"face" of the restaurant, "hostess of the hall."

Greets and accommodates visitors

can comment on the choice of dishes and drinks, informs about promotions held by the restaurant, controls and coordinates

the work of waiters.

Training takes place on site.

Headhunter ("bounty hunter") -

recruitment specialist,

as a rule, with a psychological education. Can lure a valuable employee from one company to another, acts as a scout: collects information, has

own informants.

Professional -

classifies and describes professions.

After all, today not only we have big

requests for the chosen profession, but also

profession shows its high

requirements for a potential employee.

49.6% of Russians work according to

received specialty;

61% believe that additional

education raises the professional level;

43% say that continuing to study raises self-esteem.

Invest and receive

It is said that the 19th century was

century of capital, XX - ideas,

and XXI will certainly become

century of people. This means that in any

professions will be in demand

all professionals with a good education.

worthwhile education

It pays to invest in education.

The cost of studying at the largest college in Canada, Seneca College, which lasts about 4 years, will cost about 11 thousand Canadian dollars per year. Initial wage graduate of Seneca 30-40 thousand dollars a year. That is, you can recapture the money invested in your studies in a little over a year. Further - more: in 2-3 years this figure will increase to 60,000 and more.

And what about in Russia?

And what about in Russia?

Today, it is more profitable for us to get a specialized secondary education than a higher education. Guys with the appropriate diplomas are immediately taken for a salary that managers who graduated from institutes only dream of if they find a job, of course, that during a crisis, 1 out of 10 university graduates succeeds.

The auto and aviation industries, oil companies are ready to immediately offer "average" specialists a salary of 45-50 thousand rubles a month. The cost of studying at a paid college department is from 20-30 thousand rubles. in year.

Here also consider!

Pop professions

The Americans presented a list of those

whose services we will especially need in the coming years.

Doctors and lawyers, as always, in 1st place, then programmers, biochemists and biophysicists (nanotechnologies, food industry, drugs) and environmentalists.

It would be nice to get more pleasure from work. British researchers found that white-collar workers are listed in highly paid and prestigious positions, they are not at all happy about this.

Completely satisfied - hairdressers and beauticians, military, chefs,

vendors and teachers.

In Russia, one has to choose between respect and prosperity.

Money can not buy happiness

According to opinion polls in our country, most of all

respect doctors and teachers, but at the same time

these professionals have some of the most

low wages.

A professional look into the future

As early as 2026, according to Forbes

shops will switch to automatic

payment, so cashiers will not be needed.

The profession of a postman will disappear even earlier (2016), as the "paper"

Few people send mail anymore. The miners and oil workers will remain out of work, as they will switch to the energy of the sun and wind.

And what should we do in the future, who graduated from universities,

but shifted their

duties on the shoulders of robots?

And what did educated free people do at all times?

They thought!

And from their thoughts were born artistic

masterpieces and great scientific discoveries.

The most demanded professions

Look for yourself...

Test for teenagers 14 - 16 years old

and their parents

  • You are working…
  • With people

    With technology

    With signs and formulas

    With wildlife

    2. You do all the work...

    By oneself

    Leading other people

    On a team as a team member

    Regardless of the people around you

3. You are busy at work…

- creating or managing flows

material values ​​(goods, money);

Interaction with people;

Creation of artistic images;

The transformation of nature;

maintenance and/or management

various machines, mechanisms;

Analysis, storage of information.

4. You are working...

In room;


In extreme conditions;

In constantly changing conditions.

5. Yours working time distributed...

By shifts (sometimes day, sometimes night);

At your discretion (free

Depending on external circumstances;

According to a clear schedule, weekends

days are always free.

6. You spend most of your time...

- sitting at the table;

In transport;


Any options are possible.

7. Your salary...

fixed by contract;

Depends on production;

Determined by how successful

your activity;

Depends on the case.

8. At work, you answer…

- only for yourself;

For other people;

For the operation of mechanisms;

For material things.

9. In the process of your work, you need to ...

- explore;

Come up with something new;

Be an expert, use already

existing knowledge and acquire new ones;

Influence people;

Take measurements.

10. At work, you have to…

- plan everything in advance and strictly follow the plan;

Make a preliminary plan, but

adjust it yourself

necessary in the course of work;

Not be bound by plans, deadlines;

Be prepared for any surprises.

11. In the proposed work, you value most of all ...

High wages;

Comfortable and stable conditions;

A result that people appreciate;

Possibility of creativity.

12. For successful work it is important for you to have:

creative imagination;

Organization and responsibility;

Engineering thinking;

Leadership skills;

Physical endurance.


1. Match the answers and make sure they don't

contradict each other.

2. Check if you are confusing the concept of a profession,

qualification, position.

3. Write out separately:

4 qualities that will help you be successful in

intended profession,

And 4 qualities are hindrances.

(Details about professions on Internet sites).

Extracurricular event "In the world of professions"

Target: to get acquainted with the features of some professions;
educational: expand children's understanding of professions;
Corrective: develop coherent speech, improve general speech skills, develop memory, logical thinking and imagination, promote the development of perception, attention, thinking;
Educational: to cultivate a respectful and kind attitude towards people of different professions, to cultivate industriousness.
Equipment: projector, screen, laptop (or computer) presentations, task cards, alphabet, drawings depicting professions, software MS Office 2007
Event progress:
Educator: Today we will talk about professions. What is a profession? A profession is a job that people choose for life. To become a good specialist, a person must know a lot and be able to do a lot. Teaching is also work, and work is not easy. A person of any profession is obliged to work.
Didactic game"Guess which proverb"
multimedia presentation

Educator: There are a lot of proverbs and sayings about work. Try to guess the whole proverb in two words.

The case is the master.
Labor is lazy.
Labor is a fish.
Hands - boredom
Answers: The work of the master is afraid.
Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.
You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.
Hands are not for boredom.

Didactic game "Continue the proverb"
multimedia presentation
Educator: The next task: you need to continue the proverb.
1. Man labor ...
2. A person is glorious not with words ...
3. The bird is recognized in flight, ...
4. Who loves to work, ...
5. It's hard for him to live, ...
1. Man is great by labor.
2. Glorious man is not words, glorious deeds.
3. A bird is recognized in flight, a person at work.
4. Whoever loves to work cannot sit idle.
5. It is hard for someone to live who runs away from work.

Didactic game "Riddles"
multimedia presentation

caregiver: There are many different and interesting professions. Now get ready to listen carefully. poems - riddles.
Tell me who's so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup
Smelly meatballs, salads,
Vinaigrettes, all breakfast lunches?
Here on the edge with caution
He paints iron with paint.
He has a bucket in his hand.
He himself is painted colorfully.

Grow flowers and catch butterflies
Look at everything and remember everything,
And love everything native, Russian?

Who sits at the patient's bedside?
And how to be treated, he tells everyone?
Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,
For those who are healthy
Allow me to walk.
We must fight fire
We are brave workers
We are partners with water.
We are very much needed by all people,
So who are we? -…

Multimedia presentation "Rare professions"
Educator: You have probably already heard about these professions. But there are such rare professions that I think you don’t even suspect about them.

In Antarctica, the rarest profession on Earth is the “penguin flipper”. The fact is that if the penguin falls on its back, it cannot stand up on its own. In Antarctica, near airfields where helicopters fly, penguins lift their heads so hard at the sound that some of them fall on their backs. After every takeoff or landing, the penguin flipper walks around the airfield and puts the poor penguins on their paws.

AT staffing The transport service has the position of "Usoter". The person who occupies it is obliged to erase the painted mustaches from the faces depicted on the posters and advertisements. There is enough work: the specialist is busy full-time, 8 hours a day.

The most exotic profession exists in the Israeli bakery industry: the position of an inspector is introduced here, who measures the holes of the hole in the bagel. They must be the same size.

Physical education minute
We played in the profession:
In an instant, we became pilots!
They flew in an airplane.
Suddenly we became drivers,
The steering wheel is now in our hands
We go fast friendly class.
And now we are at the construction site
Lay bricks straight
One brick and two and three
We are building a house, look.
Here's the game over
It's time for us to party again.

Didactic game "Name the professions"
multimedia presentation
caregiver: The next game is called "Name the Professions", you need to put a word in meaning instead of dots, and we will learn the actions of some professions.
The plane is ruled by ... a pilot
Tractor drives ... tractor driver
Electricity -…. driver
The walls were painted ... painter
The board was planed ... by a carpenter
In the house, the light was carried out ... by an electrician
A miner is working in the mine
In a hot forge ... a blacksmith
Who knows everything - ... well done.

Didactic game "What anyone needs"
multimedia presentation
caregiver: Let's do the following task. You have envelopes with puzzles on your tables, you need to assemble them correctly and you will find out what profession, what you need.

Educator: Let's check if you have collected the puzzles correctly. Look at the screen. Has everyone done this?

Hairdresser - scissors, comb.
Teacher - a book, a board.
Football player - the ball.
Doctor - thermometer, syringe.
Violinist - violin.
Seller - scales, calculator.
Cook - pot, ladle.
Locksmith - screwdriver, hammer.

Didactic game "Name your profession"
Educator: Now I will pronounce the phrases in the appropriate tone, which belongs to a certain profession, you must guess the owner of which profession says this:
- Moscow time ten hours fifteen minutes ...
- Bring you some tea...
- Open your mouth and say6 "A - a - a ...
- Ice cream ... creamy, chocolate ...
- Cloudy weather is expected in the afternoon, no precipitation, fog in the area.
- Attention, the doors are closing. The next station is Komsomolskaya
- the topic of today's lesson: "Adjective name"

Didactic game "Professional ABC"
caregiver: I have letters on my desk, I choose any letter, show you, and you name the profession with this letter.
A - pharmacist, architect
B - librarian, concrete worker
B - doctor, driver
G - geologist
D - doctor, milkmaid (etc.)

Didactic game "Find the name of the profession"
multimedia presentation

caregiver: You have cards on the tables, take them. Hidden in letters are the names of professions, find them and underline them.

caregiver: Name the professions you have found. Look at the screen, compare everyone did it?

Homework "My future profession"

caregiver: Check execution homework. In the picture you should have depicted your future profession.

The student shows the drawing and explains why he chose this profession.
Hangs on the board, thus, it turns out an exhibition of drawings "What I want to become"

Educator: O different professions we remember today. It is very important that a person chooses a job for himself. Happy is the person who does what he loves, that he has chosen the right profession for himself. They say about such a person that he is in his place or that he has golden hands. I wish you the right path in the future.

Presentation on the topic: World of professions

slide 1

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slide 2

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slide 3

Description of the slide:

Class hour plan Introductory speech Oral journal "in the world of professions" Extra people in the labor market (Problem) Five types of professions (Likbez Test "You and your profession" Profession fair (News feed) Trial of the profession teacher (Crime) The rarest professions (entertaining facts) Closing remarks

slide 4

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slide 5

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Oral magazine "In the world of professions" Today's issue of our magazine is dedicated to vocational guidance. The following sections are waiting for you: "Problem" "News feed" "Likbez" "Crime" "Tests", "Entertaining facts" We hope that the materials of today's issue will become your guide in the ocean of professions.

slide 6

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Slide 7

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Slide 8

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Test "You and your profession" 1. New Year's Eve for you - best time to: a) sleep; b) watch TV with the family; c) to be among friends 2. Of the three gifts, would you prefer: a) a fishing rod, an embroidery kit; b) skates or skis; c) a tour package or a ticket to an interesting performance. 3. Traveling is best: a) alone; b) with family or friends; c) with an unfamiliar group, so that there is an opportunity to make new friends. 4. If you were alone on an island or in a forest, then: a) you would feel complete freedom; b) would be engaged in the search for a way out or some business; c) would feel longing, restlessness, fear. 5. In your free time Do you like to: a) read, visit the library, chess section, zoo, forest, fish, dream; b) draw, read, play sports, play music, sew or knit, go hiking, talk on the phone, watch TV; c) go in for sports, dance, play in an ensemble, sing in a choir, participate in performances and concerts, travel with friends, go to the cinema with a company.

Slide 9

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Slide 10

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News feed - "Fair of professions" Web-programmer, web-designer is a specialist in creating sites for global network Internet. An auditor is a person who checks financial activity companies, evaluates its success and efficiency. A brand manager is a specialist who comes up with an image of a product - a brand - and promotes this image to the masses. A logistician is a specialist who regulates the flows: warehouse, transport, production. Transport logistics comes up with schemes for the transportation of goods of the company, warehouse logistics organizes the storage of products. Marketer - translated from Latin "knowing the market." A specialist who studies the market in order to find out the needs of buyers, their tastes and preferences. A merchandiser is a person who monitors how the goods of his company are presented in large stores. He goes around the shops, gives advice on the placement of goods, on window dressing. This specialty is not yet taught in any educational institution.

slide 11

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slide 12

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

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The world of professions. The presentation was prepared by students of grade 9A GBOU secondary school p.g.t. Peaceful

2 slide

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Problem: To choose a profession that is interesting, exciting, creative, well paid, for life, but information and knowledge are not enough to make the right choice.

3 slide

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Relevance: Professional self-determination occurs in several stages, each of them has certain difficulties and often such a problem is the unlimited options and a large number of interests. But the right choice of profession allows you to realize your creative potential, avoid disappointment, protect yourself and your family from poverty and uncertainty about the future. In order for people to find happiness in their work, three conditions are necessary: ​​the work must be within the capabilities of the person, it must not be exhausting, and it must be successful. The choice of a profession should be thought about from a very early age. You have to live and work with this decision throughout your life, and when choosing a profession, you should be guided not only by hobbies and abilities: you should consider which professions will be in demand. Therefore, the right choice of profession is relevant today.

4 slide

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Objective: To introduce students to various types professions and help them guide graduates in choosing a specialty.

5 slide

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Tasks: Study of literature on the topic "World of Professions"; Conduct diagnostic studies among students in grades 9-11; Prepare Classroom hour with information "World of professions"; Build a portfolio; Prepare a presentation.

6 slide

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Translator 3% Economist 20% Teacher 10% Engineer 13% Medical worker 20% Journalist 3% Manager 10% Military 7% Lawyer 10% Designer 3% Of all the students surveyed, 23% did not decide on a profession. Diagnostic research: A survey among students in grades 9-11 showed that the following specialties were chosen:

7 slide

Description of the slide:

The future of a person largely depends on the chosen profession. Almost all schoolchildren face this problem, because everything depends on what this choice will be. future life. There are more than 40 thousand professions, and every year about five hundred new ones appear and the same number disappear or change.

8 slide

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Subject of labor (types of professions) Propensity to work with people Propensity to mental work Propensity to practical activities Propensity for aesthetic activities Propensity for extreme activities Propensity for planned economic activities

9 slide

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Implementation of the project Meetings of students of grade 9A with Pazukhin A.V., senior mechanic TsDNG-4

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visit confectionery shop Meeting of students of grade 9A with Gunkina E.V., head of production of the flour shop

11 slide

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13 slide

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Visit to the Krasnoyarsk RZB. (X-ray room) Meeting of students of grade 9A with Sokolova EV, radiologist.

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Profession Land Registry. Conversation with Lyoshina E., leading engineer for cadastral registration.

18 slide

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Profession teacher A teacher is one of the most honorable and at the same time very responsible professions on Earth. The teacher has a large circle of responsibility for improving the younger generation, shaping the future of the country. The teaching profession is very important and valuable for each of us. After all, it was the teacher who taught us to write the first word, to read books. It is not enough for a teacher to know his subject well, he must be well versed in pedagogy and child psychology. There are many specialists in different fields, but not everyone can become good teachers. Speech is very important in the teaching profession, which should be distinguished by expressiveness, emotionality, and persuasiveness. The teacher should be able to express his thoughts competently, clearly, simply, understandably for the children. The professional success of a teacher largely depends on the personal qualities of the teacher, as well as on his knowledge, skills and abilities. The most important professional feature of a teacher, without which it is impossible to efficient operation, is the love of children.

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Almost all teachers in my family. Parents of a teacher of history and social studies, my grandmother is a teacher of Russian language and literature in the past, my brother, who recently graduated with honors from the university, is now also a history teacher. Why did they choose this profession? Dad, Puchko Mikhail Alexandrovich, became a teacher, because he likes history, he loves to teach others something new and talk about it. He chose the subject of history because he likes archeology and has always wanted to go on various expeditions. In addition to being a teacher, he is a school principal. This is a very responsible profession.

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My mother, Puchko Larisa Borisovna, chose pedagogical activity because she loves this job. When she was little, she lived in a teaching environment. She believes that this is an intelligent profession. She likes to work with children, teach them, give them new knowledge, expand their horizons.

21 slide

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The profession of a librarian At present, librarianship is undergoing a serious modernization. New technologies are being integrated into traditional library work, the concept of the library profession is expanding its content. Today, a library employee must have knowledge in the field of modern information and computer technologies. Programs are being modified in accordance with the new requirements for the profession educational institutions, students are trained to work with a wide range of electronic resources. My mother's grandmother was a librarian by profession. My mother, Fedotova Olga Vyacheslavovna, was also very fond of reading books and literature. This is a kind of continuation of the "dynasty" of librarians

22 slide

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Profession "Financier" My mother, Lyudmila Petrovna Denisova, works as a financier. The profession "Financier" in terms of the subject of labor belongs to the type - "man-sign system"; by the nature of labor is a profession of the creative class. Appointment of the profession "Financier": the implementation of financial and economic, accounting and budgetary, financial and control functions of the enterprise. Finance (from lat. financia - cash, income) - the totality of all material resources held by individuals, organizations, businesses or governments. The profession of "financier" requires from a specialist mainly intellectual costs. Professional activity, first of all, it implies the analysis, comparison and interpretation of data, the proposal of new solutions. The basis of the profession "Financier" is school knowledge: special knowledge: mathematics (statistics); economics.

23 slide

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Profession driver History of the profession: This profession owes its appearance to such an invention as a self-propelled structure, that is, a car. An interesting fact is that initially a driver, or more correctly - a “chauffeur”, as they were called in France, where this profession appeared in the 19th century, was ... a stoker of a steam car, the most important task which was to monitor the fuel. Only in the middle of the 20th century, the profession of a driver becomes relevant and in demand. ... A driver is a professional driver who has extensive driving experience and is able to cope both with the vagaries of a car and with unexpected “turns” on the road. Basically, this profession is chosen by the representatives of the stronger sex, although there are also female drivers. The modern fleet offers a wide range of vehicles, so the driver can drive a passenger car or freight car, bus, dump truck, truck crane and so on. Knowledge of the machine road rules, the ability to load and unload cargo, responsibility for the lives of passengers - this is only part of what a professional driver, who is my dad, Yury Mikhailovich Savin, constantly has to take care of.

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My dad, Gunkin Vladimir Filippovich, works as a mechanic for the production of motor vehicles. His duties: organization of workers, inspection of vehicles before release to the line, their release and control over compliance with the order.

25 slide

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BEI "Samsonovskaya secondary school" Omsk region, Tara district

Prepared by the class teacher of the 9th grade

Gapeeva Raisa Nikolaevna

The true treasure for people is the ability to work.


Purpose: to introduce students to various professions; the development of a keen interest in the diverse world of professions.

Objectives: foster respect for different types professional labor as socially equivalent;

assimilation by students of deep and comprehensive knowledge on the problem of choosing a profession;

show which professions are promising

in modern society


  • profession is labor activity person, which gives him the means to exist and develop
  • Specialty - type of occupation within one profession
  • Qualification is the level of professional skill
  • A position is a position occupied by a person in an organization.


AT Western Europe According to the UN, only 39% of young people aged 15 to 24 are provided with jobs, in Russia this figure is even lower - 31%.



Using three geometric figures- triangle, circle, square, draw a little man, consisting of 10 elements. All three types of figures must be used. The quality of the drawing doesn't matter. If extra elements are drawn, they must be crossed out; if they are not enough, draw the missing ones.

First type : 6-8 triangles - the type of leader, good teachers. The desire for leadership is clearly expressed, they are well versed in people, work with information.

Second type : 5 triangles. Responsible performer, good organizational skills. A professional who thinks through his work to the smallest detail.

Third type: 4 triangles. Variety of interests and talents. A penchant for individual work.

Fourth type : 3 triangles. scientist type. Rational, objective, easily switches from one type of activity to another.

Fifth type : 2 triangles. Interest in art and people. Subtly feels everything new and unusual.

sixth type : 1 triangle. Inventor, designer, artist. Has a rich imagination.


  • Web programmer ,wed - designer
  • Auditor
  • Brand - manager
  • logistics
  • Marketer
  • Merchandiser




AUCTION « Profession in song"


  • What interesting things did you learn today?
  • What is left in memory
  • What can you think about