Wishes to improve the work of the company. How to motivate employees and improve the quality of their work. Wishes of students of advanced training courses

  • 13.11.2019

Motivation does increase basic productivity. A highly motivated employee actually performs better. Organizations whose employees perform well perform better overall, and changing the attitude of employees towards work increases the profitability of the company. We offer you several ways to increase motivation and improve the quality of work of employees that have proven themselves in practice.

1. Recognize that subordinates may be motivated by something not directly related to their work. Dynamic employees with significant growth potential tend to be passionate about sports, hobbies, or other activities unrelated to work. These external interests should not conflict with the work. You can use your employees' drive to excel in an area they are passionate about to spur their growth and motivation in the workplace.

Recognize that they are living people with their own interests. Find out what drives them. Help your employees in their studies and be interested in their achievements. Your positive attitude towards the subordinate's hobbies will definitely affect his work. Thanks to the support of management, this situation becomes doubly advantageous: the more success an employee achieves in life, the higher the quality and productivity of his work.

2. Teach subordinates to measure the degree of success of the work done. Employees who constantly monitor their activities are able to notice and document the growth of their own professionalism. They create rating tables for themselves and celebrate their victories and defeats better than the leader himself.

How to achieve this? Any job goal can be measured in a simple grading system. If the task does not involve the expression of the result in numerical form, create a scale for evaluating labor productivity.

3. Track the level of motivation. In most organizations, managers have no idea about the actual level of motivation of their subordinates. Surveys of employee job satisfaction conducted in companies do not include an assessment of motivation. If you start measuring motivation, you will most likely soon learn how to manage it. Without data on the level of motivation, you will never be able to improve this indicator.

Periodically measure employee motivation. Let junior managers also regularly monitor changes in the level of motivation of their subordinates.

4. Find out from subordinates what they would like. Different workers have different goals and desires, which means that they need to be provided with different opportunities for work and professional growth. You can't motivate specific people general programs. To increase motivation, it is necessary to find an individual approach to each subordinate.

One way to do this is to delegate authority, goals and tasks to each employee when developing a general plan or project. Another way is to give subordinates the opportunity to independently develop their own strategic tasks and plans.

5. Ask employees about the results of their work. The more information, the higher the motivation. Exactly because of this reason good leader seeks to make data exchange within the organization more intense. Try to talk less about yourself and more to ask others about their work.

Ask the subordinate questions designed to get him to think about the work done and report back on concrete results. Questions “What results did your team achieve yesterday?” or “How many calls were you able to handle in the last hour?” stimulate an increase in the level of self-information of the employee. And the possession of information contributes to intrinsic motivation.

6. Explain to subordinates the reward system you have adopted. Arbitrariness in rewards and rewards leads to cynicism, not to increased motivation. If the new program is taken from the ceiling, employees begin to feel that the leaders do not respect them. Show respect for employees and, if necessary, explain in detail to employees the nature of the new incentive program; its goals and objectives. Give clear answers to questions from subordinates about how this system incentives may affect their current performance.

7. Increase interaction. In many organizations, managers and their subordinates are too busy to see each other often. They have almost no opportunity to communicate. To increase the intensity of contacts between the management of the organization and the staff, you can, for example, plan meetings and events so that managers are at the same time and in the same place with subordinates. Organize work in the office in such a way that managers often intersect with ordinary employees. You cannot increase the motivation of a person you rarely see.

8. Create an idea bank. What do your subordinates think? They may have good ideas, but most of the employees are sure that no one cares about their ideas. At the same time, most managers would like their subordinates to share their ideas and fresh thoughts with them, it's just that managers are bad at asking. Most often, they interrupt a subordinate or immediately reject his proposals. Such leaders immediately deprive employees of self-confidence and cannot achieve their goals themselves.

Can this be avoided? The easiest way to solve this problem is to have a special notepad, folder, file, mailbox on the wall, etc. and enter into it the ideas of subordinates. Managers who set themselves the task of filling out at least a page of such a notebook or file a day very quickly develop the skill of listening carefully to employees who “suddenly” have a lot of ideas.

9. Motivate with knowledge. To achieve professionalism in any job, an employee must strive to become the best in his specialty. A person who is passionate about learning will definitely grow in position and develop additional skills. Therefore, you can use knowledge and learning as a reward and motivator.

What is the best way to do this? There are many ways. Send to additional training, conferences and trainings those employees who have achieved significant results in their work, and whose successes have been recognized by their colleagues. Do additional knowledge advantage to inspire employees to keep learning. Ask the subordinate to choose training course and give him the opportunity free education. Knowledge is a powerful motivating factor; it is surprisingly cheap compared to its true price!

10. Reward individuals for the collective contribution of the group. In this era of teamwork, people often feel like their individual accomplishments go unrecorded. Companies are more willing to acknowledge the success of the group as a whole. However, the manager needs to encourage team members also at the individual level. Only in this way can he increase their personal motivation.

This can be achieved, for example, by tasking leaders or group leaders with a weekly report on the main successes of individual participants. With the help of such reports, you will be able to summarize the results at the end of the reporting period. Strive to ensure that direct supervisors and colleagues celebrate the contribution of individual employees to the common cause.

11. Support positive communication between subordinates. Personal positive assessments of the work of employees are an effective motivating factor. A corporate culture that supports the desire to give each other a positive assessment of the results of each completed task increases the level of motivation and productivity.

How to achieve this in practice? First, you can develop a culture of mutual recognition among employees by developing an incentive program that rewards employees based on the results of a survey of their colleagues. When employees begin to recognize and reward each other for success, their level of motivation will increase significantly.

12. Find out if the work is suitable for the subordinate. Attempts to motivate an employee who does not like his work will not work. At the same time, faced with a lack of motivation of subordinates, many managers focus on the work they do, and not on the people themselves. Changing the parameters of work of employees can lead to a significant increase in motivation.

First of all, make sure that the tasks correspond to the qualifications of the employee. Otherwise, break the work down into a series of small but meaningful tasks, or spend more time explaining and supporting. If you're looking to increase motivation and productivity, you'll need to make some changes to most of the tasks you assign to your subordinates.

13. Look for people with intrinsic motivation. When companies hire workers, they are most often interested in the level of their competence, and not the attitude to work. However, attitude determines motivation, which in turn has a major impact on the employee's desire for learning and quality work. Why not start recruiting highly motivated employees? It is much easier to train a motivated employee than to motivate a qualified specialist.

Hire people who have previously demonstrated high levels of optimism, enthusiasm, work motivation, and a drive to grow. To reveal this attitude, you can use an interview or references from a previous job.

14. Reward subordinates in smaller amounts, but more often. It is common practice in most companies to give employees valuable rewards and large bonuses based on the completion of a project, quarter, or year. award ceremonies the best workers are rare and attract the close attention of all employees of the company. But usually they have less effect on motivation than smaller, but more frequent rewards.

Plan your spending on rewards and incentives to reward subordinates more often. As a result, the connection between work and results will become more obvious to them. Employees will feel they have a better chance of succeeding. If you do use large rewards, then let them be preceded by a series of smaller rewards. This will allow you to draw the attention of staff to the gradual improvement of the quality of work, and not to the reward itself.

15. Motivation by control. Managers are convinced that control is their prerogative. But in reality, control has a motivating effect. The main idea of ​​this method is to give employees the opportunity to make their own decisions on all issues that do not require centralized control.

Allow staff to independently make changes to any aspect of their work environment that does not pose a threat to the security and image of the organization. For example, Amazon.com's delivery workers are allowed to wear headphones while working and listen to music of their choice. In many firms it is allowed to decorate workplace. By giving the employee more independence (within reason), you can achieve an increase in motivation.

16. Ask open-ended questions. In surveys and studies, most often there are questions that can be answered either “yes” or “no”. To process such questions in order to obtain numerical results of the study. However, in a normal conversation, questions that require a given number of answers seem rude, they show your desire to control the interlocutor. They signal that you are not interested in the answer or opinion of the other person. At the same time, managers constantly use questions in conversation with subordinates that require an unequivocal positive or negative answer. Ask open-ended questions more often, and subordinates will feel that you treat them with respect. As a result, their motivation will increase significantly.

Try asking questions that begin with "Why?", "How?", "Could you tell me about...", "What did you mean when...". And don't forget to listen to the answer.

17. Make tasks clearer. It must be clear to the subordinate what he is doing, why he is doing it, and how well he is doing his job. Research has shown that task clarity has a stronger effect on the motivation of salespeople than their experience or commission size. This principle applies to other specialties as well. You can achieve great results if you help employees see their personal contribution to the common cause, and if employees are sure that their work is evaluated regularly, quickly and accurately.

16. Your suggestions, comments and suggestions for improving the activities of the department.

Parents offered to provide more information about the services and the specifics of the activities of the MU KCSON "Harmony" and the specialized department, and also offered to solve the problem with transport in order to provide services in the countryside in full.

Thus, on the basis of the survey, we were able to find out the opinion of the respondents about the presentation and quality of services provided by the specialized department. All parents note positive dynamics in children with developmental disabilities, they also note the need for social rehabilitation, the demand for a specialized department of social and medical care for families with children with disabilities, a team social workers.

2.2.3 Program development summer camp for children with disabilities, as well as their healthy brothers and sisters, "Sunny City"

Together with the employee of the department, a summer camp program for children with disabilities, as well as their healthy brothers and sisters, "Sunny City" was developed.

This program will help children with disabilities in mastering moral values, new social roles, in gaining experience in self-activity, self-organization. Also, the development of such tasks as the education of honesty, courage, will, perseverance in achieving goals, a sense of camaraderie. Children will become more creative with tasks, learn to express their thoughts and feelings in a socially acceptable form, empathize with their neighbor, listen to the interlocutor, get acquainted with the rules of good manners, creative activities will contribute to the development creativity children, revealing their creative abilities. Attention will become more stable, performance will increase. Children will be able to fully feel comfortable and safe, receive psychological and pedagogical assistance, acquire new skills, new friends (Appendix No.).

The department mainly serves children of preschool and younger school age. This age is favorable for the development of the foundations of ecological culture. Cognitive focus on the study of the world, the active assimilation of universal values ​​and norms of behavior. Nature itself determines the social purpose of childhood - the child's adaptation to nature and society.

The program of the summer camp for children with disabilities, as well as their healthy brothers and sisters, "Sunny City" was held at a specialized department from 01.08 to 08.25.2008, the camp was attended by 8 children with disabilities and 7 healthy children.

As a result of the work of the summer camp, all children have an improvement in communication skills (communication), emancipation, a decrease in the anxiety threshold, the ability to navigate in different situations. Children adequately began to respond to increased attention from others. Acquired the simplest skills and abilities for the development of speech based on familiarization with the outside world. There was an improvement in the development of fine motor skills, cultural behavior skills in in public places, self-service and self-control skills, accessible work skills, vocabulary has been enriched. The children took an active part in the conversations, carried out all the tasks proposed by the organizers of the camp with enthusiasm and pleasure. Throughout the shift, there was a sense of mutual support and mutual assistance among healthy and disabled children. Other institutions of this direction can also use the program.

2.2.4 Development of a program of individual lessons in the direction of social rehabilitation in a specialized department of social and medical services for families with children with disabilities, a team of social workers for parents of children with disabilities

One direction in the work of a social work specialist is social rehabilitation. The direction of social rehabilitation is individual lessons. Individual classes are some kind of joint educational, developmental activities carried out with a specific person. Individual lessons are considered very effective, since all the attention of a specialist is directed to a specific person (child), this is the difference from group lessons. Together with a specialized department of social and medical services for families with children with disabilities, a team of social workers, during the period of my undergraduate practice, we developed a program of individual lessons with a child with disabilities (Appendix No.).

The purpose of this program is to provide rehabilitation services in a complex. We set ourselves the following tasks:

Formation of communication and relationship skills;

development of general and fine motor skills;

The development of speech

development of memory

development of the main types of movements.

In the period from April 16, 2008 to August 30, 2008, individual lessons were held with S.A., born in 2005. A disabled child is brought up in a dysfunctional, large family. A mother with a low pedagogical level, due to employment, cannot work with children. There is no system of education in the family, children's leisure is not organized. The child does not have toys, educational aids. The emotional atmosphere of the family is negative, in the house there are constant scandals between the mother and older children and between older children and younger ones.

The diagnosis of personal characteristics of SA was carried out. The results of the diagnosis are as follows: the development of the child lags behind his peers, the vocabulary is poor (4 words 0 mother, woman, uncle, Sasha). Cultural and hygienic skills are not developed, he does not know how to undress and dress, he needs the help of an adult. Fine motor skills are not developed, poorly grasping small objects. He communicates well with his peers, is sociable, follows the instructions of an adult. The main types of movements are not developed: he does not know how to play with the ball, walking skills are not developed.

According to the results of the diagnosis, S.A. developed a program of individual lessons. From April 16 to August 30, 2008, individual classes were held, according to the plan. After a course of rehabilitation classes, a re-diagnosis of the acquired knowledge and skills was carried out, which showed a positive trend. The development of fine motor skills: the child learned to hold a pencil, draw simple elements, capture small objects (mosaic, designer). The fingers have become more plastic (according to the model of an adult, he performs various exercises). Development of basic types of movements: I learned to walk straight, without deviating to the side. Keeps the indicated direction of movement, the step has become more uniform and rhythmic, but the movements of the hands in time with walking are not coordinated. I learned to jump on two legs, jump over objects, play with the ball, pass the ball to an adult, roll, throw. Keeps balance while running. Development of cultural and hygienic skills: he washes his hands, face, uses a towel. Fastens zippers, buttons without the help of an adult. Uses a handkerchief and neatly folds outer clothing. Development of creative abilities: learned to hold a pencil, a brush, draws drawings without a plan with the help of an adult. Trained in the simplest modeling techniques (sausage, bagel, etc.) Development of cognitive processes: distinguishes red from other colors, recognizes domestic and wild animals in the picture. Increased vocabulary. There was an interest in looking at pictures, books. The volume of attention has increased, can be engaged for 10 minutes without being distracted.

The result of this program is that the child is adapted to the conditions kindergarten. Mom was given advice on creating a developing environment at home. This program can also be used by other institutions to work with children with disabilities.

The hypothesis of this work was fully confirmed. Children with disabilities, with the assistance of specialists from the specialized department of social and medical care for families with children with disabilities, a team of social workers, showed positive changes in development and integration into society. this work showed the need for social rehabilitation.


A child's disability is significantly different from an adult's disability, and a disabled person from childhood differs significantly from a person who has become disabled already in adulthood.

Accordingly, the childhood and youth of a child with disabilities, the formation of his personality, his rehabilitation and adaptation in society are key to his fate, future life, the formation of his inner world and his own "I". In this, the role of the family, parents, who must be in close contact with a specialist in the social rehabilitation of children with disabilities, is great. All methods and technologies of social rehabilitation contribute to choosing one line of social rehabilitation together with parents. The little experience gained by the department's specialists in working with such families testifies to the low legal, medical, psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents and the need for systematic, systematic work with parents and children. Social work with the family should be informal and versatile, it will help children with disabilities in social rehabilitation. Thus, there is a joint training of children and parents in the skills and habits of an independent life.

The role of a social work specialist is to assist families raising children with disabilities, and his main goal is to help children with developmental disabilities compensate for violations, develop abilities and use their own resources to live a full life. Our assistance should be aimed at making the world around us understandable for children with disabilities.

Today, the topic of social rehabilitation is very relevant, as there is a tendency to increase the number of children with congenital or acquired diseases, especially at an early age. If a child with disabilities has a family and has the opportunity to be brought up in it, then it is undesirable to isolate him from her, from society, but to find a more acceptable way out of this situation.

The hypothesis of this work was fully confirmed. Children with disabilities, with the assistance of specialists from the specialized department of social and medical services for families with children with disabilities, a team of social workers, showed positive changes in development and integration into society. This work showed the need for social rehabilitation. We have fulfilled all the tasks set in this work.

Social integration is a kind of outcome social work with a child with disabilities who was deprived of the opportunity to live and develop in society on an equal footing, and social integration is achieved through social rehabilitation.


1. Bezlepkina L.F. The family needs support. – M.: Enlightenment, 1986. – 285 p.

2. Vlasova T.A. About children with developmental disabilities. / T.A. Vlasova, M.S. Pevzner. M.: Enlightenment, 1973. - 175p.

3. Kholostova E.I. Social rehabilitation: textbook. allowance / E.I. Kholostova, N.F. Dementieva. - 2nd ed., - M .: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and K", 2003. - 340s.

4. Kovalev S.V. Psychology of the modern family. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988.– 208 p.

5. L.E. Nikitina. Social educator at school. - M.: Academic Project. 2003. - 112p.

6. M. Yurovitskaya. Social adaptation of sick children. – M.: Enlightenment. 1998. - 56p.

7. N. Volodina. Rehabilitation of those who did not "fit into the standard." – M.: Enlightenment. 1997. - 115p.

8. Psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of children with disabilities

opportunities / ed. S.A. Belicheva. - M.: Pedagogy, 1998. - 210 p.

9. S. Romanovskaya. The use of the game in the social rehabilitation of children with

limited opportunities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - 230 p.

10. Yu.V.Vasilkova. Methodology and work experience of a social pedagogue: textbook.

allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments. - M., Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 160p.

11. Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R. Social work with disabled people./ E.R. Yarskaya-

Smirnova, E.K. Naberushkina - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 316 p.

12. Akatov L.I. Social rehabilitation of children with disabilities. textbook allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. - M .: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2003. - 368s.

13. Vikhorev D.I. Problems of education and adaptation of children with disabilities in Russia

// Higher education disabled people. Materials of the International Scientific

practical conference. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 360 p.

14.Social work / Under the general. Edited by V.I. Kurbatov. - Rostov-na - Don: Phoenix, 1999. - 576 p.

15. Yarskaya - Smirnova E.R. Social construction of disability // Sociological research. - M.: INION RAN, 1997. No. 1. S. 83-90.

16. Yarskaya - Smirnova E.R. When a child is disabled in the family // Sociological research. - M.: INION RAN, 1997. No. 4. S. 3-9.

17. Yarskaya - Smirnova E.R. Sociocultural analysis of atypicality // sociological research. - M.: INION RAN, 1998. No. 2. S. 8-10.

18. Grishina L.P. Actual problems of disability in Russian Federation. - M.: Academic project, 1995. - 203 p.

19. Zabratnaya S.D. Is your child in a special school: A parenting workbook. - M .: Pedagogy - Press, 1993. - 208 p.

20. Eskov G.S. Your rights man. - M.: INION RAM, 1993. - 56 p.

21. Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation" // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 1995 N 48, article 4563.

22. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 3, 2002 N 732 (as amended on December 30, 2005) "On the federal target program" Children of Russia "for 2003-2006" // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, October 14, 2002, N 41, art. 3984.

23. Moshnyaga V. T. Technologies of social rehabilitation of children with disabilities / Technologies of social work./ under. ed. I. I. Kholostova, - M .: Infra-M, 2003.- 285 p.

24. Fundamentals of social work: textbook. allowance / otv. ed. P.D. Peacock. M.: 2001 – 360 p.

25. Dictionary - reference book on social work / ed. E. I. Kholostova. M.: Jurist, 1997. - 367 p.

26. Tkacheva VV About some problems of families raising children with developmental disabilities // Defectology. 1998. - No. 1. - p. 25-30.

27. Kholostova E.I. Social work: theory and practice. Textbook / E.I. Kholostova, A.S. Sorvin. – M.: INFRA-M, 2002. – 570 p.

From SSSR. If necessary, they contact colleagues and the administration of the institutions where the child enters. The experience of creating and operating the SSSR in Pskov has shown that the work of accompanying a family raising a child with developmental disabilities is in demand. For a year and a half of the Service's work, 48 families living in the city of Pskov and in the Pskov region have used its services. All applied families...

The center is at a high level. We considered the medical, sociocultural, and garden therapies used in the center, which play a significant role in the social rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities. We got acquainted with the work of the "Bereg" club, which contributes to the development of skills for effective social behavior in external environment; studied non-stationary ...

Some skills of helping a child and their episodic, irregular use in practice, fetishization, knowledge certain types rehabilitation and denial of others. 2.2 Implementation of the technology of social work with families of children with disabilities The birth of a weak, sickly child, as a rule, changes the way of life and the psychological climate in the family. All family members and mother...

A little more than two years ago, Sat-Integral, in addition to new models of satellite receivers, introduced the world to the terrestrial DVB-T2 receiver Sat-Integral 5050 T2. Today, when the hype for terrestrial receivers has subsided and there is time to think about what to buy for receiving terrestrial channels, we offer you our review of the new terrestrial receiver Sat-Integral 5052 T2.

If the previous model Sat-Integral 5050 T2 could boast of PVR capabilities, then the new product, according to the manufacturer, has a fairly rich multimedia functionality for such devices.

Despite the fact that almost all the latest models of Sat-Integral satellite receivers work on GUOXIN processors, the Sat-Integral 5052 T2 terrestrial receiver is built on the Sunplus 1509 processor.

Characteristics of Sat-Integral 5052 T2:
Metal case 148x98x36 mm
USB port: 2xUSB 2.0 (front and rear)
Support WiFi adapters MT7601/RT5370
PVR and TimeShift function using external USB media
Frequency range: 174-230MHz (VHF) 470-862MHz (UNF)
Signal Level: -75~-20dBm
Ability to power an active antenna (with short circuit protection)
Video decoder: MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, HD, H.264, DivX (free version)
Video resolution support: 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 576p and 576i
Image Format

In the fall of 2018, the Sat-integral team pleased the satellite receiver market with two new products at once, this is the Sat-Integral S-1311 HD Combo combined satellite-terrestrial receiver and a new version of the popular Sat-Integral S-1412 HD Rocket receiver. Today, we will try to introduce you to the latter.

Taking into account the fact that analog television has already been turned off in Ukraine, you should also pay attention to the combined model, which is a little simpler in terms of functionality and hardware, but also has the ability to receive DVB-T2 standard channels. But if you have a fairly new TV that comes with a DVB-T2 tuner, then we advise you to pay attention to this model.

The Sat-Integral S-1412 HD Rocket receiver, despite its potential, belongs to the segment of budget receivers. Unlike its predecessor Sat-Integral S-1223 HD Rocket which was powered by Ali3511, this model uses GUOXIN GX6621 processor supporting H.265/HEVC codec

Packing box, the same familiar design of the receiver in the starry sky. The front panel of the receiver is displayed in the operating state. Unfortunately, there is no remote control and rear panel. The H.265/HEVC codec logo next to the Full HD icon. Short list specifications and features on the sides of the package, available in Russian and English.

Sat-Integral USB 2.0 to LAN Ethernet Adapter (RTL8152B)- Ideal for use with S-12X8/S12X7/S1225 HD receivers. Compared with WiFi connection, wired communication allows you to work on more high speeds and provides a stable connection to the Internet. This guarantees faster and more convenient operation of the receiver's network applications.

The presence of a USB2.0 port makes it easy to use the Sat-Integral USB-LAN adapter to connect to a network a large number devices such as: PCs, laptops, tablets, etc. running popular operating systems Windows/Linux/Android/IOS.
Based on the USB2.0 standard, the adapter increases data transfer speeds up to 100 Mbps, which will be enough to perform any task assigned to it.

Type: USB - Ethernet (RJ45)
Interface: USB2.0
Chip: Realtek RTL8152B
Network speed: 10/100 Mbps
Cable length: 15cm
Size: 65x20x15mm
Net weight: 18g
White color

After the appearance of the very successful Sat-Integral S-1225 HD Able, which can rightfully be called the killer of SD receivers, many users wished to see this functionality for little money, but in a metal case. Sat-integral took these wishes into account and released a new model Sat-Integral S-1227 HD Heavy Metal. The receiver has similar functionality, but differs in the input tuner and processor revision, which in turn increased the cache. So the processor in this model comes with the letter "C" at the end of GUOXIN GX6605C-Dolby and also works with a clock frequency of 600MHz. 64 megabytes random access memory and 4 megabytes of flash memory. Both models support Dolby Digital audio, but only the Sat-Integral S-1227 HD Heavy Metal has an S/PDIF connector for connecting to a multi-channel audio receiver.

You can visually compare the receivers in the catalog

The packaging box is in the same colors as its predecessor, but, logically, it has a larger size. On the front side of the receiver in operation, demonstrates the possibility of display and indication. Unfortunately, the remote and back panel are not shown on the packing box. Below are the logos of the supported formats and capabilities of the receiver, including support for 3G modems and Wi-Fi adapters, which is logical, since this model does not have a LAN connector. On the sides short description on the

Along with the new satellite receivers, Sat-integral has released the Sat-Integral 5050 T2 terrestrial DVB-T2 receiver with PVR capabilities. Considering that there is nothing special to expect from the on-air receiver, it is trite to receive 32 on-air channels in the national digital broadcasting network, the ability to record the necessary programs with subsequent viewing, and for a certain group of people, the ability to play video-audio content from a USB drive. The main needs of the market in Ukraine are a good picture and a low retail price.

For those who need only national channels, who do not want to spend more money to install a satellite dish and get tired of the snow on analog channels, you can buy this model and get a little closer to digital TV.

Small packaging box. The front panel of the receiver with a working display is drawn on the front panel. Below are icons of supported formats and capabilities of the receiver. For simplicity, the crossed-out satellite dish is indicated and the on-air one is drawn. On one of the sides, ways to connect to the TV are drawn. This is an uncommon practice, but for people who don't really understand it, it can help to visually determine the connectivity, for example, to their old TV. On the other side of the box is a list of specifications for the Sat-Integral 5050 T2. back

As a wish to improve the activities of the company LLC "Pushkinsky Khlebozavod", an increase in wages was mainly voiced.

Encouraging employees of the enterprise to achieve their goals and objectives is an objective necessity and must be recognized by all managers.

For a long period, the science of personnel management exaggerated the values financial incentives. Effective stimulating factors are the compliance of the work performed with the needs of a person in recognizing him as a person and the possibility of self-expression.

In this enterprise, the employee exists not only as a means for making a profit, but also as a person. For example, as a result of a survey of workers conducted to find out their attitude to work, it was found that their most important desires are the confidence in permanent employment (52%), then the need for recognition and respect (28%), as well as an interest in work. (twenty%).

The vast majority of employees (96%) noted that their activities are favorably affected by long vacations.

Long-term paid leave lasting 36 working days (for employees who have worked for more than 5 years - 42 working days), calculated for the last three months of the employee's work, taking into account 50% of the bonus. However, since vacation is paid, it can also be attributed to material methods of remuneration.

The methods of non-material incentives for individual employees include the following types of remuneration:

certificates of honor awarded to employees;

photographs presented on the Board of Honor. It exhibits photographs of workers with the best performance indicators. This is a factor that increases the need for self-respect and self-expression of employees, especially at relatively low wages.

There is also a team recovery plan at the enterprise. Over the past year, more than 50 sanatorium and resort vouchers were provided to employees, which cannot but affect the positive and high-quality work of employees.

To maintain the skill level of workers dictated by production necessity an annual performance appraisal is carried out. Based on the results of certification, a plan is developed for organizing advanced training and retraining of personnel, and then personnel changes are made.

In order to consistently improve the qualifications of workers, to obtain the technical knowledge necessary for them to master advanced technology, high-performance methods for performing complex and responsible work, charged according to higher categories of this specialty, the following are organized:

production and technical courses;

targeted courses;

training workers in second and related professions.

These opportunities for the growth of professional skills largely form the non-material motives of employees' activities:

To encourage staff, they are provided with the following benefits:

voluntary medical insurance of employees;

partial payment for vouchers in a sanatorium;

vouchers for employees' children to summer camps;

free meals.

Staff satisfaction is also increased by creating a healthy working atmosphere in the team, organizing technically equipped workplaces, participating in the management of changes in the organization's activities. An example of high satisfaction with working conditions is the minimum level of injuries and diseases at the enterprise, the practical absence of industrial complaints, very low fluidity personnel, availability of a wide range of amenities and services provided by the organization.

When evaluating and forecasting an enterprise in this area, much attention is paid to the accuracy and clarity in the actions of the administration, the efficiency of collecting and exchanging information increases, the speed of responses to requests and complaints from employees is taken into account, and the results of employee training are necessarily assessed.

Preschool educational institutions

2851 parents from 43 preschool institutions (33% of the number of kindergartens in the district) became respondents to monitoring surveys.

The analysis of the questionnaires showed the following.

When asked if they were satisfied with the educational process, 93% of parents gave a positive assessment.

By regions, the most favorable situation has developed in the kindergartens of Khoroshevo-Mnevnikov (97%), Strogino and Northern Tushin (93%).

The parents of kindergartens in Khoroshevo-Mnevnikov (95%) and Northern Tushin (93%) are more satisfied with the work of teachers in the group.

A positive assessment of the activities of the administration was given by 85% of parents, and best indicator in kindergartens in Khoroshevo-Mnevniki (91%) and Northern Tushin (87%).

57% of parents are satisfied with the state of the material and technical base of the preschool institution, 36% are not completely satisfied.

To a greater extent, the parents of Northern and Southern Tushin are dissatisfied with the material base of kindergartens, and 6% of parents in the district as a whole.

The quality of medical care in preschool institutions rated well by 80% of the respondents. The best service in preschools in Northern Tushin and Khoroshevo-Mnevniki.

Even indicators were given by all districts in the nutrition of preschoolers.

Conclusion: on the main issues activities of the preschool educational institution a positive assessment was given by 85% of parents, the lowest indicator - 57% - according to the state of the material and technical base.

Parents of preschoolers made suggestions for improvement work of preschool educational institution. Interestingly, they completely coincided with the proposals of parents of school students:

Raise the salaries of educators;

Improve the material and technical base of the kindergarten;

Increase the budgetary financing of the kindergarten;

Increase the time spent by the child in kindergarten;

Reduce the number of children in groups;

Equip playgrounds;

Provide lighting for the kindergarten;

Strengthen the control of medical personnel on the reception of sick children;

Regularly carry out the prevention of diseases of children;

Provide security for the kindergarten;

Take regular walks with children;

spend more recreational activities for kids;

Regularly conduct classes with children;

Enter classes of English language for kids;

Create a duty group in kindergarten.

Parents surveyed generally highly appreciate the work educational institutions North-Western District Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

Satisfaction of parents with the quality of education consists of a combination of positive assessments of the entire spectrum of the work of the school in which their child studies, the professional and qualification level of school teachers and school management, recognition of the contribution of the district education department, the prefecture and district administrations in the development of the district education system.

The school is a key link in the system of general and secondary education, the object of the closest attention of parents. None of the interviewed parents expressed negative assessments of the school where their child is studying. This indicates in general the effectiveness of the district education system. Two-thirds of the parents surveyed (69%) are satisfied with the work of the schools in which their children study. At the same time, almost a third of the respondents are rather reserved in assessing the work of the school (“more satisfied than not”). Subsequent evaluations contain specific comments, claims and wishes of parents to improve the quality educational services provided by schools.

Half of the parents surveyed (54%) believe that the school needs to expand the scope of educational services, they offer specific directions, forms of additional paid education. Parents also express their wishes to the school, its leaders, teachers on ensuring the safety of children at school, organizing educational work, preparing for entering a university, creating opportunities for the child’s self-realization, etc.

Satisfaction with the work of the school depends on the socio-demographic, educational, family and household characteristics of the respondents (see Table 1).

When evaluating the success of solving the problems of developing education in their school, almost all the interviewed parents agree that such the most important task modernization of education, as an increase in the quality of education, is being solved in the SZAO quite successfully.

In second place in terms of the success of the solution is the task of educational work - 84% of respondents believe that given task solved more successfully.

improving the organization of school work;

the formation of students' civic responsibility, legal self-awareness, the ability to socialize in society.

The parental community assesses the success of solving the problem of strengthening the material and technical base of the district's schools ambiguously. Although more than half of the parents surveyed assess the process of solving this problem as successful, more than a third of the respondents negatively assess the process of strengthening the material and technical base of the schools where their child studies. A similar contradictory situation arises when evaluating the process of improving the work of vocational guidance for students. The lag in the level of professional orientation from the requirements of modern life is noted by all categories of respondents: parents, students, teachers.

More than half of the parents surveyed believe that their school definitely needs to expand the scope of additional educational services. Every sixth parent at the same time calls on school leaders to improve the quality of additional educational services already available.

A minority of respondents do not need to expand the range of additional educational services (see Tables 2, 3).

According to the study, parents are seriously concerned about the safety of schools. Most of the respondents are willing to pay extra for the safety of children at school. At the same time, security cannot be reduced only to increased vigilance of banal private security companies. Parents of students have a much broader understanding of the safety of their children. In fact, this is a requirement to ensure the safety of the entire life cycle of the child at school. Lessons and extras should be safe school activities, social security must be ensured in relations with teachers and other students. Psychological and psychosomatic safety occupies not the last place in the perception of parents of students.

Traditionally, more than half of the parents surveyed are ready to pay additionally for in-depth study of subjects for admission to a university.