Recommend a school where they will teach you how to create your own business. How to get free and preferential staff training for SMEs? What you need to do to enroll in the program

  • 17.04.2020

For residents of Moscow, a distance learning program "Modern Entrepreneur" was organized - advanced training courses in the areas of "Marketing" and "Entrepreneurship".

Participation in the program free, financed by the Government of Moscow. Muscovites who have and are receiving higher or secondary vocational education can participate.

The program lasts one month and does not imply a break from the main work. Upon completion, a certificate of advanced training of the state standard is issued.

The program is implemented by the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow, the State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow" and the Moscow State Industrial University.

Within the framework of the program, there are two types of advanced training - the courses "Entrepreneurship and business model building" and "Marketing to meet the needs."

The study consists of two parts - remote (virtual) from November 1 to November 16, and full-time (in the classroom) from November 22 to November 30.

In the remote form, there will be independent study of materials, watching video lectures in the amount of 6 academic hours (45 minutes each) per course and participation in webinars. All webinars will take place over the weekend. Participation in webinars is an important point, since the probability of passing to the second, full-time part of the training depends on it. Webinars for each listener - 21 academic hours per program.

Full-time training - one weekend (Saturday + Sunday). Upon successful completion, a certificate of advanced training in the relevant profile will be issued.

What you need to do to enroll in the program

1. Choose one of the two (or both) courses of the program:

2. Register for the program on the GBU MBM website:

a) Fill in all the fields of the opened form and click on the "REGISTER" button. You will receive an email notification of registration with further instructions.

If you are going to start your own business, you must first realize that this is a very difficult bread. It will not be possible to quickly earn money and then rest. Business is continuous process requiring full dedication and great responsibility. Moreover, deep knowledge of methods is required. entrepreneurial activity. And what kind of activity to devote oneself to, where and from whom to learn how to do business - this is a separate issue altogether.

You have to be crazy not to take advantage of that mass useful information provided by the Internet. Video tutorials, forums, discussions, any webinar or online course today can be found in global network in huge numbers. And another question arises: how to choose the most correct, most useful courses and, importantly, free business training? It is no secret that a novice entrepreneur does not always have the opportunity to spend money on purchasing these courses. We are happy to provide you with a list of online learning materials that will not cost you a dime. With one click, you can start learning the basics of marketing, finance, business management, website building, and more. These courses also provide their listeners with special tools to bring them to life. Perhaps this is the best chance for you, your team and your business to get back on their feet.

1. Fundamentals of entrepreneurship. University of California course

Business is an exciting but risky career move. To increase your chances of success, it would be wise to learn the basics of entrepreneurship by taking this effective and free course.

This interactive course contains from 4 to 8 hours of video lessons, as well as materials recommended for self-study. You will learn everything you need, get skills and tools, marketing strategies, business plan features and much more.

2. How is a startup built?

Those who are going to build a business from scratch will need some practical advice. The How to Build a Startup course is different from any traditional textbook offered by an academic institution, and focuses on teaching entrepreneurs how to quickly come up with ideas, test the market, and carve out a niche in it.

This course also requires the active participation of the student. During your studies, you can choose your own course of action, up to compiling your own exercises and projects. You don’t have to blindly rely on someone else’s idea, the course is aimed at creative people. You will be able to use this course to find out for sure how much your intended product will be marketed and how fast the return on business will be.

3. Business financing is a sore subject

Need funding but don't know where to start? The University of Maryland's Online Pro Course can teach you how to raise money for your business. Even if you do not have initial capital.

The course is presented in video lecture format, and each session runs for four weeks, with a frequency of 3 to 5 hours of lectures per week. Designed for both beginners and existing entrepreneurs. Upon completion, you will learn all about the capital structure of successful businesses, learn how to find investors.

4. Turn on your fantasy

No matter what business you are in, every business needs a creative approach. To awaken the hidden possibilities that are most likely dormant in you, to motivate you to give birth to new ideas will help a free course called creative potential”, which is offered at the coursera by specialists from the University of New York. You will realize that you are capable of more and learn how to use your inner reserves in both professional and personal life.

The course requires time from 3 to 4 hours per week and involves classes in the form of video lessons, expert assessments. The weekly discussions on the forum will also be very useful. In addition to learning how to recognize and use your own creativity, you will learn how to teach the same to other people who may be useful to you in the process of starting a business.

5. Business ethics in business and real life

It is important for an entrepreneur to understand the role of ethics in business. "Business Ethics for the Real World" is free online course School of Santa Clara University, posted on the World Wide Web, and it is focused on any kind of professional and entrepreneurial activity. This course will be very useful for both beginner businessmen or students, as well as experienced professionals.

The course does not impose its postulates, it allows participants to work at their own pace and aims to teach ethical theory that can be applied to real situations that often arise in business.

6. 21 important lessons for a businessman

Many people say that business is higher mathematics. In fact, there are so many difficulties, unpredictability and even traps for an ignorant beginner associated with it that it will be useful to learn from those who have already gone through all this on own experience. This is what the course “21 Important Lessons for Entrepreneurs” is about. 450 students have already rated it five stars, noting that it outlines the most important points of the initial stage of their business.

The duration of the course is two hours in total. It is divided into 23 online lectures.

7. Introduction to Marketing

What is the point of a business if your product is not being bought? The Introduction to Marketing course, a product of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, will teach you to "look down" and anticipate the needs of your customers.

The training takes place over four weeks and requires active training lasting approximately 5-6 hours per week. Learn everything you need to know about brand positioning and communication, learn how to accelerate your decision-making process, enter new markets, the marketing planning process, and proven marketing strategies.

8. Quick start on WordPress

Many beginners or working businessmen do not yet have a website, but they understand how important it is to manage their business online. This is important even if you plan to outsource the design and content of your website. You can start exploring all the features of the most popular web platform. Education is free.

This course offers 10 free videos, which you can watch for an hour to learn how to create simple WordPress one-pagers step by step.

There is no need to delve into all the technical details of the webmaster's work. The course will lead you to the goal step by step. You will learn how to choose the best web host, provider, how to install and use WordPress dashboards, how to choose a design theme, how to create content, and much more.

9. Quick start with social networks

You probably have a Facebook page or a Twitter profile. Why not use it to promote your business? Place your business logo on your account. Now this will be the pages of your product or service. You won't believe how quickly your business will grow. You will have regular customers and buyers. Simple posts in cyberspace will help you sell your product successfully.

Of course, this path is also not the easiest, everywhere there are subtleties. How to promote your product on social media - this is taught by a special video course "Social Media 101". The tutorial includes step-by-step instructions for marketing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, and how to start your own blog.

10. How to reason and argue?

The ability to express one's thoughts, to defend one's opinion, to talk about business is a necessary quality for an entrepreneur. Duke University offers a special course called "Think Again: How to Argue and Argue." How to discuss problems with business colleagues, how to learn to make decisions on your own, argue them, distinguish the important from the secondary - this course teaches all this. It is worth recalling that it is absolutely free. The 12-week course contains a cycle of video lectures and exercises.

11. Project planning and management

Among the listed courses in a special place - "Fundamentals of project planning and management (University of Virginia).

Poor project planning and clumsy execution will not bring success. If you want to develop as an entrepreneur, you need to learn the basics of project management. This course is four weeks long and requires you to spend 2 to 4 hours of your time per week to listen to video lectures and participate in practical exercises, discussions and quizzes.

You will learn exactly how to plan your business, understand what makes a project fail, learn to set clear goals for the project, prioritize goals.

12. Marketing in a digital world

Seasoned entrepreneurs know that the internet is playing an increasingly important role in marketing - even for small local businesses that operate mostly offline. Dive into the world of internet marketing with a course called "Marketing in the Digital World" offered by the University of Illinois.

For this course, you will need to spend 6 to 8 hours per week watching video lectures as well as attending training sessions for a total of 12 weeks. Each week, students are given a real company example that you will use to learn the basics of marketing and how it has shifted towards the digital world.

13. The better the leader, the richer the life.

An entrepreneur needs to brush up on their leadership qualities from time to time. This will come in handy when it comes time to hire more employees or keep the attention of a large audience. The free course offered by the University of Pennsylvania is called "The Better the Leader, the Richer the Life." Training in this system will help you develop the necessary leadership skills.

The course is 10 weeks long and will require 3 to 8 hours of your time each week, includes video lectures and weekly assignments, along with multiple exam options at the end. You will learn practical and proven leadership techniques that will help you identify your core values ​​and gain the trust of those around you.

14. Financial accounting

You can't afford to hire an accountant to run your business? Perhaps you should try to master accounting yourself and manage your financial affairs on your own? This knowledge is available for free with the Introduction to Financial Accounting course offered by the University of Pennsylvania Business School.

You will be required to complete a course of video lectures (6 to 8 hours per week), discussions and tests for a total of four weeks. The course includes information about key principles, provides all the special vocabulary and terminology of accounting.

15. Operational management

Anyone who wants to effectively manage their own business needs to have some basic knowledge of production control. The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania offers a free course "Introduction to Operations Management".

The course takes place over four weeks, with 5 to 7 hours of study time per week for video lectures, discussions and tests. By the end of the course, you will be able to identify bottlenecks in your business, fix problems that slow down productivity, and come up with new ways to improve business processes.

Being an entrepreneur isn't easy, and it's entirely possible that you'll feel pretty overwhelmed at times. But when you have the opportunity to learn, useful resources that offer academic and practical knowledge, and for free, you can be calm about your business.

Many are wondering where and with whom to study to become an entrepreneur? Well, in fact, an entrepreneur, of course, becomes a fact of entrepreneurial activity. But there are several ways to gain the knowledge that will help you become a successful entrepreneur.

You can get this knowledge from books, trainings, courses, free videos on Youtube and even formal educational programs. In this article, we will talk about all the possibilities, as well as tell you the knowledge from which areas an entrepreneur needs.

And I will immediately offer you a few videos to get you started.

Speech by a young millionaire from Izhevsk Ayaz Shabutdinov, his experience in business and much more.

Speech by a business coach from Ukraine, Yitzhak Pintosevich, on a topic that is relevant for all residents of Russia, how to become a billionaire.

Business Zen from entrepreneur and Internet marketer Ruslan Tatunashvili. In general, watch this video yourself and recommend it to those people who are in a difficult life situation who are having a hard time right now.

Entrepreneur Artem Agabekov, what advice would he give to a 20-year-old himself (useful not only for 20-year-olds).


Several useful articles on our website:

Courses online

And if possible, go to his training.

Watch some videos of Yitzhak Pintosevich and subscribe to the channel of his training company.

As for the specialty "entrepreneur" itself, if you want to study it, perhaps it is better to take it as a master's degree after a bachelor's degree in marketing.

Who do you need to learn from in order to have the best chance of succeeding in any business?

Marketing is the profession that is the “key” to any business. If you don't want to specialize and be a programmer or engineer, but want to be able to work in any business, study marketing. Marketing and sales are 50% of success in absolutely any industry.

So study to be a marketer, work as a salesperson during your studies (you can sell ads in a magazine or on the radio, or sell household appliances, doesn't matter) and you'll have a great foundation for business success.

Where to study as an entrepreneur or marketer?

Is there an official profession "entrepreneur"?

Russia has an official classifier of professions and positions (OKPDTR), it contains all the positions and professions that officially exist in the country, including the profession of "president". The profession of "entrepreneur" is not yet in it. Officially, an entrepreneur is a status (“ individual entrepreneur"), not a profession.

Unofficially, an entrepreneur is still a profession, in any documents, in particular, in the application form for a visa, you can indicate “entrepreneur” as a profession.


Where and with whom to study to become an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is taught in some Universities. You can also gain knowledge on your own from books and free videos. We will tell you about all these possibilities.

Small business success algorithms

Entrepreneurship and small business courses in Moscow step by step examine the entire structure of the creation, maintenance and competent development of any enterprise from the point of view of the current legislation in the field of lending, taxation, reporting and profit making. After completing small business courses, you will be able to competently use your financial and intellectual resources, not wasting them, but increasing them. Any enterprise is a life support resource not only for the owner of the enterprise, but also for employees, which indicates the social utility of the idea of ​​creating and developing entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, taking small business courses is also a responsible decision, especially if you are an aspiring leader of your new enterprise. In the classroom, practical ideas and situations that most often arise during the functioning of most enterprises are considered, and this is an invaluable experience and good practice. An experienced entrepreneur is half the success of any economic undertaking.

Course description

Are you thinking about starting your own business?

Have you decided to become a businessman and don't know how to start?

Are you already running a business, but facing a number of difficulties?

Then this course is for you!

During the course you:

  • develop ideas about creating small businesses, enrich the methods and ways of implementing your own ideas (I want to open a restaurant! Or maybe a hairdresser? No, a car wash is better .... Or is it a store?) Let's help you figure it out!
  • analyze the latest changes in legislation affecting the opening, running and closing of small businesses
  • Learn more about customer acquisition methods
  • pay attention to interaction with the tax inspectorate, pension fund, compulsory medical insurance fund, social insurance fund, etc.
  • consider the financial and accounting aspects of the enterprise
  • write and defend a business plan

Purpose of the course"Organization and management of small business":

Updating knowledge and acquiring practical skills in organizing small businesses

Course objectives:

  • To form the skills of organizing one's own business on the basis of business planning and effective management resources
  • To form (update) knowledge of the legal aspects of a small business
  • To form (update) knowledge of the financial aspects of a small business
  • To form (update) knowledge of the features of staffing a small business
  • Form (update) knowledge of features marketing activities small business
  • Apply the acquired knowledge and skills in the preparation business plan enterprises

As a result of learning a holistic view of the ways and methods of developing your own business is formed on the basis of a business plan.

A lot does not mean effective, a little does not mean unprofitable

Small business courses teach not only the correct and competent steps to organize and promote your enterprise, but, more importantly, to predict and predict the growth or fall of certain economic and commodity disciplines, which together helps to stay at the pace of development of your business that indicate for continuous growth and development. Small business education is the step by which you are guaranteed to declare your determination to succeed!

Do you want to take the first confident step towards the successful development of your business? We are waiting for you at our courses for beginner entrepreneurs!

Sign up for organizing and running a small business in Moscow right now!

Course Curriculum

Topic 1. Fundamentals of organizing your own business. Individual entrepreneurship.

Choice of form of ownership IP, OOO. Advantages and disadvantages

The concept of microenterprise, small business

IP opening procedure. Step-by-step instruction. Practical recommendations

IP registration documents

Patent taxation system

Trading fee

IP liquidation

Topic 2. Limited Liability Company

The procedure for opening an LLC Step by step instructions. Practical recommendations

Constituent documents of a legal entity


Commercial concession agreement

Cash register equipment. The order of registration and work.

Liquidation of a legal entity

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 3. Taxation of small businesses

The concept of taxes and fees

generally established, traditional system of taxation;

simplified taxation system;

single tax on imputed income for certain types activities

calculation and methods of paying taxes

calculation and methods of payment of contributions

the procedure for working with the IFTS, PFR, FSS, MHIF

Solution of practical tasks

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 4. Reporting of small enterprises

IP reporting without employees

Reporting of individual entrepreneurs with employees

LLC reporting

Balance sheet

Report about incomes and material losses

Accounting for the property of the enterprise

The concept of depreciation and wear

Solution of control tasks and tests

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 5. Business planning

Business plan as a tool for production and commercial activities small business.

UNIDO standard

The structure and content of the business plan for a small business.

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 6. Marketing plan

The concept and meaning of marketing

Analysis of factors influencing the formation and development of business (factors of the far and near environment)

PESN, SWOT analysis, Porter's 5 forces analysis

Competitive advantage



Market promotion of goods and services

Development of a consumer engagement strategy

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 7. Production plan

The concept of fixed and variable costs

Production support

Company location

Costs for raw materials, components, consumables


Calculation of variable and fixed costs

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 8. Staffing

The need for personnel. Legal framework for staffing

Labor contract. Civil law contract

Wage. Fixed and variable parts of wages

The cost of an employee to an enterprise

Mode of work and rest

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 9. Organizational and financial plans

Organizational structure

Project Implementation Schedule

Legal support

Lead-up costs

Current period costs

Calculation of income.

Forecasting market conditions and developing a sales budget for a small business.

Planning income from sales.

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 10. Legal aspects of activity

The concept and condition of the contract.

The conclusion of the contract.

Change and termination of the contract.

Contract of sale.

Contract for the supply of goods.

Lease contract.

Work agreement.

Bank account agreement.

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Topic 11. Measures to protect the person and property in the field of small business

Measures to protect the person and property in the field of small business.

Mediation of Moscow executive authorities in concluding an amicable agreement between small business entities - debtors and their creditors, as well as suretyship, subject to a delay in the payment of debts.

List of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate organizations for state control (supervision).

Rights legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when carrying out control measures.

Competence of the Department for Support and Development of Small Business in Moscow.

Consideration of practical situations. Test solving.

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

Business plan protection

Quantity of study time - 4 academic hours

..."People with different degrees of higher education can succeed in business," says Yaroslav Kuzminov, rector of the Higher School of Economics. medical business, having received additional education at business school. A direct road to business for university graduates is not only in the specialty "management", but also for economists, financiers, lawyers, psychologists. They can work as functional specialists in business organizations, and they often make good managers "...

Today in Russia there is no generally accepted definition of a business school. Most often, this is the name of university departments or independent educational institutions, where they provide postgraduate education, in particular, they teach according to MBA programs (Master of Business Administration). However, in the last five to seven years, educational institutions that traditionally specialized in teaching students (students of postgraduate programs are usually called that way) began to teach students under the programs of the first higher education.

Seventeen-year-old applicants can be found at the Academy National economy where previously only managers with work experience studied; students are recruited by the Faculty of Finance and Banking, the Institute of Business and business administration and other divisions. Back in 1995, the Moscow International Higher School of Business "MIRBIS" began accepting students, and today they teach here in the most popular specializations: " e-business and Law" (specialty "Marketing"), "International Corporate Finance" ("Finance and Credit"), "Management international trade and commercial law" ("management of the organization").
In addition to Russian higher education programs, MIRBIS has "double diploma" programs: after receiving a bachelor's degree, a student goes to one of the British partner universities - London Metropolitan University or Middlesex University. There he studies for a master's degree (Master of Arts) for a year, then returns to Russia, where he also receives a domestic specialist diploma. To do this, you need to pass several exams, undergo an internship and defend a thesis.
The novelty of this season is the recruitment of graduates of secondary schools in the specialty "marketing" and "management" at the Institute of Economics and Finance "Synergy", which also traditionally taught adults (both "MIRBIS" and "Synergy" work in a strategic partnership with the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics). "First higher education in business schools is the basis for continuous business education, - says the rector of "Synergy" Mikhail Ioffe. - Having received a diploma of higher education, students will continue their studies in the MBA program, will from time to time return to their alma mater for short courses. After all, knowledge in the field of business needs constant updating.
Nevertheless, the list of specialties approved by the Ministry of Education for which Russian universities can teach does not include the specialty “business”. Elena Lobanova, Dean of the Higher School financial management Academy of National Economy (the school offers only postgraduate education), explains this by the fact that business is a multifaceted concept that cannot be "squeezed" into the educational standard. And Edward Goizman, rector of the Institute of Business and Economics (a joint MBA program with the Americans), on the contrary, argues that business is the same complex discipline as, for example, cybernetics or applied mathematics taught in universities. And business training - a discipline that appeared at the intersection of economics, management, finance, psychology and other sciences - can be introduced as a direction of higher education: there are also BBA programs (Bachelor of Business Administration) in American universities along with the MBA.
“People with different degrees of higher education can succeed in business,” says Yaroslav Kuzminov, rector of the Higher School of Economics. “For example, a medical school graduate can go into the medical business after receiving additional education at a business school. University graduates have a direct path to business not only in their specialty "management", but also for economists, financiers, lawyers, psychologists. They can work as functional specialists in business organizations, and they often make good managers."

Of all the postgraduate business training programs, the MBA is the most popular today (it is designed for 1,000 academic hours: one and a half years of study in the full-time department, two in the evening and part-time). One of the reasons is brand promotion. Head of Marketing Department of the Higher School international business(GSMB) Alexey Onchukov names three features of the development of Russian MBA programs. Firstly, the contingent of students has finally formed: not the unemployed and clerks, as in the early 90s, but middle managers and top managers who consider education as a condition for career growth are enrolled in the MBA. Secondly, a competition has appeared for MBA programs in leading business schools. Thirdly, the motivation of students has changed: they do not go for a "crust" and not for a job offer, but for knowledge, skills, and business connections.
Among GSMB students, 30% are CEOs of companies, 33% are other top managers (commercial, financial, executive directors, chief accountants), 18% - heads of departments. The age of 35% of students is under 30 years old, 48% - from 30 to 40 years old, 17% - over 40 years old. GSMB is the largest Russian business school: this year about 600 people study here under the MBA program. Managers of many famous companies, including Gazprom, LUKOIL, Motorola, Hewlett Packard. Last autumn, the competition at the GSMB was two people per place.
MBA programs in Russia were created taking into account American and European experience. Some have been developed with the participation of foreign business schools (though not from the top ten, but having both national and international recognition). For example, the MBA Institute of Business and Economics, created jointly with the University of California at Hayward, is accredited by the American Association of Business Schools (AACSB), which recognizes far from every program in the States themselves. In 1999 The MBA of the Institute of Business and Economics (training takes place in Moscow, half of the courses are taught by Russian teachers, half by American ones) took first place in the rating of similar programs of Russian business schools. The study (unlike many others) was indeed independent: it was conducted by the expert council of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
Rector Edward Goizman describes a graduate of the Institute of Business and Economics as follows: “He is a highly educated person, very well oriented in modern living conditions and especially in the economic environment. A pragmatist, not a romantic, very sociable, fluent in English. self-expression (but money must match his success) He can work not only in Russia, but also in the West Advanced computer user He has access to all modern leisure activities (holidays abroad, fitness club, restaurants) Unfortunately, he does not reads so much. Worse than my generation, knows literature, music, painting. However, I often meet my graduates in theaters. "
Many Russian business schools, when creating original MBA programs, cooperate with foreign partners and give their students the opportunity to receive a foreign diploma as well. At the Higher Commercial School under the Ministry of Economic Development, you can get an Executive MBA diploma from the French institute IEMI, founded by Pierre Cardin. The MIRBIS business school offers a British MBA diploma in addition to the Russian one. "The British present very high requirements to diploma projects and sometimes they are sent two or three times for revision, - says Tatyana Ivanishcheva, Vice-Rector of MIRBIS. - They are not interested in the presentation of the theory. The listener must prove that during his studies he has learned to solve practical business problems. "Edward Goizman also speaks of strict control by American professors.
Some Russian MBA programs are accredited by prestigious foreign organizations. Thus, the MBA program of the Higher Commercial School was accredited by the European Council for Business Education, and the prestigious British Association of Business Schools AMBA recognized the MBA program of the Synergy Institute of Economics and Finance. "In order to give us accreditation, British experts analyzed educational plans and assessed the knowledge of students, - said the rector of "Synergy" Mikhail Ioffe. “For us, this was a good incentive to bring the program closer to world standards.”
Most MBAs in Russian business schools are considered generalist, that is, they produce general managers. However, these programs often have a wide range of specializations (usually made up of elective courses) - from "medical business management"
("MIRBIS") to "football industry management" ("Synergy"). The Institute for New Economy Management Problems of the State University of Management (SUM) offers specializations within the framework of the MBA " corporate governance and corporate finance", "measurement of value and management in the interests of the company". Higher commercial school in the new academic year plans to open a specialization "political science and management". Some business schools traditionally focus on specific lines of business - eg. The Graduate School of Financial Management trains top managers responsible for finance in the company under the MBA program.
The indispensable components of the MBA program are the science of economics and management, practical business experience and modern educational technologies. In this sense, the MBA program of the Institute for New Economy Management Problems of the State University of Management is indicative. This institute is headed by academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dmitry Lvov, the departments are headed by academicians who head the leading economic institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences (10 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences). MBA students at SUM are taught by economists, professional teachers, and successful business practitioners.
There is, however, another important factor: MBA is not just a study, but also a "party": students learn from each other. It happens that classmates even organize a collective business. Thus, graduates of the Higher Commercial School opened a large fitness center. And graduates of the Institute of Business and Economics created a business consulting company, which they called Alumni (in Latin - graduates).

Despite all the advantages, the MBA is far from the only form of postgraduate training for working in business. There are other types of programs: a second higher education and a master's degree in the specialties of the economic and management block, professional retraining(an average of 500 academic hours), advanced training (at least 72 hours) and short-term trainings.
“The second higher education is designed for those who work in their specialty, without, as a rule, having the appropriate education. For example, a graduate engineer works as an accountant, and he needs to get an education in the specialty “accounting, analysis and audit,” says the first vice-rector of the Moscow International Institute of Econometrics, Informatics, Finance and Law Vladimir Lednev "To those who are not a leader, but want to study for an MBA just because it is fashionable, we advise you to get a second higher education in economics, management or finance," says Vice-Rector of MIRBIS Tatyana Ivanishcheva.
As a rule, a second higher education can be obtained in 3-3.5 years (part of the courses are re-credited on the basis of the first diploma), and classes are usually held in the evenings and on Saturdays. The block-modular principle of studying disciplines is popular here: students simultaneously master not a dozen subjects, like students receiving their first education, but three or four. Tuesday is marketing, Thursday is management, Saturday is banking and human resources. Pass the test - proceed to other disciplines.
Elena Lobanova tells how once, at an orientation lecture in the specialty "Finance and Credit", she noticed atypical listeners - "pumped up", with shaved heads and in black leather jackets (intellectuals with glasses are considered typical). “I told them: “If you want to buy a diploma, then you have come to the wrong address; better look for a simpler and cheaper business school,” recalls Elena Nikolaevna. “And they frowned and said: “No, we are at the right place: we want to study, because we bought the plant.”
Master's programs in economics and management (as a rule, the duration of study is two years) should not be confused with MBA programs. The master's program is designed to train not so much managers as analysts (listeners are offered more theoretical disciplines in the form of lectures). Master's programs, which graduates of other universities can apply for, are, for example, at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University and at the Higher School of Economics. Less often, master's programs are opened at business schools - for example, there is a master's degree in financial management at the Graduate School of Financial Management. "Synergy" offers a distance program from the University of Durham (UK), upon completion of which Russian and British Master's degrees in Management are issued.
A good alternative to an MBA - for those who want to save time and money, but still learn business - are professional retraining programs, usually designed for one year. For example, this year the program "Management: trade and services" is being opened at the Higher School of International Business, addressed to managers and leading specialists trading companies(it "grew" from another GSMB program "Effective trade manager"- a three-month advanced training; many students said that three months was not enough for them). "MIRBIS" offers, in particular, a professional retraining program "System Analysis and Project Management in Business", designed for those who lack knowledge in the field of business analytics.
Finally, continuing education programs are even more specialized and usually last from a week to three to four months. Here the spectrum is huge: from comments on the latest tax instructions to effective communication trainings. The Synergy Institute arranges seminars for football club managers, including those with trips abroad (in Liverpool, training is conducted by British specialists in the field of football business). Many short-term programs are offered by the Higher School of Business, where classes are taught by teachers with extensive experience in business. For example, Vice-Rector of the Higher School of Economics Sergey Skosarev, who headed the Human Resources Department at VimpelCom (Bee-Line), leads the 10-day Human Resources program.
The school of managers "Arsenal" specializes in short-term programs. Her " specialty of the house"- trainings for a period of one to four days on various aspects of doing business for company owners, top managers and middle managers. Arsenal is also famous for two- and three-month courses for sales managers and real estate experts. You can enroll in them, even no work experience, but through competitive selection. The study is a continuous training, the purpose of which is to develop sales skills. Those who successfully complete their studies are guaranteed employment. Students pass the final exam to a commission consisting of employers, according to its results they receive job offers.

Corporate training - programs for employees of one enterprise - is not new in Russia for a long time. The most popular corporate refresher courses, less common professional retraining programs, very rare - corporate programs MBA (they are offered by the Higher School of Financial Management of the Academy of National Economy, the Higher Commercial School, "MIRBIS", the Institute of Economics and Finance "Synergy").
Business schools train personnel not only in individual enterprises, but also in large corporations, both private and public. For example, the Higher Commercial School is declared a basic educational institution RAO "Bumprom" (enterprises of the timber, pulp and paper and woodworking industries). The Academy of National Economy and the Higher School of Economics train, in particular, workers regional offices Central Bank. In the Academy of National Economy, the Faculty of Finance and Banking works with them, training is conducted according to the professional retraining program "Curator of a commercial bank - bank manager." "The essence of this program is the training of a new generation of bank managers with special knowledge and management skills in a commercial bank in accordance with international standards", - says the dean of the faculty Seda Nasibyan.
The main emphasis in training is on the acquisition of practical bank management skills by students. To do this, use the training program Bank Exec International, developed by the American Banking Association and used to prepare banking and financial managers in 15 countries of the world. Trainings under this program are conducted by specialists led by Vice-Rector of the Academy of National Economy Andrey Volkov, who have undergone special training in foreign business schools.
The last chord is the presentation of final works at a meeting of the state attestation commission, which is headed by Andrey Kozlov, First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia. The program is highly appreciated by both the leaders of the Academy of National Economy (see the interview with Professor Vladimir May) and the leaders of the Central Bank. The Faculty of Finance and Banking plans to train employees of commercial banks on it in the future.

Igor DERGUNOV, Managing Director of the bank "MENATEP SPb", graduate of the MBA program of the Institute of Business and Economics and California University Hayward:
- In the 80s, I graduated from the Plekhanov Institute of National Economy and in the post-Soviet period I mastered the basics of business on my own. In the early 1990s it was possible to do without an MBA diploma: graduates of business schools, trained according to Western standards, did not take root well in Russian companies. But gradually there were more and more such specialists, today they are the bearers of a new corporate culture. I thought about going to study at Harvard or Wharton, but, firstly, for this you need to be younger, and secondly, it’s a shame to leave Russia for two years - business here is developing too dynamically. And in 1999 I entered the Institute of Business and Economics, which offers a Russian-American MBA program. I found the institute on the recommendations of friends who studied there. It was necessary to pass entrance exams in mathematics, English and pass an interview. The selection was quite tough: for admission here it is not enough to pay money. I had to learn English. Studying at the evening department is very difficult to combine with work. I then worked as an adviser to the chairman of the board of the Russian Investors investment bank; I had to go to class every evening at half past six. Both at work and at the institute it was necessary to sacrifice something, because it is simply impossible to be in time everywhere. I used to do homework at night. Education for me is first and foremost an investment in my own future. After all, MBA today is a universally recognized brand, moreover, when studying at a business school, it is very important to communicate with managers from different business areas. All these people went to study to change their lives. An MBA gives a person a certain “drive”, an incentive for development. A few months before graduation, I was offered to go to work at the bank "MENATEP SPb", and I agreed. If it weren't for the "drive" I got in the MBA program, I wouldn't have started a new and, as it turned out, very promising project.

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Naina ARUTYUNOVA, student of the MBA program of the Institute for New Economy Management Problems of the State University of Management:
- My first education is technical - in 1987 I graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in instrumentation systems aircraft". I worked in tourism, recruiting. In the late 90s, I became the deputy general director, and then the general director of the KASKAD-VIA Company, which produces plastic windows. In October last year, she began studying under the MBA program in State University management. I chose this program because I was attracted by its "Russian specificity". I learned that mainly managers working in domestic firms study there, that in the classroom they analyze many situations from practice Russian companies. My choice was also influenced by the fact that at the presentation of the program, the teachers did not try to lure us to the university by any means - in particular, they did not promise to solve all our problems.
Of the subjects I am particularly interested in marketing, information technology in business, strategic management. As it turned out, the mistakes I made while running the firm were quite typical. For example, from the course strategic management I learned that you should not make changes in the company without having a strategy for its development. And classes on information technology helped me create a corporate information system. Teachers are very attentive to the students, willingly advise on business problems and respond to all wishes for the organization of the educational process. I notice that many employees of plastic window companies go to study at business schools. Probably, this is also typical for other business areas - managers of book publishing houses, a fitness club, and a company selling confectionery are studying with me in the group. For some, the state MBA diploma is especially important, for others, the advice of teachers. For me, the exchange of experience is also important. I get a lot of business information by talking with classmates: I find out how their business works, what problems they face.