Water bottling plant. Bottling of drinking water as a business option. Features of the production of drinking water

  • 05.05.2020

With the current rise in propaganda healthy lifestyle of life is growing and the consumption of purified bottled water. And since the quality of tap water in Russia is far from ideal, many consumers today are willing to pay for a good product. And you can make good money on this trend if you open your own production of bottled drinking water. Drinking water is water that has gone through several stages of purification and filtration. The final product can be packed in different containers - plastic, glass.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 2,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

The drinking water business is characterized by many advantages that make this niche attractive to many aspiring entrepreneurs:

  • Drinking water, carbonated and non-carbonated, is in high demand.
  • You can organize your own workshop literally in any region of our country, since there are no problems with the supply of "raw materials".
  • This business is variable, which will allow the entrepreneur to choose the path of development that is more suitable in a particular case - given the available investments.
  • With well-established distribution channels, even impressive investments pay off quickly enough.

But, as in the case with any other direction, there are also disadvantages that you should definitely take into account when drawing up a business plan for the production of drinking water:

Difficulties do not scare? Then you can open a plant for the production and bottling of drinking water.

It is better for a novice entrepreneur who starts a small workshop to buy a water bottling line, which is equipped with the following items of equipment:

  • Incoming water purification system (aeration system and dosing of reagents).
  • Filling machine.

Water bottling line

In addition to the main machines, it is possible to retrofit the line and a machine for the manufacture plastic bottles from special preparations. Over time, you can even buy a whole line that will process plastic waste into bottles. So you can save a lot on the purchase of the necessary raw materials.

The price of equipment for bottled drinking water, not taking into account additional machines, is at least 1,000,000 rubles. And most of the funds will go to the cleaning system. A supported line can be bought for 600,000 rubles.

Options for marketing finished products and the profitability of the planned business

The high price of a drinking water bottling line will begin to pay off when supply chains are established finished products clients. And there are 2 options:

  • Organization of own water delivery service (this implies the production of water for coolers).
  • Sales of finished products in outlets.

In the business plan being drawn up, the issue of further marketing of finished products must be resolved, since it affects both the purchase of additional equipment and the construction of a marketing policy.

Delivery of drinking water will require the presence of its own fleet of vehicles. Otherwise, even the profit will not cover the transportation costs. There is a real scope for activity here, since coolers are installed in every second office today. And in order to offer potential customers favorable terms of cooperation for them, you can provide coolers for free use. But this is also an additional cost.

Selling finished products to retail outlets can be more profitable than the production and transportation of drinking water to offices. But here it is important to establish a wholesale distribution.

As for the profit that an entrepreneur should count on, everything is strictly individual here - the main influence is exerted by the investments that the production and sale of drinking water will require. The minimum investment required for organizing a workshop (purchase of equipment and its commissioning + obtaining all permits and licenses + preparing the premises for work + purchasing containers) is 2,000,000 rubles. This amount will increase significantly if we start talking about drilling our own well or organizing a delivery service. You can calculate the expected profit based on what the cost of drinking water will be and how much it will be sold to customers every month. The price of bottled water fluctuates in the range of 100-180 rubles / 5 liters.

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Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Ufimsky State University economy and service"

Department: "Special chemical technology"

Faculty of Engineering, Service Technology and Food Production"

course project

Design of the plant for bottling mineral water "Shainurovskaya"


Art. gr. BVD-4 Shainurova G.R.


Associate Professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences

Zainullin R.A.

plant mineral water bottling


2. Calculation of mineral water

2.4 Calculation of caps and labels



Mineral waters are natural underground waters and are formed in the thickness of the earth's crust with certain geological-structural, geothermal, hydrogeological and geochemical conditions that determine the patterns of their spatial localization, gas, ion-salt and microelement composition, temperature and other indicators. Mineral waters are also of great balneological significance and are widely used in spa treatment. Thus, waters for external use are used for baths, baths, showers, carried out in balneological clinics and in therapeutic pools, as well as for inhalations and rinses in case of diseases of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract, for irrigation and washing of hollow organs and other similar purposes.

In this course project, we are designing a bottling plant for Shainurovskaya mineral water. We consider the technological scheme for the production of mineral water.

The purpose of the course project is:

1 - explore the range of products;

2 - to study the basic technological scheme for the production of mineral water;

Objectives of the course project:

2 - select technological equipment;

3 - to make the layout of the plant for the production of mineral water "Shainurovskaya" with a capacity of 250 thousand decalitres per year;

1. Feasibility study for the construction of the plant

The waters of Bashkortostan in terms of balneological (that is, health benefits), according to a number of experts, are quite underestimated. Since Soviet times, a certain stereotypical vision of prestigious suppliers of mineral water has developed - these are the owners of the sources of the Caucasus and the "abroad" that we have always idolized.

Ilishevsky district is a municipal district within the Republic of Bashkortostan. The administrative center is the village of Verkhneyarkeevo. The region is located in the northwest of the republic. The territory of the district is located on the northeastern spurs of the Bugulma-Belebeevskaya Upland. The rivers Belaya, Xun, Baza flow through the territory of the district. Soils are gray-forest, floodplain and leached chernozems. The climate is warm and slightly dry. Forests, mainly birch, oak and aspen, occupy 15.4% of the district's area.

The choice of site for the construction of the plant is due to the presence of minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium) in the soil.

Water "Shainurovskaya" carbonic ferruginous bicarbonate-calcium-magnesium water with a high content of free carbon dioxide. Its source is located on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the Ilishevsky district. Widely known in Bashkiria as a wonderful refreshing table drink. It is also used for therapeutic purposes in gastric catarrhs, chronic colitis and cystitis, phosphaturia.

2. Calculation of mineral water

Table 1. Chemical composition of carbonic mineral water "Shainurovskaya"


in grams

in mg - equiv.

calcium Ca

manganese Mn

aluminum Al

sulfate SO4

bicarbonate HCO3

hydrogen phosphate HPO4

2.1 Determination of the production capacity of the Shainurovskaya mineral water bottling plant per day

Business hours

Number of working days per year 238

Designed capacity 250,000 decalitres per year

250000/238 = 1050.42 gave per day

a. Calculation of loss rates for:


1050.42*1/100 = 10.5 gave per day


1050.42* 0.75/100 = 7.8 dal per day


1050.42 * 1.5 / 100 \u003d 15.7 gave per day


1050.42 * 0.5 / 100 \u003d 5.25 gave per day

b. Calculation of production capacity taking into account losses

250000 + ((10.5 +7.8 + 15.7 + 5.25) * 238) = 259341.5 gave a year

259341.5/238 = 1089.67 gave per day

2.2 Determination of the production capacity of the Shainurovskaya mineral water bottling plant per hour

M \u003d (A1 + H1 + K1) + (A2 + H2 + K2) + (A3 + H3 + K3) * T

where M is the shift capacity of the bottling shop, bottles per hour;

A1,2,3 - passport capacity of the installed bottling equipment of various brands, bottles per hour;

H1,2,3 - the number of filling machines of the same capacity;

K1,2,3 - coefficient technical norm equipment use, 0.9;

T is the number of working hours per shift.

Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks are bottled in bottles with a capacity of 0.33 and 0.5 dm3, as well as 1.0 and 1.5 dm3 in accordance with current regulatory and technical documents.

For carbonated drinks, an isobaric filling system is used. Bottling lines have a capacity of 1500 to 24000 bottles per hour.

M \u003d 1500 * 1 * 0.9 * 8 \u003d 10800 bottles / hour

2.3 Calculation of the number of PET bottles

Table 2. Range PET bottles for product bottling

Table 3. Annual assortment of finished products in bottles

The percentage of losses of PET containers due to deformation at the projected plant is 3.4%

PET bottles with a capacity of 1.5 l, quantity, thousand pieces

500 * (100 / (100 - 3.4)) \u003d 517.5 thousand pieces.

PET bottles with a capacity of 0.5 l, quantity, thousand pieces

1500 * (100 / (100 - 3.4)) \u003d 1552.5 thousand pieces.

PET bottles with a capacity of 0.33 l, quantity, thousand pcs.

3030.303 * (100 / (100 - 3.4)) \u003d 3136.36 thousand pieces.

To replenish the missing bottles due to deformation, you will need:

(517500 + 1552500 + 3136360) - 5030303 = 176057 pcs.

Thus, the actual number of PET preforms should be 5206360 pcs.

2.4 Calculation of caps and labels

For 1000 bottles of the drink, according to the norms of VNTP 40-91, 1043 corks and 1022 labels are required.

For annual capacity (5030303 bottles) it is required:

5030303*(1043/1000) = 5246606.0 pcs.


5030303*(1022/1000) = 5140969.6 pcs.

2.5 Shrink film calculation

For group packaging of bottles up to 3 liters, a dense shrink film 400 mm wide, 30 microns thick is used. The standard package contains 12 bottles of 0.33 and 0.5 liters (4 rows of 3 bottles) and 6 bottles of 1.5 liters.

One package requires 0.66 m2 of shrink film. The number of films for all products is:

N = 500000/6 = 83334 pcs.

N \u003d 1500000/12 \u003d 125000 pcs.

N = 3030303.0/12 = 252526 pcs.

Table 4. Number of PET bottles of various sizes in a package

Table 5. Shrink film area for packaging annual rate beverage production

For all products, films will be required (taking into account losses of 2%):

PET bottles with a capacity of 1.5 l, quantity, m 2

S \u003d 0.66 * 83334 * (100 / (100-2)) \u003d 56100.5 m 2

PET bottles with a capacity of 0.5 l, quantity, m 2

S \u003d 0.66 * 125000 * (100 / (100-2)) \u003d 84150 m 2

PET bottles with a capacity of 0.33 l, quantity, m 2

S \u003d 0.66 * 252526 * (100 / (100-2)) \u003d 170000.5 m 2

In total you will need:

56100.5 + 84150 + 170000.5 \u003d 310251 m 2

Taking into account the shrinkage coefficient Kus = 40% required area shrink film will be equal to:

S \u003d 310251 * (100 / (100 - 40)) \u003d 515017 m 2

2.6 Calculation of the number of pallets

Calculation of the number of pallets for stacking 460860 pcs. beverage packages.

PET bottles with a capacity of 1.5 l, quantity, pcs.

N = 83334/84 = 992.0 pcs.

PET bottles with a capacity of 0.5 l, quantity, pcs.

N = 125000/126 = 992.0 pcs.

PET bottles with a capacity of 0.33 l, quantity, pcs.

N = 252526/168 = 1504 pcs.

Total: 992.0 + 992.0 + 1504 = 3488 pcs.

Taking into account the annual wear of 15% and 10 cycles of use per year, the number of pallets required for the projected plant will be:

N \u003d 3488 / 10 * 100 / (100 - 15) \u003d 408.0 pcs.

2.7 Productivity of equipment of the washing and bottling department

A \u003d O * K1 / (Ht * K2)

where A is the hourly productivity of the equipment, thousand bottles;

O - production of mineral water in bottles per year, pcs.;

Нt is the number of shifts per year;

K1 - coefficient taking into account the breakage and rejection of bottles during washing 0.7;

K2 - equipment utilization factor 0.75 - 0.90.

For bottling lines with a capacity of 12 bottles / hour and more, K2 = 0.8.

A \u003d 5030303 * 0.7 / (2 * 0.8) \u003d 2200757.56 bottles / hour


Thus, I carried out a feasibility study on the need to design an enterprise for the production of Shainurovskaya mineral water, made calculations for the product and equipment. The drawing and layout of the main technological equipment projected enterprise.

List of used literature

1. Oganesyants L.A. "Technology of soft drinks" - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2012;

2. http://www.minvv.ru/

3. http://www.novostioede.ru/article/mineralnaja_voda/

4. GOST R 54316-2011 Mineral natural drinking waters. General technical conditions;

5. Tikhomirov V.G. "Technology of brewing and non-alcoholic production" - Moscow: Kolos, 2010.

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In this material:

Bottling of drinking water as a business is a very promising area. After all, the quality of tap water in apartments leaves much to be desired, and it can hardly be called drinking water. It is polluted with nitrates and pesticides, causing irreparable harm to human health. These factors are causing an increasing number of people to choose to buy bottled water.

Prospects for the bottled water market

According to RBC experts, the annual growth of the drinking water market will be about 15-16%. This trend is indirectly confirmed by the growing demand for coolers. Today they are increasingly installed not only in office space but also at home. Today total strength installed coolers exceeded 3 million units. As a result, the use of PET bottles for last years increased 6 times.

Now bottled water already accounts for 2/3 of the non-alcoholic products market. The service direction for the delivery of water in bottles of 5 and 19 liters to an office or apartment is also developing at a faster pace. The growth of this market is 20-30%.

It is assumed that the market will slow down its growth and reach the saturation stage only by 2020, when the total number of coolers will reach the level of 10-12 million units. To fill the specified market capacity, it will be necessary to increase production capacity water 3-4 times. It can be assumed that after saturation the market will develop by analogy with the European one, about 10% per year.

But when entering the drinking water bottling market, it should be taken into account that this segment is one of the highly competitive ones. Every year, thousands of start-up entrepreneurs try their hand in this area. Therefore, before starting this business, it is necessary to conduct marketing research, analyze the activities of competitors and determine your niche in the market (create a unique product offer). You need not only a well-thought-out marketing strategy, but also a business plan that will allow you to calculate upcoming costs.

Water bottling business plan

The amount of initial investment in a water bottling business will depend on the format in which it is implemented. This may be opening your own production line for bottling water, installing vending machines or kiosks selling drinking water.

Opening your own line for the purification of tap water and its further bottling is a fairly common option on the market. On the one hand, it allows you to act according to an understandable developed algorithm, but on the other hand, you will need to think over a strategy for detuning from competitors and determine your advantages over them. It could be over low prices, a wide range (for example, the sale of additional sparkling water), quality service (free delivery for a certain order amount) or a flexible loyalty program.

When developing a draft business plan for opening a water bottling line, the following parameters should be considered. For work small production you will need a water treatment plant (or filters), water containers, water collection tanks, bottling equipment. Only filtration installations will cost about 100,000 rubles. You will have to pay another 200,000 rubles for the bottling line. Total initial capital investment for production equipment will amount to about 400,000 rubles. This does not include installation services and connection of the object to electricity and water supply.

We must not forget about the need to issue permits, to conduct examinations of water samples. For this you will need to pay about 10,000-15,000 rubles.

You will need to rent a small workshop with a warehouse. About 30 thousand rubles will be spent on rent every month.

At least 3 people are required to operate the production. Assuming that their salary is 20,000 rubles. per month, it will take 60,000 rubles. About 20,000 rubles more to pay for water supply and electricity. In the business plan, you need to take into account funds for advertising support: about 15,000 rubles. monthly. In total, variable costs will amount to about 150,000 rubles. per month.

When accounting quick start and access to monthly sales in the amount of 250,000 rubles. you can achieve a quick return on investment in production.

Funds can be returned in 6-7 months and all that remains is to make a profit. Whether an entrepreneur can achieve such results depends only on him.

Business plan for bottling water for private consumers

A kiosk that will sell water is one of the options for organizing sales. To open such a business, you need to find a place to install a kiosk (optimally - a sleeping area with a high population density), conclude a lease agreement with the administration, and also find wholesale suppliers of artesian water.

The cost of the kiosk itself with a module for bottling water, a filter and an ozonizer is about 250-400 thousand rubles. They differ in the capacity of tanks and are designed for 500-4000 liters.

An approximate business plan for opening a kiosk can be represented as follows:

  1. Initial investment: 300,000 rubles. (buying a kiosk).
  2. Monthly expenses - 28,000 rubles, of which renting a place for a kiosk - 1,000 rubles. per month; purchase of artesian water for 2 rubles. for 1 liter (subject to sales of 6000 liters per month) - 12,000 rubles; seller's salary - 15,000 rubles.
  3. Revenue: when selling 1 liter for 10 rubles. will be 60,000 rubles. At the same time, net profit (after paying tax of 6% according to the simplified tax system) is 30,080 rubles.

With this option, it will be possible to return the initial investment in 10 months, and then continue to work for profit. When opening several outlets, the monthly profit will only grow.

A business plan for selling water through a machine may have similar parameters. Its differences will lie in the fact that in this case there is no need to pay salaries to staff: sales will be carried out automatically, without human intervention. The cost of the machine itself is several times cheaper and amounts to about 150 thousand rubles. When selling a similar amount of water, the revenue will be 60,000 rubles, and the net profit will be 44,180 rubles. The “break-even point” when selling water through the machine will be able to pass in 3 months. The calculation is very approximate, as it does not take into account the cost of electricity and advertising costs.

If laws are in place in the region of doing business to stimulate socially significant areas of work (which include water treatment), then the entrepreneur can count on receiving subsidies from the state under one of these programs.

Order a business plan

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According to RBC research, bottled water is becoming 15-16% more popular among consumers every year. This is due to the fact that the quality of tap water is declining, and there are no powerful water filters in the consumer market. Therefore, the business of bottling and selling purified water is extremely in demand and profitable. In order to organize everything correctly and, you can use the water bottling business plan.

Comparable to demand, the market for bottled water is also growing every year, new companies appear with new products. But despite this, the bottling business project has high profitability, according to calculations, it will pay off within 7-10 months from the moment of opening. Wherein main feature this business project is the low cost of the product, and the markup on it is retail stores is 500-1000%.

The main difficulty of this business project is the design of all required documents and permissions. This process can take a long time and cause losses. The competition is also very high, so you need to stand out from the competition in order to get consumers.


For a water bottling business project, there are two sales markets - retail sales to customers and wholesale sales to stores for further marketing.

You can use one of the options, or both at the same time. In case of wholesale it will be necessary to involve an experienced marketer who will find those who want to purchase the goods.

For retail sale, it will be necessary to purchase and equip several outlets, conduct an advertising campaign and interest the target audience.

Water sources

Before you draw up an IP and register a company, you need to find a source of water that will be used for bottling. There are two options - artesian well and water supply.

Artesian well

The complexity of an artesian well is that it must be found underground. After that, it is necessary to drill a well and examine the water for compliance with SanPiN and GOST standards. There is a possibility that after checking the well, water from it will be banned for bottling. In this case, the funds spent on finding the well and drilling will not be returned to the entrepreneur.

In some cases, in order to find potable artesian water, it is necessary to develop up to 10 sources. But at the same time, the artesian view in stores is valued much more than plumbing, so the income from it is more.

Water pipes

The second option is simpler - install a powerful industrial filter with multi-stage cleaning on a water tap. The finished product will also need to be checked for compliance with the standards, and if everything is in order, then bottling can be started.

The main disadvantage of this method is that the cost of purified tap water is lower than the cost of artesian water, while the cost of bottling them is approximately the same.

Business registration

Once the source is found. The list of documents required for registration is determined by which mining method was chosen.

For an artesian well, first of all, it is necessary to draw up all the documents for the site where it is located. After that, re-pass the water for research to the state laboratory and confirm its safety for people. After obtaining permission to use this water, you can begin to register a business.

In the case of using piped water, it will also be necessary to take samples to the laboratory and obtain permission to use it. And also it will be necessary to install meters at the facility and register them.

Further, in both cases, you need to register your project. For start-up entrepreneurs with small business turnover, it is recommended to register an individual entrepreneur. For a water bottling business, in the case of registering an individual entrepreneur, the UTII tax system is most suitable, it introduces minimal restrictions on work, and there is no need to pay a large tax. After that, you need to perform a number of actions:


Any industrial premises can be used as a room for a water bottling workshop, there are no special requirements for it.

Moreover, the workshop itself may be located far from the place of water production, and raw materials will be delivered there by trucks.

It is not always possible to place a workshop near an artesian well, therefore, when choosing a room, one should be guided by its transport accessibility.

How to write a business plan

In a business plan, you must first evaluate all costs, ways to make a profit and options for selling products. In addition, during the preparation of a business plan, you can analyze the market and identify possible difficulties. Here are the main points of a business plan:

Depending on the type of business project, the points may vary, but these are the main points that should be in a water bottling business plan.

Necessary equipment

Let's consider both options for water production, since different equipment will be needed for the implementation of these projects.

Artesian well

Pre-production costs (Table 1).

equipment identification

Price, thousand rubles

Blow molding machine for plastic bottles

Bottle molds

The saturator is a machine for carbonating water

Water bottle labeling machine

Apparatus for automatic filling of water into containers

Cap screwing machine

Submersible pump for pumping water from a well into a tank


Ozonator in order to remove microbes from the solution and saturate it with oxygen

Water filters

In total, the equipment will need approximately 3 million 500 thousand.

An interesting video about organizing a water bottling business:

Tap water

In the case of using a water supply as a source of water, it is necessary to buy more powerful cleaning systems, the rest of the list necessary equipment remains unchanged. Equipment costs will amount to about 4 million rubles.

Production costs

Expenses for registration and registration of water:

  1. Preparation of documents, registration of a well, coordination with inspection departments - 200 thousand rubles.
  2. Analysis of drinking water and its licensing - 50 thousand rubles.
  3. Coordination of opening a business with inspection departments - 80 thousand rubles.
  4. Well registration - 10 thousand rubles.
  5. Paperwork - 10 thousand rubles.

Total: 350 thousand.

The second item of expenditure is the repair and equipment of the office, the purchase of a truck for transporting water and advertising campaign:

In total, this item of expenditure is 2 million 700 thousand. The cost of the equipment must also be taken into account.

In total, this is 6 and a half million rubles. Part of the expenses from this list can be reduced in the first months of work and replaced by human labor.

These costs are approximate, the actual amount may vary. Additionally, it will be necessary to spend money on the services of drillers and well preparation; it is impossible to take into account this expense item in advance, since the cost of drilling services depends on the type of soil in the area and the depth of the well.

To organize the production of tap water purification, a total of approximately 7 million rubles will be needed. In this case, equipment costs will increase, but it will not be necessary to drill a well, develop it and arrange it.

Shop staff

The number of employees and the positions in which they are needed also depend on the selected water source.

In the case of obtaining water from an artesian well, the following workers will be needed:

The number of employees for the organization of each position depends on the scale and capacity of production. With the development of the plant, more people will need to be involved in order to establish a shift work schedule.

In the case of bottling of bottled water from the tap, the list of employees remains the same, with the exception of workers for the extraction of water, in which case they are not needed.

It is impossible to preliminarily estimate the cost of salaries to employees, since it depends on the subject of the country in which the production is located and the level of qualification of employees.

Potential risks

The main risk of this project is that the finished product will not enter the market because the competition is high. Therefore, it is necessary to foresee in advance how you can stand out and win over consumers.

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The second risk is associated with the use of an artesian well as a source of water. Water quality problems may arise, and the entrepreneur will lose the money spent on developing the well.

The water bottling business is profitable project, which will begin to make a profit after 7 months from the start of work. At the same time, with each year of work, the income from this project will only grow, since initially it is necessary to recoup the investment, and then it will be possible to receive net profit from the sale of water, the cost of which is minimal.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia


The purpose of the project is to create an enterprise for the extraction and bottling of artesian water. The expediency of the project is due to the growing popularity of this product both for use in offices and for home use.

Location of production - x. Pukhlyakovsky, Rostov region. Sales region - Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region. Price segment - "Standard +". The production premises are supposed to be leased, delivery is carried out by our own transport. Distribution is carried out through a partner network of stores. The trademark "VodoPukh" and the trademark are registered.

The project is attractive for investment, which is confirmed by financial calculations and the resulting integral performance indicators (Table 1).

Table 1. Integral project performance indicators


The company carries out activities for the extraction and bottling of artesian water in 19-liter bottles. The main consumers of this product are organizations of any field of activity and any size; The use of bottled water for the needs of households in our country is not well developed, but it is gaining more and more popularity. Today, according to various sources, in Russia the consumption of bottled water per person is about 40 liters per month; in Europe, this figure is in the range of 100-150 liters. Thus, we can speak with full confidence about the significant growth potential of the industry. It should also be taken into account that Russia and, in particular, the Rostov region, have large reserves fresh water, which has a positive effect on the cost of the final product.

According to Rosstat, more than 5,000 small and medium-sized businesses operate in the Rostov region. If accept average population enterprises of 20 people, this will amount to 100,000 potential consumers. Based on the monthly water consumption of 40 liters per month, of which about 75% of the person consumes at the workplace, the total need for water supply for organizations is 100,000 * 40 * 0.75 = 3,000,000 liters per month. The number of households and their water consumption is extremely difficult to estimate, but it can be said that it is not less than the water consumption of organizations.

The competitive environment in the region is represented by three the largest suppliers, two of which both produce and distribute through the network own stores(1 and 3 own brands, respectively), and one is a distributor-aggregator that imports water from other regions into the region (7 brands in various price segments); in addition, there are about 10 regional manufacturers in the region that produce products of the budget segment and carry out distribution through the village grocery stores, as a rule, they are not present in large cities of the region.

The technological process includes the lifting of water from a pre-drilled well, its purification, softening and disinfection, and subsequent bottling. After that, water is delivered to the points of sale by own transport. The sale is carried out through a network of partner stores. The competitiveness of the enterprise is ensured by the high quality of purification and organoleptic properties of water, provided by high-quality water treatment.


The enterprise extracts water from an artesian well located in the Pukhlyakovsky farm in the Rostov Region. Water this region characterized by high softness, as well as low acidity and the content of metal impurities. By processing on special equipment, water is filtered, disinfected, and its organoleptic properties are increased.

The quality of bottled drinking water is regulated by SanPiN According to this regulation, all drinking water is divided into two categories: 1st category and the highest category. "VodoPukh" refers to the highest category, which will increase the profitability of the enterprise due to a higher selling price, and, accordingly, increase marginal income enterprises.

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The quality and characteristics of VodoPuKh water are confirmed by independent laboratories in Rostov-on-Don. The main characteristics of water are given in Table. 2 in comparison with the requirements of SanPiN

Table 2. Comparative description of the main properties of water "VodoPukh"

In terms of safety chemical composition, organic, radiation and bacteriological contamination, as well as other parameters specified in the standard, "VodoPukh" fully complies with the requirements, significantly exceeding them in most parameters.

The water is bottled in 19 liter PET bottles with a handle. PET is being used as an alternative to the more common polycarbonate bottles, which, despite being more rigid and have a longer turnaround time, contain BPA, which adversely affects the taste of the water. The turnover of bottles, according to TO 2297-01-96201068-2008, is 50-60 cycles; in practice, the service life is 1.5-2 years. After that, the container must be disposed of.

The bottles are labeled with corporate logo"VodoPukh", information about the manufacturer, water parameters and contact information partner stores.


Water "VodoPukh" is sold through a network of retail outlets specializing directly in drinking water. At the time of the start of the project, the chain's assortment includes three trademarks of the "Standard" and "Premium" segments. "VodoPukh" occupies an intermediate niche, which significantly increases the competitiveness of the brand.

A cooperation agreement was signed with the network. Marketing and brand promotion is carried out trading network; all brands in the range are advertised equally. Financing of promotional events is shared, 20% is paid by the manufacturer "VodoPukh", 30% - by the manufacturer of other brands of the range, 50% - by the distributor. This distribution of shares (20/30) generally corresponds to the share of brands in total sales. The media plan is given in Table. 3.

Since the demand for drinking water has a pronounced seasonal nature, the advertising campaign is planned taking into account its changes.

The sale of water by the distribution network is carried out both through outlets by self-delivery, and with home delivery by prior order. An order can be placed both by phone and through the network's website.

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As of January 2016, the share of the network in the total sales of bottled (19 l bottles) water is 15%. Due to the expansion of the range of water "VodoPukh" it is expected to increase the share to 20%.


The first stage of the project implementation is the drilling of a well in the territory adjacent to the x. Pukhlyakovsky, Rostov region. Water is extracted from the second aquifer; its depth is 120-150 m. The expected flow rate of the well is 90 m 3 /day. Exploration and drilling are carried out by a specialized company. The cost of work is given in Table. four.

Table 4. The cost of works on the device of an artesian well

Water is supplied to a production facility located 50-70 m from the well, where bottling is carried out directly. The list of equipment is given in Table. 5.

Table 5. A set of equipment for filling water into 19-liter bottles

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The flow rate of the well exceeds the volume of water required during the first two years of the project. The volume of production is dictated by volumes retail sales. The average production volume in the first two years is 10,000 liters per day. The warehouse needs to maintain a constant stock to cover a two-day demand. Three lungs are used to transport water from the production site to the points of sale. trucks load capacity 1.5 tons.

Required area of ​​the production site - 50 sq.m., warehouse - 80 sq.m. The number of production workers is 4 people. The number of auxiliary and warehouse workers - 3 people. The full staffing table is given in Table. 6. The production plan is given in App. 5.

All workplaces are certified in accordance with the law, ensuring maximum safety and availability of labor protection equipment.


All administrative and managerial functions performed individual entrepreneur. To organize effective work, he must have general knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, tax legislation and accounting. Knowledge of detailed knowledge of production technology and labor protection is also important. Technology training is carried out by the equipment supplier within 2 working days after the installation of the equipment directly at the production site.

Table 6 staffing and payroll