Find a sponsor to start a business. Financial Guardian Angel. How and where to look for sponsors for business? Banks and credit organizations

  • 28.11.2019

Starting your own business often requires raising outside capital. Most start-up entrepreneurs think about how to find a sponsor - to create a profitable and promising business and, at the same time, minimize the influence of the wealthy investor on the performance of the new company.

The search for financial assistance is also necessary for work in the field of charity - the organization of a sports team, kindergarten, fund or development other not commercial activities. To search for investment capital, you need to apply to a bank or a credit institution, or try to find a person who wants to invest his free capital in a profitable business.

In order to find an investor who will invest in your new business project, you must first prepare detailed business plan- with market analysis, organizational plan, selection of a team of personnel, calculation of technical and economic indicators, risk assessments, etc. Such a document can be prepared independently or with the help of specialists. You can raise money in any kind of business - wholesale or retail, manufacturing, travelling, organizing sports events, opening a catering establishment, a private kindergarten, a beauty salon or a mini-hotel, etc.

When looking for financial assistance, you need to consider the following features:

  • The amount of capital required. The larger the amount seed investment that will need to be attracted, the higher the requirements of a potential sponsor (sponsor team) for a business project in which money will be invested. To create a company in the service sector (travel and tourism, design development or marketing campaigns, accounting, etc.) will require 10-15,000 c.u. For organization trading business costs can vary from 25,000 cu, when starting a production, it may require from 100,000 to several million cu.
  • Availability of collateral. Such an object can be real estate, a vehicle, other assets of the borrower. Most banks and other financial institutions a business development loan is issued only if there is a developed business project and a subject of material support. When issuing a loan for the organization of commercial activities in the provision of services - organizing travel, providing sports services or sponsoring a team of business coaches - the presence of a collateral becomes especially significant.
  • Project profitability. The higher the size of the planned profit, the more interesting the proposed business plan for the sponsor. When calculating the feasibility study of the project, it is necessary to take into account several indicators of the planned profit - optimistic, real and pessimistic.

How to find a sponsor for a business - search activities:

  • Applying to a bank or credit organizations. To financial institution reviewed your application, it is necessary to carry out market analysis activities, as well as develop a business project - according to the template that this particular institution requires.
  • Placing information that you are looking for a wealthy investor in local business associations and entrepreneurs' associations. Very often in such teams there are many people who are looking for where to invest money for profit. To get the help of such investors, you will also need to provide technical economic justification project. There are such business associations in every major city.
  • Attending investment and business forums. Search for information about such events can be done through the Internet or in specialized online forums.
  • Appeal to venture capital companies. Such applications should be submitted only if you want to bring to the market an innovative product that has no analogues on the market. New technologies that you want to bring to market with the help of a venture company must be patented - this way you can prove your authorship and increase the credibility of potential sponsors.
  • If you are thinking about where to find a sponsor, you can also place your ad in business publications (print or electronic) aimed at investors, top managers or business owners.

Benefits of starting a business with borrowed funds

There are a number of advantages to starting a business with borrowed capital:

  • The possibility of organizing a medium or big business. For example, in order to organize industrial enterprise, transport company, retail or entertainment network, you will need help - attracting big capital. Often, an entrepreneur's own funds are sufficient only to organize a company in the service sector (travel agency, advertising agency, legal or accounting services, etc.), and the creation of a manufacturing company or a distribution network will require significant investments.
  • Combining monetary assets, knowledge and connections of team members, which allows to increase the competitiveness of the new company.

How to find a sponsor for a charity project

In order to implement a charity project, you need a sponsor, a wealthy businessman, the owner of a large company or a politician who plans to run for local government in the near future. Such business ideas include various non-profit events - the organization of a teenage football team or other sport; patronage of the kindergarten - collection financial resources to buy clothes, gifts and travel vouchers; organization of free sports clubs and sections; a free consultation center to help the socially vulnerable population, etc.

In order to convince a person to invest in your unprofitable project, you need to think through the arguments and benefits that he will receive from the investment (non-material). These benefits include increased reputation and increased visibility of the company or individual. Often, activities such as supporting charitable projects and helping people allow a company to focus on its social orientation, which, as a result, allows it to attract new customers, partners and, as a result, increase the company's profit and the value of its assets. Participation in charities and sports projects also helps to raise the team spirit of the company.

How to calculate the cost of opening a project

If you need a sponsor to organize a business, the first step is to prepare a business plan - a detailed document describing the essence of the activity, organization activities, production and organizational plan, selection of a team of personnel, business case, etc. For a non-profit event, you also need to draw up a document with a description concepts, basic organizational arrangements, the cost of discovery and development.

When calculating a business plan for commercial activities, you need to provide a future wealthy investor with data such as:

  • primary costs (purchase of premises and equipment, software products, cost of registration legal entity etc.);
  • monthly income and expenses (sales plan, expenses for wages, purchase of raw materials and materials, advertising events, etc.);
  • average profitability (calculated as the arithmetic average for all positions product range or services);
  • payback period of the project.

In order to increase the attractiveness of the proposal for the investor, it is imperative to provide a section with a risk assessment for the project, as well as a development plan this direction(with economic calculations).

Finding investment in a business project for a novice entrepreneur is the most important issue. How to find a sponsor for a business ─ when you have a business idea and you are ready to work, when there are many examples of successful entrepreneurship? In every city there are businessmen who understand a simple truth - money should "work", as a rule, they will be happy to consider an entrepreneur's business project and if there is their benefit, they will give funds to start a business.

An entrepreneur must clearly show what he wants when he opens a business or expands it, show the development prospects to his investor. Let's consider how to choose the right investors in a business, and in what ways you can attract "capital" to a business.

Each entrepreneur, opening his own business, is faced with the issues of its financing. How to find a sponsor for a business that is calculated and requires additional funds, and the easiest way, like a bank loan, is not possible for reasons:

    the size of the investment requires a pledge of property, which is not;

    lack of guarantors in the region of business development;

    no credit history on which the bank could issue a loan.

There is a way out of this situation, it is the search for businessmen who can finance your business project or give money for the development of a working enterprise, but on agreed terms. In addition to a bank loan, there are other types of search for investors, these are:

    Venture financing (risky investment of money) when:

    the investor is ready for profit losses when, for some reason, the entrepreneur’s business “burnt out”, but he asks for a large% of the profit if it goes well;

    this type of investment for long-term prospects, when the expected effect occurs in 5-6 years, and the expected profit is achieved within 10 years;

    An important factor of these investments is that the investor takes control of up to 40% of the shares of a developing enterprise, he is personally interested in business development.

    In search of money for business development, you can contact regional government agencies to receive a grant.

    In Russia, now a business project can be submitted for funding assistance at such sites as:


    business incubator.

    Can't be left unattended in search financial investments in business, this is the help of loan brokers who will help find investments on favorable terms for an entrepreneur, with the condition of alternative lending to their enterprise.

    Independent regional search for wealthy and successful businessmen who are ready to invest in your company. Here it is recommended to attend events related to your business profile held by successful businessmen as promotions.

Regardless of the type of search, an entrepreneur must always remember, when communicating with an investor, that he, giving funds, is waiting for them to make the most effective investment and receive the maximum income from them.

When an independent search is carried out to develop an already operating business, each investor will carefully check the activities of the enterprise, its financial statements, documents for buildings and land, what equipment the entrepreneur owns. The professionalism of the working staff will also be evaluated.

How to get investments from rich businessmen

It is very important to be able to effectively and politely approach wealthy investors for help with funds in business development. Rich people who can help with money, if properly approached, will give a successful development to your business. Consider the two most likely and effective ways, these are:

    Competently create and justify a financial appeal. Creating a list of people you can contact:

    it is important to always have a list of people with whom you have already worked in financial support and they received profit from this interaction as a% of the money invested;

    highlight in the list of financially stable businessmen, through personal contact or by external signs: the presence of an expensive car, own property of an elite class, a large house, other signs;

    possession of information about his readiness for investment, as he is investing in another business. Help the entrepreneur to convince the sponsor of the decision to allocate money for his business;

    you can use Internet resources in the search for sponsors to identify people involved in charity work in your area.

    Proper acquaintance with rich businessmen. Always at a personal meeting at events, the investor will be interested in the money that has already been allocated to you and how you disposed of it, what% are you ready to offer him for a successful investment;

    each person can be convinced in different ways of the correctness of the decision to allocate money for business development, so you need to prepare for the conversation, know strengths the interlocutor, what he focuses on the most;

    when an investor's decision to provide financial assistance occurs on certain conditions that you will need to fulfill, mark this as a mandatory item for yourself, you may have to communicate with this businessman more than once.

    Looking for rich investments (people who own successful business), you need to carry out your own actions using available funds, advertise your company, show its products, and indicate the prospects for its development. With this action, you will quickly achieve:

    understanding by wealthy businessmen of your type of activity;

    organization of booklets and accompanying material will make it possible for the gods to remind people of themselves after visiting your exhibition;

In a personal conversation on the phone, do not rush to immediately talk about your own financial problems, make the conversation casual, talk about the secular affairs of the region. Bring the conversation to a decision financial problem as a necessity for business development to invest in a business a businessman's funds with a good% after the investment and the terms of interest payment reflected in the contract.

Venture investments, its sources

How to find an investor for a business when additional investments are needed for a long time ─ sources of venture financing will help with this, these are:

    Partnership with a venture fund organized by a group of businessmen who invest "capital" in the development of young companies in the long term.

    Independent big company, which itself can be financed from the outside, organizing a financial portfolio for further work.

    Money large corporations in the same fund.

    Venture capital of banks. With the expansion of the range of services for clients, the bank may consider a long-term investment of capital.

    State assistance to business projects with the receipt of dividends in the development of their enterprises, know-how technologies.

In Russia, there is a venture capital investment for business development, for various factors, this:

Positive Factors

Limiting factors

Improving the economic environment for investment.

Lack of organization of stock markets, their power.

High scientific and technological potential, high level of business projects.

There are few classified managers who can navigate scientific developments for risky fundraising.

Reducing the impact of the corruption component, protecting investments at the legislative level.

There is still low consumer demand for high-tech products.

Weak government support for this type of investment.

As an advantage, one can:

    the possibility of attracting money to a risky business project that can give promising profit;

    no collateral obligations;

    fast funding.

Experts consider the disadvantages of this type of investment:

    it is difficult to find a sponsor in Russia for this type of investment;

    mandatory deduction of % of profit;

    constant reporting to the investor;

    return to the investor almost half of the rights of their own business.

At present, in Russia, venture assistance in business development is most developed in Moscow and the region; in other regions, businessmen are organized for this type of investment.

Business project incubator, technology parks

This type of platform answers such a question - where to find a sponsor for business, young entrepreneurs, to implement their ideas at the lowest cost. It is the organization of the technical base based on the resources of a technical higher institution, as well as with the involvement of scientific developments of research groups. Common base technology park helps to quickly introduce an innovative product that has the prospect of industrial development.

In order for an entrepreneur who owns his business idea to receive the necessary assistance from the technopark, he must submit a detailed business plan to the administration. After considering the business idea and making a positive decision on its implementation, a mutual agreement is concluded for the time interval necessary for its implementation. The entrepreneur is provided with the necessary capacities and working space, the contract, if necessary, indicates the services of the technopark, as well as in assisting the entrepreneur with his own staff of class specialists, namely:

    preferential rates for telephone conversations;

    consultations on your business with all necessary specialists: lawyer, accountant, other specialists;

    financial lending for current expenses.

Unlike a technopark, a novice entrepreneur can find a sponsor for his existing business in the project incubator. To join this platform format, you just need to submit the documents necessary for this action. Any owner of a small or medium-sized business can join. Based on the submitted documents, the regional administration conducts a selection for participation in this platform format.

The business incubator in Russia is under the auspices of state structures, in places where production sites. Before submitting documents, you need to understand that basically this format provides only preferential terms for renting production space, as well as providing qualified advice from specialists: a lawyer, an accountant. The search for an investor is provided for a separate fee. The contract has a limited time interval, after its expiration, the benefits end.

Getting a grant

It is difficult for a novice entrepreneur to find a sponsor to start a business, but after analyzing the market, you can apply to the regional administration for a grant. This type of investment in business is characterized by its irrevocable, as the investor is the state. How to get a grant for business development can be in the material - "".

The grant is not given to solve business problems, it is given to solve regional problems that are of interest to the regional administration acting as a sponsor on behalf of the state. Your project should solve social problems.

Depending on the importance of the project, the most needed grant will be awarded on the basis of a competition. When your business is aimed at solving at least one regional problem: waste recycling, increasing the food basket and other areas, you can safely apply for participation in the competition.

The number of regional grants is limited by the federal program for the development of the region. Now the issue is being resolved in the government to increase regional quotas.

How to use crowdfunding to get investments

Translated from English, this term, crowdfunding ─ financing by the people, the crowd. To use this type of investment in your own project, you must register on certain Internet resources. In the Russian Federation, you can use such sites as:


After registering on the selected resource, you must correctly place information about your own project on the site. This is done to attract sponsors. Information about the business is presented in the form of a text description and video material. Looks like you're advertising own business in order to find investors.

It is possible to organize on these sites a collection of money to open a business, with practical proposals, for people who have actually made investments in it, in the form of shares and their further participation in the development of the business.

This method is free of charge, which makes it possible to find sponsors for any direction of the entrepreneur's activity. Minimal amount required documents to receive investments.

Bank loan

How to find a sponsor for business in Russia, when there is an excellent business plan - experts recommend that you immediately contact a bank that will become an investor for you. It should be noted right away that the procedure for obtaining a loan from a bank is a troublesome event. We have already discussed how to get a business loan in the article - "".

Banks are willing to lend to an existing business that is stable, and rarely gives money to start a business, and if they approve lending, then the interest rate will be high (banking risks).

Very often, a novice entrepreneur draws up a consumer loan for himself to open a business, when the business is not yet stable, he will have to face interest payments on a monthly basis. It must be understood that the loan will have to be repaid even if the business "did not go."

Experts recommend always in the search for investments to start from the idea that the sponsor always wants to get his own benefit from his investments. For this reason, a developed business can always help a novice entrepreneur: advice, organization of production, experience.

When the sponsor is ready to invest own funds into your business, check whether all the clauses of the contract are observed and specified, is everything agreed? You must be prepared that the conditions for providing money will not always fully suit you, you need to calculate everything again. Experts recommend not to give a share in the business to the investor, but to pay him% of the profit. The investor always has the last word, remember this!

How to make a presentation

Properly showing your own business to a potential sponsor is half the success of getting the expected investment. Your presentation should focus on the following aspects of your business:

    the idea of ​​development prospects and stages of business improvement;

    what do you want to do in the near and long term;

    what are your own opportunities for realizing your ambitions in business;

    what will the investor get from his investment.

It is necessary to use the basic rule of presentation, this is when in 20 minutes you need to show the sponsor material about your business and leave half the time for his questions. It is necessary to prepare for the presentation and conversation with the sponsor to show oratorical abilities, the main thing is to show oneself in a short time and leave time for the future investor to give full answers.

What mistakes are undesirable

An equal relationship between an investor and an entrepreneur is an ideal collaboration, but this does not happen often in the realities of business. Basically, the advantage is always on the side of the sponsor, but what factors hinder in obtaining investments are:

    when the business plan was drawn up, the funds of investments for the development of the sponsor's business, his requirements were not taken into account;

    if the presentation provides for different financing of the business, the sponsor may understand your uncertainty and not give investments;

    Sponsor... An image of a man in an expensive suit appears in his mind, who is sitting at a large table smoking a cigar and assessing you with his eyes, leaning back on the back of a leather chair. In the imagination, a person appears on whom your well-being and future in the business world depends.

    Question: Is it so?

    Answer: Not always!

    A sponsor is a person who has what you need and from whom you intend to get what you need. And it doesn't have to be the person described above...

    For most people, this image is associated with money. But after all, anything can be the subject of sponsorship ... even information.

    Anyone can act as your sponsor and in absolutely any sphere of your life and activity. Your parents, teachers, friends, relatives, colleagues (and kids) - Everyone shares information (and possibly something else) with you

    In the information age, information becomes a commodity ... has its own life cycle, your customers, your supply and demand...

    (For reference:

    In the agrarian age, in order to achieve financial well-being, one had to own land;
    In the industrial age, in order to achieve financial independence, it was necessary to build production;
    In the information age - financial independence goes hand in hand with information ... and this is logical. Truth?)

    Find a sponsor

    "He who seeks will find." Popular wisdom says.

    For example. When I came across network marketing, and when I began to understand its system, I saw a very interesting opportunity ... The opportunity to learn ... And learn from people who already have something to brag about in their lives. I also found that these people can easily give me the information that can help me in business, and very often in life ...

    An MLM sponsor (more precisely, an information sponsor) is a person who has information that will help you move up the career ladder in network marketing. For me personally, my sponsor is a mentor not only in mlm, but also in other types of business and in life. If I feel in doubt or I am faced with a difficult choice, I always seek the opinion of my mentor. We have been working together for 2 years already and this person can really be called a Friend with a capital “D”.

    Whether you listen to your sponsor or not is up to you. But I know one truth: your sponsor is both morally and financially interested in the development of your business. But don't relax! The attention of the sponsor also needs to be earned... Sponsors for business (those who help you in business) are busy people and do not waste time in vain. If they see your passivity, they will simply switch their attention to other, more promising people.

    Become a sponsor in mlm

    Ready to become a sponsor for those who want to learn, grow and develop. For those who know that "work" is not the limit of human capabilities, who believe in a better future for themselves and their loved ones.

    The Theory of Success says that in order to receive, you must first give. I am ready to share my knowledge and skills only with those who really want it. Are you afraid to start changing something in your life? Test your strength... Make one phone call to me and you will see what you are capable of...

    And finally: Look for “quality sponsors” in life. Look for, and most importantly, choose the right people with whom to communicate! It has long been proven that your success is 10% dependent on your skills and knowledge, 40% on your thoughts, and 50% on your environment. Don't drag yourself into the abyss. You, as a sane person, can choose with whom and how to spend your time.

    “Tell me WHO your friend is and I will tell you who YOU ​​are” – remember this……. I wish you success!

    The request “we are looking for sponsors” is relevant for any beginner and growing business. Modern technologies made available many convenient options for attracting investment in the company, but at the same time increased competition. Everyone is looking for sponsors, but only a small part of startups manage to really attract investors. We tell you how to get sponsors interested in your project and build productive relationships with them.

    Where to find a business sponsor

    Finding a sponsor to start a business is a very difficult task. It is difficult to convince someone to invest in a project that is just starting up: it is not known whether the investment will pay off. No one wants to suffer losses, even those who, in the opinion of others, can afford it. The market is full of ambitious young entrepreneurs, confident that it is their company that will “shoot” and make them rich after a few months of work.

    In reality, everything is much more complicated. Most of the new projects are closed, and the vast majority of those who have survived receive not at all the income that they originally expected. Potential sponsors understand this well and are in no hurry to share money with every first one.

    To overcome this situation, a novice entrepreneur must work simultaneously with several channels of raising funds, as well as be able to present his business, differ from others in a favorable way. Consider the main types of sponsors and ways to find investments for a startup.

    Any novice businessman dreams of finding a sponsor, but only a few succeed

    Invite relatives or friends

    The easiest way to find a business sponsor is to reach out to family and friends. The advantage of the method is that you will be greeted warmly and praised for your desire to create your own business and will most likely help. Minus - the help will be very modest, unless, of course, among your relatives there is no oligarch.

    You should not count on the help of relatives, although there are examples when parents helped children start a business: they bought equipment, gave start-up capital, and used connections. This channel is very personal and not available to everyone. Practice shows that most startups are launched without relatives, through other means of attracting investors.

    Other entrepreneurs

    If a business needs a sponsor, it can contact a working entrepreneur and arrange support with him. This is a rather risky and not promising business: entrepreneurs earn money on their own in a competitive environment and are not ready to share it just like that.

    But there is still an opportunity to attract investors in this way: you need to interest them and promise benefits. Moreover, to promise not in words, but to show plans and calculations. This will be a more productive communication, beneficial to both parties. If relatives are sometimes ready to give money free of charge, then the entrepreneur needs to explain how and when the investments will be returned to him.

    How to start a dialogue? Most The best way- send directly to a businessman/company via email:

    • a letter of request;
    • presentation of the project with calculations and payback periods;
    • Contact details;
    • other important information that can stimulate a positive decision.

    Bank participation

    Banks give loans to start-ups and existing entrepreneurs at a better interest rate than individuals. But to get such a loan, you need to prepare:

    • business presentation;
    • an accurate estimate justifying the amount of the loan.

    Entrepreneurial loans are given only to registered businessmen (IP or LLC, each lender has its own conditions). Therefore, it will not work to attract money in this way before the certificate is issued. The bank, of course, cannot be considered a sponsor, since all funds received from it will have to be returned with interest. But it is reliable and guarantees the receipt of funds.

    For the best result, it is better to use several ways to find investors

    Venture funds

    Venture capital funds engage in "risky" investing. That is, they invest in such projects, the payback of which is in question. Usually it is a business in the field of high technologies and innovations. Venture funds do not cooperate with companies that duplicate services and products already on the market.

    Investors in venture funds are ready to invest in projects that promise them high profits after the sale of shares and securities. They are not interested in the work and competitiveness of the company, more precisely, they are interested in them only within the limits of increasing the value of shares.

    Venture capital funds have a lot of money that they are willing to invest in potentially successful projects. But from an entrepreneur looking for sponsorship, a strong presentation and accurate calculations are required. Insufficiently accurate business plan, errors in calculations, inflated profits - all this is quickly calculated by venture investors and they refuse to sponsor.

    Governmental support

    But entrepreneurs and companies whose sphere is connected with the solution of social and economic problems of the population are entitled to count on state support. For example, agricultural producers, builders, pharmaceutical and medical institutions.

    Government support is usually in the form of loans and tax incentives. Loans are issued through state-owned banks, where you will have to provide a set of documents for applying for a loan.

    Recipients of state support are often subject to special requirements: a certain age, place of residence, etc. Keep in mind that support is not only state, but regional and municipal. Up-to-date information information about programs can be found on the websites of the authorities.

    It is perfectly acceptable to write to the local or regional administration on your own: tell about your business, its social significance, the benefits for the region and the amount of assistance needed. In this way, you can gain support, attract attention, or at least learn about existing programs.

    Private investors

    Attracting private investors is similar to finding sponsors among entrepreneurs: they need to be interested. If entrepreneurs are interested in profit, then private investors can count not only on money, but, for example, on increasing fame, positive influence on reputation. This may be useful to them in a political or other career.

    The initiative, of course, comes from the entrepreneur seeking funds. You should not expect that one of the private investors will become interested in the project and offer money himself. It is much more promising to offer yourself, present the project and its benefits.

    Sponsors support only those projects in which they see prospects and benefits

    Business incubators

    Under the funny name "business incubator" there are organizations that help young entrepreneurs start their own business. The amount of assistance is always different: from consultations and a little advertising to the selection of premises on preferential terms and cash loans. The purpose of such incubators is to help create a profitable company that will compete in the market.

    it a good option for start-up entrepreneurs without work experience: the incubator is really able to give them a lot. The parties conclude an agreement, where they prescribe the terms of cooperation. It is important to understand that a business incubator helps for a reason: like all investors, it plans to benefit for itself. This may be the payment of a fixed amount after a certain period of time, deferred payment of rent, and so on. All conditions must be contained in the contract, that is, the entrepreneur understands before the conclusion of the transaction how he will pay for the assistance.

    What is required to enter the incubator? Usually this is an application, a small package of documents and a business plan (sometimes they help with its development). Before concluding a contract, you should study the website of the business incubator, find out what projects it has already implemented and, if possible, talk to the “graduates”. This can approach the transaction more thoughtfully and not run into scammers.

    Search for a sponsor on the Internet

    How to find a sponsor for a project online? There are two effective ways:

    1. Specialized sites for finding sponsors for business.
    2. Promotion of your own website and pages in social networks.

    There are a lot of sites for finding sponsors, as well as those who want to get money for their business. To start the search, you need to register on several sites, upload a presentation and a business plan of your project there. Visit the site regularly so as not to miss the feedback and answer potential investors.

    Another option for finding money for a business via the Internet is associated with your own website and social networks. The site is business card companies. It is difficult to imagine a modern entrepreneur without a website. The better it is, the higher the probability of attracting customers and sponsors.

    For the second you need to do special section "Investors", where to tell what kind of help you are counting on (this is not always money, it can be equipment, land, real estate, a car and even advertising) and why it is profitable to cooperate with you. It is necessary to provide several forms of sending funds, as well as feedback.

    To find a sponsor, you need to be able to present the project well

    How to build relationships between sponsor and sponsored

    Suppose a novice businessman managed to find an investor who is ready to invest in his project. How to build a relationship with him, so as not to "scare"? Good relationships are based on several principles:

    1. Mutual benefit. If an investor does not understand what he will get from cooperation, he will refuse to give money. The business plan should clearly state its benefits.
    2. Honesty. Inflated expected profits, hidden costs and other circumstances that can affect the payback of a business repel investors. Even if at the beginning of cooperation they can be hidden, then they will appear and spoil forever business reputation startup.
    3. openness. The investor will be calmer if he gets access to the company's reporting documents, and the entire history of the project is transparent.

    How to Negotiate

    Negotiations to conclude a deal to help the investor are almost always initiated by the entrepreneur. How should he negotiate to attract a sponsor? First, you need to speak in the "language of benefit": focus the attention of a potential sponsor on what he will receive after investing. It is good if the business already has the first successes. Projects that exist only on paper inspire confidence in few people.

    Secondly, speak confidently, competently, measuredly, demonstrating knowledge of your project and market realities. There is no need to "dump" a lot of information on the interlocutor, he will get confused and forget it. It is important to create a favorable impression, to show oneself as a person who owns information and knows how to communicate.

    Third, ask for a little. It is better to find several investors and take a small amount from each than to ask a lot of money from one. A large loan increases the risks for the sponsor, which he will not like. Fourth, imagine yourself in the place of an investor. This simple technique will allow you to choose the most convincing arguments and even anticipate the response.

    Project presentation requires a lot of preliminary work

    What questions to ask

    In negotiations, questions are mainly asked by the investor, and the startupper answers by talking about his project. But it's okay to ask a few questions that will put you and your business in a better light. For example, it is appropriate to ask what exactly the investor expects from cooperation with you and in what terms he expects to return the investment. This will help to better think over the development strategy and demonstrate to investors your balanced approach.

    Correct self-presentation

    Investors often encounter applicants who present themselves as "the best" and "the only ones in the market." AT modern conditions this is ridiculous, and projects with such theses fly into the wastebasket. Do not try to look more experienced and weightier than you really are.

    A good presentation is all about demonstrating your true strengths, coupled with a willingness to acknowledge weaknesses and identify ways to address them. A novice businessman can say: “I am a good confectioner with 5 years of experience. I understand how the kitchen works and what customers are interested in. I didn't drive Accounting and I don’t know what taxation to choose, so now I’m looking for a reliable accountant.”

    No-nonsense self-confidence, professionalism, and a businesslike approach work better than big statements.

    Presentation of a business project

    You need to prepare well for the presentation of the project. The presentation can only take place verbally or in multimedia format. The second is preferable. Graphs, calculations, photographs and videos add visibility, that is, they give investors a more accurate idea of ​​the project.

    The presentation is conditionally divided into two parts:

    • the speech of the author of the project (the presentation itself);
    • answers on questions.

    The second part is much more difficult: not all questions can be foreseen. Therefore, a good startup presents the project himself. He knows him "from and to" and can answer any questions. On average, the part before the questions should take 7-10 minutes, with 7 being preferable to 10. How long the part with answers to the questions will last cannot be said. The pattern is as follows: the more the project is interested, the more questions there will be.

    Sponsors say "yes" to projects with a high-quality presentation and great potential

    When can you lose a sponsor?

    The most common reason for a sponsor to refuse to cooperate is dishonest terms declared by the entrepreneur, or incorrect profit calculations. If the sponsor finds out that the startup has withheld important information from him, he will stop cooperation and take the money. This is a big blow to reputation and should not be allowed to happen.

    The sponsor will leave if the project does not bring the promised benefits. It is important to understand that the search for a sponsor and an agreement with him is only the beginning of the work. After attracting money to the project, you will have to work harder: to justify the trust and create benefits for yourself and the investor.


    The question of finding a sponsor and raising money for a project concerns any budding entrepreneur. Someone starts a business with the money of their parents, and someone proves the profitability of the project to venture investors, while others connect to government programs. There are no clear recommendations. It is useful not to focus on one source, but to raise funds through several channels. It is important to present the project honestly and not deceive potential sponsors with inflated profits.

    Young companies and entrepreneurs every day offer more and more interesting projects, many of which are quite promising. The main problem faced by novice businessmen is the lack of funds for implementation. One way to get financial assistance for business development - find a sponsor. How to do it?

    The main goals of sponsorship relationships

    It is clear that for a businessman main goal This cooperation is to receive start-up capital for business development. And what makes the sponsor to engage in such charity?

    Not everyone knows that along with starting capital the entrepreneur receives certain obligations, which, of course, he must fulfill. In most cases, sponsoring companies expect a return, usually in the form of a percentage of the profits. In the case of an existing business, the sponsor may ask for a portion of the shares in exchange for funds. That is why they are so selective in choosing a business project.

    Where to look for investors?

    The sponsor can be either an individual or a company. The first problem that newcomers face is the lack of information about who can be an investor and where to find a sponsor for a business. One of the common ways is to seek help from organizations that are looking for investors for small and medium-sized businesses at a professional level. These are investment funds, technology parks or business incubators.

    Today, various business events dedicated to certain industries are constantly held. It can be exhibitions, lectures or seminars. This is where potential investors often gather.

    It is easy to find many sites on the Internet and social networks business topics. There you can introduce your commercial offers to the audience, select a sponsor or, conversely, offer sponsorship services, as well as find business partners. For joint work you need to choose from the entire list of investors exactly those who are engaged in a specific profile, and thoroughly study the portfolio of each.

    It happens that sponsorship for the opening or development of a business is provided by relatives or acquaintances. But in most cases it is possible if we are talking about a small amount.

    What is required to receive sponsorship?

    It is clear that one desire in order to receive funds is not enough. If you need a sponsor for a business, it must be interested. That is why a competent business plan is important, in which a potential sponsor can see not only the idea, but numbers, as well as development prospects.

    As a rule, sponsors are already successful entrepreneurs who are good at business. Therefore, the prospects should not be sky-high. Nessesary to use real numbers for the budget and financial plan. To have a clear understanding of this issue, you can study the work of several similar enterprises or seek the help of a professional economist.

    A business plan is half the battle. Now it is necessary that the potential sponsor agrees to take a look at it. For this, it is necessary to compose offer that might be of interest. A concise letter should reflect the main points of the business plan. Well, if it takes up no more than one sheet of printed text.

    An investor is not always looked for to open a new company. How to find a sponsor for a business if support is needed to develop or expand already existing enterprise? Here you need to focus on all the strengths of the company.

    • The successes that the company has achieved over the period of its existence;
    • place in the market;
    • established brand;
    • customer base and customer reviews;
    • visual prospects: graphs of profit growth, sales growth, successful deals and the number of customers.

    Technology has advanced so much that most of the actions can be carried out via the Internet. But it is still better to meet with a potential sponsor in person. Before the meeting, it is necessary to prepare a competent and interesting presentation. It is better for business owners to take with them all the documents proving that this is exactly the business in which it is worth investing. It is from a personal meeting that the outcome of the whole process often depends.