How beautiful Vasilisa went to school. Graduation party "how Vasilisa went to school." French music soundtrack

  • 20.05.2020

Solemn music sounds, children enter the hall in pairs and line up in a semicircle, the Waltz plays. (Strauss I. "Voices of Spring")

Presenter: Today, guys, we congratulate you!

You go to school to learn, to make friends.

We wish you all success, good health and Kindergarten

never forget!

The hall today does not accommodate all the guests!

Today, the kindergarten escorts her children to school!

Presenter: You were kids yesterday, and now it's time for you to go to school.

You got stronger and matured - when did you manage to grow up?

Children (chorus): We ourselves are surprised, maybe something is wrong with the clock?

(in order)

  1. We will only come to the kindergarten - and we will not recognize ourselves!

For some reason, for some reason, we are growing very fast!

  1. As if we, like trees, are watered endlessly,

As if a miracle vitamins all day in the garden we eat!

What is the secret here?

(in chorus): There is no secret at all!

(in order)

  1. Approach the cat with affection - it will grow up a little.

And from a kind word, the sheep will also become brave.

We know that kind words tame even a lion!

  1. There is such a power in words from which we grow,

We stretch like maples to the sun higher, higher every day!

  1. Let the faces of adults and children shine with smiles,

Let the time of polite people come everywhere!

  1. "Good afternoon, thank you, hello!" - we talk to each other

Thank you for the kindergarten education lessons!

  1. We will never forget our preschool island,

Our kindergarten is cozy, kindergarten our native.

Song "Kindergarten"

Leading: Kindergarten, you give us a miracle!

Children(in chorus): Kindergarten, boil the doors to a fairy tale!

(in order)

  1. Fairy tales, fairy tales, wonder fair, magical world, colorful forest.

The wings of fairy tales rustle quietly, which means that they are flying to visit us!

  1. There are many fairy tales in the world, kind and funny,

And we can't live without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good always triumph over evil!

The music "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds. The Storyteller comes out.


Oh, you guests - gentlemen, welcome here!

Eat gingerbread, listen to a fairy tale!

Like a father - a king's daughter - a bright dawn, (exit Vasilisa)

Vasilisushka - beauty, golden braid.

In a bright chamber she sits alone all day,

He reads the alphabet, counts the nightingales.

(phonogram of nightingale trills)

Vasilisa: As nightingales sing, they call me for a walk,

I would wear wings and fly away on a branch.

(Vasilisa's girlfriends come out)

Girlfriend: Vasilisushka-beauty, come out for half an hour.

We will go to the green garden, we will start round dances.

Vasilisa: You, girlfriends, do not shout, do not wake up the father!

He sleeps lightly at an early hour, wait .... I am now.

Round dance "Oh you canopy" (Russian folk song)

Tsar: This is what else is - the daughter ran away from the chambers!

I searched the whole palace, I ran to the porches,

I see my daughter is walking, starting round dances!

Vasilisa: Bored, father, I became, I ran to my friends,

I'm already big - enough with the nannies to sit!

Tsar: Oh, you really are big, but what a beauty!

Everything is in place - mind and become, it's time to marry!

Vasilisa: Oh, don't give me away, tsar-father, don't give me away! (crying)

Tsar: Don't cry, Vasilisa! I will write you an excellent groom,

rich, foreign!

Vasilisa: I do not need suitors abroad ....

Tsar: I can't listen to you, stop crying, dear daughter!

Tears to the girls to the detriment, are you the king's daughter, or not?

Vasilisa: Royal!

Tsar: Must think about the throne - this is your share!

(Soundtrack "Stardust" music from the movie "Stardust".)

Storyteller: The message flies in all directions: the royal messengers are coming,

They invite kings, princes, shahs and kings.

The roosters crowed - the suitors are coming, the grooms are coming!

Storyteller: The gypsy baron has arrived!

(the baron and two girls of the senior group enter - gypsies "Gypsy with an exit")

Baron: Let me give you beads, beauty,

And to invite you to our gypsy camp with the king!

Pomegranates, oranges you will eat there,

I beg you Vasilisa, do me the honor! (gives beads and fruits)

And you, beautiful gypsies, dance for a Russian woman!

(Gypsy dance from the repertoire of the vocal ensemble "Romale")

Baron: You, beauty, are beautiful! Agree to be queen.

Vasilisa:(closes his eyes, spreads his arms to the sides and gradually connects his index fingers). Yes or no, yes and no... no!

Baron: Why not?

Vasilisa: Because I don't like oranges and pomegranates,

I value our Russian potatoes the most!

(The baron and the gypsies leave. Soundtrack)

Storyteller: The Persian prince arrived with oriental beauties.

(Oriental music)

Prince: Oh, ruby ​​of my heart, oh beautiful Vasilis!

Wink me with your right eye - I will fulfill your whim!

Do you want pearls and corals, do you want pearls and brocade?

Wink me with your left eye - I'll make you gold!

Vasilisa blinks her right eye, then her left eye, hiding her face behind a scarf. The prince gives her a jewelry box and claps his hands three times. "Oriental dance" - girls of the senior group. "AmgoPiabhabibi" Arab.

Prince: Oh, Vasilisa, you are beautiful, do you agree to go to Persia?

Vasilisa: Groom, of course, you are rich,

But I don't need your gold!

Brocade is not good for me either -

I got used to dressing up in a calico!

(Prince bows and leaves)

Tsar: Look, what a character, scattered suitors!

What am I to do with you, you picky one?

Vasilisa: Oh, I don’t know, father-king!

(The king is sad, Vasilisa in good mood walks around the hall to the phonogram “Song of the Princess of Fun”) verse and chorus music by M. Dunayevsky word

Y. Entina)

Storyteller: The king does not eat, does not drink, a spoon does not go into his mouth ....

Suddenly, Babki-Yozhki galloped up to the Russian accordion.

(Chatushki Babok-Yozhek - girls of the first grade)

Grandmothers-Hedgehogs: I'll fly to the first class, I'll get a five there

I'm a cool granny, that's clear!

Don't follow me, Kashchei, I don't need you at all!

I'm not the same now - I'm very busy at school!

Serpent Gorynych, don't call, don't beckon me to visit -

I don't go anywhere, I'm sitting on the lessons!

I don’t lie on the stove, I don’t bake kalachi,

There is no time to drink tea, you have to learn the alphabet!

(Whirl and fall to the floor.)

Storyteller: Oh yes, grandmothers-first-graders!

You did not fly in vain, you made the king laugh!

Grandmothers-Hedgehogs: Why don't we have fun, because now we are students!

There are no smarter people in the world, we can give any answer!

Storyteller: Well, since you are so smart, advise the king what to do with Vasilisa. She stopped listening to him, drove all overseas guests away!

Grandmothers-Hedgehogs: Tsar-father, you give your daughter for the first person you meet!

Whoever enters the door first, let him go!

(Vanya enters to the song “Vanya the stove-maker” - verse and chorus music by M. Dunaevsky, words by Y. Entin)

Vania: I fix stoves, clean pipes!

I do not praise myself, I love my work!

Storyteller: Oh, look, Vanya - the stove-maker has come!

Grandmothers-Hedgehogs: Here is your betrothed - mummers, smeared with soot!

Vasilisa: Hello Vanechka! Can I wipe your nose with a handkerchief?

Vanya, will you go to school with me?

Vania: I'll go!

Tsar: I let you go, children, go to first grade!

Presenter: From year to year, 5 years in a row, you came to kindergarten,

Cheerful, satisfied, but those days have passed, today you are graduates,

And tomorrow - all of you schoolchildren!

The song "Teach at school"

Storyteller: Isn't it too early, tsar, to let you go to school? Are they ready to learn? Let's check them, and at the same time all our graduates!


  • The letters are all from "A" to "Z" on the pages .... (primer);
  • Every student should take with him to school .... (diary);
  • To write with pens, we will prepare ... .. (notebook);
  • Who will color our album? Well, of course ... .. (pencil);
  • So that suddenly it does not disappear, we will remove it in ... .. (pencil case);

Well done boys! Now let's check how you can count!

  • Not in a swamp, but in a tub, there were 2 frogs.

If there are 5 tubs, how many frogs will they contain?

  • May beetles lived in a clearing near the river:

Daughter, son, father and mother. Who managed to count them?

  • The hedgehog gave 8 brand new boots to the hedgehogs.

The hedgehogs squeal with delight. How much did dad eat?

  • In the clearing near the oak tree, the mole saw 2 fungi.

Well, who is ready to say how many mushrooms the mole found?

The game "Collect a portfolio."

Storyteller: Well done, all the children are well prepared for school. Vanya and Vasilisa also coped with the tasks. It's time for us to finish the fairy tale and say goodbye to the heroes.

Heroes leaving

Presenter: Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's say thank you to all kindergarten workers. After all, all these years they have given you their affection, warmth and kindness.

(Children stand in a semicircle)

Child 1: Today is a bright and sad day.

We say goodbye now to kindergarten.

The school opens its doors to us.

Farewell, our kindergarten, no need to be sad.

Child 2: Here other children will come,

To leave again when the time is right.

And you, our garden, will still live

And sow the seed of kindness and knowledge.

Child 3: Thank you we are talking today

To all those who have taken care of us.

First, their educators

Your work is not easy, but necessary.

Song "Educator"

Child 4: Tell me who is always, everywhere

Care about cleanliness?

Thank you dear nannies

For affection and attention.

Child 5: Thanks to all our chefs

For delicious soups and cereals!

Child 6: Thanks to our nurse

What do you think about the kids

He heals us and gives us medicine,

And takes the temperature.

Child 7: All employees and children

Every day needs care

At the head of our

A very difficult job.

We thank her

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

The song "Our favorite, kindergarten"

Child 1: Farewell ball, farewell ball!

You have gathered children and adults!

He is for us, he has become a good fairy tale for us now!

Child 2: Soon all our children will enter the 1st grade!

Let me dance the preschool waltz goodbye!

Dance "Preschool Waltz"

Presenter 1:

The ball is over and the candles are burning out,

From the eyes of an involuntary tear.

After all, tomorrow morning we will not meet

You on the court as always!

And our group will be empty

Toys are loaded by the window.

We know children grow up

We know it's time for them.

And now it's time to say goodbye

We are speaking:

Bon Voyage!!!

Presentation of diplomas and gifts to graduates (to the tune of the song "First Grader")

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1 Scenario graduation party for children preparatory group 2014 "How Vasilisa went to school" Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the traditions, culture of celebrating prom in kindergarten and getting to know the upcoming learning activities at school, through the use of concepts and images close to children, using familiar figurative literary material (fairy tale), enrich musical impressions with the direct participation of children in different types musical activities: singing, musical and rhythmic movement (dances, outdoor games), creativity (theatricalization, skits), cognitive games Integration of areas: “Artistic and aesthetic”, “Cognitive”, “Physical development”, “Social and communicative”. Characters: Children: Prince of Spain and 3 Spaniards, Prince of England and gentlemen, Vasilisa and the Tsar Father, Vasilisa's girlfriends; Adults: two Babka-Hedgehogs To the cheerful music, preschoolers enter the hall in pairs and line up in a semicircle. On the projector, the slide is the initial presenter. We invite everyone to a holiday, Kind, bright, mischievous, A sad and cheerful holiday ... Children (in chorus). Our Preschool Graduation! 1. It's very sad to leave, but it's time to say goodbye

2 With group, puppets, gazebo, Bedroom, slide and bench. 2. This is your holiday and my first children's graduation. And now in a cozy hall we congratulate all friends. 3. Lilac blossoms, the sun shines, And the rays shine in the window. The winter has passed, the blizzards have passed, We have imperceptibly matured. 4. We are starting a magical holiday, Let it surprise everyone today. We're leaving for school by train, Let the music sound louder for us! Children stand in pairs in a circle, move in a circle to the sound of a beep, then line up in a semicircle, sing the song “School Train” (music by E. Nikitina). Landing. Leading. You were kids yesterday, And now it's time for you to go to school. You got stronger and matured - When did you manage to grow up?

3 Children (in chorus). We ourselves are surprised, Maybe there is something with the clock? (In turn.) 1. Only we will come to the kindergarten - And we don’t recognize ourselves, For some reason, for some reason, we are growing very quickly. 2. As if we, like trees, are watered endlessly, As if we eat miracle vitamins all day in the garden. What is the secret here? (Chorus) And there is no secret at all! (In turn) Slides are shown on the projector - photofania with the participation of children under preparation. groups. 1. Approach the cat with affection - it will grow up a little. 2. And from a kind word, the lamb will also become brave. 3. We know that kind words tame even a lion. 4. There is such a force in words from which we grow, We stretch like maples to the sun higher, higher every day. 5. Let the faces of adults and children shine with smiles, Let the time of polite people come everywhere. 6. "Good afternoon, thank you, hello!" - we say to each other, Thank you for the kindergarten lessons! We will never forget our preschool island, Kindergarten our cozy, warm, bright teremok!

4 They perform the song “Kindergarten” (gr Dolphin / Then they go along the chain to their places and sit down. Vasilisa is hiding behind a theatrical screen, decorated as a tower and located at the side wall of the hall. Leading (to background music). Teremok, teremok, you are to us Give me a miracle. Teremok, teremok, open the door to a fairy tale! Oh, you, gentlemen, welcome here. Eat gingerbread, listen to a fairy tale! sits alone all day, reads the ABC, Soloviev counts. A lyrical Russian folk melody sounds, accompanied by nightingale trills. Vasilisa. As the nightingales sing, they call me for a walk, I would put on wings and fly away on a branch. (Goes into the middle of the hall) Vasilisa's friends Podruzhka come out (senior gr.). Vasilisa-beauty, come out for half an hour. We'll go to the green garden, start round dances. Vasilisa. You, girlfriends, don't shout, don't wake up the father. He is fast asleep at an early hour, Wait ... I'm now. under the rn melody "Tree nskaya", start a round dance around Vasilisa

5 (number of the senior group "There was a birch in the field"). One girlfriend shouts: Boys, come out, knead your bones, beautiful girls invite you to visit! The boys come out (4 preparatory groups), perform the number “In the forge” on spoons. Suddenly the king comes out, the girlfriends bow and leave. Tsar. This is what else is - Daughter ran away from the chambers! I searched the whole palace, I ran to the porch, I see my daughter walking, starting round dances. Vasilisa. Bored, father, I became, I ran to my girlfriends, I'm already big, after all - stop sitting with the nannies. Tsar. Oh, you really are big, but what a beauty! Everything is in place - the mind and become, it's time to marry. Vasilisa. Oh, don't give me away, tsar-father, don't give me away! (Cries.) King. Don't cry, Vasilisa! I will write you an excellent, rich, foreign fiancé! Vasilisa. I don't need suitors abroad... King. I can't listen to you

6 Stop crying, sweet daughter. Tears to the girls to the detriment, Tsar's daughter, are you or not? Vasilisa. Royal! Tsar. Must think about the throne - This is your share. Vasilisa performs a movement composition to "The Song of the Princess of Fun" (music by M. Dunaevsky, lyrics by Y. Entin) from the cartoon "Flying Ship". The phonogram "Stardust" by J. Last sounds. Leading. The message flies in all directions: The royal messengers are coming, Inviting kings, Princes, shahs and kings. The roosters crowed - The suitors are coming, the grooms are coming! Leading. The Spanish prince arrived with his retinue. The Spanish prince enters, surrounded by three girls. Spanish prince. Allow me, senorita, to give you a fan, Invite you to Spain to rest with the king. Pomegranates, oranges you will eat there,

7 Please, Vasilisa, do me the honor. (Gives fruit.) And you, beautiful Spaniards, dance for a Russian woman! 3-4 girls perform a Spanish dance to the music of M. Talking Spanish prince: Oh, senorita, you are beautiful! Would you like to be queen? Vasilisa (closes her eyes, spreads her arms to the sides and gradually brings her index fingers together). Yes or no, yes and no... no! Spanish prince. Why not? Vasilisa. Because I don't like oranges and pomegranates, I value our Russian potatoes above all else! Spaniards are perplexed, chuckle at Vasilisa. The prince bows and leaves with his retinue. Leading. The Prince of England arrived wearing a hat under an umbrella against heavy drops. Prince of England Vasilisa. Oh, fairy fairy, I'm numb with happiness. I don't know what to say to you, let me hug you tightly. (He hugs Vasilisa tightly. She yells) Life in England is not easy, and all our umbrellas are patched. We do not lose heart in the fog and in the rain And we imagine ourselves as gentlemen!

8 The prince and retinue (boys) perform a dance in hats - "Charleston" Prince of England Oh, Vasilisa, you are beautiful, Do you agree to become a queen? Vasilisa (guessing). Yes or no, yes or no? Not! Prince of England. Why not? Vasilisa. Because you can't even see your gentlemen with glasses! And I don't want to sew up their caps at all. (Prince leaves.) King. Look what character, scattered suitors! What am I to do with you, you picky one? Vasilisa. Oh, I don’t know, father-king! The king is sad, refuses to dine. Leading. The Tsar does not eat or drink, a spoon does not go into his mouth ... Suddenly, Babki-Yozhki galloped up to the Russian accordion. (Adults) run out in costumes of grandmothers-hedgehogs: on their heads, like Solokha’s, and on their belts, with panicles in their hands. Grandmothers-hedgehogs (in turn): Hello, girlfriends! Hello doves! Don't want to eat pickled cucumber! Or maybe serve you a roast? Graduation is such a thing! Turn on the illumination in your honor!

9 Let's start a super-mega-operation! They sing ditties to the music of M. Dunaevsky from the cartoon The Flying Ship. Grandmothers-Yozhki (in turn). 1. I'll fly to the first class, I'll get a five there. I'm a cool granny, this is a clear matter. 2. Don't follow me, Kashchei, I don't need you at all! I'm not the same now - I'm very busy at school. 3. Serpent Gorynych, don't call, don't beckon me to visit. I don't go anywhere, I'm sitting on my lessons. 4. I don’t lie on the stove, I don’t bake kalachi, I have no time to drink tea, I have to learn the alphabet! Grandmothers-Yozhki are spinning and jokingly making faces. All the characters laugh. Leading. Oh yes, grandmothers-first-graders! You did not fly in vain, you made the king laugh. Grandmothers-Ezhki. Why don't we have fun - After all, now we are students. There are no smarter people in the world, we can give any answer! Leading. Since you are so smart, advise the king what to do with Vasilisa. She stopped listening to him, drove all overseas guests away!

10 Grandmothers-Hedgehogs (confer, laugh quietly). Tsar-father, you give your daughter for the first person you meet! Whoever enters the door first, let him go for that. One of the Grandmothers-Yozhek: Soon there will be your betrothed-mummers, smeared with soot. (Laughing, running away) A scene about the king's daughter. Mother, Vanya, Vasilisa, Tsar participants Mother puts on glasses and puts a scarf on her shoulders, takes a hoop, sits on a chair and embroiders to the music “Don’t sew for me, mother.” Vanyusha comes out with her hands to her sides. Passes in the background, gets out of l. hands mirror, rubs it on his shirt, puts his foot away, looks, shakes off invisible dust particles from his shoulder, again admires himself. Mother: Where are you going, son? What made you want to dress up like that? Vanyusha: I'm going to the palace, by the way, I want to marry the princess. Mother (puts the hoop on a chair, gets up): On the princess? What are you, in your mind, listen (knocks on his head), the princess is not a couple for Vanyusha! Vanya: Why not a couple, mother? (shakes his head) I'm not at all old for years, I have 2 healthy hands (shows), I'm not lazy, I know how to work, And I'm not a freak, moreover, Why am I worse than any prince? (runs her hands over her body) Mother: So-and-so, but it’s scary all the same, (throws her hands)

11 There is no place for you and me in the palace. Vanya: They say the princess is pretty, good, they say the bride. In general, I'm going to get married. Mother: There the princess is walking in the garden (shows), Oh, look (threatens) you will get into trouble. They go to the chairs. The princess comes out with a fan. Under measured r.n.m. Vanya comes out, hands on his belt, 2 times sedately walks around the princess. Princess (gets up, addressing): Oh, who are you from where? Vanya (to the audience): Get out of there! Princess: Well, go away, otherwise it will be bad. Sentinels, stop the thief! Vanya: Why did you scream! I'm not a thief, but I came on business. Let me ask you to start: Would you like to get married? Princess: Married? Too early! What do you guys say? The king comes out. King: (pats his shoulder): Oh, you poor little daughter of mine, Look how skinny the little figure is! Maybe you should see a doctor? Princess: I want to go to school, father! I really want to become a scientist and know everything! And I will go to school with Vanyusha!

12 King: (shielding the princess, clasps his hands) Oh, I can't! The king, princess, mother and Vanya get up. Vanya: These are the words I really like, Oh, what a beautiful princess you are! Host (instructively): They say that learning is light, and ignorance is darkness! Our princess understood this herself! (pats his hand). This is the end, the crown of the whole fairy tale (general bow) King. Vanechka! will you go to school with my daughter? Vania. I'll go. Tsar. I let you go, children, go to first grade! Leading. Isn't it too early, tsar, to let you go to school? Our children are at least smart, but Bo-o-o-l naughty! The general dance “Girls-boys, big naughty ones” is performed. Grandmothers-hedgehogs come out dancing. (in turn) Are your kids ready to learn? Let's check them out with you! So, good fellows and red girls! Get ready for challenges on unknown paths. For victories in competitions, delicious chicken legs are issued! Ha ha, joke! Tasks “from fairy chests” are carried out, slides with answers are shown on the projector screen.

13 Task One. School supplies are hidden in one chest, attributes of acquaintances are hidden in the other. fairytale heroes. Having guessed the riddle, the children take turns opening the chest and finding the desired object in it. Grandmothers-hedgehogs are trying to confuse everyone. Riddles: 1. On the white pages of an unusual book, a sea, a forest and a house may appear. If you are not lazy, if you work hard, Pencils can color the whole ... (album). 2. This tablecloth is famous for feeding everyone to the full, that by itself it is full of delicious foods (samobranka). 3. I love directness, I myself am direct. Make a new feature I help everyone. You can draw something without me! Guess, friends: Who am I? (Ruler.) 4. Both the hare and the wolf -

14 Everyone runs to him for treatment (Aibolit). 5. Clean and white, In a glossy cover, I will come in handy at school for Vita and Seryozha. In a cage, on a ruler Do not be lazy to write. I am your friend School (notebook). 6. She is the most important of all in a riddle, Although she lived in the cellar: The turnip helped Grandfather and grandmother to pull the turnip out of the garden (Mouse). 7. How does the student, Tell everyone about it ... (diary). Task two. Well, now we will give you a task, try to cope with it! All of you know mathematical signs. Name them. (according to the pictures, plus, minus, equal, more, less. We will now play rhymes with them. The game of rhymes. The characters also confuse everyone. The host calls the word, the children point their fingers in rhyme and call the mathematical sign. (movie, log, window equals, bite, Frenchman, watermelon plus, discipline, jugs, citizen minus)

15 And finally, the third task will also test your knowledge. Whoever is braver here will collect his portfolio faster. The game "Collect a portfolio." Grandmothers-hedgehogs (in turn): Ugh, what the hell, Oh, God forgive me! Your kids are amazing! You won't find them smarter! 1. You are even smarter than us, go to first class! 2. Before a long journey, guys, check aircrafts. Drive what you have, so that we, experienced ones, take our breath away! Leading: Wait a little, we are not hedgehog grandmothers! And thanks for the support and guidance! Grandmothers-hedgehogs: We sat up with you, you guys are just a class, We tell you all “Bye” Together: Your dear Yaga. (they leave to the music.) The nightingale sings. Leading. We played a fairy tale with you, guests from different countries met, And here again the nightingale sings to us about his homeland. And you and I come from childhood, with which we will have to say goodbye, the school is already waiting for you, but you will return to the kindergarten as guests. At parting for all of us, the most gentle waltz sounds.

16 Children perform a common farewell waltz to the music minus "Oh, these clouds" Presenter. And now comes the most solemn moment for you and for us. For the presentation of diplomas to pupils and the final solemn speech, the head of the kindergarten (full name) is invited. Head: Today we are seeing you off To the country of wonderful and wonderful knowledge, You will go to first grade in the fall. And the kindergarten says to you: "Goodbye!" You have been with us for so many years And have become almost completely family to us! You and I have grown wiser, but you, you have grown and become more and more big! (sighs) So big that we don't even feel like letting you go to school. Maybe you won't go to school? (Children, no, let's go!) Yes, guys, you have to go to school. solemn moment. Our dear graduates, allow me to congratulate you on the completion of the full course of kindergarten sciences and present you with commemorative diplomas as a keepsake of this. To receive a diploma, a kindergarten graduate is invited (we call the full name of the children in pairs, a girl-boy) Children in pairs come up for diplomas. To the solemn music, graduates are awarded diplomas and gifts.

17 Presenter: What good children have grown up, They have surprisingly clear faces. We believe: they will not forget our kindergarten And everyone will study well at school! Children. Farewell, beloved kindergarten, our kind teremok In the autumn morning the bell will call us to the lesson. You raised us carefully, gave us fairy tales every day, From all the guys, from all the guys, thank you, kindergarten. They sing the song "Time to go to school" with a bell. 1st Host: Well, well, it's time to say goodbye, we are sorry to part with you! We all love you very much, we want you not to forget us! So every year children leave, and it seems that these are the best of all! And seeing you out of the garden, we are losing something valuable! There is a school road in front of you, you will have to walk along it for a long, long time! We wish you to go all the way easily and joyfully! The end of the holiday.

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Municipal treasury preschool Kindergarten 6, Tatarsk. "FAREWELL, FAVORITE KINDERGARTEN" Senior group 2017 MUZ.RUK. Gotselyuk I.P. Vedas: Today, the excitement is impossible to contain, the Last

Children enter the hall to the music in pairs, rebuild and stand at the central wall. Educators: Light and elegant Now in our hall. And lush letters are everywhere. Today we celebrate the Merry holiday:

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Entertainment for Mother's Day in the 2nd junior group "Mom, my dear" Educators: Gorentseva L.A., Isaeva N.N. Purpose: to contribute to the creation of positive emotions of experiences of children and parents from joint

“All talented children live happily in the world” holiday script, dedicated to the Day knowledge as part of the All-Russian action "I am talented!" for preschoolers 3-7 years old Musical director MBDOU CRR for children

I love my mother very much Jasli Chanterelle. Children with their mothers enter the hall to the music. The sun smiled affectionately at us. A holiday is coming, the holiday of our mothers. On this bright spring day, you came to visit us together

Knowledge Day Host: Hello, dear friends! I am very glad to see you all again in our music hall. Today is a special day of celebration. The whole country celebrates a wonderful holiday, the Day of Knowledge.

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Scenario matinee on March 8 in the 2nd junior group. “We invite the Sun to visit” Purpose: To create a festive mood in children, to develop in children a good attitude and love for their mother. Tasks: Development of emotional

Children enter the hall, decorated in a festive way. Cheerful music sounds. Leading. We were awakened early this morning by the ringing of the drops. What? It's Mother's Day! Mom is loved by everyone in the world

The scenario of the New Year's holiday for the 1st junior group “We like to have fun from the heart by the Christmas tree” Children freely enter the hall to the cheerful music. (music: Little Christmas tree is cold in winter) Presenter: Back to us here

State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities general education boarding school 2 VIII type

Medium March 8"Holiday Album" for children middle group. Children enter the hall to the music, stop near the chairs VED: Let's start holiday concert dedicated to our lovely women Dear Mom,

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kochetovsky Kindergarten Matinee "In the clearing near Spring", dedicated to the holiday of March 8 Educator: Akimova T.I. 2015 Presenter: Happy March 8,

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 5 "Teremok", Velizha Scenario for the New Year's holiday in the 2nd junior group Prepared by: Educators of the 2nd junior group, Musical

My mother is my sunshine! March 8 in the 2nd junior group How bright it is today in our hall From the smiles of mothers of relatives, How long have been waiting for this holiday, To congratulate you, dear ones! Look at your children: How

The scenario of the holiday on March 8 in kindergarten is the second younger group. Children enter the hall to the music. Host: Spring has come again! Again she brought a holiday Joyful, bright and tender holiday. Holiday

Scenario New Year's party"Soon soon New Year!" in the first junior group 1 To the cheerful music, the children, together with the teacher and Santa Claus, enter the music room. Vedas. We invited guests here

MATTE dedicated to the Day of MARCH 8 (for older groups) Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle near the central wall. Boy1: Today in the bright hall we congratulate everyone on Women's Day Let it be

MDOU "Vyazovskaya kindergarten" Educator: Avdeeva T.A 2013 Characters: Host, Grandmother-Zabavushka. Children enter the hall holding hands to the music of "The Song of Drops". Lined up in a semicircle. Leading:

Knowledge Day 2017 To the song “What they teach at school”, children enter the hall, take their seats. Vedas: Hello adults! Hello children! How many of you, I am glad to meet you today! Are you happy? Guys, pick up

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 18 Scenario of a matinee dedicated to the meeting of autumn in the senior group "A" "Autumn is invited to visit"

Municipal head Motorina N.S. MBODOU 95 2015. G. New Year's celebration in the middle group - Magic Pipe. (Music sounds. Children run into the hall and stand around the Christmas tree. Strauss waltz.) Presenter. Per

"Through the pages of fairy tales .." Entertainment, dedicated to the holiday March 8 for the preparatory group Leading Fox Cat Little Red Riding Hood Wolf Grandmother 3 soldiers Ivan Tsarevich Vasilisa Beautiful Pinocchio Malvina

Scenario of the autumn holiday for children of the 1st junior group "Autumn has come to visit us." Leading. Dear Guys! Look how beautiful and smart you are today, look how festively decorated our

GOODBYE, KINDERGARTEN! Graduation to school in the Dandelion group 2017 - Well, that's all, the hour has come that we all have been waiting for. We gathered for the last time in a cozy bright hall. - Kindergarten gave us warmth

Graduation party “Goodbye, nurseries” for children 2-3 years old Children enter to the music “Top, top stomps the baby”, sit on the chairs. Vedas. Early in the morning, parents came to us in the nursery, So the holiday began,

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Matinee for children of the middle group on the day of the eighth of March. Educator: Kozlova Violetta Sergeevna The hall is festively decorated. Teremok stands aside. Children enter the hall to cheerful music, stand in a semicircle.

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Scenario for Mother's Day "Mom, my mommy!" Two angels enter, a boy and a girl. 1 angel: Mom, mom, mom. 2 angel: Mommy? Do you believe in mom? 1 angel: She is everywhere around us. Voice: Angels in the face

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 5 SERPANTIN" Synopsis of organized educational activities on musical education for the preparatory group in an inclusive environment

AUTUMN BALL IN THE GROUP PREPARATORY FOR SCHOOL. PROGRESS OF THE HOLIDAY To the music, the children run into the hall, stand in a semicircle. 1st child: Autumn has invited us to her ball. So that no one is late Autumn asked.

Municipal budgetary preschool institution "Kindergarten of a combined type 56" The scenario of the autumn holiday in the second junior group "A walk through the autumn forest" (The hall is decorated in autumn, in the corner stands

Scenario for September 1 Line "September 1 Day of Knowledge" (Fanfares sound) - School, equal, at attention! The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds. - Comrade director of the school! Students and teachers of the school on a solemn line dedicated to

Scenario March 8 preparatory group "Beloved Moms" Children enter the hall to the music, holding hands. Lined up in a semicircle. Vedas: The sun smiled affectionately at us, A holiday is coming, a holiday of our

"Mother's Day" Group preschool age"A" Educator: Lomova N.V. Mom, mom, mom. Vedas. Hello dear guests! Congratulations to everyone on the holiday! Fun and joy to you! Are you comfortable dear guests?

March 8 (st. gr.) Spring has come again! She brought a holiday again! The holiday is joyful, bright and tender! The holiday of all our dear women! What did the little sparrow sing to Us outside the window in the morning? What is coming

March 8 - Mother's Day! - a scenario for children 3-4 years old Characters: Leading Sun Cockerel Cheerful music sounds, children and the leader enter the hall. On the first day of March, spring begins. Mother's day

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 28 "Snegirek" of a general developmental type of the Istra municipal district

Day of the preschool worker. Holiday script Concert for the Day of the preschool worker / script for children of the preparatory group /. Purpose: To create a positive mood in children, to expand ideas about

I approve the Director of MBOU secondary school 10 O.N. Derbenev August 24, 2012 Scenario of the solemn line September 1, 2012 Date: 09/01/2012 Time: 8:30 Venue: MBOU secondary school 10

HOLIDAY SCENARIO HELLO, NEW YEAR HOLIDAY! At the festival, high school students play the roles of characters from fairy tales. Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, presenter, Pinocchio, Malvina, Baba Yaga,

Goodbye, nurseries! (for children of the 1st junior group). Children enter the hall in pairs, become a semicircle facing the audience. Head: Dear children and parents! This day we have such He is both sad and cheerful.

NEW YEAR'S MATINE "With Santa Claus" for children of the first junior group with the participation of parents. educator: Orlova V.S. Purpose: To bring joy and pleasure to children from participation in the holiday. Program tasks:

Host: And who can be friends with whom? Children: Boy with girl, boy with boy, girl with girl. Leading: Children and adults, people from different parts of the world can be friends. People from different countries can be friends.

"MOTHER'S DAY" Scenario of a holiday joint with first-graders The song "MAMA" sounds, preparatory gr. enter the room and take their seats. Children from the first class enter and stand in a semicircle. Leading

Matinee on March 8 in the younger group 2016. Vedas. A joyful, spring holiday Knocked on our doors From the bottom of our hearts we are happy to congratulate Our grandmothers and mothers We invite all the children to this good holiday. Hurry up

Scenario matinee for Mother's Day " Better mom no friend ”in the 2nd junior group. Objectives: To contribute to the creation of a festive, trusting atmosphere; - teach children to express love to the nearest and dearest

FIRST OF SEPTEMBER script of the festive line for the Day of Knowledge School-themed music sounds. On the door of the school there is a poster with a picture of a bell. HOST: Hello dear teachers! HOST: Hello dear

Demina Liya Alekseevna, musical director Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of the Family (Children, parents, educators enter the hall with the song "Inseparable Friends") Host: Today there are so many of us in the hall

MUNICIPAL PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "KINDERGARTEN "ABVGDEYKA" Novoulyanovsk Scenario of the New Year's party in the second junior group "Visiting the Christmas tree" Completed by: music director

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type 34" Scenario of a spring holiday for children 2 3 years old "PARSRUSH VISITING KIDS" Developed by: Musical

"Let's help Cinderella" Holiday on the day of March 8 for children of the preparatory group. Characters: Children - Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Prince, Owl, Beetle, Barbariki, gentlemen, pages, dancers. adult Storyteller,

SCENARIO OF THE HOLIDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 1Ved: Good morning, guys! 2 Vedas: Good morning, dear teachers! Fanfares 1 Vedas sound: Good morning, dear dads, mothers, grandparents, dear guests! 2. Vedas:

Scenario of the matinee for March 8 in the 2nd junior group Characters: Host, clown Klepa. Cheerful music sounds, children enter the hall one after another. In a gentle spring stream, March the prankster is knocking, Spring-beauty

MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type 56" "Spring holiday" (children enter the hall with flowers to the music and perform dance movements) Vedas: Spring has come again, she brought Mother's holiday

Spring holiday "Spring-Red" Senior group -Children holding hands enter the hall- Vedas: Hello, dear guests! So winter is over, spring is hurrying to us again, Now the sleepy nature has awakened

Scenario for the day of March 8. Prepared by the teachers of the second junior group "Rays": Kulakova V.V., Polivaeva E.A. The course of the holiday. (sounds of drops, birds singing) Children enter holding hands with Spring “Today I

Valentina Maltseva



(graduation party 2010.)

1st Lead: Attention attention!

Listen to the announcement!

Kindergarten show today!

2nd Lead: Hurry up, don't waste minutes,

And hurry up and take your seats!

Together: Our artists for the last time

In kindergarten they perform for you!

The children enter the hall and perform the Polonaise.

Song "Our Favorite Kindergarten"


1. So we grew up, and we

Waiting in first grade school.

2. Remember, five years ago

How did we go to kindergarten?

3. What are you, didn’t go,

They took us in wheelchairs.

4. We often sat on the handles,

They didn't want to stomp their feet.

5. I remember crying every day

I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window.

6. And Sasha walked with a pacifier.

7. And someone wore diapers.

8. Yes, we were all good,

Well, what to take from us, because kids.

9. And I did this,

I fell asleep over soup at lunchtime.

10. I used to eat badly,

They spoon-fed me.

The bib saved us from porridge,

From tea, soup, curdled milk.

11. And if we did not sleep,

They rocked us on the handles.

After listening "Baiushki bye",

We closed our eyes.

12. And remember, I'm made of sand

Build big cities?

13. Oh, Vanechka, don't!

We all baked cakes,

Not very smoothly, as they could,

And we played with you

They fed each other.

14. We loved to throw sand.

15. Loved our Dima to kiss.

16. Such were naughty.

They fought with their hands and feet.

(And some even with teeth.)

17. All this is in the past, but now

We are escorted to first class.

Song « School»

Child: Previously, my grandmother used to read us bedtime stories.

We switched roles and we will tell fairy tale yourself.

storyteller(coming out). Oh you gentlemen,

Please be welcome here.

eat gingerbread,

listen to a fairy tale!

Like the father-king

Daughter is a bright dawn,

Vasilisushka beauty,

Golden braid.

In a bright chamber she

Sitting alone all day

reads the alphabet,

Solovyov believes.

A lyrical Russian folk melody accompanied by nightingale trills sounds. Vasilisa.

How nightingales sing

They call me to take a walk

I would wear wings

Yes, it flew away.

Girlfriends come out Vasilisa.


Vasilisushka beauty,

Come out for half an hour.

We will go to the green garden

Let's start round dances.


You, girlfriends, do not scream,

Don't wake up daddy.

He sleeps soundly at an early hour,

Wait. me now.

Round dance of maidens "Kalinka".

Suddenly the king comes out, the girlfriends bow and leave.

What else is this -

Daughter ran away!

I searched the whole palace

I ran to the porch

I see my daughter walking

Round dances are starting.


Bored, father, I became

I ran to my friends

I'm already big

Stop babysitting.

Tsar. Oh, you're really big

And what a beauty!

Everything is in place - the mind and become,

It's time to get married.

Vasilisa. Oh, don't give me away, tsar-father, don't give me away! (Crying.)

Tsar. Do not Cry, Vasilisa! I will write out a groom excellent, rich, foreign!

Vasilisa. I do not need suitors abroad.

I can't listen to you

Stop crying, dear daughter.

Tears to the girls to the detriment,

Are you a royal daughter or not?

Vasilisa. Royal!

Must think of the throne -

This is your share.

Vasilisa performs"Song of the Princess of Fun" (music by M. Dunaevsky, el. by Yu. Entin) from the cartoon "Flying ship".

Music sounds.


The message flies everywhere:

The royal messengers are coming

Calling the kings

Princes, shahs and kings.

The roosters crowed

They're coming, the grooms are coming!

Leading. The Spanish prince arrived with his retinue.

The Spanish prince enters, surrounded by four girls.

Spanish prince.

Allow me, senorita, to give you a fan,

Invite you to Spain to rest with the king.

Pomegranates, oranges you will eat there,

I ask you to, Vasilisa do me the honor. (Gives fruit.)

And you, beautiful spanish women,

Dance for the Russians!

spanish dance (Bizet - Habanera)

Spanish prince.

Oh senorita, you beautiful!

Would you like to be queen?

Vasilisa(closes his eyes, spreads his arms to the sides and gradually connects his index fingers). Yes or no, yes and no. No

Spanish prince. Why not?


Because I don't like oranges and pomegranates,

I value our Russian potatoes above all else.

Spaniards are perplexed, laugh at Vasilisa. The prince bows and leaves with his retinue. The king shakes his finger in displeasure Vasilisa.

Music sounds.

Leading. Tsar Firefly arrived - a motley cap with a retinue.

Dwarf. O, fairy fairy I am numb with happiness.

I don't know what you and to tell,

Feel free to dance with me. invites Vasilis.

Song-Dance "Polka"

The gnomes do not live well,

And we have caps in patches.

But we never lose heart

We help each other in everything!

Oh, Vasilisa, you beautiful,

Would you like to be queen?

Vasilisa(guessing). Yes or no, yes or no? No.

Dwarf. Why not?


Because these gnomes

You can't even look through your glasses!

And I don't want at all

Sew up their caps.

Exit the dwarf and retinue. Music sounds.

Leading. The Persian prince arrived with oriental beauties.

Persian prince.

Oh ruby ​​of my heart

O, beautiful Vasilis!

Wink me with your right eye -

I will fulfill your whim.

Do you want pearls and corals,

Would you like velvet and brocade?

Wink me with your left eye -

I will buff you.

Vasilisa blinks then left, then with his right eye, hides his face behind a scarf. The prince gives her a jewelry box and claps his hands three times.

Oriental dance (Borodin "Scheherazade")

Persian prince.

O, Vasilisa, you beautiful,

Do you agree to go to Persia?


Groom, of course, you are rich,

But I don't need your gold.

Brocade is not good for me either -

I got used to dressing up in a calico!

The prince bows and leaves with the oriental beauties.

Look what character

Scattered suitors!

What am I to do with you

Picky like that?

Vasilisa. Oh, I don’t know, father-king! The king is sad. Vasilisa in a good mood walks around the hall to the soundtrack "Song of the Princess of Fun".

Leading. The king does not eat - does not drink,

The spoon does not go into the mouth.

Suddenly under the Russian accordion

Babki-Hedgehogs galloped up.

Girls run out in Russian sundresses with handkerchiefs and panicles in their hands.

They sing ditties to the music of Dunayevsky from the cartoon "Flying ship"

Grandma-Yozhki (in order).

Together: I will fly to the first class,

I'll get a five there

I'm a great grandma

This is a clear matter.

Do not follow me, Kashchei,

I don't need you at all!

I am no longer the same

AT school is very busy.

Serpent Gorynych, do not call,

Don't beckon me to a guest -

I don't go anywhere;

I'm sitting on the lessons.

I don't lie on the stove

I don't bake kalachi

No time to drink tea.

I need to learn the alphabet!

Hey, yes, grandmothers-first-graders!

You didn't come in vain.

They cheered up the king.

1 Grandmother-Ezhka.

Why don't we have fun?

After all, we are now students.

We are not smarter in the world,

We can give any answer!

Since you are so smart, advise the king what to do with Vasilisa. She stopped listening to him, drove all overseas guests away!

2 Grandmother-Ezhka.

Tsar-father, you give your daughter for the first person you meet!

Who will be the first to enter the door,

For that, let him go.

Vanya enters to the song of Vanya the stove-maker.

I fix stoves.

Cleaning pipes!

I do not praise myself

I love work!

3 Grandmother - Ezhka. Oh, look, Vanya the stove-maker has come!

(move Vanya to Vasilisa) .

Here is your betrothed-mummer,

Soot anointed. (Laughing and leaving)

Vasilisa. Hello Vanechka! Can I wipe your nose with a handkerchief?

(wipes soot off face). Vanya, will you come with me to study in school?

Vania. I'll go.

Tsar. I let go, children, you -

Go to first class!

Leading. Are you too early, king, you let go of school? Are they ready to learn?

Let's check!

The game "Gather in school» : the child collects a briefcase, his mother makes a sandwich, his father inflates a balloon.

Leading. Hooray, all children well prepared for school. Vanya and Vasilisa also completed the tasks. Well, it's time for us fairy tale finish and applaud our artists.

Lyrical Russian folk melodies accompanied by nightingale trills sound.

All the children come out to bow.


We are with you fairy tale played,

We welcomed guests from different countries

But it's time for us to part

Let's not be sad, kids.

Reb: Let our small hall not be cramped,

Let the farewell waltz end the ball!

1. Today is a bright and sad day.

We say goodbye now to kindergarten.

Us school opens his door.

Farewell, our kindergarten, no need to be sad.

2. Other children will come here,

To leave again when the time is right.

And you, our garden, will still live

And sow the seed of kindness and knowledge.

3. Thank you today we say

To all those who have taken care of us.

First, to their educators.

You have a difficult but necessary job.

4. Tell me who is always, everywhere

Care about cleanliness?

Thank you dear nannies

For kindness and attention.

5. Thank you who dance,

Who taught to sing, not knowing boredom,

Who had fun

Behind the magic sounds of music.

6. Thanks to all our chefs

For delicious soups and cereals!

7. And the supply manager is always in worries:

Need this, need something.

Provides everything you need.

Let's say "thank you" together.

8. Thanks to the doctor, nurse,

What do they think of the kids:

Everyone heals us, they give us a potion

And take the temperature.

9. All employees and children

Care is needed every day.

At the head of our

A very difficult job.

10. We to her "Thanks" we say

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

11. Thank you a hundred thousand times,

We will remember you all our lives!

Song "Goodbye Kindergarten".

Presentation of children and presentation of diplomas.

Scenario graduation party "How Vasilisa the Beautiful went to school"

To the music, children enter the hall, performing several movements. Boys escort girls to a semicircle.

Presenter: We invite everyone to the holiday

Kind, bright, mischievous,

Holiday sad and cheerful ...

Children (in chorus): Our Preschool Graduation!

(Against the background of the words of the children, slides change on the screen).

1st child:

So we grew up, and we
Waiting for the school in the very first grade.
Remember five years ago
How did we go to kindergarten?

2nd child:
Yes, you didn't go
They took us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on the handles,
They didn't want to stomp their feet.

3rd child

I remember crying everyday
I was waiting for my mother, I looked out the window.
And Vanya walked with a pacifier,
And Lenya wore diapers.

4th child

Yes, we were all good
Well, what to take from us - after all, kids!
And I did this
At lunch, I fell asleep over the soup ....

5th child

I used to eat badly
spoon fed me.
The bib saved us from porridge,
From tea, soup, curdled milk.
And remember, I'm made of sand
built big cities!

6th child

Oh, Yaroslav, don't!
We all baked cakes,
Not very smooth as they could.
And together we played
fed each other!


All this is in the past, but now ....
Everyone: we are escorted to the first class!


Leading. We thought for a long time how to spend our holiday, and decided ... Childhood is always a fairy-tale world. Children, and we, adults, love fairy tales very much.

Fairy tales, fairy tales, wonder fair,
The world is magical, colorful forest.
Wings of fairy tales quietly rustle,
So they are coming to visit us.

(At the side wall there is a theatrical screen decorated as a tower. A fabulous melody sounds. The curtains open in the window, the Storyteller appears.)


Oh, you gentlemen guests, we ask you to come here

Eat gingerbread, listen to a fairy tale!

Like a father-tsar's daughter is a bright dawn,

Vasilisushka - beauty, golden braid.

In a bright chamber she sits alone all day,

Reads the alphabet. Solovyov considers.

Vasilisa comes out to the lyrical Russian folk melody, accompanied by nightingale trills.


How nightingales sing

They call me for a walk.


Tsar(exits, stretching):

What else is this - the daughter ran away from the chambers!

I searched the whole palace, I ran to the porches,

I see my daughter walking, starting round dances.


Bored, father, I became, I ran to my friends,

I'm already a big girl_ enough to sit with the nannies.


Oh, you are really big. And what a beauty!

Everything is in place - mind and become, it's time to marry.

I will write you an excellent, rich, foreign fiancé!


I don’t need any suitors ... (crying) I want to go to school, study ...


You can't listen to me, stop crying, dear daughter.

Tears harm the girls, are you the king's daughter or not?



Must think of the throne -

This is your share.

(Vasilisa performs "The Song of the Princess of Fun")


The king does not eat - does not drink, a spoon does not go into his mouth ...

Suddenly, Babki-Ezhki galloped up to the Russian accordion.

(grandmothers - Yozhki sing ditties):

Take turns

I'll fly to the first class, I'll get a five there

I'm a cool granny, that's clear.

Don't follow me Kashchei, I don't need you at all!

I'm not the same anymore - I'm very busy at school.

Serpent Gorynych, do not call, do not invite me to visit

I don't go anywhere, I sit at my lessons.

I don’t lie on the stove, I don’t bake kalachi,

There is no time to drink tea, you have to learn the alphabet!


Oh yes, grandmothers-first-graders!

You did not fly in vain, you made the king laugh.


Why don't we have fun - after all, now we are students.

There are no smarter people in the world, we can give any advice.


Since you are so smart, advise the king what to do with Vasilisa. She stopped listening to him, she does not want to marry overseas princes.


Tsar-father, you give your daughter for the first person you meet!

Whoever enters the door first, let him go.

(Vanya enters. Performs the song of Vanya the stove-maker from the cartoon "flying ship")


I fix stoves, clean pipes!

I do not praise myself. I love work!


Look, Vanya the stove-maker has come!

Grandma-Yozhki(bring Vanya to Vasilisa) :

Here is your betrothed - mummers, anointed with soot.



Hello Vanechka! Can I wipe your nose with a handkerchief! (Wipes soot off his face.) Vanya, will you go to school with me?


I'll go.


I let you go, children, go to first grade!


Isn't it too early, tsar, to let you go to school? Are they ready to learn? Let's check?

(A "check" is being carried out - games with a school theme).

Hooray! All children are ready for school. Vanya and Vasilisa also coped with the task. It's time for us to finish the story.

(A lyrical rnm sounds, accompanied by nightingale trills.)


We played a fairy tale with you

And here again the nightingale sings to us about his homeland.

(Children (not graduates) sing a song about the Motherland)

And take turns reading the poem:

Why do we all love our homeland Russia?

Because there is nowhere more beautiful than the motherland!

Because there is nowhere better than our arable land,

Better than our blue rivers and our clearings.

Pair dance.

1st child:

Farewell, our kindergarten.
We will always remember you with love.
Everything is ahead of us, but only kids,
We will never be.

2nd child:

Here comes our graduation party,
We were looking forward to it.
But there is no strength to part with the garden.
We won't forget those we know
Who loved us, raised us, raised us.

3rd child

Our kindergarten is like a home,
We had all these years.
But we're leaving here too
Other children will come.

4th child:

Just one word we want
Fold from capital letters
We want it for you today
Repeat with love!

Seven children line up on the stage with signs saying "THANK YOU».

5th child:

Our kindergarten, goodbye,
We're going to first grade.
Even though it's a sad parting
Don't worry, you, for us.

Goodbye we are for the garden,
Let's sing the song merrily.
Never, nowhere guys
We will not forget about him.

Farewell song.

To the solemn music, graduates are awarded diplomas and gifts. Portfolio.

Graduation holiday.

Children stand in pairs and threes at the doors of the hall. Calm music sounds. Leaders enter the room.

1 host: There is one country in the world

Can't find another like this

Not marked on the map

And the size is small.

2 host: But he lives in that glorious country

wonderful people,

And wherever you look

A friend walks with you.

1 host: We invite everyone to the holiday

Kind, bright, mischievous,

Holiday sad and cheerful -

Together: Our Preschool Graduation!

Music sounds. The facilitator calls the children by name, the children enter in pairs and threes, perform the welcome figure invented by them, stopping in it to take pictures. Then they sit down.

2 host: You were kids yesterday

Now it's time for you to go to school

You have matured and matured

When did you grow up?

Children become a semicircle:

We are surprised ourselves

Maybe something with the clock?

Only in the kindergarten we will come

And we don't recognize ourselves

For some reason, for some reason

We are growing very fast.

- Like us, like trees,

Watered endlessly

Like a miracle - vitamins

We eat in the garden all day long.

What is the secret?

Chorus: And there is no secret at all!

- Approach the cat with affection -

She will grow up a little.

And from a kind word

The sheep will also become brave.

We know kind words

They even tame the lion!

There is such power in words

From which we grow

Stretching like maples towards the sun

Higher, higher every day.

- Let them shine with smiles

Faces of adults and children

Let it come everywhere

Time for polite people.

- "Good afternoon, thank you, hello!", -

We say to each other

For education lessons

Thanks Kindergarten!

- We will never forget

Our preschool island

Our kindergarten is cozy,

Warm, light "Anchor"!

The song "Farewell, our kindergarten" is performed.

Leaders in turn: - Look at your children

They are not a year old or two,

You handed them over to us,

Barely babbling words.

- But the years went by, and everything was

Both joys and sorrows

Resentment, and sometimes deceit,

They jumped in a quarrel.

But we were not going to doze off,

We tried to educate them

Love, care they gave,

They thanked us!

The composition "Where does childhood go?" All children and the girl participate in it - Blue bird symbolizing preschool childhood. In this composition, the children say goodbye to the toys that the Blue Bird takes with him, leaving them an ABC book and a globe.

Then the children are seated. To the music, kids enter the hall - children of the 1st junior group with a teacher. They carry as a gift - a basket of flowers.

Educator ml. groups: You didn't expect to meet us?

And we came to you for a holiday.

You were babies too

You, like us, walked by the hand.

Now you've grown up and soon

The doors of the school will open for you,

Well, baby goodbye

Now they will say "Goodbye!"

Babies:- The sun will shine in the morning

In the bright window

Wake up, don't be lazy

Smile at the sun!

- Collect everything neatly

Books and pencils

And at the desk without stains

Write the letters on the line!

Help your mom at home

My dishes, wipe

How did you come from school

Put your uniform in your closet!

We also wish you

Lots of new things to learn

And your favorite kindergarten

Never forget!

Presenter 1: Thank you guys - kids, for good advice for these wonderful flowers. We also want to give you souvenirs that we made ourselves.

Children of the preparatory group give souvenirs to the kids, the latter say goodbye and leave the hall.

Host 2: Our kindergarten is called "Yakorek" and today it will help us get into a fairy tale.

Anchor, anchor, you give us a miracle,

Anchor, anchor, open the door to a fairy tale!

Magical music sounds. The Storyteller appears. She goes to the shutters, painted with Khokhloma, sits down on a chair behind them, opens them and, looking out the window, says:

Storyteller: Oh, you, guests, gentlemen,

Please welcome here

eat gingerbread,

Listen to the story!

Like the father of the king, (the king comes out)

Daughter - a bright dawn, (daughter comes out)

Vasilisushka - beauty,

Golden braid.

In a bright chamber she

Sitting alone all day.

reads the alphabet,

Solovyov thinks.

The king is sitting on the throne, Vasilisa is in the chamber with the alphabet in her hands. Nightingale trills sound.

Vasilisa: How nightingales sing

And the birches twist their braids,

Something just doesn't fit

One red girl

I want to study at school

Even on the day off.

Russian melody sounds. Friends and friends come out. Approach Vasilisa.

Girlfriends:- Vasilisushka - beauty,

Come out for half an hour

We will go to the green garden

We will sing Russian songs.

- About Parashka, Andriyasha,

About Katyushka and Maryashka.

And then we'll go to school

And we will take you with us!

Performing the number "In the village it was, in Olkhovka"

Vasilisa: You, girlfriends, do not scream,

Don't wake up daddy

He sleeps soundly at an early hour,

Wait, I am now! (applies to friends)

Tsar:(runs, looking for Vasilisa)

What else is this?

Daughter ran away

I searched the whole palace

I ran to the porch

I see my daughter walking

Round dances are starting!

Vasilisa: Bored, father, I became

I ran to my friends

I'm already big

Stop babysitting!

Tsar: Oh, you're really big

And what a beauty!

Everything is in place - the mind and become,

It's time to get married!

Vasilisa: Oh, don't betray me, tsar father, don't betray me! (Crying)

I want to study at school

And deep into science!

Tsar: Don't cry Vasilisa

I will write you an excellent groom,

Rich, foreign!

It's not a royal thing to go to school!

Vasilisa: I do not need suitors abroad!

Tsar: I can't listen to you,

Stop crying, dear daughter.

Tears to the girls to the detriment,

Are you a royal daughter or not?

Vasilisa: Royal, royal...

Tsar: Should think about the throne -

Here is your share!

Music sounds.

Storyteller: The message flies in all directions,

The royal messengers are coming

Calling the kings

Princes, shahs and kings!

Roosters crowing - (rooster crow)

They're coming, the grooms are coming!

Messenger: The Prince of Spain has arrived with his retinue!

Spanish music sounds. The Prince of Spain enters, accompanied by Spaniards and Spaniards. They carry a gift from sunny Spain - a fruit basket.

Prince: Allow me, senorita,

Give you fruits

To Spain for holidays

To invite you with the king!

Pomegranates, oranges

You will eat there

Please, Vasilisa

Honor me!

And you beautiful Spaniards,

Dance - like for a Russian woman!

The Spanish dance "Passadoble" is performed.

After the dance, the prince kneels down and turns to Vasilisa.

Prince: Oh senorita, you are beautiful

Would you like to be queen?

Vasilisa closes her eyes, spreads her arms to the sides and gradually connects her index fingers.

Vasilisa: Yes or no? Yes or no? … Not!

Prince: Why not"?

Vasilisa: Because I don't like oranges and pomegranates!

I value our Russian potatoes the most!

And, in general, I want to go to school!

The Spanish retinue and the prince are surprised, and, chuckling, leave. The prince bows his farewell.

Music sounds. The messenger comes out.

Messenger: The leader of the Tumba Yumba tribe has arrived with his retinue!

The Chief enters with his subjects. They scream, run, then carefully look around, see the king and Vasilisa.

Leader: Oh fairy fairy

I'm numb with happiness...

I don't know what to say to you

Maybe it's better to dance?

The Mamba dance of the Tumba-Yumba tribe is performed.

One of the tribe They brought you gifts:

Spears, skull and knives.

Show gifts. Vasilisa is frightened, presses close to the king.

Leader: I am the chief among all, I am the leader!

I want to take your daughter!

True, the tribe is not rich -

No clothes and no salary

But there is a desire to marry,

And this I can be proud of!

Vasilisa:(guessing) Yes or no? Yes or no? Not!

Leader: Why?

Vasilisa: I don't want to live in a tribe

I want to learn,

I don't want at all
I mess with the leader!

Gives him gifts and retinue leaves.

Thunder sounds. The child comes out.


The composition "Thunder and Lightning" is performed.

Messenger: The Japanese Samurai has arrived! Bright lightning showed him the way to the palace.

Soundtrack sounds. A Japanese samurai appears. Makes several characteristic movements.

Samurai: Oh ruby ​​of my heart!

Oh, beautiful Vasilis!

Wink me with your right eye -

I will fulfill your whim

Do you want pearls and corals,

Or shrimp and squid?

Or maybe lobster?

Wink me with your left eye -

I'll buff you!

Vasilisa blinks her left eye, then her right eye, hiding her face behind a scarf. The samurai presents her with a squid or lobster, Vasilisa gets frightened.

Samurai: How - don't you want a lobster?

Would you like a squid?

Pearls are not interesting?

And the corals are unknown? (thinking)

Well, then here's what...

Seagulls fly from the sea

Surprise Vasilisa

Let him see how he lifts

Its waters are an ocean,

After all, Japan is the most beautiful

From the sea great countries!

The composition "Sea and Seagulls" is performed.

Samurai: Oh Vasilisa, you are beautiful

Do you agree to go with me?

Vasilisa: Groom, of course, you are rich,

But I don’t need your gold,

Squid is not good for me either,

I'm used to eating pike perch!

The samurai bows and leaves.

Soundtrack of French music.

Messenger:"Sharman", "bonjour", "Cherchet la femme",

The Frenchman came to visit us.

The Frenchman appears. He brings Vasilisa one rose.

Frenchman: From the center of Europe, I rolled up to you,

I amazed everyone with classic fashion,

I will surprise everyone with a classic waltz,

And you, Vasilisa, I will take as my wife.

Performing "Waltz"

Frenchman: Oh, Vasilisa, you are beautiful,

Are you willing to become my wife?

Vasilisa: Not! I do not agree!

I don't want to go to Europe

I want to live in Azov!

She does not recognize Crimea -

And so, boycott! (leaves)

Tsar: Look, the character is what

Scattered suitors.

What am I to do with you

Picky like that?

Vasilisa: Oh, I don’t know, the king is a father!

Tsar: Well, at least listen to how other children love and respect their fathers!

The number "Invite me, dad, to the waltz" is being performed

Dance with dads "Little daughter is growing up"

Storyteller: The king does not eat, does not drink,

The spoon doesn't go in my mouth...

Suddenly under the Russian accordion

Grandma Ezhka galloped up.

Music sounds. Grandma Ezhka runs in - a first-grader. She shows everyone her briefcase, the alphabet and performs ditties. The king laughs.

Storyteller: Oh yes, my grandmother is a first-grader!

You flew not in vain -

Made the king happy!

Grandma Ezhka: Why shouldn't I have fun?

Because now I'm a student!

Smarter than me, there is no world,

Can I give any answer!

I heard that the guys from the kindergarten "Yakorek" are also in

school are going.

Leading: Yes, they are. And they will tell you about it.

"Song of the school" is performed.

Tsar: Well, since you are all so smart, prudent, advise me,

To the king - father, what to do with Vasilisa. She stopped me

listen - she drove all the overseas guests away!

Grandma Ezhka: The king is a father, and you let your Vasilisushka go to school, yes

not overseas - the ocean, but here in Russia - mother. Let the mind

gaining intelligence, and then he will teach you, poor fellow. You look

and the economy will improve in your kingdom - the state and me

pay less for housing and communal services for your hut on chicken legs

will be. Smart people are needed everywhere ...

Tsar: Okay, okay, got it!

I let you go, children,

Go to first class.

Just to flourish

Our glorious country

You must study here

Your knowledge is needed here!

Leading: We played a fairy tale with you

Guests from different countries were invited

And here again we have a nightingale

Sings about his Motherland!

The composition "Our Russia is beautiful" is performed

"Russian dance with scarves".

Leaders: - What good children grew up

They have surprisingly clear faces,

- We believe they will not forget our kindergarten,

And everyone will do well at school!

Children line up in a semicircle near the central wall.

Head: We wish you success

And happy school years

Lots of knowledge, lots of laughter

In sports - a lot of victories!

Methodist: Do not be sick, temper yourself

Listen to the teacher

Smile at people more often

Make your parents happy!

Muses. hands: We love you, we believe in you

And we hope for you

Doors open wide -

Good luck and first class!

Final installation:

- Farewell, beloved kindergarten,

Our good Anchor,

In the autumn morning will call

Call us for class..

You raised us carefully

He gave us fairy tales every day,

From all the boys and girls

Thank you Kindergarten!

What kind of teachers are here?

Fair but not strict

Not rude and not loud,

Punctual and courteous.

We were taught to eat with a spoon

Get into the shoe with the foot,

And pull up your socks

And tie the laces.

- Here we know we were loved,

You taught us everything

Listen to music and think

fantasize, play

Sing beautifully, dance

- The cook did not offend us,

Didn't let us lose weight

We were always well fed

Very tasty, appetizing!

— Medical staff

He kept us healthy

And vaccinations, and brilliant green,

The best friend of a child.

- White sheet

Apron and scarf,

You will go around the whole white light,

You won't find a better babysitter.

- Energetic sportsman

Learn to run and jump

Or somersault on the mat,

Or hit targets.

- All day our methodologist

Sitting at the computer

According to the program, so from the diaper

Ros was a talented child.

- And our manager

Let's remember at school

It's not very easy

Give your heart to children.

We are grateful for this

Low bow to you from us,

We are in autumn and summer

We will remember you for a long time!

A farewell song sounds.