How to open a company. What documents are needed to open an LLC? List of documents for opening an LLC. Types of firms and enterprises

  • 21.11.2019

Opening own company- the desire of many experienced lawyers. But they ask questions: “How to open a law firm from scratch?” or “How to attract customers?”. Despite higher legal education and great zeal, for this it is still necessary to have a certain knowledge of the fundamental rules, the observance of which will help you achieve your goal. How to establish your legal business from scratch?

Opening own business in the legal field entails many pluses, but, as in any business, unfortunately, you cannot do without minuses.

Having your own business has the following advantages:

    • The absence of a boss. You are the head of your own company, which means you are free to make your own decisions.
    • Profitability will depend on you - the entrepreneur, earnings can be impressive or quite low.
    • Flexible schedule. In the future, by hiring staff, you can not work at all, but only manage your employees.
    • As a company founder, you will receive highest profit, as opposed to an ordinary employee.

Having your own business is prestigious.


  • Risk. If you choose the wrong business strategy, then your business may fail, in which case you cannot avoid financial problems. Approach this issue with all seriousness.
  • At the initial stage, a lot of investment, effort and time will be required.
  • No matter how trite it may sound, but business is always stressful, be prepared for the fact that, most likely, not everything will work out easily for you.

If the waste of energy and risk did not scare you, then you can move on to those aspects that will reveal in detail the topic of how to open a legal consultation.

How to open a law firm from scratch - instructions

Registration, permits, documents

Let us examine in more detail the question of how to open a law firm from scratch. In order to open your own law firm, you do not need to receive the appropriate education, it can be opened by an individual or legal entity.

However, you need to register with the proper state tax authority and choose the form of taxation in order to function legally.

The company can be registered on individual entrepreneur or as an LLC for several individuals.

It is better to arrange the taxation system according to the “subtract expenses from income” scheme. A convenient option - simplified tax system with a rate of 15% - is more profitable.

How to open a law firm with the necessary permits? The answer is pretty simple. It turns out that, as the current legislation says, special permits and licenses are not required to open a private law firm.

The following documents will be required:

  • Passport, its photocopies.
  • Confirmation of payment of state duty.
  • Application for registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  • Selection of the type of activity according to OKVED codes.

Important! As soon as you receive a certificate of incorporation, immediately begin to develop a business strategy and promote your company.

Choice of premises and equipment

An important task when opening a law firm is the choice of premises. The best option for the location of your office would be the city center, because there is better infrastructure, it will be more convenient for the client to get to you and find you.

Not bad if your office is located on the first floor and from the side of the street, for the same reason listed above.

You also need to take care of the availability of the necessary equipment.

The design of the premises is best done in the form of an office. To do this, you will need to purchase special furniture (armchairs, tables, comfortable lockers, etc.) and computer equipment(computer or laptop, printer, scanner, etc.), and you also need to take care of stationery (paper, pencils, pens, etc.).

Prepare for the fact that several clients can come to you at once, arrange objects in the space for them as comfortably and conveniently as possible.


For the first time, the activities of a law firm, it is better to start with a partner and not hire employees.

After time, when the business will rise and develop, you can think about hiring additional staff.

It is necessary to hire: three qualified workers who will work with all kinds of services; courier. Financial issues can be resolved with the help of an incoming accountant.

Attention! When recruiting your own professional staff, you must use labor exchanges, place ads in newspapers, and relevant Internet resources.

There will be many candidates, they can be both yesterday's students and experienced professionals, of course, it would be preferable to use the services of the latter, but it's up to you.

As your business expands, you may need staff.

Approximate composition of a mid-level law firm:

  1. highly qualified lawyer;
  2. legal consultant;
  3. lawyer for working with individuals;
  4. lawyer for work with legal entities;
  5. legal assistant;
  6. secretary referent;
  7. accountant.

Business process organization

How to promote a law firm? First of all, you need to decide on the specialization of the law firm, as well as take care of the quality of the services provided.

To do this, you need to create your form style, appropriate image, maintain a good reputation. All this will determine the success of your business in the future.

You need to start with a small number of legal services, and as your business expands, increase the range of services provided.

After all, it will be very difficult both to open a law firm from scratch and to control it.

It is also necessary to identify the main audience of the clientele, and based on this, organize the workflow.

For example, if you are going to provide services in solving business problems, then the best option there will be an organization labor activity from 8:00 to 19:00, so that it is not difficult for the client to establish contact with you during his working day.

A good option would be if one employee from your staff begins to work on duty on weekends at least until noon.

Business strategy

Organizing a business plan for a law firm, just like starting a law firm from scratch, is not an easy task.

Research the market in this area in detail, approach your competitors with attention, identify their advantages and disadvantages. This will help to make fewer mistakes in the organization of the business plan.

Develop an acceptable pricing policy, this is especially important at the initial stage.

Promising directions at the moment:

  • Legal support in the field of real estate and construction.
  • Support for migrants. For example, assistance in getting a job, obtaining citizenship, etc.
  • Control of financial and economic activities of companies.
  • Protests related to illegal law enforcement activities.

Finding Clients

Aspects in the search for clients:

  1. Use the internet. First of all, take care of creating a company website, it is advisable to hire a specialist, since there are enough of them on the Internet, so there should be no problems with this.
    Advertising can be placed on various websites, in mobile applications.
  2. Traditional methods of information dissemination. These are: leaflets, word of mouth, organization of exhibitions, seminars and conferences.
    It would be useful to place an ad in the newspaper, where you can briefly tell about the services you provide, the location of the company, and prices.
    It will also be effective to place signs on the streets, you can fork out for advertising on television.

Attention! For the best result in finding clients, you need to use the services of a qualified specialist - a PR manager.

How to get guaranteed clients for a lawyer?

The most difficult stage for all organizations is the start-up and the law firm is no exception. Not always the money invested in advertising and marketing can return as ready-made customers. Thus, money can be wasted. And when there are already so few of them, then this creates additional problems and increases expenditure part companies.

However, there is one solution that will ensure that the money invested will generate ready-made customers. Currently, due to the globalization of the Internet, clients are looking for lawyers there. But how can you get customers without spending extra money? Very simple - for this there are special intermediary firms that can provide you with customers.

Attention! If you only want to pay for clients and don't want to waste money, then you can start partnering with lead generation firms. This is by no means the main source of customers, but it is a constant one. Especially useful at the initial stage. Click on the banner above and read the terms and conditions.

Costs and profits

Approximate start-up costs:

Expenses When to pay Amount, thousand rubles
Registration and acquisition of a legal address At the initial stage 30,0
Furniture and equipment At the initial stage 50-60
Communication and software costs Monthly 40,0
Office rental, renovation (10-15 sq. m.) Monthly 130,0
Salary per person Monthly 30-40
Transport Monthly 10,0
office At the initial stage 5,0

The profit will depend primarily on the number of customers and the quality of the services you provide.

The average cost of providing legal services in Moscow is:

  • oral consultation - 1000-2000 thousand rubles per hour;
  • one-time written consultation legal matters- 3000 rubles;
  • registration of a person as an individual entrepreneur not including the state. duties - 4500 rubles;
  • registration of an LLC without state duty - 1100 rubles;
  • writing a statement with a claim - 9000 rubles;
  • liquidation of a legal entity - 60,000 rubles;
  • representation of interests in court - 40,000 rubles.

Let's say that in 30 days four of your employees served 20 clients, the approximate price of the service is 10 thousand rubles, if everything is organized correctly, then with the range of services assigned earlier, we get the following numbers:

4*20*10000=800000 rubles

The tax amount is 20%, which means:

800000*0.2=116000 rubles

By simple calculations, we find out the net profit:

800000.0 - 119000.0 - 315000.0 = 369000.0 rubles.

At the first stage, get a large number of customers is a rare occurrence, but with the right approach after a few months it becomes quite achievable.

As a result, with a successful scenario, payback is achieved in 1-3 months.

Opening your own law office is a rather risky business that requires a lot of effort, but with a skillful approach, it can bring significant profit.

Many modern people were able to realize that working for someone is not as profitable as working for yourself. Starting a business is a complex and multi-level step. First, investments are needed to achieve the set goals. Secondly, if the case is set incorrectly, you can get significant losses, that is, you can burn out. It is for this reason that before starting your own business, you need to study all the nuances of state registration, choose options for the taxation system, and also draw up a plan correctly. Many are sure that if personal funds are invested in a business, then in this situation it will not be necessary to draw up a plan at all. Actually, it is not. Planning ensures the proper distribution of funds, allows you to rationally assess all kinds of risks, and as a result, you can initially calculate whether this or that direction will be profitable, and how to organize your business in such a way as to completely eliminate all kinds of negative aspects.

Do not forget that it is very important to choose the right direction of your activity. Many experts say that you can get prospects for active growth only if you like the chosen direction. Also, do not forget that it is the presence of professional skills and abilities that can help you competently control production or industrial processes. Further, it should be remembered that entrepreneurial activity in our country is allowed and even encouraged. There are certain types of business for which there are even government programs for lending and leasing land. This issue is also recommended to study. After all, the organization of production for the manufacture of certain food products may have prospects for active growth due to low imports of such goods, while you can additionally count on state support.

State registration is required. That is, you must officially open your company, draw up all the relevant documents, choose a taxation system in accordance with the established norms of the law. After that, you can start opening. In other words, starting a business is not a problem. It will be problematic to organize it correctly and make it successful. Indeed, today there is a fairly significant level of competition. This means that you will have to face various difficulties and problems that will have to be solved as the enterprise develops. If you initially correctly draw up a plan, you will be able to take into account all the dangerous moments and risks in its composition. You will be able to properly manage the funds to attract the attention of potential customers and appreciate all the benefits of investing the income received in the further development of the enterprise. That is, you need to take into account everything to the smallest detail, then you will certainly succeed.

The direction of business can be any, but before you make a final choice, be sure to conduct a process of studying the competition. For example, it is not worth opening a ceramic workshop in a city where a large-scale production with which you cannot compete is operating. Competitive analysis is important, because that's how you can determine what you really will be doing and how you can activate the interest of potential customers.

In order for your business to become successful later, the most important thing is to correctly define the idea. The more original the idea, the higher the chance that you will reap the benefits of active development. An equally important step is to evaluate the activities of competitors. If you correctly identify the advantages of competitors, you will be able to provide potential customers with something more interesting, which will significantly affect the formation of demand for your services or products.

How to open your own company and start a business from scratch

Starting a business from scratch, and not acquiring a ready-made one, is advised by many marketers. The thing is that in this way, you can correctly choose the direction and immediately work out the structure advertising company which will certainly become the basis for building a reputation. Each firm works in its own way, but reputation is an integral part of creating demand for the services, goods or materials provided. It is quite obvious that when forming a business from scratch, you can immediately correctly calculate the plan, taking into account all the features of the area where the business will be organized, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of competition. If you will buy ready business, then it’s not a fact that you will get well-designed planning, and it’s not a fact that the business is not on the verge of bankruptcy.

If you decide to open a company from scratch, you need to proceed as follows:

  • Without fail, an idea is determined and a business plan is drawn up. It is very important that you include everything in the plan. important factors, necessarily appreciated the benefits of developing an idea, assessed the level of competition. Use only reliable data in calculations, then you can count on the formation of an excellent opening result;
  • Immediately decide where the office of your company will be located, evaluate the proposed rental options. If you have the opportunity to build a room, be extremely careful when choosing a place. by the most rational option considered renting an office in a business center. So, you can immediately count on a certain influx of customers from those who regularly visit such centers;
  • Do not forget that in our country rules are established that determine the need for mandatory registration in the state format. Remember that if you do not register your company legally, then your activities will be suspended, significant fines will be formed, and it is not a fact that in the future you will be able to undergo official registration, since a ban on the implementation of entrepreneurial activity;
  • It will be necessary to carry out a process of assessing the strengths and weaknesses products or your services. Conduct adequate and detailed market research options. That is, evaluate supply and demand. Be sure to make a kind of forecasts of production volumes, as well as take into account aspects of the promotion of goods or services. Immediately you will need to calculate the amount that will be required for the initial and further investments;
  • Arrangement and equipment. You must understand that initial funding is mandatory. There are many areas of business where initial investments are not necessary, that is, a business can be started not only from scratch, but also without any special investments. However, the turnover of such a business will be minimal. This should certainly be taken into account if you are looking to make a significant profit. Accordingly, if you are counting on actively growing business, you will need to assess the financing needs for renting premises, the initial costs of registering and hiring specialists, purchasing equipment, purchasing materials, decorating an office or storage space;
  • A very important stage of planning is the calculation of marketing, as well as pricing policy. You must understand that without advertising it will be impossible to get the desired influx of customers. Among other things, you will have to carry out the process of the level of competitiveness of your business in advance from the standpoint of studying the work of competitors in a particular area. Mandatory marketing research.

The benefits of planning should not be underestimated. The thing is that a well-written plan, which will include an analysis of all the important points, is the basis of your success in the future. Therefore, this issue should be given the maximum amount of time and attention.

How to register

At the moment, there are various forms of business, and before starting your own business, you need to correctly determine the form that will appeal to your idea. Let us immediately draw your attention to the fact that the structure of documentation, reporting, payment of taxes, etc. will depend on the choice of the form of business. The following forms are typical for a business from scratch:

  • IP is a form of business that assumes that it is formed individual carrying out business activities. Immediately, we note that the form is considered the most common and simple. In the process of doing business, you will not need to submit complex tax returns, and there is also no need to maintain accounting records. However, you will need to systematically submit documentation in the form of a declaration. Let's say right away that an entrepreneur in this form of business has the right to hire employees, while forming a kind of restriction on the number of employees;
  • OOO- a fairly popular form of business, which involves the formation of a legal entity. We will immediately say that the authorized capital must be drawn up without fail, and it is also assumed that a significant amount of documentation must be drawn up and submitted. But, this form of business is considered optimal for those who have prospects for active development. Here the opportunity is formed to create additional branches in other cities and the possibility of hiring a very significant number of people is determined. Accordingly, if you expect your business to develop actively, you should choose this particular form of business;
  • JSC- this form assumes that a whole company of a joint stock plan is being formed. We will certainly say about the need to form the capital of the authorized format, which in the future should be divided into a certain amount of shares. All capital contributions are made by the owners. Statutory documents are also formed, which determine the absence of the possibility of selling shares to other persons, etc. The form of business is quite complicated. She impresses large enterprises and companies.

In addition to choosing a form of business, you also have to choose a tax option. In our country, formed various systems, each of which has its own positive and negative points. With the right choice, you will reap the benefits minimum investment time and effort in the process of preparing reporting documentation, and will also be able to significantly reduce the level of your costs.

Remember that the system option is selected at the stage of business registration, for this reason, we recommend that you immediately pay close attention to all the nuances and important points, study all the features and advantages of the systems in order to make a competent and rational choice.

Rules of a Successful Entrepreneur

For a business to actually have the desired level of success, it must be skillfully and competently organized. Moreover, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules that you must follow so that no problems and difficulties arise in the future:

  • Before opening a business, you should definitely draw up a plan, so you will get some kind of calculations, on the basis of which you can determine the rationality of your investments and the prospects for the development of the business as a whole;
  • Be sure to calculate all risks. Describe the disadvantages of the business, and indicate how they can be eliminated;
  • The competition should not be underestimated. Remember that those companies that have been operating for a long time, in fact, have certain advantages over you. And in order to minimize the level of your risks, you need to immediately think over the structure of actively attracting customers. Let us draw your attention to the fact that such a structure will necessarily require certain investments, it is for this reason that you need to include them in the calculation of the plan so that you know exactly how much money you will have to spend in order to get the desired results;
  • Today, according to a well-designed business plan, you can get a fairly impressive loan. Remember that lending has its advantages, however, for business it is a kind of burden. If you do not have a positive business experience, then it is best to start with your own, accumulated funds. If you take a loan, then count on the minimum amount so that in the future, payments do not become critical for you;
  • Be sure to assess the risks that you will face and calculate the losses that may arise if the business does not start as actively as you plan. An adequate perception of the business allows you to immediately choose a development strategy with minimal risks;
  • Keep in mind that you should not count on the maximum profit at the start, it is for this reason that you must certainly assess future income adequately, immediately deduct those amounts that can be attributed to monthly expenses. Such a business organization structure will allow you to cover all arising expenses with the amounts of income received;
  • You should not open a business if the level of competition is too significant, cash you take out a loan, and the calculation of the business plan did not show the desired results. Remember that such a discovery has undeniably high risks, it is for this reason that it is best to immediately abandon such business options;
  • Before opening, you should carefully study the market. You must understand that not only competition is taken into account. The level of demand is also estimated. If you are going to implement an original and non-standard idea, then it is better to immediately carry out a kind of marketing research. Indeed, in certain areas, the opening of such a business does not have any prospects for development;
  • Remember also that you need to get cooperation with suppliers or intermediaries in advance. The choice must be careful and competent. The range of offers is very significant. You should also meet with representatives of companies and find out what individual terms of cooperation you can be offered;
  • It is recommended to open a business in the area in which you have certain professional skills, abilities and knowledge. Thus, you will be able to really fully control all the important points and nuances, you will be able to carry out competent planning, and you will certainly be able to activate your skills in the field of improving offers and taking into account all the needs of potential customers or buyers.

There are many challenges at the start of a business. You must be ready for them. After all, it is this approach to business that will provide your entrepreneurship with a kind of sustainability. Do not panic, remember that any problems can be correctly resolved.

Step-by-step instructions for opening

Step 1: Define the Idea

It is the idea that is an undeniably important stage in the development of a business. It often happens that even with minimal investment, you can get prospects for active development. And all for the reason that the idea is extremely original and non-standard. Evaluate all current business lines, do research in relation to the area where you are going to work, and trust me, you will be able to find a solution that will actually become the basis for your success.

Step 2: Planning

Even if you are not going to attract investors, partners or take a loan, that is, you are going to invest in a business own funds, you still need to go through the planning process. Based on this document, you will be able to correctly identify all the weaknesses and strengths of the business. Only accurate and verified data must be entered into the plan. You also need to evaluate all the benefits of development, describe all kinds of risks. Many entrepreneurs point out that with a well-designed plan, many difficulties on the way to becoming can be eliminated.

Step 3: Room rental

It is very important that your office is located in the central part of the city. Thus, the location of the premises will be important in promoting your offer. The best solution is to rent a room in big business center. Then, you will be confident in the relevance of your proposals, through a kind of - free advertising, for example, signs that can interest visitors to the center.

Step 4: Registration

Be sure to carry out state registration. Remember that if you do not have it, you will not be able to carry out your activities legally. So, you will not have any development prospects. It doesn't take long to register. The most important thing is to choose the form of business, as well as the taxation system. We recommend that this issue be given sufficient attention. After all, development opportunities depend on the form of business, and the system determines a number of your obligations to the state.

Step 5: Opening

Do your best to ensure that there is minimal advertising before the opening of your business. Thus, when your business starts, you will benefit from active demand from potential customers or buyers.

The structure of a business organization is quite simple, and it includes only a few basic steps. If you competently approach the implementation of all the stages that we wrote about above, then believe me, you are guaranteed success.

Is it worth starting your own business?

At its core, business actually has a number of difficulties, but nevertheless, it is he who is able to become an indisputable basis for ensuring, a kind of independence. financial plan. Each person understands that by working for someone, he receives only a part of the funds that he actually earns. It is for this reason that starting a business is an undeniable prospect of financial development. Nevertheless, let's say right away that entrepreneurs in our country are placed in rather difficult conditions, when state assistance is minimal, and the number of obligations, as well as the level of competition, are significant. That is, you will have to work on the implementation of your ideas and plans, you will have to face numerous problems and difficulties, but believe me, they are all solvable. The most important - proper organization and planning.

If you don't have the cash to start and you need to take out a loan to achieve your goals, this situation will require careful planning. Many banks today provide loans for start-up entrepreneurs. However, you must understand that bank specialists evaluate all the advantages of a business. And if you can’t provide a fully-fledged, carefully crafted plan, then in fact, you won’t be able to get credit. Since there will be no guarantee that you will be able to develop your entrepreneurial business and will be able to repay the loan in the future.

Also remember that today there are a lot of templates for plans for certain areas of business. The use of such templates will allow you to adequately treat the preparation of such documentation. In fact, the template can be made a model. In certain cases, you can even use standard planning. At the same time, if you strive to ensure that all calculations are clear and accurate, do them yourself. Be sure to focus on spending on the process of popularizing the business, otherwise there may be problems with profitability in the future.

This article will focus on the issue self-registration OOO. It contains detailed instructions and answers many questions (collection of documents, opening an account, and others). Based on the results of its study, you will be able to understand for yourself whether it is worth registering yourself or seeking help from specialists.
This instruction was created so that you can open an LLC (a company with limited liability) by following these steps.

1. List of documents for opening an LLC

The collection of documents required for opening should be determined by the following questions:

  • What will be the focus of the future LLC;
  • How many founders will participate in this project;
  • The amount of your money;
  • The name of your future limited liability company;
  • Address of the society, location of the future office.

2. Submission of documents

The next stage is the submission of a package of documents required for registration. If you planned the organization of your future business, then you probably already have an idea about the direction of your activities in the formation of society.

The registration of a limited liability company implies, first of all, the filing of an application for such registration. It has a section in which you must specify OKVED codes in other words, these are the types of activities that your society will be engaged in in the future.

When forming your own list of future activities, it is preferable to choose more codes. Most often, 20 codes are used in practice (it is not recommended to take more). Among them, as a rule, are those types of future activities that you may not be engaged in. This must be done so that later it would not be necessary to additionally register more OKVED codes, because a state fee of 1200 rubles will have to be paid for this procedure. It will also be necessary to amend the Charter.

In the first place in this list should be the type of activity that will be the main one. When specifying the OKED code, use at least 3 digits. This will have an impact on the insurance rate (its size) against various accidents, as well as on the ability to receive benefits from the Pension Fund. Notification of the assignment of OKVED codes can be obtained upon registration with the tax authority, as well as independently. Then you will need to contact the local authority Federal Service state statistics. You can also get codes in profile legal organizations(approximate cost - 1500 rubles, delivery time - 1 working day). The code classifier itself includes almost all possible activities.

You will have to submit to the registering authority a decision on the formation of an LLC, the Charter of the company (2 copies). These documents must be originals and not copies. And you will need a receipt for payment of the state fee.

3. Who are the LLC Founders?

In accordance with No. 14-FZ "On LLC", citizens (IMPORTANT: the presence of legal capacity and the age of majority both for citizens of the Russian Federation and for foreign ones) and legal entities (Russian and foreign) can act as founders (participants) of the company. An LLC can also be established by one member. The number of participants should not exceed 50. provided:

  • for making contributions to the authorized capital in a timely manner;
  • for the activities of the company within the value of contributions;
  • for obligations arising from the establishment of an LLC (such as payment of expenses associated with the creation of a company).

There is a more detailed article about, where everything is described in more detail.

Before opening an LLC, what areas will be in demand in the future.

4. Charter of LLC

This document is the founding document for the society. In accordance with the above law, the content of the charter of an LLC is as follows:

  • Full, abbreviated name of the company
  • Location details
  • Size information authorized capital
  • Composition, competence of bodies
  • The rights, obligations of members of the company and other information contained in the Federal Law "On LLC".

5. Round seal. Requirements for printing LLC.

In accordance with the already mentioned law, each LLC must have a round seal. It must contain the FULL company name of the LLC (IMPORTANT: in Russian), as well as an indication of the location of the company. If desired, the seal may indicate the name on foreign language or in the language of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Any Law Firm, which provides LLC registration services, has a standard package of these services, which includes the production of seals. It is also possible to order a print in copy centers. An order for a print costs between 500-700 rubles, and its production time is in the range of 1 to 3 days.

6. Opening a current account for LLC

As legal basis opening an account is a bank account agreement, which is also referred to as an agreement on settlement and cash services. Before opening an account, read the terms and conditions of several banks. Only after analyzing the information received, make the most suitable bank for you.

To open an account you will need:

  • Application (the form is provided by the bank);
  • Documents of your organization (charter, minutes of the meeting of founders). They will need to make copies;
  • Card containing samples of signatures, seal imprint. It must be notarized;
  • Certificate of state registration;
  • A copy of the lease agreement to the legal address;
  • A document that confirms the authority of persons to manage the account.

When the documents are submitted to the bank, a current account will be opened for your company within a short period of time.

You must inform the tax office and the Social Insurance Fund about opening an account within 7 days. If this requirement is not met, then you will be fined - 5000 rubles.

Legal agencies provide services for opening a current account. Their cost is approximately 2500 rubles.

7. Registration of an LLC at the home address of the founder

The Civil Code provides for the possibility of carrying out entrepreneurial activities in residential premises. Thus, registration to the home address of your society is possible. The ideal option is to register at the address of the director, who is also the founder and is registered in the apartment. He doesn't have to be the owner. In this case, the tax office most often accepts documents. If the director is not a founder, then in most cases the tax office also does not find fault with the documents. But it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer whether you will be refused or not. If the director has a residence permit, then the registration will be successful.

If you want to register at the address of a founder who is not a director, then in almost all cases the tax office will refuse you. Of course, there is the possibility of obtaining permission, but it is better not to risk it.

In order to register, you need to submit the following documents:

  • Copy of passport (notarized);
  • A copy of the certificate confirming the right to property;
  • Owner's consent to registration in writing.

If your documents are in order, then you will not have problems with registration.

Registering an LLC at a home address has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this option include solving the problem of mismatch between the legal address and the actual one. It will also save you money on office rent. And, finally, this will act as a guarantee of your independence, since in this case no one will be able to break into your “office” without a court order.

Now to the disadvantages. If your company is in debt, the bailiffs can describe the property that is in your apartment. Another disadvantage is that your counterparties may have an opinion about the lack of solidity of a company that is registered at a home address. The bank in which you are going to open a current account in the future may also respond.

In general, such registration has both pluses and minuses. To use this option or not is up to you.

8. What to do after registering an LLC?

So, you have received a certificate of registration. But you will need to complete a number of steps before starting your activity.

As a result, it should be noted that, as a rule, the collection of documents for registration takes a significant amount of time. If you do not want to do this yourself, then a large number of law firms provide these services. Such law firms in practice, they charge about 10 thousand rubles for registration. Therefore, depending on the availability of your time and desire, you can hire a specialist or register a limited liability company yourself.

Video about the registration of LLC:

Owning a business is the dream of many Russians who are tired or not ready to be employees. Having promising business- the plan should determine in what organizational and legal form to register your enterprise, choose the optimal taxation system and solve a number of other issues. You can learn how to open a company in Russia from experienced lawyers who are familiar with the registration procedure legal entities.

Optimal legal form

The most profitable and optimal organizational and legal form in terms of taxation and the complexity of maintaining accounting and reporting is an LLC. Most entrepreneurs who want to start their own business without extra costs come to this conclusion. You can cope with this task on your own, following the step-by-step instructions of an experienced lawyer.

The owner (or owners) will have to:

  • - prepare the necessary package of documents;
  • - determine the types of activities;
  • - form the authorized capital;
  • - choose the optimal taxation system;
  • - go through the registration procedure;
  • - open a bank account;
  • - make a seal;
  • - choose an office;
  • - hire staff.

To organize and register a company with this form of ownership, one founder is enough, but the total number of participants cannot exceed 50 people.

Registration documents

To create your own company in the form of a limited liability company, you need to prepare a package of documents in which in addition to the application form P11001 must include:

  1. the decision of the founder (taken solely) or the minutes of the meeting of the founders (if there are several of them);
  2. company charter;
  3. memorandum of association (subject to the creation of a company by 2 or more persons);
  4. a document confirming the payment of the state fee;
  5. a duly executed power of attorney (if a representative is engaged in registration);
  6. application for the transition to an acceptable taxation system.

Before submitting documents, you need to take care of the legal address. The registration authority will require a document, will require confirmation of its availability. If it is rented or own premises- must be provided letter of guarantee, signed by the owner, if the company is registered at CEO or the founder will need his written consent.

As for the size of the authorized capital, it cannot be less than 10 thousand rubles, and must be paid in full within 4 months after the registration procedure.

Tax system: what to choose?

Current legislature Russian Federation allows you to select the following types:

  • - simplified (USN);
  • - general (OSNO);
  • - single tax on temporary tax (UTII);
  • - unified agricultural tax (ESKhN);
  • - patent system (PSN).

Most Owners modern companies prefer "simplistic". This system is best option for owners small firms. Its advantages are obvious:

  1. you will have to pay one tax regularly, instead of three;
  2. contributions to the budget are made once a quarter;
  3. reporting is submitted once a year.

The system allows you to choose taxation at 2 rates:

  • - 6% (all profit received by the enterprise is taxed);
  • - 15%, which are levied on the company's income (this takes into account the expenses that the company had in the process of work).

Enterprises that have chosen the common system pay property tax, income tax and VAT and are required to submit reports on them regularly.

Companies operating on UTII pay a deduction to the budget, the amount of which depends on the type of activity, the size of the area on which it is carried out, the presence and number of employees.

ESHN can choose an enterprise, 70% of whose income is received from the sale of agricultural products.

The patent system is designed for firms whose line of business requires obtaining permits (patents).

Choice of activities

Any enterprise is created only when its founders know what they want to do and have a business plan for the development of their company. However, you should think about the fact that in the process of work, related areas may appear that will make the business even more successful. When filling out registration documents, you will have to indicate one main type of activity and any number of additional ones.

It is not a problem if the company needs to add additional activities in the process of work. This can be easily done by writing to tax authority the corresponding statement.

Registration procedure

Having prepared Required documents, having chosen the types of activity and the optimal taxation system, you can proceed to the final stage - the submission of documents. Modern legislation allows you to do this in several ways:

  1. personally or through a representative;
  2. by mail;
  3. using the Internet.

Having chosen the first option, you should contact the registering authority of the Federal Tax Service at the location of the company's legal address. In large cities, this function has been transferred to multifunctional centers. If the submission of documents is carried out by a representative, you must take care of the presence of a notarized power of attorney. In case of personal transfer of documents, the presence of all the founders is necessary (in the same composition, you will have to pick up the documents). Consideration of the application and the adoption of a decision is carried out within three working days from the date of their submission.

When applying by mail, you should be aware that you do not need to visit the registration authority to receive ready-made documents. They will be sent to the legal address of the company. The disadvantage of this method is the mandatory notarization of the signatures of all the founders, and these are significant costs, to which the payment of postal services is added.

Online applications are the most popular. A special service is simple and easy to use, which allows you to fill out the necessary forms effortlessly even for people who are not confident Internet users. In addition, the program is configured in such a way that the applicant will not be able to send forms filled with errors, and this greatly simplifies the procedure for accepting documents.

Also on the topic of starting your own company, see:

So, you have a plan for how to make money or big money, and you are ready to create a company.

What steps do you start with? What is the most important and priority?

To begin with, the most common form of company currently is the Limited Liability Company (LLC), the less common is the Closed joint-stock company(CJSC) and Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC).

The popularity of registering a company in the form of an LLC is primarily due to the fact that in a Limited Liability Company, the founders are liable within the limits of their share in the authorized capital, minimum size which is 10,000 rubles. Setting up an LLC is also the easiest way to start your own business.

Those who want to have a fixed part of the profit as a result of the activities of the company, which, according to this form of organization, are expressed in shares, try to create a company in the form of a joint-stock company.

A company in the form of an open joint-stock company is registered by individuals who capture a huge scale of production, living off the investments of an open circle of people who often have nothing to do with the activities of this enterprise.

So, depending on the goals of your activity (making profit to achieve the goals of the enterprise or making profit for its subsequent division between the participants of the enterprise), you have chosen the legal form of the enterprise and decided to open a company. What's next?

We will define a clear list of questions required for registering a company.


1) Before you open a company, you need to decide on the name of the company, since it will appear in all documents of the company. However, without sound beautiful name the firm becomes faceless, one of many.

Currently government bodies do not require the identity of the name and no longer check for the uniqueness of the name. Although using registered logos such as Ford or Nestle in the name is still not worth it, you will face fines and legal proceedings.

Another point to consider when choosing the name of your company. This is that there is a procedure for agreeing to use the words Russia, Moscow and cognates in the name of the company. In addition to the fact that before registering a company, you must obtain the appropriate permission to use the words "Russia" and "Moscow" in the name of the company, in the future you will have to pay another tax.


2) The next step before drawing up the constituent documents is the choice of the legal address of the company. It is allowed to open a company at the location of the executive body. If you already have in mind a specific address where you will be directly located, then you need to provide it to us to work with documents. If you do not have a legal address for registering a company, we will be able to offer you addresses for all tax authorities in Moscow and the Moscow region. All that is required of you is to determine which tax office you want to be registered with.


3) Now as for the founders of the company. Individuals (citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens) and legal entities (both Russian and foreign) can open a company. The law provides for a limitation on the number of founders for LLCs and CJSCs - no more than 50. The founder can be one person.

Data on the founders of individuals are provided in the form of a photocopy of the passport,

if the founder is a foreigner, then a translation of the passport is required (which our company can also do, since we have a translation agency).

From the founders - legal entities, copies of the following documents are required:

Certificate of state registration.

Certificate of entering information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (PSRN assignment).

Certificates of tax registration (assignment of TIN).

Protocol (decision) on the appointment of the head.

Passport data of the head.

The founder of a foreign company is required to:

Extract from the commercial register or certificate of registration of the company in the country of origin (or other document confirming the registration of a foreign company).

A power of attorney for a specific individual who is granted the right to sign documents on behalf of a foreign company, including opening accounts and performing all actions related to the registration of companies.

ATTENTION: The documents listed above must be apostilled, translated into Russian, and their Russian translation must be notarized. These documents will be submitted to the registration authority.


4) One of the mandatory provisions that must be indicated in the constituent documents of your company is “Types economic activity».

The main document that will help you choose certain types of activity is All-Russian classifier types of economic activity (OKVED). This classifier can be viewed on our website.

According to the classifier, you must select the types of activities that you intend to engage in, but not more than 20.

In the first place you need to put the main activity. The main type of economic activity is the type of economic activity that generates the largest part of the revenue.

The definition of the main type of activity is also necessary for you to assign a certain insurance rate in the bodies of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS). The amount of the insurance rate depends on the professional risk class of the main activity of your company.


5) To date, there are the following taxation systems:



Single tax on imputed income for certain types activities.

Under the traditional taxation system, the company must calculate and pay all taxes and fees (federal, regional and local) provided for by law.

The application of the simplified system of taxation of the company provides for the replacement of payment

corporate income tax,

value added tax (VAT),

sales tax,

Property tax organization

And the unified social tax

payment of a single tax.

There are two forms of the simplified system: - 6% of income;

15% of income reduced by the amount of expenses.

Newly created firms that have expressed a desire to switch to a simplified taxation system are entitled to apply for a transition to a simplified system at the same time as submitting an application for state registration of a company.

Therefore, before registering a company, it is first necessary to decide on the choice of taxation system.