Guard 4 category I am 55 years old. Training of security guards. Who can work in this profession

  • 09.04.2020

1.1. The security guard of the 4th category belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. A person is accepted for the position of security guard of the 4th category:

1) having a secondary general education;

2) who has completed vocational training under a vocational training program;

3) who has completed vocational training under a retraining program.

1.3. To work specified in paragraph 1.2 of this instruction, a person is allowed:

1) having a medical opinion based on the results of the examination that there are no contraindications that prevent the performance of the duties of a private security guard;

2) having a personal medical book with notes on the passage of preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of employees performing any types of work in educational organizations specified in the regulations of the federal executive body that performs the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of health care;

3) having a certificate of a private security guard;

4) having a certificate of qualification of the 4th category;

5) who has passed in a timely manner periodic checks for suitability for actions in conditions associated with the use of firearms and special means provided for guards of the 4th category in terms of suitability for actions in conditions associated with the use of special means;

6) who has been instructed on fire safety.

1.4. The guard of the 4th category must know:

1) duties of a private security guard for the protection of educational facilities;

2) terms of preventive maintenance of operated technical means security and fire fighting;

3) the form and order of the report upon detection of threats;

4) the purpose and technical capabilities of the operated technical means of protection and fire extinguishing;

5) local regulations educational organization concerning official duties security guard for continuous monitoring of the level of threats with the help of technical means of protection;

6) a list of possible threats to educational organizations that are detected during the implementation of the on-site regime;

7) legislation Russian Federation with regard to:

Activities of private security organizations for the protection of property;

The rights and obligations of a private security guard in the implementation of the access control;

The rights of security guards in the implementation of the intra-object regime;

Activities of private security organizations to protect the life and health of citizens and the rights of a security guard as a citizen;

8) norms of the administrative legislation of the Russian Federation to ensure access control;

9) regulatory legal acts regulating the rights and obligations of a private security guard at educational facilities;

10) the requirements of local regulations of the educational organization to ensure access control;

11) specifications, device and principles of operation of special means and means technical control, rules of use and safety measures when handling special means and means of technical control;

12) the norms of the criminal and administrative legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the security of the property of the owners;

13) the requirements of local regulations of the educational organization on the security of the property of the facility;

14) the algorithm of actions of workers of construction teams during the repair work and possible ways causing damage to the property of educational organizations;

15) methods used in theft of valuable property from educational organizations;

16) methods used for unauthorized entry into the protected premises of educational organizations;

17) the procedure for maintaining official documentation for ensuring access control at a protected educational facility;

18) the procedure for performing inspections at the facility;

19) the requirements of the local regulations of the educational organization for the implementation of the on-site regime;

20) the basics of fire safety, the rules for turning off power electrical networks, ways of overlapping water supply systems;

21) the procedure for detecting students, teachers of an educational organization in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;

22) the procedure for actions in critical or emergency situations identified during the implementation of the on-site regime;

23) the procedure for detecting threats against pupils outside the perimeter of a preschool educational organization;

24) normative legal acts and guidelines on the implementation of private security activities in the part related to the protection of the life and health of citizens in public places;

26) a list of possible threats to educational organizations in terms of extremist, terrorist and other illegal actions;

27) the requirements of local regulations of the educational organization for safety;

28) location and storage of primary fire extinguishing equipment and fire fighting equipment;

29) the procedure for the detection of explosive objects;

30) procedure for the discovery of objects of unknown origin;

31) the procedure for using the notification system;

32) plans for the evacuation of participants in the educational process;

33) a list of first aid measures and the location of the first aid kit medical care;

34) Internal labor regulations;

35) labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;

36) ……… (other requirements for the necessary knowledge)

1.5. The 4th grade security guard must be able to:

1) operate in the prescribed manner the available technical means of protection;

2) determine the malfunctions of the engineering protection of the external and internal perimeters;

3) determine the reasons for the occurrence of signals about threats to the property of an educational organization;

4) conduct simultaneous focused observation of several images on monitors;

5) conduct rounds of controlled premises;

6) detect signs of unauthorized entry into educational organizations;

7) to detect damage to the integrity of the engineering protection of the places where the property of the educational organization is stored;

8) take into account the psychological inclinations of children and adolescents to violate the order established in the educational organization in the implementation of the access control;

9) identify by photographs the heads of educational structures, endowed with the right of unhindered access to the facility at any time according to information from the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising powers in the field of education, and from organizations subordinate to the authority state power the subject of the Russian Federation exercising powers in the field of education;

10) apply technical means of detecting objects prohibited for carrying;

11) use fire-fighting equipment and primary fire extinguishing means;

12) present justified and tactful demands for the termination of offenses;

13) choose the correct position and routes while ensuring safety during children's walks on the territory of a preschool educational organization;

14) use in the prescribed manner a mobile tool - a button emergency call the police and be ready for its instant activation hidden from violators, if they are detected during the implementation of the intra-object mode and are in close proximity;

15) provide first aid to the injured;

16) use a gas mask, overalls and other personal protective equipment that protects against exposure to combustion products and toxic substances;

17) operate the warning system;

18) properly ventilate the premises;

19) use the keys to emergency exits stored in cases and open them when evacuating participants in the educational process;

20) ……… (other skills and abilities)

1.6. The security guard of the 4th category in his activities is guided by:

1) ……… (name of constituent document)

2) Regulations on ……… (name of the structural unit)

3) this job description;

4) ……… (names of local regulations governing labor functions by position)

1.7. Security guard of the 4th category reports directly to ……… (name of the position of the head)

1.8. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Monitoring the level of threats to the property of educational organizations and ensuring access and intra-object conditions:

1) checking the availability and readiness of guard equipment and technical security equipment and monitoring, using the remote control, the level of threats to educational organizations in the facility premises and inside the perimeter (fence) in the adjacent territory, behind the facade of the building, over the serviceability of engineering protection equipment;

2) acceptance under protection and implementation of visual control of the protected premises of the educational organization during rounds, taking measures when violations are detected;

3) monitoring the state of security in the implementation of access control during the hours of the educational process in an educational organization;

4) monitoring the state of security and ensuring the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations educational organizations in the implementation of the on-site regime;

5) informing the management of the educational organization, city or district services, the operational duty officer and, if necessary, patrol (guard) police squads on the routes and further actions on a specific situation.

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The 4th grade security guard performs the following duties:

3.1.1. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 1 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) checks the availability and readiness of technical security equipment and engineering protection equipment for operation and adjusts (adjusts) the monitoring parameters;

2) checks the means of communication and emergency notification of police units and mobile private security groups and informs the head of the educational organization about the detected malfunctions;

3) checks the availability and expiration date of primary fire extinguishing means;

4) reconcile the presence in the housekeeper and according to the log of issuing sets of keys from the locked premises;

5) reports to the operational duty officer of a private security organization on readiness to start duty;

6) monitors the indications, signals and the working condition of the technical means of protection, security and fire alarm and means of communication;

7) monitors the object of protection through video monitoring systems with the required technological breaks;

8) finds out the reasons for the appearance of signals about threats to the property of an educational organization;

9) carries out viewing of archival video recordings and instrument readings at the request of law enforcement agencies, the administration of an educational organization;

10) report on the end of the duty and the results of the observation to the operational duty officer of the private security organization.

3.1.2. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) accepts individual premises under protection in accordance with the established procedure for putting under protection and opening the premises of educational organizations;

2) accepts valuables under protection in accordance with the procedure established in educational organizations for accepting material values ​​under protection by compiling an inventory of expensive property, sealing premises and (or) putting them on technical guard;

3) conducts planned rounds of controlled premises in order to detect accidents of life support systems, signs of fire and short circuit of power electrical networks, damage to the protected property of educational organizations;

4) arrives at the place where the alarm is triggered upon receipt of signals about the opening of the protected premises of educational organizations;

5) fences off the danger zone upon detection of objects of unknown origin;

6) activates the emergency call button of the police and takes measures to detain the violator upon detection of unauthorized entry;

7) reports to the duty administrator of the educational organization upon detection of signs of damage to property, drawings and inscriptions (graffiti) on the walls of protected premises that arose after the acceptance / transfer of duty, the discovery of objects of unknown origin.

3.1.3. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 3 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) carries out access control in relation to individuals during the hours of the educational process;

2) suppresses attempts to remove from the premises and from the territory of property belonging to a protected educational organization, without accompanying documents properly executed;

3) suppresses, using technical means, attempts to bring prohibited items, weapons, explosive and flammable substances into an educational organization;

4) stop attempts to bring prohibited items into educational organizations using technical security equipment (hand-held metal detector and / or frame detector) with immediate notification of the administration about attempts to bring in;

5) takes part in ensuring access control during the state final certification of students;

6) identifies adolescents, teachers of an educational organization and other persons who show signs of intoxication, with immediate informing the administration of protected educational organizations;

7) monitors the state of the perimeter (fences) of the territory of preschool educational organizations to exclude unauthorized care from the territory of the educational organization of pupils during walks;

8) checks the grounds for the departure of students from schools during the hours of the educational process;

9) operates access control systems (if any);

10) conducts an inspection of vehicles at their entry and exit from protected facilities and checks the compliance of the imported and exported property with the one specified in the accompanying documents, provided for by the access control rules of the educational organization;

11) checks the grounds for parking cars on the territory of the educational organization.

3.1.4. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 4 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) suppresses the facts of smoking on the territory of the educational organization;

2) suppresses the facts of the use of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, drugs, potentially hazardous psychoactive substances on the territory and premises of the educational organization;

3) conducts visual observation inside the perimeter during periods of children's walks in a preschool educational organization;

4) conducts visual observation of the territory adjacent to the perimeter of the preschool educational organization during periods of children's walks;

5) identifies suspicious persons and signs of possible threats;

6) informs the administrator on duty and, as agreed, calls the police squad when students, teachers of an educational organization or other persons in a state of intoxication are found in the protected area;

7) exercise control over the behavior of persons taking children from a preschool educational organization in accordance with permits kept by the administration;

8) monitors the activities of construction teams in summer period during the production of repair work and ensures the prevention of the facts of residence of workers on the territory of protected educational organizations.

3.1.5. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 5 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) informs the head of the educational organization, the operational duty officer and dispatching city or district services about the need for the arrival of emergency teams upon detection of man-made threats to the property of the educational organization;

2) activates the emergency call button for the police when an armed person or a group of persons tries to enter the protected premises;

3) refrain from actions that may provoke the attacker (attackers) to use weapons, with the fulfillment of the requirements of the attacker, if they do not directly threaten the life and health of other people;

4) inform the administration if signs of spraying of an unknown irritant or poisonous substance are found;

5) uses the warning system for pupils, students and employees of the educational organization in agreement with the administration of the educational organization in the event of critical and emergency situations;

6) opens emergency exits when organized evacuation participants in the educational process in an emergency;

7) meets employees of mobile security groups, police and city services and provides practical assistance in detecting the source of threats;

8) protect the property of an educational organization in an emergency;

9) use primary fire extinguishing means.

3.1.6. As part of the implementation of their labor functions carries out the instructions of his immediate supervisor.

3.1.7. ……… (other duties)

3.2. In the performance of his duties, the security guard of the 4th category performs work under the guidance of the operational duty officer and the head of security

(object, site) with the individual responsibility of the employee.

3.3. ……… (other job descriptions)

4. Rights

The security guard of the 4th category has the right:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.

4.2. Ask the immediate supervisor for clarifications and clarifications on these instructions, issued assignments.

4.3. Request, on behalf of the immediate supervisor, and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information, documents necessary for the execution of the assignment.

4.4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management regarding the function performed by him, with documents defining his rights and obligations in his position, criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of his labor functions.

4.5. Submit proposals on the organization of labor within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

4.6. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the duties performed.

4.7. ……… (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The security guard of the 4th category is held liable:

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - in the manner prescribed by the current labor law Russian Federation, legislation on accounting;

Offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

Causing damage to the organization - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description has been developed on the basis of professional standard"", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated 11.12.2015 N 1010n, taking into account ……… (details of the organization’s local regulations)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description is carried out upon employment (before signing employment contract). The fact that the employee is familiarized with this job description is confirmed by ……… (signed on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the job description familiarization log); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; otherwise)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions)

First, let's figure out who a guard is. This is an employee who guards the premises, territory and objects located on it.

In 2009, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation introduced the profession of "Security Guard" to the ETKS. For her, 6 digits were established. The higher the rank, the more opportunities the employee has for self-defense. The highest rank of a guard is 6:

  • 1 - requires basic secondary education. Special training need not;
  • 2 - requirements similar to 1 and work experience as a security guard of the 1st category for at least a year;
  • 3 - complete basic education and work experience as a security guard of the 2nd category for at least a year.

In the above cases, professional training is not required. Employees of these categories do not have the right to use various special equipment.

  • the most common category in the qualification of a security guard is 4. A security guard certificate of category 4 allows an employee to use special tools during work - a rubber stick and handcuffs;
  • 5 - it is allowed to use the above special equipment and civilian weapons of self-defense (gas, pneumatic weapons, shockers, pepper spray, etc.);
  • 6 - in addition to all the above means, employees of this category can use any service firearms established by the current legislation.

According to the Federal Law "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation", citizens who wish to work as a security guard of categories 4, 5, 6 must obtain an appropriate license.

Who can work in this profession

A ban on work has been established by law for the following citizens (Article 6 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1 (as amended on December 5, 2017)):

  • who are not citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • under the age of 21;
  • those convicted of an intentional crime or who have been charged with a criminal offense (until the time of the court decision);
  • recognized by the court as incapable or partially capable;
  • who have not passed a medical examination;
  • who have not undergone special professional training;
  • suspended by the court from work in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or any branch of government;
  • former civil servants dismissed on compromising grounds;
  • whose license was canceled due to violation of the norms of legislation on security activities and less than a year has passed since the cancellation;
  • who were denied admission to work based on the results of an inspection conducted by the Department of Internal Affairs or the FSB;
  • who have not passed the mandatory fingerprint examination;
  • registered with the health authorities for mental illness, alcoholism or drug addiction.

Do you fall into any of the above categories? Then you can try yourself in a new profession.

Where to begin

Now about how to get a security guard license of the 4th category (as well as the 5th and 6th):

  • First you have to pass a medical examination. In addition to the standard medical examination, it is necessary to obtain certificates from psychiatric and narcological dispensaries, as well as the conclusion of a fingerprint examination;
  • decide which category you will be studying for.

After that, it is worth looking for organizations that train citizens in this profession.

Why get trained

So, why is it necessary to study and why security guard courses of the 4th category and 6th category are the most popular.

Training of guards of the 4th category takes the least time (98 hours). The cost of education is minimal. This largely explains the popularity of such courses (you can quickly learn and start working). Once every five years, you will have to undergo advanced training.

Often, citizens decide not to waste time and study immediately for the 6th category. The work of such employees is paid higher, but the courses themselves, respectively, are more expensive. After graduating from them, the employee will no longer have to study. Only five years later, when renewing the certificate, it will be necessary to take a refresher course. It is important to note that employees of the lower categories cannot work in positions above their grade, while guards of the 6th category can work in any category.

During the training, citizens study subjects such as:

  • first aid;
  • psychology;
  • legal training;
  • rules for the use of special means, etc.

The acquired knowledge allows the use of special equipment without going beyond the legal field, understanding the psychology of criminals and providing first aid to victims.

Where to study

You can take training in the security guard training program at any specialized school or training center. The main condition is to have a license to carry out educational activities for the training of security guards. The duration of training depends on the content of the program and can be up to 266 hours. The cost of training for each category is purely individual and is determined directly. educational institution. For example, in Moscow, training for a security guard of the 4th category will cost 6,000 rubles. The cost of a course for training security guards of the 6th category will cost more - 9,000 rubles.


The exam is the final part of the training. It consists of two parts: theoretical and practical.

Theoretical part

The students are tested on the knowledge of the theory on the material covered.

For the theoretical part, the following rules are established:

  • 4th category - 7 examination questions, 2 errors are allowed;
  • 5 - 9 questions, 2 errors are allowed;
  • 6 - 10 questions, a maximum of 1 mistake is allowed.

Practical part

For certification of the practical part, students are tested using special equipment permitted for each category. Also, the commission may ask the examinee to demonstrate first aid skills on mannequins. Those wishing to obtain a license for a security guard of the 6th category will be invited to the shooting gallery to test their shooting skills.

In case of successful completion of training, graduates are issued a certified Private Security Guard Qualification Certificate and a Security Guard Training Certificate.

In case of unsatisfactory passing of the exam, it is allowed to retake it (without additional training). As a rule, a retake is scheduled a few days after the first attempt.

Obtaining a license

After completing the training and obtaining the appropriate certificate, in order to obtain a license according to the specified category, you must contact the Licensing and Permitting Department (LRO) at the relevant ATC.

When applying to the LRO, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate package of documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • certificates issued by the educational institution;
  • conclusion of a medical examination (certificate in the form 002 O-U, as well as a document in the form N003-O / y from a narcologist and a psychiatrist's opinion);
  • 2 photographs 4×6 cm;
  • receipt for payment of state duty. According to paragraphs. 112 p. 1, the amount of the state duty for this action is 2000 rubles.

Along with these documents, you must submit an application stating:

  • the name of the ATC unit to which the application and documents are submitted;
  • Full name, address data of the applicant;
  • the main part of the document, which indicates the full name, date and place of birth, data on education, on professional training, questions about the presence of a criminal record, the presence of charges, work public service, questions about the current place of work, work in public organizations, registered in medical institutions;
  • date, signature.

This application is considered within 10 days, following which the LRO makes a decision:

  • on the issuance of a license;
  • refusal to issue a license.

The certificate of a private security guard is issued within 30 working days from the date of submission of documents.

Having received a license, a citizen can find a job in a private security organization as a security guard of the appropriate category.

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