Business plan for organizing an enterprise for the evacuation of cars. How to organize your business on a tow truck: features. Do I need a permit to open a tow truck service?

  • 11.04.2020

Currently, a significant part of the automotive services provides services for the evacuation of cars. This type of activity is not bad in terms of profitability, it also positively affects the image of the organization itself. But this business can also be approached from a different angle, by first opening a 24-hour tow truck, and in the future to expand the range of services provided. In this article, it is worth finding out what constitutes a tow truck as a business. A forum will be organized here, which will allow you to gain special experience for conducting this activity. But everything should be discussed in order.

Let's talk about registration

First you need to legally register your activity. To do this, you must register as individual entrepreneur or LLC. The registration form will not have a big impact on the further activities of the company. You should always focus on the circle of your potential customers. In the event that the tow truck service will be engaged in the provision of services to private individuals, then you can register as an individual entrepreneur. this will help you get a small savings on bookkeeping. If the vast majority of future customers are companies or firms, then you should register in the form of an LLC. This is what will help you give a high formal status. And if the company goes bankrupt, then it will be able to answer to its creditors only by the size of the authorized capital, without involving the founders. the main difference in paid taxes is not significant, for both forms of activity a simplified taxation system is provided, which is 6 percent of the total turnover or 15 percent of income.

What car to buy

The request for a private tow truck cheap will always be relevant. Then you should definitely think about such a business. The machine plays an important role here. Before purchasing a car, you must first decide what type of transport you want to work with. A car for the evacuation of trucks on the platform of a ZIL car costs from 1.5 million rubles. a passenger car may well carry a Gazelle. It will cost you about 900,000t.r. all operating costs of the Gazelle are much less. for this reason, it should be used every time a call comes in. The best option for the company there will be a purchase of three cars at once - 2 cars and one heavy. You will have to spend on the purchase of this vehicle in the region of three million rubles. In addition to all this, it is better to equip each machine with a winch. This will increase the price of the kit to four million. And the thing is that not all competing companies have this equipment available. They are mainly engaged in the delivery of cars. But they, alas, will not be able to try to pull the emergency vehicle out of the ditch. In theory, you can not buy a car, but simply rent or lease it. Renting one tow truck will cost you about 2000 rubles per day. It's not very profitable. But as for leasing, it will cost only 5-10 percent per annum. But, in this case, you will need to insure the car under CASCO, plus another 8 percent.

Additional services

Quite often, a car breakdown can be fixed on the spot without using the services of a service station. As a rule, women are driving the car, who, in turn, do not want to spend time fixing the car and get their hands dirty. For this reason, the provision of small auto repair services can generate excellent profits, and thus gain a loyal customer. In order for a tow truck to bring a business income from repairs, you must first purchase a set of equipment. It will cost about 30,000 thousand rubles. To this you still need to add a powerful jack. As a result, the amount will be 100,000 thousand rubles.


The main goal of any advertising company is to ensure that in a difficult moment the driver has a telephone help desk on hand. To do this, you need to do posting ads literally on every post. As for these ads, they will not cost you very much. But this case is not consistent with the established legislation. But it is worth noting that you will not receive a significant punishment for this, but you can get a fine for damage to city property. Banners and billboards are quite expensive. It may be suitable to enhance your image. at the start of creating your business, renting a place for advertising a tow truck makes a lot of sense. In the future, it will be unprofitable for you from the economic side. Advertising on car radio also makes sense, especially at the very beginning of work. In the future, you may move to other advertising options, such as business cards that can be placed under the windshield wipers of parked cars. Currently, basically every driver has a smartphone with Internet access. This is what opens up another great channel for you to attract future customers. You just need to create a small one-page site, and place ads in search engines Google and Yandex.


In order for a tow truck to bring income, you need to organize everything correctly. It is important to understand where to start this business. In order for your company to work around the clock, for each car you need to hire two drivers - mechanics for shift work. you will not be able to hire experienced people for less than 20,000 tr. To this we still need to add taxes, for each employee, another 7,000 for each. In order for the entrepreneur not to have to spend working time to master all the basics accounting, it is mono to hire an incoming accountant, and a dispatcher who will work at home will be able to coordinate the work of the crews and take orders. Based on this, you can run a business on the provision of towing services without opening an office, and all expenses for service staff will not exceed fifteen thousand rubles.

Repair and parking

Each car will require periodic repairs and maintenance from you. Negotiate with the service station
it is also possible on a barter basis - the entrepreneur is engaged in supplying customers to them and provides evacuation services. For this service, the mechanic repairs his car. In this case, not only comfortable working conditions will be created for each driver, but fuel and lubricants will be saved. The tow truck platform and the machine take up too much space. you will have to pay around 4000 rubles for one car.


To open your business, you will need around 4.5 million rubles. Of them:

Four million - machines and necessary equipment.

  • 50,000 - registration of the necessary package of documents.
  • 100,000 is a tool.
  • 50,000 - unforeseen expenses.
  • 50,000 - advertising.

Monthly you will spend:

  • 50,000 - parking and fuel.
  • 180,000 - payroll.
  • 10,000 - advertising.

Total: 250,000 rubles.

All rates for the provision of towing services vary depending on the region. On average, they are determined according to the following scheme - five hundred rubles per call and 30 per one kilometer of the way. In one day, the car can serve about 12 calls. This will give you 10000 income. In one month, 3 cars will bring you 900,000 tr. Of course, all this is in the ideal case, when the business is one hundred percent loaded, and there is not even a day of downtime. As for the stitching, everything is much more complicated here. Downtime will be in the region of 60 percent of working time. Based on this, a businessman can count on a profit of 540,000 thousand rubles. after deducting all overheads, you will receive 190,000 in income. From this still have to deduct taxes, 15 percent. As a result, you will receive a net income of 160,000 rubles.


The businessman who decides to open a towing service business can count on making good profits, but still, the payback period for this project cannot be called short. This business is quite stable. It is highly scalable. In the future, the fleet will expand, and accordingly grow profits. Even if the niche of one town is saturated, you can transfer part of your company to nearby settlements. Even a small town with a population of 40-50 thousand inhabitants can feed several tow trucks.

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Antiparking is not the only player in the dynamically developing car return services market. Evacuation in Moscow is carried out by several companies hired by the Moscow Parking Space Administrator. In a month they take away about 100,000 cars to the car impound. According to media reports, towing contractors receive a plan from the city on the number of evacuated cars. To fulfill it, tow trucks must bring a total of 1,281 cars a day to the car impound.

True, Danila Trubochkin, CEO of Fast-24 (FastReturn return service), suggests that only 20% of those motorists whose car was taken away by a tow truck are willing to pay for the service. The rest either simply do not know about its existence, or hire cheap private traders. The average cost of the service is 7000 rubles. It includes the delivery of a car, paperwork at the traffic police, the Moscow Administrative Road Inspectorate (MADI) and at the impound lot, and the driver pays the fines for improper parking and impound parking services separately. It turns out that the volume of the sector paid services return is about 320 million rubles. in year. This business is developing as the efforts of the authorities to combat illegal parking grow, it is profitable and does not require large investments, the entrepreneurs themselves admit. But in order to gain a foothold on it, they need to solve several problems.

Mutual Aid Flyer

We went into the pit

Evacuation is expensive for car owners: a fine for improper parking is 3,000–5,000 rubles. plus payment for towing services - 3000–7000 rubles. depending on the power of the machine.

Azat Saitov, founder of Carsreturn (since 2010), says he's had a lot of competition lately. Previously, he had 100 orders per month and 300,000 rubles each. revenue, and now there are only 15 regular customers per month. The easiest way, in his opinion, is for those companies that have developed the return service as a side service for their existing customer base. Thus, Yaroslav Volkov, the founder of the Mosvoditel company (the company has been providing the sober driver service since 2014), offers the return of a car from an impound yard as an additional service for regular customers, in total he has 30–40 of them per month. The founders of the Fast-24 car rental company do the same, says Trubochkin. For 1.5 years of the FastReturn project existence, they removed more than 750 cars from the impound lot of the city. Volkov does not name the revenue, but says that for each call he receives 30%, the rest goes to the driver. FastReturn has a monthly revenue of 60,000–70,000 rubles.

Officials interfere

Moscow officials have a negative attitude towards the business around the evacuation. Vinogradov says that MADI published a message on its website that unscrupulous entrepreneurs are working on the streets of Moscow, who take cars from impounds, but do not guarantee that they will return them without scratches and damage or even return them.

Another conflict, according to Vinogradov, is that the manager of Antiparking draws up a penalty receipt not in the name of the client who parked the car incorrectly, but in his own name. “MADI explained in the same message that people like us violate article 159 of the Criminal Code, because the fine is written to another person. Although the Mosparking call center told us that we have the right to pick up cars,” complains Vinogradov. Entrepreneurs have hired a lawyer and are trying to fight the system. They write complaints to MADI, in which they prove that their managers have the right to provide a service to the client and sign documents on the basis of a power of attorney. Victor Vasker, a lawyer who specializes in automobile cases, believes that there is no violation of the law: “Sometimes people pay property taxes for each other - it's the same. There are no victims, the state received money for an administrative violation, which means that the case is closed.”

trusted driver

According to Vinogradov, potential customers are deterred by the fact that they can receive their car with scratches and damage, or they are simply afraid to trust the keys to their car to just anyone. “In a day, we could lose everything that we earned in a month if we broke at least one headlight of someone else's Range Rover,” says Vinogradov. Entrepreneurs first tried to get behind the wheel of other people's cars to pick them up from the parking lot, but quickly abandoned this. In April, they entered into an agreement with the Angel and Logic City companies, which are engaged in the removal of cars on tow trucks. "Antiparking" pays 2000 rubles from each transported car. Responsibility for the damage, according to Zimin, now lies with Angela and Logic City. And the driver-manager of "Antiparking" follows the tow truck and records on the video recorder the path from the impound to the place of arrival.

The company employs four driver-managers - friends of Zimin and Vinogradov. “We don’t hire strangers, because the owner of the car gives the manager the keys to his car,” explains Vinogradov. According to Trubochkin, FastReturn also entrusted the transportation to tow trucks. Saitov says that he often transports clients himself. If there is no time, it is replaced by familiar drivers. Volkov also relies on the experience of his own employees. But random employees do not work at Mosvoditele either. All drivers, Volkov says, are from among his acquaintances. Service providers sometimes act as insurance brokers. “We have many cases when the car is taken away, and the owner forgot to renew the OSAGO insurance,” says Vinogradov. Neither the client nor the manager-driver will be able to pick up the car from the impound without an OSAGO policy. Vinogradov says that before they had to take the client to the nearest office of the insurance company and spend another hour of his time on issuing a policy. “It made the whole business meaningless,” he says. But a month ago, Vinogradov went to Rosgosstrakh through acquaintances and signed a brokerage agreement with the company, now Antiparking sells policies. According to Trubochkin, FastReturn has an agreement with Ingosstrakh and Rosgosstrakh.

More casualties

According to Ksenia Zagoskina, co-founder of Crocodie, 750,000 cars take to the streets of Moscow every day. Crocodie launched a mobile app a month ago that alerts drivers when a tow truck is approaching. According to Zagoskina, the application already has 1,000 active users who pay 300 rubles for a monthly subscription. But if every motorist is interested in notification services, then the development of companies like Antiparking is hampered by the fact that they are focused on wealthy people. But Zagoskina is sure that the field of activity of these entrepreneurs will expand, because paid parking is being introduced in many million-plus cities. “The more victims, the more services will be in demand,” explains Zagoskina.

* Calculations use average data for Russia


This business plan considers the creation of an evacuation service in the city of Samara. The aim of the project is to meet the demand of vehicle owners for high-quality and inexpensive towing services and to make a profit. The initial vehicle fleet of the company will be 4 units of equipment designed to evacuate vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tons. The service will operate on the territory of all districts of the city of Samara, as well as provide evacuation services in the region and beyond.

Investments in the project will amount to 10.47 million rubles. Most of them will be for the purchase of tow trucks - 10.12 million rubles. The payback period of the project will be 13 months. To start a business will be used own funds. The main performance indicators are presented in Table. one.

Table 1. Integral performance indicators


The development of private evacuation services is largely due to the increase in the number of road transport in Russia. According to the traffic police, over a ten-year period since 2006, the number of cars has increased by 65% ​​- from 34 to 56.6 million. for self-repair and towing. In the event of an unexpected breakdown, the services of a tow truck become a much preferable and convenient way out: a person does not need to call relatives, friends or acquaintances for help, not be nervous about towing, take time off from work, and so on. The help of evacuation services helps to save time and nerves.

The number of road transport in the region chosen for development is one of the highest in Russia. The Samara region is among the ten subjects of the Russian Federation with the largest number of cars (see Fig. 1). Given the high traffic density, it is not surprising that the region is experiencing a large number of car accident. Despite the fact that traffic police statistics show some improvement in statistics over 10 years (the number of accidents in the region decreased from 4593 in 2005 to 3883 in 2015), the situation on the road remains tense.

A large number of cars creates a need for all related services, including evacuation. The reasons for calling a tow truck can be not only the consequences of traffic accidents, but also the influence of weather conditions (stalled cars in the winter), elementary forgetfulness or inattention of the owners (“forgot to refuel”, loss of keys, etc.) As in other regions of the country, On the roads of the region, there is a growing number of inexperienced drivers, including women, for whom any minor problem, such as a flat tire or a dead battery, can be a reason to call a tow truck. In addition, if the car has an automatic transmission, then transportation with a cable is highly undesirable, as car owners are well aware of.

Figure 1. Subjects of the Russian Federation leading in terms of the number of cars

Our project involves the creation of an evacuation service, the purpose of which will be to provide evacuation services in the city of Samara, the Samara region and beyond. The service will operate in the middle price segment, providing quality evacuation services at affordable prices. The company's initial vehicle fleet will include 4 new units of evacuation equipment, including a tow truck with a crane-manipulator. Preference will be given to cars of foreign brands that have proven themselves in the market. For effective interaction with customers, a dispatch service will be created to accept orders around the clock, 7 days a week. The service will operate on the territory of all districts of the city of Samara, as well as provide evacuation services in the region and beyond.

To implement a project to open an evacuation service, you will need:

    register a business as an individual entrepreneur,

    purchase tow trucks and office equipment;

    to hire employees;

    rent an office;

    spend marketing company, create a website.

To implement the project, it will be necessary to invest 10,476,000 million rubles. Most of them will be for the purchase of tow trucks - 10,120,000 million rubles. More details of the start-up cost items are presented in Table. 2.

Table 2. Investment costs project


The company will operate in the middle price segment, providing quality service at affordable prices. The evacuation service will provide services for: round-the-clock evacuation of cars, off-road vehicles and minibuses from the place of breakdown/accident; transportation of the customer's car to the specified place; transportation of cars from warehouse parking lots to car dealerships; preliminary call of a tow truck; transportation of motorcycles, special equipment weighing up to 3.5 tons, transportation of cars in Russia. The full list and prices are given in Table. 3. this business plan.

The final cost of services will be influenced by four main criteria: the weight of the car, the condition of the vehicle, the loading and unloading conditions and the distance traveled. Tariffication will increase with a greater weight of the vehicle, idle steering or a non-functioning running gear, the need to evacuate the vehicle from ditches, ravines and other hard-to-reach places, and a greater distance for transportation.

Table 3. List of company services

Service name


Cost, rub.


up to 1.5 tons

Tow truck services for cars weighing up to 1.5 tons


over 1.5 tons

Tow truck services for cars weighing over 1.5 tons (SUVs, minivans, minibuses)

Special equipment

Tow truck services for loaders, tractors, road equipment weighing up to 3.5 tons

Crane arm

Loader crane services for vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tons

Mototechnics and water transport

Towing services for motorcycles, ATVs, scooters, snowmobiles

Locked wheels

Provision of evacuation services with locked wheels

200 - 1 wheel

100 - 2 or more


Work at the scene of an accident, the difficulty of the hook, dragging / pulling out of the garage

Outside of Samara

Evacuation outside of Samara

Simple tow truck

Waiting for a client, a simple tow truck


Pre-registration for towing services

10% discount


Despite the fact that the clients of the evacuation services are people of different sexes and social position, basis target audience companies according to the experience of other companies are men aged 30 to 45 years. Part of this category are people with an above-average income level, such as entrepreneurs who do not have the opportunity to repair a car on their own. Among the main requirements that customers impose on the work of tow trucks, we can distinguish:

    round-the-clock work schedule;

    affordable prices, the absence of hidden "markups" for additional services;

    quick arrival at the place of call;

    qualified drivers who are able to professionally solve emerging difficulties;

    the presence of a receipt or check;

    high level of service, polite communication with the client.

Among the main reasons for customers to turn to the services of evacuators are:

    getting into a traffic accident;

    steering malfunction;

    blocking or damage to the wheel (wheels) of the car;

    ignition lock, inability to start the car;

    gearbox breakdown;

    battery discharge;

    suspension damage;

    missing keys, leaving keys inside the car.

This line of business is subject to seasonality. The main demand for evacuation services is fixed in the autumn-winter period, with the largest jumps during bad weather, for example, snowfalls, heavy rains, etc. The traditional decline in demand for services is expected in May-August.

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The key channel that customers use to find a tow truck is the Internet, and therefore it is necessary to create your own website and promote it to the first positions in Internet search engines. The site must be easy and intuitive to navigate, and also accessible from a mobile phone, as in the event of a breakdown on the road, the client is not able to use the computer. In addition to creating and promoting the site, our company will use other methods of promotion in the market, including the distribution of flyers and business cards, advertising on transport, advertising through partner companies. The partners will be car services and service stations, car dealerships and other organizations from related industries that can include our company in the list of recommended organizations. The drivers of our service will have branded clothes that will repeat the style of the cars.

To date, more than 20 companies specializing in the evacuation of vehicles operate in Samara. Despite the large number of players, the number of firms providing high-level services is relatively small. Most of the firms are small companies that own a fleet of 1-2 pieces of equipment. Often they do not even have their own dispatch service - all calls are taken by drivers. Given the limited fleet, such services lose a lot of customers: in the case of a high number of orders, they are forced to refuse to provide services. It is also possible to note their weak representation on the Internet. Often the case is limited free advertising on classifieds sites. Quantity large companies, which has a wide fleet of vehicles, is much smaller. Unlike small players, they provide a whole range of services, including cargo evacuation and field technical assistance, having a professional dispatcher, high-converting websites, and so on. Industry analysis shows that with a competent approach to business organization, a good fleet and due attention to promotion, this direction there are prospects for retention in the market and further expansion with the prospect of reaching a leading position.


The process of providing services will begin with the interaction between the client and the dispatcher. To call a tow truck, the customer must indicate the phone number, loading address and destination, make and model of the car, state number, weight of the car without load, as well as indicate the reason for the call and indicate the damage to the car. In accordance with the information received, the dispatcher calls one or more pieces of equipment to the place. For the convenience of customers, the locations of tow trucks will be located in different parts of the city, which will allow them to be on site as quickly as possible. To provide the service, the customer will need to present a certificate of registration of the vehicle or title, as well as a passport or driver's license. Both with physical and legal entities services will be carried out in accordance with the contract for the provision of evacuation services.

The main asset of the company will be tow trucks. To organize a business, it will be necessary to purchase 4 pieces of equipment in the amount of 10.12 million rubles. You will also need to purchase equipment for the control room office. A detailed list of what is required is given in Table. four.

Table 4. List of equipment


price, rub.

Cost, rub.

tow trucks

Tow truck Hyundai HD-78 with lifting and sliding platform

Hyundai HD-78 onboard with CMU UNIC URV-374 RUB 3,704,500

Office equipment and more

A computer

Navigation equipment


10 260 000

During one work shift, one tow truck handles about 5 calls on average. Taking into account the accepted tariffs, the amount of the expected monthly revenue from only one tow truck will be up to 375 thousand rubles, from 4 units of equipment, respectively, up to 1.5 million rubles. It is planned to reach these turnovers by the 4th month of operation.


To open a company, an individual entrepreneur will be opened. Management issues will be assigned to the individual entrepreneur. He will be in charge of recruitment, work shifts, marketing policy, interaction with partners, settlement of disputes with clients. At the initial stage, the company will hire 4 tow truck workers with irregular working hours and 2 dispatchers. staffing and wage fund are given in Table. 5. Subsequently, with an increase in the number of orders and the need for work shifts, the number of production employees will be increased.

Among the main requirements that will be imposed on workers of tow trucks will be the presence of a driver's license category B, C and a medical certificate, good knowledge districts of the city, a driving experience of five years, as well as the possibility of a guarded parking lot. Bookkeeping and Maintenance will be carried out by third parties.

Table 5. Staffing and payroll


Investments in the opening of the evacuation service will amount to 10,470 million rubles. Articles of start-up costs are given in Table. 2. The basis of direct production costs will be the remuneration of personnel, the basis of variable expenses will be the purchase of fuels and lubricants. fixed costs will include rent for office rent, advertising, payment for communication and Internet services, depreciation. Depreciation deductions for fixed assets (automotive equipment) are calculated on a straight-line basis for a 10-year period.

Indicators of revenue, net profit, permanent and variable costs are given in Table. 6. The calculations took into account: achievement of the target sales target by the 4th month of work, organization of 2 work shifts for tow truck workers: from the second year of work, 3 work shifts: from the 4th year of work, an increase in the number of dispatchers to 4 staff positions from the 2nd year of work.

Table 6. Fixed costs of the enterprise


The calculations made in this business plan and the derived integral performance indicators made for a 5-year period (see Table 1) allow us to speak about the investment attractiveness of the project. Despite the capital intensity of investments, funds can pay off in 13 months of work. The efficiency of the evacuation service project is indicated by the indicators of net present value (NPV positive), profitability index (PI> 1) and internal norm yield (IRR>discount rate).


Possible project risks are analyzed in Table. 7.

Table 7. Possible risks and ways to prevent them or their consequences

risk factor

Probability of occurrence

The severity of the consequences


Competitive pressure, dumping

Work on improving the service, wider coverage by regions, reducing the time of arrival on a call, the work of the dispatch service

Low business profitability

High-quality work on promotion in the market, wide coverage of areas, establishment of effective pricing policy

Losses due to false calls, downtime

Inclusion in the list of paid services of situations with downtime and false calls, creation of a black list

"Difficult drivers" (inadequate, intoxicated)

Carrying out driver training for non-standard situations, creating a black list

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On average, every third Russian has a car, so any business, one way or another connected with this technique, has certain prospects. Statistics show that even crisis times and other circumstances that increase the cost of maintaining a car have little effect on the desire of our fellow citizens to move around in space with comfort on an individual vehicle. Any car can break down, old or new. If this did not happen at the door of the service and moving on your own is not possible, the only option would be evacuation by special transport. We bring to your attention a business plan for the evacuation of cars with calculations, which will act as an example and help create own plan, calculate the estimated investment, monthly costs and profits.

Market conditions

The tow truck market hits new profit records every year. Especially in the metropolitan area. And the fleet of the largest companies in this area is replenished every year with dozens of new units of special equipment. But here it is necessary to note a nuance: in Moscow and some other large cities of Russia, a large part is a penal tow truck. These are, for example, the very famous "white-green" AMPP tow trucks that terrify Moscow motorists. There are no separate statistics on the emergency tow truck.

Car evacuation organizations have several formats of activity:

  • Free evacuation. In Moscow, this market cannot be entered, while in the regions the administration is more willing to cooperate with private traders in matters of optimizing the road transport economy. As a rule, such issues are resolved by tender. If you plan to focus on this market, you should contact the administration in advance and find out the requirements that apply to companies participating in the tender. This can be a form of ownership (the B2G sector usually does not work with IP), size authorized capital, the number of transport units in the property and others.
  • Light evacuation. This is the most common segment: both in terms of demand for a tow truck, and in terms of competition, and in terms of launch profitability. In turn, passenger-type evacuation can be conditionally divided into urban and intercity (they can be combined). The essence is clear - the first respond quickly to emergency situations in the city, the second go to the region. Specializing only in regional routes is not worth it, because you will need a fairly extensive network of places for placing tow trucks, a sufficient number of cars (depending on the size of the region, at least 10), etc.
  • Cargo evacuation. Light tow trucks are designed to work with equipment no heavier than 3 tons. For transportation trucks as well as heavy SUVs and minibuses they are not suitable. In cargo evacuation, demand is less, but competition is minimal. The cost of equipment with a carrying capacity of up to 5, up to 10, up to 20 tons is growing exponentially. This also needs to be taken into account.
  • Off-road evacuation. There is also such a direction, which is designed to pull out equipment stuck in mud, snow or swamp. As a rule, tow trucks of this type are assembled on the basis of tractors or trucks with a 6x6 or 8x8 wheel arrangement (Ural, some modifications of KamAZ and similar foreign-made vehicles). It is not common in all regions, promising in areas that are often subject to floods, snow drifts, or in places popular with savage tourists.

Target audience, selection of equipment for work, start-up capital, the level of competition and promotion channels will vary depending on the format of work. This must be taken into account.

Project Summary

In our case, preference is given to light evacuation for work in a large city (population about 500 thousand people). AT this region this option is the most promising and profitable in terms of demand. In addition, to start a business, you will need less money than for other areas, and the payback period will be lower.

Additionally, evacuation services for broken or broken cars from the highway can be provided (within a radius of 100 km from the city).

The main target audience of our business will be:

  • Individual car owners cars gross weight up to 3.5 tons.
  • Owners of car services who do not have their own tow truck.

For each target audience, it is planned to form a separate promotion strategy for acquiring a significant share in the services market of their region.

This business plan involves the creation of a company with several tow trucks in the property. There is an option to create small business without hired employees, where the individual entrepreneur independently searches for orders and performs work on the evacuation of vehicles.

An organization with multiple tow trucks gives greater profitability and has great growth potential. But certain costs will be required, which we will take into account in the financial plan.

Business registration

Registering a business on a car evacuation has its own nuances, so you should order a turnkey service from a specialized legal, accounting or consulting organization. The cost of registration will be about 150 thousand rubles.

Otherwise, you have to sweat thoroughly:

  • Establishment of an LLC and the choice of a simplified taxation system (6% income), which is optimal for services and simpler in terms of tax accounting.
  • Purchase and installation of a cash register. It should be borne in mind that payment is most often made directly to the contractor (driver) in cash. The easiest way is to print a check in advance and sign a contract for the performance of services on the spot. The cash register must be registered with the tax office.
  • To enable payment bank card, each car must be equipped with a mobile POS terminal. If you provide the opportunity to order a tow truck online from the site or from mobile application, you need to connect an online cash desk and conclude an agreement for Internet acquiring with a bank.
  • A tow truck license is not required, but each special vehicle must be registered as a tow truck. Based on this document, you can get a yellow flashing beacon ("flashing light"), which turns on when loading / unloading. For his absence, you can catch a fine from the traffic police.
  • Installation of tachographs on conventional tow trucks in modern conditions not required, but according to the latest legal changes, a tachograph is mandatory for loader cranes (which we will have). Judging by the trends, in the near future the tachograph will become mandatory for a number of other types of special equipment.

We indicate the OKVED code 49.41.1 "Carriage of goods by specialized vehicles."

Premises for rent

For successful work This business only needs office space. Since tow trucks are on duty around the clock, allocate for them special place there is no need for parking. The driver can wait for the order in any place convenient for him, stopping at which is not prohibited by the rules traffic. But there must be a place where a daily check will be made. technical condition cars. You can arrange with the nearest truck service center to rent a lift for 2 hours a day.

Personally, customers will not visit the office to order, it will be done by phone or through the website. Therefore, you can save on office space. The main thing is the presence in the building of the Internet and good cellular communication(for this reason, the basement is undesirable).

We rent a 30 sq. m in an office building of the local level at a price of 17 thousand rubles. per month.

The premises are zoned:

  • Director's office (12 sqm).
  • Open space office for dispatchers (18 sqm, with glass partitions).

Repairs in the office and the purchase of furniture will cost 200 thousand rubles.

The purchase of equipment for dispatchers will require 90 thousand rubles. for one workplace. In our case, we need 2 jobs (180 thousand rubles).

Security is included in the rental price. We will pay an additional 3,000 rubles a month to the administration of the office building for cleaning. Total: 20 thousand rubles. per month.

Purchase of equipment

For work, it is planned to purchase 2 classic-type tow trucks with a winch based on the GAZelle NEXT car with a carrying capacity of up to 1.5 tons, 1 classic-type tow truck based on the GAZon NEXT with a lifting capacity of 3.5 and 2 crane-manipulators on the same base with a lifting capacity of 3 .5 tons. Purchase data is in the summary table.

Equipment is purchased on lease for 3 years with an advance payment of 30% of the cost. The first installment will require 3,300,000 rubles.

The remaining funds are taken from the leasing organization at 12% per annum. The amount of the monthly payment will be 220 thousand rubles. The total overpayment on the loan for the reporting period will amount to 1,230 thousand rubles.

Cars are retrofitted:

  • Installation of tachographs on loader cranes (100 thousand rubles).
  • Installation of GPS terminals with connection of fuel sensors, a mechanism operation sensor, a driver communication kit, video cameras of the cab and loading area (at the rate of 80 thousand rubles per vehicle - 400 thousand rubles).

The costs for the last item are optional, but they will help automate the operation of the system, constantly monitor the work of employees and minimize the misuse of equipment.

In total, when starting a business, you will need to spend 3.8 million rubles.


There are two significant categories of employees in the tow truck service - drivers and dispatchers. The number of orders that your company can fulfill depends on their well-coordinated work.

Taking into account the automation system that we have been implementing from the very beginning, one dispatcher can serve up to 10 machines. We will organize 2 workplaces, with the possibility of organizing a third in the same office in the future. At the first stage, three experienced dispatchers with an initial customer base and a marketer are hired.

Dispatchers will work in a day/two shift. Their functions will include receiving applications from customers, distributing orders to drivers, and monitoring execution.

The marketer will be engaged in advertising placement on the sites, analyzing its effectiveness, interacting with contractors to develop and promote the site and mobile application. At the first stage, this position can be dispensed with if the functions are performed by the director.

Drivers will work on a 12-hour shift schedule. For the effective use of working time without violating labor law 5 cars will require 12 drivers. Requirements: experience on a tow truck, possession of the rights of the required category.

The general management of the company is carried out by the director.

Due to the complexity of bookkeeping for an organization that works with transport, an accountant is hired on the staff.

The staff must have a head of the transport department or chief mechanical engineer. Its resolution is obligatory on the transport sheet of the enterprise.

According to the law, drivers must undergo a medical examination before entering the line. The physician is hired by combination to work for 2 hours in the morning (health checks, reporting).

Job title Wage format Salary (no bonus) From it personal income tax and social tax Number of employees General payroll
Director Salary + bonus 30 000 10 500 1 30 000
Accountant Salary + bonus 20 000 7 000 1 20 000
Dispatcher 16 000 5 600 3 48 000
Marketer Salary + bonus (according to KPI) 12 000 4 200 1 12 000
Driver hourly 45,000 (estimated) 15 750 12 540 000
Chief mechanical engineer Salary + bonus (according to KPI) 20 000 7 000 1 20 000
Medic Salary 10 000 3 500 10 000
Total 680 000

Advertising and marketing

The Internet is chosen as the main channel for finding customers. For promotion, a business card site is being developed with the function of ordering a tow truck online. The creation of a mobile application at the first stage is not planned, since the tow truck is not a permanent order service. However, this tool plays an important image function and can bring additional customers from Google Play and iTunes.

The cost of a high-quality site with an individual design will be 80 thousand rubles.

Promotion will be carried out by means of SEO and contextual advertising. SEO should be allocated 300 thousand for 10 months of work.

It is also important to use other sites where service announcements are posted (about another 15 thousand rubles per month).

To work with car services, the following sequence of actions is planned:

  1. Drawing up a database of potential customers and calling them (the director can do this on his own or, if the budget allows, under an agreement with the call center). In our case, this will be handled personally by the director
  2. Direction commercial offers warm clients.
  3. Conclusion of contracts during a personal visit to the service or with the invitation of its head to your office.

One-time promotion should be allocated 380 thousand rubles (website and SEO) and 35 thousand rubles monthly.

Financial plan

One-time costs

*The calculation does not include the bonus fund.

**Fuel costs are calculated based on the average daily mileage of one car of 120 km and the consumption of 30 l/100 km of diesel fuel at a price of 35 rubles per liter. Actual figures will vary.


The cost of one call is formed individually by the dispatcher, taking into account several factors:

  • call fact. Depending on the type of equipment, from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles.
  • Transportation distance. As a rule, the cost of a call includes transportation over a certain distance (for example, up to 5 km). Each subsequent kilometer is paid additionally at the rate of 100 rubles per km. The trip to the location of the car within the city is included in the cost of the call. When calling to the region, the mileage for leaving is paid additionally at the rate of 75 rubles / km.
  • Loading difficulty. Difficult conditions can be considered as removing the car from the ditch, serious damage to the suspension, difficult placement of the car (for example, in a loaded parking lot). The tasks of the dispatcher include a detailed clarification from the client of additional conditions in which the car is located for an accurate calculation of the price. The client must be warned that if the described conditions do not correspond to the real ones, the driver may refuse to load or require an additional amount to be agreed with the dispatcher.
  • An erroneous, false call or replacement of a tow truck due to inconsistency of the evacuation conditions with the type of equipment due to the fault of the client is paid in the amount of 50% of the cost of the fact of the call. To do this, the system must automatically determine the client's number, record the conversation, and when paying by card, pre-reserve the required amount.

On average, one tow truck fulfills up to 8 requests per day with an average bill of 2.5 thousand rubles per call. Thus, our fleet can bring 40 applications per day with a total revenue of 100 thousand rubles. Thus, monthly revenue will amount to 3 million rubles (1,800 thousand after the deduction of mandatory costs).

Note that the calculation is made on the maximum load. The real yield will be from 30 to 200% less.

Medium net profit such a business starts from 500 thousand rubles per month. From 80 to 130 thousand rubles are sent to the bonus fund every month, depending on the results.

There is no seasonality in business. Cars need to be evacuated at any time of the year. According to feedback from existing market players, the lowest demand is observed in the summer months, the highest - in the off-season (from February to April and from October to December).

The profitability of the business is from 50%.

Full payback period: 1 to 2 years.

Business risks

  • Incorrect assessment of the capacity of the evacuation services market. A risk neutralization measure will be a detailed preliminary study that takes into account the total number of cars in the region, average prices in the city, the number of competitors (including private entrepreneurs). If the actual sales figures differ significantly (more than 30%) from the planned ones, an additional marketing research(possibly with the involvement of third-party auditors).
  • Gross violations by the staff. Human factor in this business is essential. First of all, these are errors of dispatchers when calculating the cost of an application, violations on the part of drivers (fines under the traffic police, damage to transported or other cars, breakdown of the mechanical part due to improper operation). A preventive measure is a careful selection of personnel, the provision of fines and other measures of responsibility for employees for gross violations, automation and organization of control by modern technical means.


The most obvious prospect is an increase in the number of tow trucks in the fleet. But it is limited by the size of the city. Today, in large cities, there are approximately 1 emergency tow truck for a volume of 5 to 15 thousand vehicles. If the total number of tow trucks is more than 1 in 5,000, there may be problems with the number of orders. We take into account that we are talking about all the tow trucks of the city, not only about your fleet.

Another prospect is the purchase of tow trucks of a different class (cargo, off-road, for special equipment, etc.), if there is a corresponding demand from city organizations (transport, service, construction, and others).

The third perspective is the packaging of the business management system into a franchise and promotion to other regions. Several such franchises have already been registered, but the potential is assessed as low, since the field of activity does not imply special models for managing, promoting and organizing a business. For the same reason, buying a franchise in this direction looks a little promising.


The tow truck business is attractive because you can start small if you don’t have a big budget to enter the market: register an individual entrepreneur, purchase one car (including a used one, although it is undesirable). With an increase in the number of orders - buy a second car and hire a partner. True, achieve high profitability and rapid growth will be very difficult.

If you have the opportunity to invest about 5 million rubles in business development immediately and competently approach the marketing component, you can create an enterprise that can cover the entire city with services and become one of the leaders in its region.