What number to show at the corporate party. Scenes for the new year are funny and cool. Modern scenes about the New Year on video

  • 24.04.2020

The tradition of holding matinees in kindergartens and schools on the eve of the New Year in our country was formed at the beginning of the last century. And since then, kindergarteners and students of primary and secondary schools annually come up with a script and rehearse interesting, funny and modern New Year's scenes. Now, on the eve of matinees and winter holidays, teachers and educators are looking for skits on New Year 2019 for elementary school and high school students who would be liked by both the children themselves and the guests of the holiday. And with the greatest joy, children and teenagers learn modern scenes with jokes and comic congratulations, as well as short KVN performances and mini scenes about the New Year. Our site contains scripts and videos of the funniest New Year's scenes for elementary school students, grades 5-7, high school students and for children before school age which are sure to please modern kids and teenagers.

  • Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school
  • Funny and modern scenes for high school students for the New Year 2018
  • Sketches for the New Year 2018 - funny and modern for grades 5-7 of the school
  • Funny and modern scenes for the New Year for children
  • Funny short New Year's sketches for schoolchildren

Comic and funny modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school

Pupils in grades 1-4, unlike teenagers, sincerely believe in Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, so they prepare with all diligence for the New Year and enthusiastically learn New Year's songs, poems and funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school. And since modern children watch a lot of films and cartoons, their imagination in preparation for the festive event is almost limitless.

To interest children and make them want to participate in skits and theatrical performances dedicated to the onset of the New Year, it is important for teachers to draw up interesting scenario holiday. This scenario is best to include active games and creative contests, modern scenes based on cartoons and films, and of course, a lot of presents from Santa Claus.

Modern funny scene "Battle of the Titans" for children 7-11 years old

Children of primary school age have a lot of energy and talents, which they will gladly demonstrate to teachers, classmates and parents. And the New Year's scene "Battle of the Titans", in which 8-13 children can take part, will give the kids the opportunity to fully reveal their talents and have fun at the festive matinee.

Characters: 2 grandfathers (Frost and Heat), Snow Gingerbread Man, Snow Maiden, Snake, Fireman, children (from 2 to 5 people).

Action one.

On the stage - scenery imitating snowdrifts. Children and the Snow Gingerbread Man appear. They bring a small Christmas tree, decorate it.

Snow Gingerbread Man: - Well, the Christmas tree is ready, Santa Claus will come soon with gifts.

Masha: - It's good that there is a New Year! It’s so beautiful around: snowflakes, fluffy snowdrifts… holiday, gifts…

Petya: - And in hot countries, we were told at school, there is no snow at all!

Masha: - How do they, poor things, live there? Without snow, Christmas trees, Santa Claus?

Snow Gingerbread Man: - I heard they have the main Grandfather Zhara there.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear and bring a globe.

Santa Claus: - Children, I heard your conversation. I'll tell you a secret: we have an agreement with Grandfather Zhara. His possessions are on the equator, mine are here. He has cacti, I have trees. We do not interfere in each other's affairs! Look!

He takes out a bag of snow (it can be confetti), carefully sprinkles snow on the globe, bypassing the equator.

- This is my magic snow, but I sprinkle it only on my possessions. Snow Maiden, hold the globe, it's time for me to go for gifts.

Santa Claus is leaving. The Snow Maiden and the children look thoughtfully at the globe.

Masha: Have the children who live at the equator ever seen snow?

Petya: - No, of course, there is only sand!

Snow Maiden: - And let's make them a New Year's gift - a snow surprise.

Children: - Great! Here they will rejoice!

The Snow Maiden takes magical snow and sprinkles it on the equator.

After that, everyone leaves.

Action two.

There are cacti on the stage, decorations imitating sand lie. There is a snake on the sand.

Suddenly it starts to snow. The snake screams:

- What's going on here? What is this powder?

Grandfather Heat enters: - It's snow! So I thought he would break the treaty! Well, Santa Claus, beware, now you will melt with me!

Together with the Snake, they take cacti and hit the road.

Action three.

There is a tree and snowdrifts on the stage again. Children play snowballs. Suddenly, Grandfather Heat and the Snake appear. They remove the Christmas tree, arrange cacti around the stage. Snowdrifts disappear (melt).

Snowball: What's going on? Why is it so hot? I'm growing up now!

Children loudly call Santa Claus. He comes, sees Grandfather Zhara:

Colleague, are you here? What fates? Has it overheated?

Grandfather Zhara: - You violated the contract. Why do I have snow at the equator now?

Santa Claus: - You definitely overheated. There can be no snow at the equator, every schoolchild knows this. Really, kids?

The children are silent, looking at the floor.

Snow Maiden: - Grandpa, I'm sorry, it's my fault, you left the globe and magic snow ... We wanted to surprise the children at the equator ...

Grandfather Heat: - And you succeeded! All right, enough talk. The agreement is no longer valid. Now here are my possessions. Children, take off your boots, it will be hot here soon.

Santa Claus: Forgive us, colleague. My granddaughter, young, inexperienced, has done things. And the kids are not to blame, out of the kindness of their hearts they wanted to surprise your children.

Grandfather Zhara: - And they surprised me. I even started to sneeze cacti, caught a cold. No, dear, I can not forgive this!

He gives a sign to the Snake, she grabs Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, ties them with a rope.

The snow bun hides in fear behind the backs of the children.

Masha: We must do something!

Petya: - They can melt! The heat is dangerous for them!

Snowball: - I have something in stock. Secret weapon.

Runs away.

Children: What have we done? Everything is lost. No Santa Claus, no New Year, no gifts, just cacti...

The Snow Gingerbread Man returns, with him goes the Fireman in a helmet and in large mittens.

— What happened? Is there a fire here?

Snowball: - Worse! We now have heat and cacti. Grandfather Zhara captured us.

The fireman comes up to Grandfather Heat, grabs him with his mittens: - Well, hello! You and I agreed that we would not interfere in your affairs, and you in ours. Do you remember at the last fire you promised me this? Why are you breaking the contract?

Grandfather Heat: - It's just a New Year's joke! Just don't spray me with a hose, please! I will release your Santa Claus!

Unties the prisoners.

Firefighter: - Now you understand that promises must be kept? That is great! And now - stop quarreling in the New Year! Reconcile immediately.

Grandfather Heat: - Everything, the world. Just don't hug. I'll catch a cold.

Santa Claus: - And I will melt.

Fireman: - Then we celebrate!

Cheerful New Year's music is turned on, everyone is dancing.

A very interesting and funny scene for the New Year for children in grades 1-2 - video

In the video below, you can watch an interesting scene prepared by the children of one of the Russian schools. In this scene some fairy tale characters played by high school students, who took on the role of leaders. However, teachers can also play these roles. lower grades and the kids themselves.

Cool, funny modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for high school students

High school students are often reluctant to participate in the preparation of school new year events, as traditional matinees seem boring and out of date to them. But to change the attitude of teenagers to school holiday very simple - just invite them to play funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for high school students with actual jokes and jokes.

Also great idea will arrange a New Year's Eve in the style of a humorous show or KVN, where students will be able to laugh a lot themselves and make the guests of the event laugh. Moreover, part of the jokes and numbers can be found by the teacher, and part can be prepared by the high school students themselves. After all, perhaps one of the guys has a real talent for writing jokes and humorous scenes, and at the New Year's holiday everyone will see the first performance of the future Stand Up star.

New Year's skits for KVN on a festive evening - video

There are a lot of ideas for cool New Year's scenes, the humor of which will be understandable to modern high school students. And in the video below you can see the brightest and most interesting ideas for scenes for New Year's Eve in KVN format.

Scenario of a cool scene for the New Year for high school students

New Russian grandmothers, Matryona and Flower are recognizable characters in our country. Therefore, the images of these heroines can be used to stage a New Year's scene on celebratory event in high school. Teenagers will surely like funny scenes with congratulations and modern jokes, and they will be happy to take part in the performance. And here we will provide exemplary scenario sketches for the New Year 2019 for high school students about new Russian grandmas.

(Grandmothers come, immediately go to the Christmas tree. Matryona in the costume of a Snowflake, Flower - Squirrel.)

Matryona: Well, you see, Little Flower, the Christmas tree is real, and you - deceived, deceived ...

Flower: Yeah! .. She is the most, just like in childhood, wow! I'm just worried about everything - the rhyme flies out of my head, and without a rhyme Santa Claus will not give a gift! .. (sobs)

Matryona: Come on, don't worry, Grandfather Frost will give you a discount on your sclerosis!

Flower: Yeah ... if only they would have made a discount on it in stores, or at least in pharmacies! ..

Matryona: Oh, dreaming! So, and we already have a discount, minus 30% of the pension, have you forgotten?

Flower: Well, yes, well, yes ... (examining Matryona) And you, Matryon, what kind of New Year's costume is this?

Matryona: Well, don't you see? (proudly) Snowflake!

Flower: Yeah... Oh, I don't know... You're too old, in my opinion, for a snowflake, well, if only a snowwoman...

Matryona: You are a grandmother! Yes, look at yourself! Here you are - who?

Flower: (embarrassed) Squirrel...

Matryona: I would tell you what a squirrel, but there will be tears - Santa Claus will have all his boots soaked!

Flower: (crying)

Matryona: All right, everything, calm down! (stroking her)

Flower: Listen, Matryon ... (embarrassed)

Matryona: Well, let's talk already, she was embarrassed, how red the girl is!

Flower: Matryon, tell me, do you believe in Santa Claus?

Matryona: As a child, I really believed! When I was young, I had some doubts, but now I believe again!

Matryona: (with irony) Of course! Only a miracle can now change our lives for the better! Well, where is Santa Claus, to whom to tell poems? Until my memory faded!

flower : Come on, get out, let's tell everyone!

Together: Happy New Year!

We wish you all good health!

May this New Year

Bring good luck to everyone!

Sketches for the New Year 2019 for grades 5-7 of the school - funny and modern ideas

Sketches for the New Year 2019 for grades 5-7 of the school can be funny and modern, fabulous and comic, in the form of a short dialogue or a theatrical performance, with jokes and serious ones. Children of middle school age are happy to participate in amateur performances, and often even argue among themselves for the best roles in artistic performances at matinees.

In order for each student to be able to demonstrate their talents, it is necessary to select such funny and modern scenes for the scenario of the New Year's party, in which many students participate. And of course, the teacher should give the children the opportunity to choose their own role in the New Year's scene, and, if desired, supplement its plot with a funny joke or a beautiful congratulation.

Video with funny and original New Year's scenes for high school students

Get interesting and original ideas modern scenes for the New Year for students in grades 5-7 of the school can be found in the videos below. These videos were filmed in ordinary Russian schools, which means that middle school students of any school will be able to organize and stage an artistic performance no less talentedly and with humor than in the video.

Funny and modern scenes for the New Year for children based on fairy tales

Whatever is fashionable this year, Russians folk tales remain relevant at all times. Therefore, funny and modern scenes for the New Year for children cannot be imagined without famous fairy-tale characters - Baba Yaga, Kolobok, Wolf, Bunny, Three Pigs. Moreover, the children themselves are very fond of imagining themselves as heroes of fairy tales and are happy to prepare costumes, learn their roles and take part in staging such scenes.

Very funny scene of Baba Yaga for children

Baba Yaga is one of the most famous characters in children's fairy tales, and modern children are not afraid of a grandmother living in a hut, but laugh at her. And some girls on New Year's party at school or kindergarten dress up not as princesses or snowflakes, but as grandmas Ezhkas. Therefore, the scene of Baba Yaga for children, the script of which is given below, will be relevant on any children's holiday dedicated to the New Year.

(Baba Yaga comes out)

Did you recognize Grandma Yozhka?

Why didn't they call me?

Well, tea is also a person,

Even though I'm already a century old.

And even though I'm old, I know

I'm such an entertainer.

I compose for you now

Amazing story.

you help a little

Nice to ask!

(Children in chorus ask Baba Yaga to tell a fairy tale)

... That's it, the fairy tale is ready ...

(Reads a story)

Here the story ends

Now let's dance.

Don't be lazy, don't sit

Break up your bones.

Don't sit still.

Tea is not two hundred for you!

I have something for you.

Here I beg you, lottery.

Pull the ticket first

Is there a gain or not?

Don't look far.

Tea I'm good Yaga!

(A win-win lottery is held - each child pulls out some sweetness from Santa Claus's bag)

It's fun with you, funny,

But we need to say goodbye quickly.

Don't be angry when

I love you dearly!

Kiss, smack, smack over the shoulder!

Scene for children for the New Year "Three Little Pigs" - video

Another interesting and funny scene based on fairy tales on new way for children - the scene "Three Little Pigs". This scene can be played both at a matinee in a kindergarten or school, and at a home celebration of the New Year.

New Year's sketches for schoolchildren - funny and short creative numbers

Many schoolchildren want to prepare their own skits and artistic numbers for New Year's Eve party. And as a rule, children prepare such numbers together or three together - together with their best friends. For such cases, short and funny New Year's skits for schoolchildren for a company of 3 people will come in handy. Scenarios of such short scenes are given below.

Scene "Tested way"

Daughter: - Mom, do you think dad will give you a fur coat for the New Year?

Mom: Probably not. It is very expensive.

Son: - Have you tried lying on the floor, yelling and kicking? I checked it works!

Scene "Things must be planned in advance"

The snail slowly crawls along the tree, on the way it meets a worm.

Worm: - Happy New Year, snail! Where are you heading?

Snail: - I’m crawling for berries, otherwise I didn’t have time last time, they ate everything before me.

Worm: - What berries? Winter, New Year! They will only be in the summer.

Snail: - And now I'm smart, I left in advance! I'll definitely make it by summer!

Scene "Excellent teacher"

Child: - Yeshkin cat!

Mom: Son! Who taught you such a bad word?

Child: Santa Claus! I heard him say this when he tripped over a bicycle in my room at night.

Sketches for the New Year - an opportunity for children to show their imagination and demonstrate their talents

Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for children, rehearsed under the guidance of their beloved teacher, is a great opportunity for schoolchildren to demonstrate their talents and acting inclinations to classmates, teachers and parents. Short and funny New Year's skits will be easy to learn and play for elementary school students, and scripts are suitable for high school students cool scenes with up-to-date humour. The main thing for teachers is to give children the opportunity to choose interesting scenes and roles, as well as allow them to show their imagination when creating a festive image, because already for grades 5-7 of the school this task will not be difficult, but on the contrary, it will allow children to feel like adults and reveal the talent of an artist in themselves.

An obligatory part of New Year's concerts at school are short funny numbers performed by students. Most often, cool scenes for the New Year 2019 for the school are prepared by high school students. It can be either funny congratulations for children and teachers, or mini-performances on topical topics, reminiscent of comic numbers from KVN. But even younger students, just like middle school students, can participate in funny scenes. For example, put on a number about Baba Yaga, who is trying to ruin the New Year or a comic dance of Russian attendants from 3 people. The theme of such children's numbers can be very different, ranging from musical parodies to reworked fairy tales in a modern way. Next, we offer you a few interesting ideas, which can be used for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 at school.

The funniest New Year's skits for schoolchildren - short numbers, ideas and examples

To cheer everyone up at a New Year's concert for schoolchildren, it is not at all necessary to put on long numbers - short funny scenes are also perfect. Usually they are dialogues between several participants on topics related to the holiday. Also relevant options for the New Year's concert can be different school situations that are easy and fun to beat. For example, you can put on a short scene about Vovochka and a teacher who scolds him for bad grades and reproaches that his father will soon have gray hair. To which Vovochka cheerfully declares that this will be a great New Year's gift for his dad, because he is completely bald.

Examples of short and funny New Year's scenes for schoolchildren, the best ideas

Another great story for a funny New Year's scene to school is writing a letter to Santa Claus. Here you can beat, for example, a huge amount of writing (a common notebook for 48 sheets), errors in each word, due to which Grandfather Frost does not understand the content of the appeal to him. You will find some more interesting ideas for New Year's short skits to school below.

Universal scenes for the New Year for children on modern topics - funny examples, video

Special attention should be paid universal skits for the New Year for children on funny topics that are relevant in modern world. First of all, numbers of a certain format fall into this group. For example, musical medleys are funny numbers using cuts of audio tracks from songs and phrases from movies. Also, the always relevant format of the skits is a comic dance number, in which funny-dressed participants perform - well-known characters.

Universal examples of funny scenes for the New Year for children on topical modern topics

Another example of a universal format for funny scenes for the New Year for children is remade fairy tales in a modern way. For example, you can put a number about how the characters from a fairy tale about 12 months would look today. Of course, the dialogues and images of the characters in this case will be very different from the classic plot. You will find several interesting options for universal and very funny scenes for a concert in honor of the New Year at a school for children in the following videos.

Very funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school students - modern ideas

If we talk about options for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school students, it is important to remember that such numbers should be short. It is very easy for young children to become confused when performing on stage and forget a long line. Therefore, it is better to choose short scenes in the form of dialogues between 2-3 people. It is also good to use musical and dance numbers, which are much easier for students to remember. primary school. For example, a win-win option for the New Year is a funny dance of Russian grandmothers who are trying to portray a lower break dance.

Modern ideas for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school students

As for the theme of the rooms, scenes on the New Year theme are especially relevant in elementary school. These can be options using traditional characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Baba Yaga, etc. You can also play a scene about New Year's wishes and the main traditions of this wonderful holiday. You will find some examples of funny scenes for the New Year for primary school students in the following videos.

Cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for students in grades 5-7 of the school - the funniest options

For ideas of cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019, students in grades 5-7 of high school can also use funny options from the previous selection. But unlike elementary school students, middle school children can put on longer and more complex numbers. For example, they can prepare not just an excerpt from a children's fairy tale, but completely remake this work on a New Year's theme. Suitable in the form of a cool scene and a comic parody. An example is a situation where show business stars could congratulate Santa Claus. For such a number, you need to choose the most recognizable and popular performers, and rewrite their hits in a festive way. Of course, in such a performance, the artistry of the students performing is very important, who are able to convey the image of a star through a parody.

Funny options for cool modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for students in grades 5-7 of high school

Also, as funny and cool scenes for the New Year for students in grades 5-7, numbers on everyday topics are suitable. For example, a rather fun performance can be played around the traditional preparation of the average family for the New Year. You can also use popular scenes from KVN, beating them with a New Year's bias. Vivid examples of funny numbers for the New Year 2019 can be found in the selection of videos below.

Funny and funny scenes for the New Year 2019 to school - options for high school students on modern topics

If we talk about funny and funny scenes for the New Year to school, then for high school students, numbers for actual contemporary themes. For example, school graduates can stage a comic rap battle between students and teachers. Perfect for a New Year's concert and cool dance performances for modern hits using interesting costumes. In addition, high school students can use popular challenges from the network as the basis for a fun number.

Funny options for funny scenes on modern topics for high school students on the New Goal 2019 to school

A funny number for a New Year's concert performed by high school students can also be done in a stand-up format. This type of humorous performance has recently been gaining more and more popularity and will be relevant as part of a school event for the New Year. As a theme for stand-up performed by high school students, you can use situations familiar to everyone from school life. Another fun format for comic scenes is suspense/reality productions. Moreover, such a scene can be played, or it can be made interactive, for example, using large-format pictures or small video clips on the screen. You will find some examples of funny scenes for a New Year's concert for high school students in the following videos.

Sketches for the New Year 2019 for the school must be funny, funny and cool. Of course, the level of humor of such numbers largely depends on the performers - students in grades 1-4 of elementary school, grades 5-7 of high school or schoolchildren from grades 8-11. It is clear that what older kids, the more modern and complex rooms can be staged with their participation. But even short children's skits can cheer up everyone present with a properly composed comic scenario of the holiday. For example, it can be funny congratulations for teachers or popular numbers from the New Year's editions of KVN. Do not forget about mini-performances of 3-4 people, which can ignite the audience, for example, with a cheerful dance of Baba Yaga or restless Russian grandmothers. We really hope that the ideas and videos from today's article will help you plan an unforgettable New Year's concert at school!

tatiana ganicheva

presenter: Snow is spinning and flying, Winter is invited to visit,

The songs are not afraid of the cold, they are heard far away.

Presenter 2: A snowstorm sweeps snowdrifts, but the Snowman walks boldly,

He brings Christmas trees with him, and sings a sonorous song.

A snowman comes out and 2 Christmas trees. Stepping Out Snowman (adult) and Elki (girls) under music, (by train)

Dialogue with the Snowman:

Christmas tree 1: It's winter outside. White snow lies.

Christmas tree 2: Our cheerful Snowman is standing outside the window.

Snowman: Who has a red nose?

Christmas trees: - At the Snowman.

Snowman: Who has a whisk?

Christmas trees: - At the Snowman.

Snowman: Who has no clothes?

Christmas trees: - At the Snowman.

Snowman: I'm not afraid of frost

I am very proud of this!

Song "Firs and Snowman" to the motive "Chocolate Candies" music Z. Root with movements.

Snowman: Come on, Christmas trees - girlfriends,

start singing ditties,

and dance with all your heart, how good you are!

Dance to Lose: 1. toe of the right foot - point, point, top - top - top

2. toe of the left foot - too

3.(The snowman holds the Christmas trees by the hand closest to him)

1st Christmas tree spins at the Snowman's hand and makes a spring at the end of the phrase (Kristina)

4. 2nd Herringbone does the same (Ulyana)

Christmas tree 1: I am a cheerful Christmas tree, dance and sing, I'm ready.

And who else is shy, let him equal me (with movements)

Christmas tree 2: I am a forest tree, so mischievous.

The guys are worried, they are afraid that they will inject themselves! (with movements)

Christmas trees (together): Do not look that it is small, you still went to dance.

And from my song, everything in the forest will become warmer!

losing: the dance is repeated.

Snowman: Squirrels and tits know, You don't stand still!

You dance, have fun, spin on one leg!

losing: dance

Together: We sang and danced here, but we were not a bit tired.

They didn’t drop the Christmas trees, neither a cone nor a needle! (bow)

Game - Orchestra for the New Year!

Snowman - everyone who loves music and laughter, in life waiting for great success.

Musicians - get out, tools - show.

But first, everyone

Present your instrument to us.

2. This is how the metallophone sounds

What a crystal clear sound!

2. It looks like a rattle, but it's not a toy.

Maracas with us - suddenly started dancing.

3. I will take a tambourine in my hands and now I will start playing.

Snowman - Triangle musical- a distant relative of the bell,

You can’t complete a drawing with him, but he’s good in an orchestra!

4. The xylophone has a sound - like a woodpecker knock:

He is jerky, deaf, but it pleases the guys so much.

Thanks friends! And now - do not yawn!

In the orchestra, we begin to play Waltz!

Orchestra "Waltz is a joke" Shostakovich (see below - description)

Intro - Snowman PLAYS on musical triangle - times, two, three, one, two, three

Children - - play instruments

Snowman - "Give me, let me sleep"- plays music triangle

Children - "Wake up snowman, wake up snowman"- play instruments

Snowman - "I really want to sleep"- on a triangle

Children - "Wake up snowman, wake up snowman"- play instruments

Snowman - "How much can I interfere"- on a triangle

Part 2 - Snowman or one child "glissando" on the harmonica (tram - there)

Children - "staccato" on instruments (ta - ra - tara - tara)

Snowman - repeat

Children - repeat

Snowman and children - 2 more times repeat.

Part 3 - Snowman "woke up"- all play together

Snowman: Well done, you did an excellent job, because you are used to playing in an orchestra.

Scenes for the new year 2017: funny for corporate parties (year of the rooster)

As it is sung in the songs of the disco group, an accident - “the New Year is rushing towards us” ... and if so, now is the time to start preparing for the most beloved holiday in our country. And so that you can start with it, we recommend new funny scenes for the new year 2017 for your corporate party. With such scenes, the corporate party will turn out to be bright, memorable and fun!

Scene - New Year's gatherings.
This scene takes place in an impromptu style. The host reads out the words, and the participants in the skit, when they say their name, say their phrases. It turns out funny, especially if the actors will harmoniously play along with you.
This scene usually turns on the guests a lot and “warms up” them. And after it, the whole team is yours, and you can continue the fun holiday.

Scene - chicken Ryaba 2017

Since the year of the rooster is coming, it will be relevant to use a fairy tale and the image of a chicken ripples. In this scene, we will choose the hen Ryaba 2017.
To do this, we need to call five girls to the stage. When they are on stage, the presenter begins to read his words.

Chicken Ryaba we choose
We select the best of the best.
There are five contestants so far,
And while there is plenty to choose from!

Our first competition is simple,
Everything is simple - you just sing!
Who sings the best
He won't leave here!

(Song contest. Girls take turns singing a New Year's song in different genres. Someone in rap style, someone in chanson style, someone in opera style, someone in rock style, and someone in Russian-folk style After the guests choose the best, and one girl leaves the competition)

Our ranks are lined up.
But the contestants did not sit!
Our next contest is:
Who will dance the best!

(Dance competition. The girls have to show a chicken dance. The "chicken rap" music is turned on and all the girls dance after the audience again chooses the best, and one girl leaves the stage)

We are all actors at heart,
And we each have our own roles.
And today you have many roles,
Play, have fun!

(Acting competition. A New Year's song is turned on here - a Christmas tree was born in the forest, and the contestants take turns showing all the actions that are sung in the songs. For example, the first shows the first verse. The second is the second, and the third is the third. Then the audience also chooses two for the final, and one girl leaves the stage)

How long have you been going to success?
And finally you have arrived!
The competition is the last one.
Break away from the soul!

(The last competition. In it, the girls will take turns dancing with Santa Claus. More precisely, music is playing, Santa Claus is standing, and the girls must dance and involve Santa Claus in their dance. After the audience chooses the winner of the whole game and presents the award - Ryaba chicken )

Scene - New Year's gifts.
And again we return to the theme of the year of the rooster. In this scene, New Year's characters will give gifts to guests - unusual eggs. These will be love eggs, health eggs and so on. Such gifts will be remembered forever.
For the scene, you need to buy Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs and paste them over with these patterns.

Scene for Valentine's Day. Two cupids with a bow and arrows go out to do their job. An unusual scene where participants will need to go down to the auditorium.

The plot is this: the girls decide what to give their boyfriends on February 23rd. Only ladies participate in the scene. Finally, a legitimate reason to drive the men into the auditorium and enjoy the scene from the heart.

This scene can be put on March 8, and on a bachelorette party. The plot is already revealed in the title: best friends tell everyone the secret of how to make and not lose best friends. All, of course, with humor.

A scene for March 8, in which men will joke about typical female things. This scene will well dilute the concert dedicated to International Women's Day.

It is difficult not only for women before February 23, but also for men before March 8. Everyone decides the most difficult task- what to give?! That's what we're joking about in this scene.

This scene can be shown at a concert in honor of March 8, and at a corporate party of a beauty salon or store. After all, everyone wants to laugh at stereotypical approaches to female beauty.

Imagine that car designers finally decided to create a purely feminine car. Yes, and give it to women on March 8th. You understand that this scene is very funny.

Scene for a birthday or anniversary. It can be quickly shown on any free spot in a cafe or restaurant. Birthday party for joy and guests for fun.

Another humorous scene on the topic of finding a birthday present. Choosing a gift is especially difficult. And in this case, the problem seems to be completely unsolvable. In this story, both the guests and the birthday boy recognize themselves.

By the way, this scene is also suitable for the anniversary. From five to 10 people can participate in it. The more - the more fun the scene will be.

Sketches about school, study

By the name of the scene, it is already clear that it is the most school-like one. The plot is as follows: the principal of the school calls a meeting to prepare educational institution to the arrival of a strict check.

It is always interesting to imagine how children will be taught like this in forty, fifty years. And if you add humor to these dreams, you get a good scene for a school concert.

We tried to imagine how officials come up with new topics for graduation essays. This scene will look organically in a concert on the occasion last call or high school graduation. It can be played by both teachers and students.

Imagine that the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov quit his TV shows and began working as a literature teacher. In the skit, we tried to show what his lesson would look like.

Imagine that because of the crisis, it was decided to hold a summit of leaders of all countries of the world in one of the children's health camps. The scene is also good because it is massive, but everyone does not need to learn the words.

New Year's scenes

Dynamic, modern, and most importantly - a funny New Year's scene. The beginning is this: Santa Claus reads the children's letters and is finally disappointed in them.

Scenario New Year's party for junior schoolchildren. Jack Sparrow, young hacker, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka in one scenario. Humor guaranteed!

Scenes-dialogues for two hosts of the New Year's Eve. They will help out your concert, they will connect even the most motley numbers. Jokes are light, funny, New Year's.

Anything can happen on New Year's Eve. The scene is exactly about this: the artistic director arranges a scolding for artists who performed at children's New Year's parties. A scene in the spirit of the Comedy club with a fair amount of childish humor.

The new most relevant script for children new year holiday. Recognizable modern characters: Pyaterochka cashier, Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Baba Yaga, and the symbol of the new year 2019 - Pig.

The classic battle of the Old and New Years has been moved to the walls of an ordinary office. The scene is suitable for a corporate New Year's party. If your department was asked to stage a scene, take it and don't suffer.

The plot of the scene is as follows: astrologers-predictors compete in predicting the new year for the office staff. As you understand, all your intra-office joys and actualities can be woven into the scene. Success at the New Year's corporate party is guaranteed!

Let's fast forward three hundred years ago and imagine how Russia switched to celebrating the New Year in winter. Let's do it in the form of a funny scene. If you rent theatrical costumes, the scene will be just bomb.

Actual New Year's scene on a school theme. About how hard it is for schoolchildren and teachers on the eve of the New Year. Suitable for school or student KVN on a New Year's theme.

The plot of the scene is as follows: somewhere in the north there is a secret base for the preparation of Santa Clauses. How are they without training? You can show such a scene both at KVN and at the New Year's concert.