Economic efficiency of personnel marketing. Socio-economic efficiency of personnel marketing. What are the main areas of personnel marketing

  • 01.12.2019

Unlike developing countries, one of critical factors that determine the potential of Russian enterprises is the level of qualification of the personnel. A high level of basic education allows specialists of enterprises to quickly learn, master new professions and acquire the skills necessary to work in a market environment. Thus, the availability of qualified personnel is a significant advantage that contributes to the competitiveness of enterprises.

The level of staff qualification plays the most important role in ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises. This problem can be solved in two ways: the first is to improve the skills of existing staff, and the second is to replace staff with new, more qualified ones. Replacing personnel, at first glance, is the simplest and most effective way. However, experience shows that this is not entirely true. Firstly, today it is not easy to find a qualified employee who is able to act in the existing conditions, especially to carry out changes that require serious knowledge and experience. A more realistic way to solve the problem of staff qualification is to retrain existing workers, despite the fact that this is a more evolutionary and lengthy process. Given the above, retraining can be carried out mainly in two ways: firstly, these are intensive, practically oriented training courses(trainings), secondly, - training on special account. combines.

In LLC " Electricity of the net» we will invite a specialist who will conduct training sessions, and we will also send young employees from all sites for training. Training will take place in training centers for advanced training, and all this at the expense of the organization.

Socio-economic efficiency of the proposed activity

The most important quality indicator social production is its efficiency. Distinguish between social and economic efficiency. Socio-economic efficiency - the effectiveness of production in comparison with production resources and social needs. Social efficiency reflects the social outcome management activities and characterizes the degree of use of the potential capabilities of the team to implement the company's mission.

Production efficiency is an objective economic category that characterizes the degree of achievement of general and individual results from the optimal use of all enterprise resources.

Economic efficiency is the achievement of the optimal amount of profit for the development of the enterprise's activities on the basis of the consistent implementation of the principle of responsibility to society. When evaluating economic efficiency of the staff development project, the following generalizing indicators can be used. Net present value:

Where R - economic results of the implementation of measures for the billing period, rub;

K - the cost of implementing activities for the billing period, rub.

Table 3.4

Data on economic results and costs of activities

NPV \u003d 5 million rubles. / (1+ 0.08) No. - 300 thousand rubles. = 4329629 rubles.

We send 25 young specialists for advanced training, therefore, 300 thousand rubles. / 25 people we get 12 thousand rubles, this is the amount of training for one employee.

2. Index of profitability (ID) is the ratio of the sum of the reduced income to the amount of capital investments and is calculated according to the following formula:

HC - the present value of cash flows;

I - the amount of investments aimed at the implementation of the project (if the investments are at different times, it is also reduced to the present value).

If the value of the yield index is less than or equal to 1, then the project is rejected, since it will not bring additional income to the investor.

Table 3.5

Data on economic results and costs in 3 stages

ID = (1200000+800000+3000000)/(120000+50000+130000) = 16.7

3. Payback period (Current) - the minimum time interval T \u003d K / Dh

T - payback period of the project, years;

K is the total amount of expenses for the implementation of the investment project, including the costs of research work;

Dh - net income at the first stage of the investment project.

T \u003d 300000 / 1200000 \u003d 0.25

Thus, in this paper, the proposed project of the event is generally effective from both a social and an economic point of view. The staff development project will significantly increase work efficiency.

Personnel Marketing Costs

Modern management defines personnel costs as the cost of "purchasing" personnel and the benefits that an employee brings to an organization.

Definition 1

Personnel marketing costs are investments or ongoing expenses that are repeatedly paid off by a growing stream of income.

There are two groups of expenses for the acquisition and use of personnel: external and internal.

External costs are the payment for cooperation with educational institutions, commercial organizations for the selection and training of employees, employment centers. Also, this group of costs includes the costs of research and operational work in the field of personnel marketing ( marketing research, advertising, travel and hospitality expenses).

Internal costs include:

  • capital investments in the equipment of new jobs and the modernization of existing ones;
  • investments in additional construction and equipping of social infrastructure facilities, educational units;
  • costs for wages new employees or with new qualifications (including social package).

The marketing strategy of the company influences the choice of ways to cover the need for personnel. It is she who contributes to the development professional requirements to personnel, determines the amount of expenses for the reproduction of labor resources.

Employer staff costs include:

  1. labor costs (payroll);
  2. social payments;
  3. expenses not related to the first and second groups.

Labor costs include all expenses of the company, regardless of the sources of their financing: payment for hours worked and hours not worked.

Social benefits are:

  • employee pension supplements;
  • lump-sum benefits for retiring labor veterans (paid by the organization);
  • contributions to voluntary health insurance and payment for treatment (at the expense of the company);
  • payment for health resort vouchers;
  • compensation for harm caused at work, payments to the dependents of the dead, compensation for moral damage in court, etc.;
  • compensation for the stay of employees' children in kindergartens;
  • compensation for female employees on partially paid parental leave;
  • various types of material assistance (birth of a child, scholarships for employees sent to study from the enterprise);
  • payment for travel by public transport to the place of work;
  • assistance in housing construction and repayment of loans.

Features of evaluating the effectiveness of personnel marketing

In order to increase competitiveness and maintain a strong position in the market, companies strive to constantly improve the efficiency of individual events and all company activities. First of all, it is necessary to use the increase in efficiency due to internal reserves and to receive income from investments through development. In this case, an important component is the assessment of the level of efficiency achieved.

Remark 1

The issue of personnel marketing assessment is the most complex and not fully understood problem in the enterprise. Studies show that a large proportion of managers in companies are not satisfied with the performance analysis system. It lacks a clear structure for performance evaluations and goals, the degree of achievement of which needs to be assessed.

Analysis of the effectiveness of personnel management is a powerful engine of performance growth management process. To obtain objective data, use various methods assessment of the effectiveness of personnel marketing:

  • assessment of the effectiveness of personnel marketing through the assessment of staff satisfaction;
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel marketing through the evaluation of customer satisfaction;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of personnel marketing through consideration of a system of interrelated performance indicators.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel marketing through the assessment of its satisfaction

The first method is based on a tool for assessing customer satisfaction "importance - performance". Employees are such consumers. And companies need to increase their satisfaction and develop loyalty.

Figure 1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel marketing based on the "importance - performance" tool. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

Remark 2

This technique allows you to determine the places of inappropriate investments Money in personnel marketing and identify priority and promising areas for investment.

The disadvantage of this method is the focus on the staff and their satisfaction. The end consumer and the impact of personnel marketing activities on his attitude towards the enterprise and his level of satisfaction are not studied. Accordingly, it is difficult to compare the results of the evaluation with financial performance company activities. These estimates will not give a complete picture of the compensation of investments in personnel marketing in the distant future.

Assessing the effectiveness of personnel marketing through customer satisfaction assessment

Remark 3

The goal of personnel marketing can also be a high level of customer service satisfaction.

Therefore, to determine the effectiveness of personnel marketing, any methods for assessing customer satisfaction are used:

  • importance-performance analysis;
  • customer survey;
  • method "Mystery shopper" (mystery shopper).

The first method is based on the same technology as the staff satisfaction method. It includes identifying key consumer needs or product features through in-depth interviews or focus groups. The presence and importance of the properties are also determined and, based on the results, customer satisfaction is assessed.

The second method reveals key indicators customer satisfaction, then customers are asked to evaluate the product or enterprise according to these indicators. This method It also allows you to highlight shortcomings and problems in customer service, to identify areas of activity with which buyers are dissatisfied.

The Mystery Shopper method is used to assess the quality of services. It consists in assessing the quality of service by specialists who act as a buyer. In a pre-planned scenario, the mystery client visits in person outlets or calls the sales office, asks questions, observes, makes purchases. As a result of the study, the quality of service is assessed.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel marketing through a system of interrelated performance indicators

If we consider personnel marketing as a way to implement a strategy through the creation of common values ​​for all employees, understanding the enterprise development strategy, a sense of pride in the company, then the goal of personnel marketing is to achieve the goals of the enterprise.

In this case, a multilevel system of interrelated indicators is used. It is impossible to compile a system of such indicators, but it is realistic to develop a universal system.

This system of interrelated indicators includes three groups:

  • financial performance indicators;
  • indicators of marketing efficiency;
  • personnel performance indicators.

The first category includes profitability, profitability and income level. As part of marketing effectiveness, sales volume and market share are evaluated. product, brand and company image, customer satisfaction and retention, and relative product quality are also studied and analyzed. The third group is the assessment of staff satisfaction, such parameters as trust, motivation and consistency.

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The most common economic category that characterizes marketing activities in the labor market is the profit received by the enterprise. It is at the level of the enterprise that the labor force is consumed and the results of the marketing policy of all subjects of the labor market are revealed. The ability of the enterprise in the market to provide
sustainable profit-making based on high profitability of personnel labor is characterized by factors of economic productivity of labor, which can be summarized in three groups. The first group includes factors characterizing the product of labor (the volume and quality of goods, works and services produced), the second group includes factors characterizing the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel, the degree of its employment and the level of remuneration; the third group of factors characterizes the structure and level of costs that form the cost of production (works and services), compared with the level of market prices. A systematic analysis of all these factors in their interrelation should serve as the basis for the formation of a mechanism for increasing the level of Economic results of the total labor of an enterprise.
The product of labor should be considered from the volumetric and qualitative points of view. In modern economic science and practice, the generally accepted unit of measurement of production volume at the macro level is the gross domestic product (GDP), defined as the difference between output and intermediate consumption, i.e., as value added, which is calculated. by summing up the primary income of enterprises as a result of their production activities. On the basis of value added, profit is calculated by subtracting the reimbursed costs associated with the purchase of materials, goods and services, remuneration of employees and taxation of income. . . Personnel, their employment and wages. This group of interrelated factors is functionally determined by volumetric and quality characteristics product of labor. In practice, there is no direct proportionality here, since in last years- decline rate industrial production ahead of the decline in the number of employed by almost five times, and in general, GDP by eight times. This situation testifies to the artificial retention of personnel with the help of administrative leave, the introduction of various forms of part-time employment and other measures, which formally means a decrease in labor efficiency, since there is less and less work done per remaining worker. And this leads to two negative consequences. Firstly, the level of remuneration is decreasing, since the volume of sold products is reduced, the number of personnel remains their work. Secondly, the decrease in labor efficiency leads to an increase in the cost of production, which, with the minimum required level of profitability, causes an increase in prices for the offered goods and a decrease in effective demand for them.
The cost of production and the price of goods. The economic results of the work of all the personnel of the enterprise in the process of production of products (works; services) are directly reflected in the structure and level of costs that form its cost, and outside the enterprise - in the level of the price of goods at which products are sold on the market. Both of these categories are interrelated.
Based on the analysis of the most general indicator that characterizes the economic results of the total labor of the employees of the enterprise, i.e., profit, a number of particular criteria can be established that reveal the results obtained from the point of view of the interests of the employee, enterprise and society. These criteria include: the level of remuneration and income of employees; the level of employment of personnel, the efficiency and profitability of labor, the level of profitability of the enterprise, the degree of economic freedom of the enterprise; dynamics of consumer demand and its satisfaction; the level of employment of the able-bodied population, the level of unemployment; indicators of labor potential development, etc.
All these criteria in aggregate and interconnection are formed to a certain extent under the influence of the general economic situation, characterized by the level of taxation, inflation, and unemployment. In particular, the scope of economic freedom of an enterprise is limited by that part of the profit that remains at its disposal after paying taxes and other deductions, the amounts of which are established by executive authorities at the federal, regional and local levels. With excessively high taxes, enterprises are unable to allocate funds for the development of production. As you know, up to a certain level, the growth of taxation contributes to the accumulation of funds for GDP growth, but further growth taxes backfires.

Personnel marketing is considered in 2 aspects. In a generalized sense, personnel marketing is a philosophy or strategy for managing human resources. The staff acts as an internal "client" of the company for the staff and external for the potential employee.

In fact, all interaction at the personnel level is “sold” to existing personnel: the concept of management, conditions and principles of labor organization, effective interaction of personnel, intra-company communications and communications, career growth and labor stimulation.

In a narrow sense, personnel-marketing is a type administrative activities aimed at identifying and covering the need for quantitative and qualitative staffing.

Their difference is the way the process is organized. In the first case, the staff is considered as a link in the intra-company marketing system. In the second - as a structure that is managed by a special department of the company. Both concepts acquire the same meaning in the process of coordinating firm objectives and strategies.

Why HR Marketing Is Necessary

The main purpose of personnel marketing activities is to establish control in the labor market. With its help, the recruitment of the workforce is carried out, thereby achieving the goals of the enterprise.

With the help of personnel marketing is carried out:

  • analysis human resources by age, gender, qualifications, unemployment rate, income, supply and demand;
  • identification of technological changes that affect productivity, the nature of the work performed, the equipment of the workplace, the need for advanced training;
  • taking into account social needs in order to identify stimulating factors of the labor process;
  • review of legislation on labor relations and labor protection;
  • identification of advantages and disadvantages personnel policy competitors for use for the benefit of the enterprise;
  • storage financial resources to ensure the labor process that ensures the development of the company;
  • analysis of personnel potential and key indicators: length of service and qualifications, staff turnover, personnel reserves, the ability to quickly replace a work unit.

Disadvantages of Personnel Marketing

  • High spending on staff search (media ads, open house, attracting students through field events, printing brochures and booklets, periodicals).
  • The need for investment in retraining and additional education personnel.
  • Blind selection of new personnel, often not possessing the necessary qualities.
  • Tensions within the team, competition and struggle for promotion.
  • It is necessary to adapt new employees to working conditions and the team, familiarization briefing.
  • The psychological climate of the team and the working environment causes a high turnover of personnel.
  • Moral stimulation of an employee (promotion, public praise) is perceived as collective rejection or envy.
  • The importance of continuous monitoring of the labor market and performance of departments.

Benefits of staff marketing

  • The ability to select a candidate for the position from an already established team, with professional knowledge and the necessary experience.
  • Measures of an economic nature effectively affect productivity and relationships within the team.
  • Thanks to the promotion (not replacement) of positions, jobs are created for newcomers.
  • No spending on staff recruitment personnel reserves(archives, staff list).
  • Possibility of quick replacement of a position for an experienced employee.
  • The team is more cohesive in the absence of a democratic personnel policy.
  • A wide range of applicants for the position with experience and knowledge gained in the previous job.

Personnel Marketing Functions

In personnel marketing, it is customary to distinguish 2 main functions - communication and information.

Information function manifested in the creation of databases and information that are used for recruitment and personnel planning in the future.

The basis of the information function are the following sources:

  • Methodology of teaching, training program specific university, training center for training and retraining of personnel, labor exchange.
  • Analytical materials government agencies in the sphere of employment by branches, enterprises, specialties.
  • Information and analytics from labor exchanges.
  • Periodicals covering the issues of employment, unemployment, employment, personnel management.
  • Promotional materials for companies conducting periodic recruitment.
  • Transfer of oral information to employees during interviews, at general meetings.

The communication function involves communication with existing personnel or a potential employee through the creation of a certain image of the enterprise, as well as business communication as part of a workflow that coordinates the work of the entire enterprise.

The basis of the communication function is:

  • Segmentation and formation of target groups to identify qualitative and quantitative criteria of personnel: demographic, psychological, social, economic, behavioral, cultural.
  • Improving internal communications within the company, talking with staff, identifying needs for more comfortable work, creating the image of the leadership, professional consultations and the creation of interest clubs, holding social and sports events, holidays and celebrations.
  • Organization of advertising and presentation events for a potential employee: cooperation with institutions, organization of production excursions, advertising in educational institutions.
  • Organization of public relations for the formation of a positive image of the company. For this, sponsorship events, actions in support of protection are used. environment, logo and brand advertising, interviews, promotions in newspapers and magazines, job fairs, presentations in schools.

Essence and principles of HR marketing

The essence of marketing lies in the formation of human resources through the analysis of the labor market and the creation of the company's own image. Thanks to this, the company covers the need for the reproduction of labor resources.

Personnel marketing, like any science, is based on the principles:

  • scientific character: the achievements of science in the field of management, psychology and sociology are used;
  • complexity: internal and external factors that affect planned indicators;
  • humanism: the staff is seen as the main link production process, any employee is considered valuable;
  • prospects: production plan calculated based on technological possibilities and number of employees;
  • optimality: personnel marketing strategy takes into account effective methods of influencing employees;
  • efficiency: in any situation, problems are solved according to the standards set by the company, which are improved and adjusted in accordance with changing conditions;
  • consistency: HR marketing objectives are consistent with the main goals of the company;
  • individualization: personal and labor needs of employees are taken into account.

Levels and types of personnel marketing

According to the level of personnel marketing, they are distinguished into strategic and operational. Their activities differ only in the time of implementation, or rather, its result (up to 1 year or more) and the content of the process phases.

The process phases of strategic marketing are:

  • identification of the number of personnel required by the enterprise for a certain period of time;
  • analysis of the labor market and labor force, personnel segmentation;
  • definition of target groups;
  • determining the position of each employee.

The process phases of operational personnel marketing are:

  • implementation of activities and plans outlined in an already existing team;
  • audit and accounting of employees, communications and tools feedback for better coordination of activities.

Personnel marketing has a diverse species structure:

  1. External focuses on the external labor market and is designed to create an image of a worthy employer.
  2. Internal is implemented within the enterprise for the purpose of personnel management.
  3. Mass forms a common approach to the staff within the framework of the tasks.
  4. Target affects target groups: youth, women, foreigners.
  5. Replacement marketing involves carrying out activities to replace positions with the help of retraining or additional education.
  6. Marketing Mix examines the various factors and conditions that are prioritized for each employee.

Staff Marketing Tools

  • observation.
  • Interview.
  • Interview.
  • Focus group.
  • Questioning.
  • Testing.
  • Database (HRMS - Human Resource Management Systems - human resource management systems).
  • Ads.
  • Recruitment agency.
  • Informal communication with applicants.
  • Recruitment of personnel.
  • Cooperation agreements with institutes.
  • Employment Service.
  • Job fairs.
  • Competitions for filling vacancies.

What tasks does personnel marketing solve?

  • The introduction of science at the production and management level.
  • Determination of personnel search costs.
  • Creation of the image of the organization.
  • Analysis of the labor market.
  • Identify competitors in the industry.
  • Determine employee preferences.
  • Development of proposals for personnel.
  • Forecast of investment in equipment and jobs.
  • Planning of training programs.
  • Search for ways to attract personnel.
  • Counting the number of staff under certain circumstances.
  • Development of a recruitment company.
  • Interaction with the media, training centers, universities and colleges.
  • Structuring positions and evaluating their effectiveness.
  • Organization of mass events of the company.
  • Personnel training.

Personnel Marketing Goals

  • Covering the need for human resources (business).
  • Optimization and profitability of all personnel costs (economic).
  • Optimal use of labor resources.
  • Activation human factor at work.
  • Recreation in the employee of such qualities as loyalty and respect for the company.
  • Firm development and economic growth.

What are the main areas of personnel marketing

The concept of personnel marketing believes that the key to achieving the goals of the organization is to determine the needs and requirements of the labor market. Therefore, there are two directions in personnel marketing: passive and active.

Passive involves creating organizational structure, which conducts activities to identify staffing needs and recruit applicants for the position.

Active marketing aims at strategic objectives and instills the consciousness of employees with economic thinking. Measures are being actively taken to create a corporate spirit and culture, to develop personnel, participatory management is being introduced, and the effectiveness of each employee is evaluated. In practice, these methods have nothing to do with the administrative component of marketing.

The main stages of marketing activities in the field of personnel

  • Stage 1. Determination of the number of workers for each position or department, taking into account equipment and capabilities. Calculation of staffing needs for the future.
  • Stage 2. Analysis of the behavior of applicants in the labor market. Segmentation of the labor market to identify target groups. Analysis of the attractiveness of the workplace. Definition of research methods.
  • Stage 3. Identification of competitors in the labor market. Economic and behavioral analysis of firms in the market.
  • Stage 4. Analysis of active partners (systemic).
  • Stage 5. Analysis of internal resources and opportunities that can attract staff.
  • Stage 6. Determination of one's own positions in the labor market.
  • Stage 7. Development and implementation of a target plan for personnel marketing.

Development personal plan marketing personnel takes a long period and requires knowledge and experience.

Implementation of personnel marketing in the organization

The implementation of personnel marketing in an organization is carried out in two ways. The information function is performed by employees of various departments and involves the constant analysis of data in order to simplify and bring it to an accessible form. After processing, the data is used on demand.

The communication function is considered universal, since each employee interacts at a different organizational level. At the same time, the image and recognition of the company completely depends on the activity of managers who control the workflow. They work directly with the media, educational institutions and employment services, draw up contracts and negotiate estimates.

Forms and types of personnel marketing control

With the help of personnel marketing control, deviations from the plan are established, their cause is eliminated, and the main goal is achieved.

In general terms, control is preliminary, current and final. They are associated with a certain period of staff marketing and allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented measures, as well as identify errors at the planning or implementation stage. Consequently, there are various forms of control:

  • control of prerequisites;
  • implementation control;
  • metacontrol (all-encompassing).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel marketing

The effectiveness of personnel marketing activities is their economic effect.

There are two ways to calculate the effectiveness of personnel (HR) marketing.

1. HR = HR budget / business turnover, where:

  • HR - the sum of the payroll fund, personnel marketing costs (training, advertising, partners, information);
  • turnover - gross income or turnover in value terms.

2. HR = Investment in HR / profit.

You can also calculate the effectiveness of staff marketing per employee. To do this, the HR marketing budget is divided by the number of active positions for the period (average headcount).