Work in Prague for Russian security guard. Work in Prague for Russian speakers. Seasonal and permanent work in the Czech Republic

  • 01.07.2020

Prague is a beautiful European city where many people go to find work.
The standard of living here is above the European average. Prague is also the richest city among the countries that have joined the EU recently. The Czech Republic joined the EU in 2004, in this short time it managed to quickly raise its economy and became one of the developed and leading states of the Old World. Therefore, it is such an attractive state to live and work here. But do not think that Prague is waiting for everyone with open arms and is ready to accept anyone.

Obtaining a visa

Very often there are people who, having heard enough beautiful stories about life in Western Europe, sell their apartments and rush to intermediary companies in order to obtain a long-term visa by opening a private enterprise or some company in the Czech Republic. They break off their seats, come to Prague, and no one is waiting for them there. Russians cannot work on an entrepreneurial or business visa. It is also impossible to extend such a visa if the activity for which it was issued is not carried out. And the reason here is not that the Czech Republic is bad or treats Russians better. It should be remembered that when deciding to emigrate to the Czech Republic, one must approach this consciously. Carefully prepare for emigration, think through all the moments, without making hasty and frivolous steps. For example, in order to work in the Czech Republic, you need a work visa or a study visa, but you can work on this visa only if you combine study and work. Otherwise, a person may face deportation with a subsequent ban on entry into the country. Of course, the Czech Republic, like many other states, is characterized by the presence of many illegal residents in it who live without visas, they, at times, even manage to find some kind of job, usually low-paid.

The main document for obtaining a work visa

According to Czech law, any employee must have a formal contract that sets out the conditions of work, the rights and obligations of the employee, the amount of wages, living conditions, medical and insurance services. The contract is one of the main documents for obtaining a work visa.

How to find a job in Prague

If you still decide to go to work in Prague, start looking for an employer in advance. There are specialized Internet sites offering jobs in various fields of work, from waiters to medicine. It is easier for IT specialists, for them large companies triple briefings in the countries of residence of candidates, in order to transport and employ a specialist already in the Czech Republic. The most popular way to find a job in Prague is through friends and relatives. Minimum costs, plus a guarantee of accommodation for the first time. Commercial labor exchanges are also common. Having come to the labor exchange and paid a certain amount (usually no more than 50 euros), you fill out a questionnaire and sign an agreement with the exchange, on the basis of which you undertake to pay certain dividends in the first months after employment. Further, the exchange does everything for you, you just have to choose from the offered place of work that suits you. Of course, we are talking about unskilled work. For specialists with higher education who want to find a job in their specialty, this method is not entirely suitable, you can wait a very long time.

Websites with a database of vacancies


employment agencies


Vacancies for IT-specialists


Employment in Prague

Local authorities allow only those foreign workers who are of true value to their state to work. We are talking about highly qualified specialists. Before confirming your qualifications and work experience, you will have to pass an interview and demonstrate in practice your skills and abilities if you apply for high paying job. Graduates need to confirm their diplomas at the Ministry of Labor of the Czech Republic.
The age of candidates for jobs is from 18 to 45 years, sometimes it can rise up to 50 years.

Average salary of skilled workers in Prague

The average salary of high-tech specialists, bank employees is about 1,500 euros. Higher salaries for specialists occupying leadership positions.
The salaries of qualified doctors and surgeons are also high. AT public sector wages largely depend on the qualifications and experience of the worker.

Unskilled labor

As for unskilled labor in Prague, it is mainly the service sector, restaurant kitchens or waitress work, as well as hotel cleaning. Due to the fact that light industry is developed in the Czech Republic, there are many vacancies at garment factories, professional seamstresses are invited. The minimum salary for seamstresses is 500 euros per month, but it depends on the output and can be much higher. Working conditions are higher than in the post-Soviet space. In addition, you can agree to work more than the prescribed eight hours, you are guaranteed a salary increase.
But not everything is as smooth as it seems. The phenomenon of discrimination also exists in the Czech Republic, as women are often denied employment, especially if they have small children or are young and plan to have children in the future.
The most common professions in Prague for men, usually related to construction. In this area, the salary ranges from 600 to 1000 euros per month. A technical education is welcome, it gives a great advantage when applying for a job. You may be allowed to work with automated equipment or with certain reporting. The salary is about 800-1200 euros per month. Skilled turners, machine operators with program management, electric and gas welders.

Average salary in Prague

The average salary in Prague in the business sector in 2007 was 35,115 crowns - approximately 1,385 euros per month, in the non-business sector - 27,385 crowns (1,080 euros)
Pension - 11200 crowns for men and 9200 crowns for women, usually a pension in Prague does not exceed 400 euros.
The minimum salary is 8000 crowns - 315 euros. On average, it increases by 5-7% annually.

Language proficiency

In order to qualify for some kind of qualified job, in addition to Czech, it is desirable to know English, French or Italian.

Working conditions

A working day in Prague usually starts at 7.30 am, as Czechs like to do all the important things in the morning. Employees may be asked to work weekends. In companies, it is forbidden to conduct personal conversations on the phone and use the Internet for personal purposes, as well as eating in working time. All this is considered a violation of labor discipline and entails punishment up to and including dismissal. Therefore, when deciding to go to work in Prague, be prepared to adapt to new working conditions and new requirements for employees.

But at the same time, one cannot fail to mention the many people who have long arrived in the Czech Republic and are successfully working in enterprises and firms, have achieved a certain career growth and are happy with their decision to move to this country.

Work in the Czech Republic, as well as life in this European country, attracts many people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the CIS and Eastern Europe.

According to the estimates of European and world statistical companies, the Czech Republic should be extremely interested in the influx of economic migrants, and those with high qualifications. President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman declares that he will never give permission for labor migration to the country, no matter how good and valuable specialists people are, if Czech values ​​and mentality are alien to them.

However, the laws of the economy confirm that without an infusion of fresh labor from other countries, the Czech Republic will not receive an impetus for development, the process of labor migration is necessary.

What are the advantages of working in the Czech Republic

If everything is so bad, then why is every twentieth person in the Czech Republic a foreigner? And this is only according to official information. In 2018, 500,000 legal migrants were recorded in the Chechen Republic, while the number of illegal workers significantly exceeds these figures.

The main reasons for choosing the Czech Republic as a place of work:

  • Small, at first glance, salaries are more than offset by state support in mortgage matters, tax cuts, Special attention is given to young families, to increase the birth rate.
  • In the Czech Republic, medium and small businesses are very developed, starting a business is quite easy, bureaucratic obstacles are minimal.
  • If the business and work of a foreigner is beneficial to the Czech Republic from an economic point of view, brings income to the country's treasury, then there is a high probability of quickly obtaining a residence permit and permanent residence.

Among the advantages of working in the Czech Republic, one can note low taxes compared to other European countries, free education, low loan rates for business development.

Foreigners, choosing the Czech Republic as a country for work, often think about how comfortable life is there, whether it is convenient to transport a family, what is expected of children. In general, the Czech Republic is a country with a low crime rate, well-developed transport links, inexpensive accommodation, favorable environmental conditions - this is also a definite plus in favor of working in the Czech Republic.

The most demanded professions in the Czech Republic

In general, the shortage in the labor market in Europe is felt in working specialties: a welder, a mechanic, a turner, a driver. As for the national Czech labor market, for several years now the top five most demanded professions have looked like this:

  1. cook
  2. security guard
  3. driver
  4. welder
  5. waiter

In addition to them, in the Czech Republic there is a catastrophic shortage of doctors, IT specialists - those personnel who left for higher salaries in Germany, France, and America.

Also, in the Czech Republic, they need workers in mechanical engineering, logistics, laborers, sellers, drivers of heavy trucks.

How to find a job in the Czech Republic. Ways and methods of search.

Firstly, unemployment issues are dealt with at the state level, monthly on the websites regional offices Ministry of Employment for the Czech Republic (UŘAD PRACE) publishes a list of vacancies. Also, a foreigner with a residence permit can personally apply to the ministry and they will help him with finding a job, they will give information on the average salary in the country.

Secondly, in the Czech Republic, international and national job search sites have received great development. They have an extensive bank of vacancies, all the information is up-to-date.

Thirdly, there are a huge number of intermediary firms that are ready to find work for a certain percentage of the salary. Basically, these firms are focused on clients who have not yet moved out of home country, therefore, they offer an integrated approach: job search, translation services, paperwork, consultations on visa issues, and so on.

Minimum and average wages in the Czech Republic

Subsidies, support and development programs from the EU improve the quality of life of Czechs, the level of wages in the country increases every year.

Paradoxically, the days when the salaries of Russian or Ukrainian highly qualified specialists were significantly lower than in the Czech Republic are gradually passing away. In Europe, there is still a significant difference in the wages of workers in different countries.

If we talk about specific figures, then the minimum and average salaries in the Czech Republic are as follows:

  • 8,000 kroons - the minimum wage below which you are not entitled to pay;
  • 30 000 CZK average salary before taxes (slightly more than 40%, the employer pays half, the employee himself pays the second part);
  • 10,000 - 12,000 kroons - low salary, for example, a cashier in a supermarket, a waiter;
  • 15,000 - 30,000 kroons - the average salary of an office worker, service sector;
  • 40,000 - 60,000 - 80,000 kroons is a good salary received by doctors, teachers, highly qualified specialists, programmers, scientists from various fields.

The upper salary bar rests on one hundred thousand crowns, only businessmen get higher.

Language proficiency requirements for employment in the Czech Republic

Czechs are quite loyal to knowledge Czech language labor migrants. For many companies this criterion is not essential or significant. The same policy is followed at the state level: in order to obtain a work card in the Czech Republic, a residence permit is not required to pass the Czech language exam (for permanent residence, the language minimum A2 is required).

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • at the present time, mainly people come to work in the Czech Republic from Ukraine, Slovakia, Moldova, Russia, and due to the similarity of the language there is no sharp language barrier;
  • foreigners are offered low-skilled jobs (handymen, washers, cleaners), which do not require good command of the language;
  • a large number of companies owned by foreigners - Ukrainians, Russians, Vietnamese, hire their compatriots;
  • possibly work in foreign company, where English is selected as the primary language.

However, this does not mean that in the Czech Republic you can get any job without knowing the language, it all depends on the characteristics of the profession.

For example, doctors, IT-specialists, sales managers, bank employees, advertising agents most often pass the language proficiency exam. For high-quality work, they need a serious level of language proficiency, knowledge of terms.

There are professions where a deep knowledge of the Czech language in large volume not required, on the contrary, even a superficial knowledge of other languages ​​popular in this area is in demand. We are talking about waiters, sellers, realtors.

In general, without knowledge of the Czech language, you can get a job as an auxiliary worker, handyman, or a specialist in a compatriot's company, or in the provision of services only for compatriots. But it must be taken into account that this state of affairs is possible only in large cities and places where a large community of native speakers lives.

The Czech Republic is interested in the visitor integrating into society as soon as possible, learning the language, imbued with local values ​​and mentality - this impressively reduces the number of criminal illegal immigrants, therefore, free language courses are actively offered.

Diploma nostrification

The Czech Republic has a low percentage of people with higher education, so foreign specialists from good rating universities in Russia and Ukraine (doctors, scientists, technical specialists) are especially valued here.

In order for a labor migrant in the Czech Republic to go to work in their specialty, or to continue their studies or scientific activities, it is necessary to obtain a diploma nostrification. A diploma of a foreign state in the Czech Republic has no legal force if it is not confirmed by a higher education institution of the Czech Republic.

Diploma nostrification consists of the following steps:

  1. A foreign specialist must make a copy of the diploma and an insert indicating the disciplines passed, the number of hours, grades, legal translation of papers and notarize all this.
  2. Find the Czech university that graduates such specialists, fill out the nostrification application form on the website of the institution, attach certified copies of your diploma.
  3. Pay the fee.

Confirmation (or denial) will be sent to the address indicated in the application no later than 60 days after the application was submitted. Nostrification is not needed if two universities cooperate and they have signed an agreement on mutual recognition of education.

The refusal can be for several reasons: there is no similar specialty in the Czech Republic, there is no way to verify the authenticity of the diploma, the number of hours and the name of the disciplines sharply diverge from the norms local system education.

The applicant may be asked to retake some disciplines, or to pass a qualifying exam, which will convince the commission of the Czech university that, indeed, the applicant has sufficient knowledge in accordance with the specialty.

Legal employment in the Czech Republic

All activities of labor migrants in the Czech Republic are regulated Labor Code CR and the Aliens Act in paragraphs relating to work.

According to the law, without issuing a special package of documents giving the right to conduct labor activity residents of the EU, the European Economic Area and citizens of Switzerland can get by in the Czech Republic. Everyone else who wants to work in the Czech Republic will have to obtain permission.

So, theoretically, any foreigner can get permission to work in the Czech Republic: work for himself, become an entrepreneur or establish a company, or work in a Czech company. A work permit can be canceled at any time if the migrant has violated the legislation of the Czech Republic.

There are many subtleties and nuances in matters of doing business in the Czech Republic, it is advisable to know about them before becoming a jednatelem (participant in a legal entity) or živnostnikom (private entrepreneur).

It is important to note that obtaining, for example, a visa on the basis of participation in a legal entity does not mean at all that a foreigner can work in the Czech Republic. Most likely, he will have to be a hired director (to act as a director under an agreement with his own company) in his own legal entity and receive remuneration, not a salary. As a rule, the owners of the company have no problem getting a full-time job, but they prefer to remain on the remuneration. Such a scheme is actively used as a way to minimize the tax burden, otherwise even the minimum wage would have to pay more than four thousand crowns of taxes, an unjustifiably small salary would cause the competent authorities to suspect the legality of everything that happens, but the amount of remuneration can be any.

Currently, the main option for foreign qualified personnel to get a job in the Czech Republic is to obtain a blue card. Previously, it was required to obtain two separate permits: for work and residence for the purpose of work, since 2014 these concepts have been combined into a blue card. The introduction of the blue card greatly simplifies the processing of documents for work, increases the period of work and residence permits from 6 months to two years.

For legal employment in the Czech Republic, a foreigner can use the following options and conclude the following types of employment contract with the employer:

  • pracovni smlouva - a standard and familiar work contract, according to which the employer pays the necessary taxes, and the employee has a full social package (vacation, decree, sick leave);
  • Dohoda o provedeni prace - an agreement on the performance of work, this contract is strictly regulated in content and must reflect the whole essence of the working relationship, the working time should not exceed 300 hours per year, but an employee may have several signed Dohoda o provedeni prace with different employers;
  • Dohoda o provedeni činnosti - an agreement on labor activity, when it comes to one-time work, an analogue of freelancing.

It is up to the foreigner to decide how profitable it is to be an economic migrant. Here it is important to take into account what its initial conditions are, what are the requirements for new job. But if we consider the Czech Republic as a place of main work for a long time, properly prepare for the move, then it is likely that the activity will be successful and well paid.

Are you interested in working in the Czech Republic? Prague, Karlovy Vary, Liberec, Zlín - all these cities have jobs for you. On the site, you will find fresh vacancies for work in the Czech Republic, as well as useful information about legal employment in this country. Jobs in the Czech Republic on our website are updated on a daily basis, there are a large number of vacancies in various fields, so depending on your requirements, you can find a job in almost any city in the Czech Republic.

Working in the Czech Republic is attractive for several reasons - it is a geographically close European country with an easy-to-learn language for representatives of the Slavic peoples, and a clear advantage is the high level of wages. To work in the Czech Republic, welders, masons, turners, locksmiths, specialists in the manufacture of plastic products, builders, and so on are required. As for unskilled labor, packers, loaders and storekeepers are always in demand in the Czech Republic. Women often choose for themselves the vacancies of maids, nurses, cleaners, seamstresses and cashiers in supermarkets.

Skilled work requires knowledge of the Czech language, but if you have chosen a vacancy from the list of unskilled work, then learning the language is not necessary.

Many employers in the Czech Republic offer employment options with accommodation, food, and work for couples. There are also seasonal jobs - in areas such as agriculture, hotel and restaurant business and tourism.

How to get a job in the Czech Republic?

You can find a job in the Czech Republic through special recruiting agencies, or by contacting the employer directly. After receiving an invitation to work in the Czech Republic, you need to collect the remaining Required documents and pay the consular fee. If you do not want to overpay for agency services, you can use the services of one of the most popular resources for finding work abroad site.

There are 126 vacancies for work in the Czech Republic posted on the site today, all of them are relevant as the information is updated on a daily basis. The offers relate to work in the following sectors: production, trade, logistics, construction, domestic staff. Handymen in production are willing to pay an average of 25,000 - 27,000 CZK, for work with less physical exertion - for example, an artist for a factory for the production of souvenirs, you can count on a salary of 16,000 CZK, a housekeeper or maid receives an hour of work in average 100 - 110 CZK.

Residents of the CIS countries have special feelings about the Czech Republic: a difficult socialist past, common cultures and similar languages. That is why many of our former compatriots find a second home here. But in order to move to the Czech Republic for permanent residence, you will have to acquire a stable source of income. How to find Good work in the Czech Republic?

Ways to find a job in the Czech Republic

The first step is to decide how you are going to make a living. It is worth finding a suitable company in advance. You can do this now in a variety of ways.

With the help of the Internet

The simplest and most common option today is to study headhunting sites in Russian and Czech. There are a lot of portals helping to find a job in the Czech Republic, so all job seekers have the opportunity to compare salary offers and study reviews of potential employers.

Among the Russian-language resources, the sites, are leading in popularity, with the help of which you can find various jobs Abroad. The portal presents vacancies of employment agencies with an average salary of 10-25 thousand crowns (400-1050 dollars) per month.

Very high attendance of Czech portals:

If you want to learn more about living and working in the Czech Republic, visit the Czech City Online Portal Here you can find a lot of useful information for immigrants, in particular a list of recent vacancies in Prague and other cities of the country.

Job placement by acquaintance

The second most common way is to find a job with the help of friends and relatives. If you are lucky, you will be able to find an acceptable option even without knowledge of the Czech language. Naturally, the choice of vacancies in this case will be limited, so it is better for representatives of rare specialties to go the other way, for example, pay attention to recruitment agencies.

Through recruitment agencies

The main thing in this case is to study the reputation of the agency in advance and get acquainted with the reviews of those applicants who have already used the services of this company.

Remember: not every agency that guarantees a well-paid job in the Czech Republic will actually solve your problem. There are a lot of unscrupulous intermediaries in this market, and in no case should you contact companies that offer quick and illegal employment.

Addeco is a recruitment agency that is a member of the professional association of the Czech Republic

Here is a list of some recruitment agencies in the Czech Republic that are members of the professional association of the Czech Republic:

It makes sense to apply to the agency for those who already live in the Czech Republic or have the opportunity to come there for a preliminary interview. Don't expect to get an offer right away. With jobs scarce, unhurried Czechs tend to think long and hard before making a decision. Therefore, an invitation can come in 2 weeks after the interview.

To get the fastest profitable proposition, necessary:

  • compose a high-quality resume in English and Czech;
  • have available documents in Czech confirming your professional education and work experience in the specialty.

If you were not lucky at the first interview, in no case do not despair, it is better to carefully analyze your mistakes and avoid them in the future.

Good recruitment agencies are free for the job seeker. In addition, they work until a positive result is achieved.

With the help of newspapers

Not everyone considers the print media as a source of information about vacancies. However, in the Czech Republic this method of job search is still relevant. Basically, large employers recruit staff in this way. Ads are published by local retail chains, large industrial enterprises, agricultural producers. Through the newspaper, it is easy to find seasonal or temporary work, which foreigners are happy to accept.

Jobs on employers' websites

Through the portals of enterprises and organizations, highly qualified specialists or representatives of rare professions prefer to find a job. The advantages of this method are obvious: there is an opportunity to get acquainted in advance with the corporate culture, declared values ​​and principles of work in a particular company. Therefore, you can create a resume that fully meets the requirements of the employer.

The most demanded professions in 2016

As in many developing countries, there is a great demand for engineers and IT specialists in the Czech Republic. However, they pay not so much for this work: 25-35 thousand crowns per month (1000-1500 dollars).

Today in the Chechen Republic there is a noticeable personnel shortage for qualified medical personnel. This state of affairs developed a few years ago, when, due to low wages and the crisis of 2013, local doctors (including nurses and dentists) preferred to leave to work in other EU countries. To solve the problem, the Czech government has developed a special program for immigrant doctors, aimed at providing them with various benefits.

Common Jobs for Immigrants

In the first place in popularity are vacancies in trade and Catering. Without much hassle, you can get a job as a sales assistant, waiter, cook, kitchen worker. The surge in interest in real estate has spawned high demand for realtors. By finding a job in this area, you can earn from 20 to 40 thousand kroons per month (800-1650 dollars).

The Czech Republic is a country that largely lives off tourism. Therefore, they need specialists in the areas of hotel business, consumer services, organizing excursions around the country:

  • maids;
  • hotel administrators;
  • technical workers;
  • cleaning specialists;
  • tour guides.

What job can be found in just 3 days

If you need to find a job in the shortest possible time, you should rely only on unskilled labor with low pay. Within a few days you can hire:

  • a waiter with a salary of 10,000 crowns per month ($413);
  • unskilled workers - 11-13 thousand crowns per month (450-540 dollars);
  • maid or cleaner - 12 thousand crowns per month (500 dollars);
  • seller in small shop- 12-15 thousand crowns per month (500-620 dollars);
  • warehouse workers - up to 16 thousand crowns per month (660 dollars);
  • nanny - from 20 thousand kroons per month (830 dollars).

What specialists are needed in the Czech Republic - video

Minimum and average salary in the Czech Republic

Despite its rather long membership in the EU, the Czech Republic lags far behind other countries in terms of wages. To date, incomes of Czechs remain among the lowest in Europe. The minimum wage in the country at the beginning of 2016 was 9,900 crowns (about $400). However, only 4% of the population gets that much. The average figures in the Czech Republic are noticeably higher: 26,000 crowns (about $1,100).

According to official statistics, financiers and insurers earn the most: approximately 53,000 crowns per month ($2,200). In second place in terms of income are IT specialists and engineers: about 48 thousand kroons per month (1990 dollars). Employees close the salary rating Agriculture and hotel business: 19 thousand crowns per month (790 dollars).

The average wage in the capital is about $1,350, which is 1.3 times higher than in the provinces. In Prague and Brno, there are noticeably more high-yielding jobs. However, in small towns The requirements for foreign workers are much lower than in the metropolis, so it is not so difficult to get a job there.

Taxes in the Czech Republic

  1. The employer deducts 25% of the wage fund for social insurance, and the employee another 6.5% of his salary.
  2. For medical support - 9% and 4.5%, respectively.
  3. Income tax, which the employee is obliged to pay, is another 15% of the salary.

To understand how much you will have to pay in taxes every month, a convenient online net salary calculator will help.

Taxation benefits are used by working students, the disabled and pensioners, parents with children, specialists who have a non-working spouse as a dependent.

Stages of employment

According to the new regulation, adopted at the end of 2015, you can start working without a long-term work visa. The firm will hire a foreigner who (in accordance with local employment law) has:

  1. Valid work permit and visa for the duration of stay in the country.
  2. Or a work card is both a residence permit and a work permit. It is intended for citizens of countries outside the EU (Kazakhstani, Russians, Belarusians, etc.) For the issuance of this document, no requirements for the qualifications of the employee are presented. Look for vacancies available to holders of labor cards on the page of the official portal of the Employment Service of the Czech Republic.
  3. Or a blue card is also a residence and employment permit at the same time. However, to obtain this document, it is necessary that the applicant has a higher education and work experience in the specialty received for at least 3 years. Vacancies for blue card holders can be viewed on the official website of the Employment Service of the Czech Republic.
  4. A contract concluded in writing or a written agreement on the performance of work (provision of services). In this case, the employer is obliged to register the foreigner as a payer of contributions to health and social insurance.

How to get a work card

To obtain an employment card, which is a permit for a long-term stay in the Czech Republic for the purpose of employment, you will have to collect the following documents:

  • questionnaire of the established form;
  • a statement describing the selected vacancy;
  • documents about vocational education: certificate, diploma;
  • contract for the provision or rental of housing.

All documents must be translated into Czech and notarized. They must be submitted to the embassy or consulate of the Czech Republic.

Features of obtaining a labor card

To obtain the so-called blue card, which is necessary for the employment of highly qualified specialists, you must provide the following documents:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • a passport with a validity period of 3 months more than the expected period of work;
  • 2 color photographs 3.5x4.5 in size;
  • rental or housing agreement;
  • document on higher education- university diploma;
  • employment contract with the employer.

After reviewing the documents and making a positive decision, you will be granted a work visa. It is issued for 3 months, during which a foreigner can obtain a work permit in the country.

Note! Upon arrival in the Czech Republic, it is necessary to pay a visit to the Ministry of the Interior within 3 days to take biometric data. This requirement is mandatory for all applicants for employment.

In addition, you will have to buy health insurance that will be valid until you apply for a job, register at a new place of residence, and only then will you be issued a long-awaited employment card.

The nuances of obtaining a work permit

If the employer has announced his decision to provide you with a place, you need to deal with the issuance of a work permit. In the Czech Republic, it is issued by territorial employment centers (the so-called Úřad práce) at the request of the future employee in the following cases:

  • short-term employment for up to 3 months;
  • temporal seasonal work for up to 6 months;
  • internships or advanced training for up to six months;
  • work under a contract with a local employer;
  • limited employment of persons under the age of 26 (within the framework of youth exchange programs in which the CR takes part);
  • forced long-term stay in the country.

To obtain a work permit, you need:

  • application for a work permit;
  • valid passport;
  • 2 color photographs 3.5x4.5 in size;
  • employer's application for a job;
  • document on education - diploma, certificate, certificate, etc.

The term for consideration of the submitted documents is 30-60 days.

Making a positive decision depends on how general position affairs in the labor market, and on the qualifications of the applicant. Usually, preference is given to applicants for unpopular low-paid vacancies (in this case, there are practically no refusals) and highly qualified specialists, in whom the country needs especially urgently.

Keep in mind that, other things being equal, both the employer and the job center will offer a job to a Czech, not an immigrant. This procedure is prescribed in the legislation of the country.

A work permit is issued for the period specified in the application (no more than 2 years).

Some foreign citizens can work in the Czech Republic without obtaining a special permit:

  • persons who have received a residence permit here;
  • family members of citizens of the Czech Republic;
  • citizens of the EU, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Switzerland, as well as members of their families;
  • people with refugee status.

How to stay in the Czech Republic for more than 90 days - video

What is the danger of illegal employment in the Czech Republic

No country in the world will turn a blind eye to the violation of its laws. The Czech Republic in this case is no exception: for an attempt to illegally get a job, it provides for immediate deportation from the country, followed by a ban on entry.

For employers, hiring illegal immigrants is fraught with huge fines, the maximum amount of which reaches 5 million crowns (about 207 thousand dollars). In addition, over the next 3 years, a company that violates the law loses the right to conclude and execute government contracts, receive support from the budget and employ disabled people. It is clear that with the introduction of such harsh measures, most Czech companies will not risk hiring illegal foreigners.

Internships in the Czech Republic

Now this direction is gaining more and more popularity. Every year the number of students leaving for internships in the Czech Republic under special programs is growing. Most often, foreign youth are invited by universities in Prague:

  • Czech Technical University;
  • Agricultural University.

Students who came as part of educational project"Internship in Prague", can undergo retraining in their specialty and at the same time improve the Czech language.

Internships are usually compiled according to individual programs and involve attending intensive seminars, followed by consolidation of the acquired knowledge during industrial practice at a specialized company. In addition, young people get acquainted with the sights of the country and study the culture of the Czech people.

Charles University invites students as part of the program "Internship in Prague"

Among the various internships, programs in the areas of hotel and restaurant business, journalism are in special demand. All sorts of short-term trainings are also popular. They involve active learning in the form of conferences, seminars and discussions.

Nostrification of foreign diplomas

The nostrification procedure is carried out in order to confirm the equivalence of knowledge obtained in a foreign educational institution with the knowledge taught in the program of Czech universities.

For Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians, the nostrification procedure usually ends successfully, since the Czech Republic has agreements with these countries on similar training programs.

To start the nostrification procedure, you must:

  1. Translate your diploma into Czech.
  2. Apostille (accepted international way to legalize official non-commercial documents issued in one state for the purpose of their use in another state), which has a standardized appearance and content.
  3. Send documents to an educational institution where there is a similar specialty.

When the process completes successfully, you will be able to:

  • continue education in educational institutions countries;
  • improve qualifications;
  • find a well-paid job in your specialty;
  • enter the labor exchange and take advantage of the opportunity for free retraining.

Business immigration

To open your own business in the Czech Republic, you need to register a legal entity - a company in which you will be the founder. After completing the documents, you need to obtain a long-term residence permit, the purpose of which is to maintain entrepreneurial activity. For this you need:

  • a copy of a valid passport;
  • nostrified diploma of an educational institution;
  • 3 photographs sized 3.5x4.5;
  • documents confirming the motive for staying in the Czech Republic;
  • certificate of no criminal record;
  • confirmation of financial security;
  • confirmation of permanent residence in the CR;
  • application for long-term residence of the established form.

The so-called business visa is now granted for a period of 1 year. If the enterprise is successfully functioning, it can be periodically extended.

Getting a business visa is more difficult today than it was a few years ago.

  1. First, you will have to prove that your business is firmly on its feet and is developing steadily.
  2. Secondly, it will be necessary to confirm that the management of the company can only be carried out while in the Czech Republic. If you fail to do this, the officials will offer you to apply for a multivisa to participate in legal entity, according to which you can be present in the country for no more than 180 days. It is clear that under such conditions successful business in the Czech Republic will be problematic.

By the way, among the promising types of business, our former compatriots name souvenir, pharmacy, online trade and work to provide services to the population (fitness centers, beauty salons, laundries). Many consider the failure of renting restaurants of all sizes and specializations, acquiring hotels and inns, trading in building materials and goods, selling and renting real estate.

Pharmacy business is considered promising. In the Czech Republic, he brings a good income

If you still manage to convince officials and create a prosperous company, after 5 years you will be able to apply for permanent residence. This status gives its owner almost the same rights as native Czechs. After another 5 years, you will be granted the right to express your will, and only then will you become a full-fledged citizen of the Czech Republic.

Pros and cons of working in the Czech Republic - table

Advantages Flaws
The speed of obtaining a job practically does not depend on the type of vacancyResumes are considered within 2-4 weeks, the employment process for good places may take several months
Competition is lower than in EU countriesThere are not many vacancies due to high unemployment, which now stands at 5.7%
Knowledge of English language very rarely neededGetting a job without knowledge of the Czech language is almost impossible, there is a chance to get a job only in low-paid positions
Business visa allows full naturalization after 10 yearsObtaining business visas is fraught with significant difficulties
Organization of your business is associated with minimal costs, paperwork is not difficultIt is profitable to conduct your business in only a few areas

Real reviews about working in the Czech Republic

AT large companies they prefer Europeans, and not everyone has their own business, so the majority of Ukrainians work not quite legally. My friends have their own private mini-gardens, shops, a restaurant, a travel company. We returned to Kyiv in 2000, now we live in two countries, but work is here, although there is an apartment, and permanent view for residence. Many people see life there through the prism of rose-colored glasses, but Prague is not the whole of the Czech Republic, but Prague, which is completely different for permanent life and for temporary residence.

boiled onion

… moving to the Czech Republic is difficult, but possible. The main condition (from personal experience) - knowledge of the language, so that you are not scammed and you can personally conduct your business without "well-wishers". I began to more or less understand and scribble after 2.5 months. I am 49 years old. Opening an LLC on your own costs not 1,500 euros at all, but a maximum of 12,000 kroons. Although this does not really guarantee a long-term visa.

Alexander Krasnoperov

All employment in the Czech Republic goes through the so-called clients (immigrants from Ukraine, Russia, Latvia). That is, your working hours, your salary, and everything related to work goes through this unnecessary filter. I won’t say that all clients are bad, but there are actually very few good ones. Practically everywhere such a thing as the calculation for the last month is practiced. Namely, the essence is this: for the last month they don’t give a salary, motivating it by the fact that the money hasn’t been accrued yet, and they will give it back as soon as you arrive home after a trip back to this particular client ... In general, if you manage to take a contract directly from the Czech, then you can work, and the Czechs are quite good people. If the so-called client (gasket) is involved, then be as careful as possible.

Kostya Kucher

There is enough work in IT, but the salary is less than in Germany. If you have EU citizenship, it is easy to find a job. work visa they do it reluctantly, because it is long and dreary.


The Czech Republic does not have a high level of wages. However, with a little effort, you will definitely find a vacancy that meets all your requirements, and very soon you will start working in a new place.

Jobs from a direct employer without intermediaries

The Czech Republic is one of the oldest European countries, which has a comfortable location in the central part of Europe, and since 2004 has been a member of the EU. Favorable climate, developed infrastructure, transparent legislation contribute to labor emigration.

Finding a job is not hard at all. To do this, just visit our website and get acquainted with a variety of offers. We offer fresh vacancies in the Czech Republic in 2019 from direct employers without commission.

For Russians and Ukrainians, work is available in a wide variety of areas: medicine, information technology, construction, tourism business. It should be borne in mind that without knowing the language, you should not count on a highly paid position. Unskilled labor also requires minimal speaking skills.

In addition, a diploma of education is required for employment, which requires special confirmation (nostrification).

After signing the employment contract, the employer will apply for a work permit.

In addition, an EU blue card (for qualified employees) or a regular employee card (without qualifications), as well as a work visa, is issued.