Work in Prague from agencies. Job search in the Czech Republic. Applying for a work visa

  • 01.07.2020

Jobs from a direct employer without intermediaries

The Czech Republic is one of the oldest European countries, which has a comfortable location in the central part of Europe, and since 2004 has been a member of the EU. Favorable climate, developed infrastructure, transparent legislation contribute to labor emigration.

Finding a job is not hard at all. To do this, just visit our website and get acquainted with a variety of offers. We offer fresh vacancies in the Czech Republic in 2019 from direct employers without commission.

For Russians and Ukrainians, work is available in a wide variety of areas: medicine, information technology, construction, tourism business. It should be borne in mind that without knowing the language, you should not count on a highly paid position. Unskilled labor also requires minimal speaking skills.

In addition, a diploma of education is required for employment, which requires special confirmation (nostrification).

After signing the employment contract, the employer will apply for a work permit.

In addition, an EU blue card (for qualified employees) or a regular employee card (without qualifications), as well as a work visa, is issued.

The Czech Republic is considered one of the most popular destinations for labor migration among citizens of the post-Soviet space, especially Ukraine and Russia. Most often, foreigners are interested in working in Prague - the capital and largest city of the country. A place of mesmerizing beauty and cultural attractions in the center of Europe combines ancient and modern architecture, unique cultural features and traditions. Citizens of the Czech Republic are very hospitable and friendly to immigrants.

Work in Prague for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other citizens of the CIS countries in 2019 can be both a good chance to move to the European Union for permanent residence, and an opportunity to replenish the family budget for temporary workers. Today, the standard of living in the capital of the Czech Republic is comparable to the most developed cities in Europe, and the prices for housing, food and other services are very reasonable. Further, we will learn about the specifics of employment, job search, available vacancies and salaries in Prague in 2019.

The database of vacancies for foreigners and the opportunity to leave a resume exists on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the Czech Republic -

Popular job search sites in Prague
Websites of Prague newspapers

If you cannot find a job in Prague without intermediaries, contact a reliable recruitment agency. For example, .

Jobs and salary in Prague in 2019

The times of active industrial growth of the capital of the Czech Republic, and, accordingly, an increased need for specialists exclusively in engineering professions, are a thing of the past. In 2019, up to 80% of vacancies in Prague are offered in the service sector. The work is mainly related to finance, banking, trade, information technology and tourism. Foreigners most often find jobs in offices transnational corporations, large international and Czech companies.

Average salaries in the Czech Republic are higher than in most countries of Eastern and Central Europe, and even more so in Prague you can earn very decent money. Minimum payment labor is 13,350 kroons or 515 euros. After taxes the average salary in Prague in 2019 is about 1000-1100 euros per month. Qualified foreign specialists can receive from 1500 euros and more. Seasonal work that does not require special skills will bring about 700-800 euros.

Demanded vacancies in Prague for Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians in 2019 are medical workers, specialists in the field of IT, automotive, construction, pharmaceutical and electrical industries. Among men, drivers and experienced workers are often required - welders, assemblers, locksmiths, turners, carpenters. Women can work in Prague as nurses, nannies, waitresses, seamstresses, maids and so on. Unskilled labor is paid modestly, within 400-500 euros.

The Czech Republic occupies a leading position among the industrialized countries of Eastern Europe. Economic success makes the Czech Republic attractive for a large number of labor migrants from the CIS countries.

average salary in the Czech Republic at the beginning of 2019 was 1480 US dollars, the minimum was 480 US dollars per month. There has been a decline in the unemployment rate to 3.5% as of April 2018.

Competition in the labor market is quite high for positions with salaries above the average, but at the same time insignificant for positions with salaries within the established minimum.

The advantages of working in the Czech Republic include territorial and cultural proximity, which make the process of adaptation in the country somewhat easier. Also, the advantage is the opportunity to freely conduct business on the same rights as for citizens of the Czech Republic, and a simple procedure for obtaining EU citizenship within 5 years.

The main disadvantages of working in the Czech Republic are high competition for prestigious positions and language barrier due to the low prevalence of the English language.

The most demanded professions

According to the Czech Labor Exchange, the following specialists are in demand:

  • doctors serving medical staff;
  • dentists;
  • programmers and software developers.

Jobs for men:

  • driver ( trucks, trams, buses, taxis);
  • welder;
  • an electrician;
  • foreman;
  • handyman at a construction site;
  • production equipment adjuster.

The girl can get:

  • seamstress;
  • packer;
  • cook, confectioner;
  • sales consultant.

Among the many vacancies available for work in the Czech Republic, there are specialists whose shortage is felt particularly acute.

These include:

  • engineers;
  • logisticians;
  • chemists;
  • pharmacists.

For people who do not have qualifications, vacancies are available:

  • builder;
  • maintenance worker;
  • cleaner, janitor;
  • security guard;
  • waiter.

The number of offers on the Czech labor market is not as high as in Poland, but the prospect of higher earnings makes the Czech Republic attractive for labor migrants. AT summer period students can work as guides, undergo internships in their specialty at factories or embassies. Live-in jobs are most often offered farms. For girls and women, it is possible to work at home as a nurse, nanny, maid.

Salary per month by profession

Foreigners try to leave for Prague, Brno and the central regions, as the level wages up there. In regions on the border, the average monthly income for the same specialties is lower by an average of 400-500 dollars.

Handymen and service staff can earn an average of $400-700 per month.

Work without intermediaries

When looking for a job in the Czech Republic on your own, a citizen of a CIS country can send his resume directly to employers. The Czech Post has a large number of vacancies. Other major Czech employers are the Škoda plant and the energy company ČEZ.

Popular job search sites

To search for a job via the Internet, just visit one of the portals for the selection of vacancies:

Knowledge is required to use these sites Czech language or the help of an online translator. The Bureau of Employment and Vacancies in the Czech Republic has its own website with always fresh vacancies -.

Specialized Resources

You can find work in a particular industry through specialized sites.

Types of employment

For applicants who do not have knowledge of the language or want to temporarily earn some money in the Czech Republic, there are a number of vacancies.

Work without knowing the language

It is almost impossible to get a high-paying position without knowing Czech. You will need at least basic language skills to communicate with the employer and solve everyday problems.

Seasonal work

In the summer, additional vacancies are opened in the Czech Republic, mainly associated with the beginning of the agricultural season.

Main types of work:

  • collection of forest berries, mushrooms;
  • clearing the forest, planting trees;
  • harvesting, alloying and processing of wood;
  • strengthening channels and banks of rivers, lakes;
  • preparation of seed material, crop care, collection;
  • haircut, breeding of young animals.

Seasonal work involves a short-term contract of about 2-4 months, often with accommodation and free travel to the place of work.

Temporary job

Temporary work in the Czech Republic is not an easy way to earn money. The applicant will have to complete a full package of documents, as in the case of long-term employment.

Short term accept:

  • cleaners;
  • loaders;
  • waiters;
  • administrators;
  • maids;
  • handymen.

Hiring for a short period, the applicant must be prepared for the fact that the employer will try to squeeze the maximum out of him. The working day of a temporary employee can be 10-12 hours.

Other options

In addition to hiring, foreigners in the Czech Republic can engage in own business. Czech legislation welcomes the development of small and medium-sized businesses. The procedure for opening a private enterprise is extremely simple.

For shift method work required:

  • truck drivers;
  • dentists;
  • welders;
  • pickers.

The official recruitment process

There are two types of vacancies for foreigners in the Czech Republic. The first is demanded professions for which there is a shortage of qualified specialists. The second is that jobs are unpopular among Czechs.

Priority of actions

In general terms, the procedure for official employment in the Czech Republic is as follows:

  1. Search for a suitable vacancy.
  2. Communication with the employer.
  3. In case of successful completion of the interview - the signing of an employment contract.
  4. Registration of a work permit and the opening of a work visa.
  5. Arrival in the country, obtaining an employment or blue card.

As soon as the documents are put in order, the employee can begin to perform his duties.

Types of work permits

You can officially find a job in the Czech Republic if you have either a work visa, or a labor card, or a blue card. A work visa is issued for a period of 3-6 months. Employment card - a work permit containing the owner's biometric data, which allows you to legally work in the Czech Republic for up to 2 years.

Another type of work permit. It is issued only to highly qualified specialists of professions that are in short supply in the Czech Republic. Its validity period is from 1 to 2 years.

Categories that do not require a work permit

  • EU citizens;
  • having refugee status;
  • received a Czech residence permit.

For citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and other non-EU countries, legal labor activity in the country is possible only after obtaining a work visa, labor or blue card.

List of main documents

The list of documents required for obtaining a work visa is presented on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the Czech Republic.

It includes:

  • international passport;
  • completed application form (select the appropriate one);
  • color photograph 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
  • documents confirming the availability of housing;
  • certificate of good conduct;
  • original work permit from the employment center;
  • labor contract;

Additionally, they may request a medical certificate confirming the absence of diseases that could prevent the implementation of labor activity.

Applying for a work visa

All documents must be translated into Czech, and copies of documents must be notarized. After that, you need to go to the Czech consulate in your country and personally submit the documents.

The review process can take up to several months. During this time, an interview or additional documents may be required to clarify the data. After a positive decision is made, a work visa will be issued within 3 days.

Eligibility Criteria for Work Visa Candidates

The following persons have the highest chances of successfully opening a work visa:

  • qualified in the professions in demand in the Czech Republic;
  • specialists in short supply in the Czech Republic;
  • people applying for vacancies unpopular among Czechs and EU citizens.

Thus, both highly qualified specialists and unskilled workers can obtain a work visa to the Czech Republic.

Work visa extension

The procedure for extending a work visa is not much different from the procedure for opening it. The list of documents remains unchanged. Documents must be submitted to one of the branches of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic, depending on the place of residence. You can extend a visa no earlier than 3 months and no later than 14 days before the end of the previous one.

Business immigration

Opening a business in the Czech Republic is easier than getting a work visa. It is enough to have only one founder. There are no restrictions on the minimum capital, number of shareholders, block of shares. Application for registration of an open joint-stock company must be submitted to the Czech Commercial Court. Registration of a company can be refused either in case of incorrect execution of documents, or if the package of submitted documents is not complete.

Internship in the Czech Republic

Young professionals can go on an internship to the Czech Republic and complete it on the basis of one of the universities.

Basic conditions for the internship:

  • Duration from 6 to 24 months.
  • A diploma of at least a bachelor's degree.
  • Knowledge of Czech or English.

Documents for registration for an internship:

  • summary in English or Czech;
  • a copy of a foreign passport;
  • a copy of the diploma;
  • motivation letter.

Applications are open all year round, but most programs open in early fall.

Consequences for illegal employment

For Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Moldovans and other illegal immigrants, working without documents is a direct path to deportation from the country with a ban on entry for a period of 5 years. In addition, it is possible to impose a fine, and in some cases imprisonment in a Czech deportation prison while the case is being considered by the Czech court.

Persons applying for vacancies for which there is a shortage of specialists or for jobs that are unpopular among the local population can get a job in the Czech Republic. This gives a chance for employment in the Czech Republic for both qualified personnel and people without a specialty or work experience.

Moving to another country involves solving several important issues: finding housing, finding a job and completing the necessary documents. The topic of today's article is work in the Czech Republic. What professions are in demand in 2019, where to look for vacancies and why illegal employment is dangerous.

Why the Czech Republic is attractive

  1. linguistic similarity. To obtain an interesting and highly paid position, knowledge of the Czech language is necessary. Memorizing words and constructions is easier, so it takes a little time.
  2. Geographical position. Few want to fly overseas. Relatives and friends remain in Russia, with whom I want to see more often. Many people are afraid to fly by plane, and you can comfortably get to the Czech Republic by train or by car.
  3. Culture. The Czech Republic is close to Russia not only in language, but also in traditions, behavior, and core values. People who come for a long time will not have to adapt to a completely alien way of life.

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

Are you interested in working in the Czech Republic? Prague, Karlovy Vary, Liberec, Zlín - all these cities have jobs for you. On the site you will find fresh vacancies for work in the Czech Republic, as well as useful information about legal employment in this country. Jobs in the Czech Republic on our website are updated on a daily basis, here is a large number of vacancies in different areas, so depending on your requirements, you can find a job in almost any city in the Czech Republic.

Working in the Czech Republic is attractive for several reasons - it is a geographically close European country with an easy-to-learn language for representatives of the Slavic peoples, and a clear advantage is the high level of wages. To work in the Czech Republic, welders, masons, turners, locksmiths, specialists in the manufacture of plastic products, builders, and so on are required. As for unskilled labor, packers, loaders and storekeepers are always in demand in the Czech Republic. Women often choose for themselves the vacancies of maids, nurses, cleaners, seamstresses and cashiers in supermarkets.

Skilled work requires knowledge of the Czech language, but if you have chosen a vacancy from the list of unskilled work, then learning the language is not necessary.

Many employers in the Czech Republic offer employment options with accommodation, food, and work for couples. There are also seasonal work- in areas such as Agriculture, hotel and restaurant business and tourism.

How to get a job in the Czech Republic?

You can find a job in the Czech Republic through special recruiting agencies, or by contacting the employer directly. After receiving an invitation to work in the Czech Republic, you need to collect the remaining Required documents and pay the consular fee. If you do not want to overpay for agency services, you can use the services of one of the most popular resources for finding work abroad site.

There are 126 vacancies for work in the Czech Republic posted on the site today, all of them are relevant as the information is updated on a daily basis. The offers relate to work in the following sectors: production, trade, logistics, construction, domestic staff. Handymen in production are willing to pay an average of 25,000 - 27,000 CZK, for work with less physical exertion - for example, an artist for a factory for the production of souvenirs, you can count on a salary of 16,000 CZK, a housekeeper or maid receives an hour of work in average 100 - 110 CZK.