Personal exhibition of a child in kindergarten. Personal exhibition. Personal exhibition of the young artist Smoly Rita

  • 20.05.2020

FROM January 22, 2018 in our kindergarten opened exhibition of workspupil of group number 24 " friendly family» Dima Bordachev "The world through the eyes of a child" .

Dima is a very creative, active, inquisitive child. He has many interesting hobbies, but favourite hobby Dima - drawing. Dima prefers pencils in his work, although watercolor and gouache drawings are good.

The boy chooses a variety of themes for his "canvases": fairy tales,


holiday events.

Dima invents the plots of his drawings himself! For almost every work, he is ready to tell an interesting story that both children and adults listen to with pleasure.

Dima is a participant in many competitions. Last year, he won the international competition "St. Gabriel through the eyes of a preschooler", held in Bialystok (Poland).

We sincerely congratulate our Dima on the first solo exhibition and hope that it will have a great continuation!

You do not have the opportunity to visit this exhibition? Don't get upset. We invite milestones to

Personal exhibition as a form of presentation of the achievements of the child

And at ten, and at seven, and at five All children love to draw. And everyone boldly draws Everything that interests him. Everything is interesting: Far space, near forest, Flowers, cars, fairy tales, dances... Let's draw everything: there would be paints, Yes, a piece of paper on the table Yes, peace in the family and on earth. V. Berestov

  • According to the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the basic principles preschool education is to support the initiative of children in various types activities.

Personal exhibition

  • Personal exhibition- a generalized form of work, presentations of the child's achievements - these are not only drawings, but also any objects, attributes, accessories of passion: crafts, photos, certificates, medals, collections of stamps, labels, work from visiting circles, anything.
  • Personal exhibition of drawings- the simplest mass accessible, allowing you to see the potential of a young artist in the fullest possible way, outline the ways for the further development of his talent, the opportunity for the smallest author to feel the atmosphere of publicity and the significance of what has been done. This is a great opportunity for a child to show their achievements and hidden talents. At personal exhibitions, a child artist will be able to talk about his paintings, about himself, and then the children in turn, in groups, will be able to look at the paintings.

It is known that positive emotions form the basis of children's mental health and emotional well-being, and drawing is a source of Have a good mood child. Therefore, I try to maintain and develop interest in the visual arts with such personal exhibitions. After all, this is the world that the guys see in their own way.

One exhibition replaces another in 2-3 weeks, which makes it possible for most children to take part in it.

The need to use this form of work

  • Artistic and creative activity is one of the main activities of pupils of the senior preschool age, but at the same time its results are presented, as a rule, only in the form of exhibitions.
  • The degree of active participation of the child in the presentation of their visual achievements is limited due to the complexity of this form of work for children of this age.

What does the presentation of a solo exhibition involve?

  • The presentation of a personal exhibition is a kind of art exhibition, which involves familiarizing the audience with the works of one author and is accompanied by his comments.

Conditions necessary for holding a solo exhibition

  • The child's interest in visual activity and the presence of his work
  • The desire not only to show their achievements, but also to talk about them
  • Interest from parents and teachers in holding this event
  • The presence of a demonstration space in the DOW environment.

Tasks that this form of work helps to solve

  • The child reveals himself as an individual in the eyes of his peers
  • Gaining experience in presenting your achievements;
  • Acquisition of skills and abilities in building communication with peers and adults who are participants in the exhibition.

Organization of a solo exhibition

Stage 1 - preparatory

  • Selection together with the child and his parents of drawings for the exhibition
  • The choice of a general theme is formed on the basis of thematically selected works

Stage 2 - organizational

  • The choice of the form of presentation of their work
  • Selection of literary material (if required)
  • Registration and placement of works in the provided place
  • Organization of space for comfortable viewing of the exhibition by children.
  • There may be a selection of musical accompaniment.

Stage 3 - presentation

  • Grand opening of the exhibition
  • Presentation of the author and the theme of the exhibition
  • Presentation of your work to peers
  • Author's answers to questions from curious viewers (children and adults)

Stage 4 - final

  • Statements of the attitude of viewers to the works of the author
  • Evaluation by the child - the author of his presentation and, if desired, plans for the future in this type of activity.
  • Generalization of the self-assessment of the child and the statements of the children by the teacher (summing up the results of the exhibition)
  • Presentation of a diploma of a participant in a personal exhibition to replenish the treasury of achievements. (yulok "The Edge of Talent" in the portfolio)
  • Selection by the child of drawings from the exhibition in the portfolio.

  • The author always comes up with a title for his exhibition;
  • Tells for what period of time he completed his work;
  • The student independently talks about what he wanted to show using art materials;
  • Translates work performance techniques;
  • The child tells the technology for performing each work, names the type (graphics, painting) and the genre of each work (landscape, still life, portrait);
  • Perhaps (entering the picture” (viewers are invited to imagine that they are inside the picture and tell what could happen there next);
  • The pupil shows his favorite work, talks about it;
  • The story of the author's fairy tale is possible;
  • Reading poems on the topic of work;
  • The author shares what he liked best in preparing for the exhibition, which was difficult.

A personal exhibition is a point from which a child will take a step towards achieving new goals.

For children - spectators

This is an opportunity to see your friend from a different point of view, and for someone - an incentive to try yourself in this type of activity.


Working on a personal exhibition helps to get to know your child better, his interests, tastes, gives you the opportunity to actively participate in his life, be able to empathize and see the growth of children (creative, intellectual, emotional).

For educators and professionals

A personal exhibition provides an opportunity for the formation of successful interaction with each other in order to develop common methods of work.

For kids

This is a good opportunity for self-expression, self-realization. A personal exhibition contributes to their emotional and sensory development, friendly attitude towards each other.

Personal exhibition of the young artist Akulova Milana

Theme "I love life"

Mini-interview with a little artist

Lyubov Ilyinichna (group teacher): Milana, I know that you like to draw and sculpt, what are your favorite art materials?

Milan: I like to draw with watercolors, pastels, wax crayons, markers. I love to sculpt from salt dough, plasticine.

L.I.: What do you like to portray most in your work?

Milan: I love to draw nature, the sun, and especially I like to draw cats and dogs.

L.I.: Milana what helps you to draw and what hinders you?

Milan: When I draw at home, my mother turns on music for me, which helps me to fantasize. Noise bothers me when I draw in kindergarten. In kindergarten, I like to draw on the sand in the art studio.

L.I.: What is your favorite book?, cartoon? a toy?

Milan: I like all the books that they read to me - Favorite fairy tale about Cinderella, and the cartoon about the Little Mermaid, the toy is the cat Heart.

L.I.: Milana, what is your favorite color?

Milan: I love all colors, and I especially love the color that I came up with myself, it's called " rainbow"

Co-creation of Milana and mom

"Beasts of our forests"

"Curious Hedgehog"

"Cat Vaska"

A.S. Pushkin

“A smart cat walks around the chain ...”

Personal exhibition creative works Shilova Sevastiana

Theme "Autumn Hedgehog"

Sevastyan loves to sculpt very much, using natural material.: cones, twigs, moss, seeds, etc.

His favorite character is Hedgehog

An apple fell from a branch And ran through the garden. Ran past Murka, Past Murka's girlfriends, Past Zhuchkina's kennel And suddenly disappeared in the grass. What is an apple without legs? Run away?.. That's the question! This is a hedgehog, a gray hedgehog Carried him on his back. V.Stepanov

"Funny hedgehog"

"Hedgehog with apples"

"Family of hedgehogs"

"Sad Hedgehog"

Personal exhibition of the young artist Smoly Rita

Theme "Country of Colorland"

The work of the young artist is distinguished by an original manner of writing. She demonstrates interesting compositional and color solutions.

Rita came up with the name of her first exhibition herself "Country of Colorland", which became the decoration of the "Sun" group (bedroom).

Rita is already working on the creation of a new exhibition called "I love nature", which will feature not only drawings, but also works made from different materials (sand, plasticine, paper (quilling), buttons, etc.)

"My beloved mother"

"Carlson flies to me"

"Goats graze in the meadow..."


Personal exhibition of creative works by Khlevna Sophia


"This is my world"

Sofia loves to draw, sculpt and glue. At home, in kindergarten, my grandmother has accumulated a lot of her drawings and creative works.

In many of the girl's creative works, wildlife is present: animals, birds, mushrooms.

They say that by the palette of colors with which a child draws, one can determine in what colors he sees this world - this is how Sophia sees the world in very bright colors.

"A boat floats on the waves..."

"Rainbow Rain"

"Family of Mushrooms"

"Through the pages of the Red Book ..."

"Polar bear"

Personal exhibition of creative works by Kira Kurshakov

Theme "Wonderful transformations of the magic Plasticine"

Kira loves to sculpt from plasticine at home and in kindergarten.

Plasticine for Kira

Fairy item!

A fairy tale turns into a miracle for the whole world!

You can meet an elephant

Maybe even a lion

You can also ride on the wings of the Eagle!

You can turn a miracle - a fairy tale into reality ...

It's good to live with our Kira's fantasy!

Kira dreams of making characters fairy tales "Three little pigs and show it to your friends

Co-creation of Kira and mom - "Jungle"

"Beautiful plate"

Young lady (haze)

Young artists became winners of the All-Russian remote competitions of drawings and creativity:

event, competition

F.I. baby, award

Competition - an exhibition of fine and decorative - applied arts"Glory to you soldier!" as part of the celebration of the Victory Day and the Second World War.

Smoly Rita – Diploma 3rd place

September 2016

Smoly Rita - Gratitude

All-Russian creative competition “Know-it-all and Sim-Sim. 11. Remember and know "

International competition "Gifts of Autumn"

Smoly Rita – Diploma 3rd place

January 2017

Shilov Sevastyan - Diploma of the 1st degree, Kurshakova Kira - Diploma of the 2nd degree

All-Russian creative competition "Frosty Patterns"

Kurshakova Kira - Diploma 1 degree

Kurshakova Kir a

Akulova Milana

Shilov Sevastyan

Smoly Rita

Khlevnaya Sophia

  • In this way, personal exhibition at in a group can be seen as a way to create a situation of success for an individual child, to demonstrate his strengths, positive qualities, a way to stimulate the child to further achievements, to independence. Personal exhibition this is a holiday for the author himself, and for the entire team of the group. It is necessary to think over how this form of work can really be turned into a holiday, since it has educational value, helps to unite the team, and develops communication skills with peers and elders.
  • I think that in kindergarten it is necessary to regularly hold personal exhibitions of children, where children can show us all their children's World. After all, this is the world that the guys see, see in their own way.

  • Lykova I.A. Guidelines in questions and answers to the program of art education in kindergarten "Colored palms": Teaching method. settlement M.: Publishing House "Color World", 2013.
  • Lykova I.A. Design educational field"Artistic and aesthetic development": New approaches in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. M.: Publishing House "Color World", 2014.
  • The concept of an exhibition in modern museology [ Electronic resource]. Access mode: / .


Personal exhibitions in kindergarten»

“Every child is an artist.

The difficulty is to remain an artist,

coming out of childhood».

Pablo Picasso

Many children achieve significant success by studying in various studios and circles. children's creativity as in the walls kindergarten as well as in institutions additional education. And someone spends whole hours doing what they love at home. For those who are passionate about artistic activities in our kindergarten there is a tradition of personal exhibitions of our students.

Positive emotions form the basis of children's mental health and emotional well-being. And since drawing is a source of a good mood for a child, one should maintain and develop interest in fine arts by such personal exhibitions. After all, this world, each child sees in his own way.

Why did this form of work appear?

Artistic and creative activity is one of the main activities of preschool children, and its results are presented, as a rule, in the form exhibitions.

The degree of active participation of the child in the presentation of their visual achievements is limited due to the complexity of this form of work for preschool children.

Personal exhibition is a kind of art Exhibitions, which involves familiarizing viewers with the works of one author, and is accompanied by his comments.

Draw, little artist,

Don't be sorry for the paper!

Draw thawed patches in the forest

Kitten on the mound

And cranes in the sky!

Dipping brushes are narrow

And in the sun and in the lilac,

Draw, draw without getting tired

This is a peaceful day.

In our kindergarten an art studio was organized "Young Artist", in whose work much attention is paid to the development of the child as a person with his individual abilities. I, as the head of the art studio, try to help every child self-realization: let him feel it, albeit small, but success, so that he feels confidence, strength and desire to create in himself. Helping children to discover themselves, to notice in each of his hidden talents help personal exhibitions of children's art.

It is they who create the conditions for self-realization of children in the process of artistic creativity, help to improve the technique of drawing, develop responsiveness and emotional support of children in relation to each other, and mark their own progress of the child.

In our kindergarten personal exhibitions are held for many years and each Exhibition reveals more and more new talents of our pupils.

Many children are naturally gifted. Some of them have good example before my eyes - these are their gifted parents who love in free time paint pictures, take their children to museums and exhibitions, watch video tutorials on drawing on the Internet with the children and try to paint pictures with the children using these video tutorials.

Each child is unique as an artist and sees the world in his own way. In my practice I have personal exhibition sisters - twins Masha and Sveta Konovalov, who painted the same thing in completely different ways.

There was experience of Exhibitions, where dad Nikolai Mikhailovich Degtyarenko and his daughter Evelina drew on the same topic. It was very interesting to look at the paintings of the father and daughter, to feel their attitude to the painting.

Most recently in our preschool passed Exhibition work of a young artist preparatory group Motyshen Mayi - 6 years old.

From an early age, Maya loves to draw and is proud of her mother, an artist. She dreams of seeing the Eiffel Tower from an early age and loves to draw it. Maya also loves to draw flowering trees and flowers.

Most of all, Maya loves to watch video tutorials on drawing and paint with gouache and acrylic paints on the theme of paintings by great artists.

Her wonderful the exhibition decorated our kindergarten filled it with bright colors. Maya creative success in the development of their talent, and we, teachers and parents, will always beside: guide, prompt, teach, show.

Educator of the highest qualification

MBDOU "38 "Crane" Pyatigorsk,

Stavropol region

The children's association "Work with Straws" was established in 1987 on the basis of the House of Children's Art "Constellation" in the city of Sayansk. The team is attended by children from grades 1 to 11, and all of them are united by creativity, passion for what they love.

Holding personal exhibitions has become a good tradition of the team since 1994. Personal exhibitions of the children's association were held in the Regional House of Friendship, in the Regional Center folk art and leisure, in the Regional Association of Masters of Folk Art "ONIKS", the regional SibExpoCentre, Novosibirsk, Zima.

Personal exhibitions of older guys are called "Inspiration". This is a holiday of Creativity, Beauty, Perfection. And for young craftswomen mini-exhibitions "I'm not a magician, I'm just learning!" Creativity starts from them. For your judgment, a personal exhibition of a tutor of a children's association, who has been passionate about straw for the eighth year, is presented. The exhibition was held two years ago. Another one is planned for next year. Kristina is a multiple winner of municipal, city, regional exhibitions, competitions, NPC. He generously shares his skills with children and adults in master classes.

The value of personal exhibitions is very high. Sometimes at school you can not notice any abilities of the child, but in institutions of additional education, children open up, realize themselves as a person! Already from the first days of acquaintance with the team, children are interested in whether they will have their own exhibition. They still do not know how much, but there is a desire, strength, which means a lot of new interesting works everyone to look at.

The presented material can serve as an idea in working with children of any age, even if the child does not have a lot of work yet. You can organize a personal exhibition not only of works of arts and crafts, but, for example, control works in mathematics, essays, diplomas, sports awards. It can be an exhibition of only girls or only boys, a class or group of a kindergarten. And why not hold solo exhibitions of 1 "A" class or 1 "B"! The kids are graduating primary school How many achievements they have! Here's another reason to rejoice for them!

The purpose of the solo exhibition: Motivation of the personality of the child to creative activity.


  • creating a situation of success;
  • development of a unique creative environment;
  • self-realization of the individual;
  • expansion of forms of interaction and integration with the schools of the city.

Preliminary work:

  • scripting;
  • registration of exhibition works, hall;
  • registration of announcements, invitations; invitation of guests: children, parents, school teachers, etc.;
  • prepare booklets about the exhibition, letters of thanks;
  • invite a photographer, cameraman;
  • prepare attributes: flowers, sparklers, balls, crackers, albums, felt-tip pens, paints and album sheet, ribbon, scissors.

Personal exhibition "Inspiration"

Article "Organization of personal exhibitions in the children's association" Work with straws "as a form of demonstrating the creative and aesthetic achievements of students."

Scenario for a solo exhibition.

Nebogatina Tatyana Ivanovna, teacher of additional education of higher education qualification category, MOU DOD "House of children's creativity" Constellation ", the city of Sayansk, Irkutsk region. Honorary Worker general education RF. Laureate of the 2010 Governor of the Irkutsk Region Award for high achievements in pedagogical activity. Winner of the regional competition "Master of Golden Hands" in 2010. Teaching experience 35 years.


Brief abstract of the article: This note highlights the rules for organizing a personal exhibition as a presentation of the student's achievements, the need to use this form in studio work, the conditions necessary for organizing an exhibition, tasks, stages, recommendations for preparing for a performance.

Personal exhibition as a form of presentation of student achievements
A personal exhibition is a point from which the student will take a step towards achieving new goals. For children, viewers, this is an opportunity to see their friend from a different point of view, and for someone, an incentive to try themselves in this type of activity. This is a great opportunity for a child to show their achievements, hidden talents.
For those who are passionate about fine arts in our Municipal Budgetary educational institution Additional Education for Children at the Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth in Krasnodar since 2013, on the eve of the municipal exhibition of children's creative works "City of Masters", a new form of presentation of achievements was held. This is an exhibition of the 7-year-old student association "Art Workshop" Krutikov Bogdan with his presentation.

The need to use this form of work
Artistic and creative activity is one of the main activities of pupils junior schoolchildren age, but its results are presented, as a rule, only in the form of exhibitions.
The degree of active participation of the child in the presentation of their visual achievements is limited due to the complexity of this form of work for children of this age. What does the presentation of a solo exhibition involve? The presentation of a personal exhibition is a kind of art exhibition, which involves familiarizing the audience with the works of one author, and accompanied by his comments.

Conditions necessary for holding a solo exhibition
- the child's interest in visual activity and the presence of his work.
- the desire not only to show their achievements, but also to talk about them.
- interest from parents and teachers in holding this event.
-the presence of a demonstration space in the environment of the Center.

Tasks that this form of work helps to solve
- disclosure by the child of himself as an individual in the eyes of his peers.
- gaining experience in presenting their achievements;
- acquisition of skills in building communication with peers and adults who are participants in the exhibition.

Organization of a solo exhibition
The first stage is preparatory
- selection together with the child and his parents of drawings for the exhibition.
- the choice of a general theme is formed on the basis of thematically selected works.

The second stage is organizational
- choice of the form of presentation of their work.
- selection of literary material (if required).
- registration and placement of works in the provided place.

The third stage is presentation
- solemn opening of the exhibition.
- introduction of the author and the theme of the exhibition.
- Presenting students their work.
- answers of the author to the questions of curious viewers (children and adults).

The fourth stage is the final
- a story by a pupil - the author of his presentation. At will, plans for the future in this type of activity.
- summarizing the self-assessment of the student and the statements of the children by the teacher (summing up the results of the exhibition).
- presentation of a diploma of a participant in a personal exhibition to replenish the piggy bank of their achievements.
- selection by the child of drawings from the exhibition for the portfolio.
- registration and placement of children's works in the provided place.
- organization of space for comfortable viewing of the exhibition by children.
- the selection of musical accompaniment may be assumed.

Recommendations for preparing for a speech
- the author must come up with a name for his exhibition;
- Tells for what period of time he completed his work;
- the student independently talks about what he wanted to show using art materials;
- broadcasts techniques for performing work;
- the child tells the technology of performing each work, names the type (graphics, painting) and the genre of each work (landscape, still life, portrait);
- it is possible to “enter the picture” (viewers are invited to imagine that they are inside the picture and tell what could happen there next);
- the student shows his favorite work, talks about it;
- the story of the author's fairy tale is possible;
- reading poems on the topic of work;
- the author shares what he liked most about preparing for the exhibition, which was difficult.
1.Vereshchagina V.A. " Custom Shapes lesson organization. Krasnodar, 1993,
With. ten.
2. Kaygorodtseva M.V. " Methodical work in the system of additional education”, Volgograd, 2009.
3. Register of educational resources of Russia,


Krutikov Bogdan Sergeevich was born on March 19, 2005 in Krasnodar. Mom - Krutikova Olga Olegovna - medical worker, father - Krutikov Sergey Alexandrovich - designer. Bogdan attended MOUDOU No. 230, he was very fond of drawing and at the age of 6 years (2011) was enrolled in the Art Workshop association. Currently studying in the 2nd grade of MBOU gymnasium No. 87g. Krasnodar and is a pupil of the 3rd year of study of the association "Art Workshop".

Personal exhibition
Krutikov Bogdan "Fantasy"
March 12, 2013 in the association "Art Workshop" opened a personal exhibition of a 7-year-old pupil of the association called - "Fantasy". The exhibition presents 32 graphic and pictorial works made by the author during his studies in the association. Presented here: creative projects"Monuments of UNESCO", "Illustrations for favorite fairy tales", compositions, still lifes, landscapes. The exhibition was attended a large number of guests: the head of the Western intracity district of Krasnodar, the media (TV "Krasnodar +"), director of MBOUDOD TsRTDYu, deputy. directors, numerous guests, parents studying in the "Art Workshop" association. A report from a personal exhibition was shown on the Krasnodar + channel.

- laureate of the 1st degree All-Russian competition“I would go to the fire department” (2012);
- Diploma of the 1st degree of the regional competition "Rescue Service-01" (2012);
- Diploma of the III degree of the municipal stage of the regional competition "Rescue Service 01";
- diploma winner of the municipal exhibition "City of Masters" (2012, 2013);
- participant of the grand opening of the municipal exhibition "City of Masters", as the smallest participant (2012).
- participant of the UNEP international competition dedicated to the year of ecology (the work "Life in a drop" is presented), (Geneva, 2013);
- the author of the personal exhibition "Fantasy" (2013).