Pd 14 comparison with foreign ones. Now "Made by us" in Telegram. What is wrong with the old PS90-A

  • 31.10.2020

Talk about the technical backwardness of Russian industry sounds like a familiar annoying background, and everything that stands out from this background, for some reason, does not arouse the same explosive interest as political scandals or the personal lives of media people. And so they pass by events of a truly outstanding scale. Flight tests of the first completely Russian aircraft engine for civil aircraft began in Zhukovsky near Moscow. And this engine is ready to compete with the products of world giants.

As you know, the Russian civil aviation industry has found itself in a difficult situation in recent decades. No, we have not forgotten how to make planes that fly. But the global air transportation market requires equipment that meets high performance requirements, especially in terms of efficiency, noise level and environmental friendliness. Passenger aircraft designed in the Soviet era did not meet most of these requirements or, in any case, lost in these indicators to competitors from Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Embraer.

I didn't have my own

first in new Russia An attempt to create a competitive product was made by the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company with its Superjet 100. The creators of this regional airliner were often reproached that, they say, the car can only be called Russian - there are too many imported components in it. Take, for example, engines, which make up about a third of the price of an aircraft. The Superjet 100 is equipped with SaM-146 jointly produced by the French company Snecma and the Russian NPO Saturn. However, the most complex and expensive part of a turbofan engine - the gas generator (compressors, combustion chamber, high pressure turbine) - is a solution from a French partner. And only the "cold" part - the fan and the low-pressure turbine rotating it - were developed in Rybinsk at NPO Saturn.

In other words, at the time of designing the Superjet, the Russian industry had almost nothing to offer aircraft manufacturers. Russia did not have its own competitive engine for a regional aircraft. As well as many other things.

However, today the situation has changed. The new medium-haul airliner MS-21 (probable name in the Yak-242 series) will depend to a much lesser extent on cooperation with foreign suppliers. And although, as is customary, the aircraft customer will have the right to choose and be able to give preference to a foreign-made power plant, Russian engines for the MS-21 will be. Or rather, they already exist.

PD-14 is an engine with an ultra-high bypass ratio (1:8.3). This is already noticeable from the impressive fan with a diameter of 1.9 m. The power plant will consume fuel very economically

The gondola was developed by Aviadvigatel JSC - that is, the manufacturer of the PD-14 itself. It embodies many interesting solutions, in particular the unique design of the reverse

PD-14 refers to turbofan engines in which flows from two circuits do not mix. Air from the second "cold" circuit flows out of the nozzle nozzle with wavy edges

World class options

The PD-14 engine of the fifth generation was developed by Perm OJSC Aviadvigatel. It is based on a unified gas generator: an 8-stage compressor, a low-emission combustion chamber, and a high-pressure turbine. This gas generator will also be used in other engines of the PD family with lower or higher thrust. PD-14 provides thrust of 14 tons, and the operation of the second circuit in it is provided by a fan with hollow wide-chord blades and a low-pressure turbine. The bypass ratio of the engine is the ratio of the air flow through the outer circuit to the air flow through the inner circuit, and for the PD-14 engine it is equal to 8.3. This is a modern indicator for both domestic turbofan engines and foreign ones. A high degree of bypass gives a significant reduction in fuel consumption. According to the statement of the developer of PD-14, the reduction in the specific consumption of fuel consumption compared to modern analogues will be 10-15%. The declared noise level is 15-20 dB below the norms established by the 4th ICAO standard, and the emission level harmful substances NOx will be 30% lower than 2008 ICAO standards. This is in line with modern environmental standards.

"Stranger" under the wing

While the first flight model MS-21 is only being built, the PD-14 is taking to the skies. It is suspended from the pylon of the Il-76 LL flying laboratory instead of one of the four standard engines. Tests are carried out by test pilots and engineers of the famous Flight Test Institute (LII named after M.M. Gromov), which is part of the United Aircraft Corporation, as well as representatives of the manufacturer - OJSC Aviadvigatel. It is difficult to confuse the experimental engine with the regular Ilov ones, since its dimensions exceed the dimensions of the regular D-30KP-2. Suffice it to say that only the diameter of the fan inlet is 1.9 m.

Anatoly Dmitrievich Kulakov, Deputy General Director of the LII named after V.I. MM. Gromov for testing power plants. As we managed to learn from our conversation, before the engine could go on its first flight, the specialists of the institute had to solve many complex engineering problems. The first of these was the choice of a flying laboratory (LL). The LII has at its disposal several LLs created on the basis of the Il-76 aircraft, but not every one can test the PD-14. Much depends on the mass of the power plant (will the wing withstand the weight?) And the thrust generated by the PD-14. The choice fell on the IL-76 LL with a reinforced wing, which can accommodate a power plant weighing up to 9 tons and an engine thrust of up to 25,000 kgf. However, this aircraft was last involved in testing in 1996. Then a unique propfan engine D-27 was suspended from it, which was intended for use on the Ukrainian-Russian An-70 aircraft. After almost two decades of inactivity, it was necessary to restore the airworthiness of the Il-76 LL, for which a special program was drawn up with the active participation of OAO AKB im. S.V. Ilyushin. A significant part of the equipment, including flight and navigation equipment, was replaced on the veteran aircraft, and all the necessary conclusions were received that LL could fly. What's next? Suspend the engine and start testing? Not! It is not that simple.

The PD-14 engine is also unique in that for the first time in the practice of domestic engine building, the manufacturer developed not only the engine itself, but also the nacelle for it (usually the engine nacelle is made for a specific engine by the company that creates the aircraft). Thus, the engine already has a mount designed for the MS-21 pylon, and it does not fit the Il-76LL wing. LII specialists had to design a special power spacer - an adapter between the MS-21 pylon mounts and the Il-76LL wing.

In the photo you can see a promising Russian engine without a gondola

This photo shows the process of hanging the gondola with the engine from the pylon of the flying laboratory. A special power adapter is used to connect different types of fasteners

Where to put the energy?

The most important engineering problem is that the new engine cannot be tested under the control of standard LL systems. In the laboratory, it is necessary to recreate all the control systems of the experimental power plant, similar to those that will be used on the MS-21, as well as to reliably reproduce all the loads under which the engine will operate. To this end, before testing, it was necessary to design and build in the flying laboratory all the relevant equipment.

The engine not only creates jet thrust, it is the energy heart of the aircraft. With the help of a shaft and a gearbox, the high-pressure turbine shaft is connected to the ACC (aircraft accessory drive box). In KPSA, the torque transmitted there is “disassembled” by an electric generator and hydraulic pumps. Motors are now demanding as much electrical power as possible, especially in view of the trend towards replacing a number of hydraulic drives with electric ones. The IL-76LL has an electric power take-off system. The power taken from the generator is realized in special thermal electric loaders (TEN), which are installed in fairings blown with outside air in flight.

In addition to the torque, compressed air is taken from the engine, which enters the systems of the MS-21 aircraft. Air sampling for different purposes is carried out at several points of the gas generator. For example, after the third stage of the compressor, air is removed for the needs of air conditioning of the MS-21 passenger compartment. The flying laboratory does not have an air bleed system with the parameters of the air conditioning system, similar to the one that will be in the MS-21, since the bleed of compressed air is the power take-off from the engine, which means that this load must also be realized during tests. LL is also saturated with control and measuring equipment. During the operation of a serial engine, the onboard parametric recorder registers 30–40 parameters of the plant operation. During testing, 1066 parameters are taken from an experimental engine equipped with multiple sensors. The data is sent to the central server, to the chief engineer's console in the Il-76LL cargo compartment, to the display in the cockpit, via radio to the ground control point and directly to specialists in Perm, at Aviadvigatel JSC.

In the background, the main control panel of the experimental engine is visible: sitting at this panel, the lead engineer of the LII controls the PD-14 modes during the test flight. Closer to us are the workplaces of other specialists who monitor the parameters of the engine

Workplace one of the engineers involved in the tests, and a cabinet with computers that analyze data using specially designed software

Solo on one motor

When the time comes to lift the LL into the air, the most experienced test pilots of the LII im. MM. Gromov. In the cargo compartment, the seats at the consoles are occupied by test engineers. Pilots have at their disposal all the usual control systems for the Il-76LL aircraft and its engines. And only the experimental engine is controlled by a leading test engineer from LII. Next to him at the central console is another representative of the LII and an engineer from the PD-14 developer. “We take off on three engines according to a special technique so that the plane does not fly off the runway due to asymmetric thrust,” says Alexander Krutov, Honored Test Pilot, Hero of Russia, head of the LII Test Pilot School. - At this stage of the take-off tests, the experimental engine operates only at low gas. First, we warm up three regular engines. Then the second engine, symmetrical to the experimental one, is removed to idle speed and slowly we begin to take off. We bring the 1st and 4th regular engines into takeoff mode. Then, during the takeoff run, we smoothly bring the 3rd regular engine into takeoff mode. We break away on three, gain height. In this way, dangerous turning moments are avoided on takeoff.

Already after climbing, the lead test engineer, who has at his disposal the experimental engine control lever installed on the main console, proceeds directly to the tests.

The first PD-14 engineering test program is designed for only 12 hours of flight. At the end of each flight, the information received is analyzed by the FII specialists, and representatives of Aviadvigatel JSC carefully examine the engine components, assess its condition, and eliminate possible shortcomings. Of course, everything will not end with the first series of test flights. The engine is waiting for new tests with greater loads, including in high altitude conditions, extreme heat and severe cold. But already now, according to the statements of the LII specialists participating in the tests, the characteristics of the PD-14 engine correspond to the calculated data in the proven modes.

The development of the base engine stimulates the development of domestic industry and science

The goal of the PD-14 engine for MS-21 aircraft project is to create a family of commercial engines for short- and medium-haul aircraft with a passenger capacity of 130 to 180 seats. Engines of a promising family according to technical specifications and economic efficiency must compete with foreign counterparts.

The overarching goal of the project is to eliminate Russia's technological gap in gas turbine engine building in the shortest possible time. In addition, in the course of its implementation, the following tasks are solved:

  • restructuring of one of strategic industries industry - aircraft engine building by involving all leading enterprises in the project, dividing the areas of responsibility taking into account their strengths and moving to program and project management, consistent with the practice of the world's leading manufacturers of aviation equipment;
  • creation of the latest domestic materials and technologies of metallurgy, as well as polymer composite materials and technologies for their production.

    The basis of cooperation

    The idea of ​​creating a Russian aircraft engine of a new generation was born in the bowels of the engine-building design bureau of JSC Aviadvigatel in the early 2000s.

    For a long time and carefully studied the development trends and the technical level of the world leaders in engine building, the aircraft and air transportation market was analyzed for the correct choice of the thrust range of the future engine. Given the aggressive expansion of foreign-made aircraft into the Russian market, the new engine should not only surpass promising foreign counterparts in terms of its technical characteristics, but also ensure the competitiveness of new Russian airliners in terms of efficiency, environmental performance, and the cost of a flight hour. And for a serial manufacturer - an acceptable cost of production. Given the technological backlog of the aviation industry from the world level of the first decade of the 2000s, the task is not an easy one.

    Starting to develop a new engine, we understood that it was impossible to create a competitive product with the help of one design school. Therefore, initially the project was conceived as an integration of the strengths of all engine-building enterprises and research institutes Russian Federation.

    The main business idea of ​​the project is to develop a domestic modern efficient gas generator high degree technical excellence with parameters that allow creating a family of engines of various capacities on its basis, which can be installed on different types aircraft and used in ground installations - gas pumping units and power plants. The gas generator is the most complex and highly stressed engine assembly, which determines its competitiveness and manufacturing cost. The unification of this unit allows for its mass production for the production of engines for various applications and significantly reduces the cost of each of the future modifications. In addition, materials, technologies for designing, testing, fine-tuning and manufacturing a gas generator cannot be imported from abroad, because they are always a protected know-how of the country, a secret with seven seals, since they significantly determine the place of the state in the world ranking table ( that is why the production of the hot part of the SAM146 engine is concentrated in France).

    The idea was supported by all engine-building enterprises and aviation research institutes. In 2006, a protocol of intent for the joint implementation of a project to create a new generation of aircraft engines for civil aviation based on a unified gas generator was signed by Aviadvigatel OJSC, PMZ OJSC, TsIAM, Salyut, NPO Saturn, UMPO, NPP Motor ”, OJSC “MPP im. Chernysheva, OAO Klimov. The heads of enterprises decided to join forces to develop a competitive engine in order to provide the Russian aviation industry with the conditions for returning Russia to the status of an aviation power. This document laid the foundations for future cooperation.

    The initiative of the engine builders was supported by the government of the Russian Federation. In 2008, after the nationalization of engine-building assets, state funding began for the project to create a basic engine, which was named PD-14. The lead executor of the project and the recipient of budgetary funds was OAO UK UEC, the lead developer was the Perm Design Bureau of OAO Aviadvigatel. The following are involved in the development of the engine:

  • all leading domestic enterprises of aircraft engine building - OAO PMZ, OAO UMPO, OAO NPP Motor, OAO NPO Saturn, Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPCG Salyut, OAO STAR;
  • branch institutes - CIAM, TsAGI, VIAM, VILS;
  • institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences - IPSM, IMSS UB RAS.

    Key milestones

    PD-14 is a turbojet bypass engine with a thrust of 14 tons, designed for use on promising short- and medium-haul MS-21 aircraft for 130-180 passenger seats to be put into operation in 2017. Work on the creation of the PD-14 engine is being carried out simultaneously with the work on the creation of the MS-21 aircraft, which is being developed by the United Aircraft Corporation at the expense of the Russian budget.

    The implementation of the project "PD-14 engine for MS-21 aircraft" is carried out using Gate technology. After each stage of development, JSC Aviadvigatel organizes an examination of the results achieved by engine engineers, scientists, aircraft builders, the state, and customers - the so-called control milestones. Highly qualified specialists from industry departments, research institutes, UAC, UEC are involved as experts. This makes it possible to consolidate and take into account the opinions of all stakeholders, avoid mistakes, make timely adjustments to the engine design and organization of the development process, thereby minimizing financial costs and reducing time. The solution of the project tasks is carried out in the Business & Technical complex (“Business and technical part”).

    For the first time, the development of an engine is carried out “at a given cost price” - cost parameters are taken into account when determining the design of the engine, its manufacturing and maintenance technologies.

    When developing the engine design, the stake is made on time-tested classic design solutions, which, in combination with the use of modern technologies design and testing give qualitatively new characteristics finished product. New Russian titanium and nickel superalloys are widely used in the engine to provide the necessary parameters. Compared to the best Russian turbofan engines (SaM146, PS-90A, PS-90A2) and foreign counterparts (CFM56, V2500), a qualitative leap has been made in improving the main parameters, which reduces the specific fuel consumption of the PD-14 engine by 12–16 percent.

    The use of polymer composite materials makes it possible to introduce modern noise suppression technologies and reduce engine weight. The share of composite materials in the design of the engine nacelle reaches 60–70 percent. In total, about twenty types of new materials are used in the engine.

    16 key technologies have been identified that ensure the quality of manufacture and high efficiency in the production of engines. These technologies, unfortunately, were absent in the engine building of the Russian Federation. Today, the enterprises participating in the project are successfully mastering and implementing these technologies, which in itself is a big step forward for the country's innovative development and the creation of knowledge-intensive jobs in Russia.

    In 2012, the technology demonstrator engine (DDT) passed a set of bench tests. Their main goal - to demonstrate the readiness of the design and technological solutions incorporated in the engine - has been successfully achieved. DDT showed good results in thermodynamics, acoustics and emission - better than modern analogues demonstrated the effectiveness of the technologies used.

    To confirm the airworthiness of the PD-14, a special qualification of materials (semi-finished products) used in the engine is carried out. A databank of material characteristics is formed, confirming that these materials have the required level of structural strength. Testing of samples of materials is carried out in new, modern, accredited AR IAC laboratories of JSC Aviadvigatel, CIAM and VIAM. To reduce the testing time for materials, Aviadvigatel built a robotic sample manufacturing facility that has no analogues in the world.

    When developing the PD-14 engine and introducing new technologies, the interests of future customers, those who will be involved in its operation, are taken into account.

    Purposeful work to reduce the cost of production, the cost of Maintenance and repair, ensuring the stability of performance and high reliability of the engine, its fuel efficiency, reducing weight, noise and emissions of harmful substances guarantees low cost life cycle engine.

    During the implementation of the project, in parallel with the design of the engine, the issues of creating a modern and user-friendly after-sales service system are being addressed - the repair and technical base as close as possible to the client, convenient logistics schemes, providing the best guarantees and service - all that, due to the relatively small number of aircraft in operation domestic production is completely absent and causes fair complaints from air carriers.

    The results achieved to date give us confidence that the PD-14 will be competitive not only in terms of technical characteristics, but also in terms of the cost of a flight hour.

    In the spring of 2013, a significant event for the project took place - an application was submitted to the IAC AR for a type certificate of the PD-14 engine, and at the end of the year the project will enter the stage international certification in EASA.

    In 2014, tests of the PD-14 engine will begin at the Il-76 flying laboratory at the Gromov Flight Research Institute.

    The implementation of the project "Engine PD-14 for MS-21" on the basis of broad cooperation between engine-building enterprises and scientific research institutes makes it possible to ensure high efficiency in the use of budgetary funds. State money is invested not only in the development of a specific high-tech modern product - the PD-14 engine, but also in the actual implementation of modern design, testing and production technologies that can significantly overcome the technological gap in the domestic aviation industry and create a basis for its further development. Firstly, there is a guarantee that these technologies will be actually used in the production of a sought-after competitive product - the PD-14 engine. Secondly, public money is invested in strengths enterprises. This minimizes their risks of mastering new competencies - relying on their practical experience, they can prevent possible mistakes and failure. Thirdly, since participation in cooperation "distracts" only a part of production capacity enterprises, while retaining their ability to receive income from the sale of other products, there is no threat of a significant loss of profit for any cooperator at the stage of primary, always very limited in terms of sales of engines and aircraft.

    Such a distribution of risks between private business and the state is optimal for achieving the goals of both parties. Changing the existing structure of the project implementation will inevitably increase the risks of the state once again in vain losing the billions of funds already invested in the project.

    I am sure that the implementation of the PD-14 project will become an example of the successful development of high-tech production based on domestic design developments and inventions.

    The creation of a family of promising engines based on a unified gas generator is a brilliant opportunity for Russia to return the domestic engine building industry to the world level, and for the United Engine Corporation it is a chance to gain a foothold among the world's largest manufacturers of gas turbine equipment.

  • Creation of aircraft engines own production will allow the domestic aviation industry to reach a new qualitative level. The modern aircraft gas turbine engine PD 14 is the best development in comparison with previous analogues produced in last years. The design of the turbofan type power unit includes a large diameter fan. This is necessary to supply air to the engine in large quantities. The air jet creates the conditions for creating the necessary traction force.

    The device and principle of operation of the engine PD 14

    The internal structure of aircraft engines resembles rocket models in design. At the same time, instead of the last steps, a fan drive is installed here. The aircraft engine PD 14, like all existing mechanisms, has certain advantages and disadvantages.

    The main advantages of PD 14:

    1. Increased efficiency (fuel consumption reduced by 12-16%).
    2. The possibility of wide application in aircraft operating on routes of various ranges.
    3. Compatibility with various models of aircraft released earlier.
    4. Equipped with high efficiency noise reduction system.

    The disadvantages include the following factors:

    1. Big weight.
    2. Dimensions.

    This creates a large resistance to incoming air currents during flights.

    Compared to the classic domestic aircraft engines produced earlier, the PD-14 has numerous design differences and improved technical characteristics.

    Most often it is compared with the PS-90A engine, which is installed on the IL-76, TU-14 aircraft. In comparison with the previous model, the new power unit is more technologically advanced, has more features, and the main performance indicators have been increased:

    • the degree of bypass - twice;
    • gas temperature at the turbine inlet - by 100°K;
    • fuel compression ratio - by 20-50%.

    Engine PD 14 specifications

    The presented characteristics of the PD 14 engine make it possible to understand how much this model is ahead of its predecessors in terms of technical parameters and operational capabilities. This made it possible to significantly increase the duration of the operational life of the power unit. On the example of the military transport aircraft IL 76 with the installed PD-14, it can be seen how much the characteristics of this aircraft have been improved:

    1. The flight range has been increased to 4.8 thousand km with a load of 6,000 kg; up to 10.9 thousand km - without load, respectively.
    2. Reduced fuel consumption by 13% per 1 km.
    3. Increase top speed up to 800 km/h.

    News about advanced developments of the PD 14 engine

    In order to reduce total weight, a new technology was used in the design, providing for the creation of turbine blades in the form of hollow structures. For their manufacture, special titanium alloys of increased strength are used. The use of these technologies has led to a reduction in the mass of the blades by 30%, and the entire aircraft engine - by 10%, respectively.

    The staff of the Perm Motor Plant has started the production of rotor blades for turbines using single crystals. Thanks to this approach, working temperature gases increases to 2000°K. The plans of the developers of new aircraft engines include the use a large number composite polymers. This will not only reduce the weight of the engine, but also improve its strength characteristics when operating under conditions of significant overloads.

    On the basis of new aircraft jet engines, modern aircraft models are being created. The most famous development is the MS-21 main liner.

    Thanks to the creation of the PD 14 engine, a line of new aircraft will be produced that will operate flights of various ranges: from flights on domestic lines to long-haul flights. Depending on the purpose of use, the design of the 14th engine allows it to be installed both on passenger and transport models.

    The thrust force of the motor is 14 tons. This makes it possible to equip the following aircraft models with the PD 14 model engine:

    • MS-21-200;
    • MS-21-300;
    • MS21-400;
    • IL-214;
    • IL-76.

    According to the latest data, a more powerful PD-18 is being created on the basis of the PD 14 engine, the unit of this modification develops a thrust force equal to 18 tons. The new reinforced motor is supposedly intended for the IL-96, TU-214 aircraft. On the this moment they are completed with the outdated PS-90A model.

    In the future, a lightweight version of an aircraft engine will be created, designed for a thrust of 10 tons for installation in Superjet aircraft instead of French engines.

    For the famous transport turntables MI-26, a special design motor is being created, made in a helicopter version.

    Judging by the reviews of informed experts, contrary to some expectations, the release of TU 334 with a PD 14 engine is not provided.

    Preparation for serial production of PD 14 engines

    These aircraft engines belong to the fifth generation engines. The main serial manufacturer is the united engine corporation UEC - Perm Motors. This is where pre-production comes to an end. new products. Thanks to constant interaction with trusted reliable suppliers, the mechanical workshops of the engine plant have launched the production of more than three hundred items of working elements for PD 14 engines.

    The customer of modern aircraft engines is a scientific corporation called Irkut.

    Each PD-14 engine has a serial number; after assembly, it is subjected to individual checks of specific parameters. For this, special stands are created with conditions that simulate the flight cycle.

    For example, after successful bench testing, engine No. 7 was installed on the IL-76LL flying laboratory for subsequent flight tests. At the end of the first stage, the engine was dismantled from the aircraft. Then it was sent to the manufacturing plant, where it was disassembled into individual components, in order to conduct further research. After the reassembly, motor No. 7 was again tested on the stands for subsequent installation on the Il-76LL and new air tests.

    For the PD-14 engine, manufactured under No. 8, a different engineering test program is provided. Here testing took place on a special stand of the open type "Saturn". The engine worked steadily with side airflow. In parallel, the reverse and acoustic parameters of the power unit were tested.

    Also, the manufacturer provides a program for the maintenance of products after sale.

    In addition to assembly, the PD-14 is rebuilt on the basis of the manufacturing plant, as well as the production facilities are being modernized in order to prepare them for the production of aircraft engines in large quantities. Production shops are being re-equipped with specialized equipment. Great hopes are placed on the acquisition of universal-type machining centers, with the help of which it is possible to manufacture body units and parts of an extremely complex configuration.

    The assembly program for super-powerful aircraft engines PD-14 provides for the creation of a production line capable of producing up to 50 sets of assembly units within one year.

    Test benches for testing the performance of modern aircraft engines are supposed to be completely modernized.

    In accordance with the developed program, it is planned to create on the basis of the PD-14 engine a whole family of new models of aircraft engines with a thrust in the range of 12.5 - 18 tons. These powerful engines will be installed on both passenger and transport aircraft. In the future, it is planned to release the MS 21 superliner with the PD 14 aircraft engine, which is in the planned development of the Irkut Corporation.




    At the Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov (CIAM, part of the National Research Center "Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky") tests were carried out on the accelerating stand to determine the resistance of the fan of the PD-14 engine (the lead developer is JSC UEC-Aviadvigatel) to the ingestion of a large single bird.
    The experimental work was preceded by serious preparation. The stand has undergone significant modernization. A special cannon and a stock for its attachment were made. During preparatory work a series of calibration tests were carried out to confirm the possibility of throwing into the fan large bird into the critical section of the blade and check the retention of the cartridge case in the gun.
    The test with the casting of the bird was successful in the conditions regulated in accordance with the requirements of the current airworthiness standards. During the test, high-speed video filming of the process and vibration measurements were carried out, which are important for subsequent calculations.
    Carrying out two engineering tests at the TsIAM booster stand (with the casting of a large bird and with a broken rotor blade), as well as a certification test on the basis of the Perm Design Bureau on a broken fan blade showed that the criticality of a broken fan blade on the engine is higher than the criticality of a large bird getting into the engine. solitary bird. Thus, certification testing of the engine with large bird casting can be omitted, which provides a significant reduction in the time and cost of certification of the engine.
    CIAM press service


    JSC UEC-Perm Motors (part of the United Engine Corporation of Rostec State Corporation) signed an agreement with PJSC Irkut Corporation (part of the United Aircraft Corporation) for the supply of PD-14 propulsion systems for flight tests of the MS-21 aircraft.
    PD-14 - the basic turbofan engine, which is being created in a wide cooperation of UEC enterprises for the MS-21 airliner using the latest technologies and materials, including composites.
    Deliveries will begin at the end of 2018. By this time, the PD-14 engine should receive a type certificate from the Federal Agency air transport(Rosaviatsiya). Start of flight tests of the MS-21 aircraft propulsion systems PD-14 is planned for 2019. Their completion and obtaining the type certificate of the MS-21 aircraft with PD-14 engines is planned for 2021.
    “The signing of the contract with the Irkut Corporation is a concrete step towards the fact that our engines will lift the newest Russian airliner into the sky,” said Sergey Popov, Managing Director of UEC-Perm Motors. “The plant is ready to ensure the delivery of PD-14 on time.”
    In December 2017, the UEC began at the LII. MM. Gromov (Zhukovsky, Moscow region) the third stage of flight tests of the PD-14 engine as part of the Il-76LL flying laboratory. It is held with the participation of representatives of certifying bodies and should officially confirm the results of the first two stages. In parallel, various special ground tests of the PD-14 continue.


    The Ufa enterprise of the United Engine Corporation (part of Rostec State Corporation) PJSC UEC-UMPO masters the production of parts and assembly units(DSE) of the latest Russian civil aviation engine of the fifth generation PD-14.
    PD-14 is the basic turbofan engine, which is being created in a wide cooperation of UEC enterprises for the MS-21 airliner using the latest technologies and materials, including composite ones. UEC is currently conducting at the LII. MM. Gromov (Zhukovsky, Moscow region) the third stage of flight tests of the PD-14 engine as part of the Il-76LL flying laboratory. In parallel, various special ground tests of the PD-14 continue.
    UEC-UMPO is assigned to manufacture more than 30% of the DSE of the PD-14 engine. The area of ​​responsibility of the enterprise included the manufacture of hollow fan blades, a separator housing, a high-pressure compressor rotor, castings for the housing of drive units, a central drive and a shaft line, as well as the development design documentation and fabrication of a low-pressure turbine module with rear support.
    “The development of the engine is at the finish line, the next task will be to enter the series,” says Evgeny Semivelichenko, Managing Director of PJSC UEC-UMPO. “I am sure that the experience gained in our association in the manufacture of engine parts and components for the PD-14 is of great importance and prospects for participation in the PD-35 project.”
    The PD-14 has a proven modern design of a turbofan engine: a compact two-shaft scheme, direct fan drive, optimal bypass ratio, efficient gas generator, digital ACS with full responsibility (FADEC type). Modular design of the engine in conjunction with a digital ACS, an integrated diagnostic system and the proposed efficient system after-sales services ensure the successful application of the concept of operating the engine according to technical condition.
    The lead contractor under the PD-14 program is JSC UEC, the lead developer is JSC UEC-Aviadvigatel, the lead manufacturer is JSC UEC-Perm Motors (both enterprises are part of UEC). This is the first completely Russian power plant for passenger airliners, created in Russia in recent decades.
    United Engine Corporation


    The subsidiaries of the Rostec State Corporation - the United Engine Corporation (UEC) and the All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys (VILS) - will increase the resource of the PD-14 engine components by using a new heat-resistant granular alloy in its design.
    The new alloy was used in the disks of the high-pressure compressor and the turbine of the PD-14 engine, which is being created for the first Russian short-medium haul aircraft MS-21. By current estimates, its implementation, along with other innovative technical solutions, will increase the resource of these components of domestic engines for civil aviation from 5 to 30 thousand flight cycles.
    “PD-14 is the result of a wide cooperation between our enterprises. The innovative solutions applied in it, including new alloys, made it possible to create a truly modern, powerful and highly resourceful aircraft engine. The first flight of the MS-21 prototype with PD-14 is scheduled for the second quarter of 2019. Deliveries of PD-14s for MS-21s will begin in 2021,” said Anatoly Serdyukov, industrial director of the Rostec aviation cluster.
    In 2019, the All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys will conduct a number of studies in the interests of the UEC, which will expand the use of this technology in civil aviation engines. They include the development of new alloys and products based on them for the new generation PD-35 engine family.


    The Federal Air Transport Agency issued a type certificate for a new Russian PD-14 engine for the MS-21 passenger aircraft, the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation reported.
    “The PD-14 aircraft engine received a type certificate. The document was signed by Alexander Neradko, head of the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsiya)," the statement said.
    The development and production of the power plant is carried out by the United Engine Corporation (UEC). It is expected that by the end of 2018, three serial PD-14 engines will be produced and delivered to Irkut Corporation (developer and manufacturer of the MS-21 aircraft).
    “In fact, obtaining a type certificate confirms the readiness of the PD-14 for implementation and operation. It can be stated that the first modern Russia turbojet engine for civil aviation," Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said in the release. The next stage of the project implementation will be the validation of the PD-14 type certificate at the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is scheduled for 2019.
    RIA News


    Perm JSC UEC-STAR (part of the United Engine Corporation of the State Corporation Rostec) has successfully completed qualification tests of the automatic control system (ACS) for the Russian civil engine of the new generation PD-14. The system complies with the best world analogues and meets all modern requirements for resources, service life and reliability indicators.
    PD-14 is the base engine developed in a wide cooperation of UEC enterprises for the MS-21-300 airliner using the latest technologies and materials, including composite ones. PD-14 is superior in environmental friendliness to foreign analogues in operation, engine parameters provide a reduction in specific fuel consumption in cruising mode by 10-15%. In October 2018, the PD-14 received a type certificate from the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsiya).
    The Federal Air Transport Agency issued a certificate of validity of a category A component for the RED-14 electronic engine controller, which is part of the integrated electronic-hydromechanical engine control system PD-14 with full responsibility (FADEC type - Full Authority Digital Engine Control System). For other units of the system, all qualification tests have also been completed, and approval has been received from JSC UEC-Aviadvigatel for the use of units as part of the PD-14 engine.
    "Creation and successful certification complex system control of the PD-14 engine is a qualitative leap forward for the entire Russian aggregate building industry and a serious groundwork for promising developments, - said Sergey Ostapenko, Managing Director of UEC-STAR JSC. – At the moment we are preparing for mass production of the PD-14 self-propelled guns.
    The PD-14 engine control system has great reliability indicators - it is able to work without a hydromechanical reserve (when the electronics is responsible for all engine operation modes - from start to stop). In the design of the ACS PD-14 units, only modern Russian components and element base are used.
    “For Rosaviatsia it is a great responsibility and at the same time a great honor to take part in the work related to the most advanced and science-intensive developments in the field of domestic engine building,” said Alexander Neradko, Head of the Federal Air Transport Agency. “The certification of the PD-14 engine control system successfully passed by UEC-STAR JSC gives a promising green light to the Russian PD-14 engine not only in Russia, but also abroad.”
    Press service of the UEC


    The United Engine Corporation (part of the Rostec State Corporation) was awarded a Type Certificate of the Federal Air Transport Agency for a new-generation civil aircraft engine PD-14, developed by UEC for the Russian MS-21 airliner.
    The solemn ceremony took place on December 21 in Moscow at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia. In the presence of the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov and General Director of UEC JSC Alexander Artyukhov, the Type Certificate for the PD-14 engine was presented by the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Alexander Neradko to the Managing Director - General Designer of UEC-Aviadvigatel JSC Alexander Inozemtsev.
    The PD-14 engine was developed in a wide cooperation between the UEC enterprises for the MS-21-300 narrow-body medium-haul aircraft using the latest technologies and materials, including composite ones. This is the first since the 1980s. a completely Russian turbofan engine for civil aviation and the first domestic engine originally developed in accordance with international standards and requirements.
    “This project, certainly unique in its complexity and prospects, opens a new page in the history of Russian design thought. PD-14 is superior in environmental friendliness to foreign analogues in operation, engine parameters provide a reduction in specific fuel consumption in cruising mode by 10-15%. Although engine tests on the MS-21 are still ahead, we can already say that thanks to the work you have done, our country is restoring its competencies in engine building,” said Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
    “Obtaining a Type Certificate for the PD-14 engine is a significant success for the Russian aviation engine building and related industries,” said CEO JSC "United Engine Corporation" Alexander Artyukhov, noting that we are talking about teamwork.
    According to him, the new format of work organization has proved its effectiveness.
    Denis Manturov, for his great personal contribution to the development and certification of the PD-14 engine, presented awards from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia to UEC employees - Igor Andreichenko, head of the dynamics and strength department of UEC-Aviadvigatel JSC, Vasily Alikin, senior foreman of the production site of the workshop of UEC-Perm Motors JSC, Evgeny Kudryavtsev, Deputy Head of the Workshop of PJSC UEC-UMPO, Viktor Voronov, Deputy Chief of the Production Workshop of Salyut Gas Turbine Engineering Research and Production Center, Viktor Voronov, Deputy Chief of the Mechanical Workshop of Compressor and Turbine Blades for Blade Production of JSC UEC-Avidvigatel Viktor Zlobin, Head of the Design Department thermodynamic calculations of JSC "UEC-Aviadvigatel" Marat Idiyatullin, head of the workshop of PJSC "UEC-Saturn" Alexander Pavlov.
    The development of the PD-14 engine was carried out as part of state program Russian Federation "Development of the aviation industry for 2013-2025". The project was initiated by the UEC in order to provide alternative supplies of aircraft engines for promising Russian medium-haul aircraft.
    The PD-14 has a proven modern design of a turbofan engine: a compact two-shaft scheme, a direct fan drive with hollow blades, an optimal bypass ratio, an efficient gas generator, and a fully responsible digital automatic control system (FADEC type). All this allows to achieve high reliability and manufacturability and reduce costs. The modular design of the engine in conjunction with the digital ACS, the built-in diagnostic system and the organization of the PPO system ensure the successful application of the concept of operating the engine according to technical condition. During the implementation of the program, 16 new technologies were developed and introduced, which made it possible to achieve high engine parameters.
    The lead contractor under the PD-14 program is JSC UEC, the lead developer is Perm JSC UEC-Aviadvigatel, the lead manufacturer is JSC UEC-Perm Motors (both enterprises are part of UEC).
    Press service of the UEC


    JSC UNPP Molniya of the Technodinamika holding of the Rostec State Corporation completed the development work on the development of an ignition system for the PD-14 engine of the Russian short-medium haul narrow-body passenger aircraft MS-21 as part of the PVF-22-20-10MD ignition unit, spark plugs SP- 14MS and high-voltage ignition wires PZV-14D1kl.M, PZV-14D2kl.M.
    Holding "Technodinamika"

    According to statistics, only one flight out of 8 million ends in an accident with the death of people. Even if you take a random flight every day, it would take you 21,000 years to die in a plane crash. According to statistics, walking is many times more dangerous than flying. And all this is largely due to the amazing reliability of modern aircraft engines.

    The miracle of technology

    But the turbojet engine is an extremely complex device. Its turbine operates under the most difficult conditions. Its most important element is the blade, with the help of which the kinetic energy of the gas flow is converted into mechanical energy of rotation. One blade, and there are about 70 of them in each stage of an aircraft turbine, develops power equal to the power of a Formula 1 car engine, and at a rotational speed of about 12 thousand revolutions per minute, a centrifugal force equal to 18 tons acts on it, which is equal to load on the suspension of a double-decker London bus.

    But that's not all. The temperature of the gas with which the blade comes into contact is almost half the temperature on the surface of the Sun. This value is 200 °C higher than the melting point of the metal from which the blade is made. Imagine the following problem: you need to keep an ice cube from melting in an oven heated to 200 ° C. Designers manage to solve the problem of blade cooling with the help of internal air channels and special coatings. Not surprisingly, one spatula costs eight times more than silver. To create only this small detail that fits in the palm of your hand, you need to develop more than a dozen of the most complex technologies. And each of these technologies is guarded as the most important state secret.

    Turbojet technology is more important than atomic secrets

    In addition to domestic companies, only US firms (Pratt & Whitney, General Electric, Honeywell), England (Rolls-Royce) and France (Snecma) own the full cycle technologies for creating modern turbojet engines. That is, there are fewer states producing modern aviation turbojet engines than countries possessing nuclear weapons or launching satellites into space. China's years of efforts, for example, have so far failed to produce success in this area. The Chinese quickly copied and equipped the Russian Su-27 fighter with their own systems, releasing it under the symbol J-11. However, they failed to copy its AL-31F engine, so China is still forced to buy this not the most modern turbojet engine in Russia for a long time.

    PD-14 - the first domestic aircraft engine of the 5th generation

    Progress in aircraft engine building is characterized by several parameters, but one of the main ones is the gas temperature in front of the turbine. The transition to each new generation of turbojet engines, and there are five of them in total, was characterized by an increase in this temperature by 100-200 degrees. Thus, the gas temperature in the 1st generation turbojet engines, which appeared in the late 1940s, did not exceed 1150 °K, in the 2nd generation (1950s) this figure increased to 1250 °K, in the 3rd generation (1960s) this parameter rose to 1450 °K, for engines of the 4th generation (1970-1980) the gas temperature reached 1650 °K. The turbine blades of the 5th generation engines, the first samples of which appeared in the West in the mid-1990s, operate at a temperature of 1900 °K. Currently, only 15% of the engines in operation in the world are of the 5th generation.

    One blade of an aircraft turbine develops power equal to that of a Formula 1 car engine

    The increase in gas temperature, as well as new design schemes, primarily by-pass, have made it possible to achieve impressive progress over the 70 years of the development of turbojet engines. For example, the ratio of engine thrust to its mass has increased by 5 times during this time and for modern models reached 10. The degree of air compression in the compressor increased 10 times: from 5 to 50, while the number of compressor stages was halved - from 20 to 10 on average. The specific fuel consumption of modern turbojet engines was halved compared to 1st generation engines. Every 15 years there is a doubling of the volume of passenger traffic in the world with almost unchanged total costs fuel for the world's aircraft fleet.

    Currently, Russia produces the only civil aircraft engine of the 4th generation - PS-90. If we compare the PD-14 with it, then the two engines have similar masses (2950 kg for the basic version of the PS-90A and 2870 kg for the PD-14), dimensions (fan diameter for both 1.9 m), compression ratio (35.5 and 41) and takeoff thrust (16 and 14 tf).

    At the same time, the high-pressure compressor PD-14 consists of 8 stages, and PS-90 - of 13 with a lower total compression ratio. The bypass ratio for PD-14 is twice as high (4.5 for PS-90 and 8.5 for PD-14) with the same fan diameter. As a result, the specific fuel consumption in cruising flight of the PD-14 will fall, according to preliminary estimates, by 15% compared to existing engines: to 0.53-0.54 kg / (kgf h) versus 0.595 kg / (kgf h ) at PS-90.

    PD-14 - the first aircraft engine created in Russia after the collapse of the USSR

    When Vladimir Putin congratulated Russian specialists on the start of PD-14 tests, he said that the last time such an event took place in our country was 29 years ago. Most likely, they meant December 26, 1986, when the first flight of the Il-76LL took place under the PS-90A test program.

    The Soviet Union was a great aviation power. In the 1980s, eight of the most powerful aircraft engine design bureaus worked in the USSR. Often, firms competed with each other, since there was a practice to give the same task to two design bureaus. Alas, times have changed. After the collapse of the 1990s, it was necessary to gather all the industry forces in order to carry out the project of creating a modern engine. Actually, the formation in 2008 of the United Engine Corporation (United Engine Corporation), with many of whose enterprises VTB Bank actively cooperates, was aimed at creating an organization capable of not only maintaining the country's competence in gas turbine construction, but also competing with leading companies in the world.

    The lead contractor for the PD-14 project is the Aviadvigatel Design Bureau (Perm), which, by the way, also developed the PS-90. Serial production will be organized at the Perm Motor Plant, but parts and components will be manufactured throughout the country. The cooperation involves the Ufimsk Motor-Building Production Association(UMPO), NPO Saturn (Rybinsk), NPCG Salyut (Moscow), Metallist-Samara and many others.

    PD-14 - engine for the main aircraft of the XXI century

    One of the most successful projects in the field of civil aviation of the USSR was the Tu-154 medium-haul aircraft. Produced in the amount of 1026 pieces, for many years it formed the basis of the Aeroflot fleet. Alas, time passes, and this workaholic no longer meets modern requirements either in terms of economy or ecology (noise and harmful emissions). The main weakness of the Tu-154 is the 3rd generation D-30KU engines with high specific fuel consumption (0.69 kg / (kgf h).

    There are fewer states producing modern aviation turbojet engines than countries with nuclear weapons

    The medium-haul Tu-204, which replaced the Tu-154, with 4th generation PS-90 engines, in the conditions of the collapse of the country and the free market, could not withstand competition with foreign manufacturers even in the struggle for domestic air carriers. Meanwhile, the segment of medium-haul narrow-body aircraft dominated by Boeing-737 and Airbus 320 (in 2015 alone, 986 of them were delivered to the world's airlines) is the most massive, and the presence on it is necessary condition preservation of the domestic civil aircraft industry. Thus, in the early 2000s, an urgent need was identified to create a competitive new-generation turbojet engine for a medium-range aircraft with 130-170 seats. The MS-21 (Main Aircraft of the 21st Century), developed by the United Aircraft Corporation, should become such an aircraft. The task is incredibly difficult, since not only the Tu-204, but no other aircraft in the world could withstand competition with Boeing and Airbus. It is under the MS-21 that the PD-14 is being developed. Success in this project will be akin to an economic miracle, but such undertakings are the only way to Russian economy get off the oil needle.

    PD-14 - basic design for a family of engines

    The letters "PD" stand for a promising engine, and the number 14 stands for thrust in ton-forces. PD-14 is the base engine for the family of turbojet engines with thrust from 8 to 18 tf. The business idea of ​​the project is that all these engines are created on the basis of a unified gas generator of a high degree of perfection. The gas generator is the heart of the turbojet engine, which consists of a high pressure compressor, a combustion chamber and a turbine. It is the manufacturing technologies of these units, especially the so-called hot part, that are critical.

    The family of engines based on the PD-14 will make it possible to equip almost all Russian aircraft with modern power plants: from the PD-7 for the short-haul Sukhoi Superjet 100 to the PD-18, which can be installed on the flagship of the Russian aircraft industry - the long-haul Il-96. Based on the PD-14 gas generator, it is planned to develop a PD-10V helicopter engine to replace the Ukrainian D-136 on the world's largest Mi-26 helicopter. The same engine can also be used on a Russian-Chinese heavy helicopter, the development of which has already begun. On the basis of the PD-14 gas generator, gas pumping units and gas turbine power plants with a capacity of 8 to 16 MW, which are so necessary for Russia, can be created.

    PD-14 is 16 critical technologies

    For PD-14, with the leading role of the Central Institute of Aviation Motors (CIAM), the leading research institute of the industry and the Aviadvigatel Design Bureau, 16 critical technologies were developed: single-crystal high-pressure turbine blades with a promising cooling system, operable at gas temperatures up to 2000 °K, hollow wide-chord fan blade made of titanium alloy, due to which it was possible to increase the efficiency of the fan stage by 5% in comparison with PS-90, low-emission combustion chamber made of intermetallic alloy, sound-absorbing structures made of composite materials, ceramic coatings on hot section parts, hollow low-pressure turbine blades and etc.

    PD-14 will continue to be improved. At MAKS-2015 it was already possible to see the prototype of a wide-chord fan blade made of carbon fiber created at CIAM, the mass of which is 65% of the mass of a hollow titanium blade currently used. At the CIAM stand, one could also see a prototype of the gearbox, which is supposed to be equipped with a modification of the PD-18R. The gearbox will reduce the fan speed, so that, not tied to the turbine speed, it will work in a more efficient mode. It is supposed to raise the gas temperature in front of the turbine by 50 °K. This will increase the thrust of the PD-18R up to 20 tf, and reduce the specific fuel consumption by another 5%.

    PD-14 is 20 new materials

    When creating the PD-14, the developers from the very beginning relied on domestic materials. It was clear that Russian companies under no circumstances will they provide access to new foreign-made materials. The leading role here was played by the All-Russian Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM), with the participation of which about 20 new materials were developed for the PD-14.

    But creating material is half the battle. Sometimes Russian metals are superior in quality to foreign ones, but their use in a civil aircraft engine requires certification according to international standards. Otherwise, the engine, no matter how good it is, will not be allowed to fly outside of Russia. The rules here are very strict, as far as people's safety is concerned. The same applies to the engine manufacturing process: the industry requires European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certification. All this will make it necessary to improve the culture of production, and for new technologies it is necessary to re-equip the industry. The development of the PD-14 itself took place according to a new, digital technology, thanks to which already the 7th instance of the engine was assembled in Perm using mass production technology, while earlier an experimental batch was produced in quantities of up to 35 copies.

    The development of a modern engine takes 1.5-2 times longer than the development of an aircraft

    PD-14 gotta pull on new level the entire industry. What can I say, even the Il-76LL flying laboratory, after several years of inactivity, needed to be re-equipped with equipment. Work was also found for the unique CIAM stands, which allow simulating flight conditions on the ground. In general, the PD-14 project will save more than 10,000 highly qualified jobs for Russia.

    PD-14 is the first domestic engine that directly competes with its Western counterpart

    The development of a modern engine takes 1.5-2 times longer than the development of an aircraft. The situation when the engine does not have time to start testing the aircraft for which it is intended, aircraft manufacturers, alas, regularly encounter. So the roll-out of the first copy of the MS-21 will take place at the beginning of 2016, and the testing of the PD-14 has just begun. True, the project from the very beginning provided for an alternative: MS-21 customers can choose between Pratt & Whitney's PD-14 and PW1400G. It is with the American MS-21 engine that it will go on its first flight, and it is with it that the PD-14 will have to compete for a place under the wing.

    Compared to its competitor, the PD-14 is somewhat inferior in efficiency, but it is lighter, has a noticeably smaller diameter (1.9 m versus 2.1), and hence less resistance. And one more feature: Russian specialists deliberately went for some simplification of the design. The basic PD-14 does not use a gearbox in the fan drive, and also does not use an adjustable nozzle of the external circuit, it has a lower gas temperature in front of the turbine, which simplifies the achievement of reliability and service life indicators. Therefore, the PD-14 engine is cheaper and, according to preliminary estimates, will require lower maintenance and repair costs. By the way, in the face of falling oil prices, it is lower operating costs, and not efficiency, that become the scheme-forming factor and the main competitive advantage aircraft engine. In general, the direct operating costs of the MS-21 with PD-14 can be 2.5% lower than the version with the American engine.

    To date, 175 MS-21s have been ordered, 35 of them with the PD-14 engine.