How do I envision my future profession? Composition "my profession is my future" How do I imagine the profession

  • 22.04.2020

Every person in his life must make, in my opinion, a very important choice - the choice of his profession. What he wants to do, in what area to realize himself, how he can bring the greatest benefit to society and the state. We are faced with this choice at a young age, when most of us still do not really understand what is hidden under " beautiful names» professions, what kind of work is performed in a particular position, what qualities and knowledge a person performing this work should have.

So, for example, I could not even decide on the scope of my future activity. The areas of training that I considered were completely different: journalism, automotive business management, the Faculty of Philology, car service, and, finally, state and municipal administration. It just so happened that I entered all universities “on a budget” and it was necessary to make the final choice in a short time. It seemed to me that it was almost impossible, since I am interested in everything that surrounds me, I wanted to study at all universities at once. But at some point I realized that one should clearly distinguish between a hobby and a profession. So four out of five specialties faded into the background. Yes, I love to write, I love the Russian language and literature, I can “dig” for hours in cars in the garage, but all this is more like a hobby. I decided to study in the specialty "State and municipal management." My relatives and friends did not approve of my choice, arguing that it would be very difficult to study, and advised me to choose something easier. But this did not bother me at all, because if there is a goal, then you can go through all the difficulties and obstacles on the way to it.
State and municipal management is, of course, a very responsible activity. The future manager must be organized, have his own clear opinion, which he is able to argue, be able to clearly express his thoughts and convince people, possess necessary knowledge and skills, to be purposeful and hardworking. Professional activity state and municipal government carried out in the system government agencies authorities, as well as local government. I believe that the practice that all students go through helps to decide at what level of government (Federal, regional, local) one would like to work. Personally, I would like to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Department of Administrative Work and legal activity. The Department monitors the implementation of the Minister's instructions, participates in the preparation of documents for a report to the Minister, implements documents in the EMERCOM of Russia system on paperwork, archival work, work with citizens and organizations, planning major events, participates in the development of orders to ensure the activities of the EMERCOM of Russia and much more.

I hope that I will be able to go through this difficult path, to get higher education in this specialty, become a good specialist and work effectively for the benefit of society and the state.

Naturally, the knowledge gained during the classroom

employment is absolutely not enough to successfully solve the real problems of the economy. Therefore, it is important for me to do extra work. Study educational and scientific literature on the functioning of economic systems. Thus, these aspects are the most important links, having carried out which, I can study economic science.

I entered Penza State University Architecture and Construction and namely the Institute of Economics and Management is not accidental. Everyone knows that the profession of a manager is the most prestigious and highly paid profession during this period of time.

Firstly, the knowledge and skills acquired here will help me achieve my main goal.

Secondly, the prestige of the institute is very high.

Thirdly, Ie and M have a very strong teaching staff.

Fourth, and most importantly, in Ie and M I can get not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills.


So, having determined a strategy for myself during my studies at IE and M, I need to imagine my future career. First of all, I associate a career with dynamics, initiative, courage, the ability to turn many people into reality. interesting ideas. In many ways, this is a chance to determine your own destiny, to be independent. For the most visual representation of my career goals, I have listed them in the following table:

Desired income

Estimated work

Assistant consultant in a construction company + scholarship.

Junior manager at a construction company

Deputy head of a construction company.

Construction company owner

The owner of a construction company in one of the cities of Russia.

Owner of a construction company abroad

At the first stage of my career, I plan to become an assistant consultant in one of the construction firms Penza. To do this, I will need to do an internship in the same company. And, of course, have some idea about construction business generally. This will help me to refer to the special literature - books and magazines.

The next stage is to become a junior manager of a construction firm. Naturally, any businessman will be interested in the high level of professionalism of his employee. Therefore, at this stage, I will need to have certain work experience, skills, knowledge in the field of management and economics, which I will acquire at the Institute of Economics and Management.

At the third stage, I intend to become a deputy head of a construction company. This responsible position will require from me knowledge of foreign languages ​​and all those qualities and abilities that I will acquire in previous positions.

At the fourth stage of my career, I will start organizing my business. The head of a construction company must combine the ability to generate ideas and make the most of his strengths and the ability to persuade and express oneself. All these qualities are to be improved by me.

Naturally, one cannot hope for success without like-minded people, so I will need to form a team of people whom I will trust, because, I believe that with the help of like-minded people, much more can potentially be achieved. But building a “team” is not easy. It will take time, method and perseverance for me: since it is necessary to build personal relationships, to determine the methods of work, perhaps some of these people will already have experience in the construction business.

At the fifth stage, I plan to open a representative office of my company in one of the cities of the Penza region.

Thus, following from stage to stage, planning my activities, I will be able to build my career.


My main professional goal in life - to make a career and open your own business. I want to have a job that will allow me to be independent, even financially. But at the same time, work should be fun. To do this, first of all, I must successfully graduate from the institute, get a diploma and work in my specialty. Undoubtedly, I will need computer skills. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​also plays a huge role in modern life, so it is desirable to know at least one foreign language. This gives great benefits in dealing with Western partners, plus the opportunity to travel abroad. After all, studying the economy and management methods of other states is very useful, since you can adopt their experience and technologies in relation to our country, and specifically to your company.

I also think that it is necessary to communicate with business professionals as much as possible and gain experience from them.


Get a job in a position

manager in a successfully functioning construction company Penza

Get a job as a sales assistant in a construction

Accumulate information in

construction area

Take an internship in one of the construction companies in Penza

Become a construction company owner

Defend the thesis

Prepare well for the interview with the head of the company in order to make a good impression

Take an internship in the countries Western Europe in the field of construction

Become the owner of a network of construction companies

Become a construction company owner

In Europe.

Management department

Department: "Management and Marketing"

Specialty: Organization management (project management)


Moscow 2010

This is how I see my professional future...

If the end goal is not important, then it does not matter which way to go - this idea, which came from the pen of the English mathematician and writer Lewis Carroll in Alice in Wonderland, formed the basis of this essay. Indeed, if a person does not have a vector that determines the direction of his professional aspirations, that guiding star in the sky of a career leading him to that cherished and desired goal, the result will be deplorable. It is idealized goals that are the prism that separates everything effective from ineffective, allowing you not to scatter your efforts in vain.

I have already clearly defined that I want to develop in the field of project management aimed at improving the efficiency of the company. For Russia, this activity is new and its prospects are great. Starting to take the first steps in this direction: having completed a 3-month internship at VTB 24 Bank (CJSC), where he was involved in one of the projects of the department organizational development(my role was to functionally analyze the activities of typical workplaces of base branches and conduct interviews with the heads of functional divisions), - I realized that my professional choice was not a mistake.

In the future, I plan to continue my internship at VTB 24 Bank (CJSC), in order to improve my professional skills, gain experience and find employment.

“He who does not move forward, he lags behind” is the motto of our institute, which fully reflects my values ​​and beliefs regarding personal development. New knowledge contributes to career advancement, in turn new position allows you to gain new experience and skills, hitherto inaccessible. In other words, there is a direct relationship between knowledge and promotion. After 3 years of work in the field of project management, I plan to get a PMP certificate ( project management Professional - professional project manager). Receipt MBA degrees also included in my plans.

Speaking about how I see my professional future, I do not want to go into too much detail, based on the considerations that modern world is becoming more and more dynamic: some companies are being replaced by others, new areas of activity, new management concepts, etc.

After five years labor activity I see myself as a project manager organizational change(development and integration of HR tools) in a large bank. I work in a team of professionals who achieve synergy in joint activities. I always maintain high standards in my work. professional ethics. Unfortunately, managers do not have their own “Hippocratic Oath”, which proclaims high ideals of morality and responsibility for their actions. "Do no harm" - this fundamental principle medicine is just as relevant for managers, because inappropriate or untimely actions entail the same sad consequences for the organization, as the wrong actions of a doctor adversely affect the health of the patient.

There are many steps to go ahead on the way to the position of director of strategic development, having reached which I can proudly say that I owe my success, to a certain extent, to the Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law!

As you know, from the top there is only one simple way - down! Therefore, having achieved some goals, I intend to set new ones and make every effort to implement them.

I really like reading business books, they carry the sea useful information and charged with creative energy. My favorite authors are Jim Collins, Paul Ekman, Rob Goffey, Stephen Covey, Kjell Nordström, Jonas Ridderstrale, Peter Drucker, Marina Melia, Dale Carnegie. In the future, albeit, at first glance, not so close, I plan to try myself as an author. With my books, I will try to instill in new generations of managers a love for management science, as it was once instilled in me within the walls of the Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law!

This is approximately how I imagine my professional future.

"My profession is my future"

In the life of every person there comes a moment of choosing a profession. This is a responsible step that everyone must take on their own. As children, we dream of becoming a teacher, a policeman, a doctor, a driver, an actress, a singer, an astronaut, and even a president. Playing in childhood into adulthood, there are no impossible tasks for us. But time passes and childhood leaves, forgetting to wave goodbye. Before we even looked back, we approached the threshold of adulthood. There will be no more games. But no one will take away our dream. All we need to take with us into adulthood is a childhood dream.

A dream is the beginning of all professions. Someone dreams of traveling and writing books, someone dreams of becoming a chef and opening a restaurant, someone dreams of becoming a designer and inventing their own clothing collections, and someone wants to convey knowledge to children. Fulfill your dream, become who do you want to be.

The world of professions is diverse and amazing. And every job is important. There are no important and important professions. All of them are needed, they are simply in demand in different ways. The choice of a profession must be treated responsibly and deliberately, because you will need to associate your whole life with it. As the ancient philosopher Confucius said: "Choose a job you like, and you will not have to work a single day in your life." After all, doing what you truly like is very cool. Get pleasure and joy from your work. Your work will reflect you as a professional in this field, as you will put a piece of your soul into it. Just imagine how “cool” it is to wake up thinking that today you will do a lot of new things. But if you choose a profession not to your liking, you will never get that pleasure from it. Neither prestige nor high wage won't bring you that simple joy. You will wake up with thoughts: "Back to work, when it's already vacation." And you will live from Saturday to Saturday in anticipation of your vacation. You will not be able to feel that there are many highlights, because your work will be a routine for you and you will do it automatically. So your whole life will pass, in anticipation of weekends and holidays. Don't let this happen! Choose a profession that you like. That you like it and that you are useful.

I'm in the ninth grade and I'm starting to think about my future profession. I am responsible for the choice of profession, as the choice of profession determines your future path. I want my profession to be interesting for me not only when I study, but also after graduation. Because many people like to study, but they don’t like working in this activity, and they go to work not in their specialty. In my future profession, it is important for me that it be interesting for me. All professions are so different, but in one they are connected. It doesn’t matter what job you choose, what matters is what benefit you bring to the people of the country!

Essay on the topic of. Fortunately, no surnames were required.

Where to start?.. The question posed to me is obvious, but how I interpret it for myself, this is more important. What will be my future when I become a speech therapist? Will I work in my profession? Or how, how will I work? Probably, just like that, it is on these above-mentioned questions that I should reflect here.

In my first year, despite the saying “Do not regret what you have done”, I still reproached myself for the fact that a) I do not get satisfaction from the “introduction to the specialty” course, i.e. speech therapy, and, accordingly, b) did not transfer to another specialty. But, having given up on temporary difficulties and my mental protest that can be experienced, I decided to look at what happened with greater optimism. Fatum, by God. I do not deny that it was too arrogant and thoughtless then, what an attack!

By the way, again, I didn’t really imagine what I would have to do, what kind of subjects I would have. I can honestly blame it on bad organizational work university. It's like a lyrical digression.
What did I get (get) in the learning process? M, perhaps, a lot of “medical”, since the profession includes this, in addition, it is very closely intertwined with the previously closed specialties “defectology” and “oligophrenopedagogy”. Which is not a plus for me. Nevertheless, I hoped to work with more or less healthy children, and, excuse me, they inspire us to expect at work both mentally retarded, and with mental retardation, and many others like them. So far I can't deal with it. Although the wedge is knocked out with a wedge. But it is not all that bad. In truth, I like to study here, I manage to get a lot of new and interesting things. I can also say with confidence that I love children, because I think that this is paramount in the profession of a teacher.

Now, in the second year of the full-time department, the idea occurred to me to switch over to the correspondence department. What are the reasons? Job. First. More free time (uncomfortable schedule sucks my vitality). But more time is needed to think about it. It will be a pity for me to leave the student body, to change it to a society of "creepy correspondence students", which I imagine myself to be.
Yes, more about work. If I go to the correspondence department, then, perhaps, I will get a job in my specialty. If you want, you can get a job in the place you are counting on. I like to work with children, to see the results of our joint work, for me, this, positively, seems now to be such an occupation for the soul. I'm probably a terrible hedonist, if you can imagine it. Even Epicurus describes pleasure as the principle of a successful life. And I, as a passion, do not like to guess the future. Again, childish, I guess.
By the end of my reflections, I will nevertheless apologize for this free style of narration and the lumpiness of phrases. But these are my, really my thoughts: necessary, empty, positive and negative. I just can't be a pessimist by definition. That's the kind of person I am.