How to lure customers to service aps. What to do if managers steal clients: practical advice from an Original Works lawyer. We continue to attract lovers of "freebies"

  • 16.04.2020

Where to get clients? There are two ways: to lure them away from competitors or to grow new ones. The second option is very long, expensive and risky. The first one remains - to start a war for customers. And in this war, guerrilla sales methods bring highest profit the fastest. No underground fights and forbidden tricks: we will fight smartly! After reading this book, you will learn how to conduct competitive intelligence, contact and negotiate with decision makers, position yourself correctly, and improve your sales skills so much that each customer you poach from a competitor will bring you several more.

In 2010 I decided to return to the training and consulting business. I called a famous and charismatic business coach Radmilo Lukichu, expressed a desire to work in his company and engage in various projects. Radmilo replied that he needed sellers and agreed to meet. When we talked, he set quite difficult conditions for me:

  • task: sale of trainings and consulting services;

  • probationary period - one month;

  • it was necessary to make at least two meetings a week, that is, eight a month;

  • sales plan - 700,000 rubles per month (after the crisis, like many training centers, the company experienced difficulties).

I, without hesitation, agreed to work as a sales manager. At first, of course, I was surprised: why are other newcomers given a trial period of three months, and me only one? Now I am very grateful to my colleague for the fact that he then set these tough conditions for me. Thus, Radmilo Lukic gave his new employee the opportunity to prove himself and, most importantly, to acquire knowledge and tremendous experience.

So, what did I decide to do to achieve the desired results? Developed his own system "Partisan Sales". Of course, not everyone believed in it. Some even laughed and said: “Yes, it's all creative, but…” I didn't have a choice. I really wanted to make money, and even more - to prove that my program is really effective. For this, the usual style of work had to be changed. Forgetting about the office schedule, he worked twelve to sixteen hours a day. Conducted business as a partner of the company, and not as an employee. I looked for profitable clients and provided them with expert assistance, etc. Here are the fruits of my efforts:

- in the first month I made twelve appointments;

- three months later, he signed the first major contract for 4 million rubles (with an average market value of the training at that moment - 70,000 rubles);

- brought the company a profit of up to 3.8 million rubles per month (many times more than the entire sales department, which consisted of five people);

— the maximum amount of one contract was 6.7 million rubles;

- became a development director and, in addition to sales, began to deal with new projects;

- came up with an award Commercial Director of the year";

— worked on a PR campaign and promotion of services (articles, SEO promotion, Internet marketing, etc.);

- came up with the project "Training Parade". These were demo trainings for future clients, or, as I also called it, “test drive of trainers”. When the idea arose, many frightened me: they say, you can gather a maximum of three or four people who want to. Then I decided to conduct the first demo-training myself. The result exceeded all expectations: due to a large number people who applied, we even had to suspend admission;

— finally, I managed to become the best seller in the history of the company!

I have had great success in business and sales before. But here he competed with himself! Every day I asked the question: “What else am I capable of?” And he was not afraid to do it, because he was confident in himself. And my "10 Secrets of Highly Effective Salespeople" that I always use worked!

Secret number 1. Attitude towards others

Attitude towards people should not depend on their position and position, gender and age, skin color and nationality. Everyone must be treated with equal respect. It doesn’t matter who is in front of you: a colleague or a client, a friend or a stranger, a subordinate or a leader, this is a person and you should treat him the way you would like to be treated. It is the people around you who make your career and influence your destiny.

Unfortunately, it often happens like this: when people start to succeed, they become more arrogant. Why imitate them? Remember: modesty aerobatics for a business person.

You should not assume that a businessman should have a serious face - this is not so. Smile and people will love you. Everyone wants to deal with a person who is pleasant in all respects. Therefore, first you need to sell your charm, and only then - the idea, services and goods.

Secret number 2. Lifelong education

Lifelong education, study all your life. This process should never be interrupted! Only by constantly absorbing new knowledge will you be able to keep up with progress, be ready for the inevitable changes in life, and fully realize yourself. But the most successful capital for any business is a clear mind and time.

Successful salespeople understand that what works today won't necessarily work tomorrow or six months from now. You may need a completely different approach. Therefore, they are ready to constantly learn: new products, new methods, new technologies, new trends, new customer needs, etc. By the way, one of the definitions of the path to success is: “the process of self-improvement in an ever-changing world.”

Many salespeople, and some executives too, don't read books. There can be many excuses, but in fact there is only one obstacle: laziness. Employment has nothing to do with it. But by reading at least one new book a month, you can become better than 90% of salespeople. One per week - to become stronger than 99% of competitors. AND we are talking not only about business literature, which is necessary like air, but also about fiction especially the classics. An erudite salesperson always receives respect and admiration from customers and colleagues in return. The main thing is to learn one simple truth: the process of learning and development should not stop after graduation. Remember what trainings and seminars you have attended lately, what you have gained valuable, how the acquired skills and knowledge have been applied in practice. Have you ever wanted to take a course or master class? Right now! Read the chapter and go!

Knowledge foreign languages- a huge plus for any seller, even if it is not used in communication with the client. After all, languages ​​make it possible to read the most interesting book novelties in original! With this baggage, you will always be a few steps ahead of others.

Book #1 -Sales Practice by Rudolf Schnappauf. It will help you gain a lot of useful knowledge and skills of a super seller.

Book #2 -"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. This book will help you quickly and easily build friendly relations with people, increase your popularity among customers and colleagues, and also give you the ability to attract new customers and partners.

Book #3 -Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. After reading this book, you will learn to overcome all obstacles by setting a clear goal, move towards it without distractions, and succeed.

. Jack Trout- about the secrets of marketing;

. Gavin Kennedy- for those who want to learn how to effectively negotiate;

. Stephen Covey- For personal growth;

. Gleb Arkhangelsky- all about time management;

. Robert Kiyosaki- to achieve financial success;

. Neil Rackham— SPIN sales technologies;

. Peter Drucker or Itzhak Adizes- For effective management;

. Michael Porter Everything you need to know about competition

. Stephen Schiffman— the most best books by cold calls;

. Sun Tzu and his treatise "Art of War" is the best guide to strategies for dealing with conflicts of any level.

You can continue this list yourself and recommend it to your friends. In addition to the basics of sales, you will definitely need knowledge in areas such as marketing, management and project management. All this will help to establish contacts with clients of any level. Buyers like to deal with educated and intelligent people.

Ultimately, the person who knows the "how" will never be out of a job, but the one who knows the "why" will always be in leadership positions.

Secret #3: Work Differently

Time management experts estimate that the average salesperson can complete an eight-hour job in five hours. I will add from myself: a salesperson who arrives an hour early and leaves an hour late, while working at maximum efficiency, can double personal sales!

To do this, you just need to learn how to save both your own and other people's time. Do not be distracted by “extraneous noises”: conversations, weaving intrigues, smoke breaks, social networks. And especially on "foreign" projects. In business, everyone has to do their job. Let the seller deal only with sales. All that is required of him is to fulfill the plan and increase the volume of transactions.

It will be useful if the seller develops his personal sales plan. Moreover, its bar should be at least twice as high. established by management. If the general sales plan for managers is presented as a mountain, the personal (internal) plan should reach the top of this mountain. Strive for the peak, while others consider it enough to get only to the average level. Only after conquering the summit will you be able to feel true pride and satisfaction.

But then, when the plan is completed, the most important thing remains to be done: to remain a professional. Do not forget about your personal sales plan, reporting daily, weekly and monthly to yourself about what you have achieved. If personal plan sales will be completed by 70% - it will still turn out to be much more than the standards established from the outside. Of course, mistakes happen to everyone. In such cases, you just need to calmly analyze your mistakes - and direct due efforts to correct them. Do not be lazy, confidently move forward - and then the pinnacle of luck will surely submit.

The most important thing is to believe in yourself. Believe even when even the closest people have already stopped doing it. Success depends only on personal attitude and personal actions. You just need to work differently than the rest. Work harder, more efficiently, more selflessly. Approach the matter creatively and wisely, and not carelessly. And then everything will work out.

Secret number 4. Be able to listen

The trouble with many salespeople is that they want to talk all the time. By interrupting the client, they end up missing the most important information. Hence the numerous mistakes in the sales process: misunderstanding the desires of customers, letters with errors, drafting commercial proposals that no one reads, etc.

Studies show that no more than 10% of people know how to listen to the interlocutor. Isn't it very sad? I will share with you several techniques that help you listen and hear.

Reception "Parrot". Verbatim repetition by the seller of the statement of the buyer. This technique is accompanied by such phrases: "Do you think that ...", "As far as I understand you ...".

Reception "Generalization". Summarizing the buyer's statement with the help of the phrases "So you are interested in ...", "I understand you, you need ...".

Reception "Main meaning". Repetition of the main meaning of the client's statement. For example, the salesperson says, “Based on what you said, you are only interested in…”

Reception "Clarification". The seller asks to clarify some points of the client’s statement: “Could you clarify about ...”

Developing the ability to listen is very important! When talking with a client, try to follow these rules:

  • focus on the speaker, be alert all the time, try to absorb all the nuances of what was said;

  • respond quickly when necessary, but do not interrupt the interlocutor over trifles;

  • if necessary, ask questions to clarify what has been said;

  • comment on some significant points from time to time to demonstrate your understanding.

Even Plutarch said: "Learn to listen, and you can benefit even from those who speak badly." Listen carefully and you will understand what the client wants. The ability to ask is meaningless without the ability to extract information from the answers. Learn to read the mind of the buyer by his voice, gestures, views. Show the interlocutor that they are listening carefully. To do this, you can use the appropriate non-verbal techniques: features of the posture and a sympathetic look, nods, inserted remarks to the place. It is useful to record important moments of the conversation and, only after learning and fixing the needs of the client, offer your product or service.

Secret number 5. Overcome your fear

Fear is the main enemy of a novice seller. And not only for beginners: sometimes even experienced sellers are afraid to be rejected by buyers. There are both psychological and physiological explanations for this. With psychology, everything is clear: we all do not want to reduce our status, won with such difficulty, and any failure is always fraught with precisely this. As for the purely physiological aspect, it has long been established that when faced with a refusal, the human body begins to produce norepinephrine, the “fighting hormone”. On the contrary, consent causes endorphins, the hormones of pleasure, to be released. Probably, you yourself have noticed more than once how even the smallest success can cheer you up for a long time.

Do you know what successful people different from everyone else? Firstly, they do not hesitate for a long time, but immediately rush into battle - they try everything in practice. And secondly, they make lemonade out of lemons, turning every failure, every failure, every violation of plans into an advantage.

Let's figure it out. A former military man, for example, can say to himself: “I already know firsthand what order, discipline, clarity, task setting and responsibility are. So if you need to sell something, I will deal with it, there is nothing complicated here. But the same person, with the same experience and skills, may think very differently: “I have never sold anything and have no idea about sales. Nothing will come of it, you don’t even have to try!” Well, what do you think, who will make a good seller?

How to become the number 1 seller? Yes, very simple. Read, study, try and develop without dwelling on failures. Those who work hard are more likely to make mistakes. But sitting on the bench will never miss. Only, sunbathing on the shore, you can not learn to swim! Don't jump to conclusions about your abilities before you try. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing - already a good motto. And then the eyes will stop being afraid. You need to be strong, and if a mistake has already happened, you should recognize it, analyze it and move on, forward!

Knowledge and skills are the best means to overcome fears and lack of confidence. Remember: fear disappears with experience. But there is an effective way to speed up this process. Every morning, when you wake up, repeat the magic words aloud:

  • "I'm 100% confident in myself."

  • "I'm confident in my own abilities."

  • "I don't care about being judged by others."

  • "No one and nothing will stop me from succeeding."

This is how every morning should start. At this time, the consciousness has not yet fully woken up, and the subconscious without a "filter" will take a magic potion. Drive away dissatisfaction with an early rise and the need to go somewhere! Great day ahead!

Secret number 6. Manage time

Leading experts believe that any employee can complete his day's work in four hours. Instead of mentioning the standard tips for organizing your time here, I will tell you how I applied time management in my sales practice.

The movie influenced me a lot. "The Pursuit of Happyness"(The Pursuit of Happiness), where Will Smith brilliantly played the lead role. He presented to the eyes of the viewer the life and success of the American financier and millionaire Chris Gardner. I cut out a piece from this film, in which the hero is engaged in cold calls, and every morning, when I came to work, I watched it. It always inspired me to new exploits. As a result, I created my own time management system. So what did I do?

1. Worked from 8 am to 8 pm every working day. In twelve hours I was able to do double and even triple work.

2. While other employees came to work at 9 o'clock and started the working day by making coffee, I had been busy for a long time. By the way, I drank only clean water. After coffee and tea, the thirst only intensifies, and this leads to running to the restroom.

3. First of all, I checked mail, answered letters, wrote to clients. Took about half an hour on this. And so three times a day: in the morning, in the middle of the day and after 18 hours. The rest of the time I tried not to look at the mail - it takes time. If the client wrote, but did not call, then it is not so urgent, and you can answer him in the allotted time.

4. In the evenings, I created a cold database of clients so as not to deal with this day. During the call, I tried to shorten the intervals between calls so as not to lose the drive. Most of the time I just didn't hang up. This can save up to eight seconds.

5. Minimized idle chatter with colleagues. Usually in companies, idlers distract working employees. When someone approached me, I said that I was busy now and would come back later. After all, if I come to the office of a person, I will have the opportunity to leave when I want.

6. I turned off such mail services as ICQ, Mail.Agent, etc. I talked more with clients by phone. Social media used only to find new clients and decision makers of the client company. No personal correspondence during work, although no one forbade me from this.

7. On the phone, I tried to solve any problems in three minutes. Short and to the point. I used mail mainly to send materials: price lists, commercial offers, etc. It should be noted that such a system of work helped me achieve solid success in sales.

Secret number 7. Forget about sales

The mistake of many sellers is that they are always selling, trying to sell goods and services to their customers. Not interested in what they want. The main goal of such merchants is to sell as much and as expensive as possible.

Imagine that you went to a communication store to buy mobile phone. Even if you have chosen a specific phone model in advance, the opinion of the seller can still be important. After all, it is assumed that the seller is an expert in his field. So, acting as a seller, it is worth behaving exactly like a strong specialist in your field! People also need a professional, an assistant who will solve the problem.

The client either knows what kind of product he needs, or not. In both cases, he will need an expert. If the buyer has not decided what kind of product he needs, try to find out what tasks he faces. Only after the true motive of the purchase becomes clear, offer the product or service that you really need.

There are clients, more precisely, specialists of client companies, who have already decided exactly what goods they want to purchase. The task of the seller in this case is to confirm that the buyer has accepted correct solution. If a client specialist did not take into account something, chose the wrong product, made a mistake - without humiliating his pride, offer the best option. And, believe me, this person will become your eternal customer in joy.

Secret number 8. Work as a partner of the company

Imagine that you decide to purchase some kind of household appliances. You are looking for where it is cheaper and better, that is, you are looking for value. Of course, you will use the purchased carefully and carefully. Still money out of my own pocket. Why is it different in the office? Because "uncle" pays? Anyone who ever had own business, knows perfectly well what an expensive pleasure it is to provide for one’s business. There is a responsibility to employees - you need to pay salaries on time. Plus taxes, rent, ongoing office expenses, etc.

"Uncle" should be respected at least for the fact that he takes these worries upon himself. A business idea, production is even more expensive. If you consider yourself capable of creating your own business, you should not suffer while sitting in the office. It is better to work for the owner, for the company, but as a partner.

Partnerships mean not only saving costs, but also treating the business as if it were your own. Build your business like it's yours! To do this, it is worth taking certain risks when making operational decisions. The client must feel that the employee takes personal responsibility. It is always a pleasure to work with such sellers, they do not run to their leader for any trifle.

Talk to management about having certain powers. The leaders of many companies will gladly go for it. But if instead they begin to “put you in your place” and remind you “who is the boss here,” then you have chosen the wrong company. Look for your dream job!

Secret number 9. Think about your family

I guess this phrase surprises you. Let me explain. To be successful, you need to be able to set goals. If you want to succeed in sales, try to answer yourself for whom and for what you want it. Every person has cherished dream, a goal in life, and more often - problems that need to be solved. By becoming a successful seller, you will earn more, and by earning more, you will be able to pay off debts, buy a car, build a house, etc. Great motivation!

In general, a person always needs an external or internal kick. The motivations “for what” and “for whom” act as an internal kick. If you don't motivate yourself, no one can do it. The best motivation “for whom” is, of course, the family. For the sake of the family we work, for the sake of the family we earn. And when there are children - it's just wonderful! For the sake of these little tomboys, we are ready for anything, if only they were happy. I am 100% sure: every person would like that in the evening, after a hard day, close people would meet him at home, kids would run out to meet him, throw themselves on his neck, hug and kiss. It's moments like these that you really understand what you're trying to achieve.

All in your hands. We create our own happy life. If there is no family yet, create it and live for the sake of your loved ones and loved ones. This is something that should always come first, and everything else, including work, should come second. Family values ​​are the meaning of life!

Secret #10 Be disciplined

This is what we were taught in primary school when we dutifully followed the weekly schedule and tried to plan our lessons. Alas, over time, we often suffer the most terrible disease for business people - laziness, which prevents us from remaining disciplined.

Have you ever noticed that there are many military men among successful businessmen? Who served in the army knows what discipline and order are. Law modern business says: "Never put things off until later." If there is no discipline, no CRM system and no “reminder” will help. In the same company, one seller in the CRM system is all right, and the other is just a mess. Just in the second case, a person does not have a sense of responsibility, orderliness, because there is no motivation and aspiration. He is like that in real life too. There is no willpower and fighting spirit.

It is disciplined salespeople who have the qualities of fighters. They think it's better to fight and lose than not to fight at all. They love to fight for clients and nothing can scare them away. Even if such a seller knows in advance that he will lose, he still rushes into battle and constantly breathes down the back of his competitors' heads. As soon as the enemy makes the slightest mistake, they have already caught up with him and even surpassed him. These sellers know they have everything under control. And clients, in turn, love and respect such disciplined partners.

Self-discipline is a simple thing, for this it is enough to develop the habit of managing yourself and following a certain goal. There are no patented recipes for “how to become more disciplined,” so it’s safer to develop your own rules of the game. You can also use the tips below:

  • Write down your goals for the month, year, three and five years. It is easier to make efforts when you know by what date what needs to be done and for what.

  • Make a schedule for the week and break things down in detail by day. Keep these lists up to date.

  • Prioritize things and start with the most important.

  • Concentrate on main goal, visualize the end result.

  • Learn to deny yourself and say “STOP”. First of all, give up empty entertainment such as gatherings on the Internet. This time can be used for much more important things.

  • Plan your rest and sleep. Life is short, besides work there is family, friends and relatives, travel, nature. Don't work just for money.

  • Go in for sports - no matter what. Sport strengthens both body and spirit!

To achieve the global, you need to do something small. It looks something like this:


Create a family

To buy an apartment

To buy a car

Buy household appliances

Establish business connections

Execute the sales plan

Grow up the career ladder

Make an appointment with a new client

Send Commercial offer

Make 100 cold calls

Make a to-do list for each day. It is daily and seemingly insignificant things that will lead to global success, to a dream.

Colleague, these are my own rules of the game, and by these rules I still live and work. I am a "playing coach" and I sell my services, as well as help sell other coaches' trainings. These skills have never let me down. You can adapt my system for yourself, thus developing your own formula for success.

Good luck in all your endeavors, colleague!

Dr. Watson How was he killed?

Gregson - From a revolver. The bullet went right through. Here.

Dr. Watson “In such cases, my friend Sherlock Holmes…

Inspector Lestrade - Come on, you talk about your Holmes. We'll figure it out ourselves, without him.

Dr. Watson “Unfortunately, we really have to figure it out without him.

Inspector Lestrade - Heh...

Dr. Watson - So my friend Sherlock Holmes said: "Look for a motive!"

(feature film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson", series "Tiger Hunt")

Do you know what a detective and a copywriter (marketer, business consultant, advertiser) have in common? All of us, in order to successfully solve the problem (read - to lure a client from competitors), must find a MOTIVATION. Not for nothing that in books on business, marketing and copywriting, the main emphasis is on the fact that you need to think like a client, talk like him, and even breathe like a buyer.

Only in this way can we find the right pain point and put pressure on it. And here many businessmen fall for the stereotype.

How to lure a client from competitors: just reduce the price? Seriously?

It is not so easy to identify the true needs of potential customers. Here you have to work hard. Alas, not everyone wants to do this. For what? The answer is obvious- it is enough to offer a price slightly lower than that of competitors, and people will run in droves.

In fact, 75% of internet users don't notice a 10% price difference at all. And they choose according to other criteria.

An example is my ISP. I am satisfied with the quality of the services provided. If not for one "but". Everything seems to be fine, but once every two months they suddenly break down and all day (or even two) I am without the Internet. According to the law of meanness, this force majeure happens at the wrong time. I understand perfectly well that the quality of communication cannot be 100%, but the point here is the regularity of what is happening.

  • I keep coming across advertisements from other providers who are trying to lure me away. And everyone is trying beat the price.

Dear, my unlimited high speed internet costs only 240 rubles. per month. Well, how much less can you offer? 50 rub.? 80? And that is unlikely. But for this I need to take a lot of actions: terminate the existing contract (go to the office, hell knows where), conclude a new one (come to you), then wait a few days for employees who will come to connect the service.

And with all this, I still don’t know the main thing - will I get the uninterrupted access that I need for work? I absolutely do not care about this miserable range of prices. But all the posters only talk about him.

To lure a buyer, you need to infiltrate inside the relationship and understand what he really does not like. Moreover, even the person himself may not be fully aware of this. And only then, after analyzing this data, prepare the Proposal.

Here in front of me is a customer (a quotation is needed) - a cargo transportation company. Copywriters know that this is one of the most popular destinations.

The niche is filled!

The client writes to me: “The strength of my company is the team”. And that's it. And moved on to another topic. I return it, they say, but can you tell me more about a strong team. Answer: “We have polite managers who provide timely information”.

Eat pound.

Imagine a company that has been using the same carrier for several years. Want to outbid him? If the company is large, then they simply will not notice your 3-5% against the background of the entire estimate. The person making such decisions operates with huge sums, you will not hook him with such “savings”. If the company is small, then even more so - they do not often use cargo transportation. The amount of savings will be so insignificant that it is simply stupid to run from one business partner to another.

But in general, you can play on it. On one condition - we found out for sure that it is the staff that does not suit the client in his current partner. But here lies the second pitfall.

"What habit? “Such a habit!”

I use mail service. On this service, I created the first mailbox many years ago. I know that it seems to be more convenient like Gmail, and Yandex is praised, like YAHU. But… I'm used to and don't want to change anything.

A habit is a very strong hold. If a person is used to buying bread in this kiosk, then it will be very difficult to make him go to the newly opened one (and not just once, but permanently).

And just imagine, in order to lure a client from competitors, you need to kill the force of habit and overcome the completely natural unwillingness take unnecessary actions (and changing a business partner is always associated with red tape).

And you want to do all this at a slightly lower price?

DO NOT MAKE ME LAUGH! And look for a motive, like the great Sherlock Holmes. Then you can make an Offer to your customers.

If you already have it, send me your texts, landing pages, and other promotional materials for an audit. For 6 years I have developed more than 1600 texts, ads and "outdoors".

Murat Turgunov

Guerrilla sales. How to take a client away from competitors

Project Manager I. Gusinskaya

Computer layout M. Potashkin

Corrector S. Mozaleva

Art Director S. Timonov

Cover design Design Depot

© Turgunov M., 2012

© Alpina Publisher LLC, 2013

© Electronic edition. LitRes LLC, 2013

Turgunov M.

Guerrilla sales. How to take a client away from competitors / Murat Turgunov. – M.: Alpina Publisher, 2013.

ISBN 978-5-9614-2921-3

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic copy of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

In the age of fierce competition and corporate wars for customers and their wallets, Murat Turgunov's book Guerrilla Sales can serve step by step guide not only not to lose to their competitors, but to emerge victorious from the struggle, while at the same time making their clients much more successful. I highly recommend this book to professional salespeople, to every sales manager and commercial director.

The book will teach you how to analyze competitors, work with the decision maker and his team, prepare you for the presentation and give tips on retaining your customers. Special thanks to the author for the four categories of sellers. They make it easy to find out your type, draw conclusions, set / revise your goals and move only forward! After reading the book, all you need is a wish!

Natalia Godzhayeva, Director of the Customer Service Department of the portal

Very entertaining and well written. I think this book is step by step instructions to win a client. Undoubtedly, it will be a reference book both for novice sales managers and for those who want to systematize their knowledge and skills in this profession.

Alexey Molodykh, Development Director Management company"Visma" ("Arkhyz")

The book is distinguished by specific, practical advice. There are many examples, scenarios of behavior that are advantageous for each seller of phrases that can already be applied in your work today. And what, in my opinion, is important, the vector of behavior of a successful businessman is indicated: "If you behave like a business person, and not like a seller, you have a chance to get to the decision maker."

Oksana Skakun, editor-in-chief of the Commercial Director magazine

The Guerrilla Selling book is dedicated to the most powerful tool - intellectual persuasion. Well, the most important thing that I felt after reading the book is not only that I learned a lot of new tricks, but that the book charges with positive emotions, after which I want to negotiate and become a better seller. I am impressed by the fact that the author himself has extensive experience in sales. Thank you for a wonderful book!

Dmitry Leonov, Partner at Stanton Chase International

Murat Turgunov, the author of the book Guerrilla Sales, managed to find the "golden mean" in the style of presentation, between professionally accurate presentation and accessibility for "dummies". The tools and technologies described in the book are of practical use. And in the description of the types of sellers, I recognized myself, which will allow me to more effectively use the technologies described in this book in the future.

Ilsiyar Bakaeva, head of the Moscow branch of Angely IT Group

If I was just starting to sell, or if I had a minimum of experience, I would draw a lot of useful ideas and examples. Practical books are written by practitioners who have their own experience behind them.

Vasilina Abu-Nawas, co-owner of the Praktik association, consultant

Dedicated to my parents. May God bless them with health and long life

Who needs this book

After reading several hundred books on sales, I thought that everything had already been written on this topic. But I was wrong. While new goods and services are being created, while buyers' needs and opportunities are changing, more and more new books on how to sell more, more expensively, faster and more efficiently will appear on the shelves of bookstores and online stores. I also decided to contribute to the noble cause of transferring experience and knowledge.

In order to write this book, I:

Firstly, I read and studied a lot of materials about sales, marketing and psychology;

Secondly, he himself wrote books and articles on business topics, systematizing the material and constantly discovering new things for himself;

Thirdly, I have worked in business for more than fifteen years, focusing on sales, gaining indispensable skills and experience. Everything that I read and studied, I immediately put into practice. It was important to understand what works effectively and what does not. As a result, my task was to systematize practical experience and theories.

Over time, I realized that many of the classic approaches to sales these days are either ineffective or do not work at all. Need more effective methods and technology. I tried to describe them in the book. I recommend it for review to all sellers who have at least a little experience behind them.

So this book is for you if:

– your company is not called Gazprom or Vodokanal;

- you do not live in illusions and do not wait for clients to come to you;

- you are a real fighter and decided to win the battle for clients;

Are you looking for profitable clients?

- your company wants to loudly declare itself;

- you or your company are not taken seriously by customers;

– you want to use low-budget ways to capture the market;

- you are actively involved in sales;

- you are tired of using traditional sales methods in your work and hearing “no” from customers.

And most importantly: you want to use guerrilla and other effective sales methods to attract profitable customers, thereby increasing the company's profits!

How to take a client away from competitors

The competitor must be defeated, not destroyed, you must leave him his honor.

Akio Morita, founder of Sony Corporation

I have no doubt that each of you, or rather, your companies, has a competitor or competitors. Even if you are the market leader, you still have to constantly look back to make sure that yesterday's half-dead rival did not catch up with you. The fact that he is still far from you is reassuring. However, it must be remembered that if you relax even for a short time, even the smallest competitor, from which you could not expect a threat in any way, can overtake you and capture a large share of the market.

IN last years I'm noticing that the rate of new b2b customer growth is dropping sharply. This trend became especially noticeable after the 2008 crisis. Some firms have closed, and those that remain on the market have already been divided among suppliers. New young companies, for obvious reasons, will not soon become profitable customers.

Where to get new clients? There are two ways: to lure them away from competitors or to grow new ones. The second option is very long, expensive and risky. In addition, when the “young” client gets on his feet, he can go to your competitors at any time if they offer goods or services on best conditions than you. The only option left is to start a war for clients.

As Lao Tzu said, “when there are no enemies, there is no war,” and he also noted: “A truly enlightened person never fights.” We will also go the other way! We will not use “forbidden methods” against competitors. Let's fight smart! Your job as a professional salesperson is to master the art of dealing with your customers. Buyers want to deal with professionals and experts who can get the job done.

By the way, Guy de Maupassant will have to say here: “There is no need for war, no need ... Let's work better, think, search. The only true glory is the glory of labor. War is for barbarians." You, the sellers, are left with the only option - BEAT THE COMPETITORS WITH YOUR INTELLIGENCE. And the most interesting thing is that your customers - permanent and existing ones - will help in this matter.

After reading this book, you will learn to work harder and differently, think more creatively, work more efficiently, and thus select profitable clients. You will learn how to manage competitors and defeat them!

Entering the thorny path individual entrepreneurship, you should prepare yourself for tough competition. And this means that there will be a serious struggle for customers. As a rule, by the time a new enterprise is opened, companies with established relationships and their own client base are already operating on the market. Wait for customers to become interested in your products or immediately start a fight - you choose.

Poaching customers has always been considered unethical. Practice shows that it is practically impossible to prohibit such actions legally, which often contributes to unethical behavior in the business environment.

We propose to consider some ways to lure customers, which are often used by experienced businessmen:

  1. 1. Operate in competitor's territory. This is reflected in the placement billboards, posters with your advertising in the immediate vicinity of the places where the enemy's products are sold. You can also organize the distribution of booklets, flyers, promotions, openly demonstrating your advantages in the competitor's area. In your materials, offer effective forms of influence: discounts, gifts, attractive prices.
  2. 2. Work directly with the client. Personal contacts often bring the maximum effect, especially if specific personal benefits are offered to the client. Your competitors will not be able to prove anything, but such actions promise you clear benefits in the form of increased sales and profits. Make a potential buyer profitable proposition– offer interesting conditions, bonuses, gifts, etc.
  3. 3. Create a lobby. Lobbying for someone's interests has existed for a long time, starting from the upper echelons of power and ending with small industries and trade enterprises. Create a lobby, look for people who can influence the client's decision in your favor. It can be just good friends, relatives or employees who work with your potential customers and are able to convince them of the attractiveness of your offer.
  4. 4. To lure the competitor's employees along with the client base. Implementing such a "scout" will take time, but after he creates a circle of clientele and goes over to your side with it, this will be your big victory. It may happen that customers, accustomed to a competitive brand, refuse your offers, but this happens infrequently and only when the brand is well-known and established in the market.

    The search for "scouts" is usually carried out through recruiting agencies, taking into account the many personal qualities required for such a complex operation. Such people, being in a new environment, usually quite easily enter into the trust of the right people, receiving the necessary information from them and recruiting them to their side.

All these ways of intercepting clients are not entirely decent. Therefore, you can either accept or reject the decision to use them. It all depends on the state of the market and your ability to work on it.

Having come to work in a new environment for yourself, where everything has already been “captured”, and spheres of influence have long been distributed, you will have to think about how much your decency will be enough to honestly win your clientele and your place in the market. Moreover, in the future you may have a competitor who is not burdened with pangs of conscience, who will try to get his hands on what you managed to create with painstaking work.

To lure other people's customers, and then deal with competitors with their own hands? Certainly! This is the dream of any company.

“There are no loyal clients, just like there is no perpetual motion machine or constant love,” says Georgy Kavalerov, an independent business consultant. “So, any client of my competitor is potentially my client.”

There are three most common ways to poach customers. The first is impudent: to collect battle trophies right on foreign territory. The second is to enter into personal contact with the client and persuade him to “adultery”. Finally, the third is the most rude: to lure employees of another company, and with them customers.

Away game

It is common knowledge that the customer is the most important asset of any company, whether it sells oil rigs or provides dog walking services. But since this resource is finite on the market, sooner or later the company has to look at other people's customers. Trying to lure them to themselves, the players use a variety of arguments: best price, best service, a more comfortable place, a gift at last. This is usually called attracting new customers, but especially bold and unceremonious actions can earn the company a reputation as an “interceptor”.

“Within 10 minutes, commercials of several competing companies may appear on the TV screen at once. However, the players are tolerant of attempts to intercept their clients on TV, - says Kavalerov. - But try to get close enough to their client that you can “whisper” with him! You will immediately be accused of robbery.

Interceptor instructions

Competitor Analysis

evaluate a competitor: why customers are now working with him, and not with you. Does the competitor have an advantage (lower price, better service, bonus program etc.)? To do this, it is worth using not only information from open sources. Conversations (or focus groups) with rival clients, as well as intelligence, will help to significantly broaden your horizons. There are examples when a vendor takes out not only its own dealers, but also dealers of other companies on so-called incentive tours in order to relax and get to know each other better.

evaluate the possible reaction of a competitor to your interception campaign. If he has more resources, then the answer can nullify all your efforts. It is possible that if a competitor is very angry, then you can also lose your own customers.

Market analysis

Analysis of your resources

Working with new customers, intercepted from a competitor, will require new forces. It is necessary to check once again whether your old customers are satisfied with the cooperation.

Think again, will someone else's client become a burden for you?

However, the same tactics in a highly competitive market works like a red rag. Yes, last summer Insurance Company ROSNO complained to the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Federal Antimonopoly Service about Russkiy Mir, saying that it was poaching its clients. The gist of the claims was that Russkiy Mir had entered into direct contact with ROSNO's clients. By sending out e-mails and calling customers whose OSAGO contracts were expiring, the insurer offered gifts and discounts at the conclusion of the contract.

Another player noticed in excessive attention to foreign clients is VimpelCom. Since 2005, the operator has been calling subscribers of other companies, offering to try out new tariffs for free. Vimpelcom is satisfied with the efficiency: for example, last year's campaign allowed the operator to receive about 35% of foreign subscribers who received this offer for permanent service. It is no wonder that other operators did not like this technique. At various times, MTS, MegaFon and the Volga region operator SMARTS expressed dissatisfaction with Vimpelcom's marketing policy.

Complaints were heard. A little over a month ago, the conciliation committee at the FAS ruled that the action of calling other people's clients does not comply with the norms of business turnover and ethics. And although legal grounds There was no need to stop this action, VimpelCom interrupted it. However, the company is sure that they were not engaged in poaching other people's customers. “We didn’t call and didn’t offer to throw away, say, the MTS SIM card and switch to service with us,” says the head of the solutions implementation department target marketing Vimpelcom OJSC Alexey Kushkin. - We simply conveyed to the consumer information about our proposals.

However, mail and telephone are not the most sophisticated channels of communication with someone else's client. Especially if the client is McDonald's and the interceptor is a small marketing agency who wants to serve him. This may require non-standard techniques. “Several years ago, a Swiss agency was rather entertainingly courting a potential client,” says Alexander Gaikalov, partner at Connexions. It found out the home addresses of Swiss McDonald's executives and put up billboards along the way. They posted a single question, addressed by name to each of the leaders of the potential customer: "Why do you need to work with us?" And upon arrival at the office, the top manager found a fax with an answer, each time containing a new convincing argument. True, Swiss marketers did not succeed - apparently, such ingenuity seemed excessive to the managers of the world leader in fast food.

There is another marketing tool designed to intercept - loyalty programs. True, it is believed that the main goal of a company launching its own program is not just to lure other people's customers, but to retain their own. However, as Vladislav Us says, CEO of LM-consult, which develops and implements loyalty programs, customers always insist that the program also works to intercept other people's customers. “In addition to increasing the volume of sales, the size of the average bill and the frequency of purchases, our business plans always include such an indicator as the growth of the customer base, including at the expense of other customers,” Us says.

Personnel section

Ethically controversial, but nonetheless an extremely common way of mass withdrawal of customers is to poach competitors' employees.

“We had a case when we were able to take away a significant part of the biggest customers from a rival,” says Yury Bolshakov, General Director of Khors21. The story is reminiscent of the plot of a spy novel on a production theme. First, a "scout" - a nice sociable girl - gets a job in the staff of a competitor (a company engaged in exhibition tourism). In two months, she manages to find out all the information about sales managers: who gets how much, who “leads” which clients, and most importantly, who is dissatisfied with what.

It turns out that the customer champion is a 38-year-old woman who has worked for the company for more than seven years. It accounts for almost 70% of all major customers. True, she also had numerous problems, one of which is the complete absence of career prospects: the “nomenclature” reigns over her - a relative of the general director. The weakest point was found - so the interceptor company got a very valuable employee, and at the same time almost all of "his" clients.

Of course, to use such a technique in the mass market is meaningless. It may be that PepsiCo wants to steal all of its customers from Coca-Cola, but it is unlikely that its managers would think of recruiting personnel for this. “This works mainly in the b2b market - where they sell cement, marketing research or money, - says Kavalerov. - And this is especially true where the client is tied not so much to the company's brand as to its managers.

In October last year, Citibank started legal proceedings with former employees its Singapore division. They worked at the local private banking division of Citigold, and when they went to work at UBS, they lured clients with them. It is not known whether this was planned by UBS itself, but Citibank filed a lawsuit alleging that 20 clients with deposits of SGD 50 million ($32 million) left UBS along with three former employees. According to experts, Citibank appealed to the court in the first place so that other employees would not have a desire to defect to competitors. And such a temptation could arise - the reward that UBS offered to some of the defectors was 60% more than at Citibank.

There are equally impressive examples of effective recruitment in our market. In early 2006, Alfa Capital began to lose employees. First, Anatoly Milyukov, the chief managing director of the company, moved to Gazprombank. Others followed him - only about two dozen people. In October last year, Andrey Kosogov, chairman of the board of directors of Alfa Capital Management Company, estimated the losses from the exodus of managers at $50 million.

“It’s not your competitors that can show aerobatics in interception, but your employees who decide that they have outgrown both the founders and their salary,” Kavalerov is sure. The consequences for the company from such a reassessment of values ​​by a hired manager can be catastrophic - up to the loss of business.

But sometimes customers become a kind of relay baton, and the process of withdrawing them resembles a chain reaction. In a certain company engaged in the production and supply of electrodes for the oil and gas sector, one of the managers decided to embark on an independent voyage. He persuaded his partner, a sales manager of the same company, to take "fat" customers with him. It turned out that in their new company, two lost customers make a third of the turnover. But now the shareholders of the new company live in a triple fear: afraid of the security of their former employer, spending a lot of time spying on their employees and avoiding all external contact. Their fears are unfounded. Hired managers of the new company, feeling that they are not trusted, have already begun to "bite" the business. Having previously opened his own company, the general director left the company. And not one, but together with two employees. It is not excluded that the turn of those "gone" clients will soon come.