How to make a cool presentation on a computer. How to make a presentation in PowerPoint: step by step guide. Making animations and transitions

  • 12.03.2020

We live in an amazing time. The world is changing rapidly, and by 2020 the digital universe will grow tenfold. There will be even more diverse content, it will be more and more difficult for our overloaded brain to perceive it.

To cope with such an influx of information, you need to learn how to properly structure and present it.

How to create an effective presentation and what mistakes to avoid in the process?

Rule 1: Engage with Content

During one of my lectures, I was asked: “Alexander, how do you see a successful presentation?”. I thought for a long time, looking for arguments, because success in this business consists of many factors.

First of all, interesting, structured and well-presented content.

Such that during the presentation the listener looked at the phone for only one purpose - to take pictures of the slides, and not to check the Facebook feed.

So that his eyes would burn and the desire to create would appear.

But how do you know if the audience is ready, if they are interested in how involved they are?

First you need to come to terms with an important fact: people do not go to think and strain. And they probably don't care about your presentation. However, how you present and what they see can change their mind.

Dave Paradis is a presentation specialist who did some research on his site.

He asked people a question: what do they dislike about presentations? Based on thousands of people's responses, he formed two important remarks for any speaker.

Rule 2. Do not read the text from the slides

69% of respondents answered that they hate it when the speaker repeats the text placed on the slides of his presentation. You must explain the information on each slide in your own words. Otherwise, you risk that your audience will simply fall asleep.

Rule 3. Don't "shrink" :)

48% of people cannot tolerate too small font in the presentation. You can come up with ingenious text for each slide, but all your creativity will go down the drain if this text is unreadable.

Rule 4. Joke and be sincere

Will Stefan at TED-x knows how to laugh at himself even during important presentations.

Look. Make a conclusion. Smile. The audience will appreciate your ease of communication and simplicity of speech.

Rule 5: Use the right fonts

In 2012, The New York Times conducted an experiment called "Are you an optimist or a pessimist?".

Its participants had to read an excerpt from the book and answer "yes" or "no" to several questions.

The purpose of the experiment: to determine whether the font affects the reader's trust in the text.

Forty thousand people participated and were shown the same paragraph in different fonts: Comic Sans, Computer Modern, Georgia, Trebuchet, Baskerville, Helvetica.

The result is that the text written in Comic Sans and Helvetica did not inspire confidence among readers, but Baskerville, on the contrary, received consent and approval. According to psychologists, this is due to its formal appearance.

Rule 6. Visualize

We all perceive information differently. You tell the person: make a beautiful presentation. You draw a specific example in your head.

And you don’t even realize that in his mind a beautiful presentation looks completely different.

Therefore, it is better to show five pictures than to explain everything in words once.

Before your speech, you need to pick up clear illustrations of your key message. It doesn't matter what you sell - lunch boxes, your consultations or life insurance.

Show your audience five pictures


Your product

Benefits of your product

Happy buyers

Metrics of your success

Rule 7. Simplify

Most people think that making a presentation on a white background is boring and unprofessional. They are convinced that it is worth changing the color - “magic” will happen and the client will immediately accept the order. But this is a delusion.

We try to "embellish" the slide with a large number of objects, although we can explain its essence in one word or picture.

Your goal is not to reach the level of Rembrandt's skill. An overly detailed and elaborate drawing only distracts the audience from the message you intend to convey. (Dan Roam, author of Visual Thinking)

Using illustrations and a minimum of text, we help convey our thoughts to the audience and capture their attention.

Less is not boring. The design of the one dollar bill is over 150 years old, and it only gets better every year.

It is constantly visually changed, leaving only the most important on the bill. Today, the banknote is beautiful in its simplicity.

Rule 8. Rehearse your performance

If you don't have time to prepare a presentation, why should the client take the time to do so? How will you enter the hall? What will you say first? Your laptop will be ten percent charged, and where do you expect to find an outlet? Will you rehearse a few scripts and your speech?

There is only one answer to all questions: you need to prepare for important meetings and presentations. It is not enough to create a presentation with cool content and pictures, you need to be able to present it. At the performance, you must be understood, heard and accepted.

Creating an effective presentation isn't just about adding cool content and pictures to your slides, it's about presenting them. At the speech, you should be understood, heard and accepted.)

Imagine: a person comes into the hall and starts rushing about - then the 1st slide, then the 7th, then back to the 3rd. Worries, worries, forgets. Will you understand anything? I don't think.

People feel very good about other people. When you are not ready, not sure, you can see it from a distance. So my advice is to rehearse your presentation in front of a mirror at least three times.

Meet on the cover

Imagine you came to a meeting, amazed everyone with a cool presentation, added the person you were “selling” to as a friend on Facebook, and you have a flower or a skull on your profile picture.

First, it's weird. Secondly, in two weeks, when you write to a person in the messenger, he will not remember your face.

Open messenger. If you see letters or a person who has his back turned to you on the avatar, do you remember the face of the interlocutor without his name?

Presentations make a difference. This does not necessarily mean that they are changing the audience. This can also happen, but I'm not talking about that now. Presentations transform you and your own ideas. It's not about making you rich and famous with their help. It's about being different the best people. You will become more knowledgeable, more understanding, more sincere and more passionate. ( Alexey Kapterev, presentation expert)

No matter how cool your presentation in PowerPoint is, if you have a picture in a bad resolution on your profile picture, they will forget about the presentation.

Remember that your Facebook profile is selling while you sleep. They visit it, read it, look for something interesting. The visual design of your page is very important.

Can I ask you to do one thing? Upload your facebook avatar with a white background and make a cover with your photo and short description, What do you do.

Over time, you will realize that you are “meeting by the cover”, and you will get a specific result from communication.

Presentation by mail: 5 life hacks

A presentation in front of an audience is very different from the one you need to mail.

What I advise you to pay attention to before sending a presentation to a client:

The title slide always sells. Your first picture should be provocative, unusual. Looking at it, a person should want to know more.

The presentation helps to visually demonstrate important information in a concise and understandable way. Usually it is launched in parallel with the oral presentation in order to supplement the text with visual accompaniment. But in addition to the standard use of presentations, there is also a commercial one - when creating a video course for sale, it is very convenient to show information just through slides. It remains only to understand how to make an effective presentation on a computer, collect information and you can release your first info product.

How to make a presentation on a computer with Windows 7 and 10 versions? We recommend using "Microsoft Office PowerPoint" version 2003 or 2007 for this. As a rule, this program is included in the office suite. It helps the user in creating various kinds of presentations. Thus, it is possible to create simple presentations, or more complex, schematic ones, apply all kinds of schemes and graphs, in general, create dynamic, interesting, visual slides with colorful photographs, add elements for design, and much more. After all, it can even be considered a kind of art, depending on the development of the creator's imagination and his professional characteristics.

  1. First you need to open the program. First, right-click on the desktop and select "New" and then "Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation".
  2. Adding, deleting and moving slides is done in the left column. To create a presentation, right-click anywhere and select "create slide". Deleting is done by clicking on the unwanted slide and selecting the "delete" item. To move a slide, click on it with the left mouse button and hold, and then move it to the desired location.
  3. Select markup, i.e. what exactly the slide will contain: title, text, image, graphics and other elements. The program already contains standard markup templates, so you can choose one of them to your taste. Right-click on the slide and select "slide layout", and there - the layout you like. The layout is chosen both for the whole presentation and for each of the slides separately.
  4. Next, you need a "Designer". Select a visual design template, set the desired animation effects and color scheme. You will find all this on the toolbar, usually on the right. To apply a template to a slide or to several slides, hover over a specific design and left-click on the field with an arrow that appears. Next, select "apply to selected slides."
    If you have the skills to plan graphic programs, create your own templates from any pictures, photos and cliparts. To add a background, select "insert" at the top, and then find "picture" and select "from file". Now upload the image that you are going to put on the background. Click on it with the right mouse button and select "order", and there - "background".
  5. Provide slides with photos, videos, charts, and graphs. Almost any kind of material you can pick up and fit into the overall style of the presentation. You can also add voice acting or all sorts of sound effects.
  6. Choose a font, size, and color for each slide. For display in large rooms, you need to choose a larger font, so 12-15 is not suitable. Everything here is reminiscent of working in Word. Add lines to better understand the contents of the presentation. Lists, graphs and tables will make the presentation even more interesting and visual.
  7. In moderation, add video or audio recordings. Background music is not desirable if you are going to say something. Simply add sound effects when certain noteworthy information appears or when switching slides. To add, select "insert" at the top, and there - "movies and sound". Find the required file, add and enter when it needs to be played: by mouse click or when downloading. Add videos in the same way.
  8. Spice up your presentation with animation. So when you move from one slide to another, there will be a smooth effect. Right-click on the desired slide, and then select "slide change". The transition views will be visible on the left. It is also possible to apply the effect to all slides at once by selecting the appropriate function.
  9. After you finish creating your presentation, check that your work is displayed correctly. Select "view" - "play slides" from the top. You can also just press F5. The slides will play in the sequence that was set by the creator. Slides will be changed after a certain period of time, as well as with a mouse click. Open the desired slides by right-clicking anywhere in the display field, and selecting the desired transition: "next", "go to slide N", "back".

If you are better at visual lessons, you can watch the detailed video instruction in the video below:

Note: try not to put too much text on the slides: this makes the presentation difficult to read.


Thus, you have learned how to make a presentation on a computer. This is not at all a difficult matter. Here you only need to show a little imagination and try to make the presentation beautiful and easily receptive.

Would you like to create a beautiful company advertisement or conduct a visual lesson, but do not know in which program to make a presentation? Then you should read this article. Given the fact that today one of the most common types of advertising for goods, services or presentation of material is a presentation, it can also be assumed that programs for its creation will become very popular.

Many people are wondering what program to make a presentation more convenient and easier. Since nowadays there are quite a lot of various software, with which you can create numerous graphic files, the same presentations, choose something of the highest quality, understandable and simple is not difficult. Among the whole set of such programs, software developments from Microsoft Corporation are considered the most common and in demand. The most famous products of this company for creating presentations are the following: Power Point and, of course, Movie Maker.

Which program is easier to make a presentation - Power Point or Movie Maker? These types of software are designed to create colorful presentations and videos, both educational and promotional. Each of these software products convenient in its own way and has unique features that may not be available in another program. For example, Power Point provides the ability to work with an extended list of different animation effects, which can pretty well decorate the presentation being created, while Movie Maker can please the user with an extended list of tools that can simplify the process of designing musical accompaniment.

As everyone knows, when creating a presentation, one of the most important points that affect the quality and brilliance is the correct design of animation transitions and decorative ones. Many people are interested in which program will make a presentation not only easier, but also more convenient. Most users prefer Power Point, some - Movie Maker, but given the variety of instrumental content of these programs, they are both just great for performing the most complex tasks.

On the question of which program to make a presentation faster, you can give the same answer. It all depends on the complexity and goals of the task. If, for example, in the first place is the colorful design of the slides with beautiful text captions, as well as beautiful special effects, then it would be best to use Power Point. If you only need to create a presentation that will play as a video, accompanied by music or voice comments, then it is best to use Movie Maker.

And yet, in which program is it better to make a presentation? You can get an answer to this question only after fully familiarizing yourself with all the features of the two programs described above. Good luck to you!

Hello my dear readers. Today we’ll talk about an indispensable tool for every blogger and Internet businessman with which you can present your product in a quality way or make a cool report.

Microsoft PowerPoint is the absolute and undisputed leader in the field of software for creating beautiful interactive presentations. Anyone who speaks to an audience, talking about something or demonstrating reports, the ability to use this program is absolutely necessary. This is the key to interacting with the public and, often, influencing it. Let's figure out how to quickly make a presentation in PowerPoint 2016. (The latest version is chosen, because it has built-in templates that need minimal customization in order to produce good impression). Previous versions may differ appearance and functionality, but generally offer the same experience for users, so you can easily adapt these actions to your case.

Create a presentation in PowerPoint step by step guide

Only after going through all the stages of creating a quality project, you can achieve an impressive result. Use maximum amount elements for a variety of material, set them to interactivity so that the presentation looks interactive, and choose the most suitable design for this particular topic.

How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation Using Templates

Surely, you know not so many programs with similar functionality. And Microsoft (the creators of PowerPoint) understands that their presentation program is extremely popular and widespread among people who do not have experience with a computer. But so that even they could make their projects attractive, templates were created, which are a prepared design from a background, a set of color schemes, selected fonts and decorative elements. You can choose such a template immediately when you open the program.

Each of them has a fairly simple but attractive design and the ability to choose other profile colors. On the start screen, only those that are preloaded with the program are presented. Using the search at the top of the screen, you can search among thousands of others on the Internet. After that, click "Create" and get to work. If you plan to do it on your own, then click "Empty presentation".

How to add a background and create new slides

This is one of the simple yet important lessons to remember in order to create a beautiful presentation. All slides look the same unless you work on each one separately. It will take much longer. In most cases, a single design even wins.

By default, the working window of the program looks like this. At the top of the toolbar. In the center is the contents of your project, on the left is the list of frames. You can create them in several ways. The easiest is to right-click on an empty space in the list and click "Create Slide". Also, the corresponding button is located on the toolbar in the "Home" and "Insert" tabs. If you click on it, a new slide will appear, if you click on the text with an arrow pointing down, you can select the future layout. You will see how it will look in a miniature window.

To create a background, go to the "Design" tab. In the list of topics, you choose the one you like, and in the options, you can decide on the color palette for the selected scheme. It is worth noting that if you use a theme, it will automatically be applied to all presentation slides. It is possible that only the design of the first will be slightly different. If, while holding down the Ctrl key, select the necessary ones in the list, and then right-click on desired design and click on "Apply to selected", then the new design will be displayed only on them.

To the right in the "Customize" section, you can select the "Background Format" item. A window will open on the right side of the screen in which the background of the slide is configured in great detail. A solid or gradient fill, a patterned background, or an entire picture. Each of these items can be played with, customizing to your own taste. By default, the background will only apply to the active slide, but clicking Apply to All will set it to the entire presentation at once.

How to work with animation in PowerPoint

One of the most interesting features of the program, which nevertheless should not be abused, is animation and transitions. It allows you to set interactivity for absolutely all elements of the slide content, from the background to individual letters.

Transitions are effects with which the previous slide disappears and the next slide moves out. In order to configure them, you need to open the "Transitions" tab. After that, just choose the one you like from the list. It is important that at the same time one slide of interest to you is selected. The transition can also be applied to all at the same time, or selected for each separately. In the "Slide Show Time" section, you can set the following:

  • Sound;
  • How long will the transition take?
  • How the slide will transition: on click or after a certain time.

Animation controls how elements on a slide behave. Its capabilities are slightly wider, but it is also better not to abuse them. To apply it, you need to select one element (text, picture or anything else) and click on the "Animation" tab. She can choose 4 kinds:

  • Entrance;
  • Selection;
  • Exit;
  • Move.

The name of each of them quite corresponds to itself. To apply animation, you just need to select the one you like. If you click on an animation in the list, the selected one will replace the previously applied ones. If you click on the "Add animation" button to the right, it will be added to the previously used effects. Thus, one effect can be animated in a large number of ways. Next, there are also certain settings. Definition of the trigger to work with, its duration, delay before the start. By clicking on the "Activation area" button on the right side of the screen, a window will open in which you can redefine the order in which effects are applied.

How to add video to a presentation

You can add text, tables, charts, SmartArt elements, pictures from your computer and even from the Internet to slides, and, finally, insert a video. PowerPoint offers several options for how to do this. To do this, you must either use the one that is on the layout of any slide, or, if it is empty, then open the "Insert" tab and click "Video" in the "Multimedia" section.

This will open a window with all the options.

  1. From file. Click on "Browse" and select the desired file on your computer. Here it is immediately worth noting that the video file must be stored in the same place from which you inserted it when showing the presentation. That is, if you send it to another computer or media, then the same thing needs to be done with the video.

For all subsequent options, you will definitely need the Internet.

We dismantled fundamental principles how to make a presentation in powerpoint. By following them, you will be able to go from raw material to a spectacular and effective means to attract an audience. This step-by-step instruction will be a good impetus for you to create beautiful projects. There is another way creating a presentation using google services.

I hope the material was interesting and I look forward to seeing you in new articles on the blog. In order not to miss all the fun, subscribe to blog updates in the form below. All the best!!!

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

As a rule, a standard Microsoft office suite is installed on the system, which always includes one that is specifically designed to create various presentations.

This is a very tool-rich and at the same time easy to use and learn utility. The number of slides in it is unlimited, so if necessary, you can prepare a report of any duration for any type of event from school performances to major international conferences.

Below is a detailed guide on how to effectively make any presentation on a computer with operating system Windows 7. Mastering the skills of creating a presentation is available even for a beginner in a couple of hours.


Before creating a presentation, it is required to prepare an electronic version of the text of the report, written without errors, as well as high-quality drawings accompanying the speech of the speaker, and it is also possible to use video and music files.

Step-by-step instruction

It is necessary to perform the following sequential steps:

Including textual information in a presentation

As already mentioned at the very beginning of the article, all text material must first be prepared with high quality in order to exclude the presence of spelling, grammatical, stylistic, punctuation and other errors.

To insert pieces of text into a presentation, it has blocks for this, into which text is inserted using the usual copy and paste method. The inserted text can be quickly formatted with built-in tools.

The use of the “WordArt” object in the slides is available, simply by entering the “Insert” menu, you need to click on “A”.

Including drawings and photographs

To place an image on a slide, you need to perform several actions:

Inserting charts and tabular information

You can use pre-prepared tables and graphs in Excel or create tables and insert charts directly in the presentation.

If there are already finished materials in the Excel file, then the following steps are required:

If you need to create a table directly in a slide, you must do the following:

Using audio and video files

Several consecutive steps are required:

Applying Animation

The algorithm of actions consists of the following steps:

How to save a presentation and start viewing

To view, you just need to click the button on the keyboard "F5" and then clicking on the "Space" to carefully scroll through the entire presentation. If errors are found, you can correct them by clicking "Esc", which will bring the presentation from view mode to correction mode. You can customize the view in the "Slide Show" section, where you need to click on "Show Setup" and enter the parameters according to the structure of the report.

After completing the procedure, be sure to click on "Save As ..." and determine the location to store the file on your computer.

After that, you can safely close the file, and in order to open the presentation again, you need to find it in Explorer and run it like a regular file by double-clicking the mouse.