Yandex and uber are merging. Yandex.Taxi and Uber announced a merger in Russia and the CIS. Uber or Yandex.Taxi: which service is better

  • 08.03.2020

Not so long ago, the most popular taxi ordering services on the Russian market through special applications Uber and Yandex.Taxi informed the public about their merger. Despite this, both services continue to run using different software. Therefore, it is not surprising that people who often use the services of taxi services continue to argue about which is better: Uber or Yandex.Taxi.

In order to understand which company offers its customers best service and the best prices, you need to take a closer look at the specifics of Uber and Yandex.Taxi, as well as compare these companies with other services, for example, Gett.

Uber or Yandex.Taxi: which service is better

Uber is a leader not only in the Russian taxi market, but also in many countries around the world, including the United States. In general, this service works according to a very simple algorithm. To order a taxi, the client just needs to go to a special application, and then press a few buttons.

Moreover, it should be noted that current policy Uber is a passenger-centric company that places high demands on drivers and vehicles. Thanks to this approach, this taxi service provides a high level of service, safety and comfort of passenger transportation.

As for Yandex.Taxi, this is one of the largest domestic taxi companies operating in many Russian cities. In general, it works by analogy with Uber. Therefore, in order to call a taxi from Yandex, you need to use a special free branded application, which also allows you to pay for taxi services online using a bank card or wallet in the Yandex.Money system.

Despite the similarity of these services, they are still somewhat different from each other. At the same time, they offer an almost identical list of services and a list of vehicle classes available for order. Therefore, it is difficult to understand which of these services is better, since the difference in the quality of service and the cost of the trip will depend on many factors.

Analysis of the cost of services on the example of Moscow

It is quite understandable that most people who regularly use online taxi services want to find out which is cheaper: Uber or Yandex.Taxi. When comparing the cost of a trip on the same routes in Uber and Yandex in Moscow, it turns out that, despite the cheaper tariff scale in Yandex, the cost of taxi services in Uber comes out cheaper. Therefore, we can say unequivocally that using Uber services is more profitable, although, at first glance, it may seem that Yandex is the cheapest taxi.

In addition, according to the results of the study, it was determined that a ride in a premium car ordered from Uber costs almost the same amount as ordering an economy class vehicle from Yandex.

The fact that there are differences in the cost of transportation is even more strange and surprising, given that Yandex and Uber are already representatives of a single commercial structure. True, it should be noted that, despite the merger of these services, they continue to work using their own applications.

Important! The good news is the recent announcement by a Yandex representative that development is expected to be completed and launched within the next year. single application for these taxi services based on Yandex.Taximeter. Thus, there will be an expansion of the customer base for drivers, which will lead to the formation of uniform tariffs for taxi services and their reduction in price.

Where is the quality of service

On the Uber website, you can’t find information about any more or less specific numbers, which is perhaps a more correct and honest approach. The creators of this company focus on the fact that their drivers can work according to their own schedule, being completely independent of their superiors. The registration process in this service is extremely simple and fast. At the same time, this company can even provide a taxi driver mobile phone with a proprietary application already installed. After the end of registration, the driver can take his first order to receive the first live money. It is important to note that the Uber algorithm does not imply the possibility of servicing customers for cash, so the driver will have to wait for payments by the system before feeling the hard-earned cash in the hands of the taxi.

Having made such a superficial comparison, we can conclude that each company has both advantages and disadvantages. True, a driver who works on his own car, in any case, can count on a good income in a taxi, regardless of whose application he will use for work. If we are talking about taxi drivers using rented cars, then they have financial situation will be much more difficult. In any case, you need to remember that the Internet audience is used to focusing on the shortcomings, forgetting to talk about the merits.

To increase the chances of increasing income while working in Yandex.Taxi, you need to make as many economy class trips as possible, which will speed up the process of obtaining Premium status. With this status, the driver will be able to count on receiving more profitable orders from the system.

At Uber, the average cost of orders is lower, but this is offset by their number, which is due to the high popularity of Uber.

” and Uber decided to unite online ride booking businesses and create for this new company, the companies said. The combined company will operate in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Uber's business in Ukraine is not part of the deal, an Uber spokeswoman said.

In Russia as in China?

Last summer, Uber sold the Chinese business to local rival Didi Chuxing Technology. In China, the company was losing about $1 billion a year and decided to give up the fight for the market.

Immediately after the announcement of the deal at 13.00 Moscow time, Yandex quotes on the Moscow Exchange soared by almost 7%, and then continued to grow and by 13.40 Moscow time grew by more than 17% to a historical maximum of 1915 rubles.

Uber and Yandex decided to invest $225 million and $100 million respectively in the new company, valuing the combined company at $3.725 billion. The company will be 59.3% owned by Yandex, 36.6% by Uber, and 4.1% by employees of the combined company. “Our teams will be united. I'm becoming CEO united company,” said Tigran Khudaverdyan, CEO of Yandex.Taxi. According to Khudaverdyan, the companies want to build "personal public transport" together - an alternative to a private car, buses and metro.

Who won, who lost?

Financial Times writes that in this way Uber is inferior to Yandex Russian market taxi after several years of intense competition. The newspaper points out that this is the first strategic move by Uber since the scandalous departure of the founder of the service, Travis Kalanick.

A player with a dominant position in the market, close to a monopoly, is being formed, says Alexander Frolov, partner at the Target Global venture fund. According to him, the fund invested in the American taxi service Juno. The united player will complicate the development of other services, such as Gett, City Mobil, "Lucky", Frolov believes. He saw a similar example in China, when local carrier Didi Chuxing also teamed up with Uber. Previously, services actively competed, which resulted in favorable tariffs for users. But now the dumping period is ending, Frolov is sure.

Partner of UFG Private Equity (invested in the combined company of RuTaxi and Saturn) Artur Akopyan believes that Uber deal and Yandex.Taxi was the result of subsidies from services: in a highly competitive environment, companies reduced prices and actually reimbursed the cost of trips to both drivers and passengers. According to his estimates, companies spent tens of millions of dollars every month on subsidies. The market simply cannot maintain such a level of competition for a long time, Akopyan says. He recalls that the merger of RuTaxi and Saturn was one of the first signs of imminent market consolidation. He believes that in the end, two or three players should remain from the variety of companies, and taxi prices will rise.

“This merger will increase the number of orders and the volume of trips for taxi companies that previously worked with only one of the aggregators, as well as simplify the access of taxi companies to a larger number of passengers. Combining the platform for drivers Uber and Yandex.Taxi will allow more efficient distribution of orders between drivers and reduce idle run time, which will positively affect earnings. On the other hand, I do not think that the tariff policy of services will change - the new structure still has a large number of competitors, such as Fasten, RuTaxi, Maxim and Gett, which occupy significant market shares. Any decisions of the united company, leading to an increase in tariffs for taxi companies, will only lead to the flow of partners and drivers to competing companies, which will have a negative impact on the quality of service. It is unlikely that Yandex and Uber do not understand this, ”Irina Zaripova, chairman of the public council for the development of taxis, told Vedomosti.

Applications will remain

After the deal is closed, both applications for ordering trips - both Yandex.Taxi and Uber - will continue to be available to users. But taxi fleets and drivers will switch to a single technological platform, which will increase the number of cars available for order fulfillment, reduce the time for their delivery, reduce idle mileage, and increase the reliability and availability of the service as a whole, the message emphasizes.

“The combined company will use Yandex technologies and knowledge in the field of cartographic and navigation services and search engines and Uber's experience as the world's leading online ride-sharing service."

The boards of directors of both companies have already approved the deal, now regulators must agree on it. The parties expect to complete the merger in the fourth quarter of 2017. “The FAS Russia has not received a petition to merge the Yandex and Uber businesses for online travel bookings in Russia and other countries. The shares of companies in this market will be determined in the course of a comprehensive consideration of the application upon receipt,” said the head of the Communications and information technologies FAS Elena Zaeva.

“According to Yandex forecasts, the share of their joint business with Uber will be less than 50% of the market. Accordingly, if the share of the combined company is less than 50%, and if it does not have a decisive influence on the functioning of the taxi market, does not impede competition in the market, the merger of the two companies will comply with the requirements of antitrust law,” said BGP Litigation Senior Associate Anastasia Evtushenko.

According to statistics for the past June, the combined platform will cover 127 cities in six countries, both services account for 35 million trips per month, their total cost amounted to 7.9 billion rubles.

Since the beginning of the year, the three largest taxi services Gett, Uber and Yandex have introduced fixed rates. It works as follows. When ordering a taxi, the client is shown the exact cost of the proposed trip. This amount should not change. However, there are a few exceptions. Yandex and Gett promise to recalculate the price if the client decides to change the route on the way or make a stop. In Yandex, you can change your mind for free, in Gett, you will have to pay 50 rubles for changing the destination, and the further route will be paid according to the meter.

At Uber, the price could go up if the traffic situation changes “dramatically” along the way. To check how the new tariffs work, the editors of conducted an experiment.

Taxi racing

The experiment began at noon on April 14, 2017. Its participants had taxi services installed in advance: Alexandra Krasnova chose Uber, Valentina Fomina chose Yandex.Taxi, and Maxim Glazkov chose Gett. Three cars were called at the same time.

Trip number 1 - for delicious coffee

Route: Moscow, Boulevard of Enthusiasts, 2 - Nizhny Susalny lane, 5 (Cofix coffee house). Distance: 6.4 km.

Arrived the fastest Uber taxi. The declared fixed price of the trip is 163 rubles, but at the end point I had to pay 92 rubles. more - 242 rubles. Alexandra was indignant at the price of the trip and contacted the support service. They said that "the chosen route corresponded to our calculation of the cost of the trip."

The Yandex.Taxi service turned out to be the fastest and cheapest. Only 17 minutes passed from the moment of ordering to arrival at the Cofix coffee shop, and exactly the same amount was paid for the service as indicated when ordering - 163 rubles. Valya was on the road for 10 minutes.

Maxim (Gett) took the longest to get to the desired point. The waiting time for the driver was 10 minutes. The declared cost of the trip is 230 rubles, but in the end I had to pay 237 rubles. Overpayment of 7 rubles. arose due to 1 minute of waiting, which was not. The promised wi-fi was not found in the cabin, the driver called it “wi-fi”.

Trip number 2 - for a business lunch

Route: Nizhny Susalny lane, 5 - Solyansky dead end, ¼ (cafe "People are like people"). Distance: 5.6 km.

Alexandra got to the second point with Uber without problems and with pleasure: “This trip was perfect. The car was clean, jazz was playing inside, the driver was very helpful, he offered to avoid the traffic jam. And most importantly, we arrived exactly for 196 rubles.

On the way out of the place, Valentina had an embarrassment. She confirmed the address offered by the service, which turned out to be on the territory of the Arma business quarter behind the barrier. I had to pay 100 rubles for the exit. The Yandex.Taxi driver also did not have change from 500 rubles. - it took a lot of time to transfer money from card to card. In total, taking into account the payment of the barrier, the initial cost of the trip increased from 267 to 367 rubles.

Maxim had to wait for a Gett taxi for 10 minutes. The driver said that the total price of the trip was 278 rubles, but in fact the declared 265 rubles were deducted from the card. He came third again.

Trip number 3 - home (to work)

Route: Solyansky dead end, ¼ - Enthusiasts Boulevard, 2. Distance: 4.7 km.

Maxim returned to the office faster than the others. It took the taxi driver from Gett 20 minutes and the initially declared 272 rubles. Valya Yandex.Taxi was delivered in 25 minutes and 271 rubles, without cheating.

Alexandra got stuck in a traffic jam with Uber, but she didn't waste any time. Her driver was talkative. According to him, the shift at Uber lasts 19 hours. They pay 5 thousand rubles for it. To do this, you need to earn 10 thousand rubles. If the revenue turns out to be less, then they will pay 3 thousand rubles. “I realized that all the taxi drivers who say that they get 150 are flooded!”, The taxi driver admitted.

But when the taxi reached the place, the cost of the trip to Uber increased from 129 rubles. up to 322 rubles

Expected price

actual price

Travel time from order to arrival

322 rub. (+193 rub.)


Despite the fact that Uber overcharged the cost of two of the three trips by 285 rubles, in the end it turned out to be slightly cheaper than the rest of the services. The overpayment to Yandex.Taxi amounted to 100 rubles. and was technical, due to an error in the address, and Gett wrote off 7 rubles. for 1 minute of waiting, which was not. The Gett service did not respond to a request from

The press service of Uber explained that in the first case, the cost of the trip increased because it was calculated "based on the fact that the client is standing on the right side of the street, while the client landed on the other side, and therefore a U-turn through the TTC was necessary ". It is worth noting that Alexandra approached the place that the driver told her. The third trip went up because “there was a “GPS wandering” near the Kremlin” (the landing site was 2.5 km from the Kremlin - approx.

Representatives of the service offered to contact the support service again, promising that the cost would be recalculated. Orally comment on why the cost was not recalculated when Alexandra applied as a user, and not as a journalist, the company could not.

The total cost of three trips

Average cost of 1 km, rub.


Alexandra Krasnova:

"I am disappointed. In my case, fixed tariffs did not work in 2 cases out of 3. At the same time, it was not possible to get clear explanations why this happened from the company. Unpleasantly surprised by the prices. If a year ago Uber was on average much cheaper than its competitors, now the prices are equal. And the quality of cars at the service is still very uneven - both an old Logan and a new Toyota Corolla can come.

Valentina Fomina:

“Overall, I was satisfied with the prices. Tariffs are really fixed - I paid exactly as much as indicated at the time of the order, if you do not take into account 100 rubles because of my laziness to correct the inaccurate location in the application. And so I had every chance to win the race, but alas. It is curious that the longest route in terms of mileage was the first and it is also the cheapest. I don't understand why that is."

Maxim Glazkov:

“Taxis in Moscow seem like a luxury to me. Yes, it is comfortable, but long and expensive. It is profitable to take a taxi in small towns, where the cost of the trip is up to 100 rubles, by a company of 2-3 people or in inclement weather (to avoid dirt or colds). In all other cases, I am for public transport.”

How was the experiment carried out?

The taxi services Uber, Gett and Yandex were chosen for the experiment. Before the start, each of the participants had one of the applications installed on their smartphones. In two cases out of three, a bank card was indicated as payment, in one - cash. In order to obtain an objective result and exclude human factor, on each service there were absolutely 3 trips. The participants simultaneously ordered a taxi from one point and traveled to a common destination. The average cost of the journey was calculated by the formula: the cost of three trips: the distance of three trips. Each service was requested to e-mail about the reasons for the price change. During the experiment, did not cooperate with any of the taxi services.

Yandex.Taxi and Uber announced the closing of a deal to combine businesses in Russia and several CIS countries. Compared to previously announced plans, the valuation of the new company has increased by more than $75 million

Photo: Natalia Seliverstova / RIA Novosti

According to a message received by RBC, Yandex, Yandex.Taxi and Uber closed a deal to combine the business of companies in Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan.

In the combined company, Yandex received 59.3% of the shares, Uber - 36.9%, employees of the new structure - 3.8%. Uber invested $225 million in the new company, Yandex — $100 million.

Tigran Khudaverdyan, who previously headed Yandex.Taxi, became the CEO of the new company. The board of directors includes four representatives from Yandex and three from Uber.

The companies agreed to merge businesses in several CIS countries in July 2017. Initially, it was assumed that the distribution of shares in the company would be somewhat different: 59.3% of the new structure would belong to Yandex, 36.6% to Uber, and 4.1% to its employees. As a result of the deal, Yandex was supposed to receive a small stake in Uber's global business. At the end of November 2017, the deal was signed by the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Initially, the cost of the merged company was estimated at $3.725 billion. The Yandex report states that now this figure is “estimated at more than $3.8 billion.” As a representative of Yandex explained, the new estimate was formed “taking into account cash Money which the combined company will be able to dispose of. As a result of the closing of the transaction, her accounts will have more than $400 million.

As representatives of the companies previously explained, after the transaction, both of their applications will continue to exist. However, the merger should improve the quality of services of both companies. As their representatives explained, a single technological platform will be created for taxi companies and drivers, which should increase the number of cars available for order fulfillment, reduce the time for their delivery, reduce idle mileage, and increase the reliability and availability of the service as a whole.

The united company "Yandex.Taxi" and Uber will not only transport passengers, but also deliver food from restaurants - the UberEATS service was included in the deal. In addition, in December 2017, Yandex.Taxi closed a deal to buy food delivery service Foodfox. According to RBC, the purchase of Foodfox cost Yandex.Taxi about 500 million rubles.

According to analytical center under the government of Russia, the volume of the taxi market in Russia in the last couple of years has increased by 14.2% annually and at the end of 2017 amounted to 575 billion rubles. The authors of the study call the group of companies "Vezet" the largest player in the market with a share of 12.3% - it was created by combining Fasten Russia taxi services (operating under the brands "Saturn" and RedTaxi) and "Vezet" (brands RuTaxi, "Leader", "Lucky"). The total share of Yandex.Taxi and Uber at the end of the year amounted to 10.4% of the market, which means that their combined structure will take second place in the market. It is followed by Maxim with 7.6% of the market, and then Gett with a 2.5% share. In general, aggregators still occupy only 32.8% of the taxi market in Russia, the remaining share falls on the traditional offline ordering market.

Increasingly, people order a taxi through special mobile applications. Demand is acquiring the Yandex.Taxi service, which is distinguished by a fixed cost of tariff plans, speed and quality of service. Comparing which is better - Yandex Taxi or Uber - it must be clarified that both are now part of a single company, the difference is only in the software used.

Yandex Taxi and Uber informed the public about their merger.

What is better Yandex Taxi or Uber - where is it better to work

Yandex.Taxi employees can count on an average monthly salary of up to 150,000 rubles. You can start earning after considering an application for employment and completing registration in the system. The driver can receive income after the end of the first working day, but on the condition that customers have paid in cash. In the case of a cashless transfer, the taxi driver will have to wait.

As it used to be in Uber, drivers make their own individual trip schedule. After joining Yandex.Taxi, the rules have not changed. If necessary, each driver receives a smartphone with a proprietary mobile application pre-installed on it.

When choosing the Uber or Yandex Taxi app to earn money, an employee must understand that the amount of his income will depend on which car he will use - his own or rented. In the first case, he will receive a large profit, and in the second, he will have to spend part of the earnings on renting a car. In Yandex.Taxi, after a sufficient number of trips, an employee receives the Premium status, which gives him access to more expensive orders.

Comparative table of cost by tariffs

Comparing the rates of "Yandex" with the rates of Uber, it is clear that there are minor differences.

Price table:

Yandex regularly holds promotions, during which you can get to your destination at a lower price, most often this applies to the central areas of the city.

Comparison of the cost of a trip to Yandex Taxi, Gett and Uber in Moscow.

Price for additional services

To additional services relate:

  • baby car seat;
  • travel outside the city;
  • transportation of bulky luggage, sports equipment, pets;
  • WiFi.

Information about the need for an additional fee should be clarified before the trip. In the city, one kilometer of the trip is estimated at 11 rubles, outside the city limits the cost rises to 19 rubles. According to the rules of the system, 3 minutes of waiting are not charged. Each next 1 minute of waiting is estimated at 9 rubles. with the option "Economy" and 12 rubles. connected tariff plan"Comfort".

Service quality assessment

Comparing which service is better, it should be emphasized that both in the Uber mobile application and in Yandex, ordering a taxi is carried out by pressing one button. The company presents high requirements to the quality of the vehicles used, the degree of qualification and experience of the drivers. Attention is paid to the safety of passengers and the quality of service. You can order a car in almost any locality Russia.

Customers can pay for trips online, including using electronic money and bank card. Passengers can use any services from the list of available options. Each person can evaluate the work of the service and leave a review.

Comfort and class of cars

The company's taxi fleet has cars of different classes, levels of comfort and capacity. When evaluating a driver's personal vehicle, Yandex.Taxi takes into account the year of manufacture of the vehicle. Cars older than 5 years undergo mandatory control, where they are examined and tested by specialists. Depending on the condition of the car, it can be issued for economy or business class trips. At the same time, not only the brand is evaluated, but also the primary cost of the car.

Yandex Taxi and Uber cars are technically sound and on the go.

Passenger service

When serving passengers, their wishes are taken into account. Using the application, each client can choose a car of the required class and capacity level. You do not need to call the office to place an order - just leave the appropriate application. The program has an option to calculate the cost of the trip, depending on the chosen route and other factors.

Thanks to the GPS-map built into the program, the location of the user is determined, and then the location of free cars located nearby. You can pay for the service with a card attached to your profile in advance. Regular users can use the accumulated points to pay for trips, discounts are available for them. The cost of the trip is not affected by changing weather conditions, traffic jams, the figure indicated initially will remain the same.

Each client can contact the Yandex.Taxi technical support service by opening a chat with a specialist on the company's website. Passengers can send a message to consultants via mobile app. Here you can leave a comment for the driver before the trip, see on the map the route of the called taxi. The service can be used both when you are on the territory of Russia and abroad.

In addition, there is a free hotline, by calling which, each person can consult on all emerging issues with the contact center operator. By subscribing to the group social network, the client will receive comprehensive information on the operation of the service, will be able to leave a comment or feedback.