The volume of use of electronic money presentation. Presentation "Electronic money and their properties" in informatics - project, report. The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Philosophy"

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The presentation on the topic "Electronic money and their properties" is devoted to the consideration of the issue of economics. The development was made by students and is designed for a wide range of audiences. You can use the material in the classroom. Self-viewing will expand the viewer's horizons and highlight many unknown possibilities of payment systems. The show will interest everyone who is thinking about working with electronic money.

  1. Introduction of the term;
  2. The nature of electronic money;
  3. Variety;
  4. network money;
  5. The history of development;
  6. Anonymity;
  7. Protection;
  8. Development prospects;
  9. Advantages;


    pptx (powerpoint)

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    Melnichuk A.

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    • Presentation made by a student for a grade

slide 1

  • A.V.09
  • Anzhelika Melnichuk
  • Alexandra Podozerova

slide 2

The concept of electronic money

  • are recorded and stored electronically.
  • Issued by the issuer upon receipt from other persons Money in an amount not less than the issued monetary value.
  • Accepted as a means of payment by others
  • (other than the issuer) organizations.
  • Electronic money is the financial obligations of the issuer in electronic form, which are on an electronic medium at the disposal of the user.
  • Issuer - an organization that has issued (issued) securities for the development and financing of its activities. Also known as an issuer entity that issued a payment card or other special means of payment
  • slide 3

    The nature of electronic money

    • -computer networks
    • - Internet
    • - payment cards
    • -electronic wallets
    • - devices that work with payment cards (ATMs, POS-terminals, payment kiosks, etc.)
    • The term "electronic money"
    • -relative novelty
    • - application to a wide range of payment instruments
    • - lack of a single definition
    • Internal contradiction
    • Instrument of payment
    • Issuer obligation
    • Circulation of electronic money
    • happens with the help
  • slide 4

    Kind of electronic money

    • Electronic money: based on smart cards and based on networks (anonymous and non-anonymous) fiat and non-fiat
    • Prepaid single-purpose cards are not e-money: gift card, fuel card and phone card.
    • Electronic money is not: traditionally bank payment cards (both microprocessor and magnetic stripe), as well as Internet banking
    • Fiat money is legal tender, the nominal value of which is established, secured and guaranteed by the state through its authority and power.
    • Private money or non-fiat currency is fiduciary money issued and used in circulation by private institutional entities.
  • slide 5

    Network electronic money

    • Networked electronic money - hardware-based electronic money and digital money that is transferred by its owner to another person using telecommunication networks.
    • Of the most famous network money systems, DigiCash, CyberCash, First Virtual, PayCash and WebMoney should be highlighted. These electronic systems network money, as well as systems based on smart cards, still work on the principle of prepayment for the provided monetary services.
  • slide 6

    The history of the development of electronic money

    • 1993 - study of prepaid cards by the EU Central Banks
    • 1994 - official recognition of the existence of electronic money
    • Since 1993, the development of both electronic money based on cards and network
    • 1996 - the leaders of the Central Bank of the G10 countries announced their intention to monitor electronic money in the countries of the world
    • 2004 - research with the participation of the Central Bank of 95 countries
    • Result = electronic money operates in 37 countries of the world
  • Slide 7

    Anonymity of electronic money

    • Electronic money: anonymous and personalized.
    • By its nature, electronic money is closer to anonymous cash than to personalized non-cash.
    • For network-based electronic money, payment systems -
    • - limit the size of the electronic wallet for an anonymous user
    • - increasing limits for personalized users of the system.
    • For card-based electronic money, limit the maximum amount in the wallet and introduce personalized replenishment mechanisms.
  • Slide 8

    Electronic money protection

    • Passwords (control code, PIN code)
    • Key files (in WebMoney payment system)
    • On-screen keyboard (in EasyPay payment system)
    • Passphrase (in EasyPay payment system)
    • Account blocking
    • (emergency measure)
  • Slide 9

    Development prospects

    • Currently, electronic money is being considered as a potential cash substitute for micro-payments.
    • However, in terms of its qualities, electronic money is able to partially replace or completely displace cash in settlements.
  • Slide 10

    Advantages of electronic money

    • Electronic money has the following advantages over cash:
    • excellent divisibility and unity
    • high portability
    • very low cost of issuing electronic money
    • the moment of payment is fixed by electronic systems
    • electronic money does not need to be counted, packed, transported and organized in special storage
    • perfect keeping
    • perfect quality uniformity
    • safety
  • slide 11

    Disadvantages of electronic money

    • electronic money needs special storage and circulation tools
    • in case of physical destruction of the electronic money carrier, it is impossible to restore the monetary value to the owner
    • no recognition
    • cryptographic protection tools do not yet have a long history of successful operation
    • theoretically, interested parties can try to trace the personal data of payers
    • security (protection against theft, counterfeiting, denomination changes, etc.)
    • theft is theoretically possible
    • electronic money
  • slide 12

    International experience in the implementation and use of electronic money

    • Fiat electronic money based on smart cards
    • Visa Cash
    • Mondex
    • Hong Kong card system "Octopus".
    • Dutch Chipknip system.
    • Network based non-fiat electronic money
    • WebMoney
    • Yandex money
    • RBK Money
    • PayPal
    • Rapida
    • Many systems (Gogopay, Paypal, WebMoney, Wallet One, Wirex) exchange their non-fiat electronic money for fiat money, but some systems (Liberty Reserve) do this through third-party electronic money exchange systems.
  • slide 13


    View all slides



    Interactive lesson

    on this topic: "Graphic form of representation of algorithms".

    Abramova Natalia Nikolaevna - teacher of computer science, MBOU secondary school No. 13, Volzhsky

    Brief summary of the lesson:�Subject- Informatics.

    The level of education of schoolchildren: Grade 9 of a comprehensive school, the second year of studying the subject.

    The place of the lesson in the study section: third lesson; before that, the concept and properties of algorithms, the forms of representation of algorithms, the linear algorithmic structure, the concepts of the executor of algorithms, the system of commands of the executor were considered; students received primary ideas about the graphical form of representation of algorithms, the main blocks for creating flowcharts, learned how to execute linear structure algorithms.

    The form academic work - classy lesson.

    Lesson duration: 40 minutes .

    Didactic equipment of the lesson and TCO: computer running mimio Studio software (mimio Notepad), Mimio interactive set-top box from Mimio Interactive Teaching Technologies, multimedia projector, screen, (mouse or stylus).

    Basic concepts: algorithm, linear and branching algorithm.

    Lesson type: combined.

    Conduct form: traditional lesson.

    Acquired skills of children: application of knowledge about the graphical form of representation of algorithms, the creation of algorithmic models for solving problems with branching, the development of the ability to think algorithmically, the improvement of the ability to work independently.

    Lesson objectives:

    To consolidate with students the concepts of an algorithm, an executor, a system of executor commands, types and methods of presenting algorithms.

    To make students more familiar with graphic form representations of algorithms.


    To develop the ability of students to analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

    Activate the cognitive activity of students through multimedia learning tools.


    Increasing the motivation of students in the classroom.

    Achieving a conscious level of assimilation of the material by students.

    Formation of algorithmic thinking.

    During the classes

    Organizing time. Clarification of absent. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    Repetition of the studied material. In the previous lessons, you got acquainted with the concept and properties of algorithms, the forms of representation of algorithms, the linear algorithmic structure, the concepts of the algorithm executor, the executor's command system; Now I ask you to remember these concepts.

    Students are invited to complete the tasks (slide 1-2) of the demonstration material. The method of work is dragging objects. Tasks are performed at the blackboard (optional), then the class analyzes the correctness of the tasks.

    Consolidation of the studied material.

    Today in the lesson we will look at how graphical algorithms work and we will independently build flowcharts.

    In the last lesson, we made a graphical algorithm and tried how the performers execute it. Let's work now as executors of the algorithm (slide 3.4 tasks are performed at the blackboard (optional), then the class analyzes the correctness of the assignments).

    Now we need to make a flowchart using the template (slide 5). The task is done at the blackboard and checked by the whole class, which works in their workbooks.

    Lesson results. Today in the lesson we worked as algorithm executors and independently built flowcharts. I would like to finish our lesson with a little independent work on drawing up flowcharts. In notebooks for independent work, we write down our version and do the work (slide 8).


    Draw up a block diagram of the algorithm for calculating the values ​​of the function y(x) according to the formula:

    Make a block diagram of the algorithm for solving a quadratic equation of the form A x 2+B x+ C = 0.

    Used Books:

    I.G.Semakin, A.P.Shestakov�FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING�Moscow ACADEMiA 2003

    A.A. Kuznetsov, N.V. Apatova� Fundamentals of informatics grades 8-9� textbook for general educational institutions� DROFA Moscow 2001

    Thematic control on informatics "Basic and Pascal in questions and tasks" notebook 1 "INTELECT-CENTER" Moscow 2001

    L.Z.Shautsukova "Informatics" Moscow "Enlightenment" 2000



    Interactive lesson

    THE CONCEPT OF ELECTRONIC MONEY Are recorded and stored on an electronic medium. Issued by the issuer upon receipt of funds from other persons in an amount not less than the issued monetary value. Accepted as a means of payment by organizations other than the issuer.

    NETWORK ELECTRONIC MONEY Network electronic money is hardware-based electronic money and digital money that is transferred by its owner to another person using telecommunication networks. Of the most famous network money systems, DigiCash, CyberCash, First Virtual, PayCash and WebMoney should be highlighted. These electronic network money systems, as well as systems based on smart cards, still work on the principle of prepayment for the provided monetary services.

    HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC MONEY 1993 – study of prepaid cards by the EU Central Banks 1994 – official recognition of the existence of electronic money Since 1993 – the development of both electronic money based on cards and network began 1996 – the leaders of the Central Banks of the G10 countries announced their intention to monitor electronic money in countries world 2004 - a study with the participation of the Central Bank of 95 countries Result = electronic money is functioning in 37 countries of the world

    ANONIMITY OF ELECTRONIC MONEY Electronic money: anonymous and personalized. By its nature, electronic money is closer to anonymous cash than to personalized non-cash. For network-based electronic money, payment systems - - limit the size of the electronic wallet for an anonymous user - increasing the limits for personalized users of the system. For card-based electronic money, limit the maximum amount in the wallet and introduce personalized replenishment mechanisms.

    PROTECTION OF ELECTRONIC MONEY Passwords (control code, PIN code) Key files (in WebMoney payment system) On-screen keyboard (in EasyPay payment system) Passphrase (in EasyPay payment system) Account blocking (emergency measure)

    DEVELOPMENT OUTLOOK Currently, electronic money is considered as a potential cash substitute for micro-payments. However, in terms of its qualities, electronic money is able to partially replace or completely displace cash in settlements.

    ADVANTAGES OF ELECTRONIC MONEY Electronic money has the following advantages over cash: excellent divisibility and aggregability high portability very low cost of issuing electronic money the moment of payment is fixed by electronic systems electronic money does not need to be counted, packaged, transported and organized in special storages perfect persistence perfect quality uniformity security

    DISADVANTAGES OF ELECTRONIC MONEY Electronic money needs special tools for storage and circulation when the electronic money carrier is physically destroyed, it is impossible to restore the monetary value to the owner there is no recognition cryptographic protection means do not yet have a long history of successful operation theoretically, interested parties may try to track the personal data of payers security (protection from theft, counterfeiting, denomination changes, etc.) theft of electronic money is theoretically possible

    INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE IN THE IMPLEMENTATION AND USE OF ELECTRONIC MONEY Fiat electronic money based on Visa Cash Mondex smart cards Hong Kong Octopus card system. Dutch Chipknip system. Non-fiat electronic money based on WebMoney networks Yandex.Money RBK Money PayPal Rapida Many systems (Gogopay, Paypal, WebMoney, Single Wallet, Wirex) exchange their non-fiat electronic money for fiat money, but some systems (Liberty Reserve) do this through third parties electronic money exchange systems.

    The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Philosophy"

    In this section of the site you can download ready-made presentations on philosophy and philosophical sciences. The finished presentation on philosophy contains illustrations, photographs, diagrams, tables and main theses of the topic being studied. Philosophy Presentation - good method presentation of complex material in a visual way. Our collection ready presentations in philosophy covers all philosophical topics of the educational process both at school and at the university.


    • Tutorial: give the concept of "electronic money".
    • Developing: learn how to shop online
    • Nurturing: develop with children an attitude towards money, including electronic


    • personal computers with Internet access, Itest Client testing system;
    • teacher's computer Itest Server;
    • multimedia projector;

    Training and handout material:

    • worksheets with tasks for independent work;
    • electronic workshop;

    Lesson plan:

    1. Learning new material.
    2. Practical work №1
    3. Independent work in worksheets
    4. Work with interactive whiteboard, independent work in worksheets
    5. Practical work №2
    6. Summary of the lesson.
    7. Homework.

    During the classes

    1. Learning new material.

    Hello guys! And I want you to determine the topic of the lesson today yourself. Attention to the screen.


    So what do you think the topic of our lesson is?

    (Children answer the question)

    That's right, today we will talk about money, but not about ordinary, but electronic. That's why topic of our lesson Electronic money. (Slide "Electronic money").

    I don’t know about you guys, but many times I have heard people tell that money on the Internet is dangerous, unreliable, illegal, that they don’t exist there at all, and the Americans came up with this whole topic.

    More recently, we got acquainted with VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS and others. So, while we were mastering plastic cards with great difficulty and hardly realized that keeping money in cash under the pillow is the most dead end option, the world stepped even further and puzzled us with such a completely incomprehensible phenomenon as electronic or digital money.

    Do you know that 9 out of 10 people in Russia today (according to opinion polls of people, especially older people) do not use electronic money?

    Question: “Why do you think most people prefer cash?”

    Slide “Reasons that hinder the use of electronic money”

    The absence of a personal computer, or you have one, then you are afraid of it and keep more for furniture.

    Computer wallets and all sorts of exotics in the form of digital money are not for you.

    There is no time for the procedure of using electronic money.

    Not knowing what it is.

    specific terms. Even if people go to the sites of Internet payment systems, they are mortally frightened by the words that are found there in the description of the technical side of using these services: authorization, activation, web interface, account...

    Therefore, the purpose of our lesson is not only to learn what electronic money is, to understand its disadvantages and advantages, but also to learn how to make purchases in online stores using electronic money.

    Question: " Do you think it is possible to say that the use of a plastic card is the use of electronic money?”

    A common misconception is the identification of electronic money with non-cash money .

    The concept of “electronic money” is mistakenly understood as traditional bank cards.

    Distinctive features of making payments using "electronic money" from making transactions using traditional bank cards: settlements for transactions made using bank cards, are carried out in a non-cash manner, that is, through banks, and in the case of the use of “electronic money”, settlements are carried out bypassing the banking system.

    Let's try to define electronic money. ( The children answer

    Now let's find it on the Internet and compare whether you gave the definition correctly (search for a definition on the Internet)

    2. Practical work No. 1 “Using the Yandex search engine”.


    Electronic money - these are the financial obligations of the issuer in electronic form, which are on an electronic medium at the disposal of the user.

    6. Conclusions and suggestions.

    “Money is the most important tool for managing one's life, and electronic money is one of the most important nodes of the whole mechanism in the near future. Either you study today, master it, and tomorrow you master this mechanism, or you quickly and hopelessly lose all control levers and miss all the opportunities to direct work with money for your own good. With the current pace of development, in five to ten years in this matter you will look like a Neanderthal who got a TV in his hands ... ”

    7. Homework.

    Find information about the following in sources.

    fiat electronic money

    • PayPal
    • PrivatePay
    • Visa Cash
    • Mondex

    Non-fiat electronic

    • WebMoney
    • Yandex money
    • RBK Money
    • Rapida
    • EasyPay


    1. Educational and methodical newspaper “Informatics” // No. 4 / 2011
    5.› Dictionary of Economics and Law. – 2005
    6. Izvestiya SPbGUEF: “ Electronic forms money and new types of payment systems” S. A. Belozerov

    Such monetary obligations meet the following three criteria: Are recorded and stored on an electronic medium. Issued by the issuer upon receipt of funds from other persons in an amount not less than the issued monetary value. Accepted as a means of payment by organizations other than the issuer. Criteria

    Electronic money can be anonymous and personalized. By its nature, electronic money is closer to anonymous cash than to personalized non-cash. The presence or absence of anonymity is ensured by the rules and mechanisms for the circulation of electronic money in a particular payment system. Anonymity

    The use of cryptography for the implementation of electronic money was proposed by David Chaum. They also proposed several encryption protocols and electronic signature. He used a confidential communication algorithm to achieve the obfuscation of the links between withdrawal and deposit transactions. Cryptographic protection

    Excellent divisibility and unity; high portability; very low issuance cost; no need to physically count money; easier to organize the physical protection of electronic money; the moment of payment is fixed, human factor decreases; it is impossible to hide funds from taxation; no need to count, pack, transport and organize special storage facilities; perfect storage; perfect quality uniformity; Safety. Advantages