Drawings included in the draft design. What is a sketch design and how does it differ from manual sketches? Terms, definitions and abbreviations

  • 21.04.2020


Head (customer of IP)

Personal signature_Signature decryption

Date "_"_ 2004


Head (IS developer)

Personal signature_Signature transcript_

Date "_"_ 2004

Preliminary design to create an information system

Database Management System

(name of species I C)


(name of the informatization object)

DBMS "Library"

(abbreviated name of IP)

On 8 sheets

Valid with "_"

Draft design sheet...................................362

Explanatory note to the draft design ...................... 363

General provisions..............................363

Main technical solutions..............................363

System Design Decisions..............................363

Decisions on operating modes,

system operation...................................365

Decisions on the number, qualifications and functions of NPP personnel .............................365

The composition of the functions of the task complexes implemented by the system .................................... 365

Decisions on the composition of software tools, languages ​​of activity, algorithms of procedures and operations and methods for their implementation .................................................366

Development Sources..............................367

Draft design sheet

At the previous stages of the development of the Pension Fund DBMS, the following documents were drawn up and approved:

Terms of reference for the creation of an information system DBMS "Pension Fund", developed on the basis of GOST 34.602-89 for writing technical specifications for automated control systems dated 01.01.1990

Explanatory note to the draft design

General provisions

This document is a draft design for the creation of a Database Management System for the Library Fund Russian Federation(DBMS "Library").

The list of organizations involved in the development of the system, the timing and stages of development, as well as its goals and purpose are specified in the terms of reference for the creation of an information system.

Main technical solutions

System structure decisions

DBMS "Library" will be a personal system for managing a local database running on one computer.

The system will manage a relational database, which is a set of interconnected tables in Ragaboh format, accessed using keys or indexes. Information in one table can reflect information in another, and when you change the information in the first table, those changes are immediately reflected in the second. In this way, data consistency will be achieved.

General database structure:

  • Questionnaires of organizations that are registered in this PF:
    • - Type of enterprise ( Russian organization, Individual, Foreign organization, separate subdivision).
    • - Type of enterprise (Lawyers, Budgetary, Single tax 6%, Single tax 15%, Agricultural products, Employment services, Farming, Other).
    • - Registration number of the employer in the FIU (3 - 3 - 6).
    • - Certificate: series, number.
    • - Date of issue of the certificate (day_month_year).
    • - TIN.
    • - Checkpoint.
    • - Name.
    • - Legal address:
  • Postcode.
  • Region.
  • Area.
  • City.
  • Locality.
  • The outside.
  • Frame.
  • Flat.
  • - Address permanently acting body(if different from legal).
  • Questionnaires of employees of these organizations:
    • - Surname.
    • - Name.
    • - Middle name.
    • - Gender (M/F).
    • - Date of birth (Date).
    • - Insurance number.
    • - Place of birth (Country, Region, District, City, Locality).
    • - Citizenship.
    • - Address of registration (Country, Postal code, Region, District, City, Locality, Street, House, Building, Apartment).
    • - Actual address of residence (Country, Postal code, Region, District, City, Locality, Street, House, Building, Apartment).
    • - Home phone.
    • - Office phone.
    • - Document (Identity card).
    • - Date of issue (Date).
    • - Issued by ().
    • - Date of completion (Date).
    • - TIN.
  • Information about the experience of employees of these organizations:
  • - Insurance number.
  • - Surname.
  • - Name.
  • - Middle name.
  • - Date of Birth.
  • - Territorial living conditions on ....
  • - Table of work periods with the following structure:
  • Period start (date).
  • End of period (date).
  • Type of activity (work, social insurance service, care-children, bezr, rehabilitation, care-invd, profzab, revision).
  • Name of company.
  • Job title.
  • Territorial conditions.

Decisions on operating modes, system operation

DBMS "Library" will operate in single-user mode, and will also be able to:

  • view database records (including using filters);
  • add new entries;
  • delete records;
  • you will be asked for a password when logging in.

Decisions on the number, qualifications and functions of NPP personnel

These solutions must meet the requirements specified in the terms of reference for the development of the system.

The composition of the functions of the task complexes implemented by the system

The automated system should perform the following functions:

  • make a record of a pension certificate;
  • delete information about the pension certificate;
  • issue a certificate of all pension certificates;
  • register a new enterprise in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • remove the company from the database;
  • issue a certificate of all enterprises registered in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • calculate a pension for employees of enterprises based on length of service;
  • issue a certificate of employee's pension savings.

Decisions on the composition of software tools, languages

activities, algorithms of procedures and operations

and methods of their implementation

To implement the AS, the Boland Delphi 7.0 programming environment and the Object Pascal programming language will be used.

The following algorithm will be used to calculate the pension.

First, the seniority coefficient of the pensioner is determined. It is assumed to be equal to 0.55 for the total seniority up to the current date at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women. For each full year of service in excess of the specified, the service coefficient increases by 0.01, but not more than 0.20.

Then the ratio of the pensioner's earnings to the average monthly is determined. wages in the country. This earnings can be taken for this reference period or for any 60 consecutive months of work, or the one from which the pension was calculated at the time of the reform. The average monthly salary in the country is taken for the same period.

The ratio of earnings is taken into account in the amount of not more than 1.2. For pensioners living in the Far North, the ratio taken into account is higher: from 1.4 to 1.9, depending on the centrally established regional wage coefficient.

Then the seniority coefficient is multiplied by the ratio of earnings and by 1671 rubles. - the average monthly salary approved for calculations in the country for the 111th quarter of 2001. This will be the recalculated size of the labor pension under the new legislation in the usual case. If it turned out to be less than 660 rubles, then the amount of the pension is "brought" to this guaranteed minimum.

If a pensioner is a disabled person of group I or has reached the age of 80 years or more by January 1, 2002, the amount of the old-age pension calculated in this manner is increased by 450 rubles.

If the pensioner has persons who are dependent on him, then the calculated amount of the pension is increased by 150 rubles. for each dependent, but no more than three in total.

Development sources

This document was developed on the basis of GOST 34.698-90 for writing technical specifications for automated control systems dated 01/01/1992.



Performer's position_

Full Name_

Date "_"_ 2007

Performer's position_

Full Name_

Date "_"_ 2007

Performer's position_

Full Name_

-I don’t understand what is the difference between a preliminary design and a working one? Why do different design firms, and yours in particular, have a draft design price of 5,000-15,000 rubles. By the way, such a big difference in prices is also incomprehensible? Explain. A working project costs from 30,000 rubles. What is there in the working draft so "interesting" that its price rises so sharply? Project and project, picture, dimensions ... strange.

Both of these stages of design are inextricably linked. The draft design is drawn up in accordance with the terms of reference, technical conditions, SNiPs and GOSTs and is agreed with the customer and the architecture. On the basis of a preliminary design (if we are talking about an ordinary country house or construction that does not require special permits), a building permit and related documents are issued. And already on the basis of the agreed Draft Design (EP), a Working Draft is made, if required.
All projects are different and the number of album sheets and spreads of the project depends primarily on its complexity and uniqueness.
But still, the main composition of the Draft Design is approximately the same for everyone:
1. Title page
2. List of drawings of the electronic signature. General Technical and Economic Indicators (TEP).
3. Perspective views (2-3 sheets)
4. Floor plans (1-3 sheets)
5. Facades (4-6 sheets)
6. Cuts (1-2 sheets)
The average Draft Design album is 12-16 sheets.
The Working Draft has a completely different task: to reveal all the complex technical elements to the maximum, to necessary calculations strength or heat engineering calculations, reveal as much as possible all the dimensions, sections or elements of the facades so that the house turns out "at a glance" clear, precise and understandable how it can be implemented and how much it will cost.
Also, the Working Draft can be ordered for individual elements (foundations, roofing, etc.).
The Working Draft is divided into several parts:
AR - architectural solutions
KZh - reinforced concrete structures
KM - metal structures
KZhI - individual reinforced concrete structures
HV - heating, ventilation
VK - water supply, sewerage
ET - electrical drawings
TS - external heating networks
ES - power supply, outdoor lighting
Each part of a complete Working Design requires accurate calculations and drawings. The composition of the album for each part is individual.
Approximate composition of the album of the Working Design for an Individual Residential Building, part of the AR / KR:
1. Title page
2. List of drawings AR / KR. Description of the main building structures. General Technical and Economic Indicators (TEP).
3. General views
4. Masonry floor plans
5. Specifications for laying plans
6. Layouts of electric floors at different elevations, specifications for them
7. List of jumpers
8. Reamers of ventilation shafts
9. Scheme of the location of the e-s of the expanded clay concrete belt
10. monolithic sections
11. section
12. knots
13. The layout of the foundations
14. Specifications for foundations, sections
15. metal beams, monolithic
16. Facades
17. Fragments of facades
18. Openings: windows, doors, specifications for them
19. Roof plan, nodes, specifications.
And this is by no means a complete list of the composition of the Working Project album. It all depends on the complexity of the original project - that's why there is such a big difference in price.


The preliminary design is the first stage of architectural design. At this stage, the style and appearance of the future building, its size, shape, space-planning and spatial solutions, internal layout, zoning are determined. A draft design of a house is a set of drawings that gives a complete picture of what should happen during the construction process. It is the main document for the house and is part of the documents required to obtain permission to build a house in the authorities.

The composition of the Draft project of the house:

general data (explanatory note);

scheme master plan(M 1:200);

floor plans;


architectural section;

roofing design;

three-dimensional computer visualization (from 4 angles + fragments if necessary).

The cost of the preliminary design of the house:

Total building area

Project cost

before 1 00 sq.m

35 00 0 rub.

From 100 to 15 0 sq.m

40 00 0 rub.

from 15 0 to 230 sq.m

45 000rub.

from 230 to 300 sq.m

50 000 rub.

over 300 sq.m

individual price

Deadline for the implementation of the Draft Design of a private house: 3-4 weeks.


2. Architectural project of the house (AR) .

Architectural project of an individual house- this is the architect's idea, embodied in engineering solutions. At this design stage, architectural solutions are determined that comprehensively take into account the wishes of the customer, the conditions of construction, as well as numerous requirements (social, economic, functional, engineering, technical, fire fighting, sanitary and hygienic,energy,environmental, architectural and artistic, etc.).

The composition of the architectural design of the house:

general project data(explanatory note);

master plan (M1:200);

floor plans;


3D computer rendering

(from 4 angles + fragments if necessary);

main cuts around the house (minimum 2 cuts);

roofing design;

marking plans;

list of facade finishing;

basic building indicators;

floor explication;

list of jumpers;

specification of filling door and window openings;

volumes of basic building materials;

ventilation risers;

required parts and components.

The cost of the architectural design of the house:

Total building area

Project cost

before 1 00 sq.m

45 000 rub.

from 100 to 150 sq.m

50 000 rub.

from 150 to 2 30 sq.m

55 000 rub.

from 230 to 300 sq.m

60 0 00 rub.

over 300 sq.m

individual price

Deadline Architectural project private home: 4-6 weeks.

If you yourself drew or found on the Internet a sketch of a layout that suits you, then you can . In this case, the project will cost you less.


3. Architectural and construction project (AS) .

The architectural and construction project consists of two sections:

Architectural Solutions (AR)and Structural solutions (CD). was described above. The structure of the Structural design includes the calculation of the bearing capacity and detailed drawings of all structural elements of the designed building with specifications and assemblies. I do not give the exact composition of the drawings of a structural project here, since it depends on the type of structures included in a particular project.

Calculations and drawings are carried out by highly qualified designers. Our projects are very precise and detailed: they contain all the necessary drawings, components and specifications to make the process of building a house easy and understandable.

The cost of an architectural and construction project:

Total building area

Project cost

before 1 00 sq.m

110 000 rub.

from 100 to 150 sq.m

130 000 rub.

from 150 to 2 30 sq.m

150 000 rub.

from 230 to 300 sq.m

170 0 00 rub.

over 300 sq.m

individual price

Deadline for the implementation of the Architectural and Construction Project: 8-10 weeks.


Prices for all projects are indicated with a 30% discount


Autumn and winter are the most best time to get started on your home project. Architects are not busy with work and the cost of the project is lower than in spring and summer. And after the end of the project, you will have time to buy building materials also at reduced "winter" prices. Don't miss this opportunity!

further along 7-10 days I study the TOR and carry out the first sketches for the project: as a rule, these are floor plans and facades (possibly also sections). They are performed without working out small details, only the main volumes. I send them to you by email. mail for approval;

You study the initial sketches for as long as you need, then we call (or email) and you give your comments and wishes to the first sketches;

Taking into account your wishes, I am making appropriate changes to the project (within 3-5 days) and send you new sketches. If everything suits you, then we move on. (if not, then we continue to work in the same mode until full understanding);

Next, I build a three-dimensional model (during 3-5 days) of the building and send you images for approval. (If there is a need, at this stage I offer various options for the color scheme and the facade materials used);

When the sketches and pictures with the 3D model are fully coordinated, I proceed to the final drawings for the project. It usually takes 7-12 days. Upon completion of this work, I send you the final draft in the format pdf to email mail;

Within 3 days you study the final drawings and, if you notice any comments or inaccuracies, let me know, and I will promptly make corrections to the project and send you the corrected drawings.

This completes the project. However, if during the construction process you have any unsolvable questions about the project, you can feel free to call me - I will definitely answer them.


I work officially (registered as an individual entrepreneur) and always conclude a formal contract with the Customers, which allows me to protect the interests of the parties.

I have in my portfolio more than a hundred completed projects of private and public residential buildings in Russia and other countries of Asia and Europe.

Creative approach to work. I try to stick to the motto "

Make art, not work "Make art, not work."Each of my projects is a unique author's product. It has, first of all, intellectual value, and as a result, high liquidity. Living in a stylish, beautiful and comfortable home will give you pleasure every day.

And individual approach to each customer. I always try to find out as best as possible what the Client wants in order to design a house that is perfect for him.

I guarantee strict adherence to deadlines. I am responsible for the observance of the agreed and prescribed in the contract deadlines for the performance of work.

I have experience not only in designing, but also in the implementation / construction of houses according to my projects.

_________________________________________________________________ ____________________________

The term "Draft design" is misleading due to its frivolity and association with the artist's sketching, which often leads to bewilderment: why is a draft design so expensive - is it a sketch, pictures?

In fact, this is a sketch and a draft design are diametrically different things, although they are of the same root, hence the confusion.

first thing

Draft design is a common term. This is a set of detailed documentation - schemes for the planning organization of the site, floor plans, sections, facades, principal assemblies and structural details, visualizations of the house. It shows the fundamental decisions of the building, giving an idea of ​​its structure and functioning.

It is even possible to build according to a detailed draft design. But in general, a draft design is a technical task for a working project. Do you remember the importance of technical specifications?

A good preliminary design is not a picture out of touch with life, but, on the contrary, a very individual and detailed product. Its development was preceded by - analysis of the wishes and needs of the customer and linking them with reality (type of site, norms, permitted standards), analysis of the site and its planning organization, circuit diagrams functional program.

Second main

Draft design is not "inventing" appearance houses and not drawing facades. This is the documentation for your individual “living machine”, in which each system of the functioning of the house is considered in dynamics, and the space is strictly subordinated to the logic of the everyday processes taking place in it. All this is reflected in the structure of plans, sections and facades.

What do we pay for in the Draft Project?

I read different opinions about the role of EP in the project.

The reality is this: in Russia, the labor of architects and designers has been cheaper for some time due to the subsidence of the market - demand was low, the vast majority of land owners are independent developers. In all honesty, even in commercial design, a preliminary design is still the cheapest part, “luring” a client in order to later sell him design and working documentation, which is much more expensive. In Russian architectural firms, architects bring the least profit not because they do the least (just the opposite), but because the underdeveloped market determines the low cost of their services. Inside the bureau, in fact, their work is paid by subsidies from designers and engineers to whom they brought a client. That is, the bureau earns not on architectural solutions (the client has not yet matured to understand the key importance of ES and is not ready to pay a lot), but on design and working documentation and then distributes the profit.
In Russia, for the customer, a preliminary design costs about 10% of the cost of the entire project for small projects and 5% for large ones. commercial projects(everything is included in the cost of the entire project, until the delivery of documentation to the builders), and if we count together with the construction inspection, then in general it will turn out 1% .

For interest, the experience of other markets: according to the Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure (a document in Germany that regulates the order and phases of the work of an architect), a draft design is a combination of the first three phases: Grundlagenermittlung (Architect's Basic Proposals), Vorplanung (preliminary planning) and Entwurfsplanung (Preliminary design). Their cost from the entire project, including construction control and elimination of imperfections at the finished facility, is 3% + 7% + 11%, that is, in total 21% .

Why such a difference and who is right? Of course, the degree of elaboration of a preliminary design varies, some bureaus include the development of fundamental structures, for example, glazing units, in it, some do not. Sometimes a draft design is so detailed that you can build on it, but it is still called a "sketch".
Nevertheless, if you think about where the draft design will go next, its complexity becomes clear: this is the stage at which constructive and interior solutions have already been determined by 80-90%. That is, the project is specified, finalized, but fundamentally nothing changes.

GOST 2.119-2013


Unified system of design documentation


Unified system for design documentation Preliminary design

For the text of Comparison of GOST 2.119-2013 with GOST 2.119-73, see the link.
- Database manufacturer's note.

ISS 01.110
OKSTU 0002

Introduction date 2015-07-01



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption , updates and cancellations"

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Research Institute for Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering" (VNIINMASH), Autonomous non-profit organization Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics" (ANO R&D Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics")

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 44 of November 14, 2013, Appendix No. 24 add.)

Voted to accept:

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standards body



Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Institute for Standardization of Moldova






Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine

4 Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 26, 2014 N 1794-st interstate standard GOST 2.119-2013 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on July 01, 2015.

5 INSTEAD OF GOST 2.119-73

6 REVISION as amended (IUS N 7 2015). December 2018

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards" (as of January 1 of the current year), and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in information system general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.ru)

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes requirements for the implementation of a draft design for products in all industries.

On the basis of this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards that clarify the range of design documents being developed and the list of work performed at the preliminary design stage, taking into account the specifics of the designed products and the organization of work.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.002-72 Unified system for design documentation. Requirements for models, layouts and templates used in the design.

GOST 2.052-2015 Unified system for design documentation. Electronic product model. General provisions

GOST 2.053-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Electronic structure of the product. General provisions

GOST 2.102-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.103-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Development stages

GOST 2.106-96 Unified system for design documentation. Text Documents

GOST 2.118-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Technical Proposal

GOST 2.201-80 Unified system for design documentation. Designation of products and design documents

GOST 2.301-68 Unified system for design documentation. Formats

GOST 2.501-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Accounting and storage rules

GOST 2.503-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Rules for making changes

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:


3.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

CD - design document (design documents, design documentation);

MF - an integral part of the product;

TK - terms of reference;

TP - technical proposal;

ESI - electronic model prefabricated unit*;

* The text of the document corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note

EP - preliminary design;

ESI - electronic structure of the product.

EMSE is an electronic model of an assembly unit.

4 Fundamentals

4.1 EP is a design stage for the development of a design documentation (according to GOST 2.103) and it should be developed in accordance with the TOR in order to establish fundamental design solutions that give general idea about the device, principles of operation and overall dimensions of the product being developed, as well as data that determine its main parameters, when it is advisable to do this before the development of the TP or working design documentation.

At the stage of development of the ES, options for the product and (or) its SC should be considered. EP can be developed without considering various options at this stage.

4.2 Basic requirements for the development of CD EP in accordance with GOST 2.103, accounting and storage - in accordance with GOST 2.501; making changes - according to GOST 2.503.

4.3 When developing an electronic product, it is necessary to carry out the work necessary to ensure the requirements for the product and allow establishing fundamental solutions. Scroll necessary work is determined by the developer depending on the nature and purpose of the product and coordinates with the customer (representative office of the customer) if the product is being developed by order of the Ministry of Defense.

An approximate list of works is given in Appendix A.

Note - At the stage of development of the ES, the works given at the stage of development of the technical proposal should not be repeated if they cannot provide additional data. In this case, the results of previous work are reflected in the explanatory note.

4.4 The set of design documentation for ES should include design design documentation with the letters "E" in accordance with GOST 2.102, provided for by the TOR and / or the protocol for considering the technical proposal.

4.5 When performing the design documentation in electronic form projects of the ESI and the electronic model of the product (assembly unit, complex, kit) should be carried out in accordance with GOST 2.053 and GOST 2.052, respectively, with the level of detail characteristic of this development stage (ED).

CDs developed for the manufacture of material models in accordance with GOST 2.002, or electronic models developed in accordance with GOST 2.052, should not be included in the CD set of ES.

4.6 For verification, approval and approval, copies of the CD of the ES according to the ES statement, completed in the manner prescribed in GOST 2.106, should be submitted. It is allowed, in agreement with the customer (representative office of the customer), to submit the original CD ES.

4.7 The form of presentation of the CD ES (paper or electronic), if it is not specified in the ToR and / or protocol for the consideration of the technical proposal, should be determined by the developer in agreement with the customer (representative office of the customer), if the product is developed by order of the Ministry of Defense. In EP it is allowed to include in the CD in various forms of presentation.

4.8 The designation of the CD of the ES should be carried out in accordance with GOST 2.201 (Appendix 1).

5 Requirements for the execution of design documents

5.1 General requirements to the implementation of design documents of the draft design

5.2 General view drawing (electronic model of assembly unit)

5.2.1 At the stage of development of the ES, the general view of the product can be made as a paper CD (general view drawing) or as an electronic CD (EMCE). In general, they should contain:

a) images of the product (views, sections, sections), the text part and inscriptions necessary for understanding the structural device of the product, the interaction of its components and the principle of operation of the product;

b) names, as well as designations (if any) of those SCs for which it is necessary to indicate data (technical characteristics, quantity, instructions on the material, principle of operation, etc.) or a reference to which is necessary to explain the images of the general view drawing or EMCE, descriptions of the principle of operation of the product, instructions on the composition, etc.;

c) dimensions and other data applied to images (if necessary);

d) a diagram (electrical, hydraulic, etc.), if it is necessary, but it is not advisable to draw it up as a separate design documentation;

e) technical characteristics of the product, if necessary for the convenience of comparing options according to the general view drawing or EMCE.

5.2.2 Images should be made with the maximum simplifications provided for by the standards of the Unified Design Documentation System. MF products, including borrowed and purchased products, are depicted with simplifications (sometimes in the form of contour outlines), if this provides an understanding of the structural device of the product being developed, the interaction of its MF and the principle of operation of the product.

5.2.3 Separate images of the MF should be placed on one common sheet with images of the entire product or on separate (subsequent) sheets of the general view drawing.

When performing EMSE, it is recommended to place the models of individual midrange in separate files.

5.2.4 The names and designations of the MF in the general view drawing or EMSE should be indicated in one of the following ways:

a) on the shelves of leader lines;

b) in a table placed on the same sheet as the image of the product;

c) in a table made on separate sheets of A4 format in accordance with GOST 2.301 as subsequent sheets of a general view drawing. On the general view drawing or EMSE, it is recommended to indicate the names and designations of the midrange of the product using the methods a) and c). If there is a table on the shelves of leader lines, indicate the position numbers of the components included in the table.

The table generally consists of columns:

"Position", "Designation", "Name", "Quantity", "Additional instructions".

5.2.5 Names and designations of the SC in the table or ESI are recommended to be placed in the following order:

borrowed items;

purchased products;

newly developed products.

5.2.6 Elements of a general arrangement drawing or EMCE (item numbers, text technical requirements, inscriptions, etc.) are performed according to the rules established by the standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation.

5.3 Draft design sheet

All CDs should be entered in the ES statement in the manner established by GOST 2.106, regardless of which option the CD belongs to. It is allowed to indicate in the column "Note" the variant corresponding to this DD.

It is allowed to include in the DD in various forms of presentation (in paper or electronic), while it is recommended to indicate the form of presentation in the "Note" column.

5.4 Explanatory note

5.4.1 The explanatory note of the ES should be carried out in accordance with GOST 2.106, taking into account the following basic requirements for the content of the sections:

a) in the "Introduction" section, the name, number and date of approval of the TOR should be indicated. If the development of the ES is not provided for by the TOR, but by the protocol for considering the technical proposal, then an entry should be made according to the type: "Development of a preliminary design is provided for by the technical proposal ..." and indicate the number and date of the protocol for considering the technical proposal;

b) in the section "Purpose and scope of the product being developed", the relevant information from the TOR and / or technical proposal, as well as information specifying and supplementing the TOR and technical proposal, in particular:

- brief description scope and conditions of use of the product;

- general characteristics the facility for the application in which this product is intended (if necessary);

c) in the section "Technical characteristics" should be given:

- the main technical characteristics of the product (power, number of revolutions, performance, consumption of electricity, fuel, coefficient useful action and other parameters characterizing the product);

- information on compliance with or deviations from the requirements established by the TOR and the technical proposal, if it was developed, with justification for deviations;

- data comparing the main characteristics of the product with the characteristics of analogues (domestic and foreign) or a link should be given to a map of the technical level and quality;

d) in the section "Description and justification of the chosen design" should be given:

- description of the design, justification of the fundamental decisions made at this stage (constructive, circuit, etc.).

Illustrations should be provided where necessary. When performing an explanatory note in the form of an electronic CD, it is allowed to provide a link to electronic layouts (models) made in accordance with GOST 2.052;

- information about the purpose of material mock-ups (if they were made), electronic mock-ups (if they were developed), the test or analysis program and methodology (or a link to a separate CD - the test or analysis program and methodology), test or analysis results and mock-up conformity assessment data given requirements, including ergonomics and technical aesthetics;

- photos of material layouts (if necessary);

- designations of the main design documentation, according to which material models were made or electronic models were developed, the number and date of the reports (or protocols for testing, analysis, etc. (for reference);

- information about the manufacturability of the design of products;

- verification data decisions taken for patent purity and competitiveness;

- information about the use of inventions in this development, about submitted applications for new inventions;

- information on the compliance of the product with the requirements of safety and industrial sanitation;

- preliminary information about the packaging and transportation of the product (if necessary);

- technical requirements for purchased products and materials used in the product being developed, which must be developed by other organizations. Such technical requirements may be given in the appendix to the explanatory note;

- information on the compliance of the borrowed components used in the product, purchased products and materials with the product being developed in terms of technical characteristics, operating modes, warranty periods, operating conditions;

- the main issues of manufacturing technology of products;

- information about the safety of the product and its impact on the environment;

Information on the disposal of the product;

e) in the section "Calculations confirming the operability and reliability of the design" should be given:

- indicative calculations confirming the performance of the product (kinematic, electrical, thermal, calculations of hydraulic systems, etc.);

- approximate calculations confirming the reliability of the product (calculations of reliability, durability, maintainability, shelf life, etc.). At large volume calculations, they can be drawn up in the form of independent design documents, while in this section only the results of calculations are given. For each type of calculation indicate the means of software and information support automated systems(if they are used to perform calculations);

f) in the section "Description of the organization of work with the use of the product being developed", preliminary information on the organization of work with the product at the place of operation, including:

- description of techniques and methods of working with the product in the modes and conditions provided for by the TOR;

- description of the order and methods of storage, transportation, installation of the product and its commissioning at the place of operation, as well as maintenance during storage, transportation and installation;

- information on the qualifications and number of service personnel.

g) in the section "Expected technical and economic indicators", approximate calculations of economic indicators should be given;

i) in the "Level of standardization and unification" section, preliminary information should be provided on the use of standard, unified and borrowed assembly units and details.

5.4.2 The appendix to the explanatory note should include:

a) a copy of the ToR;

b) if necessary, a list of works that should be carried out at the next stage of product development;

c) materials of artistic and design study, which are not design documentation;

d) list of used literature, etc.;

e) a list of documents used in the development of ES and received by the product developer from other organizations (author's certificates, patent research report, consumer certificates on the required production volume of the products being developed, etc.). At the same time, the documents should not be included in the annex to the explanatory note, but the explanatory note may contain the necessary information from these documents (for example, the subject of the invention, the required quantities of products for a quarter, for a year, for a five-year period), as well as the number and date of the document or cover letter

f) a list of software and information support for automated systems used in the development of ES.

Appendix A (recommended). List of works performed during the development of a draft design

In general, when developing a draft design, the following work should be carried out:

1 Execution of options possible solutions, establishing the features of the options (characteristics of the midrange options, etc.), their design study. The depth of such study should be sufficient to compare the options under consideration.

2 Preliminary decision on the issues of packaging, transportation and operation of the product.

3 Production and testing of material models and / or development and analysis of electronic models in order to verify the principles of operation of the product and / or its components.

4 Development and justification of technical solutions aimed at ensuring the reliability indicators established by the TOR and the technical proposal.

5 Evaluation of the product for manufacturability and the correct choice of means and methods of control (tests, analysis, measurements).

6 Evaluation of the product in terms of standardization and unification.

7 Evaluation of the product in relation to its compliance with the requirements of ergonomics, technical aesthetics. If necessary, to establish the ergonomic, aesthetic characteristics of the product and for the convenience of comparing various options for these characteristics, material mock-ups are made and (or) electronic mock-ups are developed.

8 Checking options for patent purity and competitiveness, filing applications for inventions.

9 Checking the compliance of options with the requirements of safety and industrial sanitation.

10 Comparative assessment of the options under consideration, questions metrological support of the product being developed (the possibility of choosing methods and means of measurement). The comparison is carried out in terms of product quality (purpose, reliability, manufacturability, standardization and unification, economic, aesthetic, ergonomic). At the same time, one should take into account the design and operational features of the developed and existing products, trends and prospects for the development of domestic and foreign technology in this area.

11 Choice the best option(options) of the product, rationale for the choice; making fundamental decisions; confirmation (or clarification) of the requirements for the product ( specifications, quality indicators, etc.) established by the TOR and the technical proposal, and the definition of technical and economic characteristics and indicators not established terms of reference and technical proposal.

12 Identification on the basis of the accepted fundamental decisions of new products and materials that should be developed by other organizations, drawing up technical requirements for these products and materials.

13 Drawing up a list of work to be carried out at a subsequent stage of development, in addition to or clarification of the work provided for by the TOR and the technical proposal.

14 Elaboration of the main issues of manufacturing technology (if necessary).

15 Preparation of proposals for the development of standards (revision and amendments to current standards) provided for by the TOR at this stage of development.

16 Elaboration of issues that ensure the possibility of using the design documentation in electronic form at subsequent stages of development.

17 Establishment of the features of the options, a comparative assessment of the options under consideration and the choice of the optimal option (options) of the product, it is advisable to carry out on the basis of the functional electronic structure of the product, and the presentation and information of various options for the structure of the product in the form of a constructive electronic structure of the product in accordance with GOST 2.053.

UDC 002:744:006.354

Key words: design documentation, draft design, general view drawing, electronic product model, draft design sheet, draft design explanatory note

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