The service delivery processes in the itil standard include. ITIL is not a project management tool. Too little attention to the ITSM solution

  • 13.04.2020

This article is about ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) - a library excellence the provision of IT services, which has become a de facto standard today - a generally recognized management standard maintenance information systems.

Modern problems of consumption of IT services

Over the past two decades, information technology has had a major impact on business processes in the most different companies. The advent of personal computers, business applications, local and global networks led to radical changes in many areas of business. Under these conditions, the quality of IT services provided to companies is of great importance.

The achievement of business goals by companies today depends to a large extent on the effective application of information technologies and from obtaining high-quality IT services that meet the business goals, requirements and expectations of the customer, while more and more attention has recently been paid not to the development of IT solutions (for example, business applications), but to the management of services to support them, guaranteeing high availability of the solution for end users. At the same time, in the life cycle of IT solutions, their operation accounts for 70 to 80% of the time and financial resources, and only 2-30% of the time and funds are spent on the development (acquisition) and implementation of the product.

Note that today the leaders of many companies are dissatisfied with the quality of IT services provided by their own IT departments. There are many reasons for this. IT projects are far from being always completed within the specified time frame and budget, and post-project support often negates the efforts made to implement projects. The issues of organizing the processing of requests from users and heads of departments by IT departments, introducing changes in the presence of constant operation of existing corporate information systems, efficient use of resources of IT departments - this is not a complete list of problems faced by consumers of IT services. It's no secret that corporate executives often see the IT department as a bottomless pit into which huge amounts of money are thrown, while IT professionals from all other departments often seem like capricious and impatient children demanding immediate miracles.

Addressing these issues requires a structured approach to IT service management to make IT efficient and effective. This approach is called IT Service Management (ITSM), and its main principle is to consider the IT service as a unit that is constantly focused on the needs of its users and solving changing tasks, while quantifying both the level of quality achieved and the resources used is available. This principle of organizing activities is applicable to companies of any size and does not depend on whether the IT service is part of the company or is an external IT service provider.

ITIL library

The history of ITIL began over 20 years ago in the UK. At the time, the United Kingdom was in a severe economic recession and the quality of IT services provided to the British government by various vendors was so poor that the then Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA, now the Office of Government Commerce, OGC) was instructed by the government of this country to develop principles for the efficient and cost-effective use of IT resources in ministries and other public institutions and already on their basis to form an approach to the provision of IT services that does not depend on their supplier. The result of the work carried out was the ITIL library, which brought together the description of the best practices that existed in the IT services industry.

ITIL contains a detailed description of the most important activities in IT work, as well as a complete list of responsibilities, tasks, procedures, process descriptions and action lists that can be adapted to any organization. These descriptions are often used in defining improvement goals for IT organizations and IT departments.

ITIL standards are currently supported by the IT Service Management Forum, ITSMF, whose members are companies and organizations interested in improving the efficiency of IT service delivery.

Today, ITIL has become the de facto standard for describing fundamental IT service management processes. A number of companies based on the ITIL library have created their own structured approaches to IT service management - HP ITSM Reference Model (Hewlett-Packard), IT Process Model (IBM), Microsoft Operation Framework (Microsoft) and many others.

ITIL Library Books

The ITIL library defines the goals and activities and parameters of each of the IT service management processes, but does not contain any specific descriptions of how these processes are carried out, since they can be different in different companies. The purpose of this library is to help plan the most commonly used processes, roles, and activities by identifying the relationships and required interactions between them. Part of the ITIL library philosophy is based on quality standards (such as the ISO-9000 series).

Currently, the ITIL library exists in the form of several books. Two of them, dedicated to the provision and support of services, are considered the most popular - as practice shows, the solution of priority tasks for the implementation of best practices IT service management is implemented according to the recommendations given in these two books.

Provision of services

The ITIL Service Delivery book describes the requirements necessary to deliver IT services. It covers the following IT service management processes:

  • service level management;
  • IT financial management;
  • capacity management;
  • IT service continuity management;
  • availability management.

This book also included a section on information security management, although this area is not directly related to the field of service delivery.

aim service level management is the achievement and implementation of mutually understandable agreements on IT services between their provider and customer. Such agreements should be based on an understanding of the needs of the customer, the capabilities available to the supplier technical means and available financial resources. Service level management issues include optimizing services for delivery to customers affordable prices based on the precise definition of agreements in the service level agreement, monitoring of services, support of services with the help of external providers.

Financial management in IT deals with economic issues related to the provision of IT services, such as emerging costs, accounting for the correlation of costs and revenues with changes in IT infrastructure, forecasting and tracking costs. Financial management increases the awareness of IT management and the company about costs and can be used in the preparation of the IT budget. The same section describes various methods billing for IT services and pricing, as well as various aspects of IT financing.

aim capacity management is to optimize the costs, time of acquisition and deployment of IT resources required to ensure the implementation of agreements with the customer. Capacity management is closely related to other processes such as resource management, performance management, IT demand management, modeling, capacity planning, load management, and sizing of application hardware. One of important aspects capacity management is the planning required to ensure consistent service levels both now and in the future.

Continuity Management IT services is to prepare and plan how IT service providers will behave in emergency situations, this process focuses on the links between all components necessary to protect the business continuity of the company in emergency situations (for example, during disasters), as well as means to prevent such situations . IT Service Continuity Management is the process of planning and coordinating the technical, financial and management resources needed to ensure service continuity after disasters.

Availability Management is a process that ensures that resources are allocated in such a way as to be able to fulfill agreements with the customer. Availability management issues include service optimization and incident minimization (which will be discussed below).

Service support

The ITIL book Service Support describes how a customer can access IT services. This book covers the following areas:

  • Service Desk service;
  • incident management;
  • problem management;
  • configuration management;
  • change management;
  • release management.

With Service Desk, the user contacts the IT service provider. The main tasks of the Service Desk service are registration, resolution and tracking of incidents, as well as receiving requests for changes in the IT infrastructure. Note that a few years ago, such services were called the Help Desk term, although receiving change requests is usually not included in the tasks of Help Desk services.

Process incident management is designed to eliminate the incident (that is, a single case of an appeal regarding the incorrect provision of a service or its absence) and the rapid resumption of the provision of services. Incident logging by the Service Desk is one of the most important components of IT service delivery - the information obtained is used in other ITIL processes, and their effectiveness depends on its quality.

Process problem management(that is, IT infrastructure building errors, often the causes of recurring incidents) is to identify and eliminate them. Once the problem is identified and the cause is identified, a business decision is usually made as to whether or not to make changes to the infrastructure to prevent new incidents, and if so, a change request is submitted.

In this regard, I would like to draw attention to the distinction between incidents and problems (apparently, the distinction between these concepts has become one of the most famous contributions of the ITIL library to the development of IT service management processes). An incident consists of a single failure event and assumes the rapid restoration of service in this particular case. The problem is the cause of incidents and involves some (and not always quick) work to eliminate it.

Configuration management is the control of a changing IT infrastructure, its standardization, monitoring of its status, inventory, verification and registration of its constituent parts (sometimes called configuration items and representing a set of software and hardware), management of IT infrastructure documentation, as well as providing information about IT infrastructure for all other IT service management processes.

Change management is to determine the necessary changes in the IT infrastructure and how to implement them with minimal negative impact on the delivery of IT services, while tracking changes through coordination with the entire company. Changes can be made as a result of customer requests, as a result of problem management, or some other IT service management process. Changes are made according to the developed scheme, including the definition, planning, creation, testing, acceptance final decision about carrying out the change, implementation and evaluation of the result.

The main task release management is to ensure the successful deployment of releases (sets of IT infrastructure components that are jointly tested and implemented). This process ensures that only tested and correct versions of software and hardware are used. Release management is usually used to make changes.

In addition to the above two books, ITIL includes publications on the following issues:

  • IT infrastructure management(given general description methods of organizing the work of the IT service);
  • application management(Considers ensuring compliance software applications business and application life cycle requirements);
  • business perspective(IT infrastructure is discussed in terms of its impact on business development);
  • service management implementation planning, information security management(i.e. protecting IT infrastructure from unauthorized use, assessing, managing and counteracting risks, as well as how to respond to security incidents).

Recently, much attention has been paid IT customer relationship management- it is this process that helps to organize a purposeful and structured interaction between an IT organization that traditionally uses technical approaches to work and customers working on solving the business problems of their enterprise.

The ITIL library also features a book (informally called ITIL Lite) on IT service delivery processes for small businesses.

ITIL library books are available for purchase in both electronic and paper formats (for example, at: The Russian version of these books is currently being prepared by I-Teco.

Why Implement ITIL Processes

Studying the best practices described in the books of the ITIL library helps IT managers, IT professionals and CIOs understand methods by which they can improve the quality of IT services (that is, provide IT services in accordance with business requirements and the needs of each user). ) provided by the IT department or an external IT service provider and put them into practice.

Note that ITIL processes are implemented today by many big companies. Representatives of some of them note that in general, such an implementation made it possible to significantly reduce IT costs (there were statements by a number of companies about saving up to 10% of the annual budget of the entire enterprise), improve the performance of other departments, and also bring the enterprise to a higher level of customer relationships .

Currently, the de facto standard in the field of organization and management of information technology, which summarizes the best international experience, is the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).

The ITIL Library is published by OGC (The Office of Government Commerce) - a British government organization responsible for improving work efficiency state structures Great Britain, as well as for the development of cooperation with private sector companies.

The development and popularization of the Library is supported not only by its publisher (OGC) but also by the independent professional community itSMF (IT Service Management Forum). This non-profit organization unites both individuals, professionals in the field of IT management, and organizations, including vendors. Among the largest corporate members of the Forum (Global members) are Microsoft, SUN, HP and IBM.

The ITIL library was originally the result of the work of the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) under the UK government. In April 2001, the CSTA was merged with the Office of Government Commerce (OGC), which is now the new owner of the ITIL library. OGC's mission is to help UK public sector customers modernize their purchasing activities and improve service delivery by making the most of IT and other tools. "OGC's mission is to modernize government procurement and work to improve the use of funds." OGC promotes the use of "best practices" in various areas of activity (for example, Project Management, Purchasing Management and IT Service Management). OGC produces several book series (libraries) written by UK and international experts representing a range of companies and organizations.

OGC's ITIL library consists of a set of accessible and detailed "Collections of Practice" for delivering efficient and effective IT services.

ITIL Library Books

Each of the books in the ITIL library addresses the issues of a separate part of the structured process framework. They describe what is needed to organize IT Service Management.

The ITIL library defines the goals and activities, inputs and outputs of each of the processes in an IT organization. However, the ITIL library does not provide a specific description of how these activities are carried out, as they may differ in each organization. The emphasis is on a proven approach that can be implemented different ways depending on the circumstances. The ITIL library is not a method; on the contrary, it provides a structured framework for planning the most frequently used processes, roles and activities, defining the links between them and the necessary types of communication.
The creation of the ITIL library was driven by the need to provide high quality services while focusing on Special attention relationship with the customer. The IT organization must honor customer agreements, which means maintaining good relationships with customers and partners such as vendors.

Part of the ITIL library philosophy is based on quality systems such as the ISO-9000 series of standards, and general schemes quality assurance (Total Quality frameworks), as offered by the European Organization for Quality Management (European Foundation of Quality Management - EFQM). The ITIL library supports these systems by providing a clear description of the processes and best practices of IT Service Management. This can significantly reduce the time it takes to complete ISO certification.

Initially, the ITIL library consisted of several sets of books, each of which described a specific area of ​​IT infrastructure maintenance and operation. Ten books were considered the core of ITIL, covering areas such as service support and service delivery. The library also included about 40 other books on ancillary subjects related to IT Service Management, from cabling to Customer Relationship Management. The book manager is used to manage books. However, in the original series of books, IT Service Management was treated primarily from an IT perspective. To fill the gap between business practice and the IT organization, a series of books has been included in the library that addresses the business aspects of IT Service Management. Moreover, certain parts of the ITIL library used a slightly outdated approach at the time.

The core ITIL books have now been re-edited and republished as two books, one on service support and one on service delivery. This eliminated the repetition and occasional inconsistency of earlier series, which improved the structural unity of the publication, which now provides a clearer picture of IT Service Management.

A revision of the entire ITIL publication series initiated since the release of this edition has not yet been completed.

ITIL currently consists of eight volumes:

Service Support
Service Delivery
Planning to Implement Service Management
Application Management
ICT Infrastructure Management
Security Management
Software Asset Management
The Business Perspective: The IS View on Delivering Services to the Business

ITIL paradigm

  • The task of the IT service is to provide the core business with a comprehensive set of information services.
  • Service Level Agreement is an agreed and approved document on the basis of which services are delivered to a business.
  • Service quality is a measurable value.
  • The activity of the IT service is organized on the basis of a process approach

Benefits of ITIL

Management in IT knows several approaches. The main difference between them is priorities. One method focuses on technology (IT Systems Management), the other focuses on services (IT Service Management). The latter is abbreviated as ITSM and is often accompanied by another term: Information Technology Infrastructure Library, or ITIL. In this part of the ITIL series, we will look at the role of best practices in ITSM, as well as take a look at the origins of ITIL and briefly review the methodology.

What came first: ITSM or ITIL?

With regard to the two key concepts of the service approach, the well-known dilemma of the egg and the chicken is applicable - what comes first? To explain the relationship between ITSM and ITIL, Stuart Rance of IT company BMC wrote the article ITSM vs. ITIL: What's the Difference? It begins with a clear demarcation of the scope and the formulation of a key statement: it is impossible to put an conjunction "or" between ITSM and ITIL. And that's why.

If we transfer these concepts to the everyday plane, ITSM can be compared with the approach to the work of a bar, all processes of which are primarily focused on the tastes, preferences and convenience of the client. Then the book about the client approach in the bar business by Jon Taffer, an American consultant and writer, is ITIL.

In other words, ITSM is the way to run an IT business, and ITIL is the best practice. However - and this is important - ITIL is not a recognized standard, but a framework that contains best practices, not step by step instructions mandatory for implementation. According to Steven Weil, Senior Security Consultant at consulting firm Seitel Leeds & Associates, “ITIL does not contain specific, detailed descriptions how the processes should be implemented, as they will be different in every organization. In other words, ITIL tells the business what to do, not how to do it.”

It turns out, according to the meaning inherent in these two concepts, the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bservice-oriented IT first arose, which later became the reason for the emergence of an ordered support system.

Essence of ITSM

The role of ITSM is to serve as a bridge between the development and the user, who can be either a non-technical employee of the organization or a customer.

L.F. Popova in her work “Influence of information technologies on the formation of sustainable development of an enterprise” points to “a reduction in the amount of personnel associated with the collection and processing of information, an increase in the quality and speed of communication” under the influence of information technologies on organizational activity. However, sometimes automation leads to an imbalance in the relationship between departments and other departments (or clients).

In such a situation, IT departments concentrate on technological problems, but at the same time, there are at least two more aspects that affect performance: compliance with the needs of end users (employees and customers who will receive the IT product) and economic efficiency(the optimal cost of selling the product in accordance with the budget).

ITSM focuses on these aspects and brings a better understanding of what the business needs and why, that is, it acts as a foundation for repeatable and scalable processes, and reduces the distance between end users and the IT department. This sets realistic expectations for customers and minimizes delays between the discovery of problems and their resolution.

Thus, ITSM is focused on processes such as supporting and delivering IT services, understanding the current state of IT infrastructure, finding best IT management practices by finding a common language between users and performers, and creating a technology route for business.

ITIL as the basis of ITSM

As noted above, ITIL provides guidelines for implementing ITSM. The IT infrastructure library has a rather interesting origin: its history is closely connected with the British crown. ITIL was developed in the late 1980s by the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) in the UK. The reason for ordering a full set of IT best practices was the low quality of IT services provided to the British government.

Thus, ITIL was designed to improve the service and at the same time reduce the cost of maintenance. ITIL is now a trademark of AXELOS, a joint venture between the UK Government Office and London-based Capita.

/ photo Witizia

As Amanda Fairbrother, an ITIL expert, tells Quora users, the authorities commissioned a study to identify best practices used in 2,500 different organizations - large and small, public and private, in all industries. The result of the work was a set of guidelines for Government Information Technology Infrastructure Management, which formed the basis of the first version of ITIL. It was published in 1989 and had forty volumes. A year later, the library began to spread around the world outside the UK.

In 2001, the world saw ITIL v2, where the focus shifted to the process component (from technical aspects), and the number of volumes was reduced to seven. This was preceded by the use of ITIL foundations by Microsoft in 2000 to create its own methodological model Microsoft Operational Framework (MOF).

In 2007, ITIL v3 was released. The number of volumes was again reduced (to five), and the emphasis was on the life cycle of an IT service: strategy, design, transformation, operation, continuous improvement of services. The main message of ITIL v3 in the current edition was the falsity of the “process for the sake of the process” approach.

The commercial potential of ITIL was widely appreciated in the early 1990s, as a number of private organizations and the British College Public Service received the status of training platforms for ITIL methodology. At the same time certifying commission ISEB, part of the British Computer Society (BCS), has joined the first ITIL certification tests.

Gradually, organizations from all industries, both private and public, began to realize the benefits of ITIL. This was facilitated by the launch by the UK and the Netherlands in the first half of the 1990s of the IT Service Management Forum association with the aim of spreading the methodology in Europe. As of 2016, it has 6,000 members worldwide.

At this stage, a number of companies such as HP, IBM, Procter & Gamble, and DHL began to invest heavily in ITIL. As for the United States, ITIL "got there" relatively late. However, in his study, Mauricio Marrone, Ph.D. in economics, claims that as of 2009, 45% of respondents out of 364 American companies used ITIL and 15% planned to do so.

ITIL today

As already noted, the ITIL methodology includes the following assessment steps life cycle services: strategy, design, transformation, operation, continuous improvement. Strategy is a key element of the ITIL life cycle. It sets the bar for an IT service delivered by an organization. The service strategy, like other stages of the ITIL life cycle, consists of various processes, sets of activities designed to perform a specific task. Each process has inputs, outputs, and outputs to generate change.

Processes also imply a system feedback to evaluate results and improve the quality of services. The end product of this phase is a document that captures the detailed description of the customer's needs, potential market and required services, as well as the main inputs for the service design phase. The strategic phase consists of three main processes: financial management, demand management and service portfolio management (SPM).

Service design is the life cycle stage of a new or modified service that is designed and prepared for the transformation phase. The main task here is the development of the final solution to meet the needs of the business. As Alison Cartlidge of the IT Service Management Forum says, service design should be a holistic process and take into account four factors: people (skills and competencies involved in delivering services), products (technology and management), processes (roles and activities ), partners (manufacturers, developers). At the end, this stage involves the formation of a package of documents, called the Service Design Package (SDP), containing a detailed design specification. The SDP will be the guiding document for choosing a solution during the transformation phase.

In the service transformation phase, the necessary service solutions are implemented, which are designed in accordance with the needs of the business. Here is the planning necessary resources in accordance with the estimated cost and quality. The three main processes in this phase are change management, service asset and configuration management (SACM), and service knowledge management. The remaining four processes deal with change and support planning, and release and deployment management.

As for the operational phase, here the main focus is on the conduct and management of ongoing IT activities. The phase contains many processes to support the efficient and smooth operation of IT services. The focus is on current activities, collecting information and fixing irregular violations. The main processes that form this phase are event management, incident management, problem management, access and service request management.

The last stage of the service life cycle is continuous service improvement. The implementation of this stage is not an easy task, as it requires changes in management, attitudes of the staff and the elevation of continuous improvement to the rank of the main value.

In this way, ITIL leads to the establishment of links between IT and customer needs, which translates into improved service delivery and increased customer satisfaction. This leads to lower costs by increasing the efficiency of resource use. For example, according to a Gartner study, a number of Japanese companies that used the ITIL process were able to reduce the impact human factor in release management by 20% per year and reduce production costs by 30% in three years. In addition, ITIL methods create transparency when working with IT assets and more stable conditions to support constant business changes.

Information technology and enterprise management Baronov Vladimir Vladimirovich

ITIL/ITSM standards

ITIL/ITSM standards

AT modern conditions there is a shift in emphasis in the management of the IT service of the enterprise, due to the fact that in fact the business units of the enterprise consume not information systems, but services (solution of problems and tasks of the business by means of information technology), which should be assessed not only by the functionality provided, but also on the quality of service (see introduction). At the same time, the model of managing the IT service of an enterprise is seriously changing, the service (rather than an information system) becomes the object of management, the goal is to solve a business problem (rather than providing technical capabilities for using IS).

The main ideas of this approach have been embodied in the following standards:

ITIL–IT Infrastructure Library, a project to organize information technology management best practices;

ITSM - IT Service Management, IS service process model.

The original owner of the project was CCTA - Central Computing & Telecommunication Agency (UK). The project is currently owned by OGC - Office of Government Commerce (UK). The Stationery Office (TSO) publishes books outlining ITIL/ITSM standards.

The beginning of the project dates back to the 80s of the last century, and in the late 1980s. the ITIL community was formed as part of the CCTA (OGC). In the 1990s, a library of books of standards was formed and the interest of non-governmental organizations appeared. In the late 1990s ITIL is becoming the de facto standard. Today, the ITIL/ITSM standards consist of 15 books covering all major areas of information technology management, including examples.

ITSM is based on the concepts of service and process. The main differences between IT service management and information systems management are as follows:

The business formulates the requirements for IT services, and the IT service ensures their implementation;

Information systems for the IT service have the status of a resource;

The financial result of an IT service is determined in the traditional way for a business unit: income from the provision of services minus the costs of their development, implementation and maintenance;

Control over the activities of the IT service is carried out on the basis of indicators that have value from the standpoint of the client (using the services);

The transparency of the IT service is ensured by formalizing management procedures in the form of a package of documents that are the regulatory framework for all business processes of the IT service.

Let's dwell on the last point in more detail. Normative base ITIL includes the following documents: a service level agreement (SLA), which regulates the actual services, resources, rights and obligations of the parties; a quality assurance plan that describes possible failures and measures to prevent and eliminate them; an agreement on interaction within the IT service (OLA). The main SLA document contains a list of parties with roles and responsibilities, a catalog of services and a detailed description of each of them (including functional and quality of service requirements), reporting requirements, a description of control mechanisms and dispute resolution.

The transition to the ITIL/ITSM model provides a unified mechanism for assessing, planning, implementing and maintaining IT services, while the formalization of management procedures ensures their transparency.

The ITIL/ITSM standard has the status of a freely distributed model and is today the most popular approach to IT service management. More precisely, it can be defined as a system of views. It is applicable to all sectors and organizations of any size and can be implemented in full or in part, both in canonical and modified form. The ITIL / ITSM standard does not describe organizational units and their functions, but processes, and does not contain quantitative requirements (for example, the number of administrators per number of users) or requirements for the software used.

The standard focuses on users of IT services, on improving communication with the IT department and more effective application in IT business.

All books of ITIL/ITSM standards are labeled "Library of the best international experience in the field of information technology".

ITIL standard

About business prospects (The Business Perspective Set). On the role of information technology for modern business and changing their influence in today's dynamic world;

A selection for managers (Managers Set). On the organization of interaction with clients, planning, organization and control of services, experience in management, quality management;

About the support of services (Service Support Set). All services provided by the IT department to enable the operation of business application services. The hierarchy of criteria for selecting funds to support services is considered;

About the provision of services (Service Delivery Set). Issues related to the provision of services: the conditions for their availability, continuity of provision, cost management, quality assurance, as well as tools for implementing these ideas;

Software support (Software Support Set). Issues of licensing and ensuring the functioning of software;

On the operational functioning of computers (Computer Operations Set). All aspects of the daily operational functioning of equipment and technologies, including guidance on planning and implementing new functional elements;

Strategy for building an environment (Environmental Strategy). Problems of cable infrastructure planning;

About the office environment (Office Environment Set). Issues of the influence of internal office design, planning of workplaces, the role of the human factor and ensuring the quality of work of personnel;

Environment Management Set. Issues of managing power grids, cable infrastructure, reducing acoustic and electromagnetic noise;

Data Management Set. Data management standards and the role of data management in the overall concept of corporate information;

Management of information security (Security Management). The whole range of issues related to ensuring the information security of the organization.

Additional guides (Complementary Guidance) - includes volumes devoted to planning, building and further functioning of the network infrastructure.

Service Support Set - all services provided by the IT department to ensure the functioning of applied business services. A hierarchy of criteria for selecting funds to support services is considered.

ITSM standard

The ITSM model helps to group the business processes of an IT service into the following thematic blocks:

Block of building relationships between IT department and business departments:

- the process of analyzing business needs, the main task of which is to agree on goals and priorities between the business units of the enterprise and the IT service;

- the process of managing clients, defining and coordinating the requirements for specific services required by departments;

– development of an information technology development strategy that organizes an integrated corporate process for the development of information technologies to ensure their compliance with the main goals and needs of the enterprise;

Service delivery block:

- the process of managing the level of service (quality of service), coordinating the specifications for the composition and parameters of the service and the resources provided by the IT service;

- the cost management process, which calculates costs, user prices, and also searches for ways to reduce costs;

– availability management process (time of service provision, depends on IT infrastructure);

– capacity management (performance);

– continuity management (ability to maintain services in emergency situations);

Block of development and implementation of services:

– the process of development and testing, the main task of which is the implementation of the service in accordance with its specifications;

– the commissioning process, which provides the infrastructure for the functioning of the new service and prepares reference manuals, as well as training specialists technical support service;

Services support block:

– user support function (Service Desk);

– an incident management process that ensures the restoration of the service by handling incidents - events that are not part of the normal functioning of the service, leading (potentially) to its failure or decrease in its quality;

– a problem management process designed to eliminate the causes of incidents;

- the change management process, whose tasks are the registration of changes, the resolution and screening of changes, the assessment of the impact of changes on the IT environment, etc.;

– a configuration management process that keeps information system configuration data up to date;

– release management process (introduction of new configuration items).

The main provisions of the standard:

The IT department is just as much a value-added department as the rest of the organization;

The IT department does not provide equipment for use, but provides services necessary for end users, who in this context are preferably referred to as “service consumers”;

It is necessary to move from the relationship of the owner-user of equipment (applications) to the relationship of the buyer-seller of services;

Ways to measure the quality of services provided must be developed: it is impossible to evaluate what cannot be measured;

The quality of the services provided is directly dependent on their cost: high-quality services cannot be cheap, and cheap ones cannot meet the inflated requirements of consumers;

It is impossible to guarantee the quality of the services provided without the implementation of its continuous monitoring and without the timely adoption management decisions for its provision;

In modern complex IT infrastructures, effective quality control of the services provided cannot be carried out without the use of specialized automation tools;

Even the best automation tools cannot function on their own; positive effect will be achieved only in the case of building an integrated control system that provides not only the use of automation tools, but also proper organization interaction of IT personnel among themselves and with representatives of other departments;

When building a single integrated management system, best practices should be taken into account, creatively applying it to each specific situation;

An IT infrastructure management system is not free, its correct implementation requires certain costs. But the opportunities provided at the same time to control and manage the IT infrastructure can significantly cover these costs by improving the quality of IT services and improving the situation for the business as a whole.

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  • Help Desk Software
  • Where to start? From learning the basics of ITIL or from implementing ITSM (service approach) practices and automating them? This question arises in almost every organization, and in most cases the answer to it is given incorrectly - in favor of choosing an automation tool and starting work “in a new way”. Today, ITIL and the service approach are the main language of IT service management. Processes, services, incidents, issues, SLAs, CMDBs, etc. - this is all ITIL terminology, which is used by IT people who have never studied the service approach. You can implement ITSM tools without delving into the intricacies of the methodology, but if you understand what and why you are doing, then the likelihood of success increases significantly. Let's understand how to increase success from the implementation of ITSM solutions?

    “If you automate chaos, you get automated chaos”

    Many are sure that it is only necessary to implement an ITSM product and processes will become more efficient. The problem is that implementing an ITSM solution is not enough, necessary condition A successful ITSM project is the alignment of the work of the IT service in accordance with the ITSM approach.

    The implementation of ITSM tools alone will not improve the performance of your IT service and will not solve your problems. Of course, you will notice some improvements anyway. ITSM tools already contain terminology and some principles of a service approach to IT organization. By using such tools, you wittingly or unwittingly follow some elements of the best practices. For example, when you start using an ITSM solution for registering and collecting requests from users, you thereby create a single center for registering requests, stop losing user requests, track the execution of all registered requests, etc. But all this does not work, as long as the registration of applications is not a mandatory element of work on each appeal, each user. Any improvement in IT service processes with the help of ITSM solutions always refers to a change in the organization of work of employees and users and the ability of people to accept such changes.

    And now we will introduce allITIL!

    If you wish, you can count more than 40 different processes in ITIL books. Typical ITSM solutions offer to automate a much smaller number of processes. For example, ITSM365 automates 10 core processes. However, even among these processes, not all are able to show an immediate result. Many companies should not implement and automate much of their ITIL processes at all. Starting with the wrong process, you may not get a positive result. Don't expect immediate returns from change management, capacity management, SLAs, CMDBs, etc. All of these processes require, at a minimum, a basis of functioning and automated processes operational level and the necessary functions, roles, etc. for this. It is very easy to get frustrated with the ITSM approach and start from the wrong place without getting results. Knowing where to hit is often priceless.

    benefit fromITSMthe whole company receives, not just the IT service

    Any job modern company tied to IT systems - sales, production, accounting, warehouse, logistics, marketing, correspondence, telephony, etc. etc. To one degree or another, all key processes of companies are automated. The work of the entire company directly depends on how the IT service copes with various incidents in these systems. In many cases, every minute of downtime of a critical IT system results in significant lost profits or direct losses.
    ITIL/ITSM contributes to the introduction of the best practices of IT organization into the company, which are guaranteed to work in many companies both in Russia and abroad. The fact that the IT service identifies and implements ITIL processes in its practice already contributes to the improvement of IT performance.
    • We began to register incidents - they stopped being lost, and the time of their closure became more predictable.
    • A problem management process has appeared - you have a reduced number of recurring incidents.
    • You signed an SLA, got to availability management and risk management, so you have to implement backup and disaster recovery solutions.
    ITIL/ITSM offers a model of interconnected processes. Mastering each new process involves changes in the work of the IT service, the emergence of new IT systems and increasing IT maturity. However, in order to move in the right direction, you need to know this direction. By the way, ITSM tools are great for organizing the work of other service departments of the company that are not related to IT.

    Previous failures often lead to critical thinkingITSM-solutions

    A lot of people have already tried to implement one or another ITSM tool. Moreover, there are many free solutions on the market. But many ITSM tools are not ready to use out of the box. It is necessary to involve consultants who adapt the solution to the needs of the company, or a thorough independent study of the product is necessary. If your previous ITSM project ended in failure, then you will be critical of similar projects in the future. Learning the principles of the ITSM approach, as well as choosing a ready-to-use solution such as ITSM365, will help you overcome negative experiences and evaluate the effectiveness of the service approach.

    People need to understand what they are dealing with

    New ways of working often seem counter-intuitive, uncomfortable, and wrong to employees. Breaking away from habitual ways of working is hard, and training will help you accept new organization IT service work.
    Your specialists must understand why using an ITSM solution is convenient and important for them, why the processes are organized in this way and what is behind it. Without understanding the terminology and basics of the ITSM approach by all or at least part of the IT service employees, the effectiveness of IT work automation is significantly reduced. Look at typical user support questions. How often they are caused by the fact that the user does not understand the logic of the program and the principles of organizing information in operating system his computer or the Internet. When an IT specialist does not understand the logic of how programs work, he is no different from a typical user.

    Too little attention toITSM-decision

    An ITSM solution is the central component of IT management in your company. Once you start implementing an ITSM solution, you will never return to the previous state. Your employees need to get used to the new ways of working and training is a great opportunity to understand and embrace new IT organization principles.
    You can't change the way you work in one day. But you can gradually accustom users and employees to the new rules of technical support. But in order to abandon the usual methods of work, it is necessary that the company's management would support these changes. Long training courses for IT employees - a good argument in favor of the seriousness of the approach.

    Not understanding the meaning of your actions, you are trying to do too much at once

    47, 34, 15 and even 10 are too many processes to start with. There are many examples of companies successfully using just 4-5 ITSM processes. It's not about the number of processes, but how effectively each of them is used.
    ITIL/ITSM practices have been created from the experience of large and very large companies. These are hundreds of employees in IT services and thousands of processes that IT manages. Where there are 5-10 IT employees in a company, there is no need to allocate so many processes and roles. Most likely, your company and your IT service are simply not ready for this yet.
    And yet, the fact that you do not manage processes does not mean that they do not exist in your company at all. Mastering the process model that ITIL offers allows you to consciously highlight the processes that should be managed in your company and temporarily ignore what does not yet have a significant impact on the work of your IT service.

    For one scientist they give two non-scientists, and even then they don’t take

    For many IT professionals, the opportunity for professional growth is important, and a company that provides them with conditions for development can count on their loyalty. Training allows you to get new and systematize existing knowledge, make new contacts, unite the team, etc. Having gained an understanding of all ITIL processes, in the future, the employee will be able to cope not only with the usual incidents, but also with something new. It is not surprising that learning ITIL, and even more so obtaining an ITIL Foundation certificate, increases the value of a specialist for a company and its value in the labor market.
    Companies often save on training specialists. Not having a budget is a problem, but we have a solution!

    MasterITILin theory and practice withITSM365

    We are well aware of the risks of implementing an ITSM solution by untrained professionals and the difficulties in obtaining budgets for training in small companies. Therefore, together with IT EXPERT, we offer a unique promotion on the market: until December 15, when paying for a subscription to the service