I opened a household magician in the basement, there are no clients. Personal experience - How I opened a hardware store. List of basic equipment for the store

  • 27.03.2020

Modern hardware stores sell garden supplies, and various household goods. They resemble small supermarkets, which offer a wide range of different products. This line of business is quite promising and profitable. How to open hardware store from scratch, you will learn in this article.

Location and premises

In order for the trade in household goods to be successful, you need to choose the right location for the outlet. Most good option- These are sleeping areas of the city, provided that there is no serious competition. But in mall or a hardware store is pointless, since it is unlikely that any of the visitors will look for a rake or washing powder here. There is also no flow of potential buyers in the private sector who can provide a good trade.

Once you have found a suitable location, you can proceed to the selection of premises. It should have two rooms - a trading floor and a warehouse. The total area of ​​the premises should not exceed 40-50 square meters. meters. Since household goods do not take up much space, you will not need a spacious trading floor. Do not pay money for extra square meters.

Activity registration

Before you open a hardware store, you should settle all legal issues. To conduct this business, one of two organizational and legal forms is suitable - IP or LLC. Submit documents for registration and select the taxation system you are going to work under.

To trade in a household goods store, you need to choose different OKVED codes to easily change the assortment without making requests to the tax office:

  • Code 52.44. 2. For trade in household goods, kitchen utensils, ceramic, glass and porcelain products;
  • Code 52.46.6. Garden equipment, inventory and tools;
  • Code 52.48.31. Detergents and household chemicals;
  • Code 52.48.31. Stationery.

In addition, do not forget to obtain permits from the fire inspectorate and SES.

Where to get start-up capital?

In order to open, you will need impressive financial resources. Starting capital can be saved or borrowed from friends. If you do not have a permanent job, you can register with the employment center and get a loan for small business development.

Entrepreneurs who have solid capital on their hands can purchase a franchise, that is, buy ready business. This is a rather expensive type of activity, providing for large initial investments.

Reading 9 min. Views 65 Published on 09/16/2018

To date, several thousand outlets specializing in household goods have been registered on the territory of the Russian Federation. In every metropolis and provincial town you can find such establishments. This market is characterized by the toughest competition, which is explained by the minimum threshold for entering the market. In order to create successful project in this direction, the entrepreneur needs to study many subtleties of the selected segment. In this article, we propose to discuss the issue of how to open a hardware store from scratch.

Modern household goods stores sell garden supplies, household chemicals and various household goods.

The main risks of opening a hardware store

The product group under consideration consists of detergents, washing powder, personal care products and other products intended for cleaning an apartment or caring for summer cottage. Household supplies are an integral part of modern life. Each housewife has a separate shelf in her house where various bleaches, stain removers and other cleaning products are stored. The use of household chemicals greatly facilitates cleaning and minimizes labor costs. As a rule, most household goods can be purchased at any large shopping center, however, some commodity items may not be available in such point of sale, which leads to the need to visit specialized stores.

If you carefully study this market segment, you can conclude that many outlets are different from each other. Some stores offer their visitors only garden tools, while others only offer household chemicals. As a rule, the breadth of the assortment depends on the area of ​​​​the store and the volume of the budget of its owner. In order to form a large assortment, you will need to prepare for serious financial injections. It should also be understood that fierce competition reigns in this segment. Even on the territory of sleeping areas, you can find several large stores working in this direction.

In order to create profitable business, it is necessary to prepare to work with a narrow audience, covering an area with a radius of no more than five hundred meters.

The main problem in this area is the high competition. In order to entice consumers, the entrepreneur needs to provide his visitors with a rich assortment and low prices. It is very important that the created outlet compares favorably with other stores. Development of a loyalty program for regular customers, quality products and discounts will help attract nearby residents. At the preparatory stage, it is very important to correctly build organizational structure future project. To do this, you need to draw up a business plan, which will take into account all upcoming financial expenses.

Business registration

The first and key step in creating a store is becoming a tax account. In order to reduce the risk of refusal to obtain a permit to trade, it is recommended to contact intermediaries. Today, in every city there are private law firms providing business registration services. Employees of these firms will issue all required documents and will contact tax service. Seeking the help of specialists can significantly reduce the time required to obtain various permits from the control authorities. Having decided to register a business on their own, an entrepreneur needs to apply not only to the tax office, but also to a number of other authorities. Before starting a business, you will need to obtain permits from the fire service, SES and Rospotrebnadzor.

In order for the trade in household goods to be successful, you need to choose the right location of the outlet

When filling out registration forms, the entrepreneur needs to choose one of the organizational forms for the future enterprise. When choosing, you need to be guided by the specifics of the future direction. In addition, the entrepreneur needs to choose one of the tax regimes and codes economic activity. Many experts in this matter recommend specifying several code values. This step will allow to change the range in the future by adding new commodity items.

In order to collect the necessary package of documents, a period of six months may be required. You can reduce time costs by contacting intermediaries, but the cost of their services can exceed fifty thousand rubles. At this stage, it is very important to choose a name for the future store, which will be included in the registration documents. The chosen name should attract potential customers and arouse interest in visiting the outlet. Having completed the registration of a business, the entrepreneur should proceed to the next stages of organizational work.

How to open a store

So, let's consider the question of how to open a hardware store from scratch. At the end of the registration procedure, the entrepreneur needs to contact the control authorities in order to receive a list of requirements for the outlet itself. Based on these requirements, you need to choose the property where the future store will be located.

Room selection

Before you start choosing a property, you should carefully evaluate nearby competitors. This step will allow you to find out about the products in demand, commercial equipment, which will need to be purchased and many other nuances. Choosing a specific location for a hardware store is one of the important stages of a business. It is very important to choose densely populated areas where there is a high traffic of people passing by. The best place to organize such a point is a bus stop or the intersection of several busy streets.

To organize a hardware store, you will need an area of ​​\u200b\u200b70 square meters. The selected room must be divided into several separate zones:

  • shopping room;
  • warehouses;
  • staff lounge.

Renting a space with a suitable layout will significantly reduce the cost of holding repair work. Some entrepreneurs rent sites in large shopping malls and supermarkets. This step will significantly increase the number of potential customers. However, as a rule, most of these places are already occupied by competitors. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to the area of ​​new buildings, where this niche can be practically empty.

To conduct this business, one of two organizational and legal forms is suitable - IP or LLC

Purchase of equipment

Equipment trading floor no different from the equipment of other outlets. To place the assortment, open showcases, racks and hanging shelves are used. When choosing such structures, it is very important to evaluate their strength and reliability. In addition, you will need to purchase special carts and baskets to move bulky goods. In the center of the trading floor, you can equip a rotating showcase where goods will be displayed at a discount.

In order to avoid product theft, it is recommended to install internal and external cameras, as well as an alarm. Some entrepreneurs, limited in budget, purchase special dummies that are installed on the trading floor. This step saves a lot cash and prevent theft.

Product filling

The profitability of the outlet depends on the number of presented assortment. At the first stage, you need to order a hundred different items . It is best to choose those products that are often used in everyday life.. The formation of such an assortment is a guarantee of obtaining a stable turnover. As a rule, hardware stores offer their customers the following products:

  • household chemicals;
  • kitchen utensils;
  • garden tools;
  • disposable tableware.

When forming the assortment, it is very important to find reliable suppliers that can provide all the necessary products. The subsequent activity of the store depends on the choice of counterparties. Many large wholesale networks provide their customers with advertising booklets and posters. Such demonstration and promotional materials can be invaluable and attract additional clients. You can also buy all required item in the wholesale market. As practice shows, many domestic entrepreneurs use this method of replenishing the assortment.


The number of personnel required to organize stable work depends on the area of ​​​​the premises and the size of the client flow. With a floor area of ​​fifty square meters, it is enough to hire two salesmen who will act as consultants. It is best to choose those people who have practical experience in this field. Each person applying for this position must be able to convince clients and work with objections. special attention deserve the personal qualities of applicants.

In addition, you will need a person who will take over the formation of tax reports and interaction with other regulatory authorities. When choosing an accountant, you should analyze in detail seniority worker. Some entrepreneurs, in order to save money, choose people who work part-time.

An important step on which the success of your business largely depends is the assortment of a hardware store.


A business plan for a hardware store should contain a fully formed marketing policy. . It must be understood that the allocation of a large budget for advertising in this case is inappropriate. To attract consumer attention, it is enough to organize the distribution of promotional materials and place several billboards close to the store.

Booklets and flyers should be colorful and contain important information for customers. They can indicate the exact location of the outlet and list the available commodity items. The main advertising tool is a store sign, which should attract the attention of people passing by the outlet.

Opening (launch) of the store

Running a hardware store is one of the most difficult stages. The entrepreneur needs to decide which customer acquisition method will be used on opening day. Many experts in this area recommend abandoning large-scale events. Carrying out such events is advisable only when organizing a large supermarket or when placing it in a shopping center.

It is more expedient to spend the budget on decorating the entrance group balloons and flowers. In the first week after the launch of the project, it is necessary to provide discounts to each buyer. You can set both a single discount and select specific product groups. All customers need to distribute discount cards that will motivate them to re-visit the outlet.

Profitability of trade

As practice shows, to open a hardware store, an entrepreneur needs to have an amount equal to one million rubles. Most of this amount will be spent on renting premises, purchasing commercial equipment and the initial assortment. The remaining funds should be used to form a salary fund and cover monthly expenses.

In the first few months after opening, the entrepreneur must himself act as a seller. This step will allow you to learn about the most popular products, the nature of consumer demand and other nuances. Such a step allows you to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the created business. In the first months of work, it is very important to establish feedback with every client. It is imperative to find out their opinion about the outlet itself and the products presented. Creating such a connection will allow not only to identify all the shortcomings from the point of view of customers, but also to launch the word of mouth effect.

As practice shows, the size of the average monthly profit of hardware stores is about half a million rubles. Achieving this target will require a large customer base. In most cases, in the first months of work, the created store brings only losses. It is possible to reach the point of self-sufficiency of the project only six months after the opening.

Having chosen this field of activity for your business, you should analyze the pros and cons of the project

Conclusions (+ video)

When compiling a business plan for a hardware store, an entrepreneur must take into account many different factors. The main advantage of this business is that most of the goods have a long shelf life. This factor can significantly reduce the item of production costs associated with the disposal of damaged products.

In contact with

Many people think that the hardware store is a relic of the past. But actually it is not. Such stores are still popular, especially in small towns. In megacities, hardware stores have evolved into construction supermarkets, but even here there are small shops with everything you need in sleeping areas and near public transport stops. Let's see - is it profitable to keep such a store?

common data

What is usually sold in household goods? Everything you might need in your home. These are various household chemicals, dishes, utensils, building materials, garden tools, tools and much more.

In the hardware store you can buy everything you need for the house and garden

AT good shops You can always find a lot of useful things for the house. The range may be limited only by the size of the room. A classic household goods store has an area of ​​50 m2 and is divided into a sales area, a warehouse and a utility room for staff.

How to register

Let's figure out how to open a hardware store from scratch in own city. In order to officially register your business, you should contact the nearest tax office. You can choose one of the following forms of doing business:

  1. Sole Proprietorship (Preferred).
  2. Limited Liability Company.

You will also need to choose a taxation system (UTII, STS).

Note:when registering, please indicate maximum amount OKVED codes - this will give you the opportunity to expand the range without any problems.

Be sure to register the following codes:

  1. 52.44.2 — retail household goods.
  2. 52.46.6 - retail sale of gardening and garden tools.
  3. 52.48.31 - sale of soap, shampoos, hair sprays, washing powders, bleaches, wallpaper and linoleum.
  4. 52.47.3 - trade in stationery.
  5. 52.48.39 - other non-food products.
  6. 52.42.6 - tights, socks, stockings.

How to choose a room

You can choose a separate building for a store, or rent part of an existing one. It is best to open stores in residential areas - people will buy the tools they need, powder and toilet paper not in the center, but close to home. You can open a similar department in a grocery supermarket.

It is better to open a household goods store in small town and the private sector

Trade can be conducted in two ways - from closed counters and from open ones (as in a supermarket). The second option raises sales by 20-30%, but you will need to spend money on video surveillance. You can also lay out large goods for free access, and put any small things in the windows. This will save you from theft and improve the sale.

Necessary equipment

You will need some sturdy shelving and display cases to display your merchandise. They can be placed around the perimeter or force the entire area with parallel shelving. The cash register can be placed at the exit (if you have a supermarket system) or near one of the walls of the store in classic work. You will also need shelving for the warehouse and various cabinets with drawers.

Who will be your client?

Men over the age of 25 usually go to such stores (they come for a specific product, usually small construction items). They buy screws, faucets, tools, lamps, light switches, carriers, and everything else needed for the home.

Also, these stores are often visited by women over the age of 35. They buy dishes, household goods, fertilizers, seeds, wallpapers, clothes, garden tools, etc. Young people practically do not go to such stores (only targeted purchases).

How to fill the windows

What to trade in a household store? You should have a rich assortment:

  1. Various kitchen utensils, dishes, spoons, forks, knives, sets, plates, dishes, rocking chairs, boards and more.
  2. Home cleaning products: buckets, detergents and disinfectants, brooms, mops, gloves, garbage bags, bathroom and toilet products.
  3. Household tools: screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, electrical tape, brushes, screwdrivers, grinders.
  4. Electrical goods: sockets, switches, cables, light bulbs, ceiling lamps, batteries, flashlights.
  5. Building materials (especially if the private sector is nearby): cement, self-tapping screws, building mixtures, slate, metal, fittings, etc.
  6. Plumbing: various faucets, adapters, hoses, shower heads.
  7. Household chemicals.
  8. Stationery.
  9. Textile.

You can also increase profits with seasonal products. For example, on the eve of the new year, add Christmas decorations, garlands, tinsel, sledges, crackers, candles, sparklers to the assortment. In the spring, focus on fertilizers, tools, seeds, soil for flowers. In summer, charcoal bags, portable barbecues, beach balls, circles and vests for children, masks and snorkels are popular.

Large assortment - a guarantee of good revenue

Where to get goods

Nowadays, this is not a problem - in many cities there are large wholesale bases that will sell you anything. True, you usually need to make purchases from them every month for a certain amount, but with the right work, you can easily take the barrier they set. You can also search for suppliers on the Internet - most of them have their own sales representatives who will deliver goods to you as needed.

Store launch

Be sure to spend advertising campaign before opening, make a good sign and start handing out leaflets in the place where you open. Try to act in such a way that your customers become regular - introduce a discount system, provide discounts to pensioners. Sellers must be polite, helpful and understand the product being sold.


It's time to make a little hardware store business plan, to evaluate its profitability. To launch such a store with a trading floor area of ​​​​50 m2, about one million rubles is needed (equipment, registration, purchase of goods, rent for the first couple of months, wages for two sellers). The standard markup on household goods averages 65% (on small items up to 300%, on large items - 15-20%). The monthly revenue of such a store is about 350-400 thousand rubles with net profit at 60-70 thousand. That is, in order to recoup all investments, you will need about a year and a half, which is a good indicator for a store.

In contact with

One good client can fully recoup the cost of advertising, even if you invested $10,000 in it (Jim Rohn)

All businessmen want their own business to be profitable and promising. Most businessmen choose to open a store as the basis for their business. Today, in every big locality there are many supermarkets and small shops with a similar range of goods, so the competition among them is very high. Because of the great competition, profits are shared by all. A store selling household chemicals is one of the options for starting your own business.

The advantage of this business is that all people use washing powders, soaps, detergents and a variety of personal care products.

We can say that the demand for these goods not only does not fall, but also increases. If you want to open a business in this particular direction, then you need to study consumer demand, select reliable suppliers, and prepare a high-quality business plan for a store selling household chemicals.

Choosing a shop space

The main factor in the success of such a chemical goods store is its location. Quite often, large supermarkets, which offer a wide range of similar products, are located in the centers of sleeping areas, so it is more profitable for you to open a store in the city center.

In order to pick best option To open a chemical goods store, we suggest using the following criteria:

  1. Focus on choosing a place with a large client flow. You can sublease a ready-made store or a place in a shopping center.
  2. If your neighbors will sell food, you will need to issue a permit for the sale of household chemicals and make zoning of the premises.
  3. Look carefully within a radius of one kilometer to see if there are any serious competitors.
  4. Choose a room for the store from sixty square meters so that you can freely place all the goods.

Purchase of equipment for the store

Also pay great attention to the purchase of equipment for the store. The equipment does not have to be new, you can take already used before. The main thing is that it is reliable and durable.

It is desirable that the surface of the equipment is not susceptible to chemistry, so that you do not have to change it if any agent is spilled. The most suitable option is equipment with glass surfaces.

List of basic equipment for the store:

  • Rack in which the cash register and a box for storing money are located;
  • Various racks and glass showcases located along the area of ​​the room;
  • Necessary furniture, office equipment.
  • The assembly of furniture must be of high quality, since packs of household chemicals are quite heavy goods.
  • It would be best to hire the appropriate team for quality assembly.


In fact, even the director can stand behind the counter and trade. But in the field of sales, due to high competition, the quality of customer service is highly valued. Therefore, in order to increase the number of customers and the loyalty of regular customers, it is better to hire four sellers. You also need to prepare tax reports, accruals wages staff will need a qualified accountant.

Advertisement for a shop selling household chemicals

In order for your store to consistently generate income, you need to prepare a high-quality advertising campaign.

In order for more and more new customers to come to you, your advertising must be published systematically.

  • Internet (accommodation in in social networks, on bulletin boards);
  • Radio advertising;
  • Advertising on local TV.

And now you can develop and implement marketing campaign, the task of which is to increase the customer base, and hence the increase in the number of sales.

Here are examples of organizing such campaigns in stores selling household chemicals:

  1. All buyers who make a purchase worth more than one thousand rubles receive a valuable prize.
  2. All buyers who have made a purchase in the amount of more than five hundred rubles receive a lottery coupon. The coupon can contain the name of the gift or indicate the percentage of the discount on the purchase.
  3. Issuance of discount cards to regular customers.

Product range

To avoid buying low-quality goods, household chemicals should be purchased only from trusted suppliers or from representatives of the manufacturer. It is imperative to conclude an agreement with the supplier, in which the following points are indicated: the quality of the goods supplied, the range of goods, prices, delivery times, terms and methods of payment.

A store selling household chemicals should offer customers an assortment of the following household products:

  • various types of cleaners and detergents;
  • washing gels and powders;
  • shampoos, conditioners, hair care masks;
  • mouthwashes, toothpastes and toothpowders;
  • means for personal hygiene;
  • creams, gels, shaving lotions;
  • brushes, shoe care creams;
  • and other goods.

The store should present goods for consumers from different segments of the population. If you sell only branded and expensive brands for wealthy customers, then the rest of the buyers will go to your competitors. For good customer traffic, you must offer them a rich assortment, more than one thousand items of goods.

The cost of opening a store selling household chemicals

Shop income

A household chemicals store with a sales area of ​​two hundred and fifty meters should generate an income of two million rubles a year from the sale of household goods.


The exit of the household chemicals store to the break-even point should be carried out ten to twelve months after the opening. And then it will make a profit.

A profitable and successful business is guaranteed to you if you correctly think over the business plan of the chemical store, organize the work of the store in a high-quality manner, and responsibly approach the choice of conscientious suppliers and quality goods.

The market economy in Russia has become a completely natural business process, an integral part of which is growing competition. It works as the main business settlement process. It used to be that competition was practically non-existent, but now it is important indicator successful business. Increased consumer activity, a fairly stable demand for a wide range of goods and services raises the question for entrepreneurs to improve the implementation mechanisms, to improve the performance of the goods offered, to improve the quality of service. In a word - the question of the sale of competitive goods and services. It is required to solve the problems of increasing the competitiveness of your enterprise and increasing turnover. Consider the issue of competitiveness in a specific situation - when creating a hardware store.

Competition, how to deal with it?

In order for a hardware store to make a profit, it is necessary to attract a lot of visitors, it means to have advantageous characteristics, to increase competitiveness. Increasing traffic to your store will ensure survival in modern conditions among entrepreneurs, and the ability to correctly present the goods, choose the best pricing policy, anticipate customer requests, make your shop prosperous.

A household goods store, as a business, is very interesting and profitable option, built on the goods necessary for everyday life of a person. Every day, people shop for the little things they need in everyday life in hardware stores. Everything is used, from household chemicals to any tool. And all this can offer a hardware store.

Hardware stores have always been and will be in demand. Based on this, this project should be successful and can be considered a promising undertaking. Of course, there is no escape from the difficulties, questions may arise with the opening of the store in the future with its promotion.

Opening a hardware store

At the first stage, it will be difficult to obtain a package of documents, the list of which may differ in different regions of Russia. For a solution to this issue, you can contact a specialist to save your time, but you will have to fork out a little. And if you feel that you can handle it yourself, feel free to proceed.

After registration, you need to choose a room in which the store will actually be. It is better that it be a one-story building, or rent a place in a shopping center. If this is a large store with a variety of goods, the best option is to make it self-service, but if it is a store with low turnover and is located in a small area, it will be more convenient with a counter.

You should worry in advance about the availability of an assortment line, about attractive promotions, bonuses that are usually organized for the opening. Suppliers are often accommodating in such matters. It is also necessary to arrange all goods as rationally and efficiently as possible. Every detail matters.

How to attract visitors

Is there a similar store near you? Don't lower your priorities. The product will not be affected by demand if you have a wide range of products in stock, and their regular uninterrupted supply to the store. It is important to place the goods on the shelves and their variety. Different categories of goods must be combined into groups and subgroups, for greater convenience of buyers. The presence of domestic and imported goods in different price categories will not hurt. As you know, imports will cost more, as more time, effort and, accordingly, money are spent on delivery. Prices for goods should be stable and with a slight markup, because the demand from buyers directly depends on how democratic they are (in practice, the margin on a number of goods can exceed 200%).

Where to get money to start own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

An important role is played by the interior of the room, there should be special showcases and racks. The interior and exterior of the store must match. There should be harmony in the store, pushing the buyer to purchase not only the planned goods, but also to “tasty look”. That is, by increasing the percentage of spontaneous purchases, you increase the level of turnover and profitability.

As for the supply of goods, you should not take the goods in large quantities, although they do not belong to the category of "perishable". Demand for stale goods is only decreasing. You don’t need this, because the business is worth it, the money should “spin”. Bought - sold, received a benefit, bought again - sold, received a benefit. In general, the movement of goods is the basis of profit. The best option will purchase goods in small lots and from several suppliers. This will protect against supply disruptions and prevent the appearance of empty shelves and racks.

The range of household goods includes gardening tools: shovels, villas, rakes, choppers, stretchers, carts, and so on. All kinds of tools for the home: hammers, axes, nails, screws, door locks and the like. Household chemicals: washing powders, dish detergents, shampoos and many, many things. In total, there should be about 1000 items of goods.

Sleeping seller - bankruptcy of the company

And, of course, you can’t do without staff in your store. These are qualified salespeople or, as they are now called sales managers. The seller must know the entire list of accepted goods, tell about it, if the buyer wants it, and quickly navigate the assortment.

Often visitors pass by the store where the staff does not know how to properly behave with customers. You should pay more attention to this. Here we are not talking about the banal imposition of what comes to hand, but about real professionalism.

Order in everything

A clear workflow organization system is necessary even in small store. Documentation and organization of the accounting system should be clearly regulated, and the warehousing of goods should be systematized. In order to avoid unexpected loss of goods during the inventory, it is necessary to properly organize the working space and storage room, a place for storing documents must be equipped.

Advertising does not have to be expensive - the main thing is effective. The purpose of advertising is to convey to a potential buyer information that a store has opened (with its name), high-quality and inexpensive goods for household needs are available. For example: “An inexpensive store has opened. Everything for the home”, describe some products and indicate prices, print flyers, arrange a presentation or a festive opening.

If you have not forgotten, we live in a world of new technologies, and the Internet will become a good assistant in the creation and distribution of advertising. If you yourself cannot create and promote a site, then there are specialists for this, they will provide you with this service for a certain amount of money.