How to calculate the planned profit. The concept of estimated, planned, actual profit. Gross Profit Calculation

  • 22.05.2020

The calculation of the planned profit (P) is carried out according to the formula:

P \u003d (O × C) - (O × C),

where O is the volume of output in the planned period in physical terms;

C - price per unit of production (net of VAT and excises);

C is the total cost of a unit of production.

Profit on commodity output (Ptp) is planned on the basis of the cost estimate for the production and sale of products, which determines the cost of commodity output of the planned period:

Ptp \u003d Tstp - Stp,

where Ctp is the cost of commodity output of the planned period in current selling prices (excluding VAT, excises, trade and sales discounts);

Stp - full cost marketable products planned period.

It is necessary to distinguish the planned amount of profit per commodity output from the profit planned for the volume of products sold. Profit on products sold (Prp) in general terms is calculated by the formula:

Prp = Vrp - Srp,

where Vrp is the planned revenue from the sale of products in current prices (excluding VAT, excises, trade and marketing discounts);

CRP - the full cost of products sold in the coming period.

In more detail, the profit from the volume of products sold in the planned period is determined by the formula:

Prp \u003d Mon + Ptp - Pok,

where Mon - the amount of profit of the balance of unsold products at the beginning of the planning period;

Ptp - profit from the volume of output of marketable products in the planned period;

Pok - profit from the balance of unsold products at the end of the planning period.

This calculation method is applicable to the enlarged direct method of profit planning, when it is easy to determine the volume of products sold in prices and at cost.

38. Distribution of profits in the enterprise.

The object of profit distribution is the balance sheet profit of the enterprise. Under its distribution is understood the direction of the enterprise. Legislatively, the distribution of profits is regulated in that part of it that goes to the budgets. different levels in the form of taxes and other obligatory payments. Determining the directions of spending the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise, the structure of the articles of its use is within the competence of the enterprise.

The principles of profit distribution can be formulated as follows:

    profit received by the enterprise as a result of production, economic and financial activities, distributed between the state and the enterprise as an economic entity;

    profit for the state goes to the relevant budgets in the form of taxes and fees, the rates of which cannot be arbitrarily changed. The composition and rates of taxes, the procedure for their calculation and contributions to the budget are established by law.

    the amount of the enterprise's profit remaining at its disposal after paying taxes should not reduce its interest in increasing the volume of production and improving the results of production, economic and financial activities.

    the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise is primarily directed to accumulation, which ensures its further development, and only in the rest - to consumption.

At the enterprise, net profit is subject to distribution, i.e. profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise after paying taxes and other obligatory payments. Sanctions paid to the budget and some off-budget funds are collected from it.

The distribution of net profit reflects the process of formation of funds and reserves of the enterprise to finance the needs of production and the development of the social sphere.

In modern economic conditions, the state does not establish any standards for the distribution of profits, but through the procedure for presenting tax benefits, it stimulates the direction of profits for capital investments of an industrial and non-productive nature, charitable purposes, financing of environmental measures, etc. The size of the reserve fund of enterprises is legally limited, the procedure for forming allowance for doubtful debts.

The distribution of net profit is one of the areas of intra-company planning, the significance of which in the conditions market economy increases. The procedure for the distribution and use of profits at the enterprise is fixed in the charter of the enterprise and the provision is determined, which is developed by the relevant divisions of economic services and approved by the governing body of the enterprise. In accordance with the charter, enterprises can draw up cost estimates financed from profits, or form special-purpose funds: accumulation funds (production development fund or production and scientific and technological development fund, fund social development) and consumption funds (material incentive fund).

The estimate of expenses financed from profits includes expenses for the development of production, social needs of the workforce, material incentives for employees and charitable purposes.

All profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise is divided into two parts. The first increases the property of the enterprise and participates in the process of accumulation. The second characterizes the share of profit used for consumption. At the same time, it is not necessary to use all the profits allocated for accumulation in full. The rest of the profit not used to increase the property has an important reserve value and can be used in subsequent years to cover possible losses and finance various expenses.

Retained earnings in a broad sense, and retained earnings of past years indicate the financial stability of the enterprise, the availability of a source for further development.


Forecasting the amount of profit for the next reporting period helps to predict possible risks in the production and tax spheres. This gives a chance to objectively assess the upcoming material costs, the ability of existing technological capacities to produce the desired volume of products. Based on the planned indicators, preliminary calculations can be made on the options for changing the pricing policy.

Profit planning methods

Budgeting of profit and its components can be carried out in the short and long term. In the first case, we are talking about operational forecasting, which is performed quarterly. For a long period, planned indicators are calculated by years (this is the current type of planning).

The advantages of the operational type of forecast are its maximum accuracy, the disadvantage is the lack of a large set of tactical maneuvers in activities and the limited display of the overall financial picture. Current forecasts for the coming year are convenient in that they allow you to adjust the economic development plan of the enterprise, but the error will increase with the lengthening of the analyzed period.

The following methods of profit planning are used in the budgeting and management accounting system:

  1. Direct account method.
  2. Assortment forecasting technique.
  3. normative method.
  4. Extrapolation.
  5. Analytical method of budgeting.

The use of the direct counting method is relevant for enterprises working with a small range of products. This option allows you to predict the potential level of profitability for the coming reporting period with a minimum error. One of the key conditions for using the methodology is the absence of significant price and sales fluctuations. The calculation formula looks like:

Profit forecast = The amount of planned profit from sales, operating, non-sales activities - Taxes.

Taxes in the formula are represented by VAT and excises. Profit from sales for substitution in calculations is determined as the difference between the planned value of revenue and the forecast level of full cost, taking into account the value of unsold balances.

Assortment-based profit planning is a subspecies of the direct counting methodology. The formulas are the same, but with the division of all indicators by type of product. The method has high accuracy, but is extremely laborious.

Practical application of the rules normative methodology typical for situations where maximum accuracy is needed and there is a margin of time to create a base in the form of reasonable standards. At the preliminary stage, it is necessary to calculate:

  • profit rates in relation to the assets of the enterprise;
  • attributable standard value of profit for each unit of sold products;
  • profitability ratios linked to equity capital.

The implementation of the forecasting method using extrapolation involves a detailed analysis of performance indicators for previous years. Fluctuations are identified for each period, and the factors that caused the deviations are searched for. Based on the information obtained by comparing the identified set of factors, a plan of income and costs for the future period is drawn up.

The analytical forecasting technique is typical for industries with a large range of goods. Profit in the future is displayed without reference to a specific type of product, but in general for the enterprise. Planning stages:

  1. Calculation of the basic profitability indicator (for the current year, taking into account the planned indicators for the last months of the period) according to the formula:

Profit forecast for the current period / total cost for the entire current period.

  1. Derivation of production volume and profit planning.
  2. Conducting multivariate analysis to reduce the percentage of errors.

Profit planning by example

In November, the company began work on forecasting profits for the next reporting year. Initial data:

The value of the current year (taking into account the forecast for November and December), rub.

The value of the forecast for the next year, rub.

Volume of sales

Full cost

Sales Growth Plan

Operating costs

The calculation by the direct counting method is carried out in two stages:

  1. The profit from sales according to the plan is determined, in the example it is equal to 209,819 rubles. (432 572 - 222 753).
  2. The profit of the planning period is displayed, it is equal to 219,258 rubles. (209 819 + 1011 - 720 + 53 700 - 44 552).

The analytical technique requires more calculations. At the first stage, the basic profitability is determined:

(387,005 - 201,011) / 201,011 x 100% = 92.5%.

The next step is to derive the full cost, taking into account the planned sales growth for the next year:

  • 201,011 x 7% = 14,070.77 rubles;
  • 201,011 + 14,070.77 = 215,081.77 rubles

215,081.77 x 92.5 / 100 = 198,950.64 rubles

After these calculations, factor analysis impact on forecast figures various situations. For example, the cost included in the plan differs from the calculated indicator, taking into account the growth in sales by 7,671.23 rubles. (222,753 - 215,081.77). For this amount, it is necessary to change the forecast value of profit in the direction of decrease.

The word "profit" contains all the importance and expediency of the activities of any business entity.

It is very good for the enterprise if this value is positive. It denotes the success and competent management of leaders. But if a negative value is obtained in the calculation of profit, then the enterprise is unprofitable, and the administration of the enterprise made mistakes in production plans.

Profit appears at the time of sale of products. Its indicator is characterized by the difference between the price of the product sold and the costs that were required to manufacture it. How to correctly determine profit in order to take into account all costs in the calculations? This is what today's conversation will be about.

What is profit from the sale of products and how is it formed?

During the sale of its products, the company receives revenue. So, if we subtract from the amount of money received from the sale all the costs invested in production activities for their manufacture, then as a result we get a value or, as it is also called, gross income from sales finished products.

In practice, one distinguishes several types of income:

  • accounting;
  • clean;
  • economic.

Profit accounting means the amount received as a result of subtracting from the proceeds the expenses spent on the production of sold products, to which income or expenses from non-operating operations are still added or withdrawn. Net profit is obtained by subtracting from the accounting total amount of tax fees on sales. And the third kind economic profit calculated by subtracting the cost of production from the revenue.

Profit from products is planned before the beginning of the reporting period. The basis is the results of the analysis of the previous activities of the enterprise and other factors that affect the formation of the price of manufactured commercial products.

Why is it necessary to calculate this indicator

The profit indicator is an assessment of the efficiency of the entire enterprise. The higher this value, the more successful the execution of all production tasks and more economical expenditure of funds for the performance of production tasks. Therefore, each reporting period, a profit determination is made.

After the end of each reporting period, it is necessary to compare the profit indicator with its values ​​for previous periods. The conclusion will be as follows: if there is an increase in the last values, then it means that production activity carried out effectively. If this is not observed, or even worse, the amount of profit has decreased, then it is urgently necessary to analyze all stages of production and carry out marketing research. Otherwise, it waits.

Calculated in terms of profit in relation to costs. A percentage in the range of 8-10% indicates the good work of the organization. If the value is lower, then it is necessary to reduce the cost of production and consider what activities will increase profits.

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Methods for calculating the indicator

In economics, there are several methods for calculating the amount of profit received for product release:

  1. Direct calculation method;
  2. Obtaining the amount of income per unit of costs;
  3. Analytically.

Let's consider each in more detail.

Direct Count Method

This method is used under the condition that the company produces a small range of products with a constant cost.

The calculation is made separately for each type of goods based on the following indicators:

  • the parameter of the planned volume of production for a particular type of nomenclature;
  • the planned amount of costs for the manufacture of one product - the cost;
  • the estimated selling price of 1 piece of goods.

Example 1

Initial data:

  1. The cost of the product at the planned cost is 10 rubles;
  2. The planned selling price of a piece is 12 rubles;
  3. The production capacity allows to carry out 500 pieces per month.

The sequence will be like this:

  • We determine the profit of selling a unit of goods by subtracting the cost of manufacturing (cost) from its price:
    12 - 10 \u003d 2 rubles.
  • We calculate the planned profit from the total volume of goods that the enterprise will release in a month by multiplying the number obtained in the first action by the entire volume:
    2x500 = 1000 rubles

Thus, the general planned profit should be 1000 rubles.

Calculation of profit for 1 ruble of costs

This method is used to clarify the amount of profit per 1 ruble of costs, taking into account the entire volume of products. Usually it is not used to refine this value by specific types products.

To get the desired number you need to know the parameters:

  • planned production costs;
  • how much revenue was received in the previous period from the sale of finished products;
  • how much money is expected to be received from the sale of manufactured products.

To calculate the revenue part and set a stable selling price, you need to calculate the profit from 1 rub. costs in the manufacture of commercial products.

First, determine the profit for the previous reporting period received from the sale of a unit of production according to the formula:

P \u003d F - S, rub.,
P - profit;
F - wholesale price;
S is the cost of production.

The next step is to determine how profitable the work of the entire enterprise was.

To do this, calculate the ratio of net profit to the cost per 1 unit of production:

Ren= P/S*100 (%)

If this figure exceeds 10%, then the company is considered profitable.

Value profit for every ruble spent is determined by the following formula:

where S is the cost;
C - the cost of 1 piece when selling.

All these values ​​show not only the main profit of the enterprise, but also its percentage ratio to the production costs, which should be at least 10%. Then the profitability of production is estimated as very good.

Example 2

Initial data:

  1. the amount of costs per 1 rub. manufactured product in the reporting period will amount to 90 kopecks;
  2. it is planned to carry out a general release of goods in the amount of 10 thousand rubles;
  3. an economy mode was introduced to reduce costs by 1 rub. products in the amount of 5 kopecks. for every piece.

What profit will be received from 1 rub. costs?

We define, first of all, amount of planned costs at the cost of manufacturing 1 rub. products, taking into account the introduced economy mode:

90 - 5 = 85 kopecks

It turns out that for 1 ruble of products at a selling price, production needs to spend 0.85 rubles, which is called the planned cost.

Since it is planned to manufacture goods worth 10 thousand rubles in total, then total cost will be:

0.85 x 10000 \u003d 8500 rubles.

Now we can determine the amount profit provided full sale products :

10000 -8500 = 1500 rubles

Conclusion: for 1 ruble of finished products, the costs will be 0.85 kopecks, while the profit will be equal to 0.15 kopecks. This method of calculating the receipt of planned profit from the sale of products is quite accurate. But its disadvantage is that it is not possible to identify the influence of specific factors on the amount of profit and their change.

Analytical method

This technique is used not only to determine the overall profit margin, but also to analyze all the factors that affect the manufacture and sale of products.

These include:

  • assortment and quality of products;
  • volumes of goods produced;
  • cost of production;
  • indicators of wholesale cost;
  • profitability.

It is very important that this method makes it possible to assess the impact of various factors on the income side and at the same time take the necessary measures to maintain it at the proper level and increase it.

It is used to determine future profits in two ways: for comparable and incomparable products.

The difference between product data lies in whether they were manufactured before the planned date or not. If such an event took place, then the data of the previous reporting period are used to calculate the amount of future profit for comparable products. When the process of producing products that were not manufactured in the previous period is launched into production, the parameters of incomparable products are used.

Reference data for comparable products:

  • costs at cost in the base period - 120 thousand rubles.
  • The coefficient of increase in the volume of manufactured products in the planned period is 1.15;
  • The coefficient of the planned reduction in the cost of manufacturing 1 pc. – 0.95;
  • The profitability ratio for the reporting period was 0.3.

Profit amount should be in the planning period the following amount:

120,000x1.15x0.95x0.3 \u003d 39.5 thousand rubles.

It is convenient for calculations to reflect all the parameters in the table.

Initial data for calculation

In this case, the calculation of profit must be carried out separately for comparable and incomparable products.

First you need to calculate basic profit received in the previous period. Based on it, the expected amount of income is adjusted taking into account all the factors that affected this value exclusively in the base period.

Also with regard to basic profitability , which is calculated from the elapsed data. It is determined by dividing the received amount of basic profit by the costs at cost in the same period.

Planned indicators in the future period is determined as follows:

  • the cost remains based on the past period;
  • the size of the expected profit is determined by the parameter of basic profitability.

When calculating the planned income, it is necessary to take into account certain factors that can change the amount of the expected profit (reducing the cost, increasing the number of manufactured products, etc.)

As you can see calculations with this method are performed in stages:

  1. calculated basic parameters profit and profitability;
  2. data of comparable products, the release of which will be carried out, is determined by the parameters of the cost for the past period before the planned one;
  3. using the parameter of the level of basic profitability, the amount of future profit is determined in the calculations;
  4. it is also necessary not to miss the determination of the values ​​of individual factors that influence the change in income in the planning period.

The size of the monetary benefit of incomparable products can be found by direct calculation, if appropriate data are available. If they are not available, then the average profitability of products for the enterprise is used.

The procedure for calculating profit from sales in the planning period

The amount of monetary benefit received from the sale of manufactured products is calculated as the difference between expenses and gross profit. Gross profit is calculated by subtracting the cost of sales from the amount of revenue received during sales.

Sales costs include only direct sales of products.

Benefit from implementation is determined by the formula:

Prpr \u003d Vpr - UR - KR
Vpr - gross profit;
UR, CR - administrative and commercial expenses, respectively;
Prpr - the received benefit (profit).

For determining gross profit :

Vpr \u003d In - Sbst
where, Sbst - selling cost;
In - the amount of revenue.

By subtracting all other expenses and taxes from the value of the benefit received, the net profit will be obtained.

Preparation of accounting entries

In accounting, profit from the sale uses multiple accounts:

What wiring must be completed in order to obtain a financial result, i.e. profit margin.

They will be as follows:

  • 50 /90.1 - 900 thousand rubles. - the proceeds from cash sales are entered into the cash desk of the enterprise;
  • 90.2 / 41 - 790 thousand rubles. - written off the cost of sales;
  • 90.7 /44 - 68 thousand rubles. - written off the cost of implementation.

Here's how to do it:

  • 90.1 / 90.9 - 900 thousand rubles.
  • 90.9 / 90.2 - 790 thousand rubles.
  • 90.9 / 90.7 - 68 thousand rubles.

During the postings, we determine that the turnover on the credit of account 90.9 is 900 thousand rubles, i.e. amount of sales proceeds. The debit must reflect 858 thousand rubles. (790 thousand rubles + 68 thousand rubles). Thus, at the end of the reporting period, a credit balance of 42 thousand rubles was obtained, denoting profit from sales.

Data analysis

The decisive role is played by the analysis of all factors influencing net profit enterprises. It is important to correctly assess the financial result of the enterprise, which should be reflected in accounting. This is justified by the fact that it is important for an accountant to correctly calculate the tax contributions that must be paid from profits.

The main parameter in this case is the gross profit received as a result of the sale.

Its size is influenced by such factors:

  1. amount of revenue;
  2. cost of goods sold;
  3. cost size 1 in physical terms (tons, pieces, l, m2 l, etc.);
  4. fluctuations in demand for the range of products sold.

Determine gross profit thus:

Vp \u003d Orp \u003d C - C,
where Orp - the volume of sales;
C - revenue;
C is the cost of goods sold.

It should be noted that the main parameters that affect the size of gross profit are revenue indicators, cost and changes in the range of products sold.

Methods for increasing this indicator

Priority areas in terms of profit increase are as follows:

  • Full loading of the production capacities of the enterprise in order to produce goods that are superior in their consumer properties to analogues of competitors.
  • Maximum use production capacity for the manufacture of products that have no analogues, due to the monopoly position of the company.
  • Gradual increase in volumes and sales under the conditions of production of products that have no features compared to analogues. To do this, it is necessary to improve production efficiency to reduce manufacturing and marketing costs. Market research must be constantly conducted to create conditions for improved implementation and superiority over competitors.

Instructions for building reports on gross profit and cost in 1C are presented in the following video tutorial:

Planning revenue from product sales, operating, non-operating income.

The amount of revenue from sales of products is influenced by a number of factors:

1) dependent on the activities of the enterprise:

In the sphere of production - the volume of production, product quality, its range, the rhythm of production, etc.;

In the sphere of circulation - the rhythm of shipment, the timely execution of transport and settlement documents, the timing of document circulation, compliance with the terms of the contract, optimal forms of payment, price levels;

2) not dependent on the activities of the enterprise:

Violations of contracts by suppliers of material and technical resources;

Shortcomings in the work of transport;

Late payment of products due to lack of funds from the buyer.

The proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) are planned according to

B \u003d O n.g. + TP - About c.g.

where B is the planned amount of proceeds from the sale of products; About n.g. unsold balances of finished products at the beginning of the planned year; TP - release of marketable products in the planned year; About c.g. - balances of unsold products at the end of the planning period.

All elements of the formula for calculating the proceeds from the sale of products are expressed in selling prices: balances at the beginning of the year - in the current prices of the period preceding the planned one; marketable products and balances of unsold products at the end of the planned period - at the prices of the planned period.

The cost of commodity output in planned selling prices is determined on the basis of the state order received by the enterprise, concluded economic contracts for the supply of products and consumer applications.

Marketable products (TP) include fully completed products and semi-finished products released or intended for release to the side. The TP also includes works and services of an industrial nature on the side, products (services) produced for capital construction, housing and communal services and non-production needs of your enterprise

Profit planning is of great importance for the enterprise, It allows you to correctly evaluate it financial resources, the amount of payments to the budget, the possibility of expanded reproduction and material incentives for employees. The implementation of the dividend policy of the joint-stock company also depends on the amount of profit.

Methods of forecasting and planning financial results currently not regulated and described in sufficient detail in the literature. The most well-known are the two traditional methods of planning the profit of the main production - direct account and analytical. Calculations are recommended to be performed separately by type of activity. This facilitates calculations, increases their accuracy, and is important for the expected amount of income tax, since income from certain types of activities is not subject to income tax, while others are taxed at higher or lower rates.

Calculation of profit by the direct account method is carried out according to certain types products or groups of homogeneous products with subsequent summation for the whole enterprise. In doing so, the formula is used:

P \u003d V - 3 or P \u003d P n.g. + P t - P c.g.

where P - profit; B - proceeds from the sale of products; 3 - full cost of products sold; P, P. - profit in balances

finished products at the beginning and end of the planned year; P, - profit in

finished products of the planned year, determined on the basis of the production plan for the expanded range, planned cost estimates for goods, products, works, services and sales prices for each product, estimates of management and commercial expenses.

Information about the balance of unsold products at the beginning of the planned year is taken from the financial statements. They include finished products in stock, in non-invoiced deliveries and in safekeeping with buyers.

The methodology for planning balances provides for adjusting their value according to the report as of the last balance sheet date for factors under the influence of which they may change before the end of the year. Such factors include the conclusion of new contracts for the placement of products, a change in the form of cashless payments, etc.

The output balances of unsold products consist of the balances of finished products in the warehouse and shipped products, the payment deadline for which does not come in the planned year. When planning, they should be taken into account at the level of the standard in days set at the enterprise. the value of these balances is calculated taking into account the one-day output in the planned year.

Commercial output profit (P) is determined on the basis of the production plan, selling prices and cost estimates for production.

Direct counting is methodologically simple, but with in large numbers product names, the complexity of this method increases significantly. The calculation requires the determination of the assortment for all items of the nomenclature, the preparation of estimates for all products of comparable products, the calculation of the planned cost and contract prices for incomparable products, which in turn involves the development of a production estimate for all its elements, setting the selling prices of manufactured products.

The disadvantage of the method is that it does not allow you to identify factors that affect the amount of profit in the planned period.

Analytical method finds use in profit planning in industries with a wide range of products, and also as an addition to the direct method, for verification. The calculation base is the cost of 1 thousand rubles. marketable products, basic profitability, as well as a set of reporting indicators of the enterprise. Taking into account the costs of 1 thousand rubles. marketable products, profit is planned for the entire output of marketable products (comparable and incomparable). The calculation is performed according to the formula

P \u003d T (100 - 3) / 100

where P - profit from the release of marketable products; T - marketable products in the selling prices of the enterprise; 3 - costs p. per 1 thousand rubles marketable products, calculated in selling prices.

This analytical method is used for accelerated (prospective) planning, as well as at the stage of preparing preliminary financial calculations.

Another analytical method for calculating profit is profit planning based on basic profitability. Basic profitability- this is the ratio of gross profit on marketable products to its cost for the reporting year. For purposes of comparison with the target year, all expected gross profit for the target year is adjusted for price changes, even if they occurred at the end of the year. In addition, it excludes the part attributable to products that are removed from production in the planned period.

On the basis of the basic profitability, profit is planned for comparable marketable products, profit in carry-over balances of finished products and profit from sales in the planned year. Profit on incomparable products is calculated using the direct counting method.

To calculate the final financial result, in addition to the sales profit, the result is calculated from operating income and non-operating income and expenses.

Profit from operating income is the financial result from the sale of fixed assets and other property (raw materials, materials, fuel, spare parts, intangible assets in the form of patents, licenses, trademarks, software, foreign currency, securities.

At the stage of drafting financial plan the presence of such property at the enterprise, the possibility of its sale and the effectiveness of this operation are studied. Profit is determined as the difference between the selling price of the book value of the property, the costs associated with the sale, indirect taxes and deductions to off-budget funds and other centralized state funds included in the selling price.

The list of non-operating profits (losses) of the enterprise is quite extensive. This is explained additional features enterprises in earning income in the conditions of market relations. Therefore, the one who performs financial calculations must be able not only to plan these incomes, but also to know the sources of their receipt. These include, in particular, income from short-term and long-term financial investments (purchase of shares, bonds, lending funds, equity participation in the affairs of other enterprises), income from the lease of property, the balance of received and paid fines, penalties, forfeits (except sanctions in settlements with the budget), other income (profit of previous years, revealed in the reporting period, income from the revaluation of goods, interest on money on settlement and deposit accounts of the enterprise).

For a real assessment of financial results from non-operating operations, it is important not only to correctly predict non-operating income, but also to anticipate the likelihood of non-operating expenses, such as profit, which is defined as the difference between income and expenses. Most often, non-operating expenses can take the form of:

Losses on operations of previous years identified in the reporting year; . losses from the markdown of goods;

Losses from write-off of uncollectible accounts receivable;

Lack of material assets identified during the inventory;

Costs for canceled inventories:

Legal costs.

The sources of income included in the plan must be permanent, related to the normal activities of the enterprise, and have a justification. The probability of receipt of such income as rent, fines, penalties, forfeits can be confirmed by contracts concluded by the time the financial plan was drawn up, by a decision of the economic court; accepted and documented obligations and other materials. To determine the amount of funds that can be placed on deposits or in securities without the risk of reducing the liquidity of the enterprise, it is necessary to calculate that part of the proceeds from the sale of products that the enterprise will not need during the planned urgent investment of funds. This is done by comparing the average balances in the current account for the previous year with the actual revenue for this period. The received proceeds from the sale, painlessly diverted from the economic turnover (D), multiplied by the expected amount of proceeds in the planned year (OB), gives the amount of a possible urgent investment of funds (CB)

SV \u003d OV * D.

The income from this operation will be

DOH \u003d (SV * P * 12) / 100,

where P - deposit interest per month; 12 is the number of months in a year. In practice, in conditions of inflation, enterprises most often have to perform financial calculations under conditions of uncertainty. In this case, for profit planning, an analytical method can be recommended, which involves calculating next year's profit based on the current year's level achieved and the predicted increase in the price index. Profit is calculated according to the formula:

P \u003d P otch * I n

where P resp. - profit of the reporting year; I n - inflation index, equal to (l+t) 12 where t- inflation rate coefficient per month; 12 is the number of months in a year.

If the planned inflation rate for raw materials and finished products do not match, then with an increase in sales profit, it is recommended to apply differentiated inflation adjustment factors. The calculation is made according to the formula

P \u003d (B - A n- VAT) * (1 + T) 12 - C (1 + p) 12

where (1 + m) 12 - inflation rate (selling prices); (1 + n) 12 inflation growth factor (raw materials, purchase prices for materials).

The most important role of profit, which increases with the development of entrepreneurship, determines the need for its correct calculation. The successful financial and economic activity of the organization will depend on how reliably the planned profit is determined.
The calculation of the planned profit should be economically justified, which will allow for timely and full financing of investments, the growth of own working capital, appropriate payments to workers and employees, as well as timely settlements with the budget, banks and suppliers. Consequently, proper planning profit in enterprises is of key importance not only for entrepreneurs, but also for National economy generally.
It is planned to profit separately by type: from the sale of marketable products, from the sale of other products and services of a non-commercial nature, from the sale of fixed assets and other property, and from non-operating income and expenses.
Consider the main methods of planning profit from the sale of marketable products. The main ones are the method of direct counting and analytical.
The direct counting method is most widely used in organizations in modern conditions management. It is used, as a rule, with a small assortment of products. Its essence lies in the fact that profit is calculated as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products at the appropriate prices and its full cost, minus VAT and excises.
The calculation is carried out according to the formula: P \u003d (V C) - (V C),
where P - planned profit;
B - release of marketable products in the planned period in physical terms;
C - price per unit of production (net of VAT and excises);
C is the total cost of a unit of production.
The calculation of profit is preceded by determining the release of comparable and incomparable marketable products in the planned year at full cost and in prices, as well as the balance of finished products in the warehouse and goods shipped at the beginning and end of the planned year.
An example of calculating profit by the direct account method is given in Table. 4.1.

Calculation of profit by the direct account method is simple and accessible. However, it does not allow to identify the influence of individual factors on the planned profit and, with a large range of products, is very laborious.
The analytical method of profit planning is used for a large range of products, and also as an addition to the direct method in order to verify and control it. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to determine the influence of individual factors on the planned profit. With the analytical method, profit is determined not for each type of product manufactured in the coming year, but for all comparable products as a whole. The calculation of profit by the analytical method consists of three successive stages.
Determination of the basic profitability as a quotient of the expected profit for the reporting year divided by the full cost of comparable marketable products for the same period.
Calculation of the volume of marketable products in the planning period at the cost of the reporting year and determination of profit on marketable products based on the basic profitability.
Accounting for the impact on the planned profit of various factors: reducing (increasing) the cost of comparable products, improving its quality and grade, changing the assortment, prices, etc.
Under this method, the profit for incomparable products is determined separately.
The profit plan for the next year is developed at the end of the reporting period. Therefore, to determine the underlying profitability, reporting data for the elapsed time (usually for nine months) and the expected fulfillment of the plan for the period remaining until the end of the year (for the fourth quarter) are used.
Profit in the reporting period is taken in accordance with the level of prices in force at the end of the year. Therefore, if during the past year there were changes in prices or rates of value added tax and excises that affected the amount of profit, then they are taken into account when determining the expected profit for the entire reporting period, regardless of the time of the changes. If, for example, prices were increased from October 1 of the reporting year, then this increase should be extended to the entire period and until October 1, since otherwise the level of profitability of the reporting year will not be able to serve as the base for the planned one.
On the basis of the level of basic profitability found in this way and the planned volume of marketable output at the cost of the reporting year, the profit of the planned year is calculated taking into account the influence of one factor - changes in the volume of comparable marketable output.
Since the planned level of profitability differs from the base one as a result of changes in the cost price, prices, assortment, grade, then at the next stage of planning, the influence of these factors on the planned profit is determined. For the final calculation of the planned profit from the sale of products, the profit on the balance of finished products and goods shipped at the beginning and end of the planned year is taken into account.
Consider an example of calculating profit by the analytical method.
The basic profitability is determined, i.e. the ratio of expected profit to the total cost of comparable marketable products (Table 4.2).
In the coming year, this example assumes a 10% increase in comparable marketable output. The output of these products at the cost of the reporting year will be 903,553 rubles.
((821412 110)/100).
Profit on comparable marketable products of the planned year, based on the basic level of profitability, will be equal to 382,202.9 rubles. ((903 553 42.3)/100).

In this example, incomparable marketable products of the planned year were accepted at the planned full cost in the amount of 272,000 rubles, and in current prices (minus VAT and excises) - 320,045.7 rubles. Consequently, the profit on incomparable marketable products in the coming year will be 48,045.7 rubles. (320,045.7 - 272,000).
At the third stage of calculations, the influence of individual factors on the amount of planned profit is taken into account.
The impact of cost changes is determined as follows. The output of comparable marketable products in the coming year at the cost of the previous year was calculated in the amount of 903,553 rubles. The same comparable products, but at the full cost of the coming year, is determined in the amount of 1,406,340 rubles. (see Table 4.1, column 6).
Hence, the increase in the cost of comparable marketable products is 502,787 rubles. (1 406 340 - 903 553), which will lead to a decrease in the planned profit.
The planned change in the product range causes an increase or decrease in the planned profit. In order to determine the impact of assortment shifts on profit, we calculate specific gravity of each product in the total volume of comparable marketable products at full cost in the past and coming year. Then the share of each product in the reporting and planning year is multiplied by the reported profitability of this product (calculated as the ratio of profit to the total cost of the product), adopted at the level of expected performance. The sums of the coefficients obtained reflect the average level of profitability in the past and coming year.
The difference between them shows the impact of assortment shifts on the planned profit (Table 4.3).

The average profitability in the planned year increases by 0.45% (35.68 - 35.23) compared to the reporting year. Thus, a change in the range of products in the planned year will lead to an increase in the planned profit by 4,066 rubles. ((903553 0.45) /100).
The size of the planned profit is also affected by price changes in the planned period. If prices decrease or increase, then the estimated percentage of the decrease or increase should be calculated from the volume of the relevant product. The amount received from a decrease or increase in prices will affect the decrease or increase in the planned profit.
Let us assume that prices for all marketable products sold are expected to increase by 21.89153% in the coming year. Then profit will be received only due to this factor in the amount of 361,512.4 rubles. (1,651,380 (see Table 4.1, page 5) 21.89153)/100.

Thus, the analytical method of profit planning in this example confirmed the method of direct counting, i.e. in both cases, the planned profit from the sale of marketable products is determined in the amount of 392,038.7 rubles. (see Table 4.1 and Table 4.4).
It should be emphasized that with the direct method, the planned profit is determined as the total amount without identifying specific reasons that affect its value, and with the analytical method, both positive and negative factors affecting profit are identified.
First of all, the increase in the cost price significantly reduces the planned profit (by 502,787 rubles), which can be explained by an increase in prices for consumed inventory items, an increase in wages due to an increase in minimum size monthly salary. Profit increases slightly (by 4,066 rubles) due to a change in the range of products in the direction of increasing the share of the most profitable products (see Table 4.3). A significant increase in profit (by 361,512.4 rubles) is planned due to the expected increase in prices for products sold, which is due to inflationary processes. Therefore, despite the increase in profits due to rising prices, this factor cannot be considered as positive.
In addition to the above reasons affecting the planned profit, it includes the amount of profit on comparable marketable products based on basic profitability, as well as on incomparable marketable products put into production in the planned year. Profit is also taken into account in the balance of finished products in the warehouse and in goods shipped at the beginning and end of the coming year.
In addition to profit from the sale of marketable products, gross profit, as noted, takes into account profit from the sale of other products and services of a non-commodity nature, profit from the sale of fixed assets and other property, as well as planned non-operating income and expenses.
Profit from other sales (products and services subsidiary farm, fleets, non-industrial services - for capital construction, overhaul etc.) is planned by the direct counting method. Only with an insignificant share of these products (services) the profit from sales is determined on the basis of its planned volume in the coming year and the profitability of the previous year.
The result from other implementation can be both positive and negative. Suppose, in our example, profit from other sales is planned in the amount of 30 rubles, and losses - 288 rubles.
Profit (losses) from traditional items of non-operating income and expenses (fines, penalties, forfeits, etc.) is determined, as a rule, based on the experience of past years. As for such items as income from equity participation in the activities of other enterprises, from the lease of property, dividends, interest on shares, bonds and other securities owned by the enterprise, they are planned depending on the development forecasts entrepreneurial activity this business entity.
For example, income from non-sales operations is planned in the amount of 2,798 rubles, and expenses from these operations - in the amount of 9,000 rubles.
So, in the considered example, the total amount of profit will be 394,866.7 rubles. (392,038.7 +30 + 2798), and losses - 9,288 rubles. The gross profit of the enterprise is determined in the amount of 385,578.7 rubles. (394,866.7 - 9,288).
In addition to the methods of profit planning outlined - direct counting and analytical methods - there is the so-called combined calculation method. In this case, elements of the first and second methods are applied. Thus, the cost of marketable products in the prices of the planned year and at the cost of the past year is determined by the direct calculation method, and the impact on the planned profit of such factors as changes in cost, quality improvement, changes in assortment, prices is revealed using the analytical method.
The calculation of the optimal size of profit becomes the most important element of business planning for present stage management. To predict the maximum possible profit in the planned year, it is advisable based on foreign experience compare the proceeds from the sale of products with the total amount of costs, divided into variable, fixed and mixed. As you know, variable costs include the costs of raw materials, materials, electricity, transport and others. These costs change in proportion to the change in the volume of production.
Fixed costs are those that do not change with an increase or decrease in output. These include depreciation, wages management personnel, administrative expenses and others.
Mixed costs include both variable and fixed costs. Such, for example, are postal and telegraph expenses, carrying out current repair equipment and others.
Due to the small proportion of mixed costs, we will focus on variable and fixed costs and try to identify the impact of their change on the amount of profit. The increase in profit depends on the relative decrease in variables or fixed costs.
The calculations below allow us to determine the so-called production leverage effect (a term taken from Western business practice). The effect of the production lever is called such a phenomenon when, with a change in proceeds from the sale of products, a more intensive change in profit occurs in one direction or another.
Let's say that the proceeds from the sale of products in 1998 is 1,820,616 rubles, including variable costs - 1,238,200 rubles, and fixed costs - 197,554 rubles. Thus, with a total cost of 1,435,754 rubles. profit is 384,862 rubles. (1 820 616 - 1 435 754). If in 1999 revenue increases by 10%, which will amount to 2,002,677.6 rubles. ((1,826,616,110) / 100), then variable costs will also increase by 10% and will be equal to 1,362,020 rubles. ((1 238 200 110) / 100). At the same time, fixed costs remain unchanged, i.e. RUB 197,554 In this case, the total costs will amount to 1,559,574 rubles. (1,362,020 + 197,554), and the profit is 443,103.6 rubles. (2,002,677.6 - 1,559,574). At the same time, profit will increase by 15% compared to the previous year (((443,103.6,100)/ 384,862) - 100).
Therefore, with an increase in sales revenue by 10%, profit will increase by 15%.
Looking for opportunities to increase profits, it is advisable to check the impact on its growth not only variable, but also fixed costs.
So, if variable costs increase by 10% (1,362,020 rubles), and fixed costs - by 2% (201,505.1 rubles = (197,554,102) / 100), the total amount of all costs will be 1,563,525, 1 rub. (1,362,020 + 201,505.1).
Profit in this case will be determined in the amount of 439,152.5 rubles. (2,002,677.6 - 1,563,525.1) and, therefore, will increase by 14.1% compared to the previous year ((439,152.5,100) / 384,862), and not by 15%.
If further fixed costs increase by 4% and amount to 205,456.2 rubles. ((197,554,104) / 100), then with a 10% increase in variable costs, the total amount of all costs is 1,567,476.2 rubles. (1,362,020 + 205,456.2). Profit in this case is reduced to the amount of 435,201.4 rubles. (2,002,677.6 - 1,567,476.2), i.e. increases only by 13.1% (((435,201.4,100)/384,862) - 100).
Obviously, as fixed costs increase, ceteris paribus, the rate of profit growth decreases.
The above calculations make it possible to determine the strength of the impact of the production lever. To do this, exclude variable costs from the total amount of proceeds from the sale of products, and divide the result by the amount of profit.
In our example, the impact force of the production lever in 1998 will be determined as follows: (1,820,616 rubles - 1,238,200 rubles) / 384,862 rubles. = 1.5.
The indicator of the effect of the production lever is of great practical importance. If the revenue from the sale of products increases, for example, by 4%, then, using the indicator of the strength of the impact of the production lever, it can be determined in advance that the profit will increase by 6% (4% 1.5).
In the event of a decrease in revenue from product sales by 8%, profit will decrease by 12%.
A 10% increase in sales revenue results in a 15% increase in profits. As a result, we are back to the beginning of the example.
Based on the strength of the impact of the production lever, we can conclude: the higher the share of fixed costs and, accordingly, the lower the share variable costs with the same amount of proceeds from the sale of products, the stronger the impact of the production lever. However, this does not mean that it is possible to increase fixed costs uncontrollably, since if this reduces the proceeds from the sale of products, then the company will suffer large losses in profits.
So, the above examples of profit maximization by changing the share of variable and fixed costs open up the opportunity for entrepreneurs to plan for the future the size of profit growth depending on economic success in the production of competitive products and take appropriate measures in advance to change the value of variable and fixed costs in one direction or another. Approximate profit calculations are important not only for the enterprises themselves and organizations that produce and sell products (services), but also for shareholders, investors, suppliers, creditors, banks associated with the activities of this entrepreneur, participating with their own funds in the formation of its authorized capital. Therefore, planning the optimal amount of profit in modern economic conditions is the most important factor successful business activities of enterprises and organizations.


  1. 3. Management of the formation of operating profit based on the system "Relationship between costs, sales volume and profit"
  3. Establishment of principles for determining the part of the profit of a state enterprise to be transferred to the budget in the form of the owner's income from the use of property, and the procedure for such transfer.
  4. 3.6.4. Planning the profit of the organization (enterprise) and entrepreneurial profit

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