Presentation for children using a magnet. "Properties of a magnet" presentation for a lesson on the world around (preparatory group) on the topic. Earth's magnetic field

  • 16.11.2019

Search and cognitive directly educational activity for children of senior preschool age "Magic Stone - Magnet"

research project


Experimentation- effective method knowledge of the laws and phenomena of the surrounding world is one of the most pressing problems of our time.

The main advantage of experimentation is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationship with other objects and the environment.

In children's experimentation, children's own activity is most powerfully manifested, aimed at obtaining new knowledge and information.

Experimentation is associated with all types of activities, such as observation and work, speech development, visual activity, FEMP.

Objective of the project:

Project objectives:

Form in children preschool age dialectical thinking, i.e. the ability to see the diversity of the world in a system of interconnections and interdependencies;

Develop your own cognitive experience in a generalized form with the help of visual aids (symbols, diagrams);

To expand the prospects for the development of search and cognitive activity of children by including them in mental, modeling and transforming actions;

To support children's initiative, ingenuity, inquisitiveness, criticality, independence.

Members: pupils of the preparatory speech therapy group, educators, speech therapist, parents of pupils.

Stages of the project:

I. Preparatory stage:

1. Development of a plan for the project "My magnet beckons me."

2. Development of a promising thematic plan work with children.

Preparation of methodical literature.

3. A selection of stories, paintings, illustrations on the topic "Experiments, experimenting with a magnet."

4. Preparation of didactic and practical material for experiments.

5. Design of information and educational material for parents in the form of folders, sliders, material in the corner for parents

7. Help parents in the design of the corner of experimentation.

II. Main stage:

1. Reading the fairy tale "Dreams of one magnet." Legends of magnets.

2. GCD "Introduction to the natural origin of the magnet."

Learning a poem about a magnet.

3. Playing with Bakugan toys.

4. Watching the cartoon "Fixies" ("Magnet", "Compass").

5. Conducting experiments with magnets at home.

6. Games with a magnetic constructor, alphabet, mosaic.

7. GCD "Magic Stone - Magnet".

8. Design of the stand "Experimenting at home".

III. The final stage:

1. Design of the album “The use of a magnet in medicine, astronautics, shipbuilding, etc.

2. Design of a magnetic theater based on the fairy tale "Mitten".


1. “The unknown is near. Experiments and experiments for preschoolers.

Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. 2010

2. "Experimental activity of children of middle and senior preschool age." Tugusheva G. P., Chistyakova A. E. 2010

3. "Organization of experimental activities for children aged 2-7 years." Martynova E. A., I. M. Suchkova. 2011

4. "365 scientific experiments." 2010

Search and cognitive
directly educational activities
for older preschool children
"Magic Stone - Magnet"

Target: development of cognitive abilities of preschool children through experimentation.



1. To form children's ideas about a physical phenomenon - magnetism.

2. Expand children's knowledge about the properties of a magnet, empirically identify its properties (attract objects; the action of a magnet through glass, cardboard, water).

3. Fill up the children's dictionary with the terms: "magnetism", "magnet poles".


1. To develop activity, curiosity, the desire for an independent search for causes, methods of action, manifestation creativity and expression of individuality.

2. Develop free communication with adults and children, components oral speech children in various forms and activities.


1. Develop artistic perception when getting acquainted with the artistic word on the topic "Magnet".

2. To form the skills of safe handling of objects during the experiments.

3. To develop the ability of children to work together, the ability to discuss, negotiate.

Material and equipment:

Demo: 2 magnets, paper clips large and small, "Car track", a jar with a snake, an aquarium.

Dispensing: 2 small magnets for each child, a set of items from various materials: soft toy, wooden pencil, plastic button, glass jar, metal clip and carnation, fish blanks, scissors.

Logic of educational activity

caregiver invites children to the hall designed as a scientific laboratory….

Asks the children the question - “Where did we come from?”

Children consider materials, “equipment”, offer an answer.

The teacher, using a hint (slides with an image scientific laboratory), leads the children to the conclusion that they were in a research institute.

Asks children who works in research institutes and what people in this profession do.

Educator:- Guys! I invite you to visit our institute and become scientists-researchers for a while.

Offers to put on bathrobes, hats, glasses.

Draws the attention of children to the stand with the diagrams "Safety rules for working in the laboratory." Conducts a conversation "How to behave in a scientific laboratory." Learn the rules, assign roles.

The teacher acts as a senior researcher, since he has already visited this laboratory and knows what interesting things to do here. Children are offered the roles of junior employees and laboratory assistants and a badge with the appropriate designation.

caregiver brings in a box with a large magnet. The box is closed.

Today, some object was brought to our institute for research, try to guess what it is?

It happens small, big,

Iron is very friendly with him,

With him and the blind, without fail,

Find a needle in a haystack.

Children's answers...

Here we have an ordinary magnet.

He keeps many secrets in himself.

Educator: - " Our task is to get to know this amazing stone better.” Shows the magnet to the children, lets them touch it (what does it feel like? Smooth, cold), determine the weight (heavy - light?), color ...

Define - “A magnet is a stone, its surface is cold, smooth, has weight…..”.

caregiver asks the question - "What other property does a magnet have that distinguishes it from ordinary stones?"

Children's answers...

Educator: - " Guys, what do you think, are all objects attracted by a magnet? Children's answers.

To test your assumptions, I suggest that all junior employees and laboratory assistants go through to laboratory number 1 ...

- "Look what items are on your tables?"

Children list...

1. soft toy

2. wooden pencil

3. plastic button

4. glass jar

5. metal paperclip and washer.

Experience number 1.

“I suggest that you choose those objects that, in your opinion, a magnet can attract to itself.” The children are doing the...

How to check if you made the right choice? Children offer a solution to a problem(using a magnet).

- "What objects did the magnet attract?" (Clip, washer).

- "And which ones did not attract?" ( soft toy, wooden pencil, plastic button, glass ball).

« What conclusion can be drawn?

Conclusion: The magnet only attracts metal objects.

The study of the following properties of the magnet can be continued in laboratory No. 2.

The scheme “Repulsion and attraction of magnets” and airplanes with magnetic ends (red - blue) lie on the table and at the same time are shown on the screen.

Colleagues, pay attention to the scheme, what do you think, what research should we do? Children's answers...

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the magnet, painted in red and blue. And also on the planes lying on the tables, with the same color. He asks why the magnet is painted in two colors? Children are reasoning ... Then the teacher offers to connect the airplanes with two identical ends. What's happening? (airplanes repel). If you connect with different ends - red and blue (airplanes are connected). Why? Children's answers ... The teacher gives an explanation: a magnet has two poles, if you connect two identical poles, then the magnets will repel, and if you connect two different ones, they will be attracted to each other.

Dynamic pause

The teacher offers to go to the airfield. - Look, I brought the planes you made: blue and red, like the poles of a magnet. Please note that our airfields also have two colors (red and blue). As soon as the music starts, you will fly in a circle, when the music stops, you need to land the plane on the airfield that will attract it. 2-3 children explain why the planes landed at a particular airfield.

Guys, look, there is some kind of vessel in laboratory No. 3, but you can’t see what is in it. But, in all likelihood, there is some kind of creature, possibly poisonous. How to find out who is in the bank without dropping your hands there?

Children's answers, discussion, guesses.

Let's try to get the inhabitant of the bank with a magnet?

Experience number 3. Get a snake out of the jar with a magnet.

Educator:- You have jars on your tables, in which there are snake-paper clips. Remove the paper clips from the jar with a magnet.

Educator:- Guys, what can you conclude?

Children:- The magnet works through the glass.

(Demonstration of the circuit through the projector).

- What do you think, does a magnet work only through glass?

Children's answers.

Experience number 4.

A track for cars is drawn on the easel, small metal cars and magnets are on the table. A magnet is installed behind the machine, which moves it along the track.

Now try it yourself. Take a typewriter, try to control them with a magnet.

What can be the conclusion?

- The magnet acts through the cardboard.

(Demonstration of all circuits through the projector at the same time).

Children are invited fisherman game. With magnetic fishing rods, children catch fish from aquariums.

At the end of the game, the following property is discussed: "A magnet works through water."

(Slide show).

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the box with the magnet.

Dear colleagues, today we had a difficult but interesting day. We studied the properties of a magnet.

What properties does a magnet have?

(Schemes are displayed on the board - hints).

Children name the properties and choose the appropriate scheme. (At the same time, the diagrams appear on the screen).

1. The magnet only attracts metal objects.

2. A magnet has two poles: different poles attract, and the same poles repel.

3. The magnet acts through glass, cardboard, water.

Children, together with the teacher, fold a magnet and cards, send a parcel with a completed task.

The child reads a poem about a magnet:

I have loved magnets for a long time.

He still beckons me

Small piece of stone

An inconspicuous, gray bar.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the screen "Practical applications of the magnet".

The teacher orients the children to further familiarize themselves with the properties and use of the magnet. - How and where to find the information you need. Children provide answers. (Ask your parents, call relatives or friends, read an encyclopedia, watch TV, turn to Internet resources, etc.).

Dear junior staff and laboratory assistants, the leadership of the research institute thanks you for the work done and rewards you with valuable memorable gifts- magnetic games.

Nomination: Kindergarten, preparatory group, senior group, Summaries of classes, GCD, experimental activities
Title: Summary of the GCD on experimental activities for children of senior preschool age "Magic Stone - Magnet"

, educator of the highest qualification. category, MBDOU d / s No. 110, Samara, Russia.
Presentation author:
Grishina Irina Yurievna
, teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification. category, MBDOU d / s No. 110, Samara, Russia.


Dear site visitors. I want to present to your attention a presentation on the topic “Magnets and their properties. Exciting games-experiments. We submitted this presentation to the interregional competition "Rainbow of Discoveries". The competition was held in electronic form and was dedicated to the experimental activities of preschool children. It was possible to submit the experience of individual or collective activities of children in the Power Point format to the competition.

We decided to take part and presented the experience of using magnets and studying their properties in gaming activities. Our experience received a prize in the nomination "Smart Experiments". Children received diplomas of winners.

The modern program makes new demands on the methods and forms of obtaining knowledge by children. The child should be an active researcher and be able to set a goal and find an answer. Therefore, one of the types educational field began the creation of mini-laboratories and experimental - experimental activities. In our institution, a system of work in this direction has long been established, and the presentation represents only a part of this work. We are having a week of the game, which we dedicate to experimental - experimental activities and is called the week "Playing scientists"

Plan of the week of the game "Playing scientists"

Monday: Introduction to magnets and their properties. Opening of the mini-laboratory "World of magnets"

Tuesday:"Learned yourself - teach another" Conducting experiments with a magnet and how you can use a magnet in the game.

Wednesday: Creating a puppet theater with a magnet. Didactic - magnetic game "Let's dress a doll for a walk" Magnetic designer and crafts from it.

Thursday: Consolidation of children's knowledge about the properties of the magnet "Let's surprise parents" Conducting experiments with parents and the ability to give it a scientific justification

Friday: Open demonstration of a story game with elements of the "Journey to Treasure Island" experiment

I invite you to watch, enjoy your viewing.


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Municipal government preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of a combined type No. 10" of the city of Sim, Ashinsky district, Chelyabinsk region cognitive development in the senior group "Magic Stone Magnet" Authors: Korosteleva T. I. Murygina S. P. 2018

“People who have learned to observe and experience acquire the ability to raise questions themselves and receive actual answers to them, finding themselves at a higher mental and moral level ...” K. E. Timiryazeva

Subjects of study - Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of collective research skills in preschool children Objects of study - Magnet and the idea of ​​​​it, what a magnet can do

Relevance of the project: Low level of knowledge about the magnet, its properties and uses

Purpose: Development of cognitive activity of children in the process of getting to know the properties of a magnet

Tasks: - Introduce children to the concept of "magnet", "magnetism", the history of the appearance of the "magnet"; -To form ideas about the properties of a magnet, about the use of the properties of a magnet by a person; - To develop the cognitive activity of children, research activities, curiosity, observation, fine motor skills of the hands; -To form the ability to acquire knowledge through practical experiments, to draw conclusions, generalizations; - To form in children the experience of complying with safety regulations when conducting experiments; - Promote the normalization of speech function; expand the vocabulary of children (the words "magnet", "attracts", "repels", "magnetic field", etc.); - To cultivate the skills of cooperation, mutual assistance when working together

1. Stage (preparatory) - Revealing the level of formation of knowledge about the properties, purpose of the magnet; -Determination of the theme of the project, formulation of goals and objectives; - Development of a plan for the project "Magic Stone Magnet"; -Selection of methodological literature; -Selection of visual-didactic and practical material, fiction, didactic games, paintings, illustrations on the topic "Experiments"; - Registration of information and educational material for parents in the form of folders-movers, recommendations for conducting experiments with children at home; - Organization of a subject-developing environment;

2. Stage (main) - Creation of a problem situation; -Joint planning of project implementation; - Replenishment of the subject-developing environment in the group; - Carrying out GCD on experimentation "Magic properties of a magnet" - Independent experimental activity of children; -Viewing cartoons "Luntik and his friends" 158 series "Magnet", "Fixies" ("Magnet", "Compass"); -Reading the fairy tale "Dreams of one magnet". Legends about magnets; - View the presentation "Introduction to the natural origin of the magnet." - Guessing riddles about the magnet ("Magnet", "Compass"); -Creation of a file of experiments and experiments with a magnet”; - Games with a magnetic constructor, alphabet, mosaic, darts - Design of thematic consultations, folders - movements, memos; -Making didactic games -

3. Stage (final) - Presentation of the project at the final pedagogical council; -Master Class for teachers; - Placement of project materials on the DOW website; -Design of the album "The use of a magnet in medicine, astronautics, shipbuilding, agriculture»; - Design of a magnetic theater based on fairy tales, "Zayushkina's hut", "Kolobok", "Geese-swans"; - Making games: "Racing", "Butterflies fly over the meadow", "Bee collects nectar"; -Creation of the collection "Magnets"

4. Stage (analytical) - Summing up, analysis of the result of the project; - Development of ideas for further work on the project topic

The role of parents in the implementation of the project: -Help in the preparation of games and manuals; Dialogue conversations with children on the topic of the project; -Participation in the design of the photo album "The use of a magnet in medicine, astronautics, shipbuilding"; -Help in enriching the subject-developing environment

Outcome of the project: Internal: Expanding children's knowledge about the properties, benefits of a magnet for humans Development of interest in research activities External: Making a photo album "The use of a magnet in medicine, astronautics, shipbuilding, agriculture"

Type of project: By duration: short-term By the number of participants: frontal By the nature of contacts: within the framework of the preschool educational institution Type of project: educational and research - 04/15/2018 Composition of participants: -Children of the senior speech therapy group "Pchelka"; -Parents of children; -Educators: Korosteleva T.I., Murygina S.P.

GCD was held, conversations about the origin, properties, benefits of a magnet for people

We draw GCD: "Magnet draws", "Northern Lights", "Drawing objects made of metal"

We sculpt GCD "Ladybugs", "Flower" (refrigerator magnets made of salt dough)

We set up experiments “Does a magnet attract everything?” Purpose: Determine the properties of magnets to attract metal objects

"Does a magnet work through other objects?"

"Paper boats"

"Does a magnet have an obstacle?"

“How to get a paper clip out of the water (sand) without getting your hands wet?”

Magnet Power "A magnet acts at a distance"

"Build a coin tower"

"A magnet has two poles" Strip, arcuate

Do-it-yourself magnet games "Racing", "Butterflies fly over the meadow", "Bee collects nectar"

Games: "Kolobok", "Springboard", "Regatta", "Put the car in the garage"

Games: "Darts", "Fisherman", "Magnetic ABC"

Magnetic theater

Our baby books “What attracts a magnet?”

Working with parents

The results of the project implementation: - The knowledge of children about the magnet, magnetism has been replenished; -Increased interest of children in experimentation, experimental activities; - Improved children's communication skills, independence, increased speech activity; -Increased parental interest joint activities children; - The subject-developing environment has been replenished

Cognitive development project in the senior group "Magic Stone Magnet". 2018

Svetlana Oleinik
Lesson - presentation of the project "What is a magnet and can we do without it?"

Project presentation: "What is a magnet and can we do without it


1. Formation of the prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative;

2. Development of the ability to determine possible methods for solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;

3 Formation of the ability to apply these methods, contributing to the solution of the task, using various options;

4 Development of the desire to use special terminology, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities;

5. Ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;

6. Development of cognitive abilities;

7. Development of creative imagination;

8. Development of creative thinking;

9. Development of communication skills.

10. Support in children the desire to give a detailed explanation; draw independent conclusions based on observation and generalization.

Project presentation progress:

I welcome the children and adults who are present in our hall today.

Today in our hall there are guys from our group, as well as guys from group No. 4, as spectators and direct participants in the event. (with whom preliminary work was carried out on the topic « Magnet» , but the children are not familiar with the experiments that the children of the 4th group will conduct)

You know that the guys in our group studied the object for two months, and which guess:

What is this object?

There is a question - there are no answers.

Iron sticks to it

It also happens in nature.

In the ancient city Magnessia met him.

His magical properties were noticed.

Well, now, all together answer

And quickly name the object. (magnet)

That's right guys magnet. In order to make it interesting for our researchers to work, we united in creative team, which is called "Young Explorer". And in order for the work to be argued, to be well-coordinated, friendly, our creative team followed the motto.

Varya: We are friendly with nature,

We all need to know about her.

We study various objects,

We explore and notice the unusual in nature.

Today our young researchers will share their knowledge with you. You will see what the guys know and what they have learned.

Vova Pokhidnyak and his parents found on the Internet a legend about magnet and made a plasticine model for it, and Styopa Vlasov and Kolya Orlov drew drawings for this ancient history. And their parents helped them in this - our first assistants and direct participants in the research project. And today they bring to your attention their works of art and introduce us to this legend.

And you listen carefully, because at the end you will find an interesting question that you have to answer.


In the old days they told that there is a huge mountain at the end of the world, near the sea. At the foot of this mountain, a long time ago, people found stones with unprecedented power - to attract certain objects to themselves. Not far from the mountain was a city where a brave knight lived. Like all knights, he wore armor made of iron, and therefore was not afraid of anything, neither enemy arrows, nor wild animals.

Stepa: He boldly walked where he wanted. Only in one place I have never been - near that very mountain. From childhood, his mother told him that not a single knight passed her can't drive. The mountain draws them to itself and no longer lets go.

Kolya: But the knight was very brave, and he was curious what kind of witchcraft was hidden in this place, so he argued, past the mountain will pass and return alive and unharmed to the city. But no matter how strong and brave the knight was, the mountain still pulled him to itself. The knight was not only brave, but also smart. He found a way to get rid of her and freed all the knights.

What way did the knight find to free himself from this mountain? (takes off armor) .

Well done guys, you correctly solved this difficult task. I think the knight will do the same.

And you know that the guys, conducting research in the creative group, learned a lot.

We have carried out experiments

Forces magnetic identified

They pass through glass and paper

Cardboard and plastic are not an obstacle for them

Use your ingenuity and knowledge

Experience rather our unravel.

And I propose to go on an exciting journey, where we will meet not only fairytale heroes, and also try to solve interesting problems, and the guys of the 3rd group will help us with this. Well, are you ready for the test? Then good luck.

The children of the third group will show various experiences and experiments to the children of the fourth group and the audience (parents).

The first to meet us is Vasilisa, the wise one, who has table: a three-liter jar of water, fish made of thin plastic with a paper clip, magnet covered with a plastic plate.

Vasilisa - wise:

We made these fish together with the guys and love to play with them very much. Do you want to let them swim? (Yes).

The guys let the fish swim in a jar of water. The fish sink to the bottom of the jar.

Vasilisa - wise:

And here is the problem that you have to solve. How can you get the fish without getting your hands wet? (You can pour water out of the jar, you can wear rubber gloves and then your hands will remain dry, you can get it with magnet)

Children get the fish with the help magnet.


What are you guys going through magnetic forces, attracting our fish with paper clips? (through glass and paper)

Conclusion: Magnetic forces pass through glass and paper.

Well done, you coped with this task, let's see how you cope with the task of our magician.

On the magician's table there are two planes - one is paper, the other is also paper, but a thread is attached to it, and an iron plate is hidden inside.


Look what is it? (this is a plane that hangs on a thread)

Together with the children, we are considering an airplane made of paper.

What material is the plane made of? (from paper)

How can you make this plane fly? (You can launch it, you can hold the string and spin with it or run)

And I know another way to get the plane in the air, I will make the plane obey me. See. I bring to the plane "Magic mitten". The plane is pulled.

The question arises: "Why is this happening?" Children make guesses. One of the assumptions is hidden in a mitten magnet. We check the assumption and find out what is really inside the mitten magnet. Children think it is magnet attracted the plane.


Well if magnet attracts this paper plane, will it attract another the same plane? (Yes)

Checking the assumption, we see that the other aircraft magnet does not attract.


What is the matter, why is this happening? (inside the plane that attracts magnet, some iron object is hidden)

We check the assumption and make sure that an iron plate is hidden inside.

Guys, what materials do they go through magnetic forces?

Conclusion: magnetic forces pass through the paper and the woolen mitt and attract metal plate. Here we are with you and figured out this trick. Well done, you have coped with this difficult task. And let's say thanks to the magician for this interesting trick. Well, it's time for us to the astrologer.

Let's see what interesting things he has prepared for us?

On the table at the astrologer is a model of the starry sky with planets, the sun and a spaceship.


We have prepared this layout together with the guys. First we did "starry sky", and then our planets were molded from light hardening plasticine. But that's not all, the niches of the planet can travel in their orbits. See. What is the force that makes our planets move? (It magnet.)

What materials do they go through? magnetic forces? (Through the cardboard and attracts the iron clip that is attached to the planet)

Conclusion: Magnetic forces pass through the cardboard.


Well done, your ingenuity and attentiveness helped you in solving this difficult task.

And what lies ahead for us?

All of us with magnet love to play,

Our butterflies can fly

And the gnomes can walk to the house.

Magnetic constructor we assemble

And we invite you to play with us today.

Children all together play various games based on properties magnet. it magnetic theater, magnetic constructor, magnetic drawing board.

Finally, I ask guys:

Young researchers, did you like the implementation of your project? What have you learned?

Vova P.: We have learned to experiment.

Kolya O.: We learned that information can be found not only in books and encyclopedias, but also on the Internet.

Stepa: We learned to work together, listen to each other, not interrupt and negotiate.

caregiver: We invite all children to our creative group "Young Explorers"


Abstract directly educational activities
with kids senior group for cognitive activity:
"All the Secrets of the Magnet"

Mavrina L.Yu
year 2014
Educational area: cognitive
Type of activity: directly educational
Age Group: Senior
Theme: "Mysterious magnet".
Purpose: Creation of conditions for the formation of the main holistic worldview of a child of senior preschool age by means of a physical experiment.
Software content.
Educational tasks: To form ideas about a magnet and its property to attract objects. Continue to learn independently, make decisions in the course of experimental activities; check these decisions; draw conclusions from the results of this test, learn to make generalizations.
Developing: To develop the cognitive activity of the child in the process of getting to know the hidden properties of the magnet, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, logical thinking. Develop communication skills.
Educational: Cultivate friendly relations, the desire to help others.
Cultivate accuracy in work.
Preliminary work: Games with a magnetic board and magnetic letters; contemplation various kinds magnets; games with a magnet in the corner of experimentation "Fishing", "Butterfly"; research activities at home "What attracts a magnet?".
Vocabulary work: Activate the vocabulary on the topic: magnetism, magnetic and non-magnetic objects, attraction, magnetic force, magnetite.
Materials and equipment: iron, plastic items, pieces of cloth, paper, polystyrene; magnets, metal keys, trays for handouts, paper figurines of animals,
Guys, today I invite you to become real researchers and conduct real experiments in a real laboratory!
All the children gathered in a circle
You are my friend and I am your friend
Let's hold hands together and smile at each other
Educator: Look, we have a box on the table. And there is something there. Come and take the item from this box. And who knows what it is?
Children: Magnet.
Educator: You all know this stone

Educator: Here is an ordinary magnet in front of you,
He keeps many secrets in himself.
Educator: look in our box there is something else ...
(I take out a mitten in which a magnet is hidden, put it on my hand).
I have a mitten
With her, I'm just a master.
Take a closer look
Follow my hand
(I demonstrate a plate with beans and metal objects).
With the help of my "magic mitten" I will quickly sort through the beans (I cover the contents of the plate with the mitten, metal objects are magnetized to the mitten, and the beans remain in the plate).
Try to unravel this magic? (children's answers)
And I can tell you, these objects are magnetized.
Guys, do you want to know what secrets the magnet keeps in itself and why it is called that? Then I invite you to the cinema to watch a film about the magnet.
2. Viewing the presentation "Magic Magnet"
1.slide Teacher. I will tell you an old legend. In ancient times, it was said that far, far away at the end of the world there is a huge mountain Ida. One day an old man named Magnis was walking past this mountain. He noticed that his sandals, lined with iron, and a wooden stick with an iron tip were sticking to the black stones that lay in abundance under his feet. Magnis turned the stick upside down and made sure the wood was not attracted to the strange stones. He took off his sandals and saw that bare feet were not attracted either.
Magnis realized that these strange black stones did not recognize any other material than iron. Since then, this unusual stone began to be called by the name of the old man "Magnus's stone" or simply a magnet. This is how the name "magnet" appeared.
There is another explanation for the word magnet - by the name of the ancient city of Magnesia, where the ancient Greeks found these stones. Now this area is called Manisa, and magnets are still found there.
2. Slide Stone is a magnet that has the property of attracting iron.
3. slide Scientists have come up with special machines for processing this stone and obtaining a magnet. People have learned to make magnets themselves by magnetizing pieces of iron.
4. slide Magnets attract metal objects - this is called magnetism, and objects that are attracted to a magnet are called magnetic.
5. slide There are a huge number of different types of magnets
6. Slide These are great magnets. They are used to raise a large number iron, as well as in the construction of underwater structures (for attaching tools under water).

7.slide Magnets are used in the production of diesel locomotives, high-speed trains, aircraft, electric saws, drills, for devices in cars and aircraft.
8.slide People make jewelry from a magnet: earrings, bracelets, rings, beads. They even believe that they have healing properties, soothe and give strength.
9. slide A magnet is also used to make toys, games for children and adults.
10. slide About the magnet they shoot cartoons.
Educator: Guys, why is the magnet called that?
Where is it used?
What is the secret of the magnet?
3.Experimental activities of children.

Educator: Guys, and now I invite you to become small researchers. And who are the researchers? (this is a person who studies something). Researchers begin their work with experiences and experiments. And we will also experiment and study the properties of magnets. Put on your aprons and hats, go to our laboratory.
If the magnet is so strong and attracts iron objects, then maybe it should attract other objects as well? To test this, I suggest you experiment:
"The important thing is the experiment! We are interested in every moment in it."
We will conduct an experiment and find out whether everything attracts a magnet? The magic begins!
Guys, let's see what wonderful properties our magic stone has - a magnet. To do this, you need to bring a magnet to each of your items.
- in a white tray, put all the objects that the magnet attracts;
- in the yellow tray put items that do not react to the magnet.
4. Independent work.
Experience #1
Get started! Tell us what you did and what worked for you.
Children: I held a magnet over objects and all iron objects were attracted to it. This means that the magnet attracts iron objects (iron scrapers, screws, nuts).
Educator: And what objects did the magnet not attract? (plastic button, piece of fabric, wooden pencil, eraser)
Experience #2
Put: Now put a sheet of paper on the iron objects and bring a magnet to it. What happened?
Children: Iron objects are magnetized through paper. The magnet acts through the paper.
Experience #3
Educator: Now cover the iron objects with a piece of cloth and bring a magnet. Show what happened.
Children: The magnet acts through the fabric. (Iron objects are magnetized through the fabric).
Experience No. 4
Educator: Put all iron objects on a plastic tray, and slide a magnet under the tray. What's happening?
Children: Objects are moving. The magnet acts through a thin plastic tray.
Conclusion: The magnet attracts only iron objects.
The magnet acts through paper, cloth, thin plastic tray.
Experience No. 5
Educator: The next trick is to arrange a "Disco for the animals"
AT cardboard box you need to put the silhouette of the little animal (picture), put a magnet on the bent part. With the second magnet we make various movements under the box. (To the music)
Children: The magnet acts through the cardboard.
Educator: Magnets can act through paper, so they are used, for example, to attach notes to the metal door of the refrigerator.
Physical education minute
Making scientific discoveries is not easy, so there are breaks in the laboratories for rest. It would be nice for us to get some rest. And now everyone stood up together, everyone came out to me in a circle, we begin in order our vigorous exercises
St. John's wort "One, two, three, well, repeat ..."
Educator: We continue our journey
Experience No. 7
Guys, look in front of us glasses of water, what's at the bottom? Keys

Now let's think about how you can get the key out of the glass without getting your hands wet?

Children's answers. independent activity
5. Reflection.
What new did you learn about the magnet today?
Children: The magnet attracts iron objects, acts through paper, fabric, glass, cardboard, water, magnets attract each other, the magnet acts at a distance.
Educator: Guys, where in our group can you meet a magnet and see its magical properties? (in lockers for clothes, magnetic letters, holders, magnetic game..)
Educator: Knowing the properties of a magnet, you can think of playing Interesting games. I invite you to the game room. I have prepared for you magnetic kits "Magneticus" where you can once again see the properties of the magnet.