1c transport logistics and forwarding training. Transportation management. Freight order management

  • 06.05.2020

Industry solution"1C:Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" is intended for companies that, in the course of their activities, need to solve transport logistics problems. Such tasks include, among other things, the need for conjugation of participants in the transport logistics process in the following areas:

  • technical contingency - the consistency of the parameters of various types of vehicles in the transportation chain is required;
  • technological contingency - the use of a single transportation technology adapted for all modes of transport that is involved in the transportation chain;
  • economic contingency - a common technology for building tariff system in the transportation chain.

The use of the System is aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • creation of transportation chains, which may consist of links served by different types transport (examples: delivery of goods from China to Russia - ocean transport, sea transport, automobile transport; another option is ocean transport, rail transport, road transport);
  • planning the chain of transport logistics processes together with various divisions companies;
  • selection of the transportation contractor for each link of the transportation;
  • choice of the type of transportation: in a separate vehicle or as part of a groupage cargo;
  • automatic regional/local delivery scheduling for a large number applications.

The functionality of the configuration "1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management" is determined by the list of subsystems that are part of it:

Depending on the structure of the company, functional workplaces can be configured in the configuration:

  • sales manager;
  • purchasing manager;
  • an employee of the logistics department;
  • transport officer.

Regulatory information management

The subsystem ensures the operation of all other functional subsystems. As part of this, the following information is created, processed and stored:

  • currencies and exchange rates;
  • organizations (own legal entities or individual entrepreneurs);
  • business partners of the company (agents, carriers, customers, etc.);
  • contact persons, addresses;
  • tariffication rules depending on the transportation parameters;
  • cargo classification rules;
  • nomenclature;
  • users;
  • tariff groups;
  • routes.

Freight demand management

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to register a preliminary need for the transportation of goods and control its subsequent processing.

  • registration Needs;
  • control of the processing of the Need;
  • registration of various types of interactions based on the current Need.

Transportation task management

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to register Tasks for the transportation of goods and control the execution of these tasks. The following functions are implemented in the subsystem:

  • registration of Tasks for the carriage of goods, including multimodal transportation;
  • calculation of the planned cost of transportation for the client;
  • control over the execution of the Task for the carriage of goods;
  • registration of various types of interactions based on the current Task.

Formation of flights

The subsystem provides the user with the possibility of automatic and manual formation of complete and groupage Flights, and:

  • one Flight may include links of various Tasks for the carriage of goods;
  • flight cost planning;
  • flight execution control.

For a flight, you can create a package of printed forms that meet the requirements of the legislation when carrying out transportation various types TS in various directions.

Flight Resource Management

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to process applications for the allocation or search for vehicles and employees to perform previously scheduled flights.

The following functions are implemented in the subsystem:

  • monitoring the need for the allocation of resources for the performance of flights and the analysis of applications for the allocation of a vehicle;
  • processing of applications: confirmation of the allocation of vehicles and personnel for the flight or refusal to satisfy the application;
  • the possibility of using the business process "Agreement on the confirmation of the Application for the vehicle".

Flight control

The subsystem allows you to record the fact of passing waypoints and to exercise general control over the process of performing Flights.

Tariff policy management of the Company

The subsystem provides the user with the possibility of fixing:

  • tariff policy for services provided by the Company;
  • rules for calculating own costs.

The following functions are implemented in the subsystem:

  • fixing the list of calculation indicators depending on one or two parameters;
  • formation of calculation rules;
  • setting tariffs for services and costs by means of transport and tariffication groups.

Access control

The subsystem allows you to configure user access rights to various objects using roles. The role determines what actions, on what objects, the user acting in this role can perform. Each user is assigned one or more roles. Roles in a configuration can:

  • correspond to the positions or activities of various users;
  • correlate with smaller user functions.

Obtaining analytical reports

The subsystem provides the user with the opportunity to obtain information on the assessment of key performance indicators of the performed transportations, and to analyze the statistical data accumulated in the information base with varying degrees of detail.

The type of reporting can be different and is selected by the user.

Visualization of information on electronic maps

The information visualization subsystem on electronic maps makes it possible to increase the convenience of the dispatcher when drawing up the route of a specific vehicle. In the absence of electronic cards, the functions of this subsystem are not active.

  • OpenStreetMap - WEB mapping, suitable for controlling actual routes (GLONASS product delivery monitoring), free mapping. Works under Windows and Linux OS.
  • CityGuide - cartography to control the formation of the flight. Vector maps of regions, the functionality allows you to create routes according to the rules traffic, takes into account the congestion of the routes (traffic jams). Sold separately for a specific region. Works under OS Windows and Linux (with Windows emulation).
  • ITOB: Cartography - WEB cartography to control the formation of a flight, allows you to form routes according to the rules of the road, suitable for all regions. Works under Windows and Linux OS.

These cards are not included in the software package. Work with maps CityGuide and ITOB: Cartography is supported subject to the acquisition of licenses for use from the respective copyright holders. You can independently choose any of the proposed mapping services, based on the needs of your enterprise and the licensing policy of the card holder. On Linux systems, there are limitations when working with maps and using the automatic flight planning function. Additionally, for advice on the choice of a mapping service, the conditions for its purchase and the presence of restrictions in use, you can contact ITOB, at e-mail [email protected].

The subsystem provides the user with the ability to visualize on electronic maps:

  • geographic addresses;
  • geographic areas;
  • planned road routes;
  • actual car routes;

and also calculate the distance along the specified route.

Integration with the software product "1C: Vehicle management PROF"

Sharing "1C:TMS" with "will expand the functionality of the system and allow you to comprehensively automate transport companies with their own fleet of vehicles:

  • accepting orders for vehicles, issuing orders for the release of vehicles and the formation of route sheets, the formation and processing of waybills;
  • accounting for the production of vehicles and equipment, monitoring the timing of replacing tires and batteries, planning Maintenance, accounting for accidents, control of the expiration of documents;
  • accounting of expenses for fuel and lubricants;
  • accounting for repairs and auto parts;
  • work accounting and wages drivers;
  • accounting for the cost of operating vehicles.

Integration with "1C: GLONASS/GPS satellite monitoring center"

Sharing "1C:TMS" with will expand the functionality of the system and allow additional real-time monitoring and control of moving objects, vehicles or personnel:

  • control of the location and actual mileage of the object;
  • reports on actual fuel consumption, fixation of fillings and drains of fuel;
  • alerts when various events occur;
  • suppression of deviations from the planned routes;
  • receiving a signal from the SOS alarm button to ensure the safety of transportation;
  • speed control, exceeding the permissible speed;
  • supervising the work of pedestrians.

Integration with Android mobile devices

Drivers or couriers can be equipped with mobile devices running operating system Android. Scheduled deliveries from "1C:TMS" can be transferred to mobile devices to employees who accept the task and reflect the status of its progress at each stage. Thus, the dispatcher and logistician can control the fact of completing tasks in real time, exchange text messages, receive photo reports and control the trajectory of the object. "1C:TMS" can be connected to various mobile applications. The first such working application is "ITOB:Mobile Client" - a free application produced by ITOB.

Integration with messaging services

To promptly notify the personnel of the transport company about different situations when delivering goods, it is possible to receive on Cell phones employees SMS, e-mail or Viber messages, for example, about leaving the route, being late to the client, delays in unloading goods, triggering the SOS alarm button, changing temperature regime product delivery, etc.

You can also set up informing end customers about the time of receipt of the goods.

Data exchange

To build complex information systems enterprises in "1C: TMS" implemented data exchange with "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2", "1C: Integrated Automation 2", "1C: Trade Management". At the moment, exchange of regulatory and reference information and registration of the need for transportation for further processing in 1C:TMS has been implemented. It is planned to expand the functionality of the data exchange subsystem:

  • exchange with (performance of warehouse operations to ensure the planned delivery of goods);
  • uploading data to 1C: Accounting (regulated accounting).

Increasingly popular and indispensable for modern transport companies is the main software and information product - 1s logistics transportation management. It was originally designed for competent automation of transported goods and goods, for a significant increase in the level of profitability of manipulations.

Application of collateral

1c logistics for transportation management is directly focused on such modern companies that they strive to optimize and manage their processes as efficiently as possible and in the best possible way. The program is used by the following companies:

  1. Transport companies that carry out transportation by all categories of modern transport, that is, producing mixed types of road transportation.
  2. Professional transport or logistics divisions of various modern production as well as trade organizations, which ensure the delivery of goods from suppliers to customers.
  3. Department of control over the quality delivery of products when working with leading suppliers. Thanks to this, it is possible to effectively plan the overall professional trade and production competent work.

The program is widely used by the sales department, whose employees need to plan and comfortably control the processes associated with the shipment of products from the warehouse. For those companies that bring goods and cargo to customers, this is a very important software. The program is able to save employees and company management from numerous problems.

The main goals of the software

Without proper well-organized accounting, modern transport logistics may face certain risks and problems that require their mandatory elimination. Through the use of this program, it is possible to solve the problem with the inefficient use of models and categories of cars due to the lack of algorithms associated with the selection of accounting operations for the most efficient use of lifting properties. Without due software the company completely lacks control over the location of the car and its movement and over the general condition of the cargo during transportation. It is possible to completely eliminate the lack or complete absence of the necessary information between numerous divisions of firms that carry out transportation.

Using the program, you can select an available vehicle

The rapid pace of growth and increase in the overall flow of cargo, as well as the need to improve the level of customer service, lead the company's management to realize that everyone needs possible ways minimize material costs that are directly related to the transportation of goods. The use of 1C logistics for transportation management will quickly and professionally minimize various logistics shortcomings and costs of transport companies.

The program allows you to edit and set the route

Key Features

The program for transport delivery provides an optimal opportunity, immediately after its installation and launch, to automate the following functions that are important for each enterprise as efficiently as possible:

  • Registration and general control over the careful fulfillment of various needs in the delivery of goods;
  • Competent management of various tasks related to the delivery of cargo - its registration, control over the processes carried out;
  • Transport logistics is managed as competently as possible - the formation of a competent flight and route tracking;
  • Control over resources and careful control over the careful execution of requests;
  • Visualization of information data on special electronic media.

The program provides an ideal opportunity to establish optimal analytical professional reporting to assess the main key indicators of the level of professionalism and efficiency of the transportation processes. If desired, all the accumulated statistical data can be displayed on the carrier and analyzed.

Important! It is possible to organize functional professional workplaces in the system, which are intended for managers of purchases, sales, qualified logisticians, dispatchers, as well as heads of the main logistics departments.

Building analytical reporting

The ability to visualize the collected information on electronic maps makes it possible to significantly increase the convenience of professional dispatchers. You can make it faster, which is quite important in the process of drawing up the route of each specific car. Based on the obtained information data, it is possible to analyze the following factors such as:

  1. Fulfillment of various needs in competent transportation.
  2. Carrying out tasks for the logistics of cargo along pre-designated links in the path chain.
  3. The very implementation of transport flights.
  4. Full satisfaction of various professional applications for the issuance of vehicles.
  5. General analysis of material costs associated with the delivery of goods.
  6. Analysis of the main technological, technical and general quality indicators of the overall profitability of car operation.

With the help of the program, you can see the loading of the vehicle and decide at what point it will be possible to reload

System 1s tms logistics transportation management includes all information data and analytical functions that allow you to evaluate key indicators the level of efficiency of transportation. This can be done according to the received statistical data, which were accumulated in the information base with different levels detail.

Summing up

The 1s bit program for managing transport logistics is characterized by the presence of certain subsystems. One of them provides a unique opportunity to register all motor flights at a high professional level in order to carry out tasks of various levels of complexity for the rapid transportation of goods and quality control over flights. Employees of logistics centers can form a flight for subsequent transportation with full compliance of the process with pre-established requirements.

The use of software allows the organization of transportation activities to be carried out as efficiently as possible. This is the perfect opportunity to carefully control everything. logistics processes to minimize material costs. Based on this, it is possible to reduce the cost of services for the delivery of goods, to make processes more efficient.

Joint solution 1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle management. Standard is a software product for automating the processes of operational and managerial accounting in motor transport companies and organizations, as well as in transport departments of various industrial, commercial and other enterprises using vehicles for corporate purposes.

Configuration 1C: Enterprise 8. Vehicle management. The standard is an independent software product created on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, which does not require the purchase of any additional products on the 1C 8 platform.

Nevertheless, "1C: Standard Motor Transport Management" is very flexible and technologically integrated with standard 1C products into a common information base:

1C: Trade management;

1C: Enterprise accounting;

1C: Manufacturing enterprise management.

Price for 1C - Transport Management Standard

  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle management Standard 25800 RUBBuy
  • 1C: Motor transport management Standard. Client license for 1 w.m. 8 500 rub.
  • 1C: Motor transport management Standard. Client license for 5 r.m. 37 500 rub.
  • 1C: Motor transport management Standard. Client license for 10 rub. RUB 73,500
  • 1C: Motor transport management Standard. Client license for 20 rub. RUB 138,975
  • 1C: Motor transport management Standard. Client license for 50 rub. RUB 327,000
  • 1C: Motor transport management Standard. Client license for 100 rub. RUB 572,250

1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle management can be divided into the following functional modules:

Control room module;

PTO module;

Fuel accounting module;

Repair accounting module;

Warehouse accounting module;

Settlement module;

Driver accounting module;

Cost accounting module;

Planning module.

Control room module

Dispatch program module 1C: Vehicle management serves for accepting orders for vehicles, creating daily orders for the release of route sheets and vehicles, issuing waybills and processing them.

Orders for vehicles can be received both from internal divisions of the enterprise, and from third-party contractors. The order may specify: cargo characteristics, transport requirements, transportation route. It is also possible to control the status of the order.

PTO module

Using the reference books "Vehicle Models", "Vehicles", "Vehicle Equipment", all necessary information is taken into account:

Accounting for the production of vehicles and equipment;

Maintaining a directory of vehicles;

Monitoring the timing of tire and battery replacement;

Accident accounting;

Maintenance planning;

Control of the validity of various documents: OSAGO policies, driver's licenses, medical certificates, etc.

Fuel accounting module

fuel module software package 1С: Vehicle management is intended for operations of accounting for the receipt, issue and consumption of fuel and lubricants. For registration of receipt and issue of fuels and lubricants, the documents "Receipt of goods" and "Refilling of fuels and lubricants" are used. The calculation of fuel consumption is carried out in waybills. To process the return of fuel from the vehicle to the warehouse, there are special documents for draining fuel and lubricants.

Repair accounting module

This module is designed to account for orders for repair and maintenance of vehicles, as well as accounting for scheduled maintenance and repairs, replacement of batteries and tires. Repair accounting module of the program 1C: Motor transport management allows you to keep records of repairs performed both at the enterprise’s own repair zone and at third-party car service centers.

Warehouse module

Warehouse module effective in carrying out various warehouse operations: receipt of products and materials to the warehouse, control of movement between warehouses and write-off of goods. The write-off procedure for materials can be carried out in one of the following ways: LIFO, FIFO and average.

Settlement module

AT settlement management module of the program 1C: Transport Management the functions of accounting for tariffs and price lists, calculating the cost of transport services, issuing invoices, acts and registers for the services provided were used.

The built-in tariff guide with a complex hierarchical structure allows you to set different scopes for price lists: for routes, for counterparties and counterparty agreements, for vehicle models.

Driver accounting module

This module allows you to solve two main tasks: payroll according to waybills and accounting for drivers' working hours. The calculation of the working time of drivers is made in the process of processing travel and repair sheets. Special documents are also available that allow you to set various deviations in the use of working time. The module provides accurate time tracking for multi-day trip sheets and night shifts.

Cost accounting module

Cost accounting module serves to keep records of direct costs, distribution of indirect costs between vehicles. The module accepts reports on expenses by vehicles, cost items, customers and departments and analyzes the profitability and efficiency of each vehicle.

Cost accounting module of the program 1C: Vehicle Management allows you to set different cost plans and properly account for the cost of providing transportation services to third-party customers and the internal costs of operating vehicles for corporate purposes of the enterprise.

Comparison of the functionality of the software products "1C: Motor transport management Standard" and "1C: Motor transport management Prof"

Subsystem name



Order management and dispatching subsystem.

The following new features have been added to the Pro version:

  • Upon receipt of an application for a vehicle, debt control for the counterparty is carried out;
  • It is possible to replace trailers in the waybill;
  • Special waybills are available for construction equipment: truck crane, ESM-, ESM-2, ESM-3, ESM-7.
  • Possibility of operational planning of vehicles using AWS.
Name Price
1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle management Prof
1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle management Standard has the status of "Best product 1C-Joint 2013-2014"

See also:


1C: Vehicle management 8 is a program for automating the activities of motor transport organizations or transport departments of other organizations. 1C Vehicle management is a configuration for integrated automation business processes, allows you to conduct versatile management and operational accounting. Logically, 1C Vehicle management can be divided into several interconnected modules (subsystems):

    inventory control;

    accounting of fuel and lubricants;

    accounting for repairs;

    those. service and its planning;

    control room;

    mutual settlements;

    accounting for the work of drivers;

    cost accounting.

In addition to this program, you can purchase joint extensions: "Passenger transportation and taxi" and "Construction equipment and mechanisms." These extensions deepen the accounting capabilities in the relevant areas of activity.

More about subsystems 1C Vehicle management:

Inventory control

With this module, 1C Motor Transport Management does not differ from other programs where there is an operational accounting of goods in warehouses, i.e. the program includes receipts of goods/materials, transfers between warehouses, and write-offs. As well as the necessary reports on the movement of materials and goods in warehouses:

Accounting for fuel and lubricants

The module keeps records of the receipt, issue and consumption of fuels and lubricants. The receipt of fuel and lubricants to the warehouse can be entered by the warehouse document "Receipt of materials and services". There is also a document "Refueling fuel and lubricants", which not only forms batches in warehouse accounting, but also the remaining fuel and lubricants in the corresponding vehicle, as well as about the "refueling" event.

To return fuel from the car to the warehouse, you need to enter the document "Draining fuel and lubricants".

Fuel consumption for each transport unit can be compared with fuel consumption standards, which are configured in the vehicle model directory. In 1C Motor Transport Management, there is a variety of reporting on fuel and lubricants:

Accounting for repairs

This subsystem keeps records of service maintenance and repair of vehicles. Including orders (applications) for repairs and CO, accounting for the implementation of repairs and scheduled maintenance, replacement of batteries and tires of the vehicle.

Orders are issued by the document "Preliminary order for repairs", on the basis of which the "Repair sheet" is entered.

You can analyze the performed repairs using the following reports:

Maintenance planning module.

PTO is a subsystem for monitoring the timing of scheduled maintenance, the validity of any documents, as well as monitoring the wear of tires and batteries.

The norms for the passage of scheduled maintenance are set in the reference book "Vehicle Models".

Information on the validity of documents and information about tires and batteries is stored in the corresponding tabs of the car card.

In 1C Motor Transport Management, accidents (traffic accidents) are recorded by the document "Registration of an accident", where the data of the car and driver involved in the accident, a list of third-party participants, data of the insurance company and an examination of damage are entered.

In the program, you can get reports on accidents.

control room

As can be seen from the name itself, the subsystem is intended for use by dispatchers, i.e. employees involved in taking orders for transport, planning the need for it, issuing and processing travel and route sheets.

The formation of a daily order for the release of vehicles is formed in 1s motor transport management, taking into account the work schedules of drivers and the ability of the vehicle to make a trip.

The printed forms of waybills exactly correspond to the orders of the Ministry of Transport. These are such forms as No. 4-P, No. 4-S, No. 3 special, No. 4-M, ESM2, No. 6 special, No. 3.

The program has the ability to batch generate and print waybills, which significantly reduces the labor costs of dispatchers for issuing tickets.

In addition to numerous other reports that allow you to control the production, mileage, downtime of the vehicle and drivers, there is a special visual report in the form of a "Vehicle Disposition" diagram.

Mutual settlements

This module is responsible for issuing invoices, generating acts for services rendered and registers, as well as controlling and calculating costs (accounting for tariffs and price lists). Tariff and price list directories are flexibly customizable in terms of customers, their contracts, vehicle models and routes.

The cost of services is calculated automatically on the basis of waybills and other TS-documents.

The register of services rendered is formed with details on customers based on the above documents.

Payroll module

This subsystem keeps records of the working time of drivers and, on this basis, payroll.

The working time of drivers is calculated from the data on repair and waybills. It is also possible to introduce all sorts of deviations in the schedules of drivers. Based on the results, the form (unified) T13 is automatically generated.

1C: Vehicle management implements several payroll options:

  • Percentage of revenue;
  • Fixed amount;
  • As piecework earnings from production;
  • Percentage of the types of accruals;
  • Surcharge for night hours;

The system of tariff filters is customizable, it is possible to combine and replace them.

Based on the results of the calculations, printed form payroll records.

Cost accounting module

In the cost accounting subsystem, you can keep records of both direct costs and distribute indirect costs between vehicles. Cost reports are generated by vehicles, departments, customers and cost items. Based on the reports, you can analyze the profitability of each vehicle.

Cost reports can be obtained in various analytics sections, for example, in the context of cars:

Here is an example of some other reports from the 1c cost accounting module of vehicle management.

Each company engaged in the transportation of goods needs high-quality automation of transport processes. Today this is possible thanks to 1C programs for transport.

These software solutions were developed by 1C specialists for efficient business management in transport organizations. Using 1C programs for transport, users can:

  • Control the availability of vehicles and drivers;
  • Automatically calculate delivery routes;
  • Take into account all possible costs for the organization's transport;
  • Keep records of applications for cargo transportation for all modes of transport.

In the company "1C: Franchisee Victoria" you can buy the following 1C programs in the field of "transport":

  • "1C: Vehicle management 8". A specialized solution for automating operational and management accounting in organizations and enterprises involved in road transport. In addition, the program is suitable for motor transport departments at production and trade enterprises where vehicles are used for personal needs. On the 1C: Franchisee Victoria website, you can purchase several deliveries of the software product: Standard and PROF.
  • "1C: Management of a transport enterprise 8". A software solution is necessary for the complete automation of accounting in large transport organizations and companies. Also, the software solution is suitable for enterprises engaged in passenger transportation, as well as for transport and forwarding organizations. The software product is available in several distributions: for 10 users + client-service, a license for a remote office and a license for a laptop.
  • "". The software solution was developed on the basis of the technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8", therefore it is suitable for automated control business processes of all departments of transport logistics.

You can buy 1C programs for transport on our website at affordable price. The company "1C: Franchisee Victoria" is the official representative of 1C in Moscow, so we offer customers only licensed programs.

In addition, you can order updates, maintenance, configuration of 1C programs and other services. Our specialists have been certified by 1C, and also have many years of experience working with programs. You can also visit our 1C courses and learn all the secrets of working with software products 1C.