Scenario of the most unusual congratulations for teachers. Scenario for teacher's day. Interesting unusual. Merry Teacher's Day

  • 01.04.2020

Members: students from 5th to 11th grade.

Main characters in action:

- Petya (student of 5-10th grade),

- a teacher from a primitive society,

an ancient teacher

- a teacher from the Peter's era,

- a teacher from 19th century,

- modern teacher

- medieval princess

- students from a primitive society (8-10 people),

- knights (6-8 people),

— students from the time of Peter the Great (6-8 people),

- classmates.

Participate in dance large groups children from different classes.

Stage decoration: school desk, blackboard.

The curtain is closed. The host comes out and reads the introduction.


Not beyond the blue seas

In our school, next to us,

Once upon a time there was Petya, a student,

A loafer and a mischief-maker.

He was concerned:

I went to school as if I were going to work,

But as soon as he entered his class -

Forgot about everything at once!

Forgot about everything

Our friend boy Petya,

Didn't try, didn't study

He beat all the buckets, was lazy.

He missed, sighed furtively

Above the textbook, notebook

And, languishing from terrible boredom,

Hated all sciences.

Every school teacher

A lesson hammered into Petya,

So that the boy learns knowledge ...

But all efforts are in vain.

So tortured the child

That the little boy groaned from them.

(True, he did not succumb

And how could he resist.)

Scene 1

The curtain opens. Petya sits at a desk and, when the canopy is fully opened, gets up, addressing the audience.


I openly declare to everyone

I'm angry at school!

I'm tired of the lessons!

How much can you really?

I'm stuck at school all day!

Like a bird, I fight in captivity.

Everyone teaches their own

Well, what is it for me?

There are few troubles for me at school:


Homework is given!!!


The white light was not nice to me,

Just got exhausted!

And tell me, do you

Wouldn't have lived, really

I am without a school, teachers,

Without grades and lessons?

Why do I need these torments?

Who invented all sciences?

Who ordered to teach children?

Invented teachers?

Give me an answer!

Maybe they don't exist somewhere?

Name at least one

I have a happy country!

Maybe they didn't know schools before

And the children were not oppressed?

Well answer me, I beg you

I'm not the only one suffering!

The curtain closes.


Petya would never have known

Is there really in the world

Schools without teachers

Where children are not tortured.

But he decided to risk everything,

To look into the past:

Maybe in ancient times

Was the life of the children easy?

Scene 2

On the stage, students of grades 5-6, dressed in skins, fur patches, armed with clubs, sticks, perform a savage dance to the soundtrack. When the dance ends, the teacher, 5 boys, students, and at some distance from them, a group of girls, who examine wooden jewelry and comb each other's hair, remain sitting by the fire. Suddenly, Petya appears, crawls on all fours to the fire and sits down next to the boys-students.


Where I am?! What do I see? God!

It's all like a dream!


Why are you late?

(Fumbling around)

Who took my club?

Petya(scared). Where I am? Where I am?!!

Teacher(with mockery). Oh, don't you know?

Petya(in a whisper). This is a school?

Teacher(mockingly). You're realizing!

Petya(surprised). You are a teacher? Is it a class?

Teacher(strictly). I will enlighten you now!

He swings a club at him. Apprentice boys surround the newcomer.

1st student. Where did you come from?

2nd student. What tribe were you born into?

3rd student. We didn't know you before.

4th student. Not met in our school!

Petya(retreating). I went to a different school...

5th student. Beat him!


Be silent! How long

Will I wait for the order?

Petya(to the side). Like our teachers!


You interrupted my speech:

During the break I will whip,

Until then, sit and listen!

It is not good to beat the buckets!

(To the class)

I ask you all to say

What is the most important thing to know?

1st student. How to choose a cave!

2nd student. How to cut a chop!


Teacher(addressing students). Someone will add?

3rd student. How to collect roots!

4th student. How not to get caught!


Your answers are correct

Now let this one say it!

(points to Peter)

How do you get fire?

(Turning to the others)

Everyone be silent! Shut your mouths!

Petya is silent in bewilderment.

Teacher(Petya mockingly). Why are you keeping silent? Don't stand tall!

Petya(bewildered). I didn't bring any matches...

Teacher(strictly). Kindle the fire now!

Petya(shouts in despair). Where are your matches?


Where is your father? On the hunt?

Or on a hike?

Petya. At work...


What strange words...

Bring him here!

You shamed the entire tribe.

Didn't repeat my lesson

And for this, in edification,

You deserve punishment!

The teacher takes Petya by the ear, but then the lights go out, music sounds and Petya is left alone. The light gradually turns on again.


Taught me a lesson

Barely dragged my legs!

Primitive like a system,

And the teacher is like that!

In fear, I can't feel my feet:

Cannibal, not a teacher!

What's wrong - a club in the course!

Pithecanthropus! Bonehead!

No, I'll tell you a secret

I disliked this school!

Is it in our class

Next to Kolya, Zhenya, Vasya!

There the teacher pities us

And does not threaten with a club,

He is heartbroken for us

Strives to teach everything.

(Thinking. Sighing)

Maybe in ancient times

Was the person more cultured?

How did they teach then?

What did the kids study?

It was so long ago...

But the hunt is all the same

Look into their school, right,

Kohl would have liked it there

I wouldn't run away from there.

Everyone would know for sure

I would look for comparison.

their educational system.

As if to me, as if in jest,

Well, at least for a minute

Look into that antiquity?

Leading. Is that what you want? Good luck!

The light goes out.

Scene 3

The melody of the Sirtaki dance sounds (at a slow pace). Girls from the senior classes appear on the stage in white tunics, barefoot, with small bouquets of flowers. They perform a flowing dance. When the dance ends, the girls disappear backstage, and 5-6 students in togas enter the stage, then the teacher appears, also in a snow-white toga, followed by a servant with rods. Petya watches from the corner of the stage. Students sit on the floor in front of the teacher, holding tablets in their hands; the teacher stands in front of them on a dais and slowly speaks his speech. Petya joins the students.


We welcome the youths in the temple of science!

Sent by Zeus, a ray of knowledge penetrated the Earth...

So that stupid youths do not know boredom.

Accept and taste the fruit of enlightenment, disciple.

Listen to the teacher, O foolish child!

The gods are busy all the time to make you smarter.

Parents teach the mind of a child from the cradle.

Zeus took pity: he created teachers to help them.

Every foolish child should be able to

Thoughts gracefully and simply express their own.

We will not regret the rod for this, if necessary.

Let us force our talents to develop.

Filthy lads! All the perfections of Apollo

You will not achieve without banishing laziness from yourself.

We must dare and always strive for the standard,

You will become god-like, loving the sciences.

We want to multiply your meager knowledge,

Poverty and dullness of mind will be treated with a rod.

We cannot go on about lazy people.

So make up your mind - do you want to be scientists?

Petya (timidly). Somehow I don't want to...


What do I hear, God!

The speech of the foolish youth is a reproach to all of us.

He defiled the halls of science with his laziness.

Petya(to the side). Something I can't understand. Why this nonsense?

Teacher(with sympathy).

You are weak in mind, we see, but maybe in sports

Are you unrivaled or are you unsurpassed in strength?

On the run? Athletics?


I played tennis on the court

I swam in the pool, but I was not strong in sports ...


We are running races today.

Winning, you will be a hero, and a laurel wreath

We will crown you for your triumph before the people,

And if you lose, you're gone!

(He gestures as if throwing something down.)

Petya(horrified). Thrown into the sea! Madhouse!!!

Lights go out, noise is heard. When the light comes on, Petya goes on all fours to the fore, wrapped in a toga, gets up, gets out of it.


Well, things ... I already thought

That my life is gone!

It's strange that he's still alive...

I'm not myself from fear.

Well, orders ... Horror is simple!

If you did not come out tall,

If you are not a champion

Yes, not strong in the sciences -

Their conversation is short:

You are doomed to death.

Thrown into the sea from a cliff

And they don't look bad at all!

And they wanted to throw me away.

Well, the Greeks! Here are the goats!

Yes, the orders are just horror!

Here it is not surprising to be afraid,

And such longing at school -

It's impossible not to fall asleep!

Philosophize about us!

Put them in our class!

Show them a computer -

Would have precipitated at once!

Old music plays.

What kind of music is this

Is he acting like that?

I hear from afar

It's the Middle Ages!

The teacher told us

Yes, I just forgot...

In general, knights, tournaments,

Wars... I learned something!

Since it's destined to be here,

I will find out at the same time

How are their teachers?

How is it in schools?

Scene 4

Against the backdrop of a medieval castle, there is a small hall with narrow lancet windows, in the center of the hall there is a high chair.

The young princess is given a lesson, but she is naughty. A duet is performed to the melody of the song "Ah, ma'am, tell me ..." from the movie "An Ordinary Miracle".


Ah, ma'am, allow me today

I have a very important lesson to teach you,

We will study with you

How to accept gifts...

Princess. Oh, leave me, I really want to play!


Ah, madam, if a noble knight

He will choose you as the lady of his heart,

Don't chase him

Listen to his songs...

Princess. Ah, leave! I don't care about that!


Oh ma'am, let me teach you

How to sigh, how to pretend and blush,

You all should be able to

Don't get lost, don't be shy...

Princess. How much more can I, tell me, endure you?!

The teacher and the princess dance the minuet and retire backstage, and a group of knights (boys dressed as knights) enter the stage with the teacher. Pupils sing (in chorus or individually in one verse) to the motive of Shura Azarova's song "My name is a beardless youth ..." from the film "Hussar Ballad".

We are the topic of our lesson,

We decided together to repeat and clarify,

For example, as if inadvertently

We have a lady's heart, conquer a lady's heart.

How to serenade her

A beautiful image to sing every now and then,

Compose poems, fill leisure

And eloquence, eloquence to develop!

We must learn in school

And fencing, and horseback riding,

And how to put on armor

How to win, how to win the enemy everywhere.

When you suddenly have to fight,

Hold the sword tight, don't open your mouth,

The knight boldly fights with enemies,

Forward, friends, blow, trumpeter, and play the collection.

Both in the tournament and in the battle

The honor of a knight will protect someone else's and his own,

After all, there is nothing more important, without a doubt,

More than honor. Let's protect her in battle.

Having finished the song, the knights march in place to the music, and Petya joins them, also marching, on the side. The lesson begins at the knight's school.

Teacher. What is the most important thing to know?

1st student.

Allow me to say!

I consider the most important

Be strong and be brave

Castle, fortress to defend,

Don't know defeat!

2nd student.

The knight serves his lady

Speaks about her in verse!


So, we will study

How to compose poems for ladies!

3rd student.

The knight fights in tournaments,

With swords and rapiers.

Always ready to punish

He is offenders-enemies.


you said everything right

And they responded well!


Come closer to me!

I don't see you at all.

Suppose you should

Give a lady flowers.

How would you present them?

This is my first question.

Petya. I??? Flowers?


Yes, yes, I am a lady.

(Gives Petya a bouquet)

Come on, hand it over!


I'm lost, mom!

Well, hold on!


Eh, no, no.

You didn't receive an answer.

But I have a desire

Give you another task.

Give me a compliment.

Petya(to the side).

Is he out of his mind?

Well, school! Punishment!

There's a lot of competition here.

No, I confess to you, friends,

That you can't study there!

In the school of that medieval

Everything is funny, everything is stupid:

Sighs, glances, serenades -

No, we don't need this!

I wish I were in the Peter's age!

Peter was a smart man:

Often traveled abroad

Forced the nobles to learn...

How did the children of that time live?

Lenam, Tanyam, Vanyam, Petyam?

Who taught them? How? What?

See for yourself!


Really, do you want to see it?

Well, look, so as not to regret.

scene 5

In front of the closed curtain, a teacher in a wig and a caftan appears on the stage and reads the text “The Youth of an Honest Mirror” into the audience. At this time, scenery is set up on the stage.

Teacher. The sovereign commanded that the youths learn good manners, study these rules every hour.

1. First of all, the children of the father and mother should be supported in great honor. And when it happens from their parents that they are ordered to always hold a hat in their hands, but do not lift up in front of them and do not sit next to them, and before them do not sit, do not look out the window with your whole body with your whole body, but all in a secret way, with great respect. Not in line with them, but slightly behind them, like a page or a servant.

2. When their parents call them, they must immediately respond and answer as soon as they hear the voice. And then say whatever you like, sire, sir, or sir, or whatever you wish, sire,—and not like this: what, what, what, what you want—as you say, but not answer impudently, but respectfully.

(Clears throat.)

3. A nobleman must be trained in languages, in horseback riding, in dancing, in a sword battle, in red-spoken language he must be taught in books and be able to make a good conversation.

4. The lad should be very courteous and polite both in words and in deeds: he is not impudent and not pugnacious at the hand, he takes off his hat in a pleasant way in front of the oncoming ones in three steps, and not passing by, looking back, congratulating, for it is polite to be on In words, it’s not unprofitable to hold a hat in your hands, but it’s worthy of praise and it’s better when they say about someone: he is a polite, humble gentleman and well done, than when they say about whom they say: he is an arrogant blockhead.

5. Young children should always talk to each other foreign languages so that they could get used to it; and especially when they happen to say something secret, so that the servants and maids could not find out, and so that it would be possible to recognize them from other ignorant fools.

6. Also, when in a conversation or company it happens to stand in a circle, or sitting at a table, or dancing with someone, it is not proper for anyone to spit in a circle in an indecent way, but to the side, and preferably in a handkerchief, and not on the floor, then to the side, so that no one can see it, and wipe it clean with your feet as best you can.

And the last!

(pulls out handkerchief, blows his nose)

7. When you get used to sitting at the table, then keep yourself in order according to this rule: first, cut your nails. May it not appear as if they were lined with velvet. Wash your hands and sit decently, do not grab the first dish, do not eat like a pig and do not blow in your ear so that it splashes everywhere; don't sleep when you eat. The first do not drink, be temperate. When something is offered to you, then take a part of it, give the rest to another. Do not shake your feet everywhere, do not wipe your lips with your hand and do not drink until you have swallowed food. Do not lick your fingers and do not gnaw on bones. Do not brush your teeth with a knife, but with a toothpick. And use one hand to cover your mouth when you brush your teeth. Putting bread to your chest, do not cut it, eat what lies in front of you, but do not grab it on the sides. Do not champ over food like a pig, and do not scratch your head; don't swallow a piece, don't say it, because that's what the peasants do. Do not make a fence of bones, crusts and other things near your plate. It is indecent to roam the table with your hands or feet, to rattle on plates with forks and a knife, and to draw, prick or knock on tablecloths or a dish. Quietly and straight, without flailing, it is necessary to sit.

The teacher wipes sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief. The curtain opens. The scenery on the stage is typical of the time of Peter the Great - a shop, icons, wooden utensils, small windows. Several students in white wigs and gray caftans are sitting at a table. Petya appears at the table among the students without a wig and without a caftan. The teacher does not immediately notice him.

Teacher(strictly). And who are you? Where is your wig?

Petya. I'm a guest here, I'm a student.


Ah, student! Where is your coat?

Did you read the tsar's decree, idiot?

Petya. King's order? Yes I, that...


Look, you don't know anything!

Now I will deal with you!

(Walks towards him)

Petya. Oh, mother, mother, I'm afraid!

Teacher. Are you a noble? What is the father's name?

Petya. No, I'm normal...

Teacher. Servants! Drive!!!

The curtain closes.

Scene 6


(before the closed curtain)

Well, here we go again!

Wig, caftan... What an eccentric

This teacher was strange.

No, I wouldn't spend a day there.

Still, curiosity gnaws...

Nineteenth century, perhaps

Different from other centuries?

I'm ready to go there.

The sounds of a mazurka are heard, which sound loudly at first, then quieter. Petya goes backstage, several couples rush across the stage in a whirlwind of a mazurka and disappear backstage. The curtain opens. The teacher comes out in a top hat, in a tailcoat, in white gloves and casually addresses his students. Petya sits next to them.


Give a general lesson

Friends, allow me today

Would you like to briefly write

Want - no. It would only be good.

You must be fluent in French

Write and express thoughts.

You can forget Russian for a while,

But it is a foreign sin not to know!

So tap in the conversation

Just a little and a little

With a learned look of a connoisseur,

But shut up in an important dispute.

You shine in high society.

Learn, children, by all means

Mazurka, waltzes to dance,

Always behave respectfully.

To throw dust in the eyes of the ladies

And earn their admiration

You must know Latin

At least two poems.

We all learned a little

Something and somehow.


God grant patience to the teacher,

To not fall asleep in class.

Leaves. The curtain closes.


The rake teacher Petya

Didn't notice at all

And as soon as he gave his lesson -

Went off to the ball.

Our hero is completely upset:

The world is very sad.

It would be nice now

Return to your home class.

He got bored, depressed

And shed a tear in sadness.

Petya comes to the fore.


I'm talking to you guys:

I was wrong once

Didn't appreciate our school

And he did not like to study.

I thought in ancient times

And no schools for sure

People somehow managed

Haven't studied in years.

But just the opposite:

Like us, year after year

Children spent in schools

The teachers taught them.

Know, without school - nowhere!

Know, at the desk always.

Our peers were sitting

They pored over the lessons.

And if so - I want back!

I would be extremely happy

To be at home again

I would stop being lazy

Exclusively at five

Began to answer lessons.

More fun in our school

It's full of friends there.

Well, our teachers

Like the Gods on Olympus:

Know about everything in the world

We are persistently enlightened.


Everyone has been waiting for me.

Miracle! I beg you, do it!

The curtain opens. Modern class on stage. Petya runs in, classmates meet him, hug him, greet him joyfully. To the music of the song "We were both waiting, I'm at the pharmacy ..." the students perform the final number. Singing may be accompanied by dancing.

Throughout the ages children have learned

And even in ancient times

Went to school, crammed a lesson, yes, yes, yes.

Their teachers were not discouraged

And it was poor they were not lazy:

Knowledge was hammered into everyone's heads every day.


All the subjects we taught

We were waiting for you every day

It was difficult - we crammed

Even if it was lazy.

In all centuries, children have striven

Get more knowledge

But it was boring to cramming lessons at home for them.

The teachers tried hard

Plant them for lessons

Many times they got angry and cursed. How to be?!


Teacher's work to glorify

We want our game

Laugh and amuse

And thank you for everything.

All. Congratulations!!!

Teachers take the stage, artists give them flowers. Each teacher can be read a personal playful congratulation.

"breaks" the established tradition, according to which teachers, even on their holidays, remain inside the profession: they accept congratulations from children, laugh at childish jokes and applaud children's talents at a concert that they themselves invented and prepared. Of course, let it all be, but let it be a holiday specially and exclusively for teachers. And to bring this idea to life, we offer our own version - New scenario corporate party for Teacher's Day "Eternal Spring"- which will help organize an unforgettable and meaningful evening for teachers on the topic of their professional activity. And the competitions offered in the program will allow the assembled teachers to show their talents, knowledge and abilities in a new way, and just relax cheerfully, sincerely and with taste.

(Note from the author: such a holiday is easy to prepare and hold on your own, the script is worked out very carefully, the organizers only need to decide on the hosts, with background and dance music to your liking (music for the competitions is attached) and decide in advance whether to include all the entertainment offered in this program or some leave some of them in reserve for another holiday (after all, the script contains more than 15 table and active games, contests, quizzes and relay races).

Scenario for Teacher's Day "Eternal Spring"


Track 0 sounds. How great

Presenter: It's great that we are all here today!

There are so many lovely, kind faces all around.

There are notebooks in the closet. This evening without interference

In the circle of friends we will have fun!

Leading: We will forget all the rules, prohibitions,

Let's dive, as in childhood, into joy with our heads.

Let's sing all the songs, those that are not finished.

And we will spin the round dance.

Presenter: May this evening be our reward

For hard work, and for a night without sleep.

Let Autumn cry alone outside the window.

May Spring reign in our souls!

Leading: Let's raise our glasses, friends, and happy holiday to you, dear ones!

(Banquet break).

Presenter: This evening will not be languid. We, teachers, have chosen a profession that fills our whole life from morning to evening, from the first lesson to retirement. Our life is filled with children, lessons, notebooks, and also filling out journals, writing reports, and so on, and so on, and so on. Let's forget about worries and boring routine today. Our profession gives us joy, children share their youthful energy. We remain in the stream of young ideas until the last lesson in life, and therefore, we do not age! And in our souls Eternal Spring! Otherwise, it is simply impossible to be successful in our profession!

Leading: But... if you look at our professional holiday on the other hand, it will turn out that the "product of our labor" (do not take this as an insult) comes to honor us on this day. Imagine another holiday. For example, the Day of the Railwayman, to which the locomotive will show up, or the corporate party on the occasion of the Day of the Investigator, at which convicts speak with a welcoming speech, and at the holiday, dedicated to the Day employees of the military registration and enlistment offices, orderly ranks of recruits will parade ... Why all this talk? It's simple: we decided to spend tonight exclusively with a team of teachers, adults, without involving the "children's contingent".

Presenter: Let's try to get rid of school worries, and look at colleagues, friends from the other, out-of-school side. True, it will not work to stay out of the profession, but for that it is a professional holiday.

Leading: Let's try to forget about the rules, strictness and discipline, but just relax and allow ourselves to be not mentors, but ordinary people with their weaknesses, and most importantly, their interests and talents.

Presenter: To make it easier to throw off the mask of the Teacher, we suggest playing a very simple game that will help you get to know each other better and remember your other hypostasis.

The game "Meet again or I'll never..."

Presenter: This game, popular both in Russia and in the West, will help us to learn more about each other. The rules of the game are elementary. I say a phrase that always begins with the words "I never ...", and then the action itself is voiced. For example, "I have never ... been to the Bolshoi Theatre."

Leading: Those of you who were lucky enough to visit the main theater of the country raise their hand and receive a chip. Who will win this game, we will tell at the end of our experiment.

( Hint for organizers: choose the questions you like, so that among them there are both familiar actions and unexpected ones. Get your chips ready. It can be any small items (decorative stones, coins, buttons or stickers), but keep in mind that there should be a lot of them (six to eight pieces per person). It may turn out that the chips will have to be distributed to half of those present. In order not to read from a sheet, you can prepare cards of five or six options for actions that the Leaders will read out in turn. There will be at least two winners in this game. One who will have the fewest chips, he can be awarded a medal (assign the title) of the "Most Stable" (or sustainable). The second player with the most chips will receive the title of "Most Unexpected" (or Unpredictable). In the last nomination, a person who was the only one who was engaged in the most extreme case can be specially noted. The organizers, depending on the infusion and composition of the company, can also consider an alcoholic version of this game, when everyone who did what the participants suggest takes a sip or drinks a shot (small glass), in this case, the situations for choosing should be voiced more provocative . Questions for the game are attached).

Question options for the game " I never... "

I never...

Went to the circus.

Danced in the street.

Wrote songs about love.

Tried the pistachio ice cream.

Been to Egypt

I never...

Saw a reindeer.

Ride a pony.

Sucked icicles.

Used dental floss.

Picked flowers in a public flower bed………………………………….


(36 ready-made options to choose from are included)

- Game "Quitatometer"

Presenter: Tonight is the evening of reincarnations. And the first test will be reincarnation into disciples. You have already touched on this role. But then our lesson was comic. Now everyone faces a rather serious exam.

Leading: I'll say more. Not just an exam, the exam, where you have to choose the correct answers from three options.

Presenter: Quite in the spirit of our school life. True, our USE cannot be attributed to any subject, more precisely, subjects school curriculum There will be several covered in our impromptu exam. But the winner will receive the title of "The most well-read", because in our competition we will remember ...

Leading:...or guess...

Presenter:...accurate aphorisms of famous people.

(The host reads the quotes, the host voices three possible answers. The first person to give the correct answer gets a chip).


(The subject quotes are highlighted in bold, right answers - bold italics.)


Dostoevsky believed that Russia is a game...not a mind.


Napoleon I, aka Bonaparte, spoke of our country like this: There are no roads in Russia - only...



(19 puzzles to choose from included)

(The chips are counted, the winner is determined and awarded).

- comic scene"Comparative human anatomy".

Variation on the theme of the story of the same name by Konstantin Melikhan.

Lead to the scene

Leading: Have you ever replaced a sick colleague?

(Guests answer)

Leading: And in the case of such a situation, did you have to conduct a lesson not in your own discipline, but in the one taught by the replaced teacher?

(Guests answer)

Leading: Certainly, it is not easy. The man I will now introduce had the pleasure of giving an anatomy lesson (and I must say that he did it masterfully!), although he has nothing to do with this subject. I see you are at a loss. Meet Ivan Ivanovich, our respected labor teacher. Now he will hold a master class for us. Just don't forget that now we are all turning into students again, this time in the eighth grade.


labor teacher- in the future "Trudovik" (not out of familiarity, but for the sake of simplicity), the teacher wears a work robe and takes it.

In this monologue, replicas schoolchildren the Leaders say.

Props: Poster "Structure of the human skeleton" is optional.

Trudovik: Human anatomy has long been of interest to man. Pardon the tautology. The first question that puzzled the ancient philosophers: "Where do children come from?". The same question, having got out of diapers, is also asked by children. IJ, depending on the advancement of parents, receive different answers. And what did your dads and moms say in response to this delicate question?

(Guests answer: In cabbage, in the store, the stork brings ..).

Trudovik: Fairy tales, in short, were told. And did you believe? But the science of anatomy answers this question honestly and frankly. (takes out a cheat sheet from his pocket):"Children are the flowers of life, but it is better if they grow in the field." Oh no, that's not it. This is folk wisdom.

Trudovik (Slaps his pockets, finds another cheat sheet): Children are a product of love. There are three types of love: the love of individuals of different sexes, the love of same-sex creatures, and the love of our people for their own communist party. Oh no, it's left over from the election campaign. What am I actually telling you? (sly smile) Don't worry, you already know everything!

(Animation in the hall)…….


Dance game break

- Game "You are my friend and I am your friend!".

(Hint for Leaders: During the entire musical track, the Hosts insert remarks, encouraging the teams, and when the round dances are assembled, they voice the commands for the round dances and monitor their implementation)

Commands can be:

Wider circle!

Let's go right (left)

In words about the beetle (possible in the second verse) team: Beetle in a circle!

We clap our hands.


- Dance competition "Following the leader".

Presenter: So, the kids, or rather, our teams, stood in a circle. And now the captains of each of them will show us their organizational skills and talents in choreography.

Leading: The captain in the center of the circle shows the movements, and the team picks up the captain's "pas". For each team, retro and modern dance hits will sound in turn.

Musical arrangement in a folder "Following the Leader"

Examples to illustrate:

(A competition is being held Dance competition . The most coordinated and (or) the most resourceful team wins).


- Competition with cards "Two suits".

Leading: Stretched, mood lifted? And the festive excitement appeared? I propose to check this and play ... cards. Today it is possible. Today we are not really teachers, we are free adults, right? Moreover, we will play just for fun and according to our holiday rules. I hope that everyone knows card suits.

Props: part of a deck of cards with two suits from six to Ace.

Competition "Two suits" is held.


Presenter: So, we returned to our class, oh, sorry, to our tables. There are those who want to answer the question: What shall we drink to?

(A toast from one of the guests. A short banquet pause.)

- Musical table game "Spring APOL or Another song"

Leading: Ah, spring, ah, love! Happy and unrequited, long-awaited and unexpected, giving us a vivid cascade of feelings from delight to despair. Very often it seems to us that we would like to go back to the beginning of the relationship, then we would not have made the mistakes made, but if it were possible, then it would not be you, and it would be a completely different song. In order to feel this, I suggest trying to find out a familiar song about the relationship between a man and a woman, but written the other way around...................

(30 ready-made musical cuts are included.)

Examples to illustrate


- Competition "Comic alphabet"

Presenter: Now you can work. Let's do the ABC. I need two people from the team who remember the Primer from childhood, and at the last lesson they carefully listened to the Anatomy Lesson.

Props: 4 (2 if there are two players) sets of cards with the letters B, C, D, D, F, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, U.S. You can add a few letters that are difficult find application: F, Z, I, A, X.

While the Host explains the conditions of the competition, the Host distributes cards with letters to the teams.


(The competition "Comic alphabet" is being held)

Game table block "Mastering an adjacent specialty, or Confused lessons".

(Hint to organizers: agree in advance with colleagues who will conduct the planned "lessons". It will be more interesting if the teachers play themselves, that is, the teachers of the subject that he teaches. Only he will teach a different subject. So the next proposed quiz "Geography in Literature" will be conducted by a teacher of literature. But it is also possible vice versa: the geography teacher will conduct a "literature lesson", but then it would be better to call the quiz "Literary geography").

- Smart quiz "Geography in Literature"

The quiz is quite difficult. Select questions that will be "too tough" for your colleagues, adding a couple of more difficult questions for poignancy).

1. Where does the Mistress of the Copper Mountain live, which Pavel Bazhov told about? (In the Urals, in the mountains)

(Hint for Quiz Host: For the mood, you can insert "teacher's remarks", such as: Children in the third grade read these fairy tales. And if you argue, I’ll ask what minerals are mined in the Urals).

7. In which river did Gerasim drown Mumu? (Gerasim drowned the poor man - oh, there were no animal defenders then! - in the Moskva River near the Krymsky Ford. Now here is the Krymsky Bridge).

(20 puzzles included)

- The game "Twice two four?"

This game can be played as a math lesson by a teacher lower grades with this line:

Teacher of elementary grades: I always dreamed of having a real math lesson. Here it seems to be done! Thanks to the organizers. Of course, I won’t be able to surprise everyone as much as in the case of “literary geography”, but I really want to. My lesson will be short: I will ask questions and offer three possible answers, you will have to choose the right one. And the questions will be simple, my first-graders, probably, will be able to answer half.

( Correct answer highlighted in bold)

How many children are shown in the painting "Again deuce"?

1 - 2 - 3

How many assistants did the case have in the fairy tale about the Turnip?

2 - 5 - 11


- The game "What does the expression mean?"

Presenter: We have another person who wants to conduct an unusual lesson.

(Hint to organizers: This lesson can be conducted by one of the teachers of the exact sciences (physics, mathematics, etc.) with the following eyeliner:

Physics teacher: Since the 60s of the last century, a division of people into physicists and lyricists has appeared. But, you must admit that in life it is rare to meet a person of exceptional lyrics, or an undoubted physicist. Too many different tasks to solve modern man. Here's to me, the teacher exact science physics, philosophical reflections and lyrical digressions are not alien. Today I want to talk about the Russian language. Have you noticed how rapidly our language is getting poorer? And what a shame it is to hear how young people, including our students, talk. Moreover, I note that these young people are not stupid at all. They may well know the subject, but, here is their speech... Our language is losing... beauty, fullness, soul, if you like. Proverbs, winged expressions disappear from speech, and if they appear, then in some other form. But can we always explain this or that expression ourselves? I suggest checking. We have passed more than one "USE" today. Shall we get another one? The principle is the same: question and answer options. I just want to warn you that there will not always be a right answer among the options, but to immerse yourself in the topic and make the task easier, I will offer a hint or explanation. For example, like this:

Do you know what the expression "From pig to crucian" means?

An old French recipe.

- pass off the real as the desired.

From dirt to Kings.

( Hint-explanation: As one Russian legend says, one day a monk wanted to eat a pig during Lent. To avoid God's punishment for violating the ban, before the start of the meal, the sly one exclaimed: "Pig, pig, turn into crucian!")

Clear? Now let's recall the simpler expressions that we know from the history of Ancient Greece and Rome.

Variants of questions and answers for the game "What does the expression mean?"

(Questions highlighted in bold, Right answers - bold italic (or, if one of the three options was not correct, they are written separately)

Prophetic Cassandra

Constellation name.

plant of the dandelion family.

- a person who predicts unlikely events.

(Hint explanation: According to legend, the god Apollo, in love with the daughter of the Trojan king Priam Cassandra, endowed her with the gift of foresight, but she rejected his love. For this, he made it so that people stopped believing in her prophecies).

Cross the Rubicon

Forget about the reality of what is happening.

- take an irrevocable step.

Move to another level in the game.

( Hint-explanation: When the Roman commander Gaius Julius Caesar decided to seize power in Rome, only the Rubicon River separated him from Italy. Caesar disregarded the ban of the Senate and crossed the border river with the exclamation "The die is cast!", which was the beginning of the war).


Block of active games

Leading: Let's start with team relay races, because they have movement, excitement, and team spirit!

Presenter: And to begin with, we will hold a "Military Review". It will really help you shake things up. I will ask the teams to line up in columns. At the head is the captain.

- Relay race "Military review"

- Fabulous pair relay "Golden Key"

- Fantasy relay races

- Zoological relay races

- Geometric Relay


Presenter: I suggest everyone to stand in one circle and finish our competitions with a cheerful friendly round dance.

Sounds 7. Opanka's dance with acceleration

Sounds like 7a. Dance marathon (optional)

Holiday finale

- Competition "Difficulties in translation"

- Summarizing


Leading: So, Team "N" got nn points, while their rivals, Team "M" got... the same result - "nn". What I, in fact, did not doubt!

Presenter: My friends, you are so beautiful!

Smart, talented, tactful,

Team looks great

Where everyone is friendly and energetic!

Leading: Where we are always to help a friend

We hurry in trouble, or in a difficult matter,

And shared joy with friends

We will always share equally!

Presenter: And happy reasons

Let there be more meetings.

Leading: And Eternal Spring both in life and in the soul

Over the years, you all may only arrive!

Sounds 14. Song "Eternal Spring"

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"Teacher's Day 2015"

To the sound of the song “There is no time for teachers to grow old”


On an autumn day, when at the threshold

The cold is already breathing

The school celebrates Teacher's Day -

The holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor.

Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart

In these sounds that are dear to us!

Everything related to youth, childhood

We owe it to teachers!

You are always young at heart

Sharing work and joy with us,

Our strict, our relatives,

Patient teachers!

You give us a lot of strength

And love, no matter what.

How do you believe in us! And perhaps

Nobody can believe like that.

Pupil: Hello dear teachers!

Student: Good afternoon!

Pupil: Happy Teacher's Day everyone!

Student: Teaching is a noble profession. He not only teaches his subject, he teaches life.

Pupil: And we, the students, today say “thank you” to all our teachers.

Student:…Teacher and pupil. These two concepts are inextricably linked.


Dear our teachers!
We heartily congratulate you on the holiday!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your enthusiasm, dedication and
limitless patience!


May there be happiness and health
Let there be enough strength for everyone
And every day of ordinary life
To bring only happiness!


We are in the classroom, maybe infrequently
We pamper you with a show of hands,
But on this day there are many beautiful words
The students want to express to you.


Let the years pass by
With teachers, life is always new,
And serve as a guiding star
We have your wise words in our lives.


Your experience, titles, generosity and participation
Leave a good mark in our souls!
Teacher's happiness builds up
From our student victories.


And let the years fly by
Don't be afraid of age
May you have many years of experience
But in your heart - only 20!

Leading: Today is a day for teachers.

Leading: And we want to start the celebration with one beautiful legend.


Long ago, in a small village, there lived a poor teacher.
The children loved him. The teacher gave them good knowledge. All his students
after graduating from school, they left the village and became great people,


One day God looked at the earth and was surprised.
Where did so many knowledgeable people come from?
And He asked who had taught them all that they could.
Great people remembered their old teacher.
God, as a reward for his wisdom, patience and work, fulfilled his cherished dream -
forget about your problems for one day, but remember that he is a teacher ..

Variation based on the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin about Tsar Saltan:

Three girls (boys dressed as girls) under the window

We sat in the evening.

“If I were a queen,” said one girl,

I would allow girls and boys not to study.

Why do we need this school, what is so cool about it?!

Wear changeable shoes, do not shout in class, sit still and teach.

I'd rather take a walk, stand on the porch,

I smoked, chatted ... Why do I need teaching?

Another girl echoes: “I agree, dear.

Look at these cool ones, they stick their nose everywhere:

Why were you late, but ran through the class,

She touched the wall with her heel, didn’t she sit in the lesson like that?

On a walk, everyone knows: don’t go over the fence, don’t step aside,

Play different games, choose expressions.

At school, respect the elders, do not offend the kids!

A whole hour for education was given to daily routine,

Kind people! Save, have pity, you, me.

The first girl says: “They just have to cling. We wrote an essay based on the painting “Again a deuce.” I wrote: “My sister stood gloomy, moving her forehead to one side.” What didn’t she like, I still don’t understand ?!”

The other one vividly echoes her, burning with indignation: “We are looking for the word“ suitcase ”in the dictionary. I can not find. The teacher asks: "Are you probably looking for" chi "?" “No,” I answer, “chu”, “chumadan”.

I don’t understand why all the guys laughed, as if they talked with Zadornov. ”

The third listened to the girl, she was tired of fastening herself, she spoke like this:

“If I were a queen, I would make you study,

Than to judge teachers, would help them a little.

After all, they are living people! They also make friends, argue, love.

Disappointed by the order because of our disorders.

But they are always willing to help us.

Forgive again our rudeness, inattention, fights, noise

And they give the basics of science, but without them they don’t marry!

So, we close the debate and all together we decide:

We will go to school to become educated.

And we will decide to observe all the rules of teaching, behavior and communication.

(artists bow and leave)

Teacher's Day! (song)

1. Dear friend, teacher!

You are both affectionate and strict,

You walk with us

And you lead through life

You lead us to accomplishments, teacher.

2. Everyone's teacher tries to understand

Although the student is sometimes clumsy.

And yes, you don't have to be patient.

Teachers! You are the engineers of souls!

What does a teacher mean to us (song)

1. A lot of words have been invented about teachers,

But we want to reiterate:

Teacher for children - the beginning of fate!

The time has come to give you a song.

2. Not in words, but in things of tradition

Which, tomorrow's life to match

The teacher will have to be born.

And only after that become.

scene "Meetings in the Teachers' Room"

/ three teachers are sitting at the table, going about their business:

the first one checks the notebooks, the second - the physical education teacher - inflates the ball, the third is dozing /

Leading: Three teachers in the afternoon

We talked about ours.

First: / looks up from notebooks/

And we have gas. This time!

We barely have enough money. It's two!

Look at the salary! It's three!

Second: So do you have gas?

First: Yes!

Second: And we have plumbing! Here!

Third: And from our window

A pile of garbage is visible.

Second: Yes from our window

You can see it too, but not much.

First: I cooked dinner yesterday.

I threw it into the soup, everything that was!

It turned out at least somewhere -

Salt, lavrushka and water!

Second: Listen, you're doing great!

Eat well and drink well!

First: Oh, I don't know girls

How can I live with such a salary?

I will go out of grief to the yard.

I'll sharpen my axe, / swings /

And ... I'll try in the morning

Soup to cook from an ax!

Second: /turns to the third/

What, my dear, are you silent?

Are you sitting quietly like that?

Third: Oh, girls, I'm silent.

Because I want to sleep. /Yawns/

Second: Where have you been all night?

Why didn't you sleep?

Third: That's the thing, girls, and the point -

She sat at the table all night.

Second: Did you meet guests?

Third: Not! Dictation checked!

First: Are there jobs for the "five"?

Third: God be with you! What you! What you!

If you want, look here!

First: /watches dictations/

As usual, "two", yes "three".

Second: Well, of course, well, still!

They don't have time to study!

First: Do not ask them at home

Second: Bring on the disco!

Third: What are we to do, sisters?

Teach them to learn!

That would be beauty!

Second: This girls dream!

First: What to do?

Third: Just live.

Love them the way they are.

Okay, I've got to go!

I go to 9 "A".

Second: Wish me luck!

I'm leaving at 5 D! /puts on leather gloves and a helmet/

First: Well, I'll be alone!

I already have two "windows"! /offers second boxing gloves/

If you want, put on mine!

Tough day ahead!

Presenter 1: Dear our teachers!

On this holiday - Teachers' Day -

Forget all your worries

And look at the world more cheerfully.

You are always a source of light for us,

And the guys are all, as they say,

They bring you beautiful bouquets.

And for them the radiance of your eyes -

Best reward for hard work

Better,than any of the praises.

And they have one desire:

Just to bring joy to you.

Leading 2: For your sincere smile

And student, and each student

Instantly correct all his mistakes

And will not repeat them in the future.

You are the torch of knowledge for everyone,

The one that will never go out.

May your wishes come true

Let trouble not visit your house!

Leading 1: "Why don't people fly like birds?" - asked the heroine of the classic play. The feeling of flying is familiar to artists and painters, poets and playwrights. Inspirational flight to worlds where everything is possible, where the most daring creative fantasies are embodied.

Leading 2: Teachers can fly too. But not in the silence of classrooms and studios, but in the classrooms, together with the children. Sometimes you almost physically feel likeraisesparticipants of the lesson Pushkin's poem, or beautifulI am mathematical formula, or extraordinary physical experiment...

Leading 1: ATasha life- lessons, children,

Yourlife- worries patient.

We loveyou like no one else in the world!

Andrepeat notfor beautiful words:

"We loveyou!"

Leading 1: For you, our musical number. (Teacher, my dear teacher)

Leading 2: To youwishsuccess in work and service,

So thatin the family you kept trust and friendship,

Beauty to you, health for many years,

Joy will not pass you by and adversity will leave you.

Toour answers were full and smooth,

So thatyou checked notebooks without regrets!

Leading 1: There is no better profession in the world

Sourceknowledge you bring to children.

And ourteacher is our idol,

With which we know the world.

Andon this day we want to promise you

That your labor is not in vain,

And we will be able to convey to people

Minemind warm hearts and search excitement!

ATautumn day, when at the threshold

The cold is already breathing

Schoolcelebrating Teacher's Day -

The holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor.

Leading 2: Dayteachers! Listen with your heart

ATthese sounds that are dear to us.

Everyonewhat is connected with youth, with childhood,

Weowe to teachers.

Leading 1: The bitterness of the first annoying mistake,

The sweetness of the first difficult victories

Let everything be reflected in a smile,

Radiating wisdom and light.

Leading 1: Yousoul - always young,

Sharing work and joy with us,

Ourstrict, our relatives,

Patient teachers.

You give us a lot of strength

And love no matter what.

How do you believe in us, what, perhaps,

Nobody can believe like that.

Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow

The candle of that faith will not go out.

Host 2: This holiday in the autumn glow

Comes to us on painted carpets

Open with a golden key.

Teacher's days are not easy

Teacher holidays are short.

Years fly, students grow,

And you, despite any adversity

Stand firm at the blackboard

A living example of courage and duty.

Presenter 1: You can’t understand Russia with the mind

And do not measure points in the magazine.

But we will live, fight and dream,

Save love and grace in your soul.

So that, without stint, to give to descendants

Discoveries, dreams and ideals,

Host 2: Autumn yearns. rustling leaves,

And do not return to a joyful summer.

But so rowan bunches are good,

The kids are laughing so merrily,

That the heart is in a hurry to the lesson again.

Presenter 1: And you are grateful to fate for this.

Let everyone be warm today,

And we sincerely wish you

Good luck, health and joyful years

And congratulations on your holiday again!

Host 2: Live forever young.

Sharing the warmth of hearts for everyone,

Bow to the earth

To all of you, relatives, thank you teachers!

Leading 1: Teacher! Before your name, let me bow my knees... What happiness is to be useful to people, Teaches His Majesty is the People! Just real teachers work such miracles. Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of the teacher, but the one who has inner confidence that he is, should be and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his vocation. L.Tolstoy.

Leading 2: Dear teachers!

You are Love and Devotion,

Faith and Patience.

Leading 1: You are joy and Joy,

Suffering and Compassion.

You are the Truth and the Heart,

Conscience and Nobility.

Leading 2: You are Seekers and Givers,

The poor and the rich.

You are Pathfinders and

Artists of Life.

Leading 1: You are the Refuge of Childhood and

Cradle of Humanity.

You are the Smile of the Future and

Torch of the Present.

Leading 2: You are teachers from God and

Creators of Beauty!

Leading one: " "Teacher" in Greek means "teacher". In ancient Greece, there were special slaves who were assigned by aristocrats to accompany their children to school and look after them.

Leading 2: ATIn the 11th century, state schools were opened in Kievan Rus to train educated people from among combatants, boyars, "princely husbands». .. The spread of literacy in Russia was carried out by people who were called "masters of literacy."

Leading 1: For you, dear teachers, a musical number.(song beautiful word teacher)

Leading 2: ForYouwe have prepared assignments: “Guess the proverb if you know its meaning and explanation”

From the person, his work depends his happiness, business success ( A rolling stone gathers no moss)

The person must be faithful to the word, no matter how difficult it may be given in its execution . ( Having given the word - hold on, and not giving it - be strong)

The proverb speaks of longing for thosethose who are away from her. (On the foreign side and the spring is not red)

It is better to do something slowly, and everything will turn out well and correctly. ( Hurry - make people laugh).

Leading 2: We have prepared for younext task- You must remember the names of books in which the numeral "three" occurs.

Sample answers:

"Three musketeer”, A. Dumas.

« Three bear”, L. Tolstoy.

"Three pig”, S. Mikhalkov.

« Three fat man”, Y. Olesha.

« Three sisters”, A.P. Chekhov.

"Three in boat”, Jerome K. Jerome.

Leading 2: We have prepared for younext task"By name of the dog guess the name of the work " - You must remember the names of the work of art, the clue is the author of the work.

Sample answers:

Mumu (I. S. Turgenev "Mumu")

Totoshka (A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City")

Bug (N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky "Childhood of the Theme")

Artemon (A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio")

Pug (I.A. Krylov "Elephant and Pug").

Leading 1: We have prepared for you competition "How?What?Why? » (type question - answer).

What plant is popularly called a bug and a wire cutter? (Nettle.)

What invention did the burdock give us? (velcro - textile fastener.)

Why do we wear mostly light-colored clothes in summer? (White color reflects and scatters the beam) .

Why doesn't water in rivers and lakes freeze to the bottom? (Because ice is lighter than water. Cooled layers of water solidify on the surface with a crust of ice, and then ice and snow protect the water from freezing).

Why does a hedgehog hibernate for the winter, but a mole does not? (the hedgehog has nothing to eat, and the mole lives underground, where he made supplies).

What does a toad eat in winter? (Nothing, she is sleeping.)


On the table are tickets and answers-cheats to them. The examinees take a question, read it aloud, then take and read any answer card.


    - Will you write notes to parents about the bad behavior of their children?

    - Will there be pets in the classes soon? - Will you wake up a student who fell asleep in your lesson?

    - Will you call your parents to school?

    - Will you tell jokes in class from time to time?

    How often will you be late for class?

    - Will you allow the use of cheat sheets?

    - Are you going to use the pointer as a melee weapon?


  • - No way!

    - It never even crossed my mind!

    - May be. I'll think about it some more.

    - Do not wait!

    - Look what you want!

    - Yes! I have been dreaming about this for a long time.

    - Maybe. It will depend on my mood.

    - Why not? Some people can, but I can't!

Bad advice (presentation)

Presenter 1: In aviation, they strictly consider
How many hours did the pilot fly.
Few people know about the teacher
How long did he stand at the board!

Lead 2: How many notebooks checked at night,
How many plans for life wrote.
How many times have you believed a person
And he punished himself for it
For wisdom and knowledge
For restless patience
- For charm and beauty,
- For amazing optimism,
- For integrity and exactingness
- For dignity, for faith ...

Together : Thank you very much!


How to arrange a surprise for teachers on their professional holiday? There are many ideas and options, and many of them are quite real. But it's better to come up with interesting scenario for teacher's day at school with competitions and nominations for teachers so that they are completely delighted with what is happening. Games and competitions should be such that teachers of different generations can play them, and it is desirable to make the nominations simple, without complex problems. Check out our version of this scenario and try it out.

Dear friends! Today we have a wonderful holiday - we celebrate Teacher's Day. This is not just an ordinary calendar holiday, but a holiday celebrated by the whole country and every person. After all, we all once studied at school and received knowledge from teachers, and we are all involved in this day.
Today we will congratulate our beloved teachers, give them flowers, reward certificates of honor and diplomas. And so, please pay attention - we start the holiday!

A guitarist or musical group comes on stage and sings a song about teachers.

Watch the video, maybe this song will suit you.

After such a touching and kind song, I want to cry. But let's leave it for later, and now we will continue the holiday and play.

Competition for teachers - what kind of book?

This competition is for teachers. The host takes a book, which is pre-wrapped in an opaque wrapper and reads any piece from it. And teachers must answer what kind of book, what subject, and so on.
So you can play 3-5 times, if the teachers like it, then continue the game further.

So we tested the knowledge of our teachers. Not tired? We see that we are tired. Of course, answering and thinking is difficult. But we are not tired, so we invite you to look at our dance!

The dance group shows a pre-prepared dance or flash mob. Put on a real show that will be remembered long after your graduation!

See an example in the video of how students from other schools showed dances:

Many teachers thought that dance is our gift. In fact, we thought so at first, but then we decided that gifts should be meaningful, and here are our gifts!

Gifts for teachers.

Here the host and assistants present gifts to teachers. First, they are handed over to those who have worked at the school for up to five years - such teachers are handed a jug. They hand it over with the words: the jug symbolizes the life-giving source of knowledge and you have so many of them that you can fill many jugs with them.
Further gifts to teachers who have worked at the school for up to ten years. They are handed - lamps. The words are as follows: for many years you have been illuminating the road to reason for children.
It is the turn of teachers who have worked in their field for up to 15 years. Their gift: a watch. The clock is a symbol of time and the connection of generations. It is you who bind the students and the older generation together.
For teachers who have worked at the school for up to 20 years, we give a gift box. The box is a kind of treasure trove of wisdom. Thanks to you, many generations of smart children graduated from the school.
And now we are presenting gifts to all other teachers who have worked at the school for more than 25 years. Their gift is crystal. Crystal is the versatility of talent and a great souvenir for what you do!

And again, we want to test the teachers a little and have prepared a competition for them. We all know that teachers can do a lot. They can teach two classes at the same time. Tell new topic and dream at the same time. They can tell us - sit quietly, and go home early ...
In general, teachers can do everything. Do they know their subject and the subjects of their colleagues? We will check this now.

Game for teachers: school knowledge.

And so, the first question for a physical education teacher who should answer us: were there skis in Pushkin's time and were there any competitions on them?
A physical education teacher can ask for help from a literature teacher.

After the meeting of the teachers and their answer, the rider reads out the correct answer:
No. At the time of Pushkin, they did not go in for skiing. Remember the lines: “Are you still dozing, lovely friend? It's time, beauty, wake up!
With these lines, Pushkin proves that there was no sport at all, and people were constantly sleeping and not being active.

The teacher confers with the physical education teacher and gives an answer. Then the correct answer is read:
We find the fulcrum of the body, choose the trajectory, push off and smoothly rise to a given height. This is where the climax comes, folks. Our body, having reached the highest point, makes the return journey - a jump from a height. At what angle, do you wonder? What determines the flight path? Do not forget that the earth's gravity, acceleration, and gravity act on the body. All this must be taken into account when you start to land.

We laughed, played, it's time to move on to the main thing: nominations for teachers!

Block - nominations for teachers.

Here you can come up with your own nominations, adjusting to your teachers. We offer the usual option, where each subject teacher is awarded with his own prize.

We have more to show you. And now let's see the scene prepared by our actors!

Scene for teachers.

Pupils show a skit for teachers. You can come up with something of your own, for example, remember funny stories from your class. Or you can watch the video and get the idea from there:

And so our holiday comes to an end. We offer to applaud the teachers in unison and smoothly move on to the festive disco!

The lights and the stage are a blank slate,
Open like the soul of a child.
Why are we together again?
What are we going to talk about very loudly?

By what traction we are united,
That everyone in the hall, we call friends,
And what are all hearts full of today?
How than? We are very lucky to have teachers!


Today is teacher's day - elementary, middle, high school.
We congratulate you on behalf of all children!
Together: Good luck, happiness - be healthy!

scene "Prisoner of the Caucasus" (Appendix 1)

Poems of first graders ( application 2)

Leading: In aviation, they strictly consider

How many hours did the pilot fly.

Few people know about the teacher

How long did he stand at the board!

Leading: How many notebooks I checked at night

How many plans for life wrote.

How many times did you believe a person

And he punished himself for it.

Leading : For wisdom and knowledge,

For restless patience

For charm and beauty

For amazing optimism,

For principledness and exactingness,

For dignity, for faith...

Together : We praise you, teacher!

Leading: Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart

In these sounds that are dear to us!

Everything related to youth, childhood

Together : We owe teachers!

scene "New Russian grandmas" (Appendix 3)

Leading: Teacher's Heart...
Well, what can you compare it to?
With the cosmic galaxy,
Which has no boundaries?
Leading: Or maybe with the Sun bright, what gives people light?
With the abyss of the sea that dormant for hundreds of years?

Leading: No, we will not compare!

And we say: “Knock!
Teacher's Heart
Hope! Believe! Love!

Number: scene "SES called"

1C.: Did you call the sanitary station?

2C.: Not? How not? There was a call that there was a terrible epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease in school No. 8. Everyone should be vaccinated.

1C.: No, professor, it's not foot-and-mouth disease, look at their faces - a clear Laurence-Moon-Birde-Bill syndrome.

2C.: Yes, this disease develops in the body of teachers, weakened by lessons, school activities, teachers' councils, complex checks. All the symptoms are on the face: trembling in the hands, a confused look, a constant smile on the lips.

1C.: It is urgent to take measures to eliminate this disease.

2C.: Dropper?

1C.: Not enough for everyone!

2C.: Syringe?

1C.: Let's do it!

2C.: Potion?

1C.: No, it's useless! This won't help!

The only thing we can do so that today everyone leaves work in good health, with a bright mind and memory is to clear the head of bad thoughts.

2C.: Close your eyes. I drive away your bad thoughts: never put more twos - these are bad thoughts, do not conduct control and dictations, these are also bad thoughts. I ask everyone to raise your hands up, slowly lower your hands to your head and scratch it, and then throw everything that stuck to your hands to the ground - these were your evil thoughts. You are all healed now.

1C.: We wish you good health, good students and more vacation days! Happy holiday!

Number : scene "A life-long story" (Appendix 4)

What kind of trials does a restless life prepare for a teacher! Lack of money, excess work, joy from the success of students, tears from undeserved resentment, fatigue from endless fuss and a “second wind” from a kind word said in time. And today we want to tell you a lot of kind, sincere words of love, respect, gratitude, because most often we forget to do this every day.

Leading : As if everything stopped until dawn,

The door does not creak, no one screams,

Only the director in his office

He stays at school until midnight.

Leading : Then the RONO asks to write a report,

That tax report is needed.

He will not abandon his teachers

And he knows all the guys.

Leading: The floor is given to the director of the school Tanachova Iraida Anatolyevna. (Speech of the director with congratulations)

Leading: Young teachers come to schools every year. So a young teacher Zhuravleva Anastasia Alekseevna came to us this year. We invite you Anastasia Alekseevna to our stage to take an oath:

Zhuravleva A.A.:Young Teacher's Pledge

1. Courageously and resolutely endure all the joys and hardships of the teacher's lot.
2. Follow the director's orders, because the director is always right.
3. Do not wipe grades in the journal until the next page.
4. Teach children kindness and educate worthy citizens of Russia.
5. Do not put more than two deuces per lesson.
6. Do not enter the class in a bad mood.
7. Loan to colleagues until payday.
8. Do not borrow from colleagues until payday.
9. Do not smoke on school grounds.
10. Take part in all corporate parties along with the team.

Leading: And now the reciprocal oath of the headmaster:

Director's Oath

1. Support the teacher, with a word and a ruble.
2. Load teachers with work in accordance with job description.
3. Teach to enter the class only with good mood

Number umbrella dance (grade 1)

Our teachers are selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come in the morning - the teachers are already there, you leave the school - they are still there ...


But each of them has a family, children. And how do their husbands react to this?!(baby crying)

Room (boys)

Male teachers enter the stage in aprons with ladles.

Song to the melody of the Ukrainian folk song "Pidmanula"

    When we walked down the aisle,

You said salesperson.

And the teacher was:

Pidmanula, piddela!

Chorus (in chorus):

You pissed me off

Well you pissed me

Pushed the kitchen and the children.

Left for class.

    How do you come from school

So you scrape everything with your hand.

Write, write until the morning

Even though it's time to sleep.

Chorus (in chorus):

You pissed me off

Well you pissed me

Pushed the kitchen and the children.

Left for the meeting.

    My years are gone

My whole age is gone

Who got married with the teacher -

That lost man.

Chorus (in chorus):

You pissed me off

Well you pissed me

Even if I grind my teeth.

Anyway, I love you


Happy holiday

We congratulate you

never mourn for anything

And we wish you never to get sick,

Happy life, success in everything.

Nomination of teachers (Appendix 5)

Verka Serduchka (Appendix 6)


Today is Teacher's Day. There is still a whole month left until the end of the quarter.

I wonder what lies ahead for you, dear teachers?


There is an ancient belief among teachers that all predictions made on this day come true! Let's check?


Let's check!


And now we offer youholiday lottery with a prediction of your fate. We ask everyone to prepare their ticket!

(music background)


Who has No. 1-Button - This month they will give you something beautiful from clothes


2-Wheel - this month you will win a car if you buy a lottery ticket.


3-Flower - this month you will become even nicer and more beautiful


4-Candy- A sweet, sweet life awaits you this month


5-10 kopecks - this month you will be a very money person


6-Bay leaf - Great success awaits you in your work.


7-Geographic map - this month you will travel


8-Pepper - be careful, you can quarrel with a friend.


9-Empty - this year you will have an addition to the family


10-Heart- A love interest awaits you this month


11-Ring - this year you will definitely attend a wedding.


12th Crown - we congratulate you, today you are the queen of our holiday!


Number: ditties performed by students of grades 2-4 (Appendix 7)


Dear our teachers!

On this holiday - Teachers' Day -

Forget all your worries

And look at the world more cheerfully.


You are always a source of light for us,

And the guys are all, as if by agreement,

They bring you beautiful bouquets.

And for them the radiance of your eyes -


Best reward for hard work

Better than any of the accolades.

And they have one desire:

Just to bring joy to you.

Number: staging of the fairy tale "Teremok" the main characters of the teacher's fairy tale (Appendix 8)

Leading: May there be happiness and health

Let there be enough strength for everything

And every day of ordinary life

To bring only happiness!

Leading: Your experience, knowledge, generosity and participation

Leave a good mark in our souls!

Teacher's happiness builds up

Of our, student, victories.

Leading: And let the years fly by

Don't be afraid of age

May you have many years of experience

But in your heart - only 20!

Leading: What a huge heart you need to have, To day after day, year after year Generously distribute it piece by piece to us!

Leading : And what a kind, patient and ageless soul should be.

Leading : Yes, the school for each of us remains a bright, joyful island of childhood. An adult will never return to it.

Leading : Only teachers on this island have a permanent residence permit. After all, the school for them is their home, and all the students are their children, helpers, friends.

Number: Postman Pechkin with telegrams for teachers (Appendix 9)

Leading: Teacher! Faithful companion of childhood
He is like a mother to us, like an older brother!
And the kindness of a big heart
He warms all the guys!

Leading: We love you when pointing
You lead us across the seas
When you read fairy tales to us.
Your care, your kindness,
We need all our life.

Leading: Thank you for being inquisitive at work,
That we, fidgets, are always patient,
For the fact that you could not live without us (all participants of the concert leave)
Together : Thank you folks! Thanks a lot! (in chorus)

Application No. 1

Scene "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

1st. Bambarbiyakirgudu.

2nd. Dear our teachers!

3rd. Markavarakuse.

2nd. We have come to thank you for your hard work.

1st Mymsyn carat.

Song (Styopa and Vanya )

If I were a sultan.

If I were a sultan, I would go to school

And I became a teacher, I would read books,

But on the other hand, in such cases

So many troubles and worries - oh, save Allah

We want to wish everyone happiness from the bottom of our hearts

And for new victories to gain strength

A warm hello to all teachers

Let's just say: there is no better you in this world

Chorus: It's not bad to be a teacher

Much better to live in peace.

Application No. 2

1.Our dear teachers!
We want to congratulate you now.
Don't be strict with us today
We are on fire with excitement.

2. We, noisy schoolchildren gang,
We give you hearts and flowers.
It takes courage to teach us
Tasks oh how not easy!

3. You burn with a candle of knowledge,
Bringing us their deep light.
You only want one thing from us:
So that we become wiser in response.

4. You give us all a start in life,
Giving only affection and love,
You give yourself away
In the name of knowledge again and again.

5. Teachers are our relatives!
We wish you health
And let your souls not be touched,
Frosts of life winter.

Application №3

New Russian grandmothers. (8 cells)

1. Hello, dear!

2. I was instructed..

1.To spend today ...

2. Do not interrupt me! I was assigned..

1.To spend today ...

2. Do not interrupt me! I was instructed (look at 1 grandmother) to conduct ... (look again).

1. Hold today's concert ..


2. Why are you bothering me?

1. Because you don't know how to lead a concert. If, for example, a singer is performing now, how will you announce her?

2. I will say that I will speak now ...

1. I'll tell you! .. The singer must be declared singing. (sings.) Now the singer will perform, she will sing for you ...

2. Haha..! Interesting! And if acrobats perform, how will you announce them? Through the head? Somersault?

1. But you will announce the acrobats.

2. No, I will announce everything.

1. Why?

2. Because a savvy, decisive person should conduct a concert.

1. You speak as if you are going to lead not a concert, but a ship into a storm. Think Captain!

2. The captain is a man! And I am a woman!

1. Oh-oh, hold me ... Woman ... Look at yourself, yes, sand is pouring from you ...

2. Look at yourself scarecrow garden ...

1. No, you look at her old nag

(push each other)

2. Okay, that's enough, that's enough. People are looking at us.

1. Oh, it’s true, we’ve completely gone crazy old.

2. And now the song ……………….


In your big eyes - anxiety and sadness,

After all, we do not have enough paint for repairs again.

You want to send everything to the lilac distance!

In the lilac distance - whitewashing and painting,

In the lilac fog - a water tap,

In lilac fog - window putty.

And your vacation sailed into a lilac fog!

In the lilac distance - the Canary Islands and Hawaii.

Go away for a year, maybe two...

Or maybe you want to leave forever.

You dream, but you will hardly go there!

The lilac fog over our school is melting,

The director sits in it, and it is not easy for him -

He is in no hurry to go home, the director understands:

All questions must be answered by yourself!

2. Matryon, look, and your whole back is white.

1. Where (looks around)

(2nd laughs)

2. I was joking.

1. Fuck you! You are all hee hee, yes ha ha.

2. Today, and so it is necessary to laugh, to cheer up the respected. And then they laugh once a year.

1. Why 1?

2. The first of July, when they go on vacation.

1. Let's tell jokes.

2. I am the first.

1. Go ahead.

2. Little Johnny got a deuce in physical education.

Father asks:

Why did your teacher give you an A?

And he asked to impose mats on the goat.

Well, I covered...

1.Now I..

The teacher says to the student:

Let your grandfather come to school tomorrow!

Do you mean father?

No, grandfather. I want to show him what mistakes his son makes at homework.

2. You should only invite grandfathers ...

1. This is such an anecdote (offended)

2. Okay, okay, announce the musical number

1. (sings) I will sing to you ...

2. Yes, not you will sing, but the guys.

musical number

All students line up on stage and sing to the tune of the song "Smile" from the movie "Carnival Night")

If you are sometimes sad and sad,
If someone is naughty in class,
It's not on purpose, it's not on purpose.
It's just that we have energy.

So let's get all excited
Let's forget this time.
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore.

If we don't answer well in class,
If we forget to learn formulas,
We, after all, also receive what we deserve,
But we know how to hide grief.


2. I’m going somehow in a minibus, I read the inscription “Whoever slams the door will become a beneficiary !!!”

1. You laugh at the old and sick ..

Listen to the story:

And for the third time the old man came to the blue sea, and the Golden Fish took pity on him and gave him the address of Raskolnikov ...

2. (dreamy)

And the sun shines brightly, and the landscape is beautiful when C2H5OH splashes in the stomach (ts 2ash 5 oash)

1. You, what the Flower has gone crazy, you are at school

Application No. 4

Scene "History of a lifetime"

Once in our noisy school
There was a strange incident
Boy Vova suddenly thought
Apparently there was a moment

Vova thought and laughed
Everyone didn't know why
Everyone tried to ask
What are you laughing at I don't understand?

We have been asking for a very long time.
Tell us everything
To you now, on stage
We were able to show

Vova! What is it, did you wash your hands or not!
What did you do in class and get smeared so where?

Vova (1 class)
I went to gym
There I climbed the pipe
And I also played there.
On a rock and a circle..

Teacher (after few years)
Vova! You're being hooligan again, I should call my parents

Vova (5kl) Say as much as you need
I hid the belt under the bed.

Teacher (several years later)
Vova! What is it
Why did you break the glass?

Vova (9kl) Behind the glass stood ....
And teased me through the window

Teacher (releases class)
Vova! Well time has flown by
So grown up, graduate!

Vova (11kl)
Yes, no longer at school,
Not an ordinary student

And where are you going?
Waiting for last call?

Vova (11kl)
Yes, I haven't thought about it yet.
There is still time.

Vova (as a teacher)Katya (first class only)Vova
Katya look at your hands? Where did you mess up.
Katia - I played snowballs in the yard,
Little snow, but a trifle ...

Once in our noisy school
There was a strange incident...

Application No. 5

A week before the holiday, we conducted a poll-voting in grades 5-9 in the following nominations:

one. " Kind heart"

2. "Cool teacher!"

3. "Modern teacher"

four. " A ray of light in a dark realm"
“He will stop a galloping horse, he will enter a burning hut”

6. "An inexhaustible source of energy"

7. "Lady style"

8. "Skillful fingers"

9. "Hero of our time"

10. "Beauty will save the world"

And today we are in a hurry to announce the results of the vote! Please join us on stage!


The teachers rise to the fanfare


In the nomination "Kind Heart" wins……………………, which scored…………votes

In the nomination "Cool teacher" wins ………………., for which the guys gave ……….votes.

The nomination "Modern teacher" is awarded to ……………………. For her, the children gave ……… votes

In the nomination« An inexhaustible source of energy” the guys agreed that it was……………. ….points!

Nomination« A Ray of Light in the Dark Realm” is awarded…………….. …………….. points!

In the nomination “He will stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut” wins ……. ……. Voice

In the nomination "Lady style" wins……………………, which scored………… votes

The Golden Hands nomination is awarded to……………….. ………………. points!

In the nomination "Hero of Our Time" wins ……………, who collected ……….. votes!

And, finally, the nomination “Beauty will save the world” goes to …………….. The guys gave for it …. vote!


Here are our winners! Let's applaud them!

Application No. 6

Reworked song (to the motive "I'm like a May rose" by Verka Serduchka)
Why, why do tears fall
Bitterly dripping, bitterly dripping
Why am I crumpled, you ask?
I'm guilty, I'm guilty.

I'm just out of the way
My feet are cold
I hasten to congratulate you
Send you a kiss.

I ran into a pole
I wanted to congratulate you
I can't say
I'll just dance!

I'm just out of the way
My feet are cold
I hasten to congratulate you
Send you a kiss.

Application No. 7

Chastushki for Teacher's Day (for teachers from students)

Like - our cool mom

Is there a lot of things with us?

We promise a glorious holiday -

Let's listen all year long!

Let's sing to the director

we couplet separate.

To school this afternoon

Rule of fun!

Let the director be our favorite

Forgive us for pranks!

On Teacher's Day - let it pass

A stern look will fly off!

To light up a smile

She has a beautiful face!

Every day we repeat:

Our director is golden!

On Teacher's Day, all at once

Let's say to teachers:

We will be humble in the classroom,

don't be ashamed!

No - chatty students!

No - pugnacious boys!

We promise to learn!

Yes, five! No - call!

Ivanov is not at school again?

Where is Petya Ivanov?

He ran away from the lessons in the field -

Bring flowers to school!

Where is Sidorova Dasha? -

Here he runs without feeling his legs!

For our teacher

Made a pie!

On this holiday the most glorious

We'll sing another verse

And give a cool mom

The most fabulous bouquet!

We sang ditties to you

How could - from the heart.

To not hurt a bit

Now we hurry to wish!

Application No. 8

Theater-impromptu "Teremok"

Stands in the field teremok (Squeak-creak!).
A mouse runs past. (Wow!)
I saw a mouse. (Wow, you!) The tower (Squeak-creak), stopped, looked inside, and the mouse (Wow, you!) thought that if the tower (Squeak-creak) is empty, she will live there.
A frog frog galloped up to the tower (Squeak-creak) (Quanteresno!), began to look into the windows.
The little mouse saw her (Wow, you!) And invited her to live together. The frog agreed (Quantiresno!), And they began to live together.
A runaway bunny runs past (Wow!). He stopped, looked, and then a mouse-louse (Wow, you!) and a frog-frog (Quantiresno!) jumped out of the house (Squeak-squeak!) And dragged the runaway bunny (Wow!) into the house (Squeak-squeak! ).
A fox-sister is walking past (Tra-la-la!). He looks - there is a tower (Squeak-creak). I looked into the window and there a mouse-louse (Wow!), a frog-frog (Quantiresno!) and a bunny-runaway (Wow!) live. The fox-sister asked so plaintively (Tra-la-la!), They accepted her into the company.
A top-gray barrel ran up (Tyts-tyts-tyts!), Looked at the door and asked who lives in the tower (Squeak-creak!) Lives. And from the teremka (Squeak-squeak!) the mouse-louse (Wow, you!), the frog-frog (Quantiresno!), the runaway bunny (Wow!), the fox-sister (Tra-la-la!) and invited him over. With joy, a top-gray barrel ran into the tower (Squeak-creak) (Tyts-tyts-tyts!). The five of them began to live.
Here they are in the tower (Squeak-creak!) They live, they sing songs. Mouse-louse (Wow!), Frog Frog (Quantires!), Runaway Bunny (Wow!), Fox-Sister (Tra-la-la!) and Top-gray barrel (Tyts-tyts-tyts !)
Suddenly there is a clumsy bear (Wow!). He saw the teremok (Squeak-creak!), Heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs the clumsy bear (Wow!). The little mouse (Wow, you!), the frog frog (Quantiresno!), the runaway bunny (Wow!), the fox-sister (Tra-la-la!) and the top-gray barrel (Tyts-tyts- tyts!) And called a clubfoot bear (Wow!) to live with them.
The bear (Wow!) climbed into the tower (Squeak-creak!). Lez-climb, climb-climb - he just couldn't get in and decided that it would be better to live on the roof.
A bear climbed onto the roof (Wow!) and just sat down - fuck! - the teremok collapsed (Squeak-creak!).
The tower crackled (Squeak-creak!), fell on its side and fell apart. Barely managed to jump out of it a mouse-louse (Wow!), a frog-frog (Quantiresno!), a runaway bunny (Wow!), a little fox-sister (Tra-la-la!), a spinning top-gray barrel (Tyts-tyts-tyts!) - everyone is safe and sound, but they began to grieve - where do they live then? They began to carry logs, cut boards - build a new tower (Squeak-creak!). Built better than before! And the mouse-louse (Wow, you!), the frog-frog (Quantiresno!), the bunny-runaway (Wow!), the fox-sister (Tra-la-la!) and the spinning top-gray barrel (Tyts -tyts-tyts!) a clubfoot bear (Wow!) and two-from-a casket (We'll do everything!) In a new tower (Squeak-creak!).

Application No. 10

Funny telegrams congratulations to teachers

Russian language teachers
Could you teach children like that,
What, how many will be alive,
Fatherland will be able to dedicate
Souls are wonderful impulses.
Your work is like our golden age!
Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy.

History teachers
You taught without boredom
History, science.
I'm not the only one convinced
The historian Karamzin himself.

English and Spanish teachers
Children could be taught
So that they can read
Not only comics in a magazine,
But also us in the original
Without difficulties and problems.
Cervantes, Burns, O. Henry, Twain.

Math teachers
So the children taught your subject,
What TV forgot!
Everything is still being calculated.
I am delighted!

Physics teachers
Children love physics
My laws have been studied.
I am simply amazed by you!
Isaac Newton.

Biology teachers
You told the children about
That people are created by work.
For them to study your subject,
A wagon of labor had to be invested.
There are three carriages, to be more precise.
Vavilov, Darwin and Linnaeus.

Geography teachers
You taught geography
Visited in absentia with children
Many cities and countries.
I am delighted!

Chemistry teachers
Subject well studied
My table is not forgotten.
Loved chemistry-science,
So, the dream was in hand!
I have no regrets about him.
table father,

Physical education teachers
There is no better lesson
What is our favorite subject.
You, dear physical education teachers,
All graduates love it!

Everyone knows: the glory of our school
Created by your efforts.
Ushinsky himself congratulates you,
Janusz Korczak and Sukhomlinsky.

dated October 2, 2015 order No. 1

"Joke order of students"

Secret order of the headquarters of the school government.

    By mutual agreement with the school management, appoint October 5 as the Day of Self-Government of Students.

    In the morning, the director and teachers transfer their powers to us and leave the school until the next day - from this moment this order officially comes into force, and pass on to the students.

    On self-government day are canceled:

    • School uniform

      Calls to the lesson (from the lesson - remain)

      Punishment for being late

    On this day it is allowed:

    • Come to class with a girlfriend (friend)

      Not to do homework- still no one will check it

      Play silently in class mobile phone etc., if everything else has been done

    Lessons are 15 minutes long.

    Every 30 minutes that is freed up, everyone works for the good of the school - we must show teachers that we can be trusted with the school:

    Junior classes water the flowers in all classrooms

    Fifth grades quietly follow them: eliminate traces of watering and prevent the likelihood of a flood

    The sixth grades put things in order in the teacher's room, in the offices of the head teachers and the director - everything superfluous and doubtful is immediately taken out to the dump. Class magazines - first of all, notebooks with and control work- in the second.

    Eighth grades streamline reagents, instruments and visual material in the classrooms of physics, chemistry and biology. Reagents are poured into kitchen jars for cereals and spices - this way they will be more compact and look better. The main thing to remember is that copper sulfate is in a jar labeled "Salt", dry fuel for burners is in a jar of "Pasta", and alcohol is poured into a bottle labeled "Birch Juice".

    They are helped by the seventh graders - they wipe the dust off the skeleton, cover it with varnish and assemble it again. If extra parts remain during assembly, give them to the girls. They will make a decoration out of them for the skeleton, as well as apply light makeup and painted nails (or whatever he has instead of them).

    We work until we get what we want.

    We report the completion of work personally.

    In the evening we go home, except for those on duty.

    In the morning we return the reins to the teachers and accept compliments.

School government headquarters

municipal budgetary education institution Zamytskaya municipal basic comprehensive school municipality"Temkinsky district" of the Smolensk region

dated October 2, 2015 order No. 2

"Secret order of the school principal on the day of student self-government"

I order:

    On the day of October 5, all employees should come to work in comfortable clothes and shoes without heels.

    Pretending to go home, actually spread out and lie down in the shelters around the school. Distribution scheme is attached. Get binoculars and helmets in advance from the supply manager.

    Whatever you see, do not take any action without my command, do not declassify yourself.

    Keep calm and calm until the most valuable things start to be thrown out of the school - notebooks with control, class magazines and my game console. Take away and save at any cost!

    On Self-Government Day, the following safety measures will be taken at the school:

    Near the school, 2 fire trucks disguised as donut booths will be on duty.

    The duty service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, at my request, will be on high alert all day. In case of establishing suspicious sounds and flashes from the chemistry and physics classrooms, the rescue team will arrive in a minute.

    There is no reason for biology teachers to worry: the supply manager, Uncle Misha, connected all the bones of the skeleton with bolts and covered it with paraffin - the students will not be able to unwind it, paint it too - the paint will slip.

    All cabinets, tables, chairs, and also pots screwed to floors and window sills. Additional garage locks are also hung on the cabinets.

    To prevent a flood, all the taps in the school are blocked by a plumber and wrapped in anchor chains.

P.S. Oil, paraffin and drying oil were no longer praised on the walls of classrooms and corridors. If they are painted with graffiti - dear colleagues, get ready for the subbotnik.

Label the order "Top Secret". Announce to all school staff against signature individually.

School director: I.A. Tanachova