How to return a canceled item to the purchase plan. How to remove a procurement plan or schedule from the EIS. How to remove a purchase from a purchase plan

  • 05.12.2019

How do I cancel a purchase in a purchasing plan? This question is often asked by employees. contract service. Rules for canceling bidding, and step by step instructions such cancellation can be found in our material.

Cases of cancellation of tenders included in the procurement plan

The answer to the question of how to cancel a purchase in terms of procurement under 44-FZ is contained in Article 17 of this law. Clause 6 of this article establishes the grounds for making changes to the procurement plan, and canceling the procurement is one of the varieties of changing the plan.

So, the reasons for canceling a purchase in terms of purchases can be:

  • changing the objectives of public procurement, as well as requirements for purchased works, goods, services;
  • amending the law or municipal legal act about the budget. For example, funding has been reduced and there is no money for public procurement;
  • execution of federal laws, instructions of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, adopted after the approval of procurement plans. Cancellation of purchases in the procurement plan according to 44-FZ according to this reason can be produced when the acquired foreign product is subject to a newly established prohibition or restriction;
  • implementation of a decision made following a mandatory public discussion, when such a decision was the cancellation of purchases in the EIS under 44-FZ (clause 3 of article 40 of 44-FZ);
  • other circumstances specified in regulations Government of the Russian Federation, regional and local authorities.

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5 steps to cancel a purchase

1. Accept the order to cancel the purchase
2. Make changes to the schedule
3. Post in the UIS a notice about the cancellation of the definition of the supplier
4. Notify procurement participants
5. Return security applications
Moreover, you must complete the first four steps within one working day. If you follow all the rules when canceling a purchase, participants who submitted applications before it was canceled will not be able to present any claims against you.

How to cancel a position in the procurement plan under 44-FZ? Necessary:

  1. go to the procurement plan in the EIS,
  2. select the position to be canceled,
  3. in the field "made decision" check the box "Cancellation of the purchase".

When the plan is placed, this position will be transferred to the "Cancelled" status. It should be remembered that the previous version of the procurement plan will be preserved and will remain open for review (clause 3 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2015 No. 1414).

Cancellation of the procurement plan under 44-FZ is possible only before its publication at the editing stage. After the official publication in the EIS, you can only change or cancel individual items of the plan.

Cancellation of the purchase in the schedule

How to cancel a purchase in terms of schedule? Cancellation of a purchase in the procurement plan is the basis for its cancellation in the schedule (clause 13 of article 21 44-FZ). Moreover, if on the basis of the canceled position in the procurement plan, a position in the schedule is formed, then when publishing a draft change in the procurement plan, the EIS will issue a message about the need to cancel the position in the schedule.

Signed 3 paragraph 13 of Art. 21 44-FZ also provides for the cancellation of the purchase, as an independent basis for making changes to the schedule, which is used in cases where changes to the procurement plan are not required.

Cancellation of the purchase in the schedule is allowed no later than 10 days before the publication date in the EIS of the notice of the competitive procedure (clause 14 of article 21 44-FZ). The exception to this rule is purchases from sole supplier and conducting repeated competitive procedures when the initial ones are declared invalid. It is possible to make changes to the schedule for them no later than one day before the date of publication of the notice of the procurement. How to cancel a purchase from a single supplier in the EIS?

So, in our material, we gave an answer to the question of how to cancel a purchase in the EIS under 44-FZ, and also provided a step-by-step algorithm of actions.

Changes are made to the PP for legal reasons in accordance with. The ordering organization has no right to cancel the order on its own initiative. That is, if the institution suddenly decides that there is no need for a particular lot, then it is not possible to cancel such an order without reason. In order to cancel a lot in the PO, the contracting authority must have the following reasons:

  • bringing the PP to compliance due to changes in the objectives of the procurement procedures and requirements for GWS purchased by customers, or standard costs for ensuring the functions of state, municipal and other authorized bodies;
  • bringing the plan in line with the Federal Law on amendments to federal budget, as well as local regulatory legal acts on changes in municipal or local budgets;
  • implementation of the norms and requirements of laws, instructions, orders of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, higher executive bodies state power and other authorized bodies issued after the approval of the PP and not affecting the amount of budget allocations approved by the Federal Law or the decision on the budget;
  • execution of the decision taken by the customer organization based on the results of the mandatory;
  • use, formed without violating the current legislation and obtained during the auction;
  • in other cases, regulated

According to part 5 of Art. 17, the Government of the Russian Federation, to meet federal needs, establishes regulations for the creation, approval and maintenance of PZ through. For municipal needs, this procedure is regulated by authorized bodies local government(part 5 of article 17 44-FZ).

According to this regulation, the customer organization has the right to change or cancel the order or position of the PP in connection with the occurrence of unforeseen and significant circumstances, which could not be foreseen at the time of publication of the planning documentation (clause 11 of the Order of the RF PP No. 552). In the event of such cases, federal customers justify the cancellation of either the lot or the position in the PP, clause 6, part 6, art. 17 44-FZ and clause 11 of RF PP No. 552. For organizations operating at the municipal and regional levels, the changes are justified by clause 6, part 6, art. 17 and local regulatory legal acts of authorized executive authorities.

If the customer organization makes changes to the PP, then similar adjustments are made to the forms of substantiation of planning documentation.

Changed into the Unified information system within 3 working days (part 9 of article 17 44-FZ).

According to paragraph 8 of the RF PP No. 1168, changes made to the PP, which was previously posted in the Unified Information System, provide for the preservation of all previous versions with the display of adjustments.

How to cancel an item in a purchasing plan

In order to cancel an order in a PO, it is necessary to cancel a certain position of it. You can edit or cancel only current positions in the plan.

To cancel a position, go to the “Procurement Plan Items” (PPP) tab and select the “ ” item, and then confirm the action in the pop-up confirmation window. The UIS automatically creates a new version of the PPP, which displays the status "Changed".

This version will contain information similar to the previous version of the PPP. All information can be viewed in the " General information". Next, the tab "Justification for the change" will be highlighted. In it, the customer must specify the reason for which the position is being adjusted by selecting it from the pop-up list. Next, you need to check the box "Cancel purchase". After "Cancellation" is set, in the column "Decision made" when publishing the PP, this position will be in the status of "Cancelled".

How to cancel special purchases in a purchasing plan

If the customer needs to cancel, then he should go to the tab "Information on special purchases", select the item "Justification for making changes" and fill in all the indicated columns. In the process of modifying special orders, it is forbidden to delete or modify the IPC.

If the PO is in the "Changed" or "Deleted" status, but it has not been previously placed in the PO, then such a lot is subject to deletion from the current version of the plan, but information about it remains unchanged in previous versions of the planning document.

The data of the “Total indicators” tab, when updating the BCF table, are updated for all positions, excluding canceled and OTs.

State Integrated Management Information System
public finance "Electronic budget"

Procurement management subsystem

Procurement planning. Instructions for making changes and canceling positions in the Procurement Plan, in the Procurement Schedule (PPO version 1.7.1)

Description of operations

Change (cancellation) of a position in the Procurement Plan

Making changes to the position of the Procurement Plan included in the posted Procurement Plan

To make changes to the position of the Procurement Plan included in the placed Procurement Plan, you must go to the list form of the positions of the Procurement Plans of the corresponding type. Next, on the list form, you need to find the position of the Procurement Plan, which was posted in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement (hereinafter - UIS). For the search, you can set up and use regular filters by details (for example: “Inclusion ID (in the Procurement Plan)”, “Position was placed in the UIS”, “Date and time of placement in the UIS”). To make changes to the position of the Procurement Plan included in the placed Procurement Plan, you must select the appropriate line in the table. In the left column of the list form, the selected line will be ticked and highlighted in color (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Selecting a Procurement Plan item from the list

After selecting the required item of the Procurement Plan in the "Approved" status, click on the "Make changes to the approved version" button (Figure 2).

Figure 2. List form of Procurement Plan items, making changes to the approved version

Next, informational messages will be displayed sequentially about the start of the operation and the successful completion of the operation to make changes to the approved version. The position being changed in the list form is visually highlighted (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Changeable position of the Procurement Plan on the list form

When changes are made to the position of the Procurement Plan, a new version of the position of the Procurement Plan with the status "Draft" is generated, available for editing. The position new version number is incremented by one. The previous approved version becomes invalid. To display the result of creating a new version, you must click on the "Update" button. Next, select the required item of the Procurement Plan and click on the button "Open document for editing" (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Selecting the required item of the Procurement Plan on the list form, opening the document for editing

The form "Position of the Procurement Plan for Goods, Works, Services" will open in editing mode (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Form "Position of the Procurement Plan for goods, works, services 200"

On the tabs "Basic information", "Amount of financial support", "Justification of purchases" and "Agreement sheet", the necessary changes should be made. On the "Basic information" tab, go to the "Justification for changes" block. This block will be displayed only for Procurement Plan items with the "Purchase" type. For special purchases, the block will not be displayed. In the "Reason for changes" block, you must fill in the "Reason for changes" field with a value from the directory. To select a value from the directory, press . After clicking on the button, the "Reason for changes" window will be displayed with a list of values ​​available for selection (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Window "Justification for changes"

To cancel a Procurement Plan item, select one of the values ​​from the list:

  1. "Change based on the results of the decision of the public discussion of the procurement" - the implementation of the decision taken following the results of the mandatory public discussion of the procurement;
  2. "Other" - the occurrence of other significant circumstances, which could not be foreseen as of the date of approval of the Procurement Plan.

The mark “Cancel as part of the procurement plan posted in the EIS” will be displayed (Figure 7). This checkbox must be set.

Figure 7. The form "Position of the Plan for the procurement of goods, works, services 200", the tab "Basic information", the block "justification for making changes", the mark "Cancel as part of the Procurement Plan posted in the EIS"

If necessary, fill in the information on the remaining tabs "Amount of financial support", "Justification of purchases" and "Agreement sheet". After filling in all the required fields on the tabs of the form, you must save the entered data by clicking on the "Save changes and close the window" button. Further, the modified position of the Procurement Plan must be agreed upon (if necessary) and approved.

Amendments to the Procurement Plan posted in the EIS

To make changes to the Procurement Plan posted in the EIS, you must go to the list form of the Procurement Plan forms. To do this, on the "Forms" tab, go to the "Planning" section. Then go to the subsection "Procurement plan". Then select the "Purchase Plan" folder (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Navigation menu - "Purchase plan" folder

The "Purchase Plan" list form will be displayed (Figure 9, Figure 10).

Figure 9. List form of the Procurement Plan forms. Part 1

Figure 10. List form of the Procurement Plan forms. Part 2

Select in the list form desired Plan purchases in the "Approved" status and click on the "Make changes to the approved version" button (Figure 11).

Figure 11. List form of the Procurement Plan forms, making changes to the approved version

Informational messages will be displayed in succession to start the operation and successfully complete the operation to make changes to the approved version. When changes are made to the Procurement Plan, a new version of the Procurement Plan with the status "Draft" is formed, available for editing. The new version number is incremented by one. The previous approved version becomes invalid. To display the result, click on the Refresh button. To make changes to the selected Procurement Plan, you must click on the "Open document for editing" button. The form "Procurement plan for goods, works, services" will be displayed (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Form "Procurement plan for goods, works, services"

On the tabs "General information", "Positions of the Procurement Plan", "Approval sheet", if necessary, make changes. To update the information of the Procurement Plan items included in this Procurement Plan, you must click on the "Update Procurement Plan Items" button (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Form "Plan of procurement of goods, works, services", tab "Position of the Procurement Plan", button "Update procurement plan positions"

All changes made to the Procurement Plan items will be automatically updated in the Procurement Plan. Updating information is possible only for the Procurement Plan item in the "Approved" status. After updating the information on the canceled positions of the Procurement Plan on the tabs "BSC Totals", "CWR Totals", the total values ​​will be recalculated - the amounts from such positions of the Procurement Plan will not be taken into account. After filling in all the required fields on the tabs of the form, you must save the entered data by clicking on the "Save changes and close the window" button. Further, the amended Procurement Plan should be agreed upon (if necessary), approved and sent for placement in the EIS.

Change (cancellation) of a position in the Procurement Schedule

Making changes to the position of the Procurement Schedule included in the posted Procurement Schedule

To make changes to the position of the Procurement Schedule Plan included in the posted Procurement Schedule Plan, you must go to the list form "Positions of the Procurement Schedule from 2017" the corresponding type. Next, on the list form, you need to find the position of the Schedule, which was included in the posted Schedule. To search, you can set up and use regular filters by details (for example: "Date of creation", "Included in the schedule"). To make changes to the position of the Schedule included in the posted Schedule, you must select the appropriate row in the table. In the left column of the list form, the selected line will be ticked and highlighted in color (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Selecting a Schedule item from the list

After selecting the required item of the Schedule in the status "Approved", you should click on the button "Make changes to the approved version" (Figure 15).

Figure 15. List form of the forms "Positions of the Procurement Schedule from 2017", the button "Make changes to the approved version"

Next, informational messages will be displayed sequentially about the start of the operation and the successful completion of the operation to make changes to the approved version. The changeable position of the Schedule on the list form is visually highlighted (Figure 16).

Figure 16. Changeable position of the Schedule on the list form

When changes are made to the position of the Schedule, a new version of the position of the Schedule is generated with the status "Draft", available for editing. The number of the new version of the Schedule item is increased by one. The previous approved version becomes invalid. To display the result of creating a new version, you must click on the "Update" button. Next, you should select the required position of the Schedule and click on the button "Open document for editing" (Figure 17).

Figure 17. List form of the forms "Positions of the Procurement Schedule from 2017", button "Open document for editing"

The form "Schedule position from 2017" (Figure 18, Figure 19) will open in edit mode.

Figure 18. Form "Position of the Schedule from 2017". Part 1

Figure 19. Form "Position of the Schedule from 2017". Part 2

On the tabs "General information", "Specification of GWS", "Terms of purchase", "Justification of purchases" and "Agreement sheet", the necessary changes should be made. To update the BCF value from the Procurement Plan item, on the basis of which the variable Schedule item was formed, you must click "Update from the Procurement Plan item" (Figure 20).

Figure 20. Form "Schedule item from 2017", "General information" tab, "Update from Procurement Plan items" button

On the "General information" tab, go to the "Justification for changes" block (Figure 21).

Figure 21. Form "Position of the Schedule since 2017", tab "General information", block "Justification for changes"

In the "Reason for changes" block, you must fill in the "Reason for changes" field with a value from the directory. To select a value from the directory, press . After clicking on the button, the "Reason for changes" window will be displayed with a list of values ​​available for selection (Figure 22)

Figure 22. Window "Justification for changes"

To cancel the position of the Schedule, select one of the values ​​from the list:

  1. "Change in the volume and (or) cost of goods, works, services";
  2. "Cancellation by the customer of the purchase provided for by the Procurement Schedule";
  3. “Issuance of an order by the control bodies specified in Article 99 of the Federal Law”;
  4. “Implementation of the decision taken as a result of the mandatory public discussion of the procurement”;
  5. "Occurrence of unforeseen circumstances".

When choosing the value “Cancellation by the customer of the procurement provided for by the Procurement Schedule”, the mark on the cancellation of the position of the Procurement Schedule within the framework of the Procurement Schedule posted in the EIS is set automatically without the possibility of editing. After filling in the field "Justification for making changes" with one of the above values, the mark "Cancel within the framework of the Procurement Schedule posted in the EIS" will be displayed (Figure 23). You need to set a mark.

Figure 23. Form "Positions of the Schedule since 2017", block "Justification for making changes", mark "Cancel within the framework of the Procurement Schedule posted in the EIS"

After filling in all the required fields on the tabs of the form, you must save the entered data by clicking on the "Save changes and close the window" button. Further, it is necessary to agree (if necessary) and approve the canceled position of the Schedule.

Amendments to the Procurement Schedule posted in the EIS

To make changes to the Procurement Schedule posted in the EIS, you must go to the list form of the Procurement Plan forms. To do this, on the "Forms" tab, go to the "Planning" section. Next, go to the subsection "Purchase Schedule". Then open the item "Purchase schedule from 2017" and select the folder "Schedule from 2017" (Figure 24).

And the purchase is canceled by the decision of the customer, then the position itself in the procurement schedule with the IPC remains or can this IPC number be used for another purchase? When making changes to the procurement schedule, is it allowed to make changes to the subject of procurement? In the decrees of the government of the Russian Federation there is no reference that it is possible to change the subject of the contract and there is no information about whether the canceled purchase with the IPC number remains in the procurement schedule.


Oksana Balandina, chief editor of the State Order System

From July 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019, customers have a transition period - it is allowed to carry out both electronic and paper procedures. From 2019, competitions, auctions, quotes and requests for proposals on paper will be prohibited, with eight exceptions.
Read what purchases to make on the ETP, how to choose a site and get an electronic signature, what are the rules for concluding contracts during the transition period and after.

When making a purchase through electronic auction The customer has the right to cancel the determination of the supplier (contractor, executor) no later than five days before the deadline for filing applications for participation in such an auction. In this case, the customer, no later than the next working day after the date of the decision to cancel the definition of the supplier, is obliged to make appropriate changes to the schedule.

The decision to cancel the definition of the supplier is posted in the EIS on the day this decision is made, and is also immediately brought to the attention of the procurement participants who submitted the bids (if the customer has information to communicate with these participants). The definition of the supplier is considered canceled from the moment the decision to cancel it is posted in the unified information system. That is, no later than the next business day after the date of the decision to cancel the electronic auction, the customer is obliged to make appropriate changes to the schedule (indicate that the purchase has been cancelled). If the customer decides later to make such a purchase, then all the “measures” must be re-implemented.

Introduce a new purchase to the schedule (add a position) no earlier than 10 days later, place a notice and documentation in the EIS, etc. You cannot “resume” a canceled purchase, you must create a new one.<…>In what cases and how to change the schedule in EISAnton Pleskov, head of the department for the formation of a unified information system of the development department contract system Ministry of Economic Development of RussiaChanges to schedules are made by customers in accordance with the Rules and Requirements from the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2015 No. 553 and 554. Observe the deadlines for making changes, otherwise you will pay a fine. Publish the changes in the EIS, after sending it for control. How to change the schedule plan correctly and where to contact if errors occur in the EIS, you will learn from the recommendation below.

When to change the schedule Make changes to the schedule if: the procurement plan has been changed; the volume and cost of goods, works or services have changed and it is impossible to purchase them at the previous NMCC; they have changed the purchase start date, contract deadlines, advance payment, payment stages ;Changed the time frame in which the customer will supply goods, works or services;Changed the way in which you determine the supplier;Cancelled the purchase;Use savings from purchases or saved funds within the budget allocations;Received an order from the control body under Article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ;

  • decided to change the schedule based on the results of public discussion;
  • circumstances arose that could not be foreseen at the date of approval of the schedule.

The cases when the customer changes the schedules are prescribed: in paragraph 8 of the Rules from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2015 No. 553 - in case of purchases for federal needs;

  • in paragraph 10 of the Requirements from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2015 No. 554 - when purchasing for regional and municipal needs.

Regional or local authorities may additionally establish cases when the customer changes the schedules for procurement for regional and local needs. Such a rule is spelled out in subparagraph “h” of paragraph 10 of Requirements No. 554.

Example: About editing the schedule. The state customer made a purchase and received savings, due to which he plans to buy computers. To do this, the customer makes changes to the schedule - clarifies the information in the “planned payments” column and adds a purchase. This procedure is prescribed in subparagraph “d” of paragraph 8 of the Rules and in paragraph 3 of the Requirements from Government Decree No. 553.

Situation: should the customer make changes to the schedule if the open tender did not take place, since no applications were submitted Yes, it should. If no applications have been submitted for the tender, acknowledge that the purchase did not take place, make changes to the schedule and conduct a second tender or a new purchase. This rule is spelled out in Part 2 of Article 55 of Law No. 44-FZ.

Situation: can the customer make changes to the schedule in order to urgently purchase medicines for the patient according to the protocol of the commission. Yes, make changes to the schedule based on subparagraph “g” of paragraph 8 of Regulation No. 553 or subparagraph “g” of paragraph 10 of Requirements No. 554.

Make changes to the schedule one day before signing the contract. In the register of contracts, place the contract and the decision of the medical commission, on the basis of which the schedule was changed. This is stated in paragraph 28 of part 1 of Article 93 of Law No. 44-FZ, in paragraph 10 of Rules No. 553 and in paragraph 12 of Requirements No. 554.

Situation: is it necessary to make changes to the schedule, if the NMCC was changed by 1 percent in the notice of purchase from a single supplier? Yes, make changes to the schedule. This follows from clause 1 of part 13 of article 21 of Law No. 44-FZ.

Do not post a notice of purchase in the EIS, the information in which does not correspond to the information in the schedule (part 12 of article 21 of Law No. 44-FZ).

Situation: whether to make changes to the schedule if the contract price has changed by less than 10 percent Yes, make changes to the procurement schedule. It does not matter how many percent the price at which you conclude a contract has changed. This is indicated in paragraph 1 of part 13 of article 21 of Law No. 44-FZ and subparagraph “a” of paragraph 8 of the Rules from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2015 No. 553.

When to change the schedule. Make changes to the schedule within: 10 days or earlier before posting a notice in the EIS or sending an invitation to participate in the procurement;

  • 10 days or earlier before the date when you conclude the contract, if the purchase does not provide for either a notice or an invitation;
  • one day before the conclusion of the contract when purchasing from a supplier under clauses 9 and 28 of part 1 of article 93 of Law No. 44-FZ;
  • on the day when you send participants a request for quotations when purchasing for humanitarian aid or emergency response (Article 82 of Law No. 44-FZ).

The deadlines are specified in paragraphs 9 and 10 of Regulation No. 553 and paragraphs 11 and 12 of Requirements No. 554.

Attention: if you violate the deadlines, the responsible employee will pay a fine of 5,000 to 30,000 rubles. Punishment is provided for by part 4 of article 7.29.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

How to place changes in the schedule in the UISTo make changes to the schedule, open the page "Schedules for the procurement of goods, works, services", select the document and click "Make changes" in the drop-down menu. The system will prompt you to confirm the operation - click "OK" .For editing the fields "General information", "Positions of the schedule", "Final positions" will be available. Make your edits and click Finish. Another way to modify the schedule is to load edits from an XML file. Select Load Changes in Structured Form as XML File from the context menu. Edits from the XML file will go into the change project you created earlier. The system will display the message “Change uploaded successfully. The project of changing the schedule has been updated. If there is no project yet, a new one will be created with the status “In preparation”. Attention: when you make a change to the schedule, the system creates a new unplaced version of the document. Therefore, a new version of the schedule must be sent for control under Article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ and posted in the EIS.

Since January 1, 2015, it has become impossible to publish in a single information system (hereinafter referred to as the UIS, Official website, OOS) a plan in the format of an Excel or Word table ( electronic form), and the customer has the obligation to form a procurement plan in a structured form. In this regard, many customers have questions related to filling out the structured procurement plan form offered by the functionality of the Official website (

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ “On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services certain types legal entities"(hereinafter referred to as the Law on Procurement, Law No. 223-FZ, 223-FZ) the customer places in the UIS a plan for the purchase of goods, works, services for a period of at least one year. The procedure for the formation of a plan for the purchase of goods, works, services, the procedure and terms for placing such a plan in the EIS, the requirements for its form are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2012 No. 932 “On approval of the rules for the formation of a plan for the purchase of goods (works, services) and requirements for the form such a plan "(hereinafter - RF PP No. 932).

The procedure for posting on the Official website of the procurement plan, changes to the procurement plan is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2012 No. 908 “On approval of the regulation on posting information on procurement on the official website” (hereinafter - RF PP No. 908).

According to RF PP No. 932, if the contract execution period exceeds the period for which the procurement plans (long-term contracts) are approved, the procurement plans also include information for the entire procurement period until the contract is executed. Those. in the column "Planned date or period of placement of the notice of purchase (month, year)" the date or period when the purchase was placed must be indicated.


According to paragraph 15 of the RF PP No. 908, in order to place the procurement plan, the customer’s representative forms a procurement plan using the functionality of the Official website (a structured view of the procurement plan) or places an electronic form of the procurement plan in the closed part of the Official website. However, paragraph 15 regarding the placement of the electronic form of the procurement plan was valid until December 31, 2014, now the customer, guided by this rule, must place the procurement plan in a structured form in the form that is proposed for completion by the Official website.

According to clause 16 of RF PP No. 908, if necessary, a customer representative can, together with a structured view of the procurement plan, place the procurement plan in the form of a graphic image of its original. This rule is not mandatory.

The procurement plan is considered to be placed properly after posting on the Official website:

structured view of the procurement plan and (or) electronic view of the procurement plan


a structured view of the procurement plan and a graphical view of such a plan

The placement of the plan for the procurement of goods, works, services, information on making changes to it on the CAB is carried out within 10 calendar days from the date of approval of the plan or making changes to it.

The placement of the procurement plan on the official website is carried out no later than December 31 of the current calendar year. Some believe that the last day to post a procurement plan in 2015 was January 12th. This opinion is incorrect, the last day was December 31, 2014.

According to the RF GD No. 932 (clause 9 of the Rules), if the procurement is carried out by holding a tender or auction, changes to the procurement plan are made no later than the posting of the procurement notice, procurement documentation or amendments to them on the Official Website. If the day of making changes is equal to the moment the decision to make changes is made (approval by the head of the changes), then the scheme for including information about holding a tender or auction in the procurement plan in the EIS is as follows:

  • 01/15/15 - making changes to the procurement plan, approval by the appropriate person;
  • 01/15/15 - publication in the EIS of information on the competition (auction);
  • 01/24/15 - (within 10 days from the moment of making changes) publication of the procurement plan with a list of changes on the Official website.

It would be more correct if information on the official website about the planned purchase appears earlier or simultaneously with the purchase itself.

According to part 9 of Art. 8 of the Procurement Law from 01.01.2013 to 01.01.2015 procurement plans innovative products, high-tech products, medicines placed by customers in the EIS for a three-year period.


The customer posted a plan for the purchase of innovative products

for the period from 01/01/2013 to 12/31/2015.

According to Part 3 of Art. 4 of the Law on Procurement from 01/01/2015, such a plan is placed by the customer in the EIS for the period five to seven years, while placing it before 12/31/2014 for the period 01/01/2015 - 12/31/2019 The official website does not allow, displaying information that the procurement plan for innovative products, high-tech products, medicines is valid until 12/31/2015. When sending a formal request to the service technical support The official website says that the obligation to post such a plan appears only from 2015.

Despite the fact that procurement plans must be approved for one year, and for innovative, high-tech products, medicines for a longer period, the number of adjustments to procurement plans during the year is not limited.

Adjustment of the procurement plan can be carried out as in the cases established by the RF PP No. 932:

Changes in the need for goods (works, services), including the terms of acquisition, the method of procurement and the term for the execution of the contract;

Changes of more than 10 percent in the cost of goods (works, services) planned for purchase, identified as a result of preparation for the specific procurement procedure, as a result of which it is impossible to purchase in accordance with the planned volume Money provided by the procurement plan;

... and in other cases, for example:

If there is a need to purchase goods, works, services that are not provided for by the procurement plans, including in connection with the involvement in the course of the execution of the contract under which the customer is a supplier (executor, contractor), other persons for the performance stipulated by the contract, other persons for the performance of the stipulated contract of obligations of the customer;

If it becomes necessary to change the procurement information specified in the procurement plans;

In other cases established by the procurement regulation and other documents of the customer, for example, the planning regulation in the organization.

Close attention should be paid to the last of the above grounds for making changes to the procurement plan, since in the absence of appropriate references in the procurement regulation, it will not be possible to make changes to the procurement plan already approved by the customer in terms of, for example, correcting OKVED codes, OKDP planned for procurement products.

The procedure for posting information on changes to the procurement plan on the official website is contained in paragraphs 18-19 of RF PP No. 908

Making changes to the structured procurement plan

To post information about changes to the structured procurement plan, the customer:

makes changes to the structured view of the procurement plan, as well as a document containing a list of changes made


makes changes to the structured view of the procurement plan and places a modified graphical view of the procurement plan, as well as a document containing a list of the changes made.

A document containing a list of changes made is compiled in free form in electronic form, i.e. using the tools provided by the functionality of the official site, and the information contained in the file in a format that makes it possible to save it to technical means users and allowing, after saving, the possibility of searching and copying an arbitrary fragment of text (hereinafter referred to as the electronic form) (clause 9 of the RF PP No. 908).

A possible version of the document containing a list of changes made

“In accordance with clause 5 of the Regulation on posting procurement information on the official website, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2012 No. 908 “On approval of the Regulation on posting procurement information on the official website”, changing the information posted on the official website about procurement is carried out in accordance with these Regulations with the placement of a document containing a list of changes made.


(information is indicated in which the Customer makes changes)

1) Purchasing method under No. 13 " Open competition» changed to «Request for Proposals»;

2) Procurement No. 103 is excluded from the procurement plan;

(All changes are indicated: those that were made in the form of the site, and those that were made to the attached documents in electronic form. Changes should be described in such a way that it is unambiguously clear what and where was replaced / added / excluded. There are no file requirements. It is possible to use a tabular presentation of information).

Information compiled using the functionality of the Official Website must match the information posted on the Official Website and contained in documents in electronic form. Based on paragraph 9 of part I of the RF GD No. 908, in case of a discrepancy, information compiled using the functionality of the Official Website is considered to be a priority.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of the RF PP No. 908, changes in the procurement plan are considered to be posted on the official website properly after being posted in the public part of the official website and signing the document containing the specified information with a qualified certificate of the electronic signature verification key (hereinafter referred to as the electronic signature) of the person authorized to post information on the official website on behalf of the customer (hereinafter referred to as the customer's representative), in the closed part of the official website, access to which is carried out using an electronic signature, after registering on the official website in the manner established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government Russian Federation to maintain the official website (hereinafter referred to as the closed part of the official website, the authorized body).

Consider the algorithm of work on the official website:

  • In the closed part of the Official Website, the customer's representative, using an electronic signature, enters Personal Area:
  • Next, you need to click on the “Register of procurement plans” tab on the left side of the screen, and the register of the organization’s annual procurement plans will appear in the working window. Hovering over the context menu icon, you should select “Draft changes”:

Important !

The date of approval of the plan implies the date of approval of the changes, and it is from this date that the system calculates the period (within 10 calendar days) for posting information about making changes to the plan on the official website in accordance with Section 3, Clause 14 of RF PP No. 908.

  • Now you need to go to the tab "Procurement plan items" (1), then:

To delete a position, use the "Delete" button (5).

  • Entering the rationale for changing the position in the opened tab "Position details":
  • Fill in all fields with an asterisk and select one of the actions - "Complete data entry" or "Save and add a new position":
  • Changes are published in the "All Information" tab in the "REGISTER OF PURCHASE PLANS", to do this, hover over the context menu icon and select the "Publish" action. At the project stage, it is also possible to edit and delete the draft changes, after signing electronic signature(i.e. publication on the Official website) there will be no such possibility. After signing, it will only be possible to edit documents by creating new versions, while the previous versions will be in the public domain (clause 6 of the RF PP No. 908). Removal of information from the Official Site is possible only not on the basis of an order from an executive authority authorized to monitor compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law, or by a court decision (part 7 of the RF PP No. 908):

It is also worth noting that since May 16, 2014, the amendments made to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 05.05.2014 (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 122-FZ) came into force. In accordance with them, administrative liability is provided for violations of the legislation on the procurement of goods (works, services) by certain types of legal entities.

The main type of administrative punishment applied when committing these violations is the imposition of a fine. In some cases, disqualification applies.

Below are the compositions of administrative offenses in the field of procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities that may be applicable within the framework of the topic we are considering, in case of their violations.

Compound administrative offense

The subject of an administrative offense

Amount of the fine

The statute of limitations for bringing to administrative responsibility

Violation of the terms provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities for posting in the EIS in the field of procurement information on the procurement of goods, works, services, the placement of which is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities, except for the cases provided for by paragraph 6 of article 7.32.3



Non-placement in the EIS in the field of procurement of information on the procurement of goods, works, services, the placement of which is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities



1 year from the date of committing an administrative offense

For reference

On site OTC tender implemented and works very convenient planning module, providing automation of creationstructured plan.

The process is simple and consists of the following steps:

  • Upload the plan in the form of an Excel table to your personal account on the ETP;
  • Send the plan to the EIS;
  • Sign the plan in the EIS with an electronic signature.

The site itself performs the conversion from a tabular format to a structured form and saves the customer from meaningless routine work.