How many people work in small construction organizations. Criteria for a small business: income, number of employees, reporting. The essence of the concept of "small business"

  • 24.05.2020

Small Business Niche

Firms that represent small businesses in Russia are commercial organizations with a staff of 30 people. ( retail, consumer services) up to 100 people. (industry, construction, transport). Statistics show that the construction industry is one of the main sectors of small business.
For example, in Moscow, which, along with St. Petersburg, leads in terms of the number of small enterprises per capita, their total number is formed by trade, real estate transactions, manufacturing industries and construction. Least of all small enterprises are represented in such areas as mining, financial activities, and the provision of public, social and personal services.
According to the Committee for Construction of St. Petersburg, out of 400 enterprises in the building materials industry, 320 belong to the small business sector.
According to Petrostat, in 2007 almost 15,000 small businesses operated in the Leningrad Region, including 12% in construction. The number of employees in these enterprises amounted to 20% of the total number of employees in small businesses, and specific gravity turnover of small construction companies reached 20.5%.

What place is given to small business in construction today?
According to the general opinion, small businesses have been pushed into the sphere of subcontracting, specializing in the installation of intra-house networks, installation of heating and ventilation equipment, electrical, roofing, finishing and other types of work that a large developer can entrust to small companies, subject to deadlines and quality.
According to Deputy Director of Soyuzpetrostroy Evgeny Kaplan, the field of small business in construction is limited, and in some areas even doomed, unless the company plans to develop and grow larger.

In the production of building materials, the share of small businesses depends on the type of sub-sector. For example, the production of windows using wood, aluminum and PVC profiles is almost entirely owned by small companies, regardless of the volume of production. At the same time, 80% of St. Petersburg enterprises that produce metal-plastic windows produce only up to 500 items per month.
In general, small companies in the construction industry have to compete with more large enterprises. As a rule, with the release of a small batch of products, its cost is higher than with the production of large batches, if we are not talking about modern automated production.

Much determines the responsibility of employees of a small business and their qualifications. For example, restoration firms have "piece" specialists in their staff who are responsible for the quality of work with their reputation.

Benefits and problems

The success of a small business is based on mobility, prompt response to changes in business processes, and the ability to reorient their activities. The more correct and accurate the reaction to certain market trends, the higher the profit can be.
At the initial stage, a small business organization requires from the new team mainly organizational and intellectual resources. When this stage is passed, there comes some stabilization and the need to expand the enterprise. It is during this period that many small businesses begin to feel a shortage of working capital.
But it is quite difficult to get a loan for business development, since a small enterprise has neither high-value production assets nor a collateral fund (buildings, land, etc.). For example, representatives of small businesses actively used mortgage programs.
According to experts, up to 30% of issued mortgage loans in St. Petersburg were spent not on the purchase of housing, but on the development of small businesses.

The situation is exacerbated by the lack of transparency of small businesses. Small businesses try to hide income, optimize taxation, often using shadow payments. In addition, competition in small businesses is quite high, and funds for development are needed, and not every small company can provide high salaries. Therefore, if a small business begins to honestly pay all taxes and a high legal salary, it will quickly become uncompetitive.

The issue of competitiveness of small businesses is closely related to the quality of services or products. It would seem that small enterprises have fewer orders, they can devote more time and attention to their customers, so the quality should be better. But, on the other hand, given that the choice of the contractor under the contract often determines the cost of the contract, to ensure proper quality For minimal money it is not always possible.
For example, according to the association "A-beton", in St. Petersburg from 50 to 100 enterprises produce concrete mixtures. Most of them are small concrete units, where the quality and control parameters often do not meet the standards.

Concerns of consumers are also connected with the quality of paint and varnish products of small manufacturers. But these are examples where compliance with technology, availability of modern equipment, raw materials with stable quality and competent technologists, which is not always characteristic of small businesses. Hence the opinion that there are more unscrupulous manufacturers in small businesses.
On the other hand, release exclusive products- just the lot of small companies. Director of the Institute of Innovation Joseph Tukkel gives an example of the creation of a small enterprise by two students of the Polytechnic University. By purchasing a license for the technology of drawing images on various surfaces, they adapted it for the production of tiles with an original pattern according to the customer's design and paid for their implementation in the first year.

A look at the prospects

No matter how inert the modern construction market may be, innovative hopes are connected with small companies in any sector of the economy.
- The basis of any business is small enterprises with the number of employees from 5 to 50 people, - agrees with this Alexey Stepanov, development director of the Apeks road construction company.- It is vital to introduce innovations for both large and small enterprises, but for small ones this is especially important, because they have freedom of maneuver and flexibility. A large enterprise is much more difficult to rebuild.
It is impractical for a small company to order innovative developments, but it is possible to borrow new technologies and materials in its activities. It is enough to find an organizational, marketing or financial idea that is conceptually new for your market. In this, much depends on the personality of the leader, on his ability to take risks and on his understanding of what entrepreneurship is.
“According to forecasts, in the context of the financial crisis, about 30% of construction companies may leave the market,” says Ivan Sukharev, Deputy General Director of the Kirov House-Building Plant. - That is, the market will decrease by a third. Factories will be forced to diversify and switch to other products. With growing competition, manufacturers remaining on the market will begin to reduce prices, but prices for the main raw materials - crushed stone, cement and sand - are unlikely to fall. That is, the price reduction will occur due to our already low profitability.
We are open to cost-reducing innovation, which for the precast concrete manufacturer means developing new materials using advanced plasticizers and other additives. But which bank in the face of a slowdown economic growth and a decrease in consumer activity will give credit for innovative developments?
“Today, any enterprise needs normal financing for the development of production,” believes Alexander Barsky, CEO research and production company "Skar-Let".- But it turns out that it is easier for an individual to get a loan than for an enterprise. We use innovative technologies. Therefore, unlike other manufacturers of anti-corrosion pigments, we have a “gap” in terms of profitability even now, when the price of raw materials has increased by 2.5 times. But we cannot satisfy all incoming orders - there is not enough capacity.

The situation on the labor market in the field of construction of buildings and structures was discussed on November 16 at a meeting of the interdepartmental working group on monitoring the situation on the labor market chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister Russian Federation Olga Golodets. State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Natalya Antipina said that at present construction industry 1.78 million people are employed.

In her report, Natalya Antipina said that as of the beginning of November 2015, 132.8 thousand companies operate in the construction industry in Russia, among which 110.5 thousand are construction and reconstruction, another 39.7 thousand - design organizations, and 10.6 thousand - companies performing engineering and survey work.

According to the Deputy Minister, about 94% of companies are micro and small businesses. And 3% each - to medium and large.

“According to the monitoring of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 1.78 million people are employed in the construction industry. The number of employees has decreased by 2.7% since the beginning of the year,” said Natalia Antipina. At the same time, the average salary in the construction industry in the country increased by 3.2% and now stands at 26.6 thousand rubles per month.

According to the results of the first three quarters of the year, the leaders in housing commissioning are the Moscow Region, the Krasnodar Territory and the city of Moscow.


Today, small business in Russia accounts for no more than a quarter of the domestic economy, although in other countries - more than half. At the same time, statistics show that the construction industry is one of the main ones in the activities of small businesses. Where is the place of SMEs in this industry?

In the first place in popularity among small business entrepreneurs is trade. Then real estate transactions - rent, purchase, sale. Construction is in the top three. This conclusion was reached by officials at the State Council in the spring of 2015. According to ANO "Statistics of Russia", at the end of 2014 the share of small construction firms(excluding micro-enterprises) accounted for about 12% of all small businesses, whose turnover fluctuates within 10%.

According to the general opinion, small businesses have been pushed into the sphere of subcontracting, specializing in the installation of intra-house networks, installation of heating and ventilation equipment, electrical, roofing, finishing and other types of work that a large developer can entrust to small companies, subject to deadlines and quality.

Thus, the field of small business in construction is very limited, unless the company plans to develop and consolidate.

In the production of building materials, the share of small businesses depends on the type of sub-sector. For example, the production of windows using wood, aluminum and PVC profiles is very often owned by small companies. Of course, in such areas, the issue of competition with larger enterprises is acute. Indeed, with the release of a small batch of products, its cost is higher than with the production of large batches.

Much determines the responsibility of employees of a small business and their qualifications. For example, restoration firms have "piece" specialists in their staff who are responsible for the quality of work with their reputation.


Business in construction is often associated with distrust of the consumer.

Concerns of consumers are connected, for example, with the quality of paint and varnish products of small manufacturers, where compliance with technology, the availability of modern equipment, raw materials with stable quality and competent technologists play a decisive role, which is not always characteristic of small businesses. Hence the opinion that there are more unscrupulous manufacturers in small businesses. And this despite the fact that the construction industry is very labour-, energy- and material-intensive, so the inflation rate and rising prices for all resources are very high.

This is how Nikolai Tsiganov, chairman of the relevant construction committee at one of the business associations, describes his vision of the problem of SMEs in construction.

“The situation is not easy, but I would not exaggerate. This is not about "fire" assistance, but about clearly structured work to maintain the pace of development that the Russian construction industry is gaining. And in some respects, believe me, they are worthy of respect. Thus, in 2014, the volume of housing commissioning in Russia reached an unprecedented 81 million square meters. m - this is 14.9% more than in 2013! I note that about 40% of this volume is economy-class housing.

An important drawback: we do not have a document confirming the status of an enterprise as small or medium, and information on the number of employees and financial activities closed. I would also like to point out another serious factor hindering the development of the construction industry: formally, banks do not refuse support and are ready to give loans to small businesses. But they do it on general terms, which are beyond the power of SMEs. All these obstacles must be overcome together, putting forward timely and professionally prepared initiatives at both the regional and federal levels.”

Sergey Ionkin, head of the Center for Industrial Cooperation of the Ekaterinburg Center for Entrepreneurship Development Foundation, believes that innovations in building technologies and materials should be developed by state-owned or close to the state large companies, but the results can be implemented in the production of small enterprises, including: process undergoing innovation? This is NIIR-R&D - testing in real conditions - introduction into production and sale. The first two stages are expensive, with the third generally problems. Competitions and tenders for municipal orders often put cheapness at the forefront. Why should municipal unitary enterprises buy innovative lamps for 20,000 rubles when you can buy standard ones for 5,000? Although it is clear that the former are more beneficial for urban improvement. In this environment, no one wants to take unnecessary risks.

Among commercial companies, there is no particular demand either. And it is clear that the designers create their projects in such a way that, in the end, the builder earns more.

Of course, big companies always have plans for the future, but can you convince them? I myself have a patent for an innovative product - a two-component road curb. I can already produce it, but... for whom? What is the point of taking a curb from me that lasts for ten years, when the service life of all domestic roads today is three years?


However, despite the many difficulties, there are examples of innovative small and medium-sized companies in construction. Yuri Chumerin, chairman of the Union of Construction Industry Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk Region, argues that the situation is twofold: “Of course, small business in construction is mainly engaged in general construction works where labor and small-scale mechanization are needed. But there are cases when small businesses are engaged in innovation and even the production of innovative materials, although this requires serious technological lines, large loans for raw materials and equipment.” At the same time, Chumerin mentions the LSM company, which the union has helped more than once.

The LSM company, which is engaged in the production and sale of innovative concrete additives, is a truly striking example of innovation in the production of building materials in Yekaterinburg. Its director, Igor Devyatov, managed to overcome all the obstacles for small businesses to enter the innovation sphere, but he advises startups to assess their capabilities, expectations and predisposition to research:

“The idea of ​​any innovation arises when there is a need to obtain either a cheaper product, or a product at the same cost, but of higher quality. Today we work with third-party research laboratories by agreement - we place an order with them, formulate what we would like to see, they provide us with a lot of results, we test them, then there is an industrial approbation, and then implementation, for which sometimes it is necessary to draw up a completely new documentation. it a big problem- lack of proper regulatory framework. Sometimes there is a product, but there is no “paper” allowing it to be put into operation. Therefore, it cannot be used by designers, and therefore, by builders who work on projects.
For example, for our soft soil stabilization technology, we first created regional standard(with tests on local roads), then federal, with the involvement of scientists from the Moscow Road Institute, on the model of the European standard, and approved it in Mosstroy. Without the federal standard, we would not be able to work for the entire Russian market. This is a huge piece of work - time-consuming and costly in finance.
I must say right away that it is almost impossible to engage in small business on the basis of your own company - laboratory equipment is very expensive, it is too expensive to have your own laboratory. A laboratory concrete mixer costs 10 times more than a conventional one. Therefore, entrepreneurs who want to do this kind of business should soberly assess whether they have a penchant for research. There is nothing to do here for those whose only goal is to make a profit, because sometimes there is no profit. There is nothing for “pure” production workers to do here. You should have a craving for experiments, for innovations. Although in your work you will involve, I repeat once again, personnel from research institutes. And you have to be prepared to make a lot of mistakes before a good innovation comes out, is put into production, and you can sell it.”


There is also good news. All in all, if difficulties have scared you away from the topic of innovation, construction is a huge "field", with a variety of activities, which gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to choose from this rich assortment. For example, you can buy modern heating batteries and install them, working alone. At the same time, businessmen can create specialized teams that perform turnkey repairs.
The simplest - "cosmetic repairs." Overhaul is more difficult to carry out, and it will cost an order of magnitude more expensive, since it is a complex work associated, among other things, with the dismantling of various equipment. Services such as styling are in demand. ceramic tiles; installation of stretch ceilings; construction of country houses of an economy class; arrangement of summer terraces, verandas, balconies and other structures. All these business ideas in construction pay off quickly.

Of course, there are subtleties. It is necessary to remember about the seasonality of work. The arrangement of summer terraces, verandas and other outdoor structures is relevant in warm weather. Plastering, arranging various infrastructures and laying coatings can be done all year round.

For people who like to use creativity and work with their hands, the construction of country houses is suitable. To provide services, you will need a container, iron sheets, reinforcement bars and various accessories. From containers you can build inexpensive country houses.

To start your business on the installation of stretch ceilings, you need to register as individual entrepreneur. You should also rent suitable premises and purchase the necessary equipment for work and expendable materials. For successful business and highest profit it is useful to conclude a dealer agreement with a manufacturer of ceiling systems.

In the US, for example, recently large companies in the market for the construction of private houses, they are losing interest in relatively cheap projects. Housing construction is in first place among the promising industries for small businesses. This trend has also spread to us: realtors and ordinary citizens who want to build a house or a summer cottage on their plot are increasingly turning to the help of small companies rather than large players, and large companies are less and less willing to spend time building such objects. The role of small companies is most significant in the sub-sector of construction of small single-family houses.

Construction today is the center of attraction for the unemployed population, as well as small businesses in Russia. In the Sverdlovsk region in January-April 2015, 985,591 sq. m of housing, which is 2.2 times more than in the same period last year. At the end of 2014, more than 2.4 million sq. m of housing - the industry in the Middle Urals did not demonstrate such indicators even in Soviet times. This indicator is also 38% higher than the results of 2013. About 56% of the constructed housing (551,353 sq. m.) refers to individual housing construction.

Small enterprises in the conditions of the development of market relations play an important role in the formation of the antimonopoly structure of the market, in overcoming departmental economic monopoly, and also have a great influence on the development of the national economy. In many countries with a market system of management, the results of the activities of small enterprises determine the types of economic growth, the structure and quality of the gross national product.

In the United States, in the total number of enterprises, small enterprises account for about 92%, they account for 50% of scientific and technical developments, more than 60% of all services, about 40% of the volume industrial products. The total number of small enterprises is more than 7 million, about 110 million people are employed.

The role of small business in Japan's economy is well known as the "Japanese miracle". In the total number of enterprises, small enterprises account for about 77%, which is about 6.5 million, they employ about 40 million people, or 70-80% of new jobs.

A small enterprise, having only 3.4% of the value of the fixed assets of the Russian economy, produced in 1998 about 12% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and gives one third of the profits for the national economy. The 877,000 small enterprises operating as of January 1, 1999 employ 9 million people and 6 million part-time workers on a permanent basis. About 17%, or about 130 thousand small enterprises, work in the construction industry, the predominant form of ownership is private, its share in the total number is more than 90%.

As you can see, the role of small businesses in the economies of developed countries is quite large, and this trend is not only maintained, but even intensified. Russia is only at the very beginning of the mass creation and development of small businesses.

At the heart of the creation and development legal regulations entrepreneurship - Law of the RSFSR "On enterprises and entrepreneurial activities", Resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of July 18, 1991 N ° 6 "On measures to support and develop small businesses in the RSFSR" and (Federal program of state support small business in the Russian Federation for 1998-1999) dated July 3, 1998 No. 697. These acts opened up wide scope for everyone who is inclined to entrepreneurial activity, created conditions for the manifestation of economic initiative and entrepreneurship based on real -zation of the principle of equality of all forms of ownership, free disposal of property and the choice of areas of activity.

Russian legislation defines the main advantages of creating small businesses. These include:

1) extremely simplified (declarative) procedure for registration, licensing of entrepreneurial activity;

2) the availability of small business in most of its forms to many citizens due to small initial capital investments and the absence of the need for large working capital;

3) increased mobility, its flexibility, the ability to quickly respond to changes in market demand;

4) solving the problem of creating new jobs;

5)Small control apparatus and therefore lower overhead;

6) use of local raw materials;

7) support for domestic producers;

8) new taxation systems and accounting and reporting.

According to the Law of June 14, 1995 No. 88-FZ “On State Support for Small Business in the Russian Federation”, small enterprises in the construction industry include enterprises of any organizational and legal Form, including cooperatives with a maximum number of Employed up to 100 people, where the share legal entity or persons in the founding capital does not exceed 25%. The law also refers to the subjects of small business individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity.

The basis of the mechanism for the formation of a small enterprise is the following principles:

1) all small businesses, regardless of ownership, must be in the same starting conditions of management;

2) the simplicity of creating a small enterprise, primarily the application-based nature of education;

3) small enterprises can be created in all industries National economy, with the exception of activities that are the prerogative of the state.

The goals of creating small enterprises are: activating the structural restructuring of the economy, saturating the consumer market with goods, overcoming industry and regional monopoly, expanding competition, creating a material basis for the employment of workers who are released from operating enterprises, strengthening the economic base of local authorities, etc.

There is a legal basis for the development of small businesses, but at the same time, you have to start a small business from scratch and under the influence of a number of factors:

1) the economic situation in the country, and, above all, the state budget deficit, does not allow the state to widely finance the small business development program;

2) the country lacks the infrastructure of the construction market, and, above all, the system of risk and credit insurance;

3) an acute shortage of entrepreneurs-specialists with experience in entrepreneurial activity in a market economy.

A significant factor in the development of small business is the system of measures for its state support. By providing assistance to small businesses, the state thereby forms the infrastructure of the market, supports entrepreneurial activity. Assistance to small businesses from the state includes two main areas - organizational and economic. State support includes the Federal Small Business Support Fund, regional funds, agencies and business support centers. Using the system of tax incentives, creating a civilized space, Information support small enterprises, submission of statistical and accounting reports in a simplified manner, training of personnel, establishing coordination between the federal level and the constituent entities of the Federation, which determine the emergence of positive changes in the field of small enterprises.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 22, 1993 jsfo 2270 “On some changes in taxation and in the relationship of budgets at various levels”, small businesses operating in priority areas of activity, carrying out:

1) construction of housing, industrial, social and environmental facilities;

2) repair and construction work.

Small enterprises operating in these areas of activity do not pay income tax in the first two years of operation, provided that the income in these activities exceeds 70%, and in the third and fourth years of operation they pay income tax in in the amount of 25% and 50% of the basic rate, respectively, if the income from the listed activities is 90% of the total income of the products (works, services) sold by them.

All small businesses, regardless of the field of activity, organizational and legal form, form of ownership, during the entire time of their work, have the right to tax exemption for that part of the profit that is directed to the following purposes:

1) financing, including in the form of equity participation, capital investments for production and non-production purposes;

2) repayment of bank loans used as capital investments for production and non-production purposes;

3) voluntary contributions to the Fund for the Support of Entrepreneurship and the Development of Competition;

4) charitable purposes, but not more than 5%;

5) carrying out R&D, as well as in Russian fund fundamental research, but not more than 10% of taxable income.

All these tax credits must not reduce the actual amount of tax, calculated excluding credits, by more than 50%.

Small businesses receive a number of special benefits:

1) exemption from payment of advance contributions to profit;

2) the issuance by the Federal Fund for Support of Small Business of guarantees to the bank for the repayment of the loan, while the fund itself can issue loans;

3) payment by banks and insurance companies, respectively, but providing at least 50% of the total amount of loans to small businesses and at least 50% of insurance premiums for the reporting period received from property insurance of small businesses, 1.5 times reduced income tax in accordance with government decree.

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