Training of flight attendants at the expense of the airline. Initial training for amateur pilots at the stork flight school. Where Aeroflot flight attendants are trained

  • 24.04.2020

At the beginning of the training course at the flight school consisted of two stages. At the first stage, training took place at the Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School with a degree in Flight Operation aircraft". Studied there for 1.5 years. In the second stage, training was already underway at the Aeroflot school itself on a contract basis for 6 months. If studying at the school was supposed to be free, then at school you had to pay for education, for this the company issued a targeted loan in the amount of the cost of studying. The contract with the student provided that after graduating from the flight school he would work for Aeroflot for 5 years, while he would be deducted money from his salary to repay the loan. But this program is not, since the airline failed to resolve the issue of budgetary financing from the state to pay for training at the first stage.

average salary co-pilot in the Aeroflot airline is an average of 250,000 rubles. Therefore, it will not be difficult to pay off a target loan allocated for studying at a flight school.
In 2013, flight training at Aeroflot consisted of two parts. Initial training took place at an accredited flight center in Florida, USA and took approximately 4.5 months. The course cost $55,000, and this does not include the cost of flights, visas and meals. After training, the students took two exams - for flight training and for the theoretical program. pupil after successful delivery exams received an American standard pilot's license. Training in the second part took place directly on the basis of the Aeroflot flight school. Here they taught the basics of piloting a particular A320 aircraft. The study took 6-7 months and cost about $30,000.

Admission to Aeroflot flight school

Many girls and boys dream of seeing the sky, traveling and seeing the world. The easiest way is to become a flight attendant or steward. This does not require higher education or any special skills: everything can be achieved independently. Do you want to know, how to become a flight attendant at Aeroflot ? You just need to complete the courses and really want to get a job. Many people believe that it is very difficult, and that the only way to become a flight attendant is through “pull”. In fact, everything is not so. We will tell you about the main steps that you need to take to make your dream come true and where they teach to become a flight attendant in Russia.

Different carrier companies put forward different requirements for their future employees, but many of them are very similar. Before becoming an Aeroflot flight attendant, you need to find out what requirements the airline has for candidates:

  1. Age from 18 to 26 years.
  2. Completed secondary or secondary technical education (preference is given to applicants with higher education).
  3. Excellent health. You must have perfect vision, pressure and various analyses.
  4. The growth of the future flight attendant should be in the range from 158 to 190 centimeters. The main requirement is to reach the top shelf, which is at a height of 212 cm. Growth in this range is due to the fact that a low flight attendant will not be able to remove or put a suitcase on the shelf on her own, and an overly high one will constantly bend down.
  5. The flight attendant must have a beautiful figure (height to match weight). The usual requirement for girls is 46 clothing sizes, for boys - 54.
  6. A flight attendant must not have any piercings or tattoos on her body. Some airlines allow various deviations on this topic - there should be no tattoos on the visible part of the body, or tattoos can be covered with a flesh-colored plaster during the flight. But it is better if there are none at all, as well as scars on the face - hands.
  7. A flight attendant must be able to swim. At the end of the course, an exam will take place, in which you will need to swim at least 25 meters.
  8. The complete absence of a criminal record (even conditional and extinguished).
  9. Valid passport.
  10. Experience in customer service (customer service) is highly desirable. Some airlines require at least 2 years of such experience.
  11. Good level of English proficiency (oral and written). Knowledge of other languages ​​is an additional bonus for employment.
  12. Sociability, lack of speech defects, stress resistance, adequacy.

For a flight attendant, external data and the ability to adequately respond to any situation are very important.

Where to apply?

We have already described the list of basic requirements. Now let's talk about What does it take to become a flight attendant? . First of all, decide which airline you would like to get into. Do not get hung up on one: choose 4-5 at once. Study their requirements and mode of operation (regional transportation, charters, budget lines, scheduled flights). Then compose your CV and look for carriers on the website up-to-date information about vacancies. Usually, large air carriers recruit applicants all year round, arranging serious screenings for them, smaller ones in spring and autumn. It is necessary to constantly review vacancies and, if possible, immediately send a finished and up-to-date resume.

Note:the candidate is not required to have any knowledge of working as a flight attendant or stewardess. All this will be taught in the course. Therefore, it is not necessary to study dozens of books on this topic - this will not give you any advantage.

Be sure to attach your photo (face and figure) to your resume. Try to look like a professional flight attendant: friendly smile, minimal make-up, business attire, openness. Do not attach photographs with other people, taken in an incomprehensible situation, table or restaurant pictures to your resume. If you don't have good photos, then arrange with photographers to take some high-quality pictures. If you do everything right, then you will certainly be invited for an interview.

If you want to become a flight attendant, you will have to pass an interview and psychological tests


Have you been invited for an interview? This is a big breakthrough and a great opportunity to prove yourself. You must show yourself to the airline staff with better side. Be sure to wear business clothes, make a simple, practical hairstyle, manicure. Don't forget to smile. At the interview, you will be asked difficult questions and driven into stressful situations. Try to behave calmly and naturally, without succumbing to provocations.

You will probably have to go through several psychological tests and answer some unusual questions - this is how they check for reaction, speed of thinking, adequacy.

We recommend that you study the history of the selected carrier, find out which routes it flies, which aircraft it uses. This gives positive attention to the interlocutors. You will probably be asked the questions “Why do you want to work with us”, “Why did you decide to become a flight attendant”. Come up with good answers. Don't be discouraged if you don't fit or don't get picked the first time. Usually the competition for one place with good carriers is up to 10-12 people. Try your hand, submit resumes to other companies, and after six months try to get a job again.

Before you become a flight attendant, you will have to master many disciplines.

Where do they teach to be a flight attendant in Russia?

On the this moment There are two types of flight attendant training:

  1. Air carrier rates.
  2. Independent courses in various schools.

Courses from carriers are the ideal solution. You can get to them only if you successfully passed the interview and you were invited to work. You will study for free and, most likely, you will even be paid a scholarship. True, after completing the courses you will be forced to sign a contract for three years, according to which you will not be able to leave own will or quit. If this happens, then not only the cost of the courses will be withheld from you, but also fines will be imposed. Usually training goes on for 2-6 months, every weekday from 9 to 17-18 (the schedule may change).

If you did not manage to get into free courses, then you can enroll in the “School of Flight Attendants”. At the moment they are based on:

  • Technical University of Civil Aviation (Moscow);
  • aviation transport school. Novikov (St. Petersburg);
  • University of Civil Aviation (St. Petersburg);
  • Educational and training center;
  • NOU “School of Flight Attendants”;
  • jet service.

These are the most famous schools, graduates of which are almost always employed. The cost of such training is about 40 thousand rubles, but these investments pay off very quickly. The flight attendant school will allow you to master not only the general course of a flight attendant, but also get unique specialties in passenger service. What is needed for admission ? Only your desire, a document of secondary (higher) education, a referral from the airline (if any) or a receipt for payment of tuition.

Note:the air carrier will never require you to pay for training or for placing a questionnaire. There are a lot of scammers on the job market who will take money from you for demons. paid services or just cheated. Be sure to read reviews about the “school” or employer.

Flight attendant training takes 2-6 months, after which you need to pass exams

What will have to be learned?

Flight attendant training is divided into practical and theoretical parts. Most of all there will be theory. You will be told about the main types of aircraft, their design and characteristics, the rules for resolving conflicts on board, the use of rescue equipment, they will teach you how to provide medical care and even take birth. Standard training is carried out according to the program:

  1. Emergency and rescue complex of works. How to evacuate passengers, how to calm them down, how to knock out or open a jammed door.
  2. Water preparation. How to save passengers if the plane fell into the water. How to organize an evacuation and how to survive at sea.
  3. Makeup basics. How to look neat, how to create a business and attractive image.
  4. Express training for English language. It is assumed that you already know the language at a sufficient level. Training will be reduced to learning a set of standard phrases, solving conflict situations, etc. (about 90 hours of classes).
  5. Complete medical care. This will be heavily emphasized. You must know how to help a person who has become ill, who has a heart ache, bleeding has begun, pressure has risen, etc.
  6. Service. You must be able to serve passengers at the highest level, smiling even at the most harmful tourists.

Many people think that flight attendants are a kind of waitress. But this is not so - it is they who are responsible for the passengers and their behavior in the cabin. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will have to calm arrogant tourists, put the drunk to bed, answer hundreds of monotonous questions and indulge all the desires of your passengers. The stewardess is the face of the airline, she solves all stressful situations and helps the pilots.

The practical part of the training takes place on simulators. They quite accurately imitate the cabin, the process of takeoff and landing, the behavior of passengers, etc. If you successfully complete the training and pass the exams, then you will need to fly approximately 30 hours on real aircraft (internship). And only after that you will receive the long-awaited entry in work book and become a full-fledged stewardess.

After training, you will become a real stewardess, but you still have a lot to master to perfection


The most popular question among applicants is how much do flight attendants get . It all depends on the airline in which she works, on the geography of flights and on the class of the flight attendant. There are several classes:

  1. Third. This is the lowest class that is assigned after passing the flight attendant school. The salary here is quite small - 20-25 thousand rubles.
  2. Second class. To get it, you need to fly more than two thousand hours and pass several exams. The salary of the second class is 30-35 thousand rubles.
  3. First grade. To obtain it, the flight attendant must have a flight time of at least three thousand hours. Here wages can reach 50-60 thousand rubles.

Flight attendants also receive vacation pay and other bonuses. But this is only an approximate salary - it is very different from experience, knowledge of languages ​​and geography of flights. For many experienced flight attendants, it can be 30-50 percent higher. Every year it is necessary to take refresher courses. Good earn is possible only after 5 years of work, subject to the constant development of their skills and self-improvement.

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Flight attendant is a dream profession. However, it is not so difficult to implement it, especially in the capital. Where to study as a flight attendant in Moscow? How much and where do they teach to be a stewardess and flight attendant? Let's find out!

The desire to become a flight attendant visits every girl at least once in her life. But not everyone knows how to become one, because universities do not teach this and how to act after school as a “stewardess” is not entirely clear.

But it doesn't matter! There are many places to study as a flight attendant in Moscow. The capital provides a wide range of opportunities. All major international airlines are based in Moscow. Of course, you can choose a regional air carrier, but basically everyone dreams of distant countries and international flights abroad.

Many people think that the job of a flight attendant is simple and it seems that all you need to do is just go to study as a flight attendant, and the rest will follow. At first glance, this is so. But it is not for nothing that the work is considered dangerous and is included in the list of jobs with difficult working conditions. They have to work in difficult conditions, experiencing constant overload and emotional stress. Therefore, to become a flight attendant, you need to have good health, psychological stability and a sincere desire to do this particular thing.

Before you go to study as a flight attendant in Moscow, you need to decide whether this is really your calling and whether you can work in this profession with pleasure. Also, if you have health problems, you won’t be able to become a flight attendant - you will be wrapped up at the medical board.

Where are flight attendants taught in Moscow?

There are two ways to learn to be a flight attendant in Moscow:

  1. Take a course with an air carrier.
  2. Take a course at a specialized educational institution.

Courses from the airline are an obvious option, where most applicants choose to study as a flight attendant in Moscow. All you have to do is send your application to the HR department of the selected company and have an interview.

However, the words "only" here can be used conditionally. Yes, filling out the questionnaire, answering the questions and clicking the "Submit" button is very easy. But getting an interview is no longer easy. The competition among those wishing to study as a flight attendant in Moscow is very high.

The advantage of this training option is that the study is free and subsequent employment is guaranteed. You conclude a student agreement with the company, according to which you have mutual obligations. You undertake to learn and then work in this company for a certain period, the company undertakes to train you and provide you with a job on the agreed terms.

Almost everywhere where flight attendants are taught in Moscow for free, students are paid a small stipend. Courses last an average of 50 working days. And the workers are 6 days a week, from Monday to Saturday inclusive. Then there are practical flights as a trainee, in the amount of 30 hours. After that, the flight attendant is considered ready for independent work.

How much to study to be a flight attendant?

Of course, candidates are interested in how much to study for a flight attendant. And it is impossible to say unequivocally that this is only 50 days plus practice and that's it.

Firstly, the final term of training will depend on where to study as a flight attendant. Secondly, even in 2 months you will be given a lot of information, they will work hard on simulators, and on real flights you will work everything out in practice, the experience of a flight attendant, so valued by employers, does not come immediately. It is necessary to visit many regular and emergency situations in order to become a highly qualified personnel.

Where do they teach to become a flight attendant in Moscow?

Enumerate where they teach to be flight attendants in Moscow on free courses, does not make sense - every airline has such courses, since flight attendants are needed everywhere and every company is preparing them. You can choose the most attractive company or even send questionnaires to several at once.

Another option to become a flight attendant is to enter an aviation school, where they teach flight attendants in Moscow for commercial basis. The cost of such training is quite high, but, having learned in this way, you are not tied to any particular airline. Also, in such courses you can learn more than in the usual course of initial training.

At the moment, prices in such schools start at 70,000 rubles. The choice of educational institutions is quite wide. Schools of air carriers often provide paid services, in addition, there are a lot of commercial courses in Moscow. For example, the school-agency Jet Service, NOU "School of Flight Attendants", training centers at airports. Options where to study as a flight attendant in Moscow are presented, as nowhere else, widely.

The advantage of this option is that schools train flight attendants for business aviation. And this immediately higher level of salaries. Studying for free with an air carrier, you won’t be able to immediately go into business aviation. Also, the requirements for health and appearance for corporate aviation are somewhat lower. Often, if the parameters for training from an air carrier are not suitable, it is recommended to apply for a business aviation flight attendant.

I also need to say that the choice of where to study as a flight attendant in Moscow depends on what goals you set for yourself, what prospects you see. Of course, the first method is the most popular and it has many advantages. But the latter also has its advantages. After analyzing all of the above, you can make an adequate, cold-blooded choice and realize your dream by becoming a flight attendant.

According to glossy magazines, every girl wants to become a model, singer or actress. However, practice shows that this is not entirely true. Many girls are attracted not at all by the shine of spotlights, fashion shows and world catwalks, but by the romance of the sky, private travel and the stylish beautiful uniform of a flight attendant. Not only the prestige of this profession, but also the rather high salaries of flight attendants play an important role in this.

If you believe glossy magazines, then every girl wants to become a model, singer or. However, practice shows that this is not entirely true. Many girls are attracted not at all by the shine of spotlights, fashion shows and world podiums, but by the romance of the sky, private travels and a stylish beautiful shape. flight attendants. Not only the prestige of this profession, but also the rather high salaries of flight attendants play an important role in this.

But is the profession of a flight attendant as beautiful as it seems at first sight? Is the work of a flight attendant really a continuous holiday and extravaganza of unforgettable impressions? In fact, the professional activity of "heavenly angels" (that's what flight attendants are sometimes called) has a number of features, because of which this profession can be called not only interesting, but also incredibly difficult. But what are these features you will learn in the framework of this article.

Who is a flight attendant?

stewardess) - a specialist of the ratings of aircraft and a member of the cabin crew serving passengers and responsible for their safety. Since stewardesses (and stewards) are a kind of "face" of the airline, they are subject to increased requirements in terms of external and physical data: for girls - 42-48 clothing size, height 160-175 cm; for boys - 46-54 clothing size, height 170-185; attractive appearance, pleasant voice, age up to 30 years.

The name of the profession comes from the English steward (manager), from which we can conclude that flight attendants act as an aircraft cabin manager. To some extent, this is true, since during the flight it is the flight attendants who are the "mistresses" of the cabin, who receive guests - passengers. Official release date stewardess profession 1930 is considered the year when the Boeing airline first hired female flight attendants (before that). It should be noted that the first flight attendants not only served passengers, but also weighed luggage and passengers, cleaned the cabin after the end of the flight, helped refuel the plane and roll it into the parking lot.

Modern flight attendants, fortunately, do not need to do anything like this. The list of their duties is limited solely to servicing the aircraft crew and passengers. Flight attendants meet and accommodate passengers on board, explain the rules of conduct on board aircraft and monitor their implementation, talk about how to behave in case of unforeseen situations and, if necessary, provide first aid, deliver lunches and soft drinks, check the completeness of emergency rescue equipment, and control the sanitary condition of the aircraft.

What personal qualities should a flight attendant have?

As you might guess flight attendant job directly related to communication with the most different people, therefore, "heavenly angels", first of all, must be polite, sociable and balanced. In addition, the list personal qualities that a flight attendant should have includes:

A flight attendant must also be proficient in at least one foreign language, know the basics of social psychology, have skills in handling emergency equipment and servicing the crew and passengers.

Benefits of being a flight attendant

It is not difficult to guess what the main benefits of being a flight attendant lies in the special atmosphere of romance that surrounds not only the place of work of the flight attendant, but also her entire professional activity. Vivid emotions, unforgettable impressions, new meetings and life among the clouds - all this is an integral part of the work of a flight attendant.

It is also important that the "heavenly angels" have the opportunity not only (and, mind you, to receive quite high wages), but also to buy fashionable and high-quality things for themselves and their relatives at European prices. Agree that for young girls this advantage of this profession can be decisive.

It is also worth mentioning that professional duties flight attendants leave a certain imprint on the attitude of flight attendants towards themselves. Representatives of this profession are so accustomed to always maintain an impeccable appearance and maintain equanimity even in the most difficult situations, which in everyday life involuntarily adhere to these habits. And this helps them a lot both in their personal lives and in building a career in the future, when the profession of a flight attendant becomes inaccessible to them.

Disadvantages of being a flight attendant

Despite the fact that at first glance, the job of a flight attendant seems to be the ultimate dream, consisting of some advantages, there are also disadvantages in it. And the main disadvantage of the flight attendant profession can be called strict age restrictions. Very rarely, a woman over 30 years old becomes a "heavenly angel". Moreover, even experienced flight attendants with an excellent track record are forced to “retire” after 30 years, since the management of almost all airlines is confident that only young girls can have the desired impact on passengers.

Now let's talk about traveling around the world. Yes, flight attendants have the opportunity to visit various parts of our planet. But to visit does not mean to see the sights and get acquainted with the culture of other peoples. As a rule, the flights of the airline in one direction and the other are carried out at intervals of 2-3 hours, so flight attendants simply do not have time not only to see the sights, but also simply walk around the surroundings of the hotel where they rest between flights.

Not to mention the rather difficult working conditions:

  • firstly, in every flight you can meet unpleasant passengers who are rude, scandalous and treat flight attendants as service personnel. But no matter how unpleasant the passenger is, flight attendants should always smile and calmly respond to aggression;
  • secondly, going on a regular flight, the crew members, including flight attendants, worry not only about the safety of passengers, but also about their own lives. After all, the aircraft belongs to the transport of increased danger, the technical failures of which can lead to irreversible consequences;
  • thirdly, frequent changes in time zones, pressure drops, noise, vibrations and radiation have a negative impact on the health of flight attendants, which causes problems such as varicose veins, gynecological diseases, neurosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. - motor apparatus.

Where can you get a job as a flight attendant?

To become a flight attendant it is not necessary to go to a specialized higher education educational institution. It is enough to pass an interview at the airline, a medical commission and preparatory courses, which include both theoretical and practical parts. However, you need to understand that the work of a flight attendant requires enormous knowledge: starting from providing medical care, to the psychological foundations of negotiating with terrorists. Therefore, the applicant for the position of a stewardess must, at a minimum, have the ability to self-educate. And even better, if the flight attendant combines her work with part-time studies in one of best aviation universities in Russia to which can be attributed.


Even if there are many places where they teach to be flight attendants, the Aeroflot flight attendant school is the undisputed leader. How to get into the Aeroflot flight attendant school in Moscow, what and how long do they teach there? Let's find out.

Aeroflot for many years was the only place to work in this profession. But even now, when there are many more than one airline, the Aeroflot flight attendant school is in great demand.

There can hardly be any doubt that the competition there is the largest among all air carriers involved in the training of personnel. It is difficult to enter there, it is interesting to study, and even more interesting to work. Of course, those who see themselves in the profession of a flight attendant and are ready to develop in the chosen direction.

School of Aeroflot flight attendants in Moscow

Aeroflot Aviation School can offer all of its more than forty years of experience in training aviation specialists. The Aeroflot Flight Attendant School is a certified aviation training center of the Federal Air Transport Agency that has been cooperating with international aviation organizations such as ICAO, IATA, Amadeus, SITA, etc. for many years.

Aeroflot Flight Attendant School Ranks Top 10 in Europe training centers authorized by IATA. Aeroflot is always glad to see young, energetic girls and boys in its ranks.

You can become a flight attendant by enrolling in initial training courses. This can be done easily and simply by opening and filling out a form on the company's website. The site is searched easily by all search engines, the navigation there is simple and clear. But filling out the questionnaire is not even half the battle, it is a small part of the job.

Who is taken to the Aeroflot flight attendant school?

To begin with, let's see what requirements the school of stewardesses in Moscow imposes on candidates. Aeroflot wants to see in its ranks young people with at least a complete secondary education, who speak English at a level not lower than Pre-intermediate, and, most importantly, with a sincere desire to work in the service sector.

At the same time, goodwill, resistance to stress, sociability, quick response, responsibility, the ability to be a “team player”, and discipline are welcome in candidates.

Before they invite or refuse an interview for admission to the Aeroflot flight attendant school, your profile will be carefully studied by the employees of the personnel department and, if you are suitable, you will be sent an invitation for an interview.

Then the hardest part will begin. You will have to pass not only an interview before a strict commission, but also various psychological tests designed to draw your personality portrait, to reveal the features of psychology and temperament.

The qualifying tests are crowned by an English language exam, which all flight attendants are required to know. According to the candidates, the exam is quite difficult and they check not only knowledge of grammar, but also the ability to speak. After all the selections, you will still need to successfully pass the medical commission, which will give the green light to work as a flight attendant. With chronic diseases, the path to flight attendants will be closed.

School of Flight AttendantsAeroflotin MoscowinSheremetyevo

The school of flight attendants is located in Moscow at Sheremetyevo. Aeroflot is based at this airport, respectively, and the school is located there.

However, there are options to study in other cities. The company offers training in St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad. You can also take the qualifying test there.

The duties of flight attendants include, first of all, ensuring safety during the flight and servicing passengers on board, this is what will be taught in the courses. Flight attendants are full-fledged mistresses of the aircraft cabin, they create a positive atmosphere of hospitality, do everything to make passengers feel comfortable "at a party".

Aeroflot Aviation School is the most famous flight attendant school in Moscow. Aeroflot engages in personnel training the best shots provides an excellent base for comprehensive training. The training lasts 50 working days, the courses thoroughly study all the nuances and play all possible situations in flight.

Aeroflot offers stable wages, a flexible system of employee incentives, flights to all parts of the world (domestic and abroad), flexible work hours that can be chosen individually.

Aeroflot offers good social guarantees and benefits: paid vacation, 70 days a year, social benefits, medical insurance, vouchers to sanatoriums and holiday camps for employees and their children, corporate fitness, reduced rates for cellular communication, air tickets at a special price and free of charge, official transport. In addition, employees are provided with all the opportunities for professional growth and development.

As you can see, the Aeroflot Flight Attendant School is the most popular way to become a flight attendant. And, what to hide, the most beaten. A lot of girls and boys are storming the exams for this school, it's worth it.

After all, the profession of a flight attendant is not only a well-paid dynamic job, but also an opportunity to see the world, learn something new, go everywhere, meet new people. Aeroflot Airlines will help you achieve your dreams and offer competitive advantages at the same time.