Certificate form for electrical safety organization. The current form of the certificate of electrical safety. Validity period of the electrical safety certificate

  • 05.04.2020

According to PTEEP (rules technical operation consumer electrical installations), 5 qualification groups have been established that determine the authority of employees in working with electrical installations.
1. First I- non-electrotechnical personnel. Can be assigned within the organization by an employee with ID III and above.
2. Second II: group 2 is required to be issued by electrical personnel working "under supervision" without making connections, servicing installations and operating equipment with an electric drive, novice specialists, as well as employees who have overdue the extension of the qualification certificate for 6 (six) or more months. "Up to 1000 V". No minimum work experience is required. Availability of electrical specialist technical education or higher technical education qualifies for II automatically. Assigned based on the results of certification by a qualification commission based on an enterprise or regional office ROSTEKHNADZOR.
3. Third tolerance group III: electrical personnel with the right to independently connect and disconnect, maintain, inspect electrical installations with a voltage of "up to 1000 V" are obliged to buy crusts with the 3rd electrical safety group. Also, 3 with the mark "up to and over 1000 V" allows a specialist to be part of teams serving power plants over 1000 V, but to work under supervision. Assigned as a result of certification at the enterprise or in ROSTEKHNADZOR.
4. Fourth tolerance group IV: to receive the 4th electrical safety group "up to 1000 V" with the corresponding entry in the certificate, the personnel independently servicing the power plant, as well as approving the tasks and scope of work for the orders, are required. Qualification 4 allows you to train personnel and be appointed responsible for electrical facilities. With the mark "up to and over 1000 V" means the independent work of a specialist. Certification is carried out in ROSTEKHNADZOR.
5. Fifth tolerance group V: to receive the 5th electrical safety group, managers who train and certify personnel on electrical safety, as well as specialists in charge of electrical facilities at the enterprise, are required. 5 tolerance group allows you to carry out any work "over 1000 V".

Qualification level

Obtaining an electrical safety certificate does not cancel the presence of crusts with a category in the specialties according to OK 016-94 (OKPDTR) for electricians. Our Training Center offers qualification certification and assignment of a profession in the absence of the following specialties in the state of your enterprise:


  • lighting and lighting networks;
  • power networks and electrical equipment;
  • installation of end and through couplings.

ELECTRICIAN repair, maintenance and installation:

  • cable lines;
  • electrical equipment;
  • lifting machines.

ELECTRIC FITTER for repair and maintenance:

  • automation and measuring instruments of power plants;
  • switchgear equipment;
  • construction .

Certification cost

Prices for training with subsequent certification in electrical safety start at 4,000 rubles. The cost of II, III and IV groups of admission up to 1000V from 4000 rubles, IV and V groups over 1000V from 7500 rubles.
The final price is affected by:

  • form of training (remote, full-time, part-time, online, at the facilities of the enterprise, etc.).
  • availability of special works;
  • The number of listeners upon application;
  • Possession of a certificate of qualifying category certified.

Every self-respecting company (not to mention organizations that have electrical installations with a voltage of more than 1000 V on their balance sheet) must have a person responsible for electrical facilities. It is on him that almost all responsibility lies for what happens to electrical equipment and electrical networks. If any violations (large or not so) are detected, a specialist in this profile can be brought to disciplinary, administrative or even criminal liability. Agree, this is serious. Therefore, think a hundred times before agreeing to this position and going to the appropriate organization to obtain an electrical safety certificate.

Important! In the event of a serious violation related to electrical facilities, not only the specialist, but also the head of the organization himself (and, first of all), is responsible. That is, shifting the burden of responsibility on the shoulders of one person will not work.

Electrical safety certificate of a new sample

What is the difference between the document confirming the electrical permit, a new sample from the old one, and what is the reason for all this excitement? On October 19, 2016, the Ministry of Labor of Russia issued Order No. 74. According to it, changes in the electrical safety certificate (its sample is presented below) touched on the following points:

  • The form of the document has been slightly updated.
  • The certificate consists of 8 inserts (the old sample included only 2).
  • There is a place for photography.

On a note! If the employee changes his place of work, that is, moves from one company to another, then the certificate previously issued becomes invalid. And he will have to pass an extraordinary certification, confirming (or not) the knowledge of electrical safety.

  • The changes affected the obligation of the employee, who on an ongoing basis must have a document with him and present it on demand.
  • When filling out the electrical safety certificate form, you should pay attention to the following point: “Signature of the chairman of the commission” in the new sample is replaced by “Signature of the chairman of the knowledge testing commission” (although, in fact, the meaning has not changed).
  • Significantly expanded the circle of persons who are required to undergo certification.

Changes to the content of the identity pages

The direct content of the pages of the supplemented and revised certificate has changed somewhat:

  • The first page must contain the document number (as a rule, it corresponds to the serial number indicated in the electrical safety knowledge check register); the date the certificate was issued; a photo of a specialist and a seal of the company for which this person in charge works.
  • On the second page - the full name of the person who was given the "crust"; his position; belonging to a certain group of personnel; the signature of the head and the seal of the organization.
  • On the third page are presented: date of attestation; group assigned as a result of knowledge testing; signature of the inspector of Rostekhnadzor.
  • Filling out the fourth, fifth and sixth pages is mandatory only for organizations that have power plants on their balance sheet.

  • The seventh page presents the results of the knowledge test in industrial safety issues.
  • The eighth page reflects the results of the knowledge test, giving access to special work.

Despite the fact that the number of pages of the document has increased, filling out an electrical safety certificate does not present any difficulty.

Is the old certificate valid or not?

Many are interested in the question, in connection with the Order on a new certificate, what to do with an old-style document? Should it be changed urgently? Rostekhnadzor specialists explained that there is no need to rush to replace the old-style certificate with a new one. This can be done during a scheduled employee knowledge test.

But if you are burning with a passionate desire to be the owner of a new type of certificate, then you should contact the certification center, in which it will be produced unscheduled inspection knowledge and a new document was issued with the completion of the electrical safety certificate form

On a note! This rule does not apply to ATP (administrative and technical personnel). In accordance with the order, workers belonging to this category must be instructed (unscheduled). The results must be recorded in the log book.

The procedure for appointing an electrical safety officer

First of all, the manager must receive oral confirmation from the employee about his full consent to deal with electrical safety issues. Further, the “boss” signs the order on his appointment, and only after that the specialist with full consciousness of the matter and all responsibility begins his duties. Yes, it is worth noting that the presence of an electrical safety certificate is mandatory (no one has canceled it).

Why is it necessary to issue a separate for the electrical industry? Maybe verbal consent is enough? You are wrong. The order is required to be presented to the regulatory authorities: Service fire safety, Rostekhnadzor and others of a similar kind. They will check everything (including documentation and electrical safety certificates).

Qualities and professional skills of an electrical safety specialist

It is not enough to be satisfied only with the presence of an electrical safety certificate. It is necessary to select a worthy employee from among the ITR (engineering and technical personnel) with a higher or secondary technical education, whose duration of work in the company is at least 3 years.

Why do you need to get certified?

It is mandatory for a specialist in charge of electrical systems and equipment to undergo special training that will allow him to eliminate the possibility of any miscalculations in maintenance and to prevent situations that lead not only to the application material damage but also to a threat to the health and life of employees of the organization.

Upon completion of the special training, the employee responsible for the electrical facilities receives a certificate, which is a confirmation that he has completed the training in full and can begin his duties.

Important! By sending an employee to one or another Training Center, you must be sure that everything is in order with the permits, that is, the training procedure is fully coordinated with Rostekhnadzor. It is also worth asking for feedback on the work of the center.

For how long is the certificate issued?

The document is issued for a period of one year, after which it is necessary to undergo another certification. It is she who must confirm professional suitability. As a result of successful certification, a new electrical safety certificate is issued.

The document is issued to specialists who have certain (from the second to the fifth) tolerance groups, which are assigned directly at the enterprise. The group is determined by the amount of work that the employee performs.

Classification of electrical personnel

All personnel of an organization that has electrical installations with a voltage of more than 1000 V on its balance sheet are divided into the following qualification groups (depending on what functions are assigned to each):

  • ATP (administrative and technical staff). They are engaged in the organization of technical and operational maintenance of electrical installations, as well as their installation, adjustment and repair.
  • OP Carry out the preparation of the workplace, inspection, prompt connection and control of the implementation of current work.
  • Functions include operational maintenance of electrical installations.
  • RP (repair personnel). Installation, adjustment, repair, testing and maintenance of electrical equipment (technical).
  • EP (electrotechnical personnel). They use electric machines (manual), power tools (portable), electric welding, electrolysis.

Electrical safety tolerance groups

The Ministry of Labor has Order No. 328 (dated July 24, 2013), which regulates the qualification groups for electrical safety:

  • First. It is assigned to non-electrical personnel, that is, who do not have very deep knowledge of electrical safety issues. They are strictly prohibited from approaching high voltage installations or repairing them. Training is instruction directly at the workplace.
  • Second. The Commission assigns this group to non-electrotechnical personnel, that is, having minimal knowledge of the operation and construction of electrical appliances (for example, electricians, electricians, electricians or electric welders). The learning process includes practical exercises on first aid for people affected by current.
  • Third. Assigned to electrical personnel (for example, electricians, electricians or engineers) who have a fairly extensive knowledge of electrical engineering. Their functions include connecting, disconnecting and inspecting electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V.
  • Fourth. This group has electrical installations with a voltage of more than 1000 V.
  • Fifth. Top category, which is assigned to electrical personnel. The specialists of this group have a highly specialized education. They carry out the general management of work related to electrical installations.

As a result of the knowledge test, the qualification commission determines the tolerance, and on the basis of it, a certificate is issued for the electrical safety group. The document is issued exclusively for the company, indicating the exact title of the specialist's position.

On a note! The state inspector of Rostekhnadzor must be included in the knowledge testing commission.

Size 95x65mm.

Specify the required shade of binding in the comments to the order or discuss with the manager when discussing the details of the order. If there is no specification, the certificate will be made in the base color (as on the sample).


Certificate of verification of knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations, in a professional environment, also called "electrical safety certificate". The electrical safety certificate form is made in accordance with the new order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated February 19, 2016 No. 74n. Electrical safety certificate new edition 2016 has significant differences from the old form. The size of the electrical safety certificate is 95 x 65 mm. Cover: bumvinyl, gold stamping. Insert contains 8 pages. There is space for photography.

The issuance of a certificate of testing knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations is possible only for employees who have successfully passed the test of knowledge used in the case of working with electrical installations. An electrical safety certificate indicates that its holder has knowledge of the safe conduct of work and skills in handling electrical equipment. Such employees have access to independent work in electrical installations.

  1. The certificate of knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations is a document certifying the right of the bearer to independent work in the specified position (profession).
  2. An electrical safety certificate is issued to an employee when applying for a job and is valid only after the relevant records on the results of checking knowledge of the rules and regulations for working in electrical installations.
  3. On the corresponding page, overall score knowledge of the rules for the installation of electrical installations, the technical operation of electrical installations, these Rules and fire safety rules.
  4. Tables with the results of testing knowledge of safety rules are filled out for personnel who, according to their official duties and character production activities certification according to industrial safety rules and other special rules is required.
  5. The page for personnel allowed to carry out special work (climbing, testing, etc.) is being filled in.
  6. The electrical safety certificate must always be with the employee during the execution of official duties and presented at the request of supervising employees.
  7. The certificate is subject to replacement in the event of a change in position or return upon dismissal of the employee.
  8. The electrical safety certificate consists of a cloth-backed hardcover cover and a block of four pages. The size of the certificate is 90 mm x 60 mm. The preferred binding color is dark cherry.
  9. The front side of the binding cover is embossed with the inscription (in white or yellow): Certificate.

Dear customers, we draw your attention to the format of the goods. We sell a blank electrical safety certificate. Only responsible employees of the organization conducting the certification have the right to enter data about the owner into the forms on legal grounds.

Does your organization need a batch of documents? You can buy an electrical safety certificate in any quantity. Our printing house will print a batch of goods of any volume.

In the City Blank store you can buy high-quality electrical safety certificates (certificates for checking knowledge of the rules for working in electrical installations), taking into account all the rules. We are always ready to give advice on the purchase, delivery or payment of goods.

If the number of employees of the consumer does not allow the formation of commissions for knowledge testing, then it should be carried out in the commissions of the State Energy Supervision Bodies. At present, the commissions of the Gosenergonadzor bodies, as a rule, are created under specialized educational institutions(training centers) and are appointed by order of the head of the Gosenergonadzor body. Members of such a commission undergo a knowledge test in the State Energy Supervision Authority that issued permission to create such a commission. The senior state inspector (state inspector) for energy supervision is appointed as the chairman of the commission. Personnel training is carried out according to the developed and approved programs. Depending on the level of required training (electrical safety group), an appropriate program is selected, the training of which ends with an exam.

Electrical safety certificate form (with and without photo)


By order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 19, 2016 No. 74, amendments were made to the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 N 328n. In this regard, the form of the certificate for electrical and electrical engineering personnel has also changed. AT new form certificates, including a place for a photo and an increase in the number of pages.

It is worth noting that in Appendix No. 2 to the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n, there is a note, paragraph 10 of which reads: It is also not required to have a photo.

Certificate of electrical safety of the new sample 2018

Their functions include connecting, disconnecting and inspecting electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V.

  • Fourth. This group has electrical personnel serving electrical installations with a voltage of more than 1000 V.
  • Fifth. The highest category, which is assigned to electrical personnel.
    The specialists of this group have a highly specialized education. They carry out the general management of work related to electrical installations.

As a result of the knowledge test, the qualification commission determines the tolerance, and on the basis of it, a certificate is issued for the electrical safety group. The document is issued exclusively for the company, indicating the exact title of the specialist's position.

Pages to be pasted into the new electrical safety certificate!

With administrative and technical personnel who have the rights of operational, operational-repair or repair personnel, in addition to the specified forms of work, all types of training provided for operational, operational-repair or repair personnel should be carried out. With operational and operational and maintenance personnel: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor protection, as well as briefing on fire safety; training for a new position or profession with on-the-job training (internship); checking knowledge of the rules, labor protection standards, these Rules, fire safety rules and others normative documents; duplication; special training; control emergency and fire fighting drills; professional additional education for continuous professional development.

Electrical safety certificate of a new sample


The form of the protocol The Ministry of Labor of Russia in Appendix No. 4 to Order No. 328n developed the official form of this document. The secretary of the commission is responsible for filling out the form. The document must contain the following information:

  • name of company;
  • name and number of the document;
  • date, place of inspection;
  • information about the persons who are members of the commission;
  • data of those being checked;
  • knowledge test results;
  • the conclusion of the commission.

The completed document is signed by the chairman of the commission, the secretary and members included in it.

Also, the verified employee puts his signature - as a sign of familiarization with the results of the verification.

Sample protocol for testing knowledge on electrical safety 2018

For them, the rules provide for a lecture, which is held once a year. All employees who have listened to the material on electrical safety are recorded in the journal: "ACCOUNTING FOR THE FIRST GROUP ON ELECTRICAL SAFETY TO NON-ELECTRIC TECHNICAL PERSONNEL" Training of electrical and electrical personnel for groups 2,3 or 4. In accordance with IPBEE, personnel who, in their management technological process the main component is electrical energy (for example, electric welding, electric arc furnaces, electrolysis, etc.), using manual electric machines, portable power tools and lamps, as well as other workers for whom job description on labor protection, knowledge of IPBEE (where a 2nd or higher electrical safety group is required) refers to electrotechnological.


With repair personnel: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted safety briefings, as well as fire safety briefings; training for a new position or profession with on-the-job training (internship); checking knowledge of the rules, labor protection standards, these Rules, fire safety rules and other regulatory documents; professional additional education for continuous professional development. Conducting safety briefings may be combined with fire safety briefings. Managers and specialists of the energy services of the enterprise, labor protection specialists who control electrical installations, as well as high-level electrical specialists (for example, operational personnel, senior foremen and foremen of electrical departments, etc.).

"management and optimization of a manufacturing enterprise"

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia, in its Order No. 328n dated July 24, 2013, approved 5 levels of electrical safety:

  • 1st degree is assigned to persons who do not serve electrical installations and do not use electricity in their work. In this case, there are no requirements for special education and work experience;
  • The 2nd degree is awarded to novice electricians, power tool operators and machine drivers. There are also no special requirements for obtaining it;
  • The 3rd degree of admission gives the employee the right to work independently with voltage up to 1000 V.
    To do this, you need to get a specialized education and work experience in a previous degree.

The results must be recorded in the log book. The procedure for appointing a person responsible for electrical safety First of all, the manager must receive verbal confirmation from the employee about his full consent to deal with electrical safety issues. Further, the “boss” signs the order on his appointment, and only after that the specialist with full consciousness of the matter and all responsibility begins his duties.

Yes, it is worth noting that the presence of an electrical safety certificate is mandatory (no one has canceled it). Why is it necessary to issue a separate order on the appointment of a person responsible for electrical facilities? Maybe verbal consent is enough? You are wrong. The order is required for presentation to regulatory authorities: the Fire Safety Service, Rostekhnadzor and others of a similar kind.

They will check everything (including documentation and electrical safety certificates).

Electrical safety certificate of a new sample 2018 download the form

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 27, 2001 No. 163) Download Certificates Certificate of knowledge of the norms and rules of work in electrical installations (Appendix No. 2 to the Intersectoral rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 05, 2001 No. 3 and Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 27, 2001 No. 163) Download the Certificate of verification of knowledge on labor protection of workers controlling electrical installations (Appendix No. 3 to the Intersectoral rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations, approved by a decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 05, 2001 No. 3 and by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 27, 2001


Electrical safety In the electrical industry of enterprises, knowledge of the basics of rational and safe maintenance of electrical equipment of electrical installations is necessary for personnel at all levels: from production non-electrotechnical, including chiefs technological shops and sites, to managers and specialists of energy services, including, in some cases, technical managers of enterprises (organizations). It is for this purpose that the current norms and rules for working in electrical installations provide for a five-point differentiated scale for assessing the knowledge of personnel from the lowest group 1 in electrical safety to the highest group 5 with the corresponding volumes of requirements and conditions for their assignment. The current rules and regulations state that the consumer is obliged to provide training and testing of the knowledge of electrical and electrotechnical personnel.

To work on electrical installations, you need to acquire certain knowledge and skills. If in other areas of technology, errors in repair or handling of equipment can go unnoticed, then miscalculations in working with electrical equipment threaten significant damage to the enterprise and endanger human life. To prevent such situations, each employee is required to undergo training through the enterprise's training center or Rostekhnadzor, after which he is awarded an electrical safety certificate. The photo below shows his completed sample.

A sample of a completed electrical safety certificate

An electrical safety certificate is a document certifying that an employee has passed a knowledge test and is competent in the proper maintenance of electrical installations. Upon successful completion of the exam, he has the right to receive the appropriate admission group and work independently in the profession.

The document comes into effect after it is signed by the chairman of the examination committee.

An employee can receive a certificate only for 2-5 groups. For the first group, an entry in the register is sufficient. The electrical safety certificate is valid for 1 year. Then you need new attestation to confirm the tolerance group. It is a mandatory procedure for personnel responsible for the maintenance of electrical equipment.

Labor protection exam

An employee can receive an electrical safety certificate if he is given a positive assessment in the knowledge test protocol. Then, by order of the enterprise, the employee is granted a certain permit for the maintenance of electrical installations.

If a specialist with a permit for 2-5 groups is sent to an enterprise operating an electrical installation, a letter is drawn up about his direction.

The presentation of a certificate indicating the access group occurs after an entry in the knowledge test log with the seal of the enterprise. If the organization belongs to the energy service, a document “on networks” is required. When working on an electrical installation of a consumer, a certificate “according to consumers” is required. These credentials are different.

How not to buy a fake?

Distance learning on electrical safety is now allowed. For this, Internet technologies are used, where specialists are trained without leaving production. For this, training centers have been created, which must be certified. Among them there are quite a lot of illegally functioning companies.

In order not to buy a fake document, you need to know some basic points.

An electrical safety certificate is issued only for an organization, even if it consists of several people. At the same time, it indicates the exact position of the certified employee, which limits his scope of duties.

Obtaining an electrical safety certificate is legal if the relevant courses and exams are passed through Rostekhnadzor or through the commission for testing the knowledge of the enterprise's training center. An inspector of Rostekhnadzor must also be present in it, even if its composition is minimal - 3 people.

A scammer's scheme can be recognized as follows:

  1. Low prices. Short delivery times. Convenient delivery.
  2. Ignorance of the rules of paperwork, the necessary journals and protocols. Quite often, the 5th admission group is offered through the training center. Availability of services on other documents: diplomas, certificates, etc.
  3. Fraudsters do not have a deep knowledge of the topic of electrical safety and are easy to identify by asking a few simple questions.

Thus, distance learning is possible, but before proceeding with it, everything must be carefully checked and made sure that it is not a fake.

Issuance of a certificate

The certificate contains a dark cherry hard cover and four pages inside.

The first page should be filled in sequentially from top to bottom:

  • room;
  • the name of the enterprise or institution that issued the certificate;
  • profession;
  • one of two voltage characteristics of installations: “up to 1000 V” and “above 1000 V”;
  • function of the employee (operational, administrative, repair, etc.);
  • date of issue;
  • signature of the person responsible for electrical facilities (usually the chief power engineer);
  • company seal.

First page of the electrical safety certificate

At the bottom of the page there is a note that the identity must always be with the employee when he is in the service.

  • date of attestation;
  • type of certification (primary, regular, extraordinary);
  • Group;
  • Assessment of knowledge;
  • validity;
  • signature of the chairman of the commission.

The second page of the assignment of the electrical safety tolerance group

– certification of an employee in terms of industrial safety and other special rules, if necessary in connection with the peculiarities of production activities and duties.

Third page of ID

– certification of personnel performing special work: testing, climbing, etc.

Fourth page of the certificate for special works

The certificate changes to another when joining new position, and surrenders upon dismissal of the employee.

Video about EB

About the nuances of electrical safety is described in this video.

An electrical safety certificate is one of the indicators of the level of an employee. The document should be protected and always kept with you in the process of work.