South Ural Nuclear Power Plant (SUE, Chelyabinsk Nuclear Power Plant). Peaceful atom. The history of the long-term construction of the South Ural NPP

  • 07.06.2020

The first major radiation disaster occurred in the Chelyabinsk region at the Mayak nuclear plant on September 29, 1957.

The release of radiation from the accident in 1957 is estimated at 20 million Curies. The release of Chernobyl is 50 million Curies. The sources of radiation were different: in Chernobyl - a nuclear power reactor, at Mayak - a container with radioactive waste. But the consequences of these two disasters are similar - hundreds of thousands of people exposed to radiation, tens of thousands of square kilometers of contaminated territory, the suffering of environmental refugees, the heroism of the liquidators ...

The 1957 accident is talked about less and less frequently than the Chernobyl disaster. For a long time, the accident was classified, and it happened 29 years before Chernobyl, 50 years ago. For modern schoolchildren, this is a distant past. But you can't forget about her. The liquidators get sick and die, the consequences of that accident still affect the health of their children and grandchildren. The East Ural radioactive trace is still dangerous. Not all residents have yet been relocated from the contaminated territories. And most importantly, the Mayak plant continues to work, continues to receive waste from nuclear power plants continues to release waste into the environment.


If the Chernobyl disaster had not happened, people would never have known that in the center of Russia, at the foot of the Ural Mountains, where Europe meets Asia, there has already been such an accident, similar in scale to Chernobyl.

The place where this first major nuclear disaster occurred was classified for a long time, it did not have an official name. Therefore, it is known to many as the “Kyshtym accident”, after the name of the small old Ural town of Kyshtym, located not far from the secret city of Chelyabinsk-65 (today Ozersk), where this terrible radiation disaster occurred at the Mayak nuclear plant.

Combine "Mayak"

Long before it was decided to use atomic energy to generate electricity, its terrifying destructive power was used to make weapons. Nuclear weapon. A weapon that could destroy life on Earth. And before the Soviet Union made its first atomic bomb, a factory was built in the Urals to make stuff for it. This plant was called "Mayak".

During the production of materials for atomic bomb did not care about the environment and human health. It was important to fulfill the task of the state. To get a charge for an atomic bomb, it was necessary not only to launch military nuclear reactors, but also to create a complex chemical production, as a result of which not only uranium and plutonium were obtained, but also a huge amount of solid and liquid radioactive waste. These wastes contained a large number of residues of uranium, strontium, cesium and plutonium, as well as other radioactive elements.

At first, radioactive waste was poured directly into the Techa River, on which the plant stands. Then, when people began to get sick and die in the villages on the banks of the river, they decided to pour only low-level waste into the river.

Medium-level waste began to be poured into Lake Karachay. High-level waste began to be stored in special stainless steel tanks - "jars", which were located in underground concrete storage facilities. These "jars" became very hot due to the activity of the radioactive materials contained in them. In order to prevent overheating and explosion, they had to be cooled with water. Each "can" had its own cooling system and a system for monitoring the state of the contents.

1957 disaster

By the autumn of 1957 measuring instruments, which were borrowed from the chemical industry, came into an unsatisfactory state. Due to the high radioactivity of the cable corridors in the repository, their repairs were not carried out in time.

At the end of September 1957, on one of the "cans" there was a serious breakdown in the cooling system and a simultaneous failure in the control system. The workers who were checking that day found that one "can" was very hot. But they did not have time to report this to the management. The bank exploded. The explosion was terrible and led to the fact that almost the entire contents of the waste container was thrown into the environment.

In the dry language of the report, it is described as follows:

“Disturbance of the cooling system due to corrosion and failure of control devices in one of the tanks of the storage of radioactive waste, with a volume of 300 cubic meters, caused self-heating of 70-80 tons of high-level waste stored there, mainly in the form of nitrate-acetate compounds. Evaporation of water, drying of the residue and heating it to a temperature of 330 - 350 degrees led September 29, 1957 at 16:00 local time to the explosion of the contents of the tank. The power of an explosion similar to that of a powder charge is estimated at 70-100 tons of trinitrotoluene.”

The complex, which included the exploded container, was a buried concrete structure with cells - canyons for 20 similar containers. The explosion completely destroyed the stainless steel tank, which was located in a concrete canyon at a depth of 8.2 m. It tore off and threw a concrete slab of the canyon over 25 m.

About 20 million curies of radioactive substances were released into the air. About 90% of the radiation settled right on the territory of the Mayak plant. Radioactive substances were raised by the explosion to a height of 1-2 km and formed a radioactive cloud consisting of liquid and solid aerosols. The southwest wind, which blew that day at a speed of about 10 m/s, carried the aerosols away. 4 hours after the explosion, the radioactive cloud traveled 100 km, and after 10-11 hours the radioactive trail was completely formed. 2 million curies that settled on the ground formed a contaminated area, which stretched for about 300-350 km in a northeast direction from the Mayak plant. The boundary of the pollution zone was drawn along an isoline with a pollution density of 0.1 Ci/ and covered an area of ​​23,000

Over time, these boundaries were "blurred" due to the transfer of radionuclides by the wind. Subsequently, this area was named: "East Ural radioactive trace" (EURS), and the head, the most polluted part of it, occupying 700 square kilometers, received the status of the East Ural State Reserve. The maximum length of the EURS was 350 km. Radiation quite a bit did not reach one of the largest cities in Siberia - Tyumen. The width of the trail in places reached 30 - 50 km. Within the boundaries of the strontium-90 isoline of 2 ki/ there was an area of ​​more than 1000 - more than 100 km long and 8 - 9 km wide.

East Ural radioactive trace

The territory of three regions - Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Tyumen with a population of 272 thousand people who lived in 217 settlements X. With a different wind direction at the time of the accident, a situation could have developed in which Chelyabinsk or Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg) could have been seriously infected. But the trace lay in the countryside.

As a result of the accident, 23 rural settlements were evicted and destroyed, virtually wiped off the face of the earth. Cattle were killed, clothes were burned, food and destroyed buildings were buried in the ground. Tens of thousands of people, suddenly deprived of everything, were left in the open field and became environmental refugees. Everything happened in the same way as it will happen 29 years later in the zone of the Chernobyl accident. Resettlement of residents from contaminated territories, decontamination, involvement of the military and civilians in work in the danger zone, lack of information, secrecy, prohibition to talk about the accident.

As a result of the investigation carried out by the forces of the nuclear industry after the accident, it was concluded that the most likely cause was the explosion of dry salts of sodium nitrate and acetate, formed as a result of the evaporation of the solution in the tank due to its self-heating when the cooling conditions were violated.

However, there has been no independent investigation so far, and many scientists believe that there was a nuclear explosion at the Lighthouse, that is, a spontaneous nuclear reaction occurred in the waste tank. Until now, 50 years later, the technical and chemical reports of the accident have not been published.

September 29, 1957 became a black day in the history of the Urals and all of Russia. This is the day when the life of people in the Urals was divided into 2 halves - before the accident and after, as then the normal life of Ukraine, Belarus, the European part of Russia will be divided by another black date - April 26, 1986.

In order to eliminate the consequences of the accident - in fact, wash the territory of the Mayak industrial site with water and stop any economic activity in the contaminated zone, it took hundreds of thousands of people. From the nearest cities of Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg, young men were mobilized for liquidation without warning them of the danger. Entire military units were brought in to cordon off the contaminated area. Then the soldiers were forbidden to say where they were. Young children 7-13 years old from the villages were sent to bury the radioactive crop (it was autumn in the yard). Combine "Mayak" used for work on the elimination of even pregnant women. In the Chelyabinsk region and the city of nuclear scientists, the death rate increased after the accident - people died right at work, freaks were born, entire families died out.

eyewitness accounts

Nadezhda Kutepova , daughter of the liquidator, Ozersk
My father was 17 years old and studied at a technical school in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). On September 30, 1957, he and his other fellow students were loaded directly from class into trucks and brought to Mayak to eliminate the consequences of the accident. They were told nothing about the seriousness of the danger of radiation. They worked for days. They were given personal dosimeters but were punished for overdosing, so many people left the dosimeters in their clothes drawers to “not overdose.” In 1983, he fell ill with cancer, he was operated on in Moscow, but he began to metastasize throughout the body, and after 3 years he died. We were told then that it was not from the accident, but then this disease was officially recognized as a consequence of the Mayak accident. My grandmother also participated in the liquidation of the accident and officially received a large dose. I never saw her because she died of cancer of the lymphatic system long before I was born, 8 years after the accident.

Gulshara Ismagilova
I was 9 years old and we were in school. One day they gathered us and said that we would harvest the crops. It was strange to us that instead of harvesting, we were forced to bury it. And there were policemen standing around, they guarded us so that no one would run away. In our class, most of the students later died of cancer, and those who remained are very sick, women suffer from infertility.

Natalia Smirnova , a resident of Ozersk
I remember that there was a terrible panic in the city then. Cars drove through all the streets and washed the roads. We were told on the radio to throw away everything that was in our houses that day and constantly mop the floor. Many people, workers of the Lighthouse then fell ill with acute radiation sickness, everyone was afraid to say something or ask under the threat of dismissal or even arrest.

P. Usatii
In the closed area of ​​Chelyabinsk-40, I served as a soldier. On the third shift of service, a fellow countryman from Yeysk fell ill, they arrived from the service - he died. When transporting goods in wagons, we stood at the post for an hour until the nose bleeds (a sign of acute exposure - ed.) and the head hurts. At the facilities, they stood behind a 2-meter lead wall, but even it did not save. And when we were demobilized, they took a non-disclosure agreement from us. Of all those who were called, there were three of us left - all disabled.

Rizvan Khabibullin , a resident of the village of Tatarskaya Karabolka

September 29, 1957, we, students of Karabolsk high school, harvested root crops in the fields of the collective farm. Zhdanov. Around 4 pm, everyone heard a roar from somewhere in the west and felt a gust of wind. In the evening, a strange fog descended on the field. Of course, we did not suspect anything and continued to work. The work continued in the following days. A few days later, for some reason, we were forced to destroy root crops that had not yet been exported by that time ...
By winter, I started having terrible headaches. I remember how exhausted I was rolling on the floor, how my temples tightened like a hoop, there was a nosebleed, I almost lost my sight.

Zemfira Abdullina , a resident of the village of Tatarskaya Karabolka
(Quote from the book by F. Bayramova "Nuclear Archipelago", Kazan, 2005.)
During the atomic explosion, I worked on a collective farm. In a field contaminated with radiation, she gathered potatoes and other vegetables, participated in burning the top layer of straw removed from the stacks and burying the ashes in pits ... In 1958, she participated in cleaning the bricks contaminated with radiation and burying brick rubble. Whole bricks, by order from above, were loaded into trucks and taken to their village ...
It turned out that I had already received a large dose of radiation in those days. Now I have cancer...

Gulsair Galiullina , a resident of the village of Tatarskaya Karabolka
(Quote from the book by F. Bayramova "Nuclear Archipelago", Kazan, 2005.)
When the explosion took place, I was 23 years old and pregnant with my second child. Despite this, I was also driven out to the infected field and forced to dig there. I miraculously survived, but now both I and my children are seriously ill.

Gulfira Khayatova , a resident of the village of Muslyumovo
(Quote from the book by F. Bayramova "Nuclear Archipelago", Kazan, 2005.)
The first childhood memory associated with the river (Techa) is barbed wire. We saw the river through it and from the bridge, then still an old wooden one. My parents tried not to let us go to the river, without explaining why, apparently, they themselves did not know anything. We loved climbing the bridge, admiring the flowers that grew on a small island... The water was clear and very clean. But the parents said that the river was "atomic"... Parents rarely spoke about the accident in 1957, and if they did, it was in a whisper.
Perhaps for the first time I consciously realized that something was wrong with our river when I went with my mother to another village and saw another river. I was very surprised that that river was without barbed wire, that you could approach it...
In those years (60-70s) they didn’t know what radiation sickness was, they said, he died of “river” disease ... It stuck in my memory how the whole class of us worried about one girl who had leukemia, i.e. . leukemia. The girl knew that she would die and died at the age of 18. We were shocked by her death.


This was a terrible disaster. But she was hidden. Only after the Chernobyl accident, many in the Chelyabinsk region realized that now it is possible to say about the Mayak accident. And in the early 90s, more than 30 years after the accident, a report about it was published for the first time. In order to somehow compensate people for the harm done, a law appeared on social protection those affected by this accident. But no one will ever know exactly how many people died. So far, the village of Tatarskaya Karabolka has remained on the East Ural radioactive trace, in which there are 7 (!) cemeteries for 400 people, the village of Muslyumovo, standing on the banks of the radioactive river Techa, has not yet been resettled. Radiation causes genetic damage and the descendants of the 3rd, and 4th, and 5th generations of people exposed to radiation will suffer, will get sick.

50 years have passed since the accident. "Mayak" works, accepts waste, spent nuclear fuel from many nuclear power plants in Russia. People working on it and living near it are exposed to radiation, accumulate plutonium, cesium, strontium in their bodies. As before, every second, every minute, and even at this moment when you are reading these lines, the plant produces tons of radioactive waste, which are formed as a result of the processing of fuel from nuclear power plants. And he still pours all this into the water, now not into the Techa River, but into Lake Karachay. And, therefore, everything can happen again ... After all, the worst thing is not that such accidents happen, but that no conclusions are drawn from what happened, no lessons are learned ...

In one of the villages left on the contaminated land after the explosion, children wrote such poems.

The Beacon sends rays of no salvation:
Strontium, cesium, plutonium are its executioners.

The problem of radioactive waste is a special case of the general problem of pollution. environment waste of human activity. One of the main sources of high-level radioactive waste (RW) is nuclear power (spent nuclear fuel).

Hundreds of millions of tons of radioactive waste generated as a result of the activities of nuclear power plants (liquid and solid waste and materials containing traces of uranium) have accumulated in the world over 50 years of using nuclear energy. At current levels of production, the amount of waste could double in the next few years. At the same time, none of the 34 countries with nuclear energy knows today how to solve the problem of waste. The fact is that most of the waste retains its radioactivity up to 240,000 years and must be isolated from the biosphere for this time. Today waste is kept in "temporary" storage facilities, or buried shallow underground. In many places, waste is irresponsibly dumped on land, lakes and oceans. With regard to deep underground burial, the currently officially recognized method of isolating waste, over time, changes in the course of water flows, earthquakes and other geological factors will break the isolation of the burial place and lead to contamination of water, soil and air.

So far, mankind has not come up with anything more reasonable than the simple storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). The fact is that when nuclear power plants with channel reactors were just being built, it was planned that the used fuel assemblies would be transported for processing to a specialized plant. Such a plant was supposed to be built in the closed city of Krasnoyarsk-26. Feeling that the spent fuel pools would soon overflow, namely, the used cassettes removed from the RBMK were temporarily placed in the pools, LNPP decided to build a spent nuclear fuel storage facility (SNF) on its territory. In 1983, a huge building grew, accommodating as many as five pools. A spent nuclear assembly is a highly active substance that poses a mortal danger to all living things. Even at a distance, it reeks of hard x-rays. But most importantly, what is the Achilles' heel of nuclear energy, it will remain dangerous for another 100 thousand years! That is, throughout this period, which is hardly imaginable, spent nuclear fuel will need to be stored in such a way that neither living, but also inanimate nature, nuclear dirt, should not get into the environment under any circumstances. Note that the entire written history of mankind is less than 10 thousand years. The tasks that arise during the disposal of radioactive waste are unprecedented in the history of technology: people have never set themselves such long-term goals.

An interesting aspect of the problem is that it is necessary not only to protect a person from waste, but at the same time protect waste from a person. During the period allotted for their burial, many socio-economic formations will change. It cannot be ruled out that in a certain situation radioactive waste can become a desirable target for terrorists, targets for strike during a military conflict, etc. It is clear that, speaking of millennia, we cannot rely on, say, government control and protection - it is impossible to foresee what changes may occur. It may be best to make the waste physically inaccessible to humans, although, on the other hand, this would make it difficult for our descendants to take further security measures.

It is clear that no technical solution, no artificial material can "work" for thousands of years. The obvious conclusion is that the natural environment itself should isolate the waste. Options were considered: to bury radioactive waste in deep oceanic depressions, in bottom sediments of the oceans, in polar caps; send them into space; lay them in the deep layers of the earth's crust. It is now generally accepted that the best way is to bury the waste in deep geological formations.

It is clear that RW in solid form is less prone to penetration into the environment (migration) than liquid RW. Therefore, it is assumed that liquid radioactive waste will first be converted into a solid form (vitrify, turn into ceramics, etc.). Nevertheless, injection of liquid high-level radioactive waste into deep underground horizons (Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, Dimitrovgrad) is still practiced in Russia.

The so-called "multi-barrier" or "deep echelon" disposal concept has now been adopted. The waste is first contained by the matrix (glass, ceramics, fuel pellets), then by the multi-purpose container (used for transport and for disposal), then by the sorbent (absorbent) fill around the containers, and finally by the geological environment.

How much does it cost to decommission a nuclear power plant? According to various estimates and for different stations, these estimates range from 40 to 100% of the capital costs for the construction of the station. These figures are theoretical, since so far the stations have not been completely decommissioned: the wave of decommissioning should begin after 2010, since the life of the stations is 30-40 years, and their main construction took place in the 70-80s. The fact that we do not know the cost of decommissioning reactors means that this "hidden cost" is not included in the cost of electricity produced by nuclear power plants. This is one of the reasons for the apparent "cheapness" of atomic energy.

So, we will try to bury radioactive waste in deep geological fractions. At the same time, we were given a condition: to show that our burial will work, as we plan, for 10 thousand years. Let us now see what problems we will encounter along the way.

The first problems are encountered at the stage of selecting sites for study.

In the US, for example, no state wants a nationwide burial located on its territory. This led to the fact that, through the efforts of politicians, many potentially suitable areas were struck off the list, and not on the basis of a night approach, but due to political games.

How does it look in Russia? At present, it is still possible to study areas in Russia without feeling significant pressure from local authorities (if one does not propose to place a burial near cities!). I believe that as the real independence of the regions and subjects of the Federation strengthens, the situation will shift towards the US situation. Already now there is a tendency of Minatom to move its activity to military facilities, over which there is practically no control: for example, an archipelago is supposed to create a burial place New Earth(Russian polygon No. 1), although in terms of geological parameters this is far from the best place, which will be discussed further.

But suppose that the first stage is over and the site is chosen. It is necessary to study it and give a forecast of the functioning of the burial site for 10 thousand years. Here new problems appear.

The underdevelopment of the method. Geology is a descriptive science. Separate branches of geology are engaged in predictions (for example, engineering geology predicts the behavior of soils during construction, etc.), but never before has geology been tasked with predicting the behavior of geological systems for tens of thousands of years. From years of research into different countries there were even doubts whether a more or less reliable forecast for such periods is possible at all.

Imagine, however, that we managed to develop a reasonable plan for exploring the site. It is clear that the implementation of this plan will take many years: for example, Mount Yaka in Nevada has been studied for more than 15 years, but the conclusion about the suitability or unsuitability of this mountain will be made no earlier than 5 years later. In doing so, the disposal program will be under increasing pressure.

The pressure of external circumstances. In the years cold war no attention was paid to the waste; they were accumulated, stored in temporary containers, lost, etc. An example is the Hanford military facility (analogous to our "Mayak"), where there are several hundred giant tanks with liquid waste, and for many of them it is not known what is inside. One sample costs 1 million dollars! In the same place, in Hanford, buried and "forgotten" barrels or boxes of waste are found about once a month.

In general, over the years of development of nuclear technologies, a lot of waste has accumulated. Temporary storage facilities at many nuclear power plants are close to full, and at military facilities they are often on the verge of "old age" failure or even beyond.

So, the problem of burial requires an urgent solution. The awareness of this urgency is becoming more acute, especially since 430 power reactors, hundreds of research reactors, hundreds of transport reactors of nuclear submarines, cruisers and icebreakers continue to continuously accumulate radioactive waste. But people backed up against the wall don't necessarily come up with the best technical solutions, and the chances of errors increase. Meanwhile, in decisions related to nuclear technology, mistakes can be very costly.

Finally, let's assume that we spent 10-20 billion dollars and 15-20 years studying a potential site. It's time to make a decision. Obviously, there are no ideal places on Earth, and any place will have positive and negative properties in terms of burial. Obviously, one will have to decide whether the positive properties outweigh the negative ones and whether these positive properties provide sufficient security.

Decision making and technological complexity of the problem. The problem of burial is technically extremely complex. Therefore, it is very important to have, firstly, high-quality science, and secondly, effective interaction (as they say in America, "interface") between science and decision-makers.

The Russian concept of underground isolation of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel in permafrost was developed at the Institute of Industrial Technology of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia (VNIPIP). It was approved by the State Ecological Expertise of the Ministry of Ecology and natural resources Russian Federation, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and Gosatomnadzor of the Russian Federation. Scientific support for the concept is provided by the Department of Permafrost Science of the Moscow state university. It should be noted that this concept is unique. As far as I know, no country in the world considers the issue of RW disposal in permafrost.

The main idea is this. We place heat-generating wastes in the permafrost and separate them from the rocks with an impenetrable engineering barrier. Due to the heat release, the permafrost around the burial site begins to thaw, but after some time, when the heat release decreases (due to the decay of short-lived isotopes), the rocks will freeze again. Therefore, it is sufficient to ensure the impenetrability of engineering barriers for the time when the permafrost will thaw; after freezing, the migration of radionuclides becomes impossible.

concept uncertainty. There are at least two serious problems associated with this concept.

First, the concept assumes that frozen rocks are impervious to radionuclides. At first glance, this seems reasonable: all water is frozen, ice is usually immobile and does not dissolve radionuclides. But if you carefully work with the literature, it turns out that many chemical elements migrate quite actively in frozen rocks. Even at temperatures of 10-12°C, non-freezing, so-called film water is present in the rocks. What is especially important, the properties of radioactive elements that make up RW, from the point of view of their possible migration in permafrost, have not been studied at all. Therefore, the assumption that frozen rocks are impermeable to radionuclides is without any basis.

Secondly, even if it turns out that the permafrost is indeed a good RW insulator, it is impossible to prove that the permafrost itself will last long enough: we recall that the standards provide for burial for a period of 10 thousand years. It is known that the state of permafrost is determined by the climate, with the two most important parameters being air temperature and precipitation. As you know, the air temperature is rising due to global climate change. The highest rate of warming occurs precisely in the middle and high latitudes of the northern hemisphere. It is clear that such warming should lead to thawing of ice and reduction of permafrost. Calculations show that active thawing may begin in 80-100 years, and the rate of thawing may reach 50 meters per century. Thus, the frozen rocks of Novaya Zemlya can completely disappear in 600-700 years, which is only 6-7% of the time required for waste isolation. Without permafrost carbonate rocks Novaya Zemlya have very low insulating properties with respect to radionuclides. No one in the world yet knows where and how to store high-level radioactive waste, although work in this direction is underway. So far, we are talking about promising, and by no means industrial technologies for confining highly active radioactive waste into refractory glass or ceramic compounds. However, it is not clear how these materials will behave under the influence of radioactive waste contained in them for millions of years. Such a long shelf life is due to the huge half-life of a number of radioactive elements. It is clear that their release to the outside is inevitable, because the material of the container in which they will be enclosed does not "live" for so long.

All RW processing and storage technologies are conditional and doubtful. And if nuclear scientists, as usual, dispute this fact, then it would be appropriate to ask them: “Where is the guarantee that all existing storage facilities and burial grounds are no longer carriers of radioactive contamination, since all observations of them are hidden from the public.

Rice. 3. Ecological situation on the territory of the Russian Federation: 1 - underground nuclear explosions; 2 - large accumulations of fissile materials; 3 - testing of nuclear weapons; 4 - degradation of natural fodder lands; 5 - acid atmospheric precipitation; 6 - zones of acute environmental situations; 7 - zones of very acute environmental situations; 8 - numbering of crisis regions.

There are several burial grounds in our country, although they try to keep silent about their existence. The largest is located in the region of Krasnoyarsk near the Yenisei, where waste from most Russian nuclear power plants and nuclear waste from a number of European countries are buried. When carrying out scientific and survey work on this repository, the results turned out to be positive, but recently the observation shows a violation of the ecosystem of the river. Yenisei, that mutant fish appeared, the structure of water in certain areas changed, although the data of scientific examinations are carefully hidden.

Today, the Leningrad Nuclear Facility is already full of INF. For 26 years of operation, the nuclear "tail" of the LNPP amounted to 30,000 assemblies. Given that each weighs a little over a hundred kilograms, the total mass of highly toxic waste reaches 3 thousand tons! And all this nuclear "arsenal" is located not far from the first block of the Leningrad NPP, moreover, on the very shore of the Gulf of Finland: 20 thousand cassettes have accumulated at Smolensk, about the same at the Kursk NPP. The existing SNF reprocessing technologies are not profitable from an economic point of view and are dangerous from an environmental point of view. Despite this, nuclear scientists insist on the need to build SNF reprocessing facilities, including in Russia. There is a plan to build in Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk-26) the second Russian plant for the regeneration of nuclear fuel, the so-called RT-2 (RT-1 is located on the territory of the Mayak plant in the Chelyabinsk region and processes nuclear fuel from VVER-400 type reactors and nuclear submarines). boats). It is assumed that RT-2 will accept SNF for storage and processing, including from abroad, and it was planned to finance the project at the expense of the same countries.

Many nuclear powers are trying to float low- and high-level waste to poorer countries that are in dire need of foreign exchange. For example, low-level waste is usually sold from Europe to Africa. The transfer of toxic waste to less developed countries is all the more irresponsible, given that in these countries there are no suitable conditions for storing spent nuclear fuel, the necessary measures to ensure safety during storage will not be observed, and there will be no quality control over nuclear waste. Nuclear waste should be stored in the places (countries) of its production in long-term storage facilities, experts believe, they should be isolated from the environment and controlled by highly qualified personnel.

From the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant, a train of several container cars arrived at the Mayak Production Association, which delivered fuel assemblies of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from AMB reactors (Atom Mirny Bolshoy) to the radiochemical plant. On October 30, the wagon was successfully unloaded, during which the cassette with AMB SNF was removed from the transport and packaging kit and placed in the storage pool of the RT-1 plant.

SNF management from AMB reactors is one of the most acute problems in the field of nuclear and radiation safety. Two AMB reactors at the Beloyarsk NPP were shut down in 1981 and 1989. SNF has been unloaded from the reactors and is currently stored in the spent fuel pools of the Beloyarsk NPP and in the storage pool of the Mayak Production Association. The characteristic features of AMB spent fuel assemblies (SFAs) are the presence of about 40 types of fuel compositions and large overall dimensions: the length of SFAs reaches 14 meters.

A year ago, in November 2016, a container wagon arrived at the Mayak Production Association, delivering a cassette with spent fuel from AMB reactors to the radiochemical plant, which was removed from the transport and packaging kit and placed in the storage pool of the RT-1 plant.

The delivery to the enterprise was carried out in the form of an experimental batch in order to make sure that the Beloyarsk NPP and Mayak are ready for the removal of this type of SNF for reprocessing. Therefore, on October 30, 2017, the extraction of the 14-meter long length from the container and installation in the storage place took place in the normal mode.

“The start of the export of fuel from AMB SNF from the Beloyarsk NPP to our enterprise crowned the long hard work of specialists from several organizations of Rosatom,” said Dmitry Kolupaev, Chief Engineer Software "Mayak". – This is the final stage of the process of creating a transport and technological export scheme, including a set of technical and organizational work at the Mayak Production Association and the Beloyarsk NPP, as well as the creation of a railway echelon with unique TUK-84 transport and packaging kits for the transportation of SNF from AMB developed by RFNC-VNIITF. The implementation of the entire project will make it possible to solve the problem of radiation-hazardous facilities - these are the nuclear fuel storage pools of the first and second units of the Beloyarsk NPP, and in the medium term to begin decommissioning the power units themselves. Before the "Mayak" stands even more difficult task: within three years, the construction of the section for butchering and canning is to be completed, where 14-meter SFAs will be fragmented and placed in canisters, the dimensions of which will allow processing this fuel at a radiochemical plant. And then we will be able to transfer the SNF from AMB reactors to a completely safe state. Uranium will again be used to produce fuel for nuclear power plants, and radioactive waste will be reliably vitrified.”

Beloyarsk NPP is the first commercial nuclear power plant in the history of the country's nuclear power industry, and the only one with reactors of different types on the same site. The Beloyarsk NPP operates the world's only power units with industrial-grade fast neutron reactors BN-600 and BN-800. The first power units of the Beloyarsk NPP with thermal reactors AMB-100 and AMB-200 have exhausted their service life

Igor Kurchatov personally monitored the progress of work on the "peaceful atom" project. Soon, nuclear power plants, as a new and promising way to generate energy, began to be built around the world. The Chelyabinsk region also had to acquire its own station.

"Peaceful" atom

The South Ural NPP is a long-term construction larger than the Chelyabinsk metro. The site for the station began to be erected 10 years earlier than digging tunnels - in 1982 - but apart from the barely begun skeletons of buildings in the village of Metlino, which is 15 km from Ozersk and 140 km from Chelyabinsk, there is nothing to this day. The first time construction was suspended in 1986: the terrible Chernobyl accident extinguished the desire to create such facilities for a long time. Now almost four and a half thousand people live in the Chelyabinsk region, one way or another affected by that disaster - these are the liquidators and their families. They on own experience made sure that jokes with radiation are bad and forever convinced that Atom stations cannot be safe.

However, the South Urals residents have faced the consequences of radioactive contamination before. From 1949 to 1956, Mayak waste was dumped into the Techa River; in 1957, the explosion of a radioactive waste tank at the same Mayak led to the contamination of a vast territory (the East Ural radioactive trace). The echo of those events is still felt, therefore, when in 2006 the construction of its own nuclear power plant was to be resumed, protests were held throughout the region.

Some pluses

The regional government did not share the fears of the residents. From the point of view of the economy, the region had a shortage of energy - about 20% had to be purchased from neighbors. The construction of the station also guaranteed the creation of about ten thousand new jobs for the residents of Ozyorsk and Snezhinsk. The South Ural NPP was supposed to become the safest in the world in terms of waste processing: spent fuel practically did not need to be transported, the Mayak Production Association located right there planned to deal with its neutralization.

However, the start of construction, scheduled for 2011-2013, was again postponed indefinitely. And the reason for this was by no means the indignation of citizens and environmentalists, but the reasons, again, purely economic. During the crisis of 2008, energy consumption in the region decreased, and the federal authorities considered the construction unprofitable. Moreover, according to the new project, the South Ukraine NPP should have been equipped with the latest fast neutron reactors, the creation and operation of which cost 2-3 times more than conventional ones. Rosatom, in turn, considered the amount of water in the nearby lakes to be insufficient, which, according to experts' calculations, would not be enough to properly cool the four reactors. The public calmed down again.

To be or not to be?

They started talking about construction again in 2011 - and again “at the wrong time”: in March, a strong earthquake and tsunami damaged the power units of the Japanese nuclear power plant Fukushima-1, which caused a leak of radioactive water and pollution of a vast territory. Frightened by the consequences of the disaster and the ineffectiveness of Japan's liquidation measures, many European countries hastened to develop programs to phase out nuclear energy. For example, Germany plans to close all of its 17 nuclear power plants by 2022, as do the UK and Spain.

Panic moods were not shared in Russia: Rosatom specialists are sure that Japanese engineers made too many mistakes in the first hours after the accident, and the unacceptable wear of the reactor was the main cause of the disaster. Therefore, negotiations between federal and regional officials regarding the construction of the South Ukraine NPP nevertheless took place, albeit under the displeased murmur of environmentalists.

The project of the station was once again revised - now it was planned to launch 2 power units with a total capacity of 2400 MW. But the agreement was not reached again - Rosatom still did not like the water supply scheme, the federal authorities were in no hurry to allocate funds. It was only in November 2013 that it became known that the South Ukraine NPP was included in the scheme for the construction of energy facilities until 2030. This means that any work in Ozersk will not begin until 2025. In any case, nothing depends on the Chelyabinsk region - the financing of such facilities lies entirely with federal budget, and who pays, he orders the music.

Magazine "RESULTS", N31, 08/10/1998. * Nuclear Russia.* Based on the materials of the collection "Atom without the stamp "secret": points of view". Moscow - Berlin, 1992. (The names of objects and enterprises are given in the form as they were known before the renaming)

Nuclear power plants

  • Balakovo (Balakovo, Saratov region).
  • Beloyarskaya (Beloyarsky, Yekaterinburg region).
  • Bilibino ATES (Bilibino, Magadan region).
  • Kalininskaya (Udomlya, Tver region).
  • Kola (Polyarnye Zori, Murmansk region).
  • Leningrad (Sosnovy Bor, St. Petersburg region).
  • Smolensk (Desnogorsk, Smolensk region).
  • Kursk (Kurchatov, Kursk region).
  • Novovoronezhskaya (Novovoronezhsk, Voronezh region).

Special regime cities of the nuclear weapons complex

  • Arzamas-16 (now the Kremlin, Nizhny Novgorod region). All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics. Development and design of nuclear charges. Experimental plant "Communist". Electromechanical plant "Avangard" (serial production).
  • Zlatoust-36 (Chelyabinsk region). Serial production of nuclear warheads (?) and ballistic missiles for submarines (SLBMs).
  • Krasnoyarsk-26 (now Zheleznogorsk). Underground mining and chemical plant. Processing of irradiated fuel from nuclear power plants, production of weapons-grade plutonium. Three nuclear reactors.
  • Krasnoyarsk-45. Electromechanical plant. Uranium enrichment (?). Serial production of ballistic missiles for submarines (SLBMs). Creation of spacecraft, mainly satellites for military, reconnaissance purposes.
  • Sverdlovsk-44. Serial assembly of nuclear weapons.
  • Sverdlovsk-45. Serial assembly of nuclear weapons.
  • Tomsk-7 (now Seversk). Siberian Chemical Plant. Enrichment of uranium, production of weapons-grade plutonium.
  • Chelyabinsk-65 (now Ozersk). Software "Mayak". Reprocessing of irradiated fuel from nuclear power plants and ship nuclear power plants, production of weapons-grade plutonium.
  • Chelyabinsk-70 (now Snezhinsk). VNII technical physics. Development and design of nuclear charges.
  • Nuclear weapons test site

  • Northern (1954-1992). Since February 27, 1992 - the Central training ground of the Russian Federation.
  • Research and educational nuclear centers and institutions with research nuclear reactors

  • Sosnovy Bor (St. Petersburg region). The educational center Navy.
  • Dubna (Moscow region). Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
  • Obninsk (Kaluga region). NPO "Typhoon". Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE). Installations "Topaz-1", "Topaz-2". Naval Training Center.
  • Moscow. Institute of Atomic Energy. I. V. Kurchatova (thermonuclear complex ANGARA-5). Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). Research Production Association"Aileron". Research and production association "Energy". Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics.
  • Protvino (Moscow region). Institute of High Energy Physics. Accelerator of elementary particles.
  • Sverdlovsk branch of the Research and Design Institute of Experimental Technologies. (40 km from Yekaterinburg).
  • Novosibirsk. Academgorodok of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Troitsk (Moscow region). Institute for Thermonuclear Research (installations "Tokomak").
  • Dimitrovgrad (Ulyanovsk region). Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors. V.I. Lenin.
  • Nizhny Novgorod. Design Bureau of Nuclear Reactors.
  • Saint Petersburg. Research and production association "Electrophysics". Radium Institute. V. G. Khlopina. Research and Design Institute of Energy Technology. Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
  • Norilsk. Experimental nuclear reactor.
  • Podolsk Scientific Research Production Association "Luch".
  • Uranium deposits, enterprises for its extraction and primary processing

  • Lermontov (Stavropol Territory). Uranium-molybdenum inclusions of volcanic rocks. Software "Diamond". Extraction and enrichment of ore.
  • Pervomaisky (Chita region). Zabaikalsky Mining and Processing Plant.
  • Vikhorevka (Irkutsk region). Extraction (?) of uranium and thorium.
  • Aldan (Yakutia). Mining of uranium, thorium and rare earth elements.
  • Slyudyanka (Irkutsk region). Deposit of uranium-containing and rare earth elements.
  • Krasnokamensk (Chita region). Uranium mine.
  • Borsk (Chita region). A depleted (?) uranium mine - the so-called "gorge of death", where ore was mined by prisoners of Stalin's legers.
  • Lovozero (Murmansk region). Uranium and thorium minerals.
  • Lake Onega area. Uranium and vanadium minerals.
  • Vishnevogorsk, Novogorny (Central Ural). uranium mineralization.
  • Uranium metallurgy

  • Elektrostal (Moscow region). Software "Machine-building plant".
  • Novosibirsk. PO "Plant of chemical concentrates".
  • Glazov (Udmurtia). PO "Chepetsky Mechanical Plant".
  • Enterprises for the production of nuclear fuel, highly enriched uranium and weapons-grade plutonium

  • Chelyabinsk-65 (Chelyabinsk region). Software "Mayak".
  • Tomsk-7 (Tomsk region). Siberian chemical plant.
  • Krasnoyarsk-26 (Krasnoyarsk Territory). Mining and chemical plant.
  • Ekaterinburg. Ural Electrochemical Plant.
  • Kirovo-Chepetsk (Kirov region). Chemical plant them. B. P. Konstantinova.
  • Angarsk (Irkutsk region). Chemical electrolysis plant.
  • Shipbuilding and ship repair plants and nuclear fleet bases

  • Saint Petersburg. Leningrad Admiralty Association. Software "Baltic Plant".
  • Severodvinsk. Production Association "Sevmashpredpriyatie", Production Association "Sever".
  • Nizhny Novgorod. Software "Krasnoe Sormovo".
  • Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Shipyard "Leninsky Komsomol".
  • Big Stone (Primorsky Territory). Shipyard "Zvezda".
  • Murmansk. Technical base of PTO "Atomflot", shipyard "Nerpa".
  • Bases of nuclear submarines of the Northern Fleet

  • Zapadnaya Litsa (Nerpichya Bay).
  • Gadzhiyevo.
  • Polar.
  • Vidyaevo.
  • Yokanga.
  • Gremikha.
  • Bases of nuclear submarines of the Pacific Fleet

  • Fishing.
  • Vladivostok (Gulf of Vladimir and Pavlovsky Bay),
  • Soviet harbor.
  • Nakhodka.
  • Magadan.
  • Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky.
  • Korsakov.
  • Submarine ballistic missile (SLBM) storage sites

  • Revda (Murmansk region).
  • Nenoksa (Arkhangelsk region).
  • Points for equipping missiles with nuclear warheads and loading into submarines

  • Severodvinsk.
  • Guba Okolnaya (Kola Bay).
  • Places of temporary storage of irradiated nuclear fuel and enterprises for its processing

  • NPP industrial sites.
  • Murmansk. Lighter "Lepse", mother ship "Imandra" PTO "Atom-flot".
  • Polar. Technical base of the Northern Fleet.
  • Yokanga. Technical base of the Northern Fleet.
  • Pavlovsky bay. Technical base of the Pacific Fleet.
  • Chelyabinsk-65. Software "Mayak".
  • Krasnoyarsk-26. Mining and chemical plant.
  • Industrial accumulators and regional storages (repositories) of radioactive waste

  • NPP industrial sites.
  • Krasnoyarsk-26. Mining and chemical plant, RT-2.
  • Chelyabinsk-65. Software "Mayak".
  • Tomsk-7. Siberian chemical plant.
  • Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region). The industrial site of the Zvyozdochka shipyard of the Sever Production Association.
  • Big Stone (Primorsky Territory). Industrial site of the Zvezda shipyard.
  • Zapadnaya Litsa (Andreeva Bay). Technical base of the Northern Fleet.
  • Gremikha. Technical base of the Northern Fleet.
  • Shkotovo-22 (Chazhma Bay). Ship repair and technical base of the Pacific Fleet.
  • Fishing. Technical base of the Pacific Fleet.
  • Storage and disposal sites for decommissioned navy ships and civilian ships with nuclear power plants

  • Polyarny, base of the Northern Fleet.
  • Gremikha, base of the Northern Fleet.
  • Yokanga, base of the Northern Fleet.
  • Zapadnaya Litsa (Andreeva Bay), base of the Northern Fleet.
  • Severodvinsk, industrial water area of ​​the production association "Sever".
  • Murmansk, Atomflot technical base.
  • Bolshoy Kamen, water area of ​​the Zvezda shipyard.
  • Shkotovo-22 (Chazhma Bay), technical base of the Pacific Fleet.
  • Sovetskaya Gavan, the water area of ​​the military-technical base.
  • Rybachy, base of the Pacific Fleet.
  • Vladivostok (Pavlovsky Bay, Vladimir Bay), bases of the Pacific Fleet.
  • Undeclared areas of liquid and solid RW dumping and flooding

  • Discharge sites for liquid radioactive waste in the Barents Sea.
  • Areas of inundation of solid radioactive waste in shallow bays of the Kara side of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago and in the area of ​​the Novaya Zemlya deep-water basin.
  • Point of unauthorized flooding of the Nickel lighter with solid radioactive waste.
  • Guba Chernaya of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. The place where the pilot ship "Kit" was laid up, on which experiments were carried out with chemical warfare agents.
  • Contaminated areas

  • A 30-kilometer sanitary zone and areas contaminated with radionuclides as a result of the catastrophe on April 26, 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  • The East Ural radioactive trace formed as a result of the explosion on September 29, 1957 of a container with high-level waste at an enterprise in Kyshtym (Chelyabinsk-65).
  • Radioactive contamination of the Techa-Iset-Tobol-Irtysh-Ob river basin as a result of long-term discharge of radiochemical production waste at the facilities of the nuclear (weapons and energy) complex in Kyshtym and the spread of radioisotopes from open radioactive waste storage facilities due to wind erosion.
  • Radioactive contamination of the Yenisei and individual sections of the floodplain as a result of the industrial operation of two once-through water reactors of a mining and chemical plant and the operation of a radioactive waste storage facility in Krasnoyarsk-26.
  • Radioactive contamination of the territory in the sanitary protection zone of the Siberian Chemical Combine (Tomsk-7) and beyond.
  • Officially recognized sanitary zones at the sites of the first nuclear explosions on land, under water and in the atmosphere at the nuclear weapons test sites on Novaya Zemlya.
  • Totsky district of the Orenburg region. Place of conducting military exercises on the stamina of personnel and military equipment to the damaging factors of the nuclear explosion on September 14, 1954 in the atmosphere.
  • Radioactive release as a result of an unauthorized launch of a nuclear submarine reactor, accompanied by a fire, at the Zvyozdochka shipyard in Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region) on February 12, 1965.
  • Radioactive release as a result of an unauthorized start-up of a nuclear submarine reactor, accompanied by a fire, at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard in Nizhny Novgorod in 1970.
  • Local radioactive contamination of the water area and adjacent areas as a result of unauthorized start-up and thermal explosion of the nuclear submarine reactor during its reloading at the shipyard of the Navy in Shkotovo-22 (Chazhma Bay) in 1985.
  • Pollution of coastal waters of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago and open areas of the Kara and Barents Seas due to the discharge of liquid and flooding of solid radioactive waste by ships of the Navy and Atomflot.
  • Underground venues nuclear explosions in the interests of the national economy, where the release of products of nuclear reactions to the surface of the earth is noted or underground migration of radionuclides is possible.