Types of woodcarving. Types of threads and their characteristics. Diameters and pitches of metric threads

  • 21.04.2020

Thread types

Among artwork in our country, the most common and beloved among the people has long been woodcarving. Carvings decorated dwellings and ships, furniture, dishes, tools - spinning wheels, sewing machines, rollers. Folk wooden toys are distinguished by the brightness of images, accurate observation, subtle humor and a genuine sense of beauty.

Centuries-old culture artistic carving woodworking has national traditions that are passed down from generation to generation when decorating wooden houses with carvings, creating household, decorative products. The best samples of such products, created by folk carvers, are carefully stored in the museums of our country.

Wood remains a favorite material for artists to this day. Sculpture, carved decorative and utilitarian-decorative objects are created from it. In the field of artistic processing of wood, folk craftsmen and professional artists work, training of personnel is organized in an organized manner.

There are many types of woodcarving, which can be divided into the following main groups: flat or recessed; flat-relief; embossed; slotted, or openwork; sculptural, or voluminous; brownie (ship).

Each of these groups, in turn, is divided according to the pattern and technique of execution into varieties.

Flat serrated thread

Flat serrated carving is characterized by the fact that its background is the flat surface of the product or workpiece being decorated, and the pattern is formed by recesses of various shapes. The lowest points of the relief are located below the level of the decorated surface, and the upper points are at its level. Depending on the shape of the recesses and the nature of the pattern, flat-notched threads can be geometric or contour.

Geometric carving - one of the oldest types of woodcarving. It is made in the form of two-, three- and four-sided recesses, forming on the surface a pattern of geometric shapes - triangles, squares, circles.

In ancient times each geometric figure and their various combinations had their symbolic meaning. So, a rosette with rays was a symbol of the sun. Centuries passed, the concept of beauty developed, geometric elements formed into ornaments. From the simplest cuts (cuts) made with one tool (knife-knife), carvers learned to create the richest patterns used to decorate various household items.

Figure 1 shows fragments of old Russian spinning wheels decorated with geometric carvings.

Later, with the development of carving techniques and the emergence of new tools, bracketed notches appeared in geometric carving, made with semicircular chisels. They enriched the compositions of ornaments.

Geometric carving compares favorably with other types of carving by its hollow variety of techniques for decorating a wooden surface. At the same time, this carving is not difficult to perform and, in comparison with relief carving, does not require special knowledge of the theory of drawing, a complex set of tools. Its advantage is also the small depth of the carved pattern, which does not disturb the composition of the product itself.

contour thread characterized by shallow thin dihedral notches running along the entire contour of the pattern. In contrast to geometric carving, contour carving mainly uses pictorial motifs: leaves, flowers, figures of animals, birds. An image made with contour carving looks like an engraved drawing: its cutting lines are rigid, there is almost no play of chiaroscuro. On fig. 2 shows fragments of Russian spinning wheels decorated with contour carvings and bracket cuts.

Contour carving is used most often in combination with other types of carving - geometric, flat-relief, and also with painting. As an independent type, this thread is used to make decorative panels on wood.

When performing contour carving, not only a joint knife is used, but also various chisels. The technique of contour carving requires great attention from the performer, fluency in the instrument and high artistic taste.

relief carving

Flat-relief carving has several varieties: carving with oval contours (oval, or oblique), carving with a pillow background, carving with a selected (selected) background. A common feature for them is a low conditional relief located in one plane at the level of the decorated surface. Flat-relief carving is, as it were, a transitional view from contour to relief carving.

oval carving, as well as contour, it is made in the form of dihedral recesses along the contour of the pattern, but the recesses are cut deeper, and their edges are rounded (ovalized). As a rule, on the side of the ornamental forms, the recesses are cut and oval steeper, and on the side of the background, they are more sloping (Fig. 3).

In some cases, the background is rolled up so that it does not remain flat anywhere. Such a background is called pillow, and carving -oval with pillow background. In terms of execution technique, appearance and purpose, this thread differs little from the usual oval thread.

relief carving with selected background performed in the same way as the usual zaovalnaya. the forms of the ornament remain flat, while the edges of the forms are steeply oval. The background in this thread is chosen to a shallow depth. The ornament, as it were, lies on a flat plane. The background is sometimes minted (Fig. 4). The play of chiaroscuro here is somewhat richer than in the ovalized carving, but also small. Therefore, flat relief carving is performed mainly on small objects and finished with polishing.

In the development of flat-relief carving, the so-called Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya carving, which arose at the end of the 19th century, played an important role. in the Abramtsevo estate near Moscow, where a wood carving workshop was organized. Many craftsmen who worked and studied in Abramtsevo lived in the neighboring village of Kudrino, so the carving was called Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya.

The creative work of the talented folk carver V. P. Vornoskov, who left the Abramtsevo workshop, had a great influence on the formation of the Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya carving. Vornoskov's works are characterized by plant motifs with rounded leaves (the so-called "finger" carving), a flat polished ornament that almost completely covers the surface, and a matte tinted background with a pattern of dots.

The traditions of the old masters are still preserved in the works of the carvers of the Khotkovo factory. art products from wood and bone, created on the basis of the former Abramtsevo workshops. A sample of modern Kudrin thread is shown in fig. 5.

relief carving

Relief carving is performed by trimming a flat ornament left on a recessed background and working out the forms on the surface of this ornament. Relief carving has almost no flat surface. The forms of the ornament are revealed by the relief of different heights.

Distinguish bas-relief carving - threads with low relief and high relief carving - with a higher relief, more pronounced and with a richer play of chiaroscuro.

Relief carving is very expressive and decorative. In the past, it was widely used to decorate interiors - wall panels, portals, doors, as well as in furniture. Currently, relief carving is also used for interior decoration. public buildings in the form of wall panels (Fig. 6). Relief carving is also used in the manufacture of modern art furniture: on the backs of chairs, on cabinet furniture in the form of overhead decorative elements.

slotted thread

A slotted thread is a thread in which the background has been removed. Slotted carving can be performed both in the technique of flat-relief carving (with a flat ornament) and in the technique of relief carving.

Flat slotted carving was often used to decorate antique Russian furniture. On fig. 7 shows an armchair made of pine wood with flat slotted and contour carvings (end of the 17th century).

When using such a thread in lockers and screens, a bright fabric is placed under it as a background.

It is much easier to make a thread of this type than to cut it deaf, that is, on a workpiece. For work, drills of different diameters, a jigsaw or a narrow hacksaw are most often used, and less often - some incisors, most of all flat and semicircular chisels. It is better to use jigsaws with fine teeth, they cut less productively, but they drank cleaner.

To set the jigsaw saw blade in the cut-out places inside the parts, you first have to drill holes of the desired diameter. Since you often have to rearrange the jigsaw blade, one end of the saw blade is made with a hook.

A slotted thread is a normal thread with a fully selected background. With a neat and clean execution, this gives the details delicacy and lightness. Such a thread can be geometric, contour with a blocky background. She is decorated with cornices, platbands, piers, doors, gates, as well as various fences.

Cutting out any ornaments is many times easier and faster than cutting them out with a selection of the background, over-sharp contours, as in blind carving.

It happens that the sawn ornament does not always turn out to be clean and even, so its edges are slightly rounded on the back side, cutting off a narrow chamfer. In general, house carving looks good at some distance from the house.

Depending on the ornament of the part, you have to drill a lot of various holes of various shapes. Round ones are drilled with a drill of the required diameter, and holes of a different shape are first drilled and then cut out with chisels of different widths and shapes, chisels and knives with narrow blades. This technique is easier, more convenient and more productive.

When carving, wood is often chipped from the back (reverse) side. To prevent this from happening, the workpiece should be strengthened on a planed board.

Wood is often cut in two steps. First, a rough cut is made with an indent from the lines of the ornament by 1 ... 2 mm, and then it is cut cleanly along the line of the ornament. The tool should be sharp, put it with a slight inclination into the hole, cutting the wood at a very slight angle. This method facilitates the work and gives a cleaner cut surface.

In slotted carvings, the chamfer is often cut from the back of the part, smoothing out jagged edges and removing chipped wood. The width of the chamfer depends on the pattern of the ornament and the thickness of the part. Carved details perform differently. First of all, a template or stencil is applied to the workpiece, the pattern of the ornament is transferred to it with a simple pencil and the carving is started. You can first process the part from the outside, and then from the inside, but you can do the opposite.

To insert a saw blade, first drill a hole. The workpiece is placed directly on the workbench and they work with a saw from top to bottom or install a special stand made of a thick board about 1 m long, to which four racks 250 ... 300 mm high are attached with a distance of 50 mm between them.

For racks in the board, four through holes are drilled or hammered with a diameter (section) of 40 ... 50 mm. A workpiece is placed between the posts and, if necessary, secured with wedges that are inserted between the posts and the workpiece. So that the ends of the racks do not diverge, wooden or wire clamps are sometimes put on top of them.

The stand can be attached to the workbench with clamps, nails, screws.

During operation, the teeth of hand-held jigsaws should cut wood in a direction away from themselves, and a foot jigsaw should cut from top to bottom.

The foot jigsaw is arranged as follows. In a workbench or board, a hole is made with a width of not more than 1 mm, along which a jigsaw must walk. On the back (smooth) side of the jigsaw, or butt, a steel plate is attached or a nail is hammered. This is necessary so that the saw, when pressed on it, does not crash into the wood with its reverse side. A twisted spring is hung over the hole or a trunk or bough of a tree made of springy wood is strengthened. A pedal is attached to the floor. One end of the jigsaw is attached through a leash, that is, a piece of wire, to the pedal, and the other end, also through the leash, to the spring. The teeth of the saw should be pointing down, that is, towards the floor.

When you press the pedal, the saw blade moves down and cuts through the wood. When the pedal is released, the saw springs up. At this time, the workpiece is held by hand and directed at risk to the saw blade. To make the saw stable, bosses are attached above the hole in the workbench or board - guides, and the saw blade passes this place without bending.

The made slotted thread is fixed at some distance from the wall so that it can be better seen against its background.

Laid on thread is a part made with a slotted thread. They are fastened with nails close to the structures of the house: to walls, piers, under windows, above windows, to shoulder blades, that is, boards nailed to the corners of walls, door or gate pillars, etc. Nail heads can be flattened and drowned in wood. Such a thread can be seen better than a deaf one.

Cleaner threading is recommended, especially on the back side. It is advisable not to chamfer it, so it is best to drill holes from both sides. As soon as the center of the drill (point) appears on the back side, the workpiece is turned over and drilled from the back side. In the same way, chiselling or cutting wood is performed. Unwanted wood chipping does not happen. The manufactured parts are tightly adjacent to the walls, preferably sheathed with wood, which creates a solidity of products.

To avoid rusty streaks from nail heads, it is recommended to coat the latter with drying oil.

The background in the slotted thread is removed with a chisel or saw. In the latter case, the thread is called propyl. Since this operation can be mechanized, saw thread is used in the mass production of furniture.

Welt carving with relief ornament is called openwork. Such carving was widely used to decorate baroque and rococo furniture at the end of the 17th and 18th centuries. (Fig. 8). The execution of such a thread requires high skill.

Sometimes slotted carvings are glued to a wooden base. In this case, it is called a consignment note or a sticker.

sculptural carving

Sculptural or three-dimensional carving is characterized by the fact that in it the relief image is partially or completely separated from the background, turning into a sculpture. In contrast to the one-sided image of an object in a flat-relief and relief carving, in a three-dimensional carving, the object is depicted comprehensively.

Sculptural carving has a thousand-year history. Since ancient times, man has embodied his religious ideas in the figures of gods and spirits. Fantastic ideas about nature also manifested themselves in the forms of household items. So, in the form of boat-shaped ladles with the head of a duck or a horse, the ancient myth of a fiery chariot in which the sun made its way was reflected: during the day, horses were harnessed to it through the sky, and at night - in the underground - underground kingdom - fantastic birds.

With the advent of Christianity, sculptural images of saints appeared, which were often brightly painted and served as decorations for numerous temples.

Love for humor, jokes, and sometimes sharp satire was embodied in a wooden toy, which was very popular in many parts of our country. The toy makers of Zagorsk and the village of Bogorodskoe gained particular fame. A feature of Bogorodsk carving is a patterned study of the surface of the product, imitating the skin of an animal or the plumage of birds. On fig. 9 shows one of the works of Bogorodsk carvers.

Sculptural carving was widely used to decorate interiors and furniture of classical styles. The legs of chairs and armchairs were often made in the form of animal paws, the armrests of the chairs were decorated with figures of fantastic animals and birds.

house carving

House carving is characterized by the fact that it is large-scale, performed mainly on softwood with an ax, saw and chisels, and is used to decorate wooden buildings.

Although house carving was already developed in the 16th century, samples dating back to the 19th century have come down to us. Wooden buildings, decorated with carvings, have survived mainly in the north of our country and in the Volga region.

Think that carved decorations they switched to residential buildings from wooden ships, so house carving is also called ship carving. By the nature and technique of execution, house carving is embossed, slotted (openwork) and volumetric.

Blind relief carvings - carvings with an uncut (deaf) background and a high relief pattern - were used to decorate the pediments of houses and window frames (Fig. 10). The motifs of the carving were most often floral ornaments, where the leaves curl in steep counter spirals, they are connected and at the same time separated by flower rosettes. Among the leaves and flowers, images of shoreline mermaids, lions, and phoenix birds were often inserted. The slotted, or sawn, brownie appeared in the middle of the 19th century. It was done with a jigsaw. Openwork valances decorated the pediments of houses, window frames, framed entrances, railings.

An example of a three-dimensional house carving is the so-called "okhlupen" - a figured image of the head and upper body of a horse, deer, big bird, which was cut from a whole rhizome with an ax and placed on the crest of the roof above the pediment, and used to decorate the bow of the ship.

Wood carving has existed for many centuries, new directions, types and subspecies of carving appear, but there is no single classification of carving types. We have summarized the classic and new types of carving. House carving occupies a special place in the classification of carving types. It practically concentrates all types and subspecies of thread.

1. House carving: the origins of wood carving can be traced back to ancient times. With the development of the Russian state, the art of woodcarving also develops. Carvings were used to decorate palaces, temples, churches, icons, houses, wooden buildings, interior items, furniture, household items, musical instruments, toys, souvenirs, amulets. The reign of Peter 1 turned out to be favorable for the development of woodcarving in Russia. Under Peter 1, shipbuilding was most developed, since wood in those distant times was the main material for creating the Russian fleet. The bows of the ships were decorated with figures - images of animals and birds - a dragon, an elephant, the head of a lion or a horse. These images symbolized the power, strength and courage of sailors. The skillfully carved prow figure is not only a worthy decoration of the ship, but also, as it was believed, a symbol of good luck for sailors. Such a carving is called ship or baroque. "Coming ashore" wood carving has found wide application in wooden architecture, the manufacture of wooden utensils, in home decoration and various decorations.

House (ship) carving was most developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. At the same time, the carving was not of the same type, it was performed using different techniques - which made the decor of the decorated products more figurative, richer and more picturesque.

2. Saw carving: in the second half of the 20th century in wooden buildings in the countryside and in the city, sawn carving, made with a thin jigsaw file, has become widespread. Of the variety of types of thread - it is the most common and affordable. Saw thread has several subspecies: through, consignment note, openwork. In all subspecies, the background is cut out or removed.

3. Flat-cutting thread and its subspecies: the most common, affordable, not requiring special premises and high material costs is the flat-cutting thread and its subspecies.

4. Contour carving: the name itself suggests that in this carving technique a contour, a contour drawing is performed. Contour carving is used to perform not strict geometric shapes, but free patterns that are, as it were, drawn on the workpiece. cutting tool. In this case, various lines can be used: straight lines, curves - arbitrary curvature, wavy, spiral, etc.

5. Geometric thread: the main subspecies of a flat-cut thread, which is based on two components - a plane and a notch made on it. It is called geometric because it is based on all kinds of geometric elements - triangles, polygons, circles, rhombuses, squares, ovals. Combining the simplest geometric shapes, you can get an amazing pattern, where every element, every stroke is accurately drawn. Complex elements of carving are formed from geometric figures: ladders, windings, beads, snakes, lights, pegs, various combinations of which with each other create geometric carving motifs, and the combination of motifs forms a geometric ornament.

6. Staple thread: Staple thread is based on a staple notch or staple cutting, shaped like a fingernail. Therefore, bracketed threads are often called nail threads. Staple carving is a kind of flat carving and, in combination with other types of carving, is used to decorate caskets, cutting boards, decorative panels, and household spatulas.

7. Wrinkled carving: used for finishing and decorating flat carvings. A feature of this carving is the decoration of the surface of the product of the executed motif with wrinkles-rays. Each ray is an acute-angled groove that originates from a center point. From the center, the groove smoothly passes into an extended wrinkle, reaching the greatest width and depth of the outer end of the ray. There is a way to immortality for wood carving: to keep the skill, experience, carving techniques. Teach the young to carve wood. In villages and cities. After all, they build houses from wood, from logs. This is in the traditions of Russians - to build from wood, cut lace on wood, decorate their houses with carved architraves, porches. Folk art is true value. Woodcarving is an integral part of it. Russians must not forget how to cut wood. Creating beauty with your own hands is in the blood of our crafty people.

      Used materials and tools

For wood carving, different types of wood are used. The choice of one or another breed depends on the purpose and shape of the decorated product and the type of carving. From deciduous trees, linden is often used for carving. Linden wood is easily and cleanly cut, little prone to cracking and warping. Due to its low hardness, linden is not used to make furniture, so its use is limited to small household items. Alder wood is also easy to cut, warps little, accepts finishes well and imitates other species, such as mahogany. All this makes it suitable for all kinds of work. An excellent material for carving is birch wood. It is harder than linden and alder and is more difficult to cut, but the quality of the carving is better. Birch wood is well stained and finished. Its disadvantages are the ability to easily absorb and release moisture, as well as the tendency to warp and crack, which does not allow it to be used in large products. From birch, you can make overhead carved decorations and details of furniture and other products. For carving on small items - dishes, souvenirs - poplar and aspen wood is used.

Oak has long been used for large decorative carvings and the manufacture of carved furniture. Oak carving is complex and laborious due to the high hardness of the wood and the tendency to chip, but it is very expressive and decorative.

Beech wood is close to oak in hardness, but gives fewer chips, as it is more uniform. Beech is well stained with aqueous solutions of dyes and finished. Beech is mainly used for small carvings. Walnut wood is the best material for carving. It cuts beautifully in all directions, rarely chipping and allows for the most precise carving. Walnut wood is well finished and especially polished. It is used in the manufacture of furniture both for carving on solid wood and for applied carving in combination with other species. For highly artistic small carvings and sculptures, walnut wood is also considered the best material. For small items decorated with carvings, rarer types of wood are also used: apple, cherry, etc. From coniferous species, wood of pine, spruce, cedar, yew is used for carving. From ancient times, decorations for architraves, icons, cornices, and gates were carved from pine. This carving is large, so the unevenness in the density of the layers of early and late softwood does not complicate the work. Spruce is easier to cut than pine, but it has more knots and is very hard, so it is less often used for carving. Harvesting of wood for carving should be done from October to January, when the movement of juices in the trunk stops and the risk of wood cracking and damage by fungi and insects decreases. Boards intended for carving are dried to a moisture content of 8-10%, making sure that cracks and warping do not form. Boards intended for carving are first cut into blanks on circular saws, then they are cut to size on planers and thicknessers. Wide blanks are obtained by gluing individual bars or planks with a PVA dispersion. In this case, it is necessary to select wood plots so that the cut and direction of the layers are the same. An incorrectly glued blank made of bars with the opposite direction of the layers of wood makes it difficult for the carver to work, reduces the artistic value of the carving, and when stained with water-based dyes, bars of different shades are obtained. Before carving, the surface of the workpiece is leveled by scraping. The surface is not sanded with sandpaper, as abrasive grains can get into the pores of the wood, which will quickly dull the tool.

Any wood is very sensitive to changes in environmental humidity. This property is one of the disadvantages of timber.

At high humidity, wood easily absorbs water and swells, and in heated rooms it dries out and warps. Drying wood is a very long and troublesome business. It is very difficult to dry hard wood that has a core. Even dead wood after sawing into short logs and barking is covered with numerous cracks. The core is especially valued, the wood of which is harder and drier, and its pores are filled with a special preservative substance. When the ridge dries, the sapwood first cracks, and then the core. To preserve the valuable wood of the core, the sapwood is cut off with an ax and the ends are smeared with putty. Without sapwood, heartwood dries quite well, with almost no cracks. Steaming speeds up the drying of the wood. Raw wood is placed in a vat of suitable size, a little water is poured into the bottom, covered and placed in a heated oven of a gas or electric oven, tightly covering it with a damper. Steamed wood not only resists cracking, but also acquires a deep brownish-golden color. Boiling in oil. Small pieces of wood are boiled in cottonseed oil, drying oil or any vegetable oil.

Cookware made from wood steamed in oil is very water-resistant and does not crack even with everyday use. Boiling in saline speeds up the drying of small pieces of hardwood. Raw wood is placed in a pan or boiled water, poured with a saturated solution table salt and cook on low heat for about 3-4 hours. After that, it is dried at room temperature for about 2-3 weeks. This method is particularly suitable for hardwoods. drying finished products in the sand you can achieve an interesting decorative effect. A layer of clean river sand is poured into a suitable container, the product is laid and covered with a new layer of sand. In this case, the product should not touch the walls. After that, a container without a lid is placed on a flooded Russian stove. The drying effect is achieved by the optimal distance of the container in relation to the fire. Drying in grain in Russia was well known. In the spring, a few weeks before sowing, the workpiece or product was buried in the seed grain, which absorbed moisture from the wood. Then the workpiece was taken out and dried at room temperature.

Drying on a cement or concrete floor is based on the ability of cement stone to intensively draw moisture into itself. Wet wood is laid on a dry concrete floor and after 2-3 hours it is turned over so that alternately one or the other face adjoins the cement floor. Drying in manure, shavings, polyethylene and air is also used.

The natural type of drying is atmospheric, airy. It is necessary to dry the wood in the shade, under a canopy and in a draft. It is better to choose a place for drying at the attic of the house, a barn or a specially arranged canopy. When dried in the sun, the outer surface of the wood heats up quickly, while the inner remains damp. Due to the difference in stresses, cracks form, the tree quickly warps. After atmospheric drying in warm, dry weather, the moisture content of wood is 15-20%. Blanks intended for interior decoration can be transferred to a heated room and dried. When drying products, cracks often occur. The best way to seal a large crack is to insert a piece of the same wood into it. If it is not possible to select a piece of wood from the same blank, then a piece of the same color is selected, located far from the core of the trunk and oriented in the same way towards the center. After the glue dries, the junction is planed and cleaned with a planer. Small cracks are usually sealed with sawdust-based putty.

Tools for successful work a woodcarver needs a well-equipped workplace, appropriate tools and fixtures. For the work of cutters, a dry, bright room with a constant temperature and humidity is necessary. The walls and ceiling of the room should be painted in light colors. The equipment of the carver's workplace depends on the nature of the carving work performed. In the manufacture of small products, carving can be done on a regular table. A workbench is suitable for large-sized products.

The workbench or table is placed so that the light falls from the front and left. The best

lighting - natural, without direct sunlight. With artificial lighting, the light should come from two or three sources so that there are no sharp shadows on the workpiece. The workshop needs one carpentry workbench to prepare the material for carving, as well as a grinding machine and a table for sharpening and straightening tools. For woodcarving, various shapes, chisels or chisels are used. Straight chisels with a blade width of 3-30 mm are used mainly for cleaning the background in relief carving, sometimes they are used in contour carving. Oblique chisels, also called cutters, are the main tool for making geometric carvings. They are used both when performing rough work (cutting wood with a full blade), and when stripping threads with the tip of a knife. It is desirable to have several knives with different tip shapes: from sharp (30°) to rounded. Cranberry chisels are distinguished by a short blade 2-15 mm wide and a long, curved neck near the blade. The shape of the canvas may be different. They are used when performing high-relief carving, as well as for cutting in hard-to-reach places. Straight cranberries clean the background in relief carving. Semicircular chisels with a web width of 3-

30 mm, depending on the radius of curvature, there are the following types:

Sloping with a large radius of curvature;

Medium or semicircular;

Steep with a small radius of curvature.

This is the main tool for all types of carving, except for geometric, where these chisels are used only for cutting semicircular holes. Corner chisels with a web width of 5-15 mm are used when sampling narrow groove lines. In cross section, the chisel forms an angle of 50-70°. Such chisels can be made in the form of a cranberry. Tserazik chisels with a width of 2-3 mm are close in shape to steep semicircular chisels, but their profile is deeper. Ceraziki is used to cut through narrow veins. Semicircular shavings are used to work on wood in hard-to-reach places. Rasps are used for surface treatment. Chassines are metal rods, at one end of which there are notches in the form of a grid, dots, stars. They are used for chasing the background, mainly in Kudrinskaya carving. In addition to the main cutting tool, the cutter also needs an auxiliary one: a marking tool, tools for drilling, sawing. Auxiliary tools also include:

Mallets for striking the handle of a chisel when cutting out a background, cutting a relief in a large carving;

A brace or drill with a set of drills for drilling holes in slotted threads and drilling deep places in relief;

Jigsaw and files for sawing out the background in a slotted thread.

In addition, the carver may need carpentry tools when preparing parts for carving: planers, jointers, cycles, etc.

      The main technological methods and operations of woodcarving

The manufacturing process of carved products can be divided into the following stages:

Project development;

Procurement and preparatory operations;

Direct carving;

Finishing carved product;

The design development phase may include the process of creating an artistic intent and the process of changing or refining some finished sample. This also includes the development of sketches, drawings and the like. Often the carver has to think over the design of the product, the manufacturing and assembly technology, as well as design the necessary fixtures.

All this also applies to the design stage. Prepared and preparatory operations include, for example, the following types of work:

Wood harvesting;

Drying wood;

Material selection;

Processing of blanks and manufacturing of products for thread;

Marking workpieces for threading;

Tool sharpening, etc.

Sketching and modeling: the development of sketches and modeling of future carvings occupy an extremely important place in the carver's robot. Of course, not all people can draw like artists, but often this is not required. In addition, it has been noticed that drawing abilities can develop, you just need to show patience and perseverance. At first, in carving, you can get by with ready-made samples, gradually starting to make your own changes and improvements to them. Then, with the accumulation of skills and experience, move on to completely independent works. The carver needs to study the issues of composition and perspective, the techniques of geometric constructions, various types of proportions. To do this, read the relevant literature and get acquainted practically. When performing complex types of carving, one pattern is not enough. Sometimes, to clarify the shape of the relief, the figure shows details in section. However, this does not always help. In such cases, it is recommended to make a model of the future carved product in a material that is easier to process - clay, plasticine, gypsum.

The model makes it possible to feel the volume, to clarify the ratio of details between themselves and with the background, to clarify the carving technique, to determine which tool is needed for work. At home, it is most convenient to use plasticine for modeling - it does not dry out, it is always ready to work, and does not give dirt. The model can be performed in a generalized form, without detailed details. It is enough if it conveys the main, most important elements of the future product.

Enlargement and reduction of the sketch. Quite often, a carver needs to rescale a sketch he has made or an illustration in a book. To do this, the following main methods can be used:

Resizing "by cells";

Redrawing a picture with a pantograph;


Translation and rescaling of the drawing is very easy to do with the help of photocopying. AT modern conditions this is the cheapest, easiest and fastest way.

Wood carving [Techniques, techniques, products] Yury Fedorovich Podolsky

Types of woodcarving

Types of woodcarving

The whole variety of woodcarving can be divided into 5 types: flat-notched (or in-depth), flat-relief, embossed, slotted (or openwork) and sculptural (or three-dimensional). The main criterion by which this division is made is the location of the ornament relative to the surface of the product or the background, as well as the presence of the background itself (or its through selection). Each of these groups, in turn, is divided into varieties according to the pattern and technique.

In the manufacture of carved wood products, several types of carving are usually combined. Often the works combine embossed and flat-notched, flat-relief and flat-notched, embossed and flat-embossed types of carving, etc. Often, carving is named after the place of its use: church, house, ship. And each of these types can, in turn, include all its varieties: flat-relief house carving, three-dimensional ship carving, etc.

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3. Wood carving technique

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Currently, woodcarving is quite in demand in interior decoration, decorating furniture, doors or stairs. The thread elements look especially original and original on. Woodcarving, despite its centuries-old history, does not lose its relevance, and thanks to modern and more functional tools, this ancient art has become more perfect and accessible.

Carved element for the facade of the house

- a way of decorating the exterior of a house by cutting various patterns, ornaments and sculptural images on the external elements of the facade. Almost all protruding and overhead elements of the house were decorated with carved details.

House carving was often called ship carving, as it was believed that the tradition of decorating a house wood carving came from shipbuilding. From time immemorial, in addition to the decorative purpose, house carving has had important function- protective. Protective signs and symbols were applied to the elements of the house in order to protect the dwelling from evil spirits, natural elements, the evil eye and other misfortunes.

An example of an ornament for house woodcarving

The ancient ones symbolizing the sun, earth, water, plants and animals can still be seen in carvings, although now these images are only decorative and artistic in nature.

Types of house carving

In house carving, almost all of its varieties have been used - from slotted to sculptural. According to the nature and technique of creating carved products, the following areas are distinguished:


The profile is characterized by a solid background and a high relief of the pattern. The drawing on the tree is created with chisels of various profiles. Deaf technique is most often used to decorate platbands, window sashes, door panels, end boards.

Earlier types of this technique used geometric ornaments with varying degrees of complexity in the thread profile. Other varieties of ornaments were not left without attention - vegetable, animal and anthropomorphic.

An example of a relief wood carving pattern

Beautifully meandering vine, stylized images of birds, animals, foliage are frequent motifs of dull relief technique.

Welt or openwork

The most common type of house carving. It features a complete selection of the background, which is cut with a hacksaw or jigsaw. This thread got its second name because of the lace profile of the through elements. The trimmings, pediments of houses, entrance doors, cornices, and railings were decorated with slotted details.

Such decorative elements are fabulously beautiful, airy and do not weigh down the facade at all. A lace pattern with a jigsaw can be created even by a person without experience in complex carving.

Several pattern options for slotted carving of decorative elements

There are many openwork ornaments for wood carving, but basically there are two main profiles - with geometric and floral details.


- This is a kind of openwork technique in which the elements of the pattern are superimposed on a solid board. Thus, there is an imitation of carving with a dull background. For greater effect and clarity, the openwork pattern is superimposed on a background of a contrasting color. Also, there can be several carved elements in the design: from two or more - this technique is called multilayer slotted.


By analogy with the tradition of decorating the prow of a ship with various sculptural images of gods or totem animals, the ridge of the roof was similarly decorated in house carvings. The most common are images of the heads of horses, deer or birds.

the most difficult and requires unconditional skill and experience from the wood carver. Sculptural elements often decorate the porch railing, the ridge of the roof, the supporting pillars of the canopy.

Although there is a division of wood carving techniques, it is rare to find only one option in house carving. All possible techniques are used to decorate the facade. The drawing can smoothly move from dull reliefs to luxurious decoration of openwork ornament or carved sculpture. The interweaving of techniques and images is typical of house carving.

House elements decorated with house carvings

Carved details form the main structural elements at home:

This is not a complete list of house elements that can be decorated with wooden carvings. The main elements of carving for decorating the facade are as follows:

A house decorated with carving elements compares favorably with ordinary buildings with originality and original beauty. When designing the exterior of the building, one should remember to maintain the overall style and take care of the appropriate interior decoration of the dwelling. Furniture, interior items and household items must comply with the traditions of house carving.

Elements of carving in the interior

Decorating the interior of a room with wood carvings is one of the most popular ways to decorate an interior. Carved decor looks very natural in rustic styles:, or country. Elite woods with rich carved finishes add luxury to such exquisite styles as baroque, classic, empire or palace.

Wooden trim can successfully decorate even such ultra-modern styles as modern.

Interior elements made of carved wood harmoniously fit into ethnic styles: African, Moroccan, Oriental and, of course, traditional Russian.

Types of carving in interior design

There is no strict classification in decorating a modern interior, and several wood carving techniques can be used at the same time.

An example of carved elements in the interior

The following types of thread are distinguished from the main directions.


Through and openwork carving in the interior are used to decorate frames, overlays and partitions, and much more. One of the varieties of slotted technique - overhead thread is widely used for decorating furniture.

Products can have both a simple cut pattern and finished edges. In the second variant, the thread profile will have different heights, and the pattern is additionally processed with a flat notched technique with hemmed edges.
A modern alternative for the manufacture of slotted elements is laser cutting.

Option openwork carving in the interior

With its help, a high-quality even cut is ensured, and the cut parts can be used after additional processing as decorative elements (non-waste production is ensured).

Flat rimmed

A type of carving characterized by a protruding flat background into which the elements of the pattern are recessed. There are the following subspecies of this technique:


The flat-relief technique is characterized by the selection or deepening of the background around the pattern. In this case, the picture acquires volume with the same depth of the background and most of the protruding elements.

background in relief carving according to the tree are the following:


A blind relief carving is characterized by a high relief of the ornament, which protrudes significantly above the background. Relief carving is divided into the following types:

Relief wood carving is very decorative and expressive and requires great skill and professional equipment. With the help of relief technique, magnificent interior decorations are created - ornaments, convex images of animals, people, plant and flower motifs.


The product, made in the technique of sculptural carving, is voluminous and can be seen from all sides.

This type of carving is the most difficult, to create carved wood sculptures you need to have artistic talent and mastery of all previous techniques.

Sculptural elements are used for decorative and architectural details - load-bearing structures and pillars, support posts for stair railings.

Sculpture carved stair railing

Types of decorative carved elements

And interior elements finished with wood carvings will perfectly fit into any room. You can safely decorate bedrooms with wooden trim, and even children's rooms - wood is an absolutely safe natural material.

The following elements of carved decor are used to decorate the interior:

The choice of wood for carved elements

Wood for carving can be used differently, each species has its own characteristics, pros and cons:

Carved elements for the interior or exterior of the house are exclusively exclusive. Wood itself is an aesthetic and attractive material, combined with the art of carving, has extraordinary beauty, energy and a bright personality.

Any design simply cannot do without a threaded connection. Threads, the types of which are used in the most different industries industry, are today one of the best fasteners. In its appearance, it resembles coils of a spiral applied to an axis of a cylindrical or conical shape. Such a connection is used in screw gears, it is considered the most important fastener element.

Functional purpose of the thread

GOST 2.331−68 gives a precise definition. This is a surface on which protrusions and depressions have a certain profile. The spiral is applied to the outer surface of the rotating parts. Main the purpose of the threaded surface is considered:

  • Fastening parts and their subsequent retention at a certain distance.
  • Limiting the displacement of parts of various designs.
  • Creating a tight connection.

Machine tool engineers are well aware of the threads, the kind of helix that must be used to create a strong connection. Numerous types of spiral make it possible to create very strong structures consisting of various parts. The following types of threads are known today:

  • Cylindrical thread. Cuts on any cylindrical surface.
  • Conical. The surface of the workpiece must have a conical shape.
  • Right. The coil is directed in the direction of clockwise movement.
  • Left. The direction of the coil is in the opposite direction relative to the clockwise direction.

Threaded connection is divided into several categories:

  • Creating fasteners using connecting parts (studs, bolts, nuts).
  • Formation of connection of structures, without the use of additional fasteners. For example, connecting pipes with a coupling.

The thread class is determined by its pitch. It can be standard or small. The most popular is considered a small step. It is used on all parts whose diameter exceeds 20 mm.

Due to the minimum gap between the grooves of the helix, a connection is obtained that does not have the ability to self-unscrew.

Positive and negative properties

Threaded connections are widely used due to a large number performance properties. The most important are:

With all the positive qualities, the spiral has a number of characteristic disadvantages. The load is distributed unevenly. The first coil experiences 50% of the total pressure.

In the case of frequent parsing, the surface of the spiral wears out quickly. Vibration loads can cause self-loosening.

Classification of threaded connections

A profile can have several types. He breaks the thread into certain groups, which used to create various connections:

  • Inch.
  • Metric.
  • Trubnaya.
  • Persistent.
  • Trapezoidal.
  • Round.

The most common is metric cutting, made in accordance with GOST No. 9150-81. The profile looks like an equilateral triangle. Tilt angle - 60 degrees. The pitch of the coil is made in the range: 0.25 - 6 mm. Fastener diameter: 1 - 600 mm.

Tapered threads are distinguished by the presence of a taper of 1:16. This design allows you to create tight joints without the use of lock nuts.

For inch threads, there is no domestic standard. The profile of such a thread has the form of a triangle. Angle 55 degrees. The number of turns per inch determines the pitch of the profile. Design standardization covers 3/16″ - 4″ OD with 3-28″ threads.

The inch conical thread is made with a 1:16 cone. The profile angle is 60 degrees. This product creates a high tightness, and without the installation of special seals. It is applied to hydraulic systems, and also pipelines of small diameter.

Cylindrical pipe thread GOST 6357–81 is used as a simultaneous fastener and seal. The shape of the profile is made in the form of an isosceles triangle with an angle of inclination of 55 degrees. To achieve high tightness, the profile has rounded top edges. In order not to damage the walls of the structure, such a thread is distinguished by a reduced pitch. It is used in heating systems, creating plumbing communications.

Trapezoidal thread is made in accordance with GOST 9481-81. It is used in screw-nut fasteners. Appearance profile resembles an equilateral trapezoid with an angle of inclination of 30 degrees. In worm gears, the angle value increases to 40 degrees. It is used for fastening parts with a diameter of 10-640 mm.

Thrust thread is standardized by GOST 24737−81. It is used in fasteners, which during operation are subjected to powerful axial loads directed in a certain direction. The profile has the form of a versatile trapezoid. One side is inclined at an angle of 3 degrees, the opposite - 30 degrees. Such a thread connects parts with a diameter of 10-600 mm. The profile step is in the range of 2-25 mm.

Round thread GOST 6042–83 is formed by connecting arcs. The angle of inclination between them is 30 degrees. The main advantage of this configuration is considered to be high resistance to increased wear. Therefore, it is widely used in the creation of a pipeline system.