A project about birds in the second junior group. Project for children of the second younger group "wintering birds". Birds in our area

  • 13.11.2019
in the second junior group


The interaction of man with nature is an extremely urgent problem of our time. For centuries man has been a consumer ofnature : lived and used her gifts, without thinking about the consequences.

The task of adults is to educate children's interest in our neighbors on the planet.birds , the desire to learn new facts of their lives, take care of them, rejoice in the knowledge that by sharing the crumbs, you can savebirds in winter from death . Give children basic knowledge about what to feedbirds in winter .

AT joint work with parents, we must create conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world and for all possible help to our feathered friends.

Target : to form a general idea of ​​​​preschoolers aboutwintering birds , their way of life, characteristic signs and connection with environment, human role in lifebirds .

Tasks :

Form ideas aboutwintering birds ;

Create a desire to helpbirds in difficult winter conditions;

To develop skills in children to properly feedbirds ;

To promote the development of cognitive and creative activity, curiosity;

Expand the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children, develop coherent speech;

Involve parents in closer cooperation inproject activities ;

Create conditions for expanding ideas aboutbirds (replenish the developing subject-spatial environment on the topicproject )

Implementation timelineproject : 1.02.18- 14.02.18

Project participants: parents, children of the second younger group, educators.

1. Preparatorystage :

Topic definitionproject ;

Development of a long-term planproject ;

Creation necessary conditions for implementationproject ;

Development teaching materials, recommendations on the topic(selection of advice for parents, etc.) ;

Preparation of attributes for events (illustrations, masks for games, fiction, creation of a card file of finger games on the topic« wintering birds » )

2. Main(practical)

1. Work of educators with children;

2. Work of educators with parents;

3. Team work parents and children.

Work with pupils.

cognitive development :

Conversations : "What do you know about wintering birds , "Howbirds different from animals?"Where live birds , "What kind birds arrive at the kindergarten site? ; "Should I take care of birds ; "What benefit do birds : "Menu birds » ; "Find a bird house" .

considerationwintering birds illustrated in books and magazines.

looking at pictures : « Birds at the feeder » ; "Children feed birds » .

Didactic games : "One is Many" ; "Guess the description" ; "What the bird ; "Guess Who's Gone" ; "Big and small birds on the feeder » ; "Feed birds » ; "Find a chick for mom" ; "What many birds on the tree ; "Name and show wintering birds » .

Solving mysteries aboutwintering birds .

Socio-communicativedevelopment :

top dressingbirds while walking ; hanging feeders made by the hands of parents.

Role-playing games : "Hospital birds » ; "Invite a titmouse to visit" ; "Bird's Dining Room" .

situational conversation : “Is it possible to pick up bird feathers?” , "How birds defend themselves ; "What does it mean to take care of wintering birds ; "Feathered Friends" .

Artistic and aestheticdevelopment :

Drawing : “We invite bullfinches to eat a mountain ash as soon as possible” .

coloring pages : "Sparrow" , "Bullfinches on a branch" , "Titmouse and rowan" etc.

modeling : "Birds in the nest" .

Listening to an audio recording : "Vote birds » .

Speech development :

Conversations : "What i saw the birds while walking with your parents? ; "What does a sparrow eat?" , "Feeders are different" ; Why is it necessary to feed in winter birds » .

Learning a poem by A. Ignatova"Scarlet tassel dawn ..." .

Reading : S. Marshak"Where did the sparrow dine?" ; Z. Alexandrova"Ghuli-ghuli" ;

N. Hilton"Birdhouse" ; V. Zvyagina"Sparrow" ; T. Evdoshenko"Take care birds » ; V. Berestov"Sparrows" ; A. Barto"Sparrow" .

word games : "Call it sweetly" ; "Who will be who?" .

Physical development :

Outdoor games : "The Birds Are Flying" ; "Crows and Dog" ; "Birds in the nest" ; "Sparrows and the Car" ; "Cat and Sparrows" .

finger games : "Sparrows - sparrows" ; "Bird Feeder" ; "The snowman sat on a branch" ; "Magpie" ; "The bird flutters its wings" .

2. Work of educators with parents.

Consultations : "How to help birds survive the winter » ; “How and from what can you make a feeder for birds » .

Individual conversations : “Do you discuss the topic of the week with your child at home?” .

Reminder for parents : "Feed birds » .

During thisproject was implementedstock : "Feed birds » .

3. The work of parents and pupils.

Participation in the competition"Bird's Dining Room" (manufacture of feeders for birds ) ; as well as feedingbirds while walking .

Collecting food forbirds .

Watchingbirds outside kindergarten .

3. Final stage. Summarizing.

Project "Wintering Birds"

in the second junior group

Compiled by educator:

Martynovskaya Svetlana Nikolaevna

Type of project by dominant activity – research

Project type by subject area - interdisciplinary.

Type of project by nature of coordination – open coordination.

Project type by number of participants - collective.

Project type by duration – short-term (1 week).

Type of project by nature of contacts - intragroup.

Objective of the project : replenishment and enrichment of children's knowledge of lexical topic: "Wintering Birds", by means of cognitive research activities, coherent speech, thinking and creative abilities of children.

Project objectives:

Educational: To consolidate the previously acquired knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds, their lifestyle, habits, connection with the environment, the role of man in the life of birdsExpand existing knowledge with new informationTeach children how to properly feed birds.Educational

Promote the development of cognitive and creative activity, curiosityExpand the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children, develop coherent speech.Educational:

To form a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help in difficult winter conditionsTo instill a love for nature and cultivate a careful attitude towards it.Strengthen parent-child relationships

Stage 1 of the project - problematization.

Due to their age, children have a lack of knowledge about wintering birds. There are no skills in the ability to feed birds in the winter season.

Stage 2 - goal setting.

The goal of the children is to expand their knowledge of wintering birds.

Assumptions of children: all birds either fly away to warmer climes or stay for the winter.

Solution: learn about the birds that stay with us for the winter.


Observe which birds stayed for the winter, what kind of food they prefer.

Together with parents, find illustrations and information about unfamiliar birds.

Stage 3 - activity planning.

Find out which birds stay for the winter, what they eat, how to feed the birds in winter.

Stage 4 - project implementation.

Day of the week

Directly educational activities of a teacher with children

Educational activities in regime moments

Independent activity of children

Interaction with family


I p.d. Visual activity (sculpting) Theme: "Sparrows and a cat"

Conversation "What do we know about wintering birds?"

Viewing the presentation "Wintering Birds"

DI. "Name the Bird"

Observation of birds that have arrived at the site.

P.I. "Sparrows and a cat"

Learning finger gymnastics "Birds"

Muz.D.I. "Bird and chicks"

N.I. "Cut Pictures"

Examination of wintering birds in illustrations, photographs, in magazines ...

Offer to repeat with the children the words of finger gymnastics "Birds"


I p.d. PID (FEMP) Topic: "Birds in the yard"

Conversation "Bird Menu"

Observation "Footprints in the snow"

DI. "Who lives where?"

P.I. "Birds and Chicks"

Reading A. Prokofiev's poem "Bullfinches"

Consideration of the plot pictures "Feeding the Birds"

Observation “What sparrows? What crows?

D.W. "What, what, what"

DI. "Collect the Bird"

Bird stencil drawing

Place a consultation on the topic: “Wintering Birds” in the parenting corner

Speech activity Topic: "Compilation of a descriptive story about a bird"

Conversation "Why help the birds in winter?"

DI. "When does it happen?"

DI. "What bird flew away"

Riddles about wintering birds.

Observation "Pigeons fly to the feeder"

DI. "Come up with an offer"

Learning the nursery rhyme "Oh, you owl - owl"

S.R. game "Invite a titmouse to visit"

Coloring pages on the topic "Wintering Birds"

DI. "Whose shadow?"

Place a consultation on the topic: “Bird feeders” in the parenting corner


Informative - research activities"Feed the Birds in Winter"

Musical control "birds fly"

DI. "Who is screaming?"

DI. "Who has who?"

Learning speech gymnastics "Sparrows"

Job assignment: "Feeding the birds"

Reading the nursery rhyme "Titmouse - titmouse"

DI. "Whose trace"

N.I. "Cut Pictures"

Place a consultation on the topic: “How to feed the birds” in the parenting corner


Visual activity (drawing) Topic: "Large and small birds on the feeder"

DI. "Who's gone?"

P.I. "Birds and Chicks"

D.W. "What, what, what"

DI. "Who eats what?"

Examination of the illustrations "Wintering Birds"

Conversation "Wintering birds, how to help them"

S.r.game "Bird Hospital"

DI. “What did Dunno forget to draw?”

DI. "Feed the Birds"

Invite parents to make the simplest feeders together with their children, place them on their window, in the yard, in the park and feed them.

Final eventNOD "Feed the birds in winter"

Product shape : Exhibition of children's works on the theme of the project.

Project presentation form methodological council on project work : project passport with an attachment (photos of the progress of the project and children's work).

Stage 5 - reflection.

Children use their knowledge and skills in independent activities.

To interest children together with their parents in caring for birds, the desire to help them in the winter (making feeders, feeding birds in winter).- Joint activities will help strengthen parent-child relationships.- Development of children's curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, communication skills.
Stage 6 - perspectives.

Continue to expand and enrich children's knowledge on the topic.


    Gerbova V.V. "Classes on the development of speech: the second junior group", 2010.

    Ushakova O.S. "The development of speech of children 3-4 years old" 2010.

    Adzhi A.V. "Summaries of integrated classes in the second junior group of kindergarten" 2009.

    Komratova N.G. "The world in which I live" 2006.

    Lykova I.A. "Visual activity in kindergarten. Junior group" 2012

    Komarova T.S. "Classes in visual activity" 2014.

    Voronkevich O.A. "Welcome to ecology" 2011

    Nikolaeva S.N. "Environmental education of younger preschoolers" 2000.

    Timofeeva L.L. "Planning educational activities in DOO "2015

    Kravchenko I.V. "Walks in kindergarten" 2010

Short term project

in the second junior group


Kolomenskaya N.V.

MBDOU kindergarten "Rodnichok", Firovo village, Tver region



The interaction of man with nature is an extremely urgent problem of our time. For centuries, man has been a consumer in relation to nature: he lived and used its gifts without thinking about the consequences.

The task of adults is to raise children's interest in our neighbors on the planet - birds, the desire to learn new facts about their lives, take care of them, rejoice in the knowledge that by sharing crumbs, you can save birds from death in winter. To give children basic knowledge about how to feed birds in winter.
In joint work with parents, we must create conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world and for all possible help to our feathered friends.

Target: Formation general idea preschoolers about wintering birds, their way of life, characteristic features and connection with the environment, the role of man in the life of birds.

Tasks: Expand knowledge about the environment, about the benefits of birds in nature;

Learn to recognize birds by their appearance;

Enrich children's vocabulary;

Activate cognitive activity;

Develop constructive skills, artistic and creative skills;

Raising a responsible and careful attitude to natural objects.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help in difficult winter conditions. Teach kids how to properly feed them.

Project type: informative

Project type: group.

Implementation period: 01/25/2016 - 01/29/2016

Members: children, teachers, parents.

Preliminary work:

Preparation of visual material depicting wintering birds (postcards, posters, photographs, presentation about wintering birds);

Selection of works fiction about birds, riddles.

Conduct form: GCD, conversations, observations, didactic and outdoor games, reading fiction, productive activities.

Project implementation:

Kind of activity

Observation "Birds in winter" - daily for a walk.


Organize bird watching, invite children to name familiar birds, compare them in appearance, habits, voice. Organize meals.

Develop observation, interest in the environment.

To teach children to identify the features of the movement of various birds, to teach them to talk about what birds do.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

direct educational activities.Application "Birds on the feeder"


To form in children ideas about the features of life and behavior of sparrows in the cold season.

Consolidate knowledge about winter.

Arouse in children sympathy for birds that suffer from cold and hunger in winter, desire and willingness to help them.

Direct educational activities. Drawing: "We invite bullfinches to eat a mountain ash as soon as possible"


Raise children's interest in visual arts.

Cultivate respect for nature.

Arouse the desire to draw a rowan branch to feed the bullfinches that have flown in and are waiting.

Coloring bird silhouettes.


The development of fine motor skills of the hands

Learn to choose colors according to the color of the birds.

Reading fiction about birds.


Encourage children to listen carefully and understand the works. - Follow the development of the plot, express your emotional attitude.

Outdoor games: "Cat and sparrows", "Dog and sparrows»;


Contribute to the improvement of children's performance of the main type of movement - running.

Develop expressiveness and beauty of movements.


To develop auditory perception in children.

Develop the ability to concentrate.

Homework for parents: bring food to the birds.

Project products. Exhibition of drawings and applications.


  1. received initial ideas about the way of life, about the adaptability of birds to life in the winter season;
  2. shows interest in wildlife, in birds;
  3. ability to compare different birds highlighting similarities and differences in structure and behavior;
  4. strengthened and developed interaction with parents.

Attachment 1

Summary of the lesson "Watching birds on a walk."

Target: to form the desire of children to take care of wintering birds.

Tasks: recognize the bird, name the parts of the body.

Course progress.

Children go for a walk with the teacher. The educator draws

attention to the weather, that in winter it is cold and hungry for small birds.

Pays attention to the behavior of birds (birds do not sing, do not chirp, rarely fly), only people can help - feed them.

Then the teacher offers to solve the riddle:

I'm sitting on a bitch

Kar! Kar!" I shout.


Jump off the branch.

Don't be shy!

Who is it…

The children respond in unison sparrow. Correctly!

Children together with the teacher repeat "Hello, little bird, we came to treat you."

The teacher explains that people hang bird feeders in winter so that the birds do not starve, they feed them with bread crumbs, seeds, lard.

We also have a feeder on the property. The teacher invites the children to feed the birds. The teacher asks questions about who arrived, what the birds are doing.

Tells the children that the birds are very shy and can only be observed from afar.

A bird sat on a branch, the teacher draws the attention of the children that the bird has; beak, plumage, tail, paws. The bird flies, chirps, sings, jumps. The teacher invites the children to name the body parts of the bird.

And play the game Raven and sparrow."

One of the children is chosen to be a raven, and the rest of the children are sparrows. Children imitate the characteristic movements of a bird. At the command of the teacher, sparrows fly, chirp, peck food. When a raven arrives, the sparrows fly away to their nests.

Summary of the lesson.

Children learned to name parts of the bird's body: beak, plumage, tail, paws.

The bird flies, chirps, sings, jumps.

They know that it is necessary to take care of wintering birds, feeding them, pouring food into the feeders.

Annex 2

Synopsis of the GCD (application) "Birds at the feeder"

Main goals:

  • "Artistic Creativity": To consolidate the ability to work with a brush and glue. Continue learning to work as a team.
  • "Knowledge": To form in children an idea of ​​wintering birds: tits, bullfinches, sparrows, crows, their appearance, nutrition, behavior. Complete and activate the dictionary. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.
  • "Communication": Learn to describe appearance birds in the picture, Develop the articulatory apparatus. Activate vocabulary: feeder, seeds, food, grains.

Material: pictures with the image of birds, stencils of birds, brushes, sockets with glue, napkins, oilcloths, whatman paper with the image of a feeder, millet for birds, a wooden feeder.

Lesson progress

AT. Look at the picture of the bird in my hands. What is it called?

D. Titmouse!

AT. How beautiful she is! What does a titmouse have?

D. Head. Eyes on the head, beak. The titmouse has yellow wings, tail, paws and breast.

AT. What a beautiful birdie. And what other birds do we see on the site of our garden?

Answers of children (sparrow, bullfinch, dove, crow, magpie).

AT. What are you - well done! Guys, tell me which of these birds live with us all year round?

D. crow and sparrow.

AT. And which of these birds come to us only in winter?

D. Titmouse and bullfinch.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the hung illustrations:

This is a bullfinch, what is it? - This is a small bird, it has a red breast, it has a head, it has a beak, eyes, it also has wings, a tail, paws. - This is a crow, she big bird black, with a gray breast, she has a large beak on her head, wings, a tail, large paws.

All birds are somewhat similar. What do all birds have?

How many legs do birds have? (two)

What is the bird's body covered with? (with feathers)

How do birds eat? (Peck, birds have a beak).

What else do birds have? (wings)

Show me how birds fly

Let's imagine that we are bullfinches.


Here on the branches, look, (turns to the right, to the left)

Bullfinches in red T-shirts! (clapping hands on sides)

Fluffed out feathers, (shake hands)

Basking in the sun (hands up)

They turn their heads, (head to the right, to the left)

They want to fly away! (run, imitate the flight of birds)

Shh! Shh! Fly away! For the blizzard, for the blizzard!

AT. Guys, do you know that birds are cold and hungry in winter. And how can we help them?

D. Birds need to be fed, feeders need to be built.

AT. What do we feed the birds?

D. Bread crumbs, grains.

AT. Correctly. Look, I brought grains with which we will feed the birds. Come here. (They approach the table on which there is a plate of millet). Here are the grains. How many. And where do we put the grains?

D. In the feeder.

AT. That's right, well done! Guys, I prepared a feeder. (takes out a sheet with a picture of a feeder) Let's look at it.

Guys, our feeder is empty! It has no birds. Let's put grains in our feeder, and the birds will fly.

The children sit around the table, the teacher smears the “bottom” of the feeder with glue, and the children sprinkle millet.

We feed our birds

Sparrows and titmouse.

So that they fly to our kindergarten

And they played with the kids.

AT. Guys, you hear, the birds have arrived (comes to the table and takes the blanks of birds). And now, let's put the birds in the feeder - let the grains peck.

The teacher distributes birds (bullfinch or titmouse). Children stick them on the feeder.

AT. Now our birds are not afraid of any cold! Well done boys!

Annex 3

Integrated lesson in the younger group. "Come to us, sparrow, eat a mountain ash as soon as possible"

Target:Develop the ability to create simple images, accept the idea proposed by adults.



Develop aesthetic perception, draw children's attention to the beauty of the surrounding nature, evoke an emotional response.

Develop the ability to solve riddles with the help of a teacher.

Improve your dialogue


Build meticulous work skills.


Cause joy from the resulting image of children; improve the skills and abilities of the fine arts.

Material and equipment:

Didactic games "Tell me a word";

Illustrations - a bird on a branch (sparrow), paper blanks for drawing.

Wax crayons.

Preliminary work:

Theme of the week - "Birds"

Conversation on the topic "Seasons",

Examining illustrations - birds

Educational areas: cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity.


Verbal.Riddles: "Tell me a word"! Conversation "Wintering birds", teacher's story: "drawing technique",

Gaming.Didactic games: "Hello ...",

Visual.Illustration - a sparrow on a branch.

Practical.Drawing rowan on a branch.

Lesson progress:

Tell me what season is it? (Winter)

Educator:Why do you think it's winter? (Snow has fallen, the trees have become bare, it has become cold outside, the sun is shining but not warming, etc.)

Educator:Let's play a game with you:

"Give me a word"!

I'll read riddles for you, and you all add the right answer word together, okay?

Oh, and the dress:

All the needles

They wear it forever (Yolki)

Courtyard in the snow. White houses.

Came to us at night... (winter)

They don't fly away to a warm land,

Singing in the cold

These birds are small

Are called (titmouse)

Educator:Well done! You guessed the riddles about winter, but tell me, why do you like winter? (There is a lot of snow outside, you can sled, play with snow).

Educator:What do you guys think, what happens to birds in winter? (They are cold in winter.) Of course, birds, our feathered friends, have a hard time in winter. And the birds fly closer to the person. Kind people. They will take pity on the poor birds and feed them. So sparrows flew to us, they love berries. But there are almost none of them left on the branches. Sparrows ask you to help them - fill these branches with berries.


Hands raised and waved

These are the trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, brushes shaken -

The wind knocks down the dew.

Let's gently wave our hands -

the birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down, we'll show-

Wings folded back.

Educator:So let's draw a mountain ash for sparrows, do you agree? (Agree)

Educator:Today we will be magicians! I suggest drawing rowan with wax crayons. I'll show you now how to do it! Look closely!

What color should you take the crayon? ? (red)

What shape is the berry? (round).

Beautiful berries on the branches, how many there are. There are many berries, they are juicy, bright, one berry to another! Well done guys, they did their best for the sparrows.


Did you enjoy being wizards?

- … and you? What did you draw?

For whom did we draw berries? You are all great!

There will be enough berries for all the sparrows, and they will delight you next year.

And I am very happy for you - you all tried, were active, attentive and friendly. Well done!

Appendix 4

Project type: information-oriented.

Term: medium term.

List of participants Project relevance:

In the cold season, wintering birds face vital questions: how to feed themselves. Available food is becoming much less, but the need for it is increasing. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die. The task of adults is to raise children's interest in our smaller friends - birds, the desire to learn new facts of their life, take care of them, rejoice in the knowledge that by sharing crumbs, you can save birds from death in winter. To give children basic knowledge about how to feed birds in winter.

The development of moral feelings in preschoolers through environmental education with access to productive activities. Creation of optimal conditions for the development of creative activity and a positive emotional state in a child through the organization of joint cognitive and productive work activities.


Lack of knowledge of children about wintering birds.

There is no skill in the ability to feed birds in the winter season.

Objective of the project:

Formation of the foundations of ecological culture, a consciously correct attitude towards the birds of the immediate environment, the desire to practically preserve, support, create the necessary conditions for them.

Project objectives:

  • To consolidate the previously acquired knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds, their lifestyle, habits, connection with the environment, the role of man in the life of birds.
  • Replenish existing knowledge with new information.
  • Teach children how to properly feed birds.
  • To promote the development of cognitive and creative activity, curiosity.
  • To form a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help in difficult winter conditions.

Expected results of the project implementation:

To interest children together with their parents in caring for birds, the desire to help them in the winter (making feeders, feeding birds in winter).

Development of curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, communication skills in children.

Project participants: children of the second younger group, parents, educators.

I. Preparatory stage.

Determining the level of knowledge of children about wintering birds.

Collection of information on the topic.

Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.

II. Main stage.

1 . GCD educational "Winged neighbors".

("A child in kindergarten" No. 6-2009 p. 57.)

2. Observations "Birds in winter", "Traces of birds".

3. Experimental activity "Why are birds not cold?" (examining bird feathers).

4. Reading: N. Gribacheva "Well, frosts, well, frosts!", T. Evdoshenko "Take care of the birds", "Winter guests", Y. Nikonova "Sparrow", V.N. Morozov "Bird Trouble".

Poems about wintering birds

We made a feeder

We opened a canteen.

Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor,

You will have lunch in the winter.

Visit on the first day of the week

The tits have come to us.

And on Tuesday, look

The snowmen have arrived.

Three crows were on Wednesday

We didn't expect them for dinner.

And on Thursday from all over -

A flock of greedy sparrows.

On Friday in our dining room

The dove ate porridge.

And on Saturday for pie

It's seven forty.

Sunday, Sunday

A spring guest came to us -

Starling Traveler...

Here is the end of the song.

We made a feeder

Birds were invited for breakfast.

But feathered friends

They didn't come to meet me.

We were waiting for guests

But there is no news from them.

And today two titmouse -

Yellow-breasted sisters -

Tweeted in the morning

Right next to the window.

They pecked the grains

And they called their friends.

A bird is knocking on our window

Yellow-breasted titmouse.

Looking at us through the glass

He says: “You are warm ... But I am cold.

The grains are nowhere to be seen.

I ask you: you are a little

Give me some bread crumbs

And a little more fat

I would not interfere in the cold ...

I will be friends with you

Promise to feed.

If you do not feel sorry for the crumbs -

I'll call my girlfriends.

Let's fly together

Twitter on the window.

A bullfinch with a red belly was born.

The snow endowed the bullfinch with a skin.

The willow gave the flute,

And the song just came.


Gray feathers!

Peck, peck crumbs

From my palm!

No, they do not peck from the palm

And they don't give a hug.

How would we get along

To give a stroke?

The forest loves silence very much,

It is cloudy and quiet.

And only a woodpecker on a pine

Calls famously.

This is how he gets worms

This forest craftsman.

And the animals know

What is

His working method.

And only the old chipmunk,

Living on a rakite

To the door runs to this knock

And says: "Come in!"

Frost in the yard

About forty degrees.

Sparrows are crying

That spring is not coming soon.

V. Zvyagin.

Sparrows are playful

Like orphan children

Huddled at the window.

Little birds are chilled,

Hungry, tired

And they huddle tighter.

S. Yesenin.

Slightly alive. Doesn't even chirp.

Freezes completely sparrow.

N. Rubtsov.

Here is a crow sitting on a fence.

All barns have long been closed.

All carts have passed, all carts,

It's time for bad weather.

She fusses on the fence -

Woe to her, real grief!

After all, a crow does not have a grain

And there is no protection from the cold.

N. Rubtsov.

Doves, doves

One two Three...

Sisari pigeons have arrived.

I. Tokmakova.

Jumping nimble tit

She does not sit still.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Twisted like a top.

Run out quickly

Look at the snowmen!

They've arrived, they've arrived!

The flock was met by blizzards,

A Frost Red Nose

He brought them rowanberries.

A. Prokofiev.

It is difficult for birds to winter,

We need to help the birds!

I asked to cut

spruce board,

Made with dad

The bird's canteen.

A. Chepurov.

Lives in the forest,

Whoops like a robber

People are afraid of him

And he is afraid of people.

Silent during the day

Screams at night.

(Owl, owl.)

Sleeps during the day

Flying at night

Passers-by in the forest scares.

There is a strange doctor in the world

He heals trees, children.

Where does it hurt?

Ah, I found it. Here, here.

Blacksmiths forge in the middle of the trees.

black vest,

red beret,

Nose like an ax

The tail is like an emphasis.

You are with this fashionista,

Of course familiar:

Turntable in place

Does not sit at all -

Everything boasts

With your blue frock coat

And a blue hat


blue scarf,

dark back,

Small bird,

Call her...


He does not suffer from colds,

Not afraid of evil blizzards

And the winter does not fly away

To the far sultry south.

Let piles of snow cover

And a hillock, and a wasteland -

Once a handsome man flew to us,

A resident of the north ... (bullfinch).

Black-winged, red-breasted,

And in the winter he will find shelter:

He is not afraid of a cold,

With first snow

Right here!


It snowed, and this bird

Snow is not afraid at all.

We call this bird

Red-breasted ... (bullfinch).

In a gray fur coat

And in the cold he is a hero

Jumps, frolics on the fly,

Not an eagle - but still a bird!


Who is that on the track?

Scared of our cat?

This is who raised the cry -

Chick chirp yes chirp chirp?



Jump to the grain

Peck, don't be shy


E. Serova.

Fidget motley,

long-tailed bird,

talking bird,

The most chatty!

Spinning, chirping,

Busy all day.

Sitting on a naked bitch

Shouts to the whole yard:


A. Chepurov.

5. Conversation " Why help the birds in winter."

Purpose: to cultivate a caring attitude towards wildlife.

6. Making a folder - moving for parents "Feed the birds in winter."

7. Making a booklet by parents "Wintering Birds".

8. Craft feeders for children together with their parents.

9. Opening of the "bird canteen".

10 . Preparation of food for birds, feeding birds.

11 . GCD modeling "Birds on the feeder".

12. Finger gymnastics "Feeder"

How many birds to our feeder Rhythmically clench and unclench fists.

Arrived? We will tell.

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six goldfinches and doves,

Woodpecker with colorful wings.

Everyone had enough grains.

N. Nishcheva.

13. Mobile game "Bird's dining room".

14. Board games:

"Gather the Bird"

Purpose: development of the completeness of visual perception, the ability to systematically and purposefully examine an object, highlight the main features, put together a complete picture from parts.

"Feed the Birds"

Purpose: Formation of knowledge about the food of birds.

III. Final stage.

Entertainment "Bird secrets".

Project product: photo essay.

"It is difficult for birds to winter, we need to help the birds"

Frost in the yard

About forty degrees.

Sparrows are crying

That spring is not coming soon.

When the Snow Queen appears in her possessions, the vital question arises before the birds wintering with us: how to feed themselves.

Little food is found by birds in winter, insects in hibernation, fruits and berries under the snow. From morning to evening, the birds are looking for crumbs of food. Downy, warm feathers protect from the cold, but not from hunger.

During snowfalls, blizzards and severe frosts, birds starve and die en masse .

People strive to help our feathered neighbors survive this difficult period for them, arrange feeding grounds and feeders. So the children of our group also wanted to help the birds in the winter.

Feed the birds in winter!

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Our kids decided to open a "bird canteen", but they can't do it alone. The help of parents in the workshop for the manufacture of feeders turned out to be timely. And in addition to the feeders, a booklet about wintering birds was also designed to familiarize little preschoolers with birds.

“We read booklets, we learn everything about birds”

It is difficult for birds to winter,

We need to help the birds!

I asked to cut

spruce board,

Made with dad

The bird's canteen.

Feeders turned out different, beautiful! The children, together with the teachers, hung them on the kindergarten site during a walk, so that they could watch the birds through the window.

We made a feeder

We opened a canteen.

Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor,

You will have lunch in winter

What was the chagrin of the guys when on the first day the birds were not seen at the feeder.

We made a feeder

Birds were invited for breakfast.

But feathered friends

They didn't come to meet me.

But on the second day, birds appeared near the feeder: titmouse and sparrows, but did not touch the food. And only on the third day the birds decided to try our food.

And today two titmouse -

Yellow-breasted sisters -

Tweeted in the morning

Right next to the window.

And now they come every day. And the guys admire the birds from the window and record in the observation calendar.

How many birds to our feeder

Arrived? We will tell.

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six goldfinches and doves,

Woodpecker with colorful wings.

Everyone had enough grains.

The main thing is that the feeders are not empty, but feed for the birds is poured into them daily. With pleasure and reverent care, the guys prepare food for the birds “Be full and delight us with your songs, titmouse, sparrows, crawl!”.

For crossbill-cones, for sparrows and Beads from fat for titmouse

pigeon seeds.

I will add crumbs and cereals.

For the sparrows to feast.

For the birds to visit.

And they never went hungry.

The children, although small, know that if you undertook to feed the birds, taught them and abruptly abandoned them, you will put your feathered friends under attack. Therefore, on weekends, when there is no one in the kindergarten, the children instruct the janitor Alexander Grigoryevich to feed the birds.

After all, on a full stomach

We, feathered, are nonsense.

And any time of the day

and snow and cold!

Adults, creating conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world, instill children's interest in our neighbors on the planet - the birds, the desire to learn new facts about their lives, take care of them, rejoice in the knowledge that by sharing crumbs, you can save birds from death in winter. And, watching how little ecologists, together with adults, carefully and reverently look after their feathered friends in a cold, frosty winter, one believes that spring will delight us with the sonorous singing of birds in our small native village.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring!

Educational area: "Communication" , "Knowledge" , "Socialization" , "Artistic Creativity" , "Reading Fiction" , "Music" , "Physical Culture" .

Type of project: information and creative

Relevance of the topic: a large number of birds die in the winter cold. In winter, food is not available to birds under snow and ice. Birds need people's help. Children's lack of ideas about the life of birds in winter.

The purpose of the project: to reveal children's knowledge about wintering birds. To evoke an emotional response and sympathy for starving and freezing birds in winter. Encourage the children to help the birds.

Project objectives:

Educational: -to form in children ecological ideas about the world around them, maintain interest in wildlife, consolidate and generalize children's ideas about sympathy, empathy, kindness.

Educational: - to educate spiritual and moral qualities in children: love for the native land; help to realize the main ethical laws of human life - love, kindness, beauty, justice to the world around.

Developing: - give initial ideas about wintering birds, their life in winter. Develop the ability to count within 5 in direct order, navigate in space. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

Project participants: children of the 2nd junior group, parents, educators.

Project duration: 1 week

The main directions of the project implementation:

  • Equipment of the subject-developing environment
  • Working with parents

Expected result: children will expand their elementary ideas about the life of birds in winter. Development of curiosity, cognitive activity, communication skills. Parents will become more interested in caring for birds together with their children, the desire to help them in the winter (manufacturing of feeders, feeding birds).

Product of the project activity: final lesson, folder-slider for parents, feeders.

Project presentation: report-message about the project.

Long-term plan:

1. Creation of conditions for project implementation

  • revealing knowledge in children
  • bird watching calendar
  • bird watching ("Birds big and small" , "Bird Footprints in the Snow" )

2. Reading poems: (Attachment 1)

V. Stoyanov "Sparrow"

M. Pozharova "In the garden"

A. Prokofiev "Bullfinches"

R. Bukharev "Feeder"

4. Making a sliding folder for parents on the topic "Wintering Birds" (appendix 2)

  • consultation, recommendations
  • d/i and exercises

5. Homework: making feeders with parents. Exhibition of feeders.

6. Hanging the feeders Feeding the birds

7. Watching the birds at the feeder. Recording observations in a corner of nature (Appendix 3)

8. D / i "What bird has flown"

  • "Feed the bird"
  • "What is missing?"
  • "Birds big and small"

9. Finger game "Flock"

10. P/s "Birds in the nest"

  • "Sparrows and a cat"

11. Modeling "Birds" (Annex 4)

12. Drawing "The Birds Have Arrived" (Annex 5)

13. Final lesson "Feed the Birds in Winter" (Annex 6)

The result of the project: the children's ideas about the life of birds in the winter expanded, they watched the birds with interest in the kindergarten area.

Parents took part: they made bird feeders, brought food. Thus, the tasks and goals of the project are realized.