Autumn competition of readers in kindergarten. Scenario of the competition of readers on the topic: "Golden Autumn". I. Introductory word of the educator

  • 13.11.2019

State budgetary educational institution

Ishimbay correctional school No. 7 for students with disabilities

reading competition

« gold autumn»

Prepared and carried out:

Kalimullina D.F., Bulatova L.A.

The date of the:

Ishimbay - 2016

Scenario of the competition of readers "Golden Autumn"

Target: education of a positive emotional attitude to literary poetic works; the formation of expressive speech in children school age through the artistic and poetic word.

Tasks: a) correctional and educational: Creating conditions for expanding students' knowledge about autumn.b) correctional and developmental: developmentthe ability of children to expressive reading by heart, the development of poetic hearing, the ability to understand the musicality of poetic speech; feel and display poetic images;in ) correctional-educating: Cultivate aesthetic taste; to the poetic fiction, sense of rhythm and rhyme.Decor : multimedia; hall decorated in autumn style, on the stands drawings of students on autumn theme. The contestants have a maple leaf with the performance number pinned on their chests.

Event progress Today our competition is dedicated to the beautiful, gentle, a little sad season, and which one you will find out by guessing the riddle.The fields are empty, the earth is wet,The rain is pouring…When does it happen? (in autumn)Correctly autumn, which took possession of the land, gardens and rivers, forests and fields. Everything turned into autumn at once. (slide number 1) (Waltz sounds) Autumn, the most picturesque time of the year. She delights us with her colors. When clear and quiet days are given out, peace and quiet joy settle in the soul of everyone who meets nature. Today we will admire wonderful pictures autumn nature, learn to see the beauty in everything that surrounds us, listen to music, and, of course, the poems that you have prepared for this holiday. And our competent jury will evaluate your entries, which includes Abaidullina S.N., Smolenkova A.K., Yanmurzin I.I.

Opens our reading competition: 1st grade student Roman Kulyasov. He will tell us a poem"Autumn has come to visit us" (slide number 2)

Hush, hush, hush
Autumn has come to visit us.
The rain sings a song
And tears fall to the ground.

Let's take umbrellas together
Let's go for a walk in the rain.
More fun, more fun
Rain drip, do not be sorry.

Guys, I suggest to play. I say a sentence, and you answer, so it's yes or no.Game yes or no * In autumn, children put on panamas, shorts, sandals * In autumn, birds fly south * Autumn months: February, March, June. *autumn weather is clear, sunny and warm

Autumn is different. The most beautiful is golden autumn. And why do they say so - "golden autumn"? Many poets admired the golden autumn. The next reader is a 2nd grade student Diana Kalimullina(slide number 3) She will tell us a poem"Autumn"

I walk, I'm sad alone:
Autumn is around.
Yellow leaf in the river
summer is gone.

I throw him a circle
your last wreath.
Only summer can not be saved
if the day is autumn. And what signs of autumn do you know? I say a sentence, and you pick up words that are opposite in meaning: * the sun shines brightly (dimly) * it rarely rains (often) * the leaves bloom (fall off) * the days have become longer (shorter) * a warm wind blows (cold)

Next 3rd grade studentBurmistrov Pavel(slide number 4) He will tell us about the signs of autumn

Late autumn signs:
This is a maple - completely undressed,
Poplar with linden all clothes
They threw it on the tracks.
The house is cold in the rain-fog,
And the girl in her pocket
The handkerchief lies
What got wet from a cold

Guys, I will read the quatrain, and you will say the last word in unison.

I bring the harvest, I sow the fields again, I send the birds to the south, I undress the trees. But I don’t touch the pines, And I’m called…….. (autumn)

And here is another student of grade 4b who will tell us about the marvelous timeYamasipova Diana(slide number 5)

golden, silent
Groves and gardens,
fields are fruitful,
Ripe fruits.
And you can't see the rainbow
And there is no thunder.
The sun goes to sleep
Earlier every day.
(E. Trutneva)

One of the first signs of autumn you called the phenomenon when the leaves from the trees fall and cover the ground with a beautiful carpet. What is the name of this phenomenon? (leaf fall)

The leaves of the flying parade We call the word autumn ....... (leaf fall) The following poem will be told to us by a 4th grade student Stefanidi Alexandra(slide number 6)

leaf fall

Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that windows.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
During the summer it dried up from the sun.

The following poem will be told to us by a 5th grade student Mukhtarov Timur

(slide number 7)

Alexey Pleshcheev "Autumn" Autumn has come
dried flowers,
And look sad
Bare bushes.

Wither and turn yellow
Grass in the meadows
Only turns green
Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling..

Noisy water
fast stream,
The birds have flown away
To warm climes.

What autumn months are we talking about in riddles.

Empty in the village garden, Gossamer fly into the distance. And the cranes stretched to the southern edge of the earth. School doors opened. What month has come to us? (September)

Nature is getting gloomier in its face: Gardens have turned black, forests are bare, Birds' voices will be silent. The bear went into hibernation. What month has come to us? (October)

The field became black and white: It rains, then it snows. And it got colder. Ice bound the waters of the rivers. Winter rye freezes in the field. What month, please? (november)

The following poem will be told to us by a 6th grade student Damir Akhiyarov

(slide number 8)

Alexander Pushkin " Autumn" October has already come - the grove is already shaking off
The last leaves from their naked branches;
The autumn chill has died - the road freezes through.
The murmuring stream still runs behind the mill,
But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry
In the departing fields with his hunt,
And they suffer winter from mad fun,
And the barking of dogs wakes up the sleeping oak forests

Guys, what vegetables and fruits do you know?
Guys, do you recognize the taste of these fruits blindfolded? Let's play a game"Guess the taste" (slide number 9)

7th grade student Vadim Shaibakov will tell us the following poem(slide number 10)

Ringing frosty string Ringing with a frosty stringThe trembling air of November.Nature preferred peaceThe color is white, amber color.The last leaf is swept from the ground,

The pavement is sprinkled with sand, The outfit of gray trees is clean, Like the Snow Lady's boudoir. And yet November is not January, In the sky of heavy clouds,

Leafing through the sun calendar

Stretching a beam to the ground.

One of the signs of autumn is that the birds fly away. What birds fly away? I will read poetry to you, and you listen carefully and, if you hear an “extra” word, start clapping your hands.

The birds have flown

Pigeons, martens.

The birds have flown

Pigeons, tits, flies and swifts. The birds flew away: Pigeons, tits, Lapwings, siskins, Jackdaws and swifts, Mosquitoes, cuckoos.

Birds flew away: Pigeons, tits, Jackdaws and swifts Lapwings, hedgehogs.

Birds flew away: Doves, tits, Jackdaws and swifts, Lapwings, siskins, Storks, cuckoos, Swans and ducks And thanks to the joke.

But who flew away in the poem will tell us: 8b grade student Azat Khasanov(slide number 11)

E. Blaginina "Fly away, flew away"

Soon white blizzards
Snow will rise from the ground.
Fly away, fly away
The cranes have flown.

Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove,
And the birdhouse was empty.
The stork flaps its wings -
Fly away, fly away!

Leaf sways patterned
In a blue puddle on the water.
A rook walks with a black rook
In the garden along the ridge.

Showered, turned yellow
The sun's rays are rare.
Fly away, fly away
The rooks have also flown away.

Many people like to walk autumn forest. What happens in the autumn forest, a 8th grade student will tell usTretyakov Yura(slide number 12)

V. Berestov "Autumn in the forest"

Autumn forest every year
Pays gold to enter.
Look at the aspen -
All dressed in gold
And she babbles:
"Stenu..." -
And shivering from the cold.
And the birch is happy
Yellow outfit:
"Well, the dress!
What a charm!"
Leaves quickly scattered
The frost came suddenly.
And the birch whispers:
"I'll chill!..."
Lost weight at the oak
Gilded coat.
The oak caught on, but it's too late
And he roars:
"I'm freezing! I'm freezing!"
Deceived gold -
Didn't save me from the cold.

Guys, name wild berries. (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, cranberries). Mostly these berries ripen in summer. And what berries can we meet in the fall? (rowan, viburnum, lingonberry)

9th grade student Pavel Korzhukov(slide number 13) K. Balmont "Autumn".

Cowberries are ripening, The days have become colder, And from the cry of a bird In the heart it has become sadder. Flocks of birds fly away, beyond the blue sea. All the trees shine In a multi-colored dress. The sun laughs less often, There is no incense in the flowers. Soon Autumn will wake up And cry awake.

Yesenin and nature are in no way separated. In his poems, any time of the year is loved.

10th grade studentLozhkin Ilya will tell a poem

S. Yesenina "The fields are compressed, the groves are naked" (slide No. 14)

fieldscompressed, grovesgoals, From water mist and dampness. The quiet sun rolled down behind the blue of the mountain. The blasted road is slumbering. She was dreaming today, That there is very, very little Waiting for the gray winter left. Oh, and I myself am often ringing

I saw yesterday in the fog: The red moon was harnessed to our sleigh like a foal

Many poems were dedicated to autumn by poets. They praised this time of year. Autumn is so different, cheerful and sad, early, golden and late.

The following poem will be told to us by a student of grade 11 Edik Shaybakov(slide number 15)

There is in the autumn of the original ...

There is in the original autumn A short but marvelous time The whole day stands as if crystal, And the evenings are radiant... Where the vigorous sickle walked and the ear fell, Now everything is empty - space everywhere - Only cobwebs thin hair Shines on an idle furrow The air becomes empty, Birds are no longer heard, But far from the first winter storms - And pure and warm azure pours On the resting field ...

(slide number 16) Today we saw autumn through the eyes of people of art. Autumn never repeats itself, every year it brings us something new, unknown, delighting and delighting people with a wonderful sight. You just need to be careful and be able to see the unknown.

While the jury members are consulting, choosing the winners, we are guessing riddles.

What kind of invisible man is this, Slamming the gate in the garden, Leafing through a book on the table, Scaring the mouse with a rustle, Tore off her grandmother's scarf, Rocked Dimka in the stroller, Played with leaves, believe me! Well, of course, this is ... (wind)

The autumn rain walked around the city, The rain lost its mirror. The mirror lies on the pavement, The wind will blow - it will tremble. (puddle)

A silvery curtain suddenly descended from the sky. The silvery curtain spilled in drops. The cloud dropped the curtain, can you imagine? What a wonderful curtain Can you guess? (rain)

Now let's play a game"Squirrels" (slide number 17)

Word of the Jury (slide number 18)

So, this concludes our contest. Let's thank everyone for the wonderful performances with a round of applause. Thanks!!!

Reading competition: “Golden Autumn”
1. Formation of expressive reading skills, artistic skills in schoolchildren, development of skills in the expressive reproduction of poems;
2. Identification and support of young talents and talents in artistic reading;
3. Education of a positive emotional attitude to literary and poetic works.
1. Exhibition of books "Autumn"
2. Tree with autumn leaves.
3. Illustrations on the theme of autumn.
4. Umbrellas for dancing.
5. Costumes for "Autumn", for "Brothers - months".
6. Diplomas, prizes.
7. Baskets with apples.
8. Musical accompaniment by P. I. Tchaikovsky “Autumn Song”, children's song “Falling Leaves”, ditties (minus).
9. Criteria for evaluating the competition of readers.
Event progress
(you can hold a competition in the school library)
1 Host - Dear friends, we welcome you to our holiday.
2 Presenter - It has become a tradition in our school to hold reading competitions. Today we are holding the first in this academic year competition of readers, and it is called “Golden Autumn”.
1 Lead - Autumn is a great time of the year. She amazes us with her beauty.
2 Lead - Many great artists depicted Russian autumn on their canvases. Remarkable composers dedicated their musical compositions to her. Poets also did not remain indifferent to the beauty - autumn and wrote many magnificent poems about her.
1Presenter - Allow me to introduce the distinguished jury.
2 Lead - We start our competition.

(The melody of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Autumn Song” sounds)
Autumn comes out, leaf girls are circling around her. The girls' costumes are decorated with leaves.
I walk on the plains
Quiet light fairy tale
I paint the groves
Solar paint.
- How glad I am that so many guests have gathered. Both boys and girls. But something I do not see my sons. I have three of them. Guess the name of my first son.
Summer is over
And it got sadder.
Collected portfolios
And sooner to school.
September (coming September)
In september, in september
Silver herbs in the morning
Like silver saucers
Puddles sparkle at dawn.
The garden, like an empty house, is open.
The air smells like apples.
Into silence
Gossamer gray hair. (S. Kozlov)
- Guys, I saved a lot of gifts for people: berries, mushrooms, vegetables, and decorated the forest. See how many colors!
1 Host Thank you, Brother-September. The children also prepared gifts for you. They will read poems by poets dedicated to autumn.
Readers speak
September - Thank you guys, I really liked how you read poetry.
September is following
Escorting birds to warm climes.
And he himself does not know
That winter is coming.
-Guys, what is the name of my second son?
October (October appears)
The gray day is shorter than the night
Cold water in the river
Frequent rain wets the ground
The wind whistles through the wires.
Leaves fall into puddles
The bread was put away in the bins,
Before the winter cold arrives
Houses are warming up. (G. Ladonshchikov)
I also have something to brag about. Take a look at the carpets of leaves around, and the harvest is just a feast for the eyes. It's a pity that my term expired yesterday. There was so much more I wanted to do.
Brother - October, in vain you are sad. Guys, let's enjoy the month of October.
Readers speak
Well done guys, I really liked the way you read poetry.
(Dance with umbrellas)
He has few worries.
Winter is knocking at the door.
spreads the cover,
The animal will not freeze under it.
November (November appears)
Bunny crawled out of the hole:
- What are mosquitoes?
Whites fly
And do they melt on the paw?
The wind howls cold
Clouds go sideways
November frost
Pinch a warm bunny nose. (I. Gurina)
- I need to prepare nature for winter.
Readers speak
Guys, I also really liked the way you read poetry. Thank you.
Autumn Guys, I don't want to say goodbye to you. I think you like riddles? Then be careful.
(In turn, the brothers-months make riddles on the theme "Autumn"
Guys (in chorus) We don't want to say goodbye to you either, Autumn. We will sing ditties about you.
And now everything is more
Prick up your ears!
We will sing about autumn
Funny ditties.

We are autumn ditties
Let's sing for you now!
Clap your hands louder
Have fun with us! Wow!

How beautiful everything is around
Golden autumn day
Yellow leaves are flying
They rustle under your feet! Wow!

Autumn is a wet time
The rain is pouring down from above.
People open up more
Colorful umbrellas! Wow!

Autumn is a wonderful time
The kids love autumn.
We go to the forest with baskets,
We find a lot of mushrooms there! Wow!

Nothing tastes better than ripe apples
The kids know this.
When we see apples
All at once we shout: “Hurrah!” Wow!

We love beets, carrots,
And cabbage too
Because vitamins
In vegetables and fruits! Wow!

Autumn, golden autumn,
Good. What did you come!
You and apples, you and honey,
You brought bread! Wow!

We sang ditties to you,
You say from the heart
Our ditties are good,
And we are good too! Wow!
October. Mother Autumn, the guys guessed riddles so well, read poetry well. They deserve a meal.
(Hand out apples.)
1 Lead. Guys, did you like our contest? And now let's give the floor to our jury, which will name the winners of the competition.
(Jury announces winners)
How good it is to visit autumn,
among the golden birches.
They wouldn't drop the gold longer,
There would be a forest, beautiful and quiet.
More often the sun is tired
Stayed in the golden garden
To protect from the wind
Elegant autumn beauty.

Educational areas:

  • knowledge
  • communication
  • reading fiction

Activities: communicative, cognitive research, reading fiction.

Target: repeat and consolidate the studied material on the topic autumn. Continue to form a positive attitude towards speech therapy classes

1. Educational: repeat the signs of autumn, consolidate the ability to use antonyms in speech, form the ability to form adjectives from nouns, familiarity with the paintings of I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn” and A. M. Gritsai “First Snow. Late autumn", acquaintance with the phraseological unit "golden autumn", improvement of coherent speech

2. Developing: development of diaphragmatic-costal breathing, articulatory and general motor skills, clarification, enrichment and activation of vocabulary, development of phonemic hearing, improvement of grammatical design of speech, development of attention, imagination, verbal-logical thinking, development of skills in expressive reading of poems, development of skills self-control over speech, activate creative abilities.

3. Educational: to cultivate the ability to listen to others, not to interrupt their speech, to instill interest in fiction.

Forms of work: conversation, guessing riddles, games with rules, reading, dramatization.


(Children enter the hall: Autumn walks between the trees)

Autumn:-Hello guys! I am glad to see you in my autumn forest. Guess who I am

I bring the harvest, I sow the fields again,
I send birds to the south, I undress the trees,
But I do not touch the pines and I am called ... AUTUMN.
Well done! Really,
I am golden autumn!
Bow to you my friends
I've been dreaming for a long time
About meeting with you.

Believe me, I do not like to sit idle,
And I feed the winter and feed the spring:
I flow like a golden river into the bins,
fragrant loaf I enter the house,

Clusters of ripe mountain ash - my earrings,
And gray rains are my nightingales.
What do you know about me? What signs of autumn do you guys know?

Didactic game"Call it the other way around."
“Then I suggest you play at first.” game. I say a sentence, and you pick up words that are opposite in meaning. For example: in autumn the sun shines brightly - dimly.

  • The birds are flying.
  • It rarely rains.
  • The leaves are unfolding.
  • The days got longer.
  • A warm wind is blowing.

Breathing exercises.
-Here I am walking through the autumn forest, admiring it. Look, guys, how beautiful it is in the forest. And how fresh and clean the air is in the forest. We inhale the aroma of the forest (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth). A light autumn breeze is blowing (on a long exhale we pronounce U-U-U). We got lost in the forest, we shouted: “Ay!” (first loudly, then quietly). Autumn leaves hang on branches, autumn leaves speak to us. (Pronounce a series of vowels on one exhale: A-O-U-I)

What a wind has risen in the forest! This is my friend Autumn Breeze who wants to take a walk in the forest with us.

Wind:- Hello guys. Did you recognize me? I am the autumn breeze. I really like to be naughty and mischievous, and I especially like to blow on trees and watch the leaves fall off.

Leaves game.

The wind blows, the wind blows, it blows, it blows.
(Shake arms from side to side.)

It plucks yellow leaves from the tree.
(We circle in place).

And the leaves fly
They circle the path.
(On toes we run in a circle)

Leaves are falling
Right under our feet.
(We squat).

Autumn:- Leaves flew from the trees, but what is the name of this phenomenon? (Leaf fall). Let's follow the leaves with our eyes and determine from which trees these leaves are. What leaf is falling? (Birch,…).

Guys, are the leaves falling off all the trees?

What are the names of trees whose leaves do not fall? (Coniferous).

Didactic game "Find the sound."

Here, the leaves have fallen and lie on the ground, but the leaves are unusual, there are pictures on them. Shall we play? Find pictures with the sound "sh" and with the sound "s".

What is under the leaves? (mushrooms). Let's collect them, but we will collect them unusually, but with the help of articulatory gymnastics.

Articulation gymnastics.

1. "Basket" - take a basket and go for mushrooms.

2. "Brook" - but a cold stream runs.

3. Now we climb the hillock, then we go down to the hollow.

4. "Mushroom" - and here is a clearing with mushrooms. How many there are, here are chanterelles, milk mushrooms, and birch boletus.

5. We collected a whole basket of mushrooms "basket".

Autumn:“Listen, guys, who is snorting?

Hedgehog: — Hello guys, what are you doing in our forest? Do you like it here? I see that Autumn itself has called you to admire the forest. And I heard your voices and ran to you. I'm bored alone, let's play with you. I say a sentence, and you answer like this or not?

  • Autumn months are February, June, March.
  • In autumn, children put on panamas, shorts, sandals.
  • Birds fly south in autumn.
  • In autumn the weather is clear, sunny and warm.
  • When does this weather happen: early or late autumn?

Autumn:- Guys, I can be different: I can be joyful, generous, kind. Then they call me early autumn or Golden. Why do you think they say "golden autumn"? Many artists admired me and depicted me on their canvases. Here, for example, I. Levitan called his painting “Golden Autumn”.

There is little to see here
Here you need to look
So that with clear love
The heart was filled.

Little to hear here
Here you need to listen
So that consonance in the soul
They surged together.

- Why do you think the artist called the painting "Golden Autumn"? What mood does this picture evoke in you? Now listen to me in another poem.

The swallows are gone
And yesterday at dawn
All rooks flew.
Yes, how the network flickered
Over that mountain.
Sleeping in the evening
It's dark outside.
The leaf falls dry
At night the wind is angry
Yes, knocking on the window ...

- Here I am sad, sad. Look at the picture “Early snow. Late autumn "Alexander Mikhailovich Gritsay.

What mood does she evoke?

- A lot of paintings and musical works were dedicated to me - Autumn, but, probably, poets praised me even more: so different - cheerful and sad, early and late.

Hedgehog: - Come on, guys, we will hold a reading competition and listen to works about Autumn. And me and Veterok will be members of the jury.

Autumn: - The first nomination "Poems of my own composition."

Yaroshenko Nastya "Autumn".

Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,
And look sadly bare bushes.
A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine,
The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling ...
The waters of the fast stream rustled,
The birds have flown to warmer climes.

Khomyakova Victoria "Autumn has come."

Autumn has come,
Not a trace of summer
The birds have flown away
To warm climes.

I'll put on my boots
I run through the puddles,
Leaves are golden
I'll take it in a bunch.

Autumn has come,
Not a trace of summer
But also autumn
Great time!

Kazakova Valeria.

Leaves carved
colorful, crazy
Flew fast
They sat on the stumps.

I leaned over there
Again, the whole family.
Chanterelles nearby
Yellow sisters.

Song "Autumn"

The second nomination "Poetic works".

1. Azmanov Timofey. Marina Khodyakova "If the leaves turned yellow on the trees."

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If the birds have flown to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy
If the rain is pouring
This season is called Autumn.

2. Gimatdinov Arthur with a poem by Sergei Yesenin "The fields are compressed, the groves are bare."

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,
Fog and dampness from water
Wheel behind the blue mountains
The sun went down quietly.
The blasted road is slumbering,
She dreamed today
What is very, very little
It remains to wait for the gray winter.
Oh, and I myself am more often ringing
I saw yesterday in the fog:
Red month foal
Harnessed to our sleigh.

3. Telegina Veronica. Evgeny Trutneva "Autumn".

It suddenly became twice as bright,
Yard in the sun
This dress is golden
At the birch on the shoulders
In the morning we go to the yard,
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly...
Gossamer webs fly
With spiders in the middle
And high from the ground
Cranes are flying.
All fly! Must be this
Our summer is flying by.

4. Filimonov Danil. Vladimir Stepanov "Sparrow".

Autumn looked into the garden -
The birds have flown away.
Outside the window rustling in the morning
Yellow blizzards.
Under the feet of the first ice
Crumbles, breaks.
The sparrow in the garden will sigh
And sing - shy.

5. Savina Alena. Ivan Bunin "Leaf fall".

Forest, like a painted tower
Purple, gold. Scarlet,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.
Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
As the Christmas tree towers darken,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that windows.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
During the summer it dried up from the sun,
And autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower ...

6. Rozhkova Alena. Elena Blaginina "Golden Autumn".

Our autumn, however, is golden,
How else can I call it?
Leaves little by little flying around,
They cover the grass with gold.
The sun hides behind a cloud
That will spread yellow rays.
And sits fried, odorous,
With a golden crust bread in the oven.
Apples, high cheekbones, cool,
Every now and then they fall down
And golden grains flow
From the collective farm they spilled into the sea.

7. Morozov Alexey. Leonid Nelyubov "On the road, on the path."

On the road on the path
Lost the leaves of the forest.
Spider on the cobweb
Got me by the collar.
The nights have become darker
And the woodpecker's knock is not heard.
More often the rain wets the branches,
There is a sound of thunder.
In the morning already in a puddle
The first ice appeared.
And the snow is gently spinning -
Know the frost is on the way.

Fable dramatization.

Autumn:- While the jury is summing up the results, I suggest watching the Dragonfly and the Ant fable and thinking about why the ant did this?

Do you think the ant is right? Why didn't he let the dragonfly go? And how do animals, insects and birds prepare for winter?

Game "Superfluous word".

  • Oak, rowan, autumn, aspen.
  • Rain, hail, snow, earth.
  • Bear, cat, fox, hare.
  • Spring, summer, water, winter.


Autumn:- Well done, guys, I'm very glad that you took a walk with me through the autumn forest today. And who remembers what a leaf fall is? What autumn months do you know? Why am I sometimes called Golden Autumn? I also want to give you guys a little surprise from me. He is waiting for you in the group. Goodbye, guys!

Presentation for the event.

The article is posted in the author's edition.

Galina Ishmukhametova

Recitation competition« gold autumn»

in senior and preparatory groups №11,12


improve artistic and speech performing skills children while reading poetry.


Attach older children preschool age to the artistic word;

Develop artistic skills;

Improve the sound pronunciation side of speech children;

Cause a joyful emotional mood, stimulate the desire to memorize poems.

To the music on autumn The topic guys come into the hall and sit down.

Hello guys! Glad to see you in our hall! That's autumn came to us unnoticed. It can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. But I'm glad that you love autumn for generosity, for beauty, for rare, but glorious warm days. Many poets autumn caused inspiration.

slow down autumn, at the edge of the year -

With a soft gait red fox.

At such a time, wise nature

It opens miracles to us on weekdays.

Many creative people devoted their works to this time of the year. works: artists - paintings, composers - music, poets - poems. Our guys too tried: learned poems, drew pictures. Autumn- a very beautiful time of the year! All the trees in the garden, in the yard, and in the forest are festively dressed!

Now we will pass competition for the best reader and we'll see How can you expressively read poetry. And our guests will be members of the jury. They will decide which of you will be the best. reader. I name the members jury:

1. Inchina M. V.

2. Kabanova L.K.

3. Akmurzinova G.I.

4. Makhova Ekaterina Pavlovna

5. Belova Natalya Sergeevna

Reading by heart.

1. M. Geller « Autumn» - Glavatskikh Masha, 11g.

2. B. Pasternak « gold autumn» -Valiullina Diana, Shakhova Dasha, 11gr.

3. I. Vinokurov « Autumn» - Kuzhantayeva Ayana, 12gr.

4. A. Gontar « Autumn in the forest» -Zverkova Polina, 11gr.

5. With Marshak "Colored autumn» -Seina Vika, 12g.

6. M. Geller « Autumn» -Kovalenko Nikita, 12gr.

Song 12gr.

Vedas: Everyone has their favorite time of the year. But everyone loves autumn with its fall leaves, farewell rays of the sun, with a web flying through the air, with a bird's ambition in the forest. On such days it is pleasant to walk through the forest, look at the fading nature, in crimson and gold clad woods. But sometimes autumn- the time of the withering of nature - causes a feeling of sadness and longing. And it happens that for some time there is a feeling of cheerfulness, a cheerful mood.

1. To Balmont « Autumn» -Kurmanbaev Einar, 11gr.

2. T. Belozerov « Autumn» - Kornievsky Dima, 12gr.

3. S. Yesenin "Fields are compressed, groves are bare"- Urmantaev Ismail, 12gr.

4. A. S. Pushkin "Already the sky autumn breathed- Anya Makarenko, 12g.

5. L. Kuznetsova "Plums are falling in the garden."-Esin Fedya, 11gr.

6. I. Tokmakova « Autumn leaves» -Aymanbetova Alina, 12g.

Physical education yellow leaves rustle underfoot, (we walk, as if scattering leaves with our feet)

The late flowers have faded and dried up. (sit down and clap your hands on the floor)

Flocks of birds fly away (we wave our arms)

Long road. (stretched up on tiptoes)

In a multi-colored dress autumn on the doorstep. (circling)

Vedas: Do you know what's going on? autumn? autumn the day is getting shorter, the weather is no longer as hot as in summer, nature seems to fall asleep, all the trees are dressed in golden outfit. Many birds fly away to warmer climes, some animals fall asleep.

1. E. Golovin "Gathered and flew"-Kazmina Masha, 11g.

2. A. Efimtsev « autumn» - Mishchenko Lisa, 12 gr.

3. A. Fet "The swallows are gone."-Kalybaeva Camilla, 11gr.

4. I. Tokmakova « Autumn» -Lukashonok Vlad. ,12gr.

5. I. Demyanov "Raindrops are flying"- Urmantaeva Elmira, 12g.

Ved.: Autumn- Harvest time. Whoever worked well in the spring and summer will reap a good harvest.

Mobile game "Harvesting":

Arrange vegetables, fruits around the room, collect them in a basket.

T. Bokova "Harvest Festival"-Belova Vika, 11g.

Vedas. Yes, late autumn sad to see trees without foliage, clouds covering the sun, fabulous nature fades, beauty autumn leaves. Listen to a poem written by the famous Russian poet Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy

Autumn! Sprinkles our entire poor garden

Yellowed leaves fly in the wind

Only in the distance they flaunt, there at the bottom of the valleys

Brushes are bright red, withering mountain ash!

No less beautiful poem about autumn wrote. Nekrasov, which Antipova Kristina will read to us.

N. Nekrasov "Glorious autumn…» -Antipova Kristina, 11gr.

While the jury is summing up, we will have some fun.

Dance on autumn theme.

Dance to music with leaves.

Movements can be elementary: raise and lower hands, spin, wave leaves. At the same time, you can read poetry, for example such:

We are leaves, we are leaves

We autumn leaves.

We are sitting on branches

The wind will blow - we will fly.

Our people have come up with many riddles about this beautiful season.

empty fields,

Wet earth,

The rain is pouring.

When does it happen?


In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly.

Redhead Egorka

Fell on the lake

Didn't drown myself

And he didn't stir up the water.

(autumn leaf)

The days got shorter

The nights have become longer

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen?


Who hits the roof all night

Yes, it knocks

And mumbles, and sings, lulls?


There was a lanky one, he got stuck in the damp earth.


Large, fractionally frequented, And wet the whole earth.


He walks and we run

He will catch up anyway!

We hurry to hide in the house,

Will knock on our window,

And on the roof thump thump!

No, we won't let you in, dear friend!


Without a path and without a road

Walks the longest

Hiding in the clouds

Only feet on the ground.


The clouds are catching up

Howls, blows.

Roaring around the world,

Sings and whistles.


Flying, not a bird

A howl, not a beast.


Not scratchy, light blue

Hung in the bushes.


Not snow, not ice

And he will remove the trees with silver.


It wets the field, forest and meadow,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know this is...


The clouds are catching up

Howls, blows.

Roaring around the world,

Sings and whistles.


Autumn came to visit us

And she brought it with her.

What? Say random!

Well, of course.

(Leaf fall)

Yellow leaves are flying

Falling, spinning

And under your feet just like that

How the carpet lay down!

What is yellow snow?

It's simple.

(Leaf fall)

The cold scares them so much

To warm countries fly away

Can't sing, have fun

Who gathered in flocks?


Fizminutka "Leaves".

autumn the leaves swirled.

A merry wind rustled over them,

They flew merrily

And they sat on the ground.

Here the wind again quietly ran,

Suddenly he picked up beautiful leaves.

They flew merrily

And they sat on the ground.


1. If it is clear, then autumn is beautiful.

2. Autumn is coming and the rain follows.

3. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn pies.

4. From autumn to summer, there is no turn.

5. Summer with sheaves, autumn with pies.

6. Fungus in box - in winter there will be a pie.

1. autumn web for clear weather.

2. Thunder in September - warm autumn.

3. If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.

4. Large ant heaps - for a mild winter.

5. When the goose flies away, snow falls.

Mobile game "Cross the puddle":

"Puddles" will be large sheets of paper spread out on the floor. On a signal, we run from one end of the room to the other and back, bending around puddles so that the legs "remain dry."

Game "Collect mushrooms".

Children (4-5 people) blindfolded pick mushrooms in baskets while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops, the mushroom picking stops. The player with the most mushrooms wins.

Summing up The word of the jury. Winner's reward ceremony.