Organization of breeding work in breeding farms. Experience in organizing selection and breeding work in breeding farms. For course work

  • 12.05.2020

Every nutritionist seeks to breed animals in order to obtain a skin that is beautiful in color and larger. This requires certain knowledge in breeding work.

What is meant by breeding? This is a set of measures - selection, feeding, keeping, veterinary care - aimed at improving the productive and breeding qualities of animals. In nutritional farms, the main task of breeding work is to improve the quality of the fur. At the same time, much attention is paid to increasing the fertility of females, increasing the size of nutria, and reducing the defectiveness of pubescence.

In the practice of breeding nutria, it is customary to divide them into the best economically useful traits, that is, breeding, and those that have received a lower rating - commercial ones. A breeding group of animals is used to obtain young animals for the repair of the herd after the culling of adult animals. The commercial herd is intended for obtaining young animals for skinning.

By age, groups of animals are completed depending on the technique of their breeding. Females are used maximum terms if they do not reduce their reproductive capabilities. With proper maintenance and feeding, the female can bring normal litters both in terms of numbers and viability up to 4 years of age. But on industrial breeding farms, females over 3 years old are rarely left. At the same time, with the mowing method of breeding, 2-year-old females usually predominate in the herd (80-90%), with family breeding, more females older than 2 years are left in the herd. The ratio of males and females in the herd also depends on the breeding system used in the farm. When breeding in families or pairs, it happens 1: 2-3; in amateur farms, a family often consists of one male and one female. In mowing mating, groups can be completed with a ratio of males to females 1:7 to 1:10. Fewer females are usually assigned to young males than to adults. When using colored males, the number of females assigned to them must be reduced.

The main features that determine the value of nutria are, first of all, the quality of the fur and its color, the size of the animals, and the ability to reproduce.

The development of each trait separately depends on the extent to which they are inherited by descendants (children), and on the conditions external environment. Hereditary inclinations are called genes. The totality of all hereditary inclinations is called the genotype. Due to the interaction of the genotype and environmental conditions, the phenotype of the individual is formed, that is, the external manifestation of the signs and properties of the organism.

The results of breeding work will be more effective if you have an idea about the genetic basis of animal breeding.


What is heredity and how does it change? The science of genetics deals with the study of the phenomena of heredity (the preservation of the similarity of animals in generations) and their variability and diversity.

Heredity and variability are inherent in every living organism.

Heredity is the preservation and transmission of properties, characteristics, such as development from parents to descendants, that is, it is the property of all life on earth to resemble their ancestors.

The heritability of a trait is characterized by the coefficient of heritability. It indicates the share of hereditary (genetic) variability in the total (phenotypic) variability and is expressed in fractions of a unit or as a percentage. The higher the heritability coefficient, the more successful the selection - the selection for the tribe and the selection of pairs for crossing. With heritability coefficients greater than 0.3, even mass selection, that is, only by phenotype, has an effect.

The ego property is ensured by the transmission through germ cells from parents to descendants of hereditary inclinations (genes) that “dictate” what a newly emerged organism can become.


A property opposite to heredity. It consists in changing hereditary inclinations or in changing their manifestation during the life of the organism under the influence of external conditions. Three types of variability are known:

  • mutation - a sudden change in the hereditary deposit - a gene. It brings about a change appearance sign. For example, a change in hereditary inclinations in standard nutria causes the appearance of unusual white or other types of color for it. The new colors that have arisen are subsequently well inherited;
  • combination - a change in a trait caused by a new distribution of hereditary inclinations, not the same as that of the parents. For example, pairing standard female nutrias with beige males will produce silver puppies. In the body of one animal, more than two mutations can be combined. These changes are inherited;
  • modification - a change in the external manifestation of a sign caused by living conditions. For example, nutria with the hereditary inclinations of large animals will be large under normal feeding conditions, and small under poor feeding. This form of variation is not inherited. It is not associated with a change or combination of genes, but heredity limits the limits of modification. So, a nutria that is small in hereditary inclinations, even with excellent feeding, will not be large.

Consequently, variability creates new features, and heredity preserves them. But heredity does not preserve all changes. Favorable changes caused by the conditions of life (modifications) are not inherited, and mutations are always inherited, since they are changes in the hereditary substance itself.

Nutria of various colors bred in amateur farms have a different pattern of inheritance, which depends on the degree of manifestation of the genotype of the animal in question. Every organism is made up of cells with a nucleus. Chromosomes are located in the nucleus - carriers of heredity. Each cell has a double - diploid - set of chromosomes, in germ cells (spermatozoa and eggs) there is one chromosome from each pair. A single (haploid) set of chromosomes is characteristic of unfertilized germ cells (gametes). During the period of fertilization, when the fusion of the sperm and the egg occurs, a double set of chromosomes is restored in the zygote (fertilized egg). Homozygotes have the same genes, heterozygotes have different genes. Therefore, when breeding a breed “in itself” of homozygous nutrias in color, all puppies obtained from them will be the same color as their parents. In this case, the spermatozoa of males and the eggs of females have the same genotypes and, when merged, form a homozygous organism.

When breeding "in itself" heterozygous nutria, splitting is observed. By crossing nutria of different colors of mutant origin, you can get different combination types of animals.

To receive in in large numbers it is recommended to breed puppies with the color of their parents “in themselves” with beige, white Italian, homoblack, pastel genotypes. Golden and white Azerbaijani nutrias should be crossed with standard ones, and snowy ones with white Italian and mother-of-pearl ones; standard - with beige, white Italian and mother-of-pearl, and lemon - with white Italian or beige.

The above methods of breeding nutria with proper organization selection and selection make it possible to carry out selection for their enlargement, precocity, improvement in the quality and purity of the color of the hairline.

The main task of breeding work in modern pig breeding is the improvement of pigs of bred breeds in order to obtain animals that efficiently use feed and are suitable for industrial technology.
Organization of breeding work with pigs in breeding farms. In connection with the industrialization of the pig-breeding industry, the differentiation between breeding and commodity farms is increasingly deepening.
The results of practice and scientific and production experiments served as the basis for the transition to a step-by-step repair according to the scheme: breeding farm - breeding farm of the complex (breeding reproducer) - industrial herd. Such a system makes it possible to avoid inbreeding and effectively use the phenomenon of heterosis. This breeding system is currently the basis for industrial farms (with completed and incomplete production cycles), as well as territorial units (districts, regions, republics).
On the present stage development of pig breeding, the breeding network should include the following links: breeding centers, breeding farms, breeding farms, breeding reproducers or breeding farms of industrial complexes.
One of the primary tasks facing pig breeding centers is the development and experimental verification of breeding programs, which, in addition to those usually included in the selection process of economically useful traits, would include new ones related to the industrial technology of pork production.
At present, the most important traits in breeding are: the ability of animals for long-term exploitation in conditions of industrial technology. At the same time, it is imperative to take into account the already accumulated data on the fattening and meat-fat qualities of pigs during breed tests.
Breeding plants carry out selection and breeding work to improve the herds, breeding new, more productive lines and families. The number of farms of this type is small; enough 1% of the queens in them of the total number of them in the industrial farms of the region, region.
Breeding farms are, as a rule, subdivisions of breeding farms, they work with them according to a single breeding program and are engaged in breeding lines and types created in breeding farms. The number of queens in such subsidiaries should be 4 times more than in breeding plants.
Breeding farms are engaged in the reproduction of replacement young animals for the acquisition and subsequent replenishment of loudspeakers of special farms and complexes. The number of queens on breeding farms should be 15% of the total number of queens in reproducers. Breeding animals on these farms is mostly purebred. Many breeding farms receive two-breed pigs on their farm, which complete the reproductive herds of pig breeding complexes.
In breeding farms, already proven breeding and selection methods should be widely used: purebred breeding by lines and families, selection of queens and boars by origin, exterior and constitution, breeding, large-fruitedness and evenness of the nest, multiple pregnancy and milk production, as well as by the quality of the offspring by the method of control fattening and control cultivation.
When carrying out breeding work in a breeding farm or on a breeding farm, the breeder must have a good idea of ​​the desired type of animal in terms of development, productivity, exterior and constitution, which he should be guided by in the targeted selection, selection and cultivation of replacement young animals.
When creating specialized lines and types, approximate target standards are planned: for the paternal specialized line - by precocity (average daily gain in live weight for fattening - 700-800 g; age of reaching 100 kg live weight - 175-185 days with the cost of feed per 1 kg of gain 3.8-4 feed, units); for the paternal line of the meat direction - the thickness of the fat at the level of the 6-7th thoracic vertebra - 28-30 mm, the muscle eye - 32-35 cm2, the meat content in the carcass - 58-60%, the weight of the back leg - 11-11.5 kg; for the maternal specialized line - multiple pregnancy - 11-12 piglets, the total weight of the nest at 2 months of age - 210-220 kg.
When using differentiated selection of pigs for intraline breeding, one cannot be carried away for a long time by one-sided selection of a single trait, since this can lead to a narrowing of the hereditary basis, reduce viability and weaken the constitution of the offspring. These undesirable phenomena can be prevented by a cross line. At the same time, excessive crossover leads to loss individual characteristics individual lines, reducing their genetic heterogeneity.
In breeding farms, factory lines, related groups of queens are usually bred for 4-5 generations, and then a new ancestor is isolated and a new line or related group is laid.
In order to prevent inbreeding and maintain genetic differentiation in breeding herds, it is advisable to breed pigs in closed populations. It is recommended to keep in the herd eight related groups of boars and queens - the descendants of eight original pairs of ancestors and ancestors. With the correct selection of boars unrelated to them (in four rows of the pedigree), the unification of the genotype is excluded, sufficient variability and high productivity of the offspring are preserved. At the same time, the common origin, purposeful selection using complex inbreeding for outstanding ancestors in a moderate and distant degree ensure the similarity of genotypes and standard high productivity of all animals of this herd.
The data of the last test of all breeds of pigs bred in our country, in terms of fattening and meat qualities, indicate fairly high rates of their productivity. So, average age reaching a weight of 100 kg was 195 days, the average daily gain was 770 g, the feed consumption per 1 kg of gain was 3.93 feed. units Out of 1465 goal. pigs met the requirements of class I and the elite - in terms of growth rate of 65% and in terms of feed consumption per unit of growth of 75% of animals. For Large White pigs, the average daily gain in live weight was 725 g, the average age of reaching a weight of 100 kg was 192 days, feed costs were 3.91 feed. units Top performance were respectively 753 g, 185 days and 3.86 feed. units
According to VNIIPlem for 1999 (Yearbook on breeding work in pig breeding in farms Russian Federation, Moscow, 2000), currently 27 breeds and types of pigs are bred in the Russian Federation: large white, early meat (SM-1), large black, Landrace, North Caucasian, Don meat, Breitovskaya, Belarusian black-and-white, Duroc , Kemerovo meat type (KM-1), Kemerovo, short-eared white, German landrace, Belgian landrace, Liven, Lithuanian white, Murom, Yorkshire, Urzhum, Welsh, Estonian bacon, kahib, Tsivil, experimental bacon, early meat Leningrad (CML) . In breeding farms and breeding reproducers for all breeds, the reproductive abilities of the queens were 10.9 and 10.5 heads, respectively, in terms of multiple pregnancies, 54.3 and 50.8 kg in milk production, and 9.6 and 9.3 heads in the number of piglets at weaning, nest weight at weaning - 172.2 and 161.5 kg, by weight of one piglet at weaning - 17.9 and 17.3 kg.
The main task of breeding farms is the cultivation and sale of high-value young animals. Thus, in 1998, 60,923 goals were sold for breeding purposes, including 27,489 breeding farms and 28,287 breeding reproducers. The current situation creates certain difficulties with the replacement of boars in user farms, which ultimately reduces the quality of boars-producers and leads to spontaneous inbreeding in pig breeding.
AT last years for a number of reasons (lack of compound feed of the required formulation, etc.), the trend towards a reduction in the evaluation of boars in the breeding pig breeding by the method of control fattening of offspring is steadily preserved. And only in 16 regions, territories, republics, some work is being done to assess the quality of the offspring of boars and queens. It should be noted that in 1998 in all categories of farms there were 499 evaluated boars-producers, and in 1999 - only 342 goals. According to the grading data for 1999, boars of the Large White, Landrace, North Caucasian, Kemerovo, Short-eared White and Tsivil breeds had an assessment (Table 5.19).

According to the breeding plan, according to which all breeding plants, farms, reproducers should work, the best animals, tested for hereditary qualities, will be widely used when improving the herd. From among the main queens and boars, the leading group of the herd (25-30%) should be formed. The performance indicators of animals in this group are 25-30% higher than the average for the herd. From pigs of the leading group, pedigree young animals are obtained for repairing their own main herd, from the remaining queens and boars - pedigree products for completing the broodstock of subsidiaries and for sale to the farms of the district and region.
An annual grading of animals is planned, which allows you to analyze the state of the herd, monitor the implementation of the selection and breeding plan and, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments.
They practice natural mating or artificial insemination of pigs with the individual selection of animals for mating. The following load is planned for one boar: 10-15 queens of the leading group; 15-20 queens of the rest of the herd.
The main herd of queens and boars is repaired annually by about 25-30%, which allows using the best animals up to 5 years of age and older (Table 5.20).

The number of checked queens is at least 80% of the main ones. This ensures that one queen out of three is introduced into the main herd after verification. Checked boars make up 80% of the main ones.
Peculiarities of breeding work in commodity farms of industrial type. The industrialization of pig breeding has put forward new requirements for animals. Commodity pigs coming off the industrial conveyor of a modern industrial type enterprise must not only be highly productive, but also unified according to the main economic and useful traits, have a strong constitution, high viability in conditions of intensive use and lack of walking. In the course of the work of pig farms on an industrial basis, it was revealed that for large specialized farms or associations, the usually accepted methods of breeding work, methods of feeding and keeping animals are not always suitable. In the process production activities pig-breeding complexes and large farms of Moscow, Leningrad, Tyumen, Penza, Belgorod and other regions of Russia, it was revealed that high and stable indicators of animal productivity in pig-breeding enterprises of an industrial type can be maintained at the proper level with a combination of three mandatory components included in the breeding process: high heritability of traits, i.e. the ability of animals to sustainably transfer their valuable qualities to offspring under conditions of industrial technology; full feeding of pigs, contributing to the manifestation of their hereditary inclinations; necessary conditions content in which heredity can be fully manifested.
In conditions of intensive pork production, the pig breeding scheme is based on three main principles: the division of livestock into three production groups - breeding, user (reproductive) and fattening; repair of the broodstock of the user group at the expense of gilts obtained from the queens of the breeding group (pedigree); homogeneity of all production groups in terms of breed and linear composition.
An approximate structure of herds for farms (reproductive and with a complete production cycle) with uniform year-round farrowing was developed by the Poltava Research Institute of Pig Breeding (Table 5.21).

To obtain stable indicators of high productivity of pigs in the conditions of industrial technology, it is recommended to use interbreeding. As a result of scientific and industrial tests, it was found that hybrids, as a rule, are distinguished by increased viability, better absorption of feed, more high speed growth, better reproductive ability and more resistant to diseases. It is believed that under favorable conditions, the effect of crossing on average is approximately 10-15% in terms of live weight gain and 8-10% in terms of feed payment. When crossing sows of a large white breed of greasy type with boars meat breeds(Landrace, Pietrain, etc.) in crossbreeds, the yield of meat in the carcass at slaughter increases by 3-5%. As the practice of the work of pig-breeding enterprises shows, it is best to use animals of a large white breed to complete the broodstock of commercial farms. Pigs of this breed are distinguished by good precocity, high reproductive qualities and great plasticity in selection. In our studies, it was found that in many cases, when crossing, the fertility in queens of the Large White breed did not decrease and remained at a fairly high level.
For the successful application of the methods of industrial crossing and hybridization in the reproduction of pork on an industrial basis, VIZH employees proposed a system for breeding pigs, the basis of which is the production structure of the herd and the obligatory principle of one-way flow of animals from the breeding farm to the breeding group of the complex, then from it to the user herd and to the exit from complex through the fattening shop. The scheme of breeding pigs in a commercial economy with two-breed crossing is shown in fig. 5.3.

When using three-breed crossing in the breeding group (farm) of the complex, two-breed crossing is carried out; two-breed crossbred pigs complete and repair a user herd (reproductive farms), on which boars of meat breeds are used and three-breed young animals are obtained for fattening (Fig. 5.4).

The scheme of breeding pigs in a commercial economy with three-breed crossing: A, B, C - breeds of pigs; the movement of gilts is indicated by a solid line, the movement of boars is indicated by a dotted line.
When using two- or three-breed crossing or hybridization in industrial-type pig farms, it must be remembered that the effect of heterosis can manifest itself only with full feeding and favorable conditions for keeping animals that ensure their normal reproduction, good development and high productivity.
Forms of manifestation of heterosis are different. Usually, when animals of two breeds are crossed, the level of productivity of the crossbred offspring is equal to the average productivity of the original breeds - hypothetical (probable) heterosis. Often the productivity of hybrid animals is significantly higher than the average productivity of the parents, and sometimes it exceeds the performance of the best of the parental forms - absolute (true) heterosis. If the productivity of hybrids exceeds the performance of only one of the parents - the worst, then heterosis will be relative.
To determine the degree of these forms of heterosis, the following formulas are used:
absolute (true) - I \u003d (Pg / Pl * 100) - 100;
probable (hypothetical) - G \u003d Pg / 0.5 (Pm + Po) * 100 - 100;
relative (normal) - O = (Pg / Pm * 100) -100,
where Pg is a sign of a hybrid; Pl - a sign of the best breed; By - a sign of the paternal breed; Pm is a sign of the parent breed.
It should be noted that heterosis is manifested in crossbreds and hybrids - interbreed, interline - according to a limited number of signs, but is never observed in the sum of all signs inherent in parents. Often, heterosis is observed on one basis, its absence on the other, and intermediate inheritance on the third. Therefore, heterosis should be understood as the superiority of offspring (crossbreeds or hybrids) over parental forms, not in all, but only in specific characteristics.
The degree of manifestation of heterosis depends on the following conditions:
the nature of the inheritance of economically useful traits;
breed and breeding qualities and properties of parents;
individual compatibility of maternal and paternal heredity or selection of parental pairs and their combinational abilities;
heterogeneity of crossed animals (especially from the correct choice of the parent breed and from correct selection to her paternal breed);
the level of feeding and maintenance, the adaptability of the breed of pigs to climatic conditions.
With interbreeding or intrabreeding linear hybridization in a breeding group, queens of a specialized (in terms of reproductive qualities) lines of the same breed are crossed with boars of a specialized line of the same or another breed. Hybrid gilts repair the broodstock of the user group. Two-line queens of the user group are crossed with boars specialized in fattening and meat qualities of lines of the same or third breed; all resulting hybrid young animals are fattened.
It should be noted that interbreeding industrial crossing and hybridization in pig breeding are not the same thing. Hybridization requires the use of specialized lines or stud types, testing of boars for the quality of offspring, checking lines for compatibility and widespread use in the commercial herd.
  • 2 Origin, biological features, constitution and conformation of cattle
  • 1 Ancestors of cattle and their relatives
  • 2 Domestication, domestication and changes in cattle. Biological features of cattle
  • 3 Constitution, constitution, conformation and condition of cattle
  • 4 Efficiency of breeding animals of various constitutional types
  • Breeding value of sires of different constitutional types.
  • 3. Dairy productivity of cattle
  • 1. Physiological basis for the formation and excretion of milk
  • 2. Lactation and lactation curve
  • 4. Characteristics of milk productivity, its accounting and evaluation
  • 5. Factors affecting milk production
  • 5. Ways and methods to increase milk production
  • 4. Meat productivity of cattle
  • 1. The composition of beef and its nutritional value
  • 2. Accounting and evaluation of meat productivity
  • 3. Commodity assessment of animals and carcasses
  • 5. Influence of various factors on meat productivity.
  • 6. Methods for increasing meat productivity
  • 5. Breeds of cattle
  • 1. The concept of the breed and the conditions of occurrence
  • 2. Economic and breeding classification of breeds, characteristics of their use and distribution
  • 3. Breeds of the dairy direction of productivity
  • 4. Breeds of double productivity
  • 5. Meat breeds of cattle
  • 6. The direction of cattle breeding in various zones and breed zoning
  • 6. Reproduction of a herd of cattle
  • 1 Criteria for the reproductive ability of cattle
  • 2. The structure of the herd, its significance and features in farms of various specializations
  • Biological features of cattle breeding
  • 4 Zootechnical measures to combat barrenness
  • Bibliography
  • 7 Technology of growing replacement heifers
  • Conditions for obtaining healthy young animals and their preservation
  • 3. Cultivation of heifers in the milk period and on suction
  • 4.Feeding and maintenance of heifers in the post-milk period
  • 5. Technology of growing replacement heifers and heifers in specialized complexes. Accounting and planning for the growth of heifers
  • Milk production technology
  • Specialization, concentration and intensification of production in dairy cattle breeding
  • 2. Systems and methods of keeping dairy cattle in summer and winter
  • 3. Planning of milk productivity of cows
  • Organization of labor and production on dairy farms and complexes
  • 5. Flow-shop technology of milk production
  • 6. Mechanization and automation of production processes on dairy farms and complexes
  • 9. Organization of milking of cows and ways to increase their milk productivity
  • 1. Methods and technology of milking cows
  • 2. Milking machines and their advantages
  • 3. Milking and launching cows
  • 4. Control and breeding yard
  • 10. Beef production technology in dairy cattle breeding
  • Basic beef production technologies in dairy cattle breeding
  • Feed base, fodder preparation and feeding of livestock in the production of beef
  • 3. Technology of intensive cultivation with a full cycle of beef production
  • 4 Growing and fattening technology
  • 11. Beef production technology in beef cattle breeding
  • 2 Organization of reproduction and technique
  • 4 Systems and methods for keeping beef cattle
  • 5 Beef production technology by system
  • 6 Technology of rearing, fattening and fattening of young animals
  • 12. Organization of breeding work in dairy cattle breeding
  • 1. Tasks of breeding work and its features in the conditions of production intensification.
  • 2. Selection and selection according to the main breeding traits
  • 3. Forms and organization of selection and breeding work in breeding and industrial farms
  • 4. Grading of dairy cattle
  • 13 Selection and breeding work in beef cattle breeding
  • 1. Modern requirements, promising areas of selection and improvement of existing breeds of beef cattle
  • 2. Determination of productive, breeding value and grading of beef cattle (assessment by genotype and phenotype)
  • 3. Peculiarities of selection of beef cattle in breeding and industrial farms
  • 14. Organizational, zootechnical and selection measures in cattle breeding
  • 1. Zootechnical and breeding records. Computerization in breeding
  • 2.Large-scale breeding in cattle breeding
  • 3.Organization and maintenance of the State books of breeding animals. Exhibitions and broods of animals
  • 4. Promising directions in the rock-forming process
  • 3. Forms and organization of selection and breeding work in breeding and industrial farms

    Selection and breeding work should be carried out on all farms where young animals are obtained and used to repair the herd.

    The methods and forms of work depend on the direction of the farms, their categories are breeding (stud farms, breeding reproducers) and industrial reproducers, in which they are engaged in the production of commercial dairy cattle products and the reproduction of commercial livestock.

    Breeding plants are engaged in the improvement of existing breeds of cattle, the creation of intrabreed zonal types, factory lines, types and families. Their main task is to supply breeding reproducers with replacement young animals, and artificial insemination stations with high-value sires, as well as the creation of new breeds of cattle.

    Breeding reproducers are subdivisions of breeding farms, their task is to breed and improve animals of factory lines, types created in breeding farms, to supply breeding animals to industrial farms.

    Industrial reproducers and dairy complexes produce marketable milk and livestock, and are engaged in the reproduction of young animals to repair their own herds.

    Breeding work in breeding and industrial farms differs in breeding methods, methods of selection and selection of animals, methods of raising and exploiting cattle

    The leading method of livestock breeding in breeding farms of all categories is purebred with the use of breeding by lines and families, individual homogeneous and heterogeneous selection is used. When creating new breeds, factory lines, families, moderate and distant related mating of animals is used.

    In breeding plants, close inbreeding is sometimes used to consolidate breeding and productive qualities.

    On industrial farms and dairy plants, various types of crossing and hybridization are used. On industrial farms that breed purebred cattle of planned breeds, purebred breeding is used, and where transitional, primitive breeds and crossbreeds are bred, absorption, variable and industrial crossbreeding is mainly used, using heterogeneous selection. Inbreeding is not allowed.

    Breeding plants and breeding reproducers ensure the repair of the herd through their own reproduction. Breeding reproducers replenish herds by importing animals from breeding farms, and industrial reproducers and dairy complexes are partially provided with replacement young animals from breeding reproducers, but mainly by growing them on their own farms. Thus, a step-by-step system of reproduction and sale of replacement young animals has been created, which makes it possible to improve the main planned breeds bred depending on the specific natural and climatic conditions of farms, which makes it possible to improve animals of dairy breeds and actively influence the increase in productive qualities in the commercial part of the economy.

    4. Grading of dairy cattle

    Bonitation is the assessment of animals by breeding and productive qualities, the determination of their purpose and further use. It is carried out in dairy cattle breeding throughout the calendar year. Bulls-producers, cows are annually subject to appraisal. Replacement heifers and breeding bulls. Replacement bulls are graded upon reaching breeding age, young animals - from 6 months of age, cows - at the end of the first or next lactation. On the basis of grading, animals are assigned a complex class: elite-record, elite, 1 and 2. All other animals are considered out-of-class and have no breeding value.

    The class rating of cows and sires, as well as heifers and bulls, is set on a 100-point scale: 85 points and above - elite-record, 75-84 - elite, 65-74 - 1st class and 55-64 - 2nd class.

    Evaluation of cows is carried out according to milk productivity (70 points),

    for exterior assessment, constitution (10 points), development (5 points), for milk flow rate (5 points). In total, the cow receives 20 points.

    A cow receives 10 points for genotype evaluation.

    The complex class for bulls is set for the exterior, constitution (30 points) and development (10 points) - 40 points; for the genotype - 60 points.

    Replacement young animals are evaluated for genotype up to 70 points, for exterior and typicality - 10 points and for development - up to 20 points.

    Based on the assessment of a set of features, taking into account the individual characteristics of animals, their purpose is determined.

    In industrial farms, the grouping of animals is simple, and the following three groups are distinguished: breeding, production and marriage.

    In breeding farms, the breeding stock of the herd is divided into pedigree (60%), production (20%), grading (10%) and defective (10%) groups. The pedigree group is divided into two groups: the main (40%), from the offspring of which only heifers are selected to repair their own herd, and the special breeding purpose, which supplies the offspring, going to repair both the bull and brood herd; it is further subdivided into a leading group, the most valuable breeding cows, for which custom matings or inseminations are planned with the sperm of high-value, individually selected sires. In addition, a reserve group of breeding stock is also grouped, from which cows, after checking for their own productivity and having received a high rating, enter the leading group.

    The production group is completed from the breeding stock, which did not enter the breeding stock, but which can be used to obtain offspring grown for sale to the tribe. Animals for grading (sold to other farms) that do not meet the requirements of this herd, but are suitable for use in a less productive herd, and for culling, are completed in a separate group, are not subject to sale, but go for meat.

    The grouping of the main herd is not lifelong, it is periodically updated annually and completed on the basis of a final, more complete and accurate assessment. In order to maintain the stability of the herd, it is necessary to leave 50-70% of the cows of the tribe for the tribe in cattle breeding.

    The appraisal report is compiled for the calendar year for each farm. Based on the appraisal, plans are developed for completing herds, rearing young animals, and measures to increase the productivity of animals, taking into account selection and technological factors.


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    12. Mysik A.T. Development of animal husbandry at the present stage // Animal husbandry.-2006.-№1.-C.2-10

    13. Mysik A.T. Animal husbandry of the countries of the world // Animal husbandry.-2005.-№1.-C.2-7

    14. Prokhorenko P. On measures to stabilize the growth of production and sales of milk / Amerkhanov Kh. / / Dairy and beef cattle breeding.-2005.-№2.C.2-4

    15Sergeev I. Economy of regional dairy herds. // Animal husbandry of Russia. - 2006. - No. 4.-p. 6 - 7.

    Test questions:

    1. Tasks of breeding work in the conditions of production intensification.

    2. List the system of measures aimed at improving the productive and breeding qualities of livestock.

    3.Features of breeding work in conditions of intensification.

    4. How is the selection based on the main breeding traits?

    5. How is the selection carried out according to the main breeding traits?

    6. Forms of selection and breeding work in breeding and industrial farms.

    7.Organization of selection and breeding work in breeding and industrial farms.

    8. Grading of dairy cattle.

    9. Appointment of the use of dairy cattle.

    Igor Nikolaev

    Reading time: 4 minutes

    A A

    The purpose of breeding farm animals is to obtain from them maximum number products in compliance with high quality standards while minimizing material and labor costs. And pedigree work in animal husbandry plays a crucial role in achieving this goal.

    Breeding is a whole range of activities, the objectives of which are: to improve the productive and breeding qualities of animals already existing species breeds and the creation of new breed types that compare favorably with the existing ones in terms of the above indicators.

    These activities include the following activities:

    • scientific selection, conservation and maximum use of the most valuable animals;
    • culling of the worst representatives of the breed, which are unsuitable for further use in breeding work;
    • targeted selection of animals for mating;
    • choice best practices and animal breeding techniques;
    • creation of optimal conditions for keeping and feeding them, taking into account their age categories, in order to identify and best development in animals of such qualities, the value of which is a criterion in the selection and selection.

    If at least one of the listed types of measures falls out of the general complex, then all other measures will no longer lead to the desired result, no matter how exemplarily they are carried out.

    All activities included in the breeding complex are inextricably and closely related to each other.

    Since the range of tasks of breeding business is complex and diverse, to solve them it is necessary to use a variety of breeding methods. Modern zootechnical science has a wide range of knowledge and a large amount of accumulated experience in the field of managing the process of breed education. Recently, the level of opportunities for breeders in this industry has grown significantly, but the positive experience of previous generations of breeders is also widely used.

    So, since ancient times, such a method of improving productive and breeding livestock qualities as selection has been known and tested in practice.

    Its essence lies in the selection of individuals with certain qualities from the general population, for example, cows with the highest milk yield, and the culling of less valuable animals. The use of such a technique makes it possible to develop precisely those properties of animals that are most valuable from a human point of view. However, the results of such selection directly depend on the conditions in which the animals are kept. In other words, selection is a set of measures that are aimed, on the one hand, at increasing the number of animals in the herd with best qualities for the purpose of their further reproduction, and on the other hand, to remove animals with the worst performance from the herd.

    The selection is mass and individual.

    The first type of selection is used in herds of beef cattle, in flocks of large numbers of sheep, that is, in cases where it is not possible to determine the origin of animals, and therefore it remains only to evaluate livestock by exterior indicators or sheep by the amount of shorn wool.

    Individual selection involves the assessment of animals according to a whole range of specific features, among which are: the productivity of the animal, its constitution, which is determined both by the exterior and by the interior, as well as the ability of the animal to pass on its valuable qualities to offspring.

    Individual selection begins with an analysis of the animal's pedigree. The purpose of such an analysis is to determine the productivity of the animal's ancestors and their ability to transfer valuable qualities to their descendants. And at the same time, the qualities of great-grandfathers, grandfathers, great-grandmothers and grandmothers are taken into account. Experts have precisely established that the closer the ancestor (mother-father), the stronger the influence they have on the hereditary qualities of the offspring. The data of such an assessment are recorded in animal pedigrees, which contain information about 4-5 generations of ancestors with a detailed indication of productivity indicators and other breeding properties.

    Selection according to the constitution and exterior is due to the severity of the type of breed of the animal. With such a selection Special attention give such signs as the strength of the skeleton and strong legs with the correct setting. Animals with deviations in physique and underdeveloped for reproductive purposes are culled.

    One of the methods of improving the breed is selection, which consists in the purposeful compilation of parental pairs in order to obtain offspring with the necessary qualities.

    The selection is, as it were, a continuation of the selection and is designed to enhance the effect of the method. In animal husbandry, there are individual (in which the male producer is attached to certain queens - in breeding farms) and group (in which the male producer is attached to a group of queens selected for their average qualities - in commercial farms) types of selection

    The goal of such a method as selection should be the full use of the best and most outstanding individuals, which are selected in accordance with a whole range of characteristics and are distinguished by good properties for transmitting valuable qualities to their offspring.

    Breeding methods are a system for selecting animals according to the following criteria:

    1. family ties;
    2. the degree of dissimilarity or, conversely, similarity;
    3. belonging to a particular breed or species;
    4. other criteria that depend on the nature of the assigned zootechnical task.

    Among livestock breeding methods, purebred breeding (when work is carried out with single-breed animals), crossbreeding (mating of heterogeneous animals or crossbreeds of several breeds) and hybridization (mating animals of different pedigree lines (interline type of hybridization) and even species) are distinguished.

    Purebred breeding is divided into:

    • outbreeding (unrelated breeding);
    • topcrossing (mating of unrelated queens with related sires);
    • inbreeding (related breeding).

    Purebred animal breeding in agriculture allows to increase the number of livestock of highly productive animals with good hereditary stability. main goal purebred breeding is, firstly, the preservation of the valuable qualities of the breed, and secondly, their improvement. Experts consider this method of breeding to be mandatory, because without its use the breed will not only be able to develop, but even exist in general.

    Purebred breeding is based on the following activities:

    1. breeding selection of animals with the most pronounced valuable qualities (milk or meat productivity, the amount of wool sheared, egg production, and so on);
    2. target selection of parental pairs for consolidation and further strengthening of valuable features;
    3. a rational approach to the cultivation and use of animals with the creation of conditions that contribute to the development of precisely those properties for which a particular breed is bred.

    The use of the purebred breeding method in most cases involves the mating of unrelated animals. At the same time, producers are selected for each herd from the most high value, which come from popular and well established families and lines. In order to strengthen and preserve the best hereditary qualities in the offspring in terms of the productivity of the ancestors, it is possible to use (at a certain stage of breeding work) and related mating (inbreeding). For example, mother and son, father and daughter, brother and sister (sisters), and relatives of a more distant degree of kinship. However, in cases of inbreeding (especially with a close degree of kinship), special care should be taken, since there is a high probability of undesirable consequences, such as a decrease in fertility, deterioration in viability, a decrease in productivity and the appearance of conformation deformities.

    The methods of mass improvement of the livestock of a certain breed also include methods of breeding farm animals by families and lines.

    Conducting in-depth work in order to improve the breed composition of the livestock herd is carried out by specialized enterprises: breeding farms, breeding plants and research breeding stations for artificial insemination and breeding. In the herds of such agricultural enterprises, the best part of the livestock of all valuable breeds of animals is concentrated. The main task of such agricultural enterprises is to improve existing breeds and develop new ones. Their main purpose is to rapidly increase the productivity of all types of farm animals through the large-scale use of producers with the most outstanding characteristics.

    Livestock exhibitions play a significant role in popularizing modern methods of livestock breeding. Such exhibitions are organized to show the entire industry the best achievements of livestock enterprises in the field of improving the productive and breeding properties of animals.

    These exhibitions are both specialized one by one specific type or a separate breed of farm animals, as well as a general plan, where all types of such animals are demonstrated. At the exhibitions, a comprehensive assessment of the presented breeds is carried out, their representatives are assigned breeding categories established by the standards, and appropriate certificates are issued for the best animals. The results of the exhibitions are used in the development of further action plans in the field of livestock breeding.

    The evaluation of animals is of great importance. Valuation is a comprehensive assessment of animals with the aim of assigning them to a particular class.

    In most cases, such events are held at the end of the year and are designed to determine the breeding value of animals for their breeding use in the future. The evaluation of sheep is most often carried out in the spring, before the start of the shearing season.

    Specially created commissions, staffed by qualified specialists of the relevant livestock breeding areas, are engaged in carrying out appraisals. Before starting grading, these commissions check animal inventory numbers, collect and consolidate data on the conditions of their keeping and feeding rations, fill out special grading sheets, and also keep other necessary preparatory work. Animals are assessed for a number of characteristics, which are defined in the requirements of special grading instructions. After receiving the results of a comprehensive assessment, each individual belongs to a certain class. The highest class for horses, pigs and sheep is called the elite, and for large-horned animals - the elite-record. The lowest classes for all types of farm animals are the second and third. The first class is intermediate.

    Without properly organized zootechnical accounting, breeding work is impossible.

    Zootechnical records are kept in cards and journals, according to established special forms. One of these forms of accounting is the system of individual tagging. Usually, for setting such marks, tweezers are made in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears, which conditionally indicate numbers.

    Cattle and pigs are also marked with tattoos (also on the ears). In cattle, individual numbers are sometimes burned into the horns. Sheep and cattle are still tagged with ear studs, collars and special tags. In horse breeding, marking is customary with the help of branding young animals (burning out a number on the thigh with a red-hot brand).

    Individual labels should be systematically checked and, if necessary, updated.

    The development of livestock breeding, modern breeding and selection work is currently unthinkable without the use of innovative methods of genetic and cell engineering (such as embryo transplantation), but this is a topic for a separate article.

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    When breeding farm animals, a person seeks to obtain from them a variety of high-quality products at the lowest cost of labor and money. This is possible only if the farms continuously carry out breeding work.

    Breeding work on the farm is a set of activities carried out on farms to improve the breeding and productive qualities of animals of existing breeds, as well as to create new, more valuable forms for these conditions. Such activities should include:

    Creative selection, preservation and maximum use of the most valuable animals, culling of the worst, unsuitable for further breeding use;

    Purposeful selection of animals for mating;

    The right choice of breeding methods and techniques;

    Creation for animals best conditions feeding and keeping during all periods of their life in order to manifest and maximize the development of those valuable qualities for which selection and selection is carried out.

    If at least one of the links falls out of this complex, then the rest of the work, no matter how exemplary it may be, will not give the proper result.

    Tribal business is a single set of activities that are inextricably linked with each other.

    The diversity and complexity of the tasks of breeding work requires the use various methods breeding. Modern zootechnics is armed with knowledge and significant experience in managing the process of rock formation. The possibilities of breeders in this industry have grown immeasurably, making extensive use of the results of the work of previous generations of livestock breeders.

    Selection has been known since ancient times, proven by practice, to improve the breeding and productive qualities of animals. By selecting animals with certain qualities, such as abundant dairy cows, and by culling less valuable individuals, it is possible to develop animal properties that are desirable for humans. In this case, the results of selection will depend on the conditions in which the animals are located. This means that selection is a set of measures aimed at preserving the best animals in the herd for reproduction, and removing the worst ones from the herd. Distinguish mass selection and individual. Mass selection is used in herds of cows of beef cattle, in large flocks of sheep, when the origin of animals is unknown and one has to limit oneself to assessing cows by exterior and sheep by shearing wool.

    Individual selection is an assessment of animals according to a set of traits, including productivity, constitution, determined by the exterior and interior, the ability to pass on the quality of ancestors to offspring.

    The selection begins with an assessment of the animal by origin (pedigree). It is produced in order to determine the productivity of parents and their ability to pass on their qualities to their descendants. At the same time, similar qualities of grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers are taken into account. Moreover, it has been established that the nearest ancestors (father, mother) have more influence on the hereditary properties of the descendants than distant ones. These estimates are entered in the pedigrees of animals, which are compiled for 4-5 generations of ancestors with indications of productivity and other breeding qualities. The selection of animals according to the constitution and exterior provides for the severity of the type of breed. At the same time, attention is drawn to such signs as a strong skeleton, correctly set strong legs. Animals with a vicious constitution, underdeveloped for the purposes of reproduction, are not selected.

    Selection, or purposeful compilation of parental pairs to obtain offspring of the desired quality, is one of the methods for improving the breed. Selection, as it were, continues the selection, enhances its effect. It is used in animal husbandry individually (providing for the attachment of the producer to individual queens - in breeding farms), group (in which the producer is attached to a group of queens, taking into account their average qualities - in commercial farms).

    Selection must be purposeful full use the best and especially outstanding animals, respectively selected according to a set of features and distinguished by the property of transferring their qualities to offspring.

    Animal breeding methods

    Animal breeding methods are a system for selecting animals based on their family ties, degree of similarity or dissimilarity, breed or species affiliation to solve certain zootechnical problems.

    Breeding methods for farm animals include purebred breeding of animals (when animals of the same breed are mated), crossbreeding (when animals of different breeds or their crosses are mated), hybridization - when animals are mated different types and lines (interline hybridization).

    Classification of breeding methods:

    Purebred breeding:

    Unrelated breeding (outbreeding);

    Mating queens of outbred origin with inbred sires (topcrossing);

    Related breeding (inbreeding).

    Purebred breeding

    Purebred breeding of farm animals makes it possible to increase the number of hereditarily stable highly productive animals. The main task of purebred breeding is the preservation and improvement of pedigree qualities. Such breeding is considered mandatory, otherwise the breed cannot exist and develop.

    The basis of purebred breeding is:

    Selection for a tribe of animals with pronounced desirable traits (milk, meat, egg production, wool, etc.);

    Purposeful selection of pairs, in order to strengthen and consolidate these features;

    Rational breeding and use of animals in conditions conducive to the development of those qualities for which this breed is bred.

    In purebred breeding, most often unrelated animals mate with each other. At the same time, high-value sires from well-known lines and families are selected for each herd. In order to preserve and strengthen in the offspring the hereditary traits of outstanding ancestors in terms of productivity, at a certain stage of work, they resort to inbreeding, for example, father and daughter, mother and son, brothers and sisters and more distant relatives among themselves. However, due to undesirable consequences (decrease in fertility, viability, productivity, the appearance of deformities), inbreeding, especially close, should be used with caution.

    The means of mass improvement of the pedigree livestock also include the breeding of animals according to lines and families.

    Tribal forms. In-depth work to improve the breed composition of animals is carried out by special farms: pedigree state farms, breeding farms, pedigree work and artificial insemination stations. The best part of animals of all breeds is concentrated here. The main purpose of these farms is the improvement of existing and the creation of new breeds. They are designed to quickly increase the productivity of animals of all kinds through the widespread use of outstanding breeding animals.

    Exhibition of animals. Exhibitions play a significant role in popularizing advanced methods of work in animal husbandry. Exhibitions are held to show the achievements of farms to improve the breeding and productive qualities of animals. Exhibitions can be specialized in one species or breed of animals, and general - with the display of animals of all kinds. At the exhibition, a comprehensive assessment of animals is carried out, they are assigned the established breeding categories, and appropriate certificates are issued for the best animals. The results of the exhibitions are used to develop breeding activities.

    Animal grading. Animal appraisal is a comprehensive assessment of animals with their assignment to a certain class. It is carried out most often at the end of the year to determine the breeding value of animals and their further use. The evaluation of sheep is carried out in the spring before shearing. Appropriate commissions are created to carry out the appraisal. Before the start of grading, they check the inventory number of animals, summarize the data on their feeding and maintenance, fill out the grading sheets, and carry out other preparatory work. Animals are evaluated by a set of signs in accordance with the requirements of special instructions for grading. Based on the data of a comprehensive assessment, each animal is assigned to a specific class. The highest class for sheep, pigs and horses is the elite, and for cattle - the record elite. The lowest are the 2nd and 3rd. Intermediate value is occupied by the 1st class.

    Zootechnical and breeding records in animal husbandry

    It is impossible to conduct breeding work with animals without the proper organization of zootechnical accounting. Zootechnical records are kept according to specially designed forms in magazines or cards. One of the forms of zootechnical accounting is the system of individual labeling of animals. To do this, make tweezers on the ears, conditionally denoting numbers.

    Pigs and large cattle marked with a tattoo on the ears. Animals of all kinds can be marked with ear plucks. In cattle, numbers are burned on the horns. Sheep and cattle are marked with ear-rings, tags, and collars. In horse breeding, branding of young animals is practiced (burning a number on the thigh with a red-hot brand).

    Numbers in animals should be checked periodically and, if necessary, renewed.

    A. Documents on the accounting of livestock (Act on the posting of the offspring, the act of disposal, the act of transfer).

    B. Documents for accounting for feed (Act for the acceptance of succulent and roughage, a statement of feed consumption, an act for posting pasture feed).