Making shoe covers at home. Equipment for the production of shoe covers. Features and prospects for the development of a business for the production of shoe covers

  • 05.05.2020

Small-scale entrepreneurship is different high profitability and at the same time flexibility and the ability to quickly respond to changing factors external environment. Business in this area is rightfully considered more stable and reliable than in trade or the service sector, but it requires significant costs for the purchase of equipment, the purchase of raw materials and staff training.

However, there are options for technology that makes it possible to start production with little investment. For example, a machine for the production of shoe covers is relatively inexpensive, and the products obtained with its help are quite in demand. Therefore, the manufacture of shoe covers is a very interesting type of activity that novice entrepreneurs should take a closer look at.

The specifics of the business for the production of shoe covers

How to choose equipment for the production of shoe covers

As noted above, the choice of equipment for the production of shoe covers depends on the requirements for the finished product. All machines can be divided into two groups according to the principle of operation:

  • carrying out automatic thermal welding of raw materials;
  • performing ultrasonic bonding of seams.

In terms of performance, this equipment is similar, but differs in cost and quality of finished shoe covers.

Devices operating on the principle of thermal welding cost from 800,000 to 1,500,000 rubles, allow the production of shoe covers belonging to the "standard" and "economy" classes.

A machine for the production of shoe covers using ultrasound technology costs from 1,200,000 to 2,500,000 rubles. Such equipment allows the production of heavy-duty shoe covers, which are in high demand in the food industry.

Equipment for the production of shoe covers, the price of which is below the market price, can be found from manufacturers in China. Chinese suppliers offer compact machines that can produce up to 60 units per minute. Such a small performance is offset by a low price - about 400,000 rubles. As the experience of many entrepreneurs shows, such equipment is quite enough to start your own business.

Advice:There are many used machines for sale now. When considering such options for purchase, you should pay attention to expensive models, since cheap machines in this market segment are often sold on the verge of running out of their resource, which means that they will not work for a long time.

For the production of shoe covers, polyethylene, polypropylene or spunbond is used. The strength of finished products depends on the quality of raw materials, which ultimately affects sales volumes.

It must be understood that large customers will not cooperate with the production of fragile shoe covers, therefore it is necessary to choose high-quality raw materials from reliable suppliers.

How profitable is it to make shoe covers

Taking into account production costs, the cost of shoe covers averages about 0.6 rubles. for 1 pair:

  • 0.3 rub. - the cost of the material (polyethylene and latex thread);
  • 0.3 rub. - electricity costs.

But do not forget that in order to engage commercial activities, you need to get the status individual entrepreneur and pay the appropriate taxes and fees.

In addition, it is necessary to form a fund wages employees, pay rent, etc.

To start the production process, you will need about 708,000 rubles:

  • purchase of an inexpensive machine tool - 400,000 rubles;
  • transportation, installation, adjustment of the operation of the unit - 5,000 rubles;
  • registration of activities and paperwork - 3,000 rubles;
  • room rental - 20,000 rubles. (for the first month);
  • purchase of the first batch of raw materials - 130,000 rubles. (this is enough to make more than 400,000 pairs of shoe covers);
  • electricity costs - 130,000 rubles;
  • the salary of two employees servicing the equipment is 20,000 rubles.

Let's move on to possible income to determine how profitable it is to be engaged in the production of shoe covers.

The productivity of the equipment (60 pieces / 1 min.) allows you to get 28,800 units of products, that is, 14,400 pairs of shoe covers, in one working 8-hour shift. If the machine works properly without downtime, then the output will be 432,000 pairs per month.

Monthly costs (rent, wages, electricity, raw materials and taxes) for such a volume of production will be about 305,000 rubles.

The wholesale cost of shoe covers averages 1 ruble per 1 pair, that is, for our example, the monthly income will be about 432,000 rubles. The profit will be equal to 127,000 rubles. Under such conditions, the volume of initial investments can be returned in 5-6 months of intensive work.

It is possible to increase the profitability of production by increasing the period of use of equipment. For example, with a two-shift operation, which is acceptable on most machines, the number of products produced per month doubles, but it should be remembered that the cost of production also doubles.

The production of shoe covers, the equipment for which is presented in a wide variety of options, is an excellent opportunity to start your own business. This business allows you to fully experience the specifics of entrepreneurship in the manufacturing sector: from the difficulties with the choice of machines to planning the market for finished products.

For many businessmen it is small production was the first step towards larger projects in a wide variety of industries.

The experience of one of the entrepreneurs engaged in the production of shoe covers in the next video.

In this material:

The shoe covers business is a profitable activity, since finished products do not require strict conditions and storage periods, they are simply sold and in demand. Shoe covers have ceased to be an attribute of state clinics and hospitals. Widely used in related fields such as beauty salons, spas, hairdressers, food and other areas where cleanliness and sterility are required.

Shoe cover production line

Shoe covers are a disposable product, the market for which is unlimited. The main customers for sale are wholesale buyers. For a business to succeed, it is necessary to develop a strategy correctly, which will allow you to achieve large incomes and a quick payback.

Room for the production of shoe covers

Choosing the right space is one of the most important steps to creating successful business. For manufacturing, an area of ​​​​at least 45 m2, divided into several zones, will be required. The workshop houses the equipment itself, as well as a warehouse for storing products. For continuous operation, communications will be required: electricity, water, gas, heating. Special attention needs to be given to the air conditioning system. In the manufacturing process of shoe covers, polyethylene is used as the main raw material, which emits an odor when heated. Therefore, to ensure the safe work of employees, attention must be paid to ventilation. Best Option there will be an extract.

In addition to the workshop, there should be a place for office equipment in the room. A place is allocated for a warehouse, accounting, as well as offices for managers and other employees. Thus, the entire area of ​​the premises must be at least 100 m2.

There are two ways to get a room - rent or purchase. On average, rent costs from 30,000 rubles, utilities are paid separately.

Technological process and necessary equipment

A quick and easy way to make shoe covers is to make them from non-woven fabric. Spabond, polyethylene or polypropylene is used as a basis.

The production process is as follows:

  1. A roll with raw materials is installed on the equipment.
  2. Under pressure, the raw material is stretched and soldered using heat sealing.
  3. A thin elastic band is welded along the upper edge of the shoe covers, fixing the product on the shoe.
  4. Finished products are packaged in boxes, packages.

For beginner businessmen, a simple production method based on ultrasonic welding is suitable. This will require a structure consisting of an aluminum alloy, an automatic control for tensioning raw materials. The equipment produces about 60 pcs. shots per minute.

When organizing the manufacture of shoe covers based on heat sealing, similar equipment will be required. Production is set up for automatic operation, the serviceability of which is monitored by the working staff and the technologist.

Ultrasonic welding is a cheaper option compared to thermal welding, so for a start-up business, with limited financial resources, it is recommended by analysts to choose it.


For the smooth operation of production, 6 people will be required, who will perform their functions in shifts. In addition, a technologist is required to control the quality of manufactured products.

Mandatory personnel also include security guards, cleaners, office workers in the form of an accountant, managers, storekeepers, an administrator and a secretary. It is also important to have a management representative who will be responsible for the volumes produced, and establish ways to sell the goods.

It is important to correctly distribute the responsibilities of the staff. Production workers are responsible for the quality of boot covers production and further packaging. Accountant - Responsible for finance and tax accounting. Sales managers deal with sales and contracts. Strict observance of obligations will ensure stable business growth.

Financial plan

A business plan begins with a calculation of expenses and income.

  • Equipment cost: about 1,400,000 rubles;
  • delivery and adjustment of equipment: from 10,000 rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials for manufacturing and gum: 10,000 rubles;
  • payment of rent, registration in the INFS and other expenses: from 70,000 rubles.

The cost of one pair of shoe covers is approximately 1 ruble. Wholesale companies sell products for almost twice the price of the purchase lot. In 8 hours, the machine produces 28,800 shoe covers. Accordingly, the monthly revenue will be in the region of 864,000 rubles.

You should also take into account the list of monthly expenses, which includes advertising, purchase of raw materials, wages, taxes, utilities. Costs reach an average of 500 thousand rubles. Thus, with a minimum time frame, the profit will be about 300 thousand rubles. Expansion of the sales market can significantly increase revenues even in the first period of work.

It is very profitable to be engaged in the production of shoe covers. For manufacturing, no license is required, which speeds up paperwork and getting started. For this business area, it is recommended to issue an individual entrepreneur or LLC, depending on the number of owners and the volume of production. Focusing on wholesale trade an enterprise with an LLC positions itself as a large, reliable partner. Additionally, for operation, you will need to obtain permission from the Fire Inspectorate and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

Sales of products

For fast and stable sales of products, it is important to organize a marketing plan. Advertising uses those resources that will lead to large wholesale buyers. To do this, the development of your own website, printing of advertising brochures, advertising in newspapers and magazines will help. Such measures will allow you to distinguish your own products from competitors. Effectively place advertisements on large banners in cities, as well as conclude agreements for the sale of shoe covers with establishments that need these products.

For sale, you need to look for customers in the following areas:

  • Private medical offices;
  • Beauty Salons;
  • Enterprises of chemical, food, cosmetic specialization;
  • Rehabilitation and medical centers;
  • Pharmacies, etc.

Work in one of the proposed areas will ensure the sale of shoe covers not at a wholesale, but at a retail price. However, for the sale, you will need to install special machines for piece issuance.

The production of shoe covers often discourages start-up entrepreneurs due to the erroneous perception of low profitability. With the linear development of its own production, this area brings a stable income. Shoe covers are a disposable, constantly in demand product, the production of which does not require large expenditures.

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In a period of increased competition and a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, it becomes quite difficult to organize a new production or upgrade worn-out equipment at an already functioning plant. European machine tool manufacturers, focusing on global price increases, raise the cost every month. And the economic crisis due to the fluctuation of the ruble against the dollar and, accordingly, the yuan makes its own significant adjustments and makes it impossible to draw up reliable business plans that help to understand the profitability of work and the length of the payback period of the enterprise.

A completely different situation in the markets of the East. The equipment for boot covers offered to manufacturers in China costs much less than their counterparts from Italy or Germany. Competitive price, high quality, shortened delivery time - this is an incomplete list of benefits offered to customers cooperating with STA SiberiaTransAsia.

Buy equipment for the production of shoe covers directly from the owners of the factory in China - our offer, which cannot be refused. The final price of the machine - 12 500 USD USA! Lead time from order to receipt of purchase 30 days! No one will deliver faster and cheaper!

Cost recovery speed and profit start

For those who first thought about ways to earn money with small investments and a rapid payback, it is necessary to consider the possibility of opening a small or large (depending on financial capabilities) shoe covers manufacturing workshop.

One machine for the production of shoe covers - subject to full load - fully pays off and begins to bring net profit already six months later. The costs of a workshop of several dozen machines will return a little faster if the sale of manufactured products takes place as quickly as the release.

The most expensive item in the business plan for the manufacture of shoe covers is the purchase of equipment. Several hundred dollars, by which the price of one machine from Europe or China can vary, can significantly affect the time for compensating investments. We, as intermediaries between Chinese manufacturers and you, will not only offer the lowest amount, but also speed up the time the purchase arrives on the territory of your enterprise.

Every day of downtime is golden minutes that go away forever. Buy equipment for the production of shoe covers from China with our help, and start making a profit in a month!

Equipment for shoe covers - organization of the production process

Equipment for the production of shoe covers does not require a large staff of service employees. The sole operator, whose duties include monitoring the operation of the unit and the timely change of bobbins with film and rubber, ensures the smooth operation of the machine during the shift.

And the demand for a product that protects the floor from particles of dirt or street dust is huge. They are required to wear (purchase) in clinics, hospital departments when visiting patients, in museums, hairdressers and spas, and many other places of public use. Shoe covers cannot be reused, so finding markets is not as difficult as it seems.

Technical characteristics of the machine for the production of shoe covers

Buy equipment for the production of shoe covers with our help - make the most of the case

The price of equipment for the production of shoe covers from China to different companies is different. As well as delivery times. It depends on the capabilities of the company:

  • independently establish a dialogue with the factory and get a profitable offer without using the services of intermediaries;
  • quickly take out the units ordered by the client from the manufacturer;
  • form them into a volume sufficient to load the machine;
  • customs clearance and documentation;
  • deliver the purchase to the addressee in Russia.

With our team, which has its own employees at all stages of the logistics processing of goods, both directly in China itself and in Russia, all procedures are carried out quickly and inexpensively. Excellent reputation of the company and a lot of satisfied regular customers distinguish us from many other companies involved in the delivery of goods from China. The equipment for boot covers, as well as other goods imported by us, are of high quality and equipped with everything necessary for the immediate start of operation. Buy equipment for the manufacture of shoe covers at the best price - a great start profitable business! Take advantage of these opportunities today!

Implementation of shoe covers using vending machines

Vending machines for shoe covers, replacing the seller and speeding up the process of selling "disposable shoes", speed up the payback of production. To load them, special capsules are used, in which shoe covers are packed. Machines are divided into two types: mechanical and electronic. Mechanical boot covers are cheaper and easier to maintain, but payment in such machines is made only with coins of a certain denomination. Electronic vending machines for shoe covers allow you to pay with banknotes, they give change, they have a scoreboard. In such machines, you can buy as many capsules with shoe covers at a time as the client needs.

Experienced businessmen, who started their journey with several or one machine, have their own vending machines for boot covers, units for the production of plastic shells. Why don't you go their way?

Equipment for the manufacture of shoe covers does not stamp plastic containers. You need to purchase a capsule machine separately. Consult with our specialist on the solution of STA "SibirTransAsia" and this issue!

The main purpose of shoe covers is to maintain the required level of cleanliness in places with increased hygiene requirements - medical facilities, museums, laboratories, manufacturing enterprises etc. Based on the conditions of use, materials and technologies for the production of shoe covers are selected.

Raw materials

Products are made from the following types of materials:

  • polyethylene . Shoe covers made of polyethylene no less reliably protect shoes from getting wet and dust. The advantages of this product include elasticity and resistance to low-temperature exposure. The production uses low density polyethylene (LDPE, HDPE), medium (MDPE, PSD) high density (HDPE, PVD) density. Compared to spunbond, polyethylene has a lower cost.
  • spunbond . Spunbond is a technology for the production of non-woven fabric based on polymer materials(polyester, polyamide, polypropylene). The connection of this material is provided by needle punching or gluing at high temperature exposure. Shoe covers made of spunbond protect well from dust, getting wet, resistant to temperature effects and abrasion. The anti-slip effect ensures the safety of movement on the floor covering. The advantages of spunbond also include extended service life;


The production of shoe covers may include the manufacture of products, their sterilization and packaging. The machines used in the process are as follows:

  • automatic,
  • semi-automatic.

The use of automatic equipment eliminates the need for constant human intervention in manufacturing process. All that is required is to set up the machine and maintain the required parameters. The ability to choose the degree of tension of the material and productivity ensures complete automation of the process. Having set up the equipment, the worker needs to monitor the volume of the source material and collect the finished products.

The use of semi-automatic machines requires the participation of personnel and is not able to provide high productivity.

Equipment for the production of shoe covers can use two welding methods - thermal and ultrasonic.

Technological process

The manufacturing process of shoe covers consists of the following steps:

  • material unwinding. The equipment unwinds the material (polyethylene, spunbond) and a rubber band, which will later be used to fix it on the neck of the product. Particular attention is paid to the uniformity of the web tension;
  • fixation of the harness on the material. The harness is fixed by ultrasonic or thermal welding. The harness can be flat or round. A round tourniquet is placed on the surface of the material, after which the edges are soldered and the tourniquet is fixed inside. A flat elastic band is stretched and welded to the edge of the material;
  • folding material. With the help of rollers, the source material is folded in half lengthwise;
  • open. On the cutting roller, with the help of a heated knife, the finished product is cut out and the seams are soldered;
  • sterilization. Produced according to the customer's requirement. Sterilization allows you to neutralize the pathogenic microflora that could appear on the surface of the product during the production process;
  • packaging of finished shoe covers. Products can go without packaging (wrapped one inside the other), placed in a special capsule or bags. Individual packaging is carried out using special packaging equipment. Packaging in capsules is necessary for subsequent sale through vending machines. Products are packaged in transport packages according to 1, 2, 3 and 4 thousands of couples The cost of shoe covers without packaging is much lower than the other two options.

Quality control

All operations for the production of shoe covers are carried out using modern technological equipment, which allows you to reduce the intervention of workers and the percentage of marriage to a minimum. The choice of raw materials and equipment adjustment is carried out by an experienced technologist. Quality control of products at all stages of production ensures its full compliance high requirements GOST.

The manufacture and sale of shoe covers, contrary to the opinion of skeptics, is a highly profitable business that can bring consistently high incomes to an entrepreneur. And this is explained simply - high demand for products. Please note that shoe covers today are used not only in medical institutions, but also in beauty salons, at food enterprises - wherever it is required to maintain sterile conditions. If you buy equipment for the production of shoe covers and start supplying demanded products to the market, profits will not be long in coming. The market for shoe covers is unlimited. The entrepreneur will have the opportunity to sell products both in small wholesale and in large quantities. And the matter is greatly simplified, given that the level of competition in this segment is practically absent. This direction is quite new for us, and therefore, the business plan for the production of shoe covers in Russia has a number of nuances. What is important to consider when working on the implementation of the project?

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 2,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

Business development prospects

The shoe covers business is extremely simple - the process is automated, the technology is well studied. And this is definitely good. But it is worth looking at the question from the other side - and "where" then to develop? And this factor can clearly “scare away” many start-up entrepreneurs, since there is no question of any expansion of the range of products obtained (here you can only change their color).

There is only one prospect for the development of the shoe covers business - to expand the sales volume of products, entering new markets. But this is also not bad - profits will grow!

Well, for those who are not at all stopped by the lack of the opportunity to innovate in the market, the sale of shoe covers can bring good revenue - regardless of the season and the economic situation in the country. And in a crisis, this is already a lot!

What products to bring to market?

Shoe covers in individual packaging

It is quite clear that we will begin to offer high-quality shoe covers to customers. The difference will be only in the form of the packaging in which it will reach the end consumer. The production of medical disposable shoe covers involves the use of 2 options for "containers":

  • plastic bag,
  • plastic capsules.

It is a common practice when entrepreneurs, saving on the purchase of raw materials and equipping the workshop, start producing shoe covers without packaging at all - in this case, the products are simply folded one into the other.

It’s great if the company provides for the production of shoe covers in both packaging - this way you can cover a larger circle of potential customers. But if huge starting capital the entrepreneur cannot boast; at first, one can do without special machines and apparatus.

Raw materials and technology for the production of shoe covers

Shoe covers in capsules

In order to uninterruptedly supply shoe covers in capsules and in individual packages to the market, it is necessary to conclude agreements with the seller of raw materials for the wholesale supply of all necessary components to the workshop. It is worth starting to monitor prices in order to choose the most profitable proposition- the range is quite large. All incoming materials for processing must undergo strict incoming control.

The main raw material for the manufacture of shoe covers is a non-woven elastic fabric (polypropylene, polyethylene or spunbond and elastic). But for the production of bags or capsules, it will be required in granules. There is another option - to buy ready-made containers. But in this case, the profitability of manufacturing products is significantly reduced - it is much more profitable to receive packaging within the walls of your own workshop, even taking into account the cost of additional equipment.

The technology for the production of shoe covers of a standard type (slippers-boats with an elastic band on top) can be described as follows:

  • A roll of raw material is fixed on the machine.
  • The machine feeds the material. From two sides, a two-row elastic band is supplied for the production of shoe covers, which is then wrapped by a certain method with the edge of the canvas.
  • The canvas is automatically folded into a half-sleeve with further cutting with a hot knife.
  • Packaging of finished shoe covers.

All operations are carried out using special equipment - human intervention is minimized. But to launch the workshop, it is better to use the services of an experienced technologist who will select high-quality raw materials and set up equipment for the production specific type products.

Financial aspects of starting your own business

Technical equipment of the workshop

Automatic line for the production of shoe covers

The next thing the entrepreneur has to take care of is to buy a machine for the production of shoe covers that meets all the requirements for the production quality products. Despite the low competition in this segment, industrial equipment on the market is presented in a wide choice - different capacities and different prices.

Each production line for the production of shoe covers can work according to one of 2 technologies:

  • Spike shoe covers with ultrasound. Price - from 1600000 rubles.
  • Spike shoe covers with heat seal. Price from 1300000 rubles.

The difference in price with the same productivity of the lines is relatively small, and therefore, it is better to take the quality of finished products as the basis for the choice. And shoe covers obtained by exposure to ultrasound are much better - stronger and more reliable.

In order for shoe covers to be packed in special plastic capsules, you will have to purchase additional equipment - devices for receiving containers. In this case, at least another 500,000 rubles must be included in the expense item. The purchase of used machines will help reduce investment.

All equipment presented on the market is small-sized, and therefore, does not require expensive rental of large production areas.

Sales options for finished products

The price of equipment for the manufacture of shoe covers will pay off faster if sales channels for finished products are established as soon as possible. And there are a lot of options to whom to sell the released products:

  • pharmacies,
  • municipal institutions (hospitals, ),
  • recreation centers and sanatoriums,
  • manufacturing enterprises.

O retail sales we are not talking here - we are looking only for wholesale buyers!

It would be great if an apparatus for the production of shoe covers in plastic capsules is installed in the workshop. It is this type of product that is in high demand today, since many hospitals have special machines for “issuing” shoe covers packed in individual packaging. And even if this direction is not yet considered, after the company reaches the break-even point, it is worth thinking about expanding the workshop by purchasing special equipment for packing shoe covers and manufacturing individual containers.

Profitability of the planned business

The payback period of the enterprise will depend on many factors - how much does a machine for the production of shoe covers cost, how many products will be sold. But if we take into account the opening of a small workshop with minimum set equipment, all costs can pay off after 1-2 years.

To estimate the investments necessary to launch the workshop, it is necessary to add up all the capital costs:

  • Purchase and commissioning of equipment - from 1,600,000 rubles.
  • Creation of a raw material base - from 500,000 rubles.
  • Preparation for the work of the premises - from 200,000 rubles.
  • Registration of the enterprise and obtaining all permits - from 50,000 rubles.

The minimum amount that is required is 2300000 rubles. It is quite possible to reduce the costs to 2,000,000 rubles if a supported line is installed in the workshop.

Calculating possible income is simple. Taking into account how much the film for the production of shoe covers and other raw materials costs, the cost finished product is 0.2-0.5 rubles / pair. And its selling price is equal to 0.5-1 rub./pair. And these are the most common products - without individual packaging. The price of a machine for shoe covers will pay off faster if you supply higher quality products to the market (thick, with high-quality elastic) - these cost at least 1.5 rubles / pair.