What is known about the tractor march of Kuban farmers. “We give the authorities two months”: Krasnodar farmers about the disruption of the “tractor march Tractor march of the Kuban

  • 06.06.2020

At the beginning of the week, it became known that a budding protest movement had reappeared in Russia - Kuban farmers, fed up with the poor economic condition and regular attacks from agricultural holdings, decided not to sit idly by. The current events are reminiscent of: then truckers moved to Moscow, now a tractor column has gone to the capital for negotiations.

Where did it all start?

In early August, Dmitry Medvedev came to the Krasnodar Territory. Despite the premier's well-known dismissive attitude towards some social problems, local farmers still tried to break through the cordon to him and tell him about what was happening in the region. Everything ended badly: the farmers were taken to the police station and kept there until Medvedev left the unstable Kuban, having managed, however, to say that he "won't let you touch the village."

On Sunday, August 21, an uncoordinated rally of farmers was held in the village of Kazanskaya in the Kavkazsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. Just in case, the organizer was previously detained.

Having managed to get together, the participants of the rally decided that it was necessary to act straightforwardly, and announced a tractor march on Moscow. The convoy included 17 tractors and several dozen cars, and on the way it was to be joined by colleagues from other regions, including a group of St. Petersburg truckers.

What do farmers want?

At the rally, the main problem of local farmers, which has been relevant for at least several years, was discussed - in the Kuban, farmers are systematically taken away from the land.

“It all started under Tkachev, the current minister Agriculture Russia,” Andrey Ovechkin from the village of Upornaya told Novaya Gazeta in March. - A powerful system has been built, which local administrations and the new governor of the region cannot cope with now. Agricultural holdings do what they want: they squeeze land from the heads of peasant farms (peasant farming. - Ed.) and shareholders, put pressure on people, go wild. Each district has its own prince, the court and supervisory authorities dance to his tune. Not like in Kushchevskaya, of course, without a massacre, but who knows what will happen next.

“In our country, for example, more than a thousand shareholders have been fighting for land with Oleg Deripaska’s Kuban Agricultural Association for years, paying taxes for what they don’t have. Their plots were illegally sold to businessmen, and the people lost everything, ”Andrei Sandakov from the village of Novotitarovskaya commented to the publication in August.

Owners of local lands agree that the judicial system in the region is built on connections and the importance of positions, and not on the legislative system. At the same time, farmers were going to complain about the leaders of agricultural holdings, whom they call "bloodsuckers", and talk about the amount of pensions of former machine operators, combine operators and livestock specialists.

The reaction of the authorities

The local authorities reacted irritably to the dissatisfaction. At first, the rallies were going to be prevented, hoping that the problem would outlive itself. When the farmers nevertheless got together and decided to move to the capital, the police presence was strengthened on the roads.

Result: on the way from the Kuban to the Rostov region, a small tractor column was stopped 11 times. The reasons were completely different: either the law enforcement officers were looking for expired insurance, or they referred to the mysterious special operation "Harvest", then they were fined for the smallest violations, then they were looking for equipment allegedly stolen in neighboring villages.

As a result, on the border of the two regions, the protesters, whose documents were once again confiscated for verification, blocked traffic. The farmers walked pedestrian crossing until a mile-long traffic jam has formed. Then the police decided to still let the Kuban into the territory of the Rostov region.

But not everything is so simple: already in the Rostov region, near the Dorozhny farm, the tractor column was completely blocked. Leonid Belyak, Deputy Representative of the President in the Southern Federal District, arrived at the scene. He liberally suggested postponing the rally for a day and already today, August 23, to meet with local officials, promising the presence of the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Veniamin Kondratiev. Belyak also assured that the road would be cleared for the convoy if the results of the negotiations did not satisfy its participants.

What is happening now?

Participants of the protest march refused to meet with the governor of the Krasnodar Territory and other officials. The reason was that Rustam Mallamagomedov, a member of the union group "Association of Carriers of Russia", who joined the run, was beaten the night before. Colleagues of the victim are sure that security forces attacked Rustam. The activist filmed how the police blocked the parking lot with the equipment of the protesting farmers. All the evidence was gone: the attackers cleaned Mallamagomedov's phone.

Now the farmers have stopped in the village of Dorozhny, where they are waiting for the rest of the marchers to continue their attack on Moscow. Three tow trucks were already threateningly approaching their parking lot. At the same time, Vasily Melnichenko, co-chairman of the Federal Village Council movement, promised the protesters that he would ask the president to meet with them personally.

The reaction from Moscow has already arrived: the metropolitan police detained truckers who were going to leave for Krasnodar and support Kuban farmers there.

In the Rostov region, riot police and the National Guard detained several dozen protesting farmers who were driving tractors to Moscow to meet with the federal authorities and tell them about corruption and hostile takeovers in the region. At the same time, the action was even agreed with the traffic police. Previously, there was information that the farmers decided to stop the protest, but later they themselves denied this. Evgenia Voskoboynikova and Konstantin Eggert spoke with a farmer in more detail about this "tractor march" Andrey Shandakov.

Eggert: In the Rostov region, riot police and the National Guard detained several dozen protesting farmers. They drove tractors to Moscow to meet with the federal authorities and tell them about corruption and raider seizures in the regions. At the same time, the action was even agreed with the traffic police.

Voskoboynikova: Well, earlier today there was information that the farmers decided to stop this protest action. However, later they themselves denied this information. Farmer Andrey Shandakov is now directly connected by phone. Andrew, good evening.

Shandakov: Good evening.

Voskoboynikova: Andrey, tell us what is happening with you now? And most importantly, where are you now?

Shandakov: We are now in Aksai, near the police department, where our comrades were detained. The result was the following situation: a plenipotentiary representative of the Southern Federal District, a deputy, came to us, who gathered us and persuaded us to return to the governor and resolve our issues. But since everything has already been collected by a bag of evidence, criminal cases that people lost through the fault of corrupt officials and officials. No arguments to let us pass further, none worked. A man from our movement was beaten up. Then the riot police arrived.

Voskoboynikova: Andrei, tell us, is there any information on how many people were detained in total?

Shandakov: 15 people were detained.

Eggert: Detained and released? Or are they still in branches somewhere?

Shandakov: No, they are still in the ROVD building. They are being questioned. A man came out of one of them, he was invited to come to the police tomorrow, and they will draw up a report on him according to 22.2.

Eggert: What kind of article is this? Disobedience?

Shandakov: This is an article about the illegal holding of a rally. This was no rally. Fraudulently, the farmers were lured into the territory of the hotel, the hotel complex, and there they began to talk to them, in every possible way to persuade them to stop moving to Moscow, and people simply said that we had documents, evidence, we want to meet with the president and report on the state of affairs in Krasnodar Territory.

Eggert: You think the president doesn't know about it, does he, Andrei? On the situation in the Krasnodar Territory.

Shandakov: Most people who represent the tractor movement think that the President does not know.

Eggert: Tell me, what were the arguments used by those who tried to stop you? What kind of people were they? Were these the same riot police who stopped you?

Shandakov: There were the Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative for the Southern Federal District, who said: “I'm not holding you, you will pass. But you will meet with the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, who will consider your questions and look objectively. But people said that we have had these questions for a long time ... Some have 10 years, 20 years, they have been with a beard for a long time. And they lost all the courts they applied to. He said, "I'm not holding you." People had one demand - to let them go further, because the movement was coordinated, including with the traffic police, and with Voronezh. Then the riot police came and surrounded us. The head of the district department of internal affairs said that Rosavtodor had issued a statement that they were interfering with traffic. And on their initiative, we were offered to disperse. When people started coming out, they just started to grab people and put them in special vehicles.

Eggert: Do you follow the column? Are you really creating any problems for the movement or not?

Shandakov: Oh no, the column is moving tractor. It does not fall under any, nor the rally, it is a column of agricultural machinery.

Voskoboynikova: Andrey, tell me, what do you want to achieve by your actions? Even if, say, you manage to convey your demands to the president, what do you think he should do in this situation? How should he help you?

Shandakov: To clean up. To restore order in the Krasnodar Territory, the same consonant stories about raider seizures by large agricultural holdings also sounded from Rostov.

Voskoboynikova: Andrey, why do you think that it is the president who can help you in this situation, and let's say, not someone, I don't know, the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, for example?

Shandakov: The governor is the executive branch.

Eggert: But the president is also an executive branch.

Shandakov: And the President is the guarantor of the Constitution.

Eggert: All right, government?

Shandakov: And here all constitutional human rights are violated.

Eggert: Andrey, why are you probably aware of the increased attention to your activities, knowing that there new law about car races, which equates them to demonstrations. I understand that you think that you did not do the rally, but you probably understood that the authorities could interpret this in their own way. Why didn't you simply, I don't know, fly to Moscow with an initiative group, go to the Kremlin reception or the government reception, the White House, and try to convey your complaints there? That is, why did you go on such a demonstrative action, knowing that it could cause a corresponding reaction from the authorities?

Shandakov: This is not the first attempt to get through to the president. The first tractor run was undertaken, but the Uhlans came to the people, and they put it all on the brakes.

Eggert: Have you decided to go a second time?

Shandakov: Decided. The initiative group decided to go. We came to support, because on the 21st we handed over our documents. I represent 2,000 shareholders who were simply deprived of their land by a raider seizure. Fraudulent raider takeover, fraudulent activities.

Eggert: So you have a whole range of problems there?

Shandakov: And then we heard a lot in which our problems are consonant. And we came to support this run and saw such a situation.

Eggert: Thank you very much.

Photo: Vasily Deryugin / Kommersant

Dissatisfied with the increase in the Platon tariff, Krasnodar farmers joined the wave of protest. The farmers were going to organize a second "tractor march" on Moscow against local officials. However, the organizers of the action were detained by the police, and in the village of Kazanskaya, the Cossacks came out against the participants of the run.

For the first time, farmers gathered for the “tractor march” in August 2016. Then 50 people on 17 tractors and several cars moved to Moscow. The farmers hoped to tell President Vladimir Putin about the raider attacks and the corrupt judicial system of the Krasnodar Territory, which decided all issues in favor of large agricultural holdings. Then the march was stopped near the Rostov region, the police detained the protesters. The farmers were fined and placed under administrative arrest. Some participants of the march nevertheless made it to Moscow, but returned home empty-handed.

Preventive measures

The second "tractor march" was scheduled for March 28. The farmers agreed to meet in the village of Kazanskaya, but a few days before that, the marchers began to notice that they were being followed by police. On March 24, one of the organizers of the march, Aleksey Volchenko, was arrested in Krasnodar for 12 days, allegedly for non-payment of alimony. He himself admits that he was one month late in payments, but was ready to pay off the debt.

On the same day, another organizer, Oleg Petrov, had his passport confiscated while he was paying a fine for traffic violation and refused to return it.

The police also followed another organizer of the march, Nikolai Maslov, and then on March 27, on the Kropotkin-Kavkazskaya highway, his car was stopped. The police conducted a search, and then stated that the car was allegedly stolen. Maslov himself assured that he bought the car quite recently at the factory.

Attack on journalists and missing camera footage

On the morning of March 28, four participants in the "tractor march" moved to Kropotkin to meet with the vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory. At the traffic police post in Tikhoretsk, they were blocked by a traffic police unit. Two farmers were left at their posts, the rest were taken to the Investigative Committee in the village of Novopokrovskaya.

At the same time, Nikolai Maslov's car was again stopped in Kropotkin, allegedly to check documents. After that, he was taken to the police station to give explanations why he did not appear on the summons to the Investigative Committee. In a strange way, the order to come to the UK was issued exactly on the day the “march” began.

Sergey Khazov-Kassia and Andrey Kostyanov. Photo: Sergey Khazov-Kassia / Facebook

That same morning, Radio Liberty journalists Sergei Khazov-Kassia and Andrei Kostyanov left the hotel in Kropotkin. They were going to go on a "tractor march", but the journalists approaching the taxi were stopped by a dozen unknown men in masks. After throwing gas canisters at the journalists' faces, they threw them to the ground and started kicking them. Taking away computers and filming equipment, the attackers fled. Doctors ascertained at Kostyanov's. The journalists turned to the police, but then the most interesting thing began. There are many surveillance cameras around the hotel, the recordings of which, of course, have not been preserved. After the interrogation, the police took Khazov-Kassia to a hotel. Having opened the door of his room, the journalist, together with the policemen, suddenly

The names of all the arrested farmers, truckers and tractor drivers (hired workers) - participants of the "tractor march" - became known.

A column of Kuban farmers moving on tractors towards Moscow in order to tell Putin about the conflict with local authorities and the land problem. At first, they were constantly stopped along the way. On August 22, the column was blocked in the Rostov region. Two truckers who came to support the farmers and filmed videos were detained and beaten. On August 23, all participants of the “tractor march” were detained in the village of Dorozhny, Aksai district, Rostov region, in the Stagecoach cafe. Truckers from other regions who planned to join the march were prevented from doing so in various ways: they were not allowed to leave the Moscow region, two were detained in Voronezh.

According to the Russian Association of Carriers, shared with OVD-Info by its activist Olga Reznikova, a total of sixteen people were found guilty and arrested under Part 6.1 of Art. 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (for part in an unsanctioned meeting, rally, demonstration, procession or picketing that interfered with the functioning of vital facilities, transport or social infrastructure, communications, the movement of pedestrians and (or) vehicles, or citizens' access to residential premises or objects of transport or social infrastructure ). The “unauthorized rally” was, according to the protocols drawn up by the police, held on the territory of the Stagecoach cafe.

On the night of August 24-25, Aksai District Court arrested farmers for ten days Oleg Petrov and Nikolai Maslov, as well as a trucker Sergei Vladimirov(Meetings continued until four in the morning). All of them are in the special detention center of the city of Novocherkassk. Nine more people were fined: the leader of the Polite Farmers movement, the organizer of the "tractor march" Alexei Volchenko - 30 thousand rubles, truckers Sergey Ovchinnikov, Vasily Laptev, Alexander Cherevko, farmer Nikolai Borodin and others - for 10 thousand rubles.

On August 26, the same court arrested a truck driver in absentia for the same term. Rustam Mallamagomedova, who was detained and beaten on August 22 (after being detained, he was taken to the Aksai hospital).

Rustam Mallamagomedov. Photo: Association of Carriers of Russia

mentioned above Alexey Volchenko On August 25, he was detained at his home by FSB officers, and over the next day, human rights activists and activists were unable to obtain accurate information about where he was. Later it became known that on August 26, the Kavkazsky District Court of the Krasnodar Territory arrested him for ten days - this time for a rally at a field camp peasant-farming farm "Romashka" IP Petrov in the village of Kazanskaya. Volchenko is in the special detention center of Ust-Labinsk.

Alexey Volchenko

On August 27, the same court sentenced eight other marchers to arrest: Oleg Lunev, Andrey Pezin and Vyacheslav Petrovsky were arrested for three days, Semyon Smykov- for four days, Sergey Gorbachev, Sergei Gerasimenko and N. Miroshnikov- for five days, N. Svetlichny- for ten days.

August 28 in the same court Viktor Zelensky was arrested for three days Vladimir Pavlov and S. Vatulin- for five days.

All those arrested by the Kavkazsky District Court were sent to Ust-Labinsk.

"The judge's punishment was 'handed out' in portions and arbitrarily, depending on the 'loyalty' of the defendant: if, for example, he demanded a lawyer, he was 'issued' five days, but if he did not demand, then they 'mowed' up to three," reports Olga Reznikova according to the farmers of the Kalininsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. Most of the cases were considered by Judge Olga Voloshina.

Reznikova also said that the assistant to the chairman of the Kavkazsky District Court promised that as early as the evening of August 29, all information on the cases of those arrested could be seen on the court's website. At the time of publication (11:20 on August 30), OVD-Info could not find information about any of them on the website of the court.

UPD: According to the latest data, on August 24, he was sentenced to days of arrest and a fine of ten thousand rubles. Sergey Zemtsov.

A person should not be left alone with the system

Every day people in our country face injustice from the authorities. They really need your support, because without you we will not be able to receive calls and help them in court. If everyone who reads this signs up for a monthly donation, more people will get help.

Six months ago, farmers were already planning to go by tractor column to Moscow to meet with the president. Now the precedent has been repeated, but with massacre and riot police. YUGA.ru is trying to figure out who is behind this protest action, who benefits from it, and where is the truth.

Farmers from nine districts of the Krasnodar Territory were going to conduct a tractor march to Moscow in the spring. Stock was aimed at drawing the attention of President Vladimir Putin to raider seizures of land in southern Russia. According to farmers, large agricultural holdings illegally rob people of land owned - or prevent them from renting land from other owners, and local courts cover all this. However, the advance towards the capital at that time was postponed, as it turned out - for the time being.

Even the announcement of the action had a wide public resonance. The information was disseminated by the media. The Kuban authorities promptly responded to the precedent. Duringmeetings with farmers Vice-Governor Andrey Korobka promised that an independent working group would deal with the requests of Kuban farmers about raiding. The group included representatives of the regional branch of the ONF, the Human Rights Council, the local Public Chamber, AKKOR, ZSK, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Department of Property Relations. And also one farmer from each district. Farmers seemed to unanimously supported this decision.

According to and.about. Minister of Agriculture of the Kuban Sergey Orlenko, the working group received more than 50 applications from farmers. However, as Lyubov Popova, chairman of the Public Council of Kuban, explained, "it is impossible to say with absolute certainty in any of the cases that this is a raider seizure." In response, farmer Nikolai Maslov threatened burn yourself near the walls of the Kremlin, if the problems of him and his colleagues are not resolved in the near future. According to other information, earlier Maslov was going to fly to Moscow for hot-air balloon and drop leaflets on the Kremlin.

On the afternoon of August 23, a strange thing happened: either the administration of the Krasnodar Territory announced a meeting between the governor and farmers, or tractor drivers marching on the Kremlin denied that they did not know who he was meeting with. As a result, it turned out that only one female farmer went to the meeting - and she was detained by riot police on her return back to Rostov for a protest action. In a matter of minutes, it became clear that the soldiers of the National Guard had detained everyone.

Who is the initiator and organizer of the protest action? Who benefits? How does this look like a planned provocation? Is there political overtones here? Using open sources, you can learn a lot of interesting things about the leaders of the angry tractor drivers, and about those whom they consider to be raiders.

Who are these people

One of the activists of the "march on Moscow" was a 37-year-oldAlexey Volchenko from the village of Kalininskaya. This is not his first opposition action. According to the publication Kavpolit. com , ten years ago he became one of the initiators of the burning of several tons of sunflower seeds, expressing his dissatisfaction with the low purchase prices. In 2011, Volchenko commented to the media on the protest action of the inhabitants of the Boyko-Ponura farm, who went on a hunger strike because, in their opinion, of violations in the registration of land ownership. At the end of 2012, he was also listed among the organizers of a rally in the village of Starovelichkovskaya, whose participants threatened to go to Krasnodar on combines and tractors and picket the regional administration. The protesting activist was repeatedly brought to justice by law enforcement agencies - in July 2008 he was convicted by the Pervomaisky District Court of Krasnodar under Part 2 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Fraud), part 2 of Art. 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Property damage by deception by a group of persons by prior agreement) to six months in a colony-settlement. In October 2010, a farmer who demanded fairness and decency from those around him was sentenced by the Kalininsky District Court under Part 1 of Art. 157 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (payment of alimony) to 60 hours of corrective labor. Today, judging by the official website of the regional department of the FSSP, Alexei Volchenko has a large number of unpaid insurance premiums, the writ of execution for which is in the work of the Kuban bailiffs.

Another participant in the farm protest, 46-year-old Oleg Petrov, is the owner of a peasant farm. farming and agricultural enterprise "Romashka". He claims that the Rodina agricultural company has unlawfully taken possession of the land in the village of Kazanskaya. The documents confirm that the fields were handed over to Rodina on the basis of court decisions. The district prosecutor's office and other supervisory authorities did not find any violations of the law. The farmer accuses the judges of corruption and personal interest, and of inaction - the prosecutor of the district Nikolai Borozents. At the same time, an inspection carried out by the prosecutor's office of the Kavkazsky district with the involvement of specialists from the Ministry natural resources Krai, it was established that Petrov arbitrarily uses 11 land plots located in the water protection zone of the Beisug River.

Another representative of the "angry farmers" -Nikolai Maslov from the Caucasian region of the Kuban, claiming shares in the really successful SHP "Dmitrievskoe". Repeatedly sought justice in the courts, along the way accusing the judiciary of bias. But according to the villagers in the material of "Kavpolit", Maslov himself leases his fields to third parties, relatives of the leadership of the Caucasus region.

Who can benefit from it

The main mouthpiece of the tractor protest -Vasily Melnichenko , director of the agricultural enterprise "Galkinskoye" Kamyshlovskiy district of the Sverdlovsk region, chairman social movement"Federal Village Council". Melnichenko during recent years regularly appeared in the media as a "truth-truth farmer from the Urals". Currently, he is running for deputies of the State Duma in the 147th constituency (Penza region) from the Green Party. He posts a chronicle of the action of tractor drivers step by step on social networks. It is possible that PR at a high-profile action should serve to increase his political capital.

Who is on the other side of this conflict - who are these, so to speak, accused of raiding and other outrages in the countryside?

Alexey Volchenko in a comment to the publication Proved.rf calls the well-known Kuban businessman Oleg Makarevich, the head of the large YuMK holding, a raider. He owns SK Oktyabr LLC. According to information Zampolit. com , Makarevich was previously charged with organizing illegal financial schemes and abuse of power, but the court acquitted him. In 2012 the magazine "Russian reporter" published a large material on the conflicts between Kuban farmers and Makarevich's structures - and, oddly enough, Volchenko appears among the main characters. The conflict has been going on for years.

Oleg Petrov blames the farmers of the Rodina IC for the problems, and at the same time calls the head of the Kavkazsky district Vitaly Ochkasov the real owner of the land shares. In conversation with the newspaper South-Times" Leonid Tersenov, general director of SK Rodina, says that unfortunate farmers decided to replace market laws with social pressure, while ten years ago they stole the land, got rich and they need more land. In the same material, other farmers reproach Oleg Petrov for exactly what he is fighting against - preventing the allocation of shares from the peasant farm (KFH).

Farmers from the Kanevsky district in an interview with the publication Rus 2 Web point to the forcible seizure of land and its alienation in favor of the agricultural holding "Agrotek". According to the publication's sources, this may be due to the fact that 50% of the founder's fee in the Agrotek enterprise belongs to the cousin of Igor Belokhortov, deputy chairman of the Kanevsky district court. As well as 25% of the authorized capital of Agrotek LLC - from the wife of the head of the Agricultural Administration for the Kanevsky District, Sergei Tochilkina.

In the Kavkazsky region, Nikolai Maslov demands that 100 hectares of land be transferred to him, which are now rented by the Dmitrievskoye agricultural enterprise. True, as he writesTVNZ" , shareholders are satisfied with the contractual relationship with the SHP, and they do not want to transfer the shares to Maslov.

In the Korenovsky district, LLC Zolotoy Kolos prevents farmers from living and working.

Farmers in the Novopokrovsky district mention problems with Robert Khakhalev, whose wife is the deputy chairman of the court of the Krasnodar Territory, resolving emerging issues.

Representatives of the Labinsk district are talking about conflicts with the agricultural holding "Kanevskoy". According to information The Moscow Post , it is controlled by the former presidential envoy in the Southern Federal District, General of the Army Viktor Kazantsev.

Who else can benefit from it: opinions

Vyacheslav Potapov, a journalist and editor of the Sovetskaya Kuban publication, is convinced that the main person behind the action is the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Veniamin Kondratyev. The head of the region has long been actively promoting the idea of ​​allocating land to farmers without bidding at the federal level. Back in August 2015, he voiced this proposal during the visit of Prime Minister Medvedev to Krasnodar, a year later, the idea had to be repeated - but this time the head of government did not keep silent, but supported Kondratiev's idea.

Potapov recalls that for the first time the governor spoke about the problems of farmers in this vein the next day after a press conference where farmers denounced the judiciary. And his speech happened precisely at the panel of judges of the Krasnodar Regional Court.

- After that, the governor begins to massively advocate for giving land to the Cossacks without competitions and auctions, and now farmers. But we understand very well - and who will give land for free, without competitions and auctions? Regional officials so terrorized the federal government that when Medvedev arrived, he said - I agree with everything, we need to support the village, change the law. That is, officials, manipulating this problem, have already forced the federal government to change rules of the game, - says the journalist.

Potapov immediately recovers.

- I do not want to say that farmers are provocateurs. Everyone has their own problem, their own pain. But the regional officials impudently use this to squeeze changes in the legislation from the federals, - he says.

Political strategist Alexander Topalov disagrees with the editor of Sovetskaya Kuban. He is sure that the "marching" pursue personal interests.

- In theory, the march could be associated with anything, because, as we have already seen, farmers know how to surprise. Therefore, it is possible that the final requirements of the participants of the action may differ from those declared initially. At the same time, it is fundamentally wrong to assume that the action was started by structures associated with the governor. The situation with the march is probably under the control of the federal structures and the regional authorities would not be substituted like that,- the expert notes.

Topalov believes that the new government shows readiness for dialogue.

- Under Tkachev, the farmers who went on the march would most likely have long been sitting in their villages without tractors and without land plots, says the political scientist. - Now the situation is different, not only in the region, but in the country as a whole. The authorities can no longer resolve issues exclusively voluntaristically, there are a huge number of civil society institutions that do not allow this. Otherwise, the farmers we are talking about would not even be able to travel outside the farm where they gathered on Sunday. The current governor has repeatedly demonstrated his readiness for dialogue with any groups of dissatisfied citizens, so I see no reason to be surprised at his meeting with farmers. The hype is beneficial primarily to those groups of people who have the least land. The redistribution is always beneficial to the side that will receive more after it than it has now.

However, Vyacheslav Potapov considers the new (Kondratiev elected governor less than a year ago) Kuban government to be such a side - and we are talking about the land.

- We have a common legal principle of equality, according to which we are all equal. I can ask for land, you can. In order to choose whom to give land to, it looks like efficiency, who can pay how much - the usual market mechanisms are used. So far, what Kondratiev has managed to do is actually force the federal authorities to abandon the principle of efficiency. After all, look - we do not give contracts, for example, to organizations of the disabled. We say - participate in competitions and auctions, even if we even wanted to. But today we have created a mechanism when everything goes through competitions and auctions, - the journalist notes.

He is sure that if the principle of efficiency is abandoned, the "necessary" farmers will receive the land.

But, according to political strategist Topalov, the government has been denied dialogue for too long to be suspected of being interested.

- The march is connected with the fact that a narrow group of farmers realizes the impossibility of solving their problems in a completely legal way and completely in their favor. That is why they refuse to negotiate and raise the stakes as much as possible, holding such high-profile actions, he is sure.

Too early to draw conclusions

Surely much of what agricultural holdings and their high-ranking owners are accused of is not far from the truth. But protest methods and the way farmers do business also raise questions. Who is more efficient on the ground - a small private owner or a large agricultural holding? AT current situation with the sale of products, credit resources, real production facilities- a rhetorical question.

As Vyacheslav Legkodukh, Commissioner for Farmers' Rights (Ombudsman) of the Krasnodar Territory, said in a comment to YUGA.ru, the consequences of the "march of tractor drivers" will have negative consequences for the farmers' movement.

- I myself am a farmer, and these people discredit us,- he said.

Who and to what extent the people detained by the National Guard discredit will become clear later. It is difficult to make guilty of being biased by the authorities those whom the authorities accuse of provocations - although it is not easy to recognize them as innocent sheep.

- Today, farmers are sitting in Rostov, where the riot police are. They've lost control, they're hysterical, they don't know what to do. It is impossible to control the situation by setting fire to autumn forest dry branches. The wind blew and everything caught fire. This is exactly what happened to them- concluded Vyacheslav Potapov.