Scenario of an event for schoolchildren on the topic of traffic rules. Scenario of the propaganda team on traffic rules "make it a rule to follow all the rules." The game "Allowed - prohibited"

  • 13.11.2019

Targets and goals:

  • To consolidate in children the acquired knowledge about traffic rules;
  • Promotion of traffic rules among parents;
  • Teach children to be responsible for their own safety.
  • Enrich and activate children's vocabulary;
  • Develop logical thinking, teach "calculate" various situations arising in road traffic;
  • Develop creative abilities.

Methods and techniques:

  • Solving problem situations;
  • Appeal to personal experience;
  • Discussion;
  • staging;
  • Blitz - poll;
  • Game;
  • Examination of drawings and crafts;
  • Questions for children;
  • Explanations;
  • Directions;
  • Independent solution of creative problems;
  • Self control.


  • Drawings and posters on traffic rules;
  • Crafts - vehicles;
  • Road signs;
  • Car;
  • Bike;
  • Tables for children - 5 pcs.;
  • Projector, tape recorder;
  • Costumes: queen, traffic light, traffic controller.

Preliminary work:

  • Learning poems, songs, dances;
  • Making crafts;
  • Making drawings, posters;
  • Examining illustrations;
  • Viewing presentations;
  • Reading educational literature.


(music sounds to the motive of the song “Little Country” - the presenter sings the song)

There are mountains, forests

Little country

There are signs with kind eyes

Along all roads are

So that we do not have anxiety

So that trouble does not happen

Complex road rules important

Help you know here

Know the traffic rules

There would be no accident

I would always be calm

traffic police officer

Hurry to our country

Learn the rules

This knowledge will help you

Bold to be on the road

Leading: Good evening, Dear friends! And he is kind because we ended up in a wonderful country of the traffic police. There are a lot of interesting and instructive things here. To get to know her, we have to go a long way.

And the participants of the game will help me in this. Let's welcome them!

(music sounds to the motive of the song "Moscow Windows", the participants of the game enter)

Please take a seat in our hall. So, the doors of my country have opened up and we are met with entertaining questions on traffic rules. And I will ask you, dear adults, to answer them. You need to answer questions quickly, and most importantly correctly.

(melody sounds)

1. Pedestrian road (sidewalk)

2. What kind of vehicle can even a child master (bike)

3. From which side do they bypass the bus (and the tram)

4. Place of intersection of roads (crossroads)

5. Attribute of the traffic controller (rod)

6. How he looked before (white cane)

7. Any carriageway (road) used for traffic

8. Past traffic police (GAI)

9. Person driving the vehicle (driver)

10. Person walking on the sidewalk (pedestrian)

11. First warning signs (crossroad, sharp turn, railroad crossing, rough road)

12. At what age is it allowed to ride a bike on the streets and roads (at least 14 years old)

Host: Well done, you successfully helped us overcome the first leg of the journey.

(sounds of moving cars, crash sounds)


1. Pedestrian gets hit by a car

2. Play close to the road and on the roadway

3. Movement of the cyclist

(members of the movement froze)

- Dear viewers, what violations did you see? (answers from the audience)

- That's right, thanks. Now let's listen to the participants of the movement.

Pedestrian, pedestrian

Remember about the transition

Underground, ground


Know that only the transition

Will save you from cars

So that you don't have

Grief and misfortune

Don't ever play

On the road

You can run without looking back

In the yard and on the site

Do you like to ride with the wind

Are you not familiar with this sign?

Do you have a bike

So stop! There is no road!

(music sounds to the tune of the song "Funny Man")


There are traffic lights

Obey them without question!

(traffic light dance)

The red light tells us

Stop, it's dangerous, the way is closed!

yellow light warning

Wait for the signal to move!

Green light opened the way

Guys can go!


But don't rush here

Take a good look first

Be careful on the way

Left, look right

Walk on the sidewalk

Right side only

(music sounds, traffic controller exits)


Raise my hand quickly

I will deftly wave my rod

All cars will immediately stop

Friendship will stop going

People don't worry

Walks across the street

I'm standing at the crossroads

I am a traffic inspector

Day and night on duty

I am doing the service I need!

(two girls appear)

1 girl: It's getting dark, we have to go home

Girl 2: Oh, look, what's ahead?

Girl 1: Let's go and see!

2 girl: And let's go to the races. One two Three!

(they find the box, the traffic controller blows his whistle)

Host: Dear viewers! What violations did you see in this situation?

(audience responses)

Now let's listen to our heroes:

Traffic controller: Why are you violating? Or don't you know that you need to switch to a green light?


And there are no traffic lights!


If I face you

Ile back, be well done

Be patient, I look strictly

So the road is busy!

Leading: This position of the body of the traffic controller corresponds to the red signal of the traffic light.


If I raise my hand

Nobody moves!

Leading: A raised hand with a wand up corresponds to a yellow traffic light.


Now I've turned sideways

The path is clear ahead

Don't yawn, move on!

Leading: Such a gesture of the "owner" of the intersection corresponds to a green traffic light.

What did you find girls?

Always be vigilant, children

Do not open packages yourself!

And in this folder there is one more task for you. You need to fold the cut pictures. And what, we will find out when our participants complete the task. There are several task packages here, so I will invite three more participants.

While our members are busy, I want to draw your attention to this a wonderful gallery of drawings and a collection of vehicles.

According to the regulation on the competition, our competent commission reviewed and determined the places.


Word to parents:

It's good that there is a traffic police country in the world

She will always help us and everywhere

According to the rules of the road

Do you have in kindergarten have an office

There let our drawings and products

Children will be successful in their studies!

- Thank you, all this will certainly come in handy in the classroom for traffic rules.

Now back to our members. They did an excellent job. And what did they get? (transport: freight and passenger, special purpose vehicles)

Let's hear from our members:

Here on the rails the car rushes

Holding on to wires

And she does not need gasoline

To rush hither and thither

That's a car, that's a car

Cabin as tall as a house

And wheels high

Twice taller than you and me

Throwing a fire arrow

A car rushes into the distance

And any fire will flood

Bold squad

Miracle - the janitor in front of us

With hardened hands

In one minute raked

Huge snowdrift

Crowded, noisy, young

The city rumbles underground

And at home with the people here

Very fast running

Leading: And on our way they meet us road signs. I suggest you play. Listen to the rules of the game: while the music is playing, the children move randomly between the signs. As soon as the music stops, everyone listens attentively to me and act in accordance with my instructions. I invite interested participants.

(one, two, three - find warning signs;

one, two, three - find the prohibition signs;

one, two, three - find service signs;

one, two, three - find the signs of priority;

one, two, three - informational - find signs.

What do these signs mean?

Presenter: rules of the road

In the life of each of us are important

Adults must know and observe them

Kids need to learn too!

(all participants perform a song to the motive "The Bremen Town Musicians")

There is no need for pedestrians in the world

Rules for safe transitions

Those who know are not afraid of anxiety

Neither on the sidewalk nor on the road / 2 p.

We will never forget the rules

They all benefit people.

And only he will not get into trouble

Who is a diligent and honest pedestrian / 2 p.

Presenter: So our journey through my country of the traffic police has ended. All of you have shown excellent knowledge of the rules of the road, and all of you can bear the title of “young pedestrian” with dignity.

(word to the traffic police, head of the MBDOU)

(presentation of certificates of the "young pedestrian")

Host: Thank you all for your participation and help in preparing and holding the holiday.

Natalia Pushkina
Scenario game program according to traffic rules for junior schoolchildren"Happy Crossroads"

The scenario of the event according to the rules of the road for younger children school age "Happy Crossroads"

Goal and tasks:

To expand students' understanding of the rules of the road, the rules of behavior for a pedestrian and a driver in street conditions;

Develop attention and observation, memory, thinking;

To cultivate respect for the rules of the road, to teach the rules of behavior on the street, in society.


Road signs,

Balloons (red, yellow, green,

toy cars,

Puzzles with the image of a road sign,


Form of the game: two teams of 6-8 people are formed from the students of the class. The host of the game in each competition gives tasks to the teams and evaluates them with the help of round cardboard tokens: green, red, yellow. For a correct and complete answer at the stage, teams receive a green token, for an incomplete answer - yellow, for an incorrect answer - red. At the end of the game, according to the number of tokens, teams count points (for 1 green token - 3 points, for yellow - 2 points, for red - 0 points). The team with the most points wins.

Event progress:

The song "Green Light" sounds (words by N. Zinoviev, music by R. Pauls) performed by V. Leontiev

Leading: Hello, dear guys, I am glad to welcome you to the Merry Crossing competition. Let's start with getting to know each other. There are 2 teams in today's game. So, it's time to greet each other. (Representation of teams: captain, name and motto.)

Leading: Wonderful! Teams are ready to show good results in knowledge of traffic rules. To check how really the guys are in great shape and good spirits, I propose a game for the most attentive and friendly team "It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!". I will read out the questions, if you agree with the statement, then loudly and unanimously shout the phrase “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”, if you do not agree, be silent. Started!

Who walks to school like a merry gang every day?

Who always goes forward with his mouth wide open?

Who lets cars through, does everyone follow the traffic rules?

Who walks indiscriminately at traffic lights?

Who always gives way to the elders in a cramped tram?

Who, holding with one hand, famously rushes along the pavement?

Who will cross the road only where the crossing is?

Who kicks the ball merry on the road in front of the school?

Who, playing in the yard, explains to the children “Remember the rules of movement, like a multiplication table!”?

Leading: Our next competition called "Funny Traffic Lights" is about balloons, with their help you will need to make a traffic light.

I explain the terms. This competition is attended by 4 people from the team. Each team must light a traffic light, for this you are given three balloons and threads. And at a distance of 3 meters, pay attention, there are assistants, they will act as a rack on which you hang all three balls with a clothespin. The winner is the team that will light the cheerful traffic light faster and better. So, to the start, attention, march!

Sounds music V. Leontiev. "Green light" is the relay race "Merry traffic light".

(The results of the relay race "Cheerful traffic light" are summed up, the teams are given tokens)

Leading:"Auto relay" is our next competition. There are letters at the finish line, you need to transport them to the start with the help of a children's car. On command, the players with the first numbers run to the finish line, put one of the letters in the car and run back, pass the car to the second participant, taking their letter, etc. After all the letters are at the start, you need to make a word out of them. The team that moves the letters forward and makes a word wins.

The music is playing, the relay race is on.

Props: 2 children's cars, 2 sets of letters the word "bike".

Leading: Guys, tell me, do you like to relax with your parents in nature, with a tent, with a fire, where there is a river, dads are happy to fish, and moms cook fish soup. Great! Our next competition is called "Autofishing" - a competition of captains.

I ask the captains to come to me. Here are the fishing rods, and at a distance of 2 meters there is the so-called "lake", where the "fish" live. Captains take places at the cone of the corresponding color. Your task is to catch as many fish from the lake as possible in 1 minute and give the correct answers to the questions. Get started, pay attention. We started. Time has gone.


At the landing sites

Transport passengers are waiting

Established order

You can't break it here either.

"Bus stop or

trolley bus"

This sign is like this:

He is guarding the pedestrian.

Let's go with the doll together

We make our way to this place.

« Crosswalk»

On the roads for pedestrians

It became easier with the transition.

Under the ground even the area

Going is much easier.

"Underground crossing"

Only cars drive here

Tires flash threateningly.

Do you have a bike?

So stop!

There is no road!

"Biking is prohibited"

I'm in a circle with a red outline,

It means it's dangerous here.

Here, understand, prohibition

Pedestrian traffic.

"No Pedestrians"

The man in the blue circle

This is clear to the whole district:

Cars won't go here

Pedestrians are welcome.


Lida with a doll in alarm:

They need a doctor on the road.

Don't look sad

Help is near! The doctor is near!

"Point of First Aid"

The car rushes at full speed,

And suddenly towards the sign:

It has a fence on it.

I rub my eyes, look straight ahead:

Highway closed to the fence?

And what is this sign?

"Railway crossing with a barrier"

Man is digging the earth.

Why is there no way?

Maybe they're looking for treasure here.

and old coins

Are they in a big chest?

They are here, probably old

Hid a very greedy king.

"Road works"

I want to ask about the sign

Drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running with all their might.

My friend says:

This means the path is closed.

With numbers on the chest.

On the road - relay race,

The kids need to run somewhere.

But I'm afraid, however,

The sign has a different meaning.

We walked home from school

We see a sign on the pavement

Circle, inside the bike

there is nothing else

(Bike Lane)

I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this

Guys in the triangle

they are running with all their might.

If you put your foot

on the road

Pay attention friend:

Road sign - red circle

man walking in black

crossed out with a red line

And the road is like, but

It's forbidden to walk here

(No Pedestrians)

Are you waiting for landing?

On the assigned site

You do not need skill -

This place (stop)

A person is drawn

man digs the earth

Why is there no passage (Road works)

I didn't wash my hands on the road

Ate fruits, vegetables,

Got sick and see the item


What should I do?

What do i do?

Need to call urgently

Both you and he should know

In this place… (phone)

Here is a fork, here is a spoon

refuel a little

fed the dog

say thank you sign (food item)

Leading: The next contest of our game is "Theatre - Impromptu". In our theater you will all be actors and each of you will play your part. I will give you cards with the names of animals, objects, people, to each his own. You should portray each of your characters only when it is about him. So let's start.

Text options.

On the road.

The night has come. The full moon rose in the sky and began to shine in all directions. The stars swirled in a round dance. A Mercedes appeared on the road, rushing at great speed. The driver did not notice the log lying on the road. "Mercedes" crashed into him and flew into a ditch. Sparks flew from the driver's eyes. He went off the road, thought, and sat down on a stump. The stump crackled. Ahead, a dog barked sadly. “That means there are people nearby ...” - the head scratcher scratched, sighed heavily and trudged off for help.

Who is guilty?

It was a clear day. The sun shone merrily. Sasha was returning home from school by bus. He got off the bus, and in order to be faster, he began to bypass the bus in front. Suddenly, a snarling truck appeared in front of him. Sasha screamed in fright, the brakes creaked. A traffic police inspector drove up on a motorcycle. He looked at the boy and breathed a sigh of relief. This time everything went well. People were running from all sides.

Leading: The next competition is "Automulti"

Guys, do you remember how your mother read and told you fairy tales as a child? Remember? Let's recall some of them. So I will call fairy tale character or a literary hero, and you have to tell me their vehicle.

1. On what vehicle did the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka travel? (train)

2. What did Emelya ride to the king in the palace (on the stove)

3. Cat Leopold's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport? (bike)

4. What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (in a carriage)

5. Name the means of transportation controlled by Baba Yaga. (mortar, broom)

6. What kind of vehicle did the robber Ali Baba have? (horse)

(teams are given tokens)

7. What did old Hottabych fly on? (on a flying carpet)

8. What gift did the parents of Uncle Fyodor give to the postman Pechkin? (bike)

9. What did Carlson, who lives on the roof, smear with jam? (own motor)

10. What did Baron Munchausen fly? (On the core)

11. What did Kai ride? (Sledging)

Leading: The next competition is "Collect a car"

Each team receives an envelope with a "disassembled car" (puzzles). The team that collects the car first wins.

Host: The next competition is "Who is faster"

Race speed competition. Each team member needs to "drive" the track with obstacles (from skittles) in a toy car.

Leading: The next competition is "Auto Riddles"

1. There is a tower

Whistling strumming

blinking eyes,

Manages the road.

(Traffic light)

2. Houses stand in two rows,

Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row.

And square eyes

They look at each other.

3. Does not fly, does not buzz,

The beetle runs down the street.

And burn in the eyes of the beetle

Two brilliant lights.


4. Small, remote,

Screams loudly.


5. Girdled stone belt

Hundreds of cities and villages.

6. Starts from home,

At home it ends.

7. Rushing and shooting

Grumbles quickly.

The tram can't keep up

Behind this chatterbox.


8. Early in the morning outside the window,

Knock, and ringing, and confusion.

On straight steel tracks

There are red houses.


9. I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very fast at any hour

I'll take you underground.

10. The house is walking down the street,

They take us on a tour.

Not on thin chicken legs,

And rubber boots.


11. Then they are round and forbid us everything,

That triangular and warn us

That we are ordered

How to behave

And what awaits us along the way.

12. Strange Zebra:

Doesn't eat or drink

But without food and drink he will not die.


13. Here it is on the pavement

Tall, slender guard.

Turns, turns his head

To all passers-by he says:

The path is now open to you.


14. I run with two legs,

While the rider is sitting on me.

My horns are in his hands

And speed is in his feet.

I'm only steady on the run

I can't stand still.


15. I want to ask about the sign.

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running with all their might.

16. Miracle wand, she

Known to everyone, visible to everyone.

Noticeable during the day, but in the evening

Illuminated from within.

(Regulator's Rod)

17. Here come four brothers

On the beaten track,

But they are not legs at all.

Never break up

Two trails wind behind them.

18. We went home from school,

We see a sign on the pavement:

Circle, inside the bike,

There is nothing else!

("Bicycle lane")

19. Brake soon driver!

You can hit the fence!

Who barred our way

And blocked the road?

("Railway barrier")

20. On four legs

They put on boots.

Before putting on

The pump began to inflate them.

21. Pedestrian in the blue circle

Don't rush, go.

The path is safe

Here he is not afraid.


22. Here is a circle with a red border,

There is no drawing inside.

Maybe a beautiful girl

Should there be a portrait inside?

The circle is empty in winter and summer,

What is this sign called?

("Movement Prohibition")

23. Why would it suddenly

The arrows stood together in a circle,

And the cars behind each other

Rushing merrily in a circle?

What is, in fact,

It's like we're on a carousel!

We are on the square with you

There is no straight road here.

("Circular motion")

24. A man walking in black

Crossed out with a red line.

And the road, like, but

It is forbidden to walk here!

("No Pedestrians")

25. Carries a trunk, not an elephant.

But he is stronger than the elephant.

He replaces hundreds of hands.

Without a shovel, but digging.


26. A rolling pin walks along the road,

Heavy, huge.

And now we have a road

Like a ruler, straight.

(Road roller) 27. Soon there will be a garden -

The sign will let you know.

If you have a shovel with you,

You guys are always welcome there!

("Road works")

28. Apparently they will build a house -

Bricks hang around.

But in our yard

The construction site is not visible.

("No entry")

29. This sign is visible for those

Who studied best

And so to him

Attached the letter U.

(training vehicle)

30. The shape of the sign is strange

No more guys!

It's not a square, it's not a circle

And all of a sudden the cars stopped.

("Movement without stopping is prohibited")

Leading: The next competition is "Artist's Island"

Task: "Draw a tram" blindfolded. The artist's assistant can prompt without touching him.

Leading: Well, the last competition of our program - "Cut Sign"

Each team is offered an envelope containing a cut road sign. Teams must draw up a road sign and name it. The team that collects the sign faster wins. (any road sign.)

Winner's reward ceremony.

Leading: We congratulate our participants and wish to always and everywhere be friendly, active, attentive, smart.

The song "Green Light" performed by V. Leontiev sounds

Road serpentine. Scenario of a sports and game program for elementary grades

Work description.
This material is for children.
elementary school age and will be useful for teachers elementary school, educators, teachers-organizers, teachers additional education. The event is aimed at preventing child road traffic injuries in summer period. Therefore, it is advisable to spend this holiday in a summer health camp.
Author - compiler: Bibeeva Tatyana Georgievna, educator of the extended day group of the municipal educational institution "Raisemenovskaya secondary school" of the Serpukhov district, Moscow region.
Target: increasing children's motivation to learn the rules of the road by repeating the rules of the road in a playful way.
to consolidate knowledge of road signs, their purpose;
to expand knowledge about traffic rules and the culture of behavior on the road and on the street.
develop motor qualities: endurance, agility, coordination; promote the development of mindfulness, observation;
to cultivate the skills of conscious implementation of the basic rules of behavior of students on the street, road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries in the summer.
Equipment: multimedia installation; presentation in Power Point; musical equipment and a selection of musical accompaniment; traffic rules instructions for players; prizes; signal cards No. 1,2,3 (2 copies); traffic signals; tokens; 2 racks; 3 hoops; 2 split signs "Pedestrian crossing"; 3 cars; 3 baskets; 15 pins; 2 sets of traffic signs; names of categories of road signs; traffic controller's baton; two red flags; two ropes; 2 sets of white paper strips according to the number of players in the teams.

Event progress

Leading: Everyone, good afternoon everyone! We are very pleased to see you all in our hall today! Today, our competitors will compete not only in strength, agility, ingenuity, speed, but also in knowledge of traffic literacy and a culture of safe behavior on the street and on the road!
Each team, completing a certain task, earns tokens. The fan team has prepared its riddles and questions, and if the teams answer incorrectly, the token goes to the fan team.
Our honest jury monitors the correctness of the assignments. (Introduction of the members of the jury).

Slide 3.
Leading: Your task is to come up with a name for your team and choose a captain. In the meantime, we invite you to the distant past of our country. Welcome to the fan team:

Interesting Facts:
- The first traffic light appeared in Moscow in 1930.
- January 3, 1683 Peter 1 issued a decree on the rules of the road.
- And in 1812, the most real rules were already in force in Moscow.
- In 1891, the first car appeared in Russia.
- The word "car" comes from a combination of the Greek word "autos" - itself and the Latin "mobilis" - mobile = self-propelled carriage.
- The first cars were very reminiscent of a horse-drawn carriage and did not go faster than it. They often broke, made noise and smoked.

slide 4.
Leading: So we begin the funniest of all sports and the most athletic of all fun games- "Road serpentine!"
Let's welcome the teams! ……….
Questions from fans: - Guys, do you know what the abbreviation STSI stands for? (Answers of children).
- What do you think, who are the main road users? (Answers of children).
Correct answer: - STSI - State Inspectorate for Road Safety.
- The main road users are drivers and pedestrians.
Those who are on the sidewalks and the pedestrian part of the road are called pedestrians. The one who is driving the car is the driver. The person who boards the vehicle is called a passenger. And the driver, if he got out of his car, becomes a pedestrian. Traffic rules exist for drivers, and for pedestrians, and for passengers, and for cyclists.
Leading: Warm-up "HIGHWAY OF CLUES"

What does the word "chauffeur" mean in French?
1. Coachman.
2. Fireman.
3. Stoker.

What does the word "sidewalk" mean in French?
1. Pedestrian path.
2. I walk nearby.
3. Safe place.

What does the word "Bicycle" mean in Latin?
1. Fast-footed.
2. I'll catch up.
3. Long walk.

Which of the pets is considered the most careful when crossing the road?
1. Goose.
2. Cow.
3. Cat.

Name a brand of car named after the daughter of a wealthy customer.
1. Lada.
2. Mercedes.
3. Honda.

What is the name of a sports bike?
1. Alliance.
2. Duet.
3. Tandem.

Attributes: signal cards No. 1,2,3 (2 copies)

Slide 5.
Fan question: Where and how can you cross the road? (Answers from the players).
Correct answer: - Pedestrians must cross the street only at pedestrian crossings marked with a special sign "Pedestrian crossing". In their absence, it is allowed to cross the road at a right angle where it is clearly visible in both directions.

slide 6.
Fan question:- For whom is the “Pedestrian crossing” sign in a triangle with a red border and a black pattern installed? (Answers from the players).
Correct answer: - The sign "Pedestrian crossing" warns the driver about approaching the crossing. Where the sign "Pedestrian crossing" is installed in a triangle with a red border and a black pattern, pedestrians cannot cross the road.

Slide 7.
Riddle of the fans: Look - a dashing fighter
Stood on our pavement
He quickly extended his hand
Deftly he waved his wand. (guard)
Fans' question: - Whose instructions on the road are more important, a traffic controller or a traffic light? (Answers from the players). Correct answer: - The instruction of the traffic controller is more important than the signal of a traffic light. Everyone - both drivers and pedestrians - must obey his instructions.
Leading: 1st stage of testing "REGULATOR"

The first and last participant holds a flag in his hand. At the signal of the traffic controller, the teams one after another, holding the rope, move in steps. (If the traffic controller is facing the children, lowered hands (red) - the children stop; raised hand in front of them with a rod up, facing the children (yellow) - the children walk in place ; hands sideways to the sides (green) - the children quickly go forward.) Which team reaches the finish line faster, raises its flags and wins.
Attributes: traffic controller's baton, two red flags, two ropes.

Slide 8.
Riddle fans: - What kind of sign? Down the steps A man goes underground. Maybe he's in a hurry on the subway? Maybe the elevator is broken? ("Underground crossing")

Question from fans: - How many types of pedestrian crossings do you know, and which one is the safest? (Answers from the players). Correct answer: - There are four types of crossings: regulated, unregulated, underground, ground. The safest passage is the underground passage.

The first child stands with an emphasis on the palms and feet, bending back up like a “bridge”, the next one crawls under it, then change again, at the finish they take a strip of white paper and put it on the floor, run from the counter and greet with their palms, pass the baton to another pair. Whoever lays out the transition faster, that team wins.
Attributes: 2 sets of stripes according to the number of players in teams.

slide 9.

Leading: Attention to the screen, guess where we are? That's right, this is "PUZZLE STREET" Teams receive cards with puzzles (road, car, wheel, transition, driver, street). For a certain time on the hourglass, you must guess as many puzzles as possible.

slide 10.
Riddles of the fans: - Guess the road sign?
At this point, the pedestrian is patiently waiting for transport. He is tired of walking on foot, He wants to become a passenger. ("Bus or trolley bus stop")

What a wonder this house is The windows light up all around. Wears shoes made of rubber And eats gasoline. (Bus)

Fan question:
- Explain the rules for entering and exiting the transport and its bypass. (Answers from the players).
Correct answer: - You can’t bypass the transport either in front or behind, you need to wait until it leaves, and the road will be visible in both directions, but it’s better to move to a safe distance, and if there is a pedestrian crossing, then you should cross the road along it.

Leading: The next stage of testing is for you, "PASSENGERS"!

Participants are divided into fours: the first - the driver holds the hoop behind his back, three - the passenger. Passengers are in a hoop. It is necessary to run around the bar as soon as possible and pass the hoop to the next four participants. The team that completes the task first, and the passengers remain safe and sound, wins.
Attributes: three landmarks and three hoops.

Slide 11.
Riddle of the fans: This horse does not eat oats, Instead of legs - two wheels,
Sit on horseback - and rush on it, Only it's better to drive! (Bike).

slide 12.
Leading: Quiz "ATTENTION, CYCLISTS!" for knowledge of traffic rules.

Can a cyclist ride on the road if there is a bike path nearby?
1. Yes. 2. No. 3. I don't know exactly.

Can a nine year old passenger be transported on a bicycle?
1. Yes. 2. No. 3. Not sure.

How should a cyclist inform other road users of his intention to stop?
1. Right arm extended forward. 2. Raise your hand up. 3. Left arm outstretched to the side.

Do cyclists need to wear a helmet when driving on a country road?
1. Yes, always. 2. If possible. 3. No.

How should a cyclist inform other road users of their intention to turn right?
1. The right arm is extended forward. 2. Left 2. Arm extended to the side.
3. The right arm is extended to the side.

Is towing a bicycle allowed?
1. Yes. 2. Sometimes. 3. No.

slide 13.
At what age is it legal to ride a bike on public roads?
1. From 18 years old. 2. From the age of 16. 3. From the age of 14.

How to get across the roadway on a bicycle?
1. I will ride a bicycle on a pedestrian crossing.
2. I will cross the pedestrian crossing, and I will drive the bicycle nearby.
3. I will carry the bike in my arms.

Slide 14.
What should be checked on the bike before the trip in the first place?
1. Rudder. 2. Wheels. 3. Brakes.

What to do if you see a sign "No bicycles" in front of you
1. I'll go further, I'm in a hurry.
2. I will get off in front of the sign and carry the bike on my back.
3. I will get off in front of the sign and drive it along the sidewalk, shoulder or along the edge of the carriageway.

slide 15.
Fan Mystery:
I blink my eyes Tirelessly day and night. And I help cars, And I want to help you. (Traffic light)
Leading: I suggest everyone to warm up and play the game "REPEAT AFTER THE SIGNAL". I have three circles: red, yellow and green. Follow the traffic light signal and perform certain actions:
At the red signal - we squat together. On the yellow signal - clap your hands. On the green signal - we have fun jumping.
Be careful! Ready? Begin!

slide 16.
Leading: And now you are waiting for an exciting relay race "TURN ON THE TRAFFIC LIGHT"

Teams line up one behind the other in front of the traffic lights. Everyone picks up the ball and takes turns trying to get into one of the eyes of the traffic light. A successful throw, if the ball hits the center of any circle, is evaluated as follows: Green - 3 tokens; Yellow - 2 tokens; Red - 1 token. The team with the most tokens wins.
Attributes: 2 balls per team.

slide 17.
Fan Mystery:
He will indicate the turn And the underpass, Without him it is impossible in any way! This is a friend ... (road sign).
Leading: Guys, attention, in front of you is the Lane of road signs, here the players must determine the road sign and, after consulting with the team, give the correct answer. A team can earn that many tokens. how many correct answers.

Slide 18. Fan Tips:
In the red triangle, the signs are cautious. They warn, call for attention.

Signs prohibit different movements: overtaking and turning - And in red circles circles their people.

And there are signs - good friends. Indicate the direction of your movement.

Fan riddles:
This sign - the figure is important, Means the transition. And the driver must know:
The stop is waiting for him. ("Crosswalk")

Well, what if a pedestrian
Pavement out of the way?
If a pedestrian needs
Cross the bridge?
Immediately looking for a pedestrian
Road sign...?

slide 19.
Leading: Guys, these two road signs accidentally crashed - can you help to collect them? Relay "STEEP TURNS"
At the start, each team has elements of a road sign. Condition: move the elements of the cut sign. Collect it, give a name to the sign. The captain of each team runs to the finish line, taking one element of the cut sign at the start, then the participants of this relay take one element of the cut sign in turn, run to the finish line, where they gradually collect the road sign. Whoever collects the sign quickly wins.
Attributes: 2 cut signs "Pedestrian crossing"

slide 20. Fan riddle for captains:
You, the driver, do not rush,
You see the sign - stop! Before we continue on our way,
Don't forget to take a look!
("Movement without stopping is prohibited")

Leading: It remains to check the professionalism of the drivers.
CAPTAIN COMPETITION. (A fan team representative may, if desired, take part in this competition.)

Team captains must overcome obstacles (pins placed on the floor), driving a children's car on a string. Condition: who will reach the finish line faster and without accidents. On a signal, the team captains drive a car with a “load” on a string, running around obstacles (skittles). Near the “stop” sign, the players “unload” the “cargo” into the basket and return. Aptly "unloaded cargo" brings the team 1 token, knocked down pin - minus 1 token, the driver who finishes the relay faster gets an additional token.
Attributes: 3 cars, 3 baskets, 15 pins.

slide 21.
Leading: Well done! You have successfully overcome the funny turns of our "Road Serpentine" and while our jury is counting the tokens you have earned and determining the winner of the game, listen to Klimenko's story "WHO IS MORE IMPORTANT TO EVERYONE ON THE STREET"
Katya was fast asleep, and she had a dream. As if she is walking down the street, and cars are rushing by - cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles. Even a bicycle passed by, and all without drivers. And suddenly Katya heard that the machines were talking to each other in a real human voice.
- Disperse! Miss! shouted a checkered car hurrying somewhere - a taxi. - Here's another! I don’t have time either,” muttered a truck loaded with bricks. - To whom to hurry, so it to me, - the bus which has stopped at a stop has declared. “I am the most important. I drive people to and from work. - And I'm spreading letters and telegrams, - a flying motorcycle squeaked. “Isn't that important? “It's important, it's important, but let me through,” said the scooter with the cab, on which was written "Sausages". - I'm going to school. The children are waiting for breakfast. - Everyone is important! Everyone is important! Suddenly, a traffic light clicked at the crossroads. - But let's go in order, according to the rules. And he looked at them with an angry red eye. All the cars at once stopped at the traffic lights and fell silent. And the traffic light blinked yellow, and then said: - Please, drive, - the green eye lit up. The cars have gone...
Leading: What do you guys think? Who is more important than everyone on the street?
Children's answers.

What did the traffic light say to the cars?
Children's answers: ... "That's it! Everyone is important, but obey the traffic light. It turns out, - thought Katya, - as the traffic light said, the most important thing is order on the street.
Summing up the event. Who are traffic rules for? Is it important to comply with traffic rules and what threatens their non-compliance?
Children's answers.
Leading: Remember! That, observing the Rules of the Road, we save the most precious thing - life! And now for all of you a surprise from the fans.

slide 22.

Ditties about road signs.
So that you and I could walk the streets without fear, It is necessary to study the traffic rules.

I'm in a circle with a red outline,
It means it's dangerous here.
Here, understand, prohibition
Pedestrian traffic. ("No Pedestrians")

Scenario extracurricular activities according to traffic rules for middle school students "Green Light"

Prevention of children's road traffic injuries. Competition-competition on traffic rules for schoolchildren.

Target: promotion of traffic rules and prevention of child road injuries among schoolchildren.

Event progress

I. Organizing time. Leader's word. Command presentation.


The city in which we live

You can rightly compare with the primer.

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet, above the head:

Signs are posted along the pavement.

Always remember the alphabet of the city

So that trouble does not happen to you.

So, in order to prevent children's road traffic injuries, we are holding a competition-competition "Green Light" today.

The word for greeting is given to the traffic police inspector (full name)

The traffic police inspector introduces the children to the situation on the roads of the region, talks about what accidents occurred on the roads due to the fault of the children.

Leading. Teams to report on their readiness for the competition!

Commanders hand over a report. The host distributes route sheets and explains the rules of the competition at each stage; represents the judges of each stage.

II. Holding an event.

1 competition "Road signs"

Which team will guess more road signs. 1 point for each correctly named character.

Classroom teacher:

And now I'll check everyone
And I'll make a game for you.
I'll ask you questions now
It is not easy to answer them.

- If you act in accordance with the traffic rules, then answer in unison: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends,” and if not, then there should be no answer. So let's start.

Which one of you is moving forward?
Only where the transition!

Who flies forward so soon
What does not see a traffic light?
Who knows that the light is green
Means "the way is open"

And that the yellow light is always
Are you talking about attention?

Who knows that the red light -
Does that mean "no move"?

Which one of you is going home
Keeps the path on the pavement?

Which of you is in the cramped carriage
Did you give up your seat to the old woman?

Classroom teacher:

I give you a warning:
Learn the rules of the road!
So that parents do not worry every day
And so that the drivers were calm behind the wheel.

2 competition "Listen and remember"

Assignment to the "Road Signs" team: Name the rules of behavior for a pedestrian on the street.

Team "Traffic light": What are the rules of conduct in public transport.

Classroom teacher: Now let's play a mindfulness game. "Music traffic light". In my hands you see a paper traffic light. It has three colored circles representing the colors of the traffic light. If I show a green circle during the performance of a song, you sing loudly, if it’s yellow, you sing in a whisper, and if it’s red, you sing to yourself. So, let's start the game to the song "Blue carriage".

3 competition "Know-it-all-know-it-all"

Each team receives a piece of paper with pictures of questions. You need to enter the correct answers in the boxes. The team that completes this task faster and more correctly receives 5 points.

    They walk and ride on it, but it does not hurt her.

    Pathway for pedestrians.

    A strip of a country road on the side of the carriageway.

    Road users.

Classroom teacher: Now we will play another mindfulness game. "Forbidden - Allowed". So, listen carefully!

If you went out for a walk, run out onto the road ...
Play with a friend in the yard ...
Chase the ball on the pavement ...
If you are at a stop
And the bus came.
Push everyone with your elbows
Making my way to the door...
Give way to the old woman - ...
Ride a hare, as you know ...
Walk along the side…

Classroom teacher: Now for the teams game "Smart Pedestrian". Players take turns crossing the intersection. Jump - this means, on the go, throw the ball into the green eye of the traffic light. If you hit red, you are out of the game. Hit yellow - you get the right to throw the ball again.

Classroom teacher: And now the final contest "Riddles". The team that guesses the most gets the most points. Each puzzle solved is worth 1 point.

On two wheels I roll
I spin with two pedals. (Bike)

What are the white stripes
We see at the crossroads. (Transition)

Jump across the road
You are always on the streets.
And advise and help
Talking colors. (Traffic light)

What a miracle this house
The windows light up all around.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline. (Bus)

Look what a strong man
On the go with one hand.
stop used to
Five ton truck. (Adjuster)

Summarizing. Awarding the winning team with a diploma.

III. Games

While the jury and judges are counting the points, you can play games with the guys:

1. "Who will assemble a traffic light from parts faster?"(Team competition.)

2. Relay "Road signs".

Of the many road signs, the guys need to take only those set by the leader, for example, one team collects only warning signs, the other - forbidding.

3. The game "Find your sign."

The guys are divided into groups. Each group has its own sign. (The signs are held by assistants.) At the command of the leader, the children move in any direction to the music.

At this time, the assistants change signs and change their location. As soon as the music stops, the guys should gather at their signs. The game is repeated several times.

4. The game "Red, yellow, green."

The leader alternately raises red, yellow or green circles above his head, the children, depending on the color, do the following movements:

yellow - stand still, as if on command "freeze"; green - move arbitrarily;

red - squat down and threaten each other with a finger.

IV. Blitz survey "Attentive pedestrian"

We are starting a quick survey "Attentive Pedestrian". Questions are asked to each team in turn. Points are awarded for the correct answer.

    Where should pedestrians walk on the street?

Answer. Pedestrians should only walk on the sidewalk, as the carriageway of the street is intended for vehicles.

    Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians follow?

Answer.Pedestrians must keep to the right side of the sidewalk so as not to interfere with people walking towards them.

    Is it possible to cross the street diagonally?

Answer. It is forbidden. The street must be crossed straight, as this reduces the time spent on the roadway.

    Why can't games be played on the roadway?

Answer. Games on the carriageway of the street interfere with traffic, and most importantly, children, carried away by the game, can get under the wheels of cars.

    Can I cross the street on a yellow traffic light?

Answer. It is forbidden. A yellow traffic light means "Attention!". It turns on when the traffic lights change. To cross the street, you must wait for the green signal.

    How to cross the street if there is no traffic light?

Answer. Before you start crossing the street, you must first look to the left and right and let the approaching traffic pass. Having reached the middle, look to the right and left and, if there are no cars, complete the transition.

    Where is it allowed to cross the carriageway if there is no crossing in the visibility zone?

Answer. On a well-visible section of the road, if there are no guardrails, at right angles to the carriageway.

    What elements does a suburban road consist of?

Answer. Roadside, roadway, ditch.

    What is a curb?

Answer. This is a special part of the road for pedestrians.

    How should a pedestrian move on a country road?

Answer. Opposite transport.

    What does a green flashing traffic light mean?

Answer. Stop the movement.

    What is an intersection?

Answer. This is the intersection of streets and roads.


Prevention of children's road traffic injuries. Competition-competition on traffic rules for schoolchildren

Target: promotion of traffic rules and prevention of child road injuries among schoolchildren.

Event progress

I. Organizational moment. Leader's word. Command presentation.


The city in which we live

You can rightly compare with the primer.

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet, above the head:

Signs are posted along the pavement.

Always remember the alphabet of the city

So that trouble does not happen to you.

So, in order to prevent children's road traffic injuries, we are holding a competition-competition "Green Light" today.

The word for greeting is given to the traffic police inspector (full name)

The traffic police inspector introduces the children to the situation on the roads of the region, talks about what accidents occurred on the roads due to the fault of the children.

Leading. Teams to report on their readiness for the competition!

Commanders hand over a report. The host distributes route sheets and explains the rules of the competition at each stage; represents the judges of each stage.

II. Hosting an event.



1st stage is knowledge of the rules of the road.

For everyone who loves to walk

Everyone without exception

Need to remember, need to know

Traffic rules.

2nd stage is knowledge of road signs.

To keep the hands intact

To keep the legs intact

You need to know these signs

Signs must be respected.

Judge (shows road signs, evaluates the children's knowledge of these signs) ...

3rd stage This is first aid.

The passenger sits in alarm -

They need a doctor on the road.

Don't look sad.

Help is near! The doctor is nearby.

Judge (asks questions and evaluates answers) ...

4th stage- "I'm rolling down the street."

Out on the street

Prepare in advance

Politeness and restraint

And most importantly - attention!

Judge (evaluates the competitors: the ability to follow the rules of the movement) ...


1st stage. Knowledge of traffic rules

The judge asks questions:

1) In what order are traffic lights arranged from top to bottom? (Red, yellow, green.)

2) What does a red traffic light mean? (Stop.)

3) What does a yellow traffic light mean? (Attention.)

4) What is the name of the footpath? ("Zebra".)

5) At what age can children ride a bike on the highway? (From the age of 14.)

6) Where can cyclists ride? (On a dedicated bike path.)

7) How should one move on a country road? (On the side of the road, towards the moving traffic.)

8) How to bypass the tram? (Front.)

Trolleybus? Bus? (Behind.)

9) How should one behave in transport? (children's answers)

10) Who is the front door of the trolleybus intended for? (For passengers with children and disabled people.)

11) What is an intersection? (Crossing streets.)

12) How is traffic regulated at the intersection? (Traffic light or traffic controller.)

13) What types of transport do you know?

14) What do the signs mean: "Underground crossing", "Ground crossing"? (Show signs.)

15. Can you ride a bike on the sidewalk? (Not.)

These questions can be asked to the whole team at once, you can issue them in the form of tickets, then each team member will answer his own question. For each correct answer -1 point.

2nd stage. Knowledge of road signs

The judge shows signs, each team member says what this sign means, for each correct answer - 1 point.

3rd stage. First aid

Referee - medical worker. He prepares tickets with questions (options):

What should be done in case of a burn?

What should be done in case of a fracture?

Types of wounds and methods of their treatment.

Ways to transport the victim.

Each correct answer is worth 2 points.

4th stage."I'm rolling down the street"

At this stage, if possible, a competition is held on bicycles or roller skates.

Task: you need to drive through an obstacle course or show a figured performance on roller skates. For each error-free passage of an obstacle, 2 points are awarded.

The judge sums up. Winner's reward ceremony.


While the jury and judges are counting the points, you can play games with the guys:

1. "Who will assemble a traffic light from parts faster?"(Team competition.)

2. Relay "Road signs".

Of the many road signs, the guys need to take only those set by the leader, for example, one team collects only warning signs, the other - forbidding.

3. The game "Find your sign."

The guys are divided into groups. Each group has its own sign. (The signs are held by assistants.) At the command of the leader, the children move in any direction to the music.

At this time, the assistants change signs and change their location. As soon as the music stops, the guys should gather at their signs. The game is repeated several times.

4. The game "Red, yellow, green."

The leader alternately raises red, yellow or green circles above his head, the children, depending on the color, do the following movements:

yellow - stand still, as if on command "freeze"; green - move arbitrarily;

red - squat down and threaten each other with a finger.

Speeches of the propaganda team

On this day, you can hold a competition amateur performances- performance of propaganda teams "Svetoforik". Here are three options for such propaganda teams.

I option


The music of the newsreel "Yeralash" sounds, the children sing.

Girls and boys

Also their parents

road stories

Don't you want to see?

Curious stories

The magazine will show ours.

Attention attention!

Road "Yeralash".

The chorus of the song "Cars" sounds. Then the children act out the poems.

1st leader.

The pavement seethes in motion.

Denis saw a friend ahead:

Just think, cars and ... trams.

He'd better cross the road.

2nd leader.

"I'll have time to run along the pavement" -

I thought, ran and ... (squeal of brakes).

Ouch! Nearly got hit by a car.


Only the one who does not suffer

Who walks there

Where is the pedestrian crossing.

The leader shows a sign.

Cheerful music sounds, the girl plays ball.

3rd leader.

Tanya gallops along the road.

She has a beautiful ball.

The mischievous fell from the hands,

Got hit by a dump truck. (The girl is crying.)

4th leader.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,

Mom will buy a new ball.

1st leader.

That's right, it's not a problem.

It's good that you are whole.

2nd leader.

Don't play by the road

Arms and legs will be intact.


Remember, friends:

You can't play on the highway!

To the music, the children line up in a column of two. One child raises his hands up, depicting a trolleybus.

3rd leader.

A trolleybus runs along a wide avenue.

Here is the stop. The people come out.

Vanya Sinitsyn is in a hurry -

He needs to cross the road.

Vanya crosses the street along the "zebra",

But for some reason the trolleybus...

Together. Bypasses in front.

The sound of brakes.

4th leader.

Stop guys!

For your life

Remember: trolleybus

We go around...

Together. Behind.

Calm music sounds, the girl is walking, with her head up with her finger, she is counting something.

1st leader.

Our Ira dreams of everything

Along the way, the raven counts

And around you, of course,

He doesn't notice anything.

Machine signal.

2nd leader.

The driver is worried

He is all anxious.

You're not in the circus

And on the road.

You will not have time "Ah!" to tell.


Pedestrians, pedestrians!

Be carefull!

Take care of yourself too

And drivers.

3rd leader.

Walking the streets is dangerous

When you don't care.

But there are, friends, green, red

And a much needed yellow light.

4th leader.

They burn for you

Traffic lights.

Together (they say and show the light of a traffic light).

Red - stop

Yellow - wait

And green light - go.

The melody of the song "Pinocchio" sounds, the children sing the final song.

1. I have a reliable friend.

He has no legs or arms

But three eyes on the guys

They look in order.

He is recognized everywhere.

Tell me, what's his name?

Chorus: Light-for!

2. Follow his commands

And don't yawn on the road.

For both machines and people

He will always be the most needed.

There is no one more important.

Tell us quickly, who?

Chorus: Light-for-ra!

II option


The call signs of the children's TV show "Visiting a Fairy Tale" sound. The presenters (a boy and a girl) come out and sing to the melody of the song “Plasticine Crow”.

Let's remember the story

Or maybe not a fairy tale

A simple typical case

From city life

About what to remember

About the rules of the road

When you walk to school

Or you go home.

Let's take a well-known story

From an interesting fairy tale:

Who gets there first

Before the grandmother is sick?

The heroes of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" enter the stage to the appropriate music. They are represented by two leaders.

1st leader.

Here is Little Red Riding Hood

Smart, beautiful girl

Worthy of your respect

Follows traffic rules.

2nd leader.

And grey Wolf toothy.

He considers himself cool.


I'm not cool, I'm super cool.

2nd leader.

Doesn't want to study well

Doesn't follow the rules of the road.


Where are you going, Little Hat?

A diligent girl, honey?

Red Riding Hood.

I'm going to my grandmother

I bring butter and pies.

The road leads straight to it.

But there are many dangers.

And there is one more: on it

The path is safer, but longer.

I'm going down the long road.


Go, go. Legs get tired.

I'll find a shorter way.

I will quickly run to your grandmother.

Red Riding Hood.

Look carefully

Wouldn't get into trouble.

Little Red Riding Hood sings a song, the Wolf howls to her in the chorus.

Instead of "A-a", raising his head, he sings "U-u".)

Red Riding Hood.

1. If you walk to school

Along the path, along the path

Be a little careful

Don't forget the rules

And probably, and of course,

And maybe, maybe, maybe

safe road

You choose for yourself!


Woo! Think better when you go on a long journey.

Woo! Do not forget the rules of the road.

Woo! Both girl and boy.

Woo! Even though you're in too much of a hurry.

Woo! Don't break the rules though.

Woo! Don't break the rules though.


Think dear!

Think cars!

What are people afraid of?

Cars are not mines.

Out on the hillock

The hut is already visible.

There, at the crossroads

And the old woman lives.


The wolf ran obliquely ... (Suddenly a screech of brakes is heard.)


Oh, barely dragged my legs.

I don't know where to go

Where can I find my way?

1st leader.

Gray Wolf, you are a pedestrian.

Remember the transition.

(Shows a transition sign.)

underground, ground,


Only this transition

It will save you from trouble.

2nd leader.

To everyone who went out for a walk

Let us remember in advance:

On the road - not in the forest -


Wolf(pointing to a traffic light).

And what is this three-eyed idol?

I never saw him.

1st leader.

A traffic light has three eyes.

Obey them without question.

Red light (shows) - there is no passage,

Yellow - be ready to go

And green light - go.


Let other people wait

Until the green light is given.

I won't wait in vain

I'll jump on red.

Squeal of brakes, roar. The wolf, hiding behind the participants, very quickly puts on his hand a pre-prepared "props" - a small piece of cardboard tube wrapped in a bandage, and immediately appears with a "broken" arm.

2nd leader.

He ran a red light

And got into an accident.

It's good that he remained intact.


Only the teeth were missing.

Even though I'll come running earlier

There will be nothing to eat grandma.

Children sing the final song to the tune of "Plasticine Crow".

When you hurry to school

You are very late

Or maybe not very

Or maybe a little

One thing you must remember:

Among all the roads in the world

You choose, of course

Only the safe way.

(The last four lines are performed 2 times)

III option


To the music of the song “Somewhere outside the city, dad bought a car very inexpensively ...” “dad” and a boy come out, depicting how they are driving a car.

Dad "rules", the boy yawns, looking around.

1st leader.

Little son in a cool car

Traveling with dad

And at the same time among themselves

They are having a conversation.

There is a sound of brakes.

2nd leader.

A sharp brake, dad is angry,

And the little one asked:


What is good

And what is bad?

1st leader.

Dad scratched his forehead

And wrinkled his nose.

How to answer a child

For such a difficult question?


We're going to the gymnasium.

Will explain everything to you

group of guys

Detachment UID.

The melody of the song "Alice" sounds. The guys one by one come out from different ends of the stage and sing.

2nd leader.

Anton and Elena, Stay and Andrey,

Julia and Nastya, Kirill and Sergey,

Olya, Oleg and the good girl Sasha -

We are all guys of the UID detachment,

What keeps order on the road.

Well, now it's just our team.


We are friendly guys

We are like one family.

In high school we study:

And he, and you, and me.

Well, together in addition

We go to class

School YID-detachment.

We are friends with the traffic police,

We are working with her

We issue newspapers

And let's go to the kids.

You have to be honest,

That the kids are very happy with us!

1st leader.

We young inspectors movement.

2nd leader.

We will help the little ones.

1st leader.

Now let's talk and sing.


What is good, what is bad!

2nd leader.

We will analyze a lot of situations,

1st leader.

Slowly look through the magazine "Behind the wheel"!

The sound of a page opening is heard, the guys disperse on both sides of the stage in two columns facing each other.

The melody of the song "Green Light" sounds. Children move rhythmically, imitating the movement of cars on the highway.

2nd leader.

The red light came on

The traffic rumbled.

Everyone knows this is

For pedestrians...

Together. ...poorly!

1st leader.

Here the hum of cars subsides,

Glows green again.

It is very good

Both big and children.

Page opening sound. The guys go backstage. Zina and Vanya come out to the melody of the introduction to the song "Madame Broshkina".

The role of Zina is played by a boy dressed in a woman's dress, he is wearing high-heeled shoes. Vanya is in a sweatshirt and a hat with earflaps.

Vanya, with bags in his hands, trails behind Zina. The guys play a scene to the music of V. Vysotsky's song "Talking at the TV". Zina.

Oh, Van, look how lovely it is there!

She blinks her eyes at me.

(Pointing to a traffic light.)

How useful it would be for us on the farm,

Let's take the flasher into the house.

She's of little use here.

And we would decorate her Christmas tree

Or put it on the shelf

Maybe make a night out?

What? Nothing!


This flasher has been hanging here for 100 years,

Haven't seen it yet?

He's following the movement.

It's called simply: traffic light!

Well, Zin, come on!

Take home...

You will die with you!

The sound of a passing car. Zina and Vanya turn their heads at the same time, as if following the movement of a passing car.


Oh, look, it's a Volvo, or something,

What a car, what a view!

Not like your "Zaporozhets" -

He rides a meter, two stands.

One thing pleases that ours, -

Though worth it, trash garage.


You, Zin, run into rudeness,

Why did ZAZ not please you?

After all, you know about cars,

Like a crocodile in women's dresses.

My "Zaporozhets", for sure, Zin,

Like a presidential limousine.

In addition, it “eats” gasoline a little,

You'd better keep quiet, Zin!


Oh, Van, look how many people are here,

All the streets are full of people

Like ants scurrying back and forth

They hurry along the white stripes.

I don't remember if someone said

That our life is a solid station.

Oh, that uncle showed something

Or waved to me?

What a jerk!


You, Zin, look around carefully,

After all, you, like a huge tank, are rushing.

With such success

You will be hit by a car!


A wise guy has been found, people, look!

He carries some rubbish!

Who do you want to teach, Van?

Leave me alone! I said back off!

No, really, Van.

1st leader.

To cross the road

Let us tell you in advance:

It is very good,

If there is attention!

2nd leader.

If you counted the raven

Or shaking all over and groaning,

You can't do that on the road.

This is very bad!


Why should we take an example from the people,

Well, it's a public institution.

Let everyone go to the transition

And I'll go, I said, here.

My shoes are tight

Follow me, fool!

The sounds of the brakes of colliding cars, broken glass and the inspector's whistle. The traffic police officer comes out and approaches the violators.

3rd leader.

So that trouble does not happen on the road,

The traffic police officer is always on duty.


Do you want me to guess your name?

Vanya pulls her away, and together they sing to the tune of the song "Alice".


It's an inspector

We got it, Zin.

Let's run away from him.

No, it's too late, and you had to get stuck like that!


Well, guilty, think, marvelous,

But I am charming and very beautiful,

And this is a man. Stop!

Can you at least explain

Who is an inspector?

All guys.


Smiling beautifully

And sternly says

He knows perfectly

Road alphabet.

Zina with Vanya.

Well, we are so stupid.

We don't know the rules at all!

Sorry, we are to blame!


Both big and small -

Everyone without exception

Need to know and follow

Traffic rules!

And now for the first time

You are a warning!

At least use a whistle, even a lion's roar,

Some do not understand Russian!

To the music, Zina and Vanya leave.

Page opening sound.

On stage, a boy plays ball. Children sing to the tune of the song "Early Sunny Morning".


Early sunny morning

Dima went out for a walk.

On the road he is with a ball

I started playing volleyball.

Our Dimochka did not notice:

A ZIL was driving along the highway.

Lucky that the driver is an ace,

Slowed down quickly.

He managed to react

Our driver is great.

Not that in this song

There was a sad end.

1st leader.

If someone is on the pavement

Played with the ball

We'll say this about:

All. Clueless boy!

2nd leader.

More than once they said to the children:

Play on the court, in the yard!

Page opening sound. Sounds like a folk tune. The guys, moving rhythmically to the beat of the music, are rebuilt into a "trolleybus".

Leading. In the village of Beketovka, trolleybuses were never seen until a peasant drove by alone on a horned monster. Why did you go? What did you come for? Children (in chorus). On the trolley!

Leading. Since then, a completely different life began in the village.

Children are dancing, spinning in pairs.

Leading. And people began to travel faster and more cheerfully. But the Beketovites do not know that it is necessary to bypass the trolleybus not from the front, but from behind.

Beketovka is a trolleybus country!

1st leader.

The bus who bypasses behind,

And in front of the tram

They talk about this...

Children(in chorus). He's a good boy!

Page opening sound. The girls come forward and sing a song to the melody "Eggs" performed by the "Disco-Crash" ensemble.

The boys pick up road signs and raise and lower them to the music.


Now I will introduce you

with road signs.

They are simply a must

Everyone is supposed to know.

I'm going to the street.

I wander along the road.

And all road signs

I read on the go.

prohibition signs

“You can’t” will tell you clearly.

You will recognize them

In a circle they are red.

(Boys raise prohibition signs.)

Warning signs.

Of course, everyone needs

in the red triangle

They are!

(Boys raise warning signs.)

So that there are no accidents and fights on the street,

They will always help everyone... These are the signs.

The boys raise all the signs. Sounds like a loss. The girls are dancing.

Girls(singing and dancing).

They are known everywhere by all honest people.

They will show you where is the right, where is the left turn.

You must respect all the signs without fail.

On the way, always follow the signs carefully.

Whether in a blue square or with a red rim.

It is necessary that old and young are familiar with them.

Wow, now you see!

Wow, now you know!

Wow, now you remember!

Oh, now you understand what's what?

And that...


And in the heat and even in the rain

Are you going or are you going

You will always find on the way

These signs!

You run down the road

Let your feet help you

And of course for help.

These signs!

1st leader.

If someone does not know the signs,

Let's all be clear:

Know it's very bad

For your safety!

2nd leader.

If the children know the signs

Learned like a poem

These kids are just adorable!

They are doing well!


Remember every pedestrian!

Know any driver!

Be obedient citizen

And don't be a pest!

1st leader.

After listening to the children's story,

Suddenly the little one said.


I will do well

And I won't be bad!

2nd leader.

Calling everyone:

Uncles, aunts, daughters-in-law!

Children are dying on the roads.

This is very bad!

1st leader.

We believe that the day will come

When any passerby

will show the children

Just a good example!

III. Final part.

The song sounds to the melody "The world in which I live."

The world we live in

It upsets us sometimes.

Make our life safe

We really need you.

Let's respect each other

Obey simple laws

Then forget about the sadness and pain

And everyone around will laugh.

(The last four lines are executed 2 times)