Human resources as an object of management. Human resource management is the most important component of company management

  • 23.02.2023

Effective human resource management helps to achieve strategic goals in a short time and create conditions for economic growth and development of the enterprise. Employees are considered as the main object that allows them to take first positions in the competition.

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How to organize human resource management

Effective human resource management affects all areas of the enterprise. With the help of a well-developed management system, it is possible to increase the share of intangible and general assets of the company. The competence of specialists is one of the most important factors helping to ensure leading positions and competitive advantages. The organization gets the opportunity to survive even with increased competition in a certain market segment.

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An organization's human resources are among the most important. Create new products, ensure quality control, strengthen economic situation enterprises are impossible without specialists capable of performing their work efficiently. Systematic improvement and development, the possibilities and initiative of core resources are limitless. Therefore, the application effective system management is considered the basis for solving long-term problems facing a particular company.

Human resource management refers to the system:

  • strategic development and further implementation of decisions related to the regulation of labor relations and employment within one organization;
  • creating conditions for the successful functioning of the company, development, growth and achievement of its goals.

Concept of human resources

The concept of human resources is considered from a development perspective personnel decisions necessary for the further successful functioning of the enterprise. This cannot be compared with the concept personnel management. This characteristic is more often used in everyday work with personnel.

Human resource management includes:

  • the strategic aspect necessary to solve fundamentally new or global problems;
  • typical planning functions;
  • development of individual abilities taking into account advanced training;
  • costs in accordance with the organization's budget.

Economic approach

Attention is paid to technical training. Within the framework of a unified human resource management system, management verticals are strictly observed. All structures of the organization are subdivided. A balance is achieved between the management system and the degree of responsibility.

Organizational approach

A new view of the organization’s personnel is being formed. Employees are considered not a labor resource, but a human resource. Particular attention is paid to sociocultural and sociopsychological aspects. People's reaction to external and internal control is emotionally responsible. Human resources have intelligence and the ability to systematically improve professionalism. This means that they are the most important and long-term source of stable development of the organization.

Humanistic approach

Aimed at creating a cultural phenomenon in the organization. The joint activities of people are carried out taking into account the core values ​​of the company. Particular attention is paid to the development of corporate culture.

Basic functions of human resource management

The functions of human resource management are the practical basis for making personnel decisions. It is necessary to set clear goals and objectives, take into account all criteria and analyze development prospects. It is impossible to use the practice of volitional decisions or intuition as the basis for management. It is recommended to carry out preliminary performance assessment all decisions made, carry out strategic planning based on the meaningful mission of the organization.

Common mistakes inhuman resource management are as follows:

  • The company's management pays increased attention to solving current operational issues, without focusing on long-term planning programs;
  • in relation to employment, the orientation is aimed at concluding open-ended employment contracts, which can lead to a low degree of labor mobility;
  • the company does not develop its own policy in the field of personnel selection; the decision to accept an applicant is often made on the basis of the manager’s intuitive perception;
  • The fundamentals and principles of career planning have not been developed, the staff does not seek promotion;
  • Personnel assessment systems and incentive methods have not been finalized;
  • there is no unified system of interaction, insufficient attention is paid to the development of corporate culture;
  • the information exchange process is not organized;
  • The mentoring structure is not developed, when more experienced specialists take patronage over newcomers.

All this leads to ineffective human resource management. The company continues to experience high staff turnover. Considerable amounts of money are spent on searching and selecting personnel, training and advanced training.

DevelopmentThe functions of human resource management are as follows:

  • systematic selection is carried out when recruiting personnel;
  • increased attention is paid to the adaptation system;
  • an assessment and certification methodology is being developed;
  • training and development, advanced training are carried out;
  • favorable conditions for career planning are created;
  • security is ensured;
  • a system of incentives, compensation and benefits is being developed;
  • labor relations are regulated;
  • The entire work process is analyzed and designed taking into account the basics of strategic planning.

Influence of factors on human resource management

Human resource management is carried out under the influence of

actors of the internal and external environment, dynamism, complexity and security of processes.

Security is considered

The ratio of material, financial and labor indicators. Excess leads to irrational use and reduced efficiency. The disadvantage is expressed in within the team and between different structural divisions. Saving on personnel leads to a shortage of labor, an increase in the number of defects, and poor-quality and unproductive work. The functioning of an enterprise in conditions of social tension entails negative economic consequences.

Under the dynamism of external and internal environment is being considered

Managing human resources based on mobility in response to changing conditions. Such changes may occur in the areas of processes, recruitment strategies, incentive issues, mobility and adaptation.

The degree of complexity is considered

The level of competition in the regional market for services or products. A large number of competitors contributes to aggressive policies in the market. It leaves a mark on everything control systems. HR services are forced to systematically analyze the situation and provide informed decisions in the field of improving personnel selection systems. You can retain valuable human resources by revising remuneration systems, incentive payments and revising the organization's social policy.

What methods are used in the field of human resource management of an enterprise?

The enterprise's human resource management methods are aimed at creating all the conditions and social prerequisites to ensure the effective work of all specialists, the correct certification and selection of personnel.

These decisions are based on the following processes:

  • creating material and social prerequisites for the stability of ensuring effective management activities;
  • strategic and innovation activity, allowing for the development of the entire management system;
  • transition from an operational management system to a methodology aimed at developing and solving strategic problems;
  • application of systems and foundations of social engineering practice;
  • activation of technical and technological resources, financial, informational, material areas.

Administration processes are not considered as active tools for human resource management. The main work goes to managers in the field of management.

Full activity is based on:

  • scanning the labor market;
  • application of personnel marketing;
  • external and internal work of the PR service;
  • formation of a strategy in the field of personnel decisions;
  • organizing the design and reconstruction of company policies;
  • establishing all major communication systems within the organization;
  • recruitment, selection, placement of personnel, creation of a personnel reserve;
  • personnel promotion;
  • effective assessment and certification system;
  • forming management and working teams that work harmoniously;
  • changing the composition of target groups;
  • stimulating self-regulation processes;
  • revision of the motivation system;
  • creating conditions for training and development;
  • formation of corporate culture;
  • work to ensure employee identification from organizations;
  • organizing systems for optimization and stability of personnel promotion;
  • psychological and social adaptation of young professionals;
  • relieving social tension in the team;
  • eliminating psychological and industrial conflicts.

Human resources of the organization

Human resources must be considered as the foundations of development and advancement. Only then can you create an effective management system that will help you quickly achieve strategic goals. Paying insufficient attention to the development and management process leads to negative consequences. First of all, the process of staff turnover immediately intensifies in the organization. And this leads to the need for additional economic costs to resolve the personnel issue.

The concept of human resource management should include the most effective techniques. To use it effectively, you should use the following methods:

  • strengthening the motivation system;
  • systematic review of wages.

These are the basic and main methods that allow an enterprise to function effectively in any crisis. All other methods are secondary. A person must clearly understand what is the highest value. Only then can you count on achieving specific long-term goals.

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Human resources represent a person's potential capabilities in terms of labor, mental or physical activity.

Definition of the concept

Human resources are a certain set of qualities and characteristics of a person, which characterizes his ability to perform a certain kind of activity. In addition, it is worth noting that this concept can be considered in the context of a single organization, region or state as a whole.

Human resources can be viewed from several perspectives. Thus, the individual potential of an individual person is of quite great interest. If we consider this concept in the context of a team, then we will talk about the socio-psychological aspect. If it is necessary to determine the total potential of society as a whole, then we talk about sociological research.

Human Resource Management

Since the functioning of any enterprise is based on the human factor, there is an objective need to regulate this process. Human resource management aims to make the most efficient use of personnel in order to obtain maximum economic benefits. This process is based not only on the ability to organize a team from a quantitative and qualitative point of view, but also on the ability to use psychological techniques.

Every manager must be prepared for the fact that personnel management is a more complex process than managing the technological part of production. This is due to the high probability of conflict situations arising both on work and personal issues.

Human Resources and Personnel

Quite often, when carrying out practical activities in personnel management, the boundary between the concepts of personnel and human resources is somewhat blurred. However, these are not exactly the same thing, and therefore it is worth clearly knowing the difference between them.

So, speaking about personnel, it is worth noting that they include only those people who work at the enterprise on the basis of officially registered labor relations. And if we talk about personnel, then we mean some of the employees related to operational management, as well as freelancers.

The concept of human resources is much more capacious and broad. It refers to the abilities and potentialities of a person regarding his physical, mental and emotional activities, which help him to effectively participate in productive activities.

If we consider human resources and personnel from a management point of view, it is worth noting that in the first case global long-term problems are solved, and in the second we are talking about operational programs.

Human Resource Planning

Planning implies a clear determination of the need and cost of human resources at a certain point in time. Not only numbers are assessed, but also qualifications.

Effective planning affects the results of an enterprise in the following ways:

  • optimization of the production process, which consists in determining the exact required number of workers;
  • improving recruitment mechanisms that make it possible to hire employees who clearly meet the requirements of the organization;
  • development of a modern system for training new employees, as well as improving the skills of existing ones;
  • studying retrospective indicators and identifying trends that make it possible to predict the future personnel situation;
  • A well-thought-out policy in the field of personnel management can significantly reduce costs and increase the economic efficiency of the enterprise.

Resources as a system

Since managing people is a rather complex procedure, it is fair to say that there is such a thing as a human resource system. If we consider it from the point of view of the organization, we can highlight the following main tasks:

  • assessment of available resources, as well as planning for future needs for them;
  • studying the situation on the labor market;
  • selection of personnel based on psychological and professional characteristics;
  • taking measures to improve the efficiency of personnel;
  • studying the standard of living of workers and actions aimed at improving it;
  • development of a new or improvement of an existing mechanism for motivating and stimulating employees to work effectively;
  • encouragement of initiative, as well as stimulation for innovative work.

Resource management

The human resource management system has two main goals:

  • continuous analysis of the situation with personnel in order to provide the organization with them in a timely manner;
  • creating the most comfortable conditions for employees in which they can effectively realize their labor and intellectual potential.

In order for human resource management in an organization to be effective, a number of mandatory conditions must be met:

  • goals must be clearly formulated and also have realistically achievable boundaries;
  • analysis of the enterprise’s operation to be deep and comprehensive;
  • personnel must be fully provided with all the resources necessary for work;
  • each employee must perform those duties that correspond to the level of his qualifications;
  • the labor process must be carried out using the most modern technologies.

Resource development

Human potential tends to constantly increase. This is due to the fact that over time, an enterprise or organization begins to demand more and more productivity from its employees. That is why the development of human resources is one of the key issues for company management.

One of the most difficult periods for any employee is his adaptation to the enterprise. Not only are newcomers required to familiarize themselves with all organizational aspects, they also must take a certain place in the team and go through serious psychological pressure. It is also of great importance to introduce a person to new position, namely, familiarity with job responsibilities.

The policy of the enterprise management on these issues plays a huge role in the course of these processes. A friendly atmosphere is also important, and methodological support is also required. For example, large firms have practices such as holding lectures and seminars for new personnel, as well as introducing training programs.

Problems of human resources of the enterprise

One of the most important problems facing the human resource of an enterprise is the lack of attention paid to this issue. However, managing people requires specialized knowledge as well as skills and mechanisms. So, the first thing you should pay attention to is the development of leadership in the team. Moreover, this should apply specifically to work issues, and not to personal relationships between employees. Unfortunately, domestic enterprises often neglect this.

Another important problem for organizations is that they pay insufficient attention or completely ignore the need for human resource management. However, it is worth understanding that personnel do not have the ability to self-regulate. A clear policy on this issue must be developed.

One of the most serious shortcomings of modern management is to consider the organization separately from the people. Thus, sometimes employees are not ready for changes in the work of the enterprise.

Human resource management concept

  • economic component;
  • strict subordination to a single leader;
  • defining a clear management hierarchy;
  • development of discipline standards, as well as a system of rewards and penalties;
  • clear definition of the area of ​​responsibility of each employee;
  • development of an organizational culture, thanks to which personnel feel the unity of the work team.

Specifics of human resources

An organization's human resources have a number of features that distinguish them from others. organization resources:

  • people tend to react emotionally and, at times, unpredictably to certain changes in the operation of an enterprise;
  • since a person has intelligence, he constantly improves his knowledge and skills, which must be continuously supported by the efforts of management;
  • employees consciously approach the choice of their type of activity.

Personnel management should be guided by the principle of respect. It is also worth adopting the experience of leading foreign companies on this issue.

In order for the use of human resources in an enterprise to be effective, managers must be guided by a number of recommendations in their activities:

  • the best motivation for employees will be a clear demonstration of the career growth of senior management (staff should set specific goals and be aware of the reality of their achievement);
  • one of the most important aspects is remuneration (even in the most difficult and crisis periods, employees must receive the agreed amount and be aware of their value to the organization);
  • employees must thoroughly know comprehensive information about their enterprise, as well as the mechanism for making a profit (the knowledge of employees should not be limited to a narrow range of their responsibilities);
  • When communicating with each employee, you should be guided by respect, because each of them has the opportunity to leave for another organization.

The role of human resources must be clearly understood at all levels. This is one of the most important elements of the functioning of not only an individual enterprise, but also the state as a whole. Man is highest value, and the greatest interest in economic terms is his abilities and intelligence.

Human Resource Management

    Content and difference between the concepts of labor resources, human resources of the organization, human capital

Labor resources represent the working-age part of the country's population, which, due to psychophysiological and intellectual qualities, is capable of producing material goods or services. Labor resources include people both employed in the economy and those not employed but capable of working.

The concept of “labor resources” is used to characterize the working population throughout the country, region, sector of the economy, or within any professional group. Along with it, such concepts as human resources of an organization, human capital, which have different content and semantic load, are also used in economic science and practice. They complement each other, revealing one of the sides of the bearer of these concepts - man. The use of different terms is also important because there are established international standards against which comparisons between countries can be made.

Human resources are a concept that reflects the main wealth of any organization, the prosperity of which is possible by creating conditions for the reproduction, development, and use of this resource With taking into account the interests of each person. The concept of “human resources” is more capacious than “labor resources” and “personnel”, since it contains a set of sociocultural characteristics and personal and psychological properties of people. The specificity of human resources, in contrast to all other types of resources (material, financial, information, etc.), is as follows:

    people are endowed with intelligence, therefore, their reaction to external influence (control) is emotionally meaningful, and not mechanical; the processes of interaction between the subject of management and people are two-way;

    due to the possession of intelligence, people are capable of constant improvement and development, which is the most important and long-term source of increasing the efficiency of any society or individual organization;

    people choose a certain type of activity (industrial or non-industrial, mental or physical) consciously, setting certain goals for themselves.

There are many definitions of human capital (HC), including those by the founders of human capital theory, Gary Becker and Theodore Schultz. They directly connected the concept of Cheka only with a person as a bearer of knowledge. And they attached special importance to education as the main factor in the development of society and the economy. At present, this definition of Cheka already seems narrowed. Human capital includes not only educated specialists, knowledge, upbringing, science, but also the tools of intellectual labor and the operating environment of the human capital in terms of performing its productive functions. Indeed, a specialist without the software of his work, without the necessary sources of information, databases, methods and technologies cannot perform his work, his functions in modern conditions. just as without a high quality of life, a specialist will not work in this country, but will go to a country where he will be provided with comfortable conditions for intellectual work.

    Human resource management. Indicators of the use, movement and development of the organization’s human resources, human capital

The main indicators of the efficiency of using human resources are: labor productivity, the number of operational workers per one management employee, the share of labor costs in the total costs, the rate of change in labor productivity and average wages, losses due to unforced downtime, etc.

The main indicator of the efficiency of using human resources is labor productivity - the volume of production per employee, measured in value terms. Labor productivity is calculated as the ratio of revenue to the number of employees. Productivity can be hourly, shift, monthly, quarterly, annual.

Indicators of the movement of human resources of the organization:

    Attrition rate - the ratio of the number of employees dismissed for all reasons for a given period of time to the average number of employees for the same period *100

    Personnel retention ratio - the ratio of the number of employees on the entire payroll reporting year to average payroll employees per year. At the same time, those who left during the year for all reasons (except for transfer to other organizations) are excluded from the payroll as of January 1, but those who left from those hired in the reporting year are not excluded

    The staff turnover rate is determined by dividing the number of employees of the enterprise who left or were dismissed during a given period of time at their own request or on the initiative of the organization by the average number for the same period.

Personnel turnover is the totality of hired and retired employees in accordance with the average number of employees for a certain period.

The intensity of personnel turnover is determined by the following coefficients:

    Total turnover - the ratio of the total number of hired and retired employees during the reporting period to the average number of employees on the payroll

    Hiring turnover is the ratio of the number of employees hired by an enterprise for a certain period of time to the average number of personnel for the same period.

An indicator of the development of human resources and the potential of an organization is considered to be morality and spiritual health, versatility of professional training, the desire for innovation, the ability to make extraordinary decisions - all this is an important factor of progress.

    Human resource management. Analysis of indicators for assessing the quality of human capital and human resources

Modern production places increasing demands on the level of training of workers. The main qualitative indicators of human capital that characterize a skilled worker today are as follows.

Basic skills: technical literacy - the ability to understand and present (on paper and orally) texts in one’s specialty; computer literacy - the ability to collect and analyze information in order to solve production problems.

technical skills- ability to retrain in a short time: master new equipment, computer programs, telecommunication networks, systems for receiving, processing and transmitting data. Currently, the share of information technology in production has increased to 50-60%. For some industries (communications, insurance, stock exchanges), the share of information technology (and related equipment in fixed assets) exceeds 75%.

Organizational abilities- ability to work in a team to solve non-standard problems, analytical and creative abilities, communication skills, self-organization, leadership qualities.

Specific skills and abilities- readiness for innovation, due to constant changes in the external environment, requiring innovative solutions in almost every company. Competition in a market economy entails changes in technologies, conditions for organizing the production process, methods of serving consumers and, accordingly, requires constant updating of specific knowledge and skills.

    Human resource management. Modern human resource management strategies

Let's look at the main types of human resource management:

1) Management by results

This is a management system with the task of results in a decentralized management organization (corporate profit centers). Tasks are delegated to working groups and the achievement of specific results is determined. Such a system has various stages of setting results, stages of measuring results and stages of monitoring results. Tasks delegated from the center are controlled based on their comparison with the results obtained.

2) Management through motivation

This model is based on the study of the needs, interests, moods, personal goals of employees, as well as the possibility of integrating motivation with production requirements and goals of the enterprise. Personnel policy under this model is focused on the development of human resources, strengthening the moral and psychological climate, and the implementation of social programs.

As is known, various motivational models have been developed in management science, which have found wide practical application in successful companies in developed countries. Among them, the most traditional are: rational motivational model (use of material incentives), self-realization model (activation of a person’s internal motives and opportunities for self-expression),

model of ownership (development of cooperation, partnership, participation in management).

3) Framework management

This model assumes that employees can make their own decisions within predetermined boundaries (framework). The framework can be set by the importance of the process, its unpredictability, and norms that cannot be violated. Framework management technology involves the following sequence of actions: defining a task, receiving it by an employee, creating an appropriate information system, determining the boundaries of independence and methods of intervention by a manager.

Framework management creates conditions for the development of initiative, responsibility and independence of employees, increases the level of organization and communication in the organization, promotes increased job satisfaction and develops a corporate leadership style.

4) Management based on delegation

Delegation of authority has long been used in management, implying the transfer to a subordinate of functions assigned directly to his manager, that is, it is the transfer of tasks to a lower level. Management based on delegation of authority and responsibility is fundamentally different from the above. The essence of this management model is to combine three actions:

    clear statement of the problem

    clear definition of the decision-making framework

    clear delineation of responsibility for actions and results.

The model was designed to activate the untapped potential of employees and to transform ordinary performers into thinking and acting as entrepreneurs.

5) Participatory management

This model is based on the premise that if an employee takes part in the affairs of the company, is involved in management and receives satisfaction from this, then he works more interestedly and productively.

From the point of view of the methodology of human resource management, employees are transformed from an object of management into a subject of management, which independently solves the problems of the organization's development. On the basis of self-management, an employee can realize his needs for self-expression, recognition and participation, and the enterprise achieves high productivity and product quality.

6) Entrepreneurial management

The essence of this concept is the development of entrepreneurial activity within an organization, which can be represented as a community of entrepreneurs, innovators and creators.

The main thing that distinguishes an entrepreneurial organization is the formation of an entrepreneurial philosophy that permeates the entire management system, including the human resource management system. The spirit of creativity, constant search for new opportunities, collective self-learning, partnership and trust encourages employees to self-realization, innovation and cooperation within their own organization. A feature of intrapreneurship is its focus on a democratic, rather than a coercive, management mechanism, and on the integration of entrepreneurial initiatives with corporate strategy plans.

In modern management science and practice, as evidenced by the above analysis, there is a constant process of improvement, renewal and search for new approaches, concepts, ideas in the field of human resource management as a key and strategic resource of business organizations

    Human resource management. Legislative standards for human resource management

Legislative and legal support for the personnel management system consists of the use of means and forms of legal influence on the bodies and objects of personnel management in order to achieve effective operation of the organization.

The main tasks of legal support for the personnel management system are: legal regulation labor relations between employers and employees; protection of the rights and legitimate interests of employees arising from labor relations.

Legal support for the personnel management system includes: compliance, execution and application of the norms of current legislation in the field of labor and labor relations; development and approval of local normative and non-normative acts of an organizational, administrative, economic nature; preparation of proposals to change existing or cancel outdated and actually no longer valid regulations issued by the organization on labor and personnel issues.

The implementation of legal support in the organization is entrusted to its head and other officials (within the limits of the rights and powers granted to them when they exercise organizational, administrative, administrative, economic, labor and other functions), as well as to the head of the personnel management system and its employees on issues within their competence. The main department for conducting legal work in the field of labor legislation is the legal department.

One of the specific conditions of the work of personnel services is that their daily activities are directly related to people. Organize work on hiring employees, ensure timely transfers to another job, make dismissals, prevent the emergence of conflict situations related to violations of hiring, dismissal, etc. - all such measures are possible only on the basis of a clear regulation of the rights and obligations of all participants labor relations. This is achieved by establishing legal norms of a centralized or local nature.

In labor legislation, acts of centralized regulation occupy a predominant place - Labor Code of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, acts of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. At the same time, there are labor issues that can be resolved with the help of local legal norms adopted in each organization. In conditions of market relations, the scope of local regulation is steadily expanding. Such acts include: orders of the head of the organization on personnel issues (on hiring, dismissal, transfers), regulations on departments, job descriptions, organizational standards, etc.

The main tasks of the legal department in this area are: (a) development of draft regulations of the organization; (b) legal examination of regulations developed in the personnel management system for compliance with legal requirements and their approval; (c) organization of systematic recording and storage of legislative and regulatory acts received by the organization and published by it; (d) informing departments and services about current labor legislation; (e) explanation of current labor legislation and the procedure for its application.

The system of labor regulations includes general, sectoral (tariff), special (regional) agreements, collective agreements and other legal acts applied directly in organizations.

Legal acts of a non-normative nature are orders and instructions that can be issued by the heads of the personnel management service and all its divisions on the issues of announcing disciplinary action, encouraging employees, safety precautions, vacations, termination of employment contracts, etc. The main legislative acts regulating labor relations are: Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation “On Collective Bargains and Agreements”, Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation”, Law of the Russian Federation “On the Procedure for Resolving Collective Labor Disputes” (conflicts)”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On social partnership and resolution of labor disputes (conflicts)”, etc.

    Human resource management. Processes of coordination of group and personal relationships in organizations

Every organization is a group of people. The organization, first of all, expects the person to perform in a certain way the role for which it hired him. A person also looks at an organization as a place where he gets a certain job, does it and gets rewarded accordingly from the organization. However, the interaction between a person and an organization is not limited to role interaction. It's much broader. A person performs work surrounded by people, in interaction with them.

The survival and success of any organization depends on its ability to obtain from employees and other members behavior that is sufficiently consistent with its values. This is precisely why coordination of group and personal relationships is necessary.

Coordination is the bringing together of individuals and work units into one coordinated effort that promotes a common goal.

Coordination is based on three principles: 1) “group effort”, 2) “unity of action” and 3) “common goal”. Coordination helps ensure unified aspirations individual workers into one group effort. Managerial coordination seeks to ensure the effectiveness of this group effort by integrating the efforts of different groups or departments within the organization. And the effectiveness of these collective efforts is “coordinated” by maintaining a connection between the common goal and all individual or group activities.

The three fundamental principles of coordination are: unity of command, chain of command (or scalar chain), and control interval. Managers who understand and use these concepts when making organizational decisions incorporate an element of coordination into the activities of the structures they model.

According to the principle of unity of command, each subordinate should be responsible to only one superior.

The idea of ​​a scalar chain is that the line of authority in an organization starts at the top and flows down through the organization, forming a complete chain.

The scalar chain serves to define the formal lines of communication between subordinates and immediate superiors throughout the organization. It also serves to strengthen team unity. However, following the chain does not mean that managers must move up and down the chain to connect with each other at the same management level. To facilitate and speed up communications, there are so-called “bridges” that connect managers at the same level.

The management span (or control span as it is often called) is the number of people or production units over which a manager supervises. Choosing the correct control interval is a very important point. Sometimes the control interval is referred to as the control interval. This is because there is one thing that helps determine the appropriate span of control, and that is how many subordinates a manager can effectively “supervise.” But the term "control span" seems to be more preferable, since control is only one management function, and the implication is that the concept should be consistent with all aspects of management activity.

The management span is often characterized as “narrow” or “wide,” depending on the number of subordinates the manager has.

Coordination activity is carried out using certain mechanisms, among which there are such as: informal non-programmable, programmable impersonal, programmable individual and programmable group coordination. To carry out coordination, enterprises can use one or more of these approaches (mechanisms).

Informal coordination is built on mutual understanding, common attitudes and psychological stereotypes that dictate the need for joint coordinated work and interaction.

Programmable impersonal coordination. If the appropriate conditions for informal coordination have not been created, or if the organization is too complex for informal communication to be effective, then the manager can use standard operating methods and rules.

Individual coordination. Employees do not always understand the tasks and directions of work in the same way.

Group coordination. Coordination issues can also be resolved at group meetings, whether regularly meeting committees or specially created commissions.

    Human resource management. Types of organizational cultures, their impact on the motivation system and human resource management

Organizational culture can be expressed through the composition of values, points of view, expectations, beliefs, traditions and norms of behavior accepted by the majority of the organization's members.

Organizational cultures are distinguished according to several parameters. The shortest and most accurate version of their classification was given by an American researcher William Ouchi. He identified three main types:

1. market culture, which is characterized by the dominance of value relations and profit orientation. The source of power within such a culture is ownership of resources;

2. bureaucratic culture based on the dominance of regulations, rules and procedures. The source of power here is the position of the organization's members;

3. clan culture, complementing the previous ones. It is based on the internal values ​​of the organization that guide its activities. The source of power here is tradition.

Based on circumstances such as - the orientation of a culture toward people or material conditions, on the one hand, openness and closedness, on the other, the following are distinguished: types .

Bureaucratic culture characterized by regulation of the organization’s activities on the basis of documents, clear rules, and procedures; personnel assessment according to formal principles and criteria. The source of power is position. Such a culture guarantees people stability, security, and eliminates conflicts.

Guardian culture manifests itself in a favorable moral and psychological climate, cohesion of people, group norms and values, informal status of employees, their personal activity, mutual understanding, harmony of relationships. Culture guarantees staff stability, development, and participation in the affairs of the organization.

Praxeological (gr. rgaktikos - active) culture based on order, rationality, plans, careful control, and evaluation of activities based on results. The power of a leader is based on official authority and deep knowledge. Minor involvement of workers in management is allowed.

Entrepreneurial culture supports actions directed outside the organization and towards the future, innovation and creative activity of staff, guarantees satisfaction of the needs of employees for development and improvement. Management is based on faith in the leader, his knowledge and experience.

By location of the organization and degree of influence on it The following types of crops are distinguished:

Undeniable culture characterized by a small number of core values ​​and norms, but the requirements for orientation towards them are strict, it is closed (the closedness of the culture is the reluctance to see shortcomings, wash dirty linen in public, the desire to maintain ostentatious unity), suppresses staff and becomes a decisive moment of motivation.

Weak culture practically does not contain organization-wide values ​​and norms, is easily amenable to internal and external influence and changes under its influence. Such a culture separates members of the organization, pits them against each other, and complicates the management process.

Strong culture open to internal and external influence: implies openness and dialogue between all participating organizations and outsiders. She actively absorbs all the best and as a result only becomes stronger.

Human resource management of a modern organization is influenced by such components of organizational culture as the basic requirements for the activities of personnel, the main characteristics of the activities of personnel, the main characteristics of the conditions in which the activities of personnel take place, including the perception by personnel of the goals of the organization, their involvement in decisions made, opportunities and methods obtaining the information necessary for work.

Organizational culture often has a significant impact on individual motivation. What are the main motivating factors of organizational culture? They are observed in an organization in which:

Belonging to a strong culture creates pride in your organization;

Team unity helps to work successfully;

The company's mission helps to understand the personal goals of work;

In comparison with corporate values, the personal values ​​of the employee are recognized and analyzed;

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management personnel human

The emergence of the market has already posed a number of new tasks, the solution of which is impossible on the basis of old ideas, approaches and methods. In this regard, the issues of restructuring personnel work have become particularly acute today. In all spheres of the economy, the problems of intensifying production, increasing its efficiency, and better using expensive and scarce human resources came to the fore and began to acquire key importance for the survival and adaptation of enterprises to a new economic situation for them.

Using the capabilities of scientific and technical progress and increasing production efficiency, now more than ever before, has turned out to depend on the degree of participation in these processes of all production workers: from the worker to the director.

Without people management, no organization can exist. Without qualified personnel, an organization will not be able to achieve its goals. It is an undeniable fact that the income of any company primarily depends on how professionally its specialists work.

The current socio-economic and political situation in Russia is forcing many managers to reconsider their priorities in human resources management, will allow management to realize the need to use a scientific approach to management and develop a clear personnel policy that will help improve the efficiency of the organization as a whole.

The new role of man in the organization and rapid changes in the economy, organizational culture and technology has brought new challenges to the careful selection, training, payment and proper use of personnel. Solving these problems within the framework of traditional work with personnel turned out to be impossible. It was necessary to include this work as an equal component in the strategic management process.

Thus, the effective work of personnel is a necessary condition for the successful operation of any enterprise. Therefore, personnel management is a responsible and at the same time creative task. Creating a scientifically based personnel management system involves solving one of the most important problems in the functioning of an enterprise. In connection with the above this topic is particularly relevant.

Problems of personnel management are widely reflected in the works of many authors. Concepts and approaches to the study of personnel management were considered in the works of Avdeev V.V., Komisarova T.A., Maslov E.V., Pugachev V.P., Samygin S.I., Stolyarenko A.D., Tsvetaeva V.M. . and others. In the works of domestic authors Vesnin O.R., Komisarova T.A., Slutsky G.V., Dyatlov V.A., Egorshin A.P., Utkin E.A., Kibanova A.Ya., Odegov Yu.G., Fedorova N.V., Minchenkova O.Yu., Slesinger G.E., Travina V.V. etc. a wide range of issues related to various areas of increasing the efficiency of enterprises based on solving problems of personnel management are considered.

The object of the study is the enterprise personnel management system. The subject of the study is personnel management at the enterprise JSC "YAZDA"

The purpose of the work is to study the personnel management system.

In accordance with the set goal, the following tasks must be solved:

Describe the essence of personnel management;

Describe personnel management methods;

Study the personnel management system;

Research personnel as an object of management in an organization;

Conduct an analysis of the personnel management system at the enterprise JSC "YAZDA"

1. Theoretical foundations of personnel management in an enterprise

1.1 The concept and essence of personnel management. Evolution of approaches to personnel management in organizations

“Personnel” (from the Latin personalis - personal) is “the entire workforce of workers, permanent and temporary specialists and workers and employees serving their activities”, “the totality of all human resources that the organization possesses”, “the totality of the organization’s employees working for hire in the presence of an employment relationship with the employer, usually formalized employment contract(contract).

The qualitative characteristics of the personnel are the presence of specific knowledge and professional skills in a certain field of activity; certain professional and personal interests, the desire to make a career, the need for professional and personal self-realization; the presence of psychological, intellectual, physical qualities for specific professional activities.

Personnel form the basis of any organization and are the most important resource used by all organizations without exception, and as such, personnel need to be managed.

Recently, several attempts have been made in the domestic literature to formulate the category of “personnel management”.

I.P. Gerchikova writes that “personnel management is an independent type of activity of specialist managers, whose main goal is to increase the production, creative output and activity of personnel; focus on reducing the number of production and managerial workers; development and implementation of personnel selection and placement policies; development of rules for hiring and dismissing personnel; resolving issues related to training and advanced training of personnel."

AND I. Kibanov defines personnel management as “the purposeful activities of the organization’s management, managers and specialists of departments of the personnel management system, including the development of concepts and strategies personnel policy, principles and methods of personnel management".

German researchers believe that personnel management is a field of activity characteristic of all organizations, and its main task is to provide the organization with personnel and the targeted use of personnel.

Personnel management as a type of activity has two groups of goals - organizational and personal.

Organizational goals clearly dominate human resource management. Personnel, along with other resources, work to fulfill the mission and achieve the goals of the organization. There are attempts to combine organizational and personal goals in personnel management: “The effectiveness of personnel management is the achievement of organizational (in relation to commercial organizations - profitability and stability of the enterprise and its adaptability to future changes in the situation with minimal personnel costs) and individual (job satisfaction and tenure enterprise) goals".

In foreign literature, the concepts of “economic efficiency” and “social efficiency” are used to characterize management goals.

Economic efficiency is understood as achieving, with minimal personnel costs, the organization's goals - economic results, stability, high flexibility and adaptability to a continuously changing external environment. Social efficiency is understood as satisfying the interests and needs of employees (wages, wages, the possibility of personal self-realization, satisfaction with communication with friends, etc.). It is desirable that economic and social efficiency complement each other.

The subjects of personnel management are officials directly involved in this type of activity, namely: managers at all levels, personnel services, bodies of labor collectives of public organizations operating at the enterprise.

Personnel management of an organization is a purposeful activity that involves determining the main directions of work with personnel, as well as the means, methods and forms of working with them.

Personnel management activities consist of two main areas, or areas, - personnel management and work with personnel (personnel). How do these and some other closely related categories that characterize personnel management relate?

In the most general sense, personnel management is the activity of direct day-to-day management of employees. The concept of “leadership” is closely related to a number of other related categories, primarily with the concept of “management”; they are often used as synonyms. However, “management” reflects the regulation of the system in accordance with certain goals and is broader in content: it includes not only the management of people, but also the management of financial, material, technical and other resources, as well as equipment and machines.

The concept of “management” is closely related to the category of “leadership”. However, these concepts do not completely coincide. “Management” is a category of microeconomics, meaning the management of an enterprise in market conditions. Accordingly, a “manager” is the head of a market enterprise. In relation to the civil service, words such as “leader”, “administrator”, “official” are usually used, but not “manager”.

On the one hand, “management” is broader than “management”, since it also covers non-market, state forms of management, on the other hand, it is narrower, since “management” is the management not only of personnel, but also of other resources: monetary, material and technical, etc. .d. And from this point of view, management, as Richter Manfred notes, performs only certain functions in management, in particular the following: setting goals (studying the problem and developing the ideal result of its solution), planning (identifying alternatives, evaluating them, choosing optimal ways to implement them, decision making), implementation (formation of the organization necessary to achieve goals, as well as mobilization and inclusion of people in their implementation) and control (comparing achieved results with the goals set, identifying deviations, adjustments and measures of influence).

In relation to market commercial organizations, work with personnel can also be characterized as personnel management, interpreting this concept in a narrow sense, i.e. like all the various activities of personnel services (HR departments). In a broad sense, personnel management is identical to personnel management of a commercial organization and contains at least such sections (fields) as personnel analysis; determining staffing needs; personnel changes, including staffing, development and release; personnel management; personnel management; personnel cost management; information management personnel.

1.2 Evolution of approaches to personnel management

The essence of personnel management is easier to understand by tracing the evolution of views on personnel, on the principles, functions and methods of working with them.

Any social management is inextricably linked with people management, therefore personnel management is inextricably linked with the history of management. However, until the beginning of the 20th century, personnel management was not based on science, but on the basis of experience, traditions, and common sense. Since the beginning of the 20th century, personnel management began to be identified as a specific function of social management, but until the middle of the 20th century, the activities of personnel services of enterprises and organizations were of an auxiliary nature. Working with personnel meant organizing hiring and reaching an agreement with the employee on wages. This was explained by the industrial nature of labor, requiring its strict division, narrow specialization of workers, functional polarization of performers and managers, and a rather limited level of education and cultural development of the worker.

Only since the 60s of the 20th century did ideas about the development of systems for working with personnel begin to appear. The theory and practice of personnel management was formed as the productive forces and social relations developed in the advanced countries of the world (primarily the USA, Great Britain, Germany and France).

In the theory and practice of managing the human side of organizations, four concepts can be distinguished that developed within the framework of three main approaches to management.

The economic approach determined the view of a person, his place in the organization and optimal leverage. Thus, the metaphor of an organization as a machine has formed a view of a person as a detail, a cog in a mechanism, in relation to which it is possible to use human resources.

The organic approach to management gave rise to two main metaphors. The first is an organization as an individual, where each person is an independent subject with his own goals, values, and ideas about the rules of behavior. In relation to which active subject - the organization's partner in achieving its goals, only management is possible by setting goals agreed upon with it. And for this you need to have a good understanding of the specific needs, the basic orientation of a person. The second metaphor is the brain - a complex organism that includes various substructures connected by diverse lines - communication, management, control, interaction. In relation to such a complex system, we can only talk about resource management aimed at optimal use of existing potential in the process of achieving set goals.

Within the framework of the humanistic approach, a metaphor was proposed for an organization as a culture, and a person as a being developing within a certain cultural tradition. Implementing the function of personnel management in relation to such an employee is possible only within the framework of the approach of managing a person, not only an independent, active being, but also adhering to certain values, rules, and accepted norms of behavior.

Speaking about the current stage of the evolution of personnel management, they increasingly talk about the transition from personnel management to human resource management.

Human resource management is characterized by considering personnel as one of the most important resources of an organization necessary to achieve its goals. Employees are the most important resource of an organization that must be preserved, developed and used in competition. The effective use of all other resources depends on the personnel.

Integrating human resource management into the overall strategy of the organization is the most important difference between human resource management and personnel management.

Current trends in the evolution of human resource management, in addition to those indicated above, are as follows:

Shift from fragmented service-based HR activities to integration of management and HR functions;

Professionalization of the human resource management function;

Internationalization of the human resource management function;

Growing in Human Resource Management specific gravity functions of deepening social partnership and regulating labor relations;

The transition from advanced training to human resource development.

As for Russia, for decades a technocratic approach to management has dominated in our country. Plans, budgets, structures, etc. were put at the forefront.

Ideologized personnel policy was the prerogative of state and party bodies. Monopoly in the labor sphere led to a narrowing work motivation and low productivity.

Currently, with the transition to the market, the situation is changing. Practice shows that human capabilities are decisive in achieving any goals. The main potential of any enterprise is its staff. Managing people is critical to every organization.

Nowadays, every organization needs a department that deals with personnel management. The name and structure of this division may be different (personnel management service, human resources department, human resources department, etc.). It is not enough for modern personnel services, as it was before, to only issue orders for employees and store personnel information - This unit must manage personnel in accordance with the goals of the organization, must be constantly improved and updated in accordance with changes in the goals of the organization.

The basis of the concept of personnel management of an organization at present is the increasing role of the employee’s personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the organization.

Thus, personnel management is a whole system of knowledge associated with targeted, organized influence on people engaged in work (personnel) in order to ensure the effective functioning of the organization (enterprise, institution) and satisfy the needs of the employee, as well as the interests of the workforce.

Personnel as an object of management has its own properties (organizational, structural, psychological, etc.) that require skillful consideration in practical work. Human resource management (HR) is aimed at achieving efficient operation of the organization and fairness in relationships between employees. Flexible labor organization, self-organization of workers and groups of workers are becoming Starting point creation of human resource management systems.

1.3 System and methods of personnel management

A personnel management system is a set of elements (goals, functions, personnel, technical means, information, methods of organizing activities and management), forming the personnel complex of the organization.

From the table we see that in modern management there has been a shift in emphasis from administrative and regulatory methods, focused primarily on achieving the goals of the organization, to more flexible, developing methods focused on the person in the organization and the satisfaction of his highest needs.

This change in guidelines in personnel management had a long history of previous evolution of the overall management of the organization. One of the first concepts of personnel management is based on the postulates of the “school scientific management", in which one of the main principles is minimizing investments in hired forces. In the 70s, the concept of “human resource management” appeared, which arose as a result of the synthesis of the schools of “human relations” and “behavioral sciences”, which made it possible to recognize the economic feasibility of investment in labor. With this approach, there is a direct dependence of the amount of income on the individual productivity of the employee, his creativity and self-realization.

Establishing a clear procedure and regulations for defining goals and constantly clarifying the long-term and current tasks facing the department as a whole, as well as each functional management body and structural link;

Formation and continuous improvement of the organizational structure of management, associated with clarifying the number of divisions and functional management bodies, regulations governing activities, formal connections between them regulated by legal acts, professional charts for each official, including job descriptions and job models;

Continuous improvement of the conditions that determine the level of organization of workers’ work (increasing the degree of responsibility, enriching work, improving the organization of work and maintenance of workplaces, etc.);

Continuous improvement of the economic activity of the division, creation of the most favorable conditions for optimal combination collective, individual interests with the interests of the organization, through constant updating of incentive systems and standards;

Forecasting and planning the need for personnel whose qualifications and business qualities would meet the requirements, and ways to provide them with public service.

Each of the listed areas is included in the functional responsibilities of specific management bodies, but the personnel management service coordinates and directs their work.

The global goal of personnel management is to form, develop and implement with the greatest efficiency human resources organizations. This means improving the performance of each employee so that they optimally increase and use their labor and creative potential and through this contributed to the achievement of a common goal, and also supported the activities of other employees in this direction.

The system of goals serves as the basis for determining the composition of management functions. To form functions, it is necessary to identify their objects and carriers. The bearers of management functions are: the management of the body, deputy heads, the head of the personnel management service or the deputy director of personnel, specialized units for personnel management and personnel management specialists (they are also both carriers and objects). The object of management is the organization's personnel.

Enterprise human resources management is a complex and labor-intensive process that includes the following processes:

1. Resource planning - developing a plan to meet future human resource needs;

2. Recruitment - creating a reserve of potential candidates for all positions;

3. Selection - assessment of candidates for jobs and selection of the best for the reserve created during recruitment;

4. Determining wages and benefits: developing wage and benefit structures to attract, recruit and retain employees;

5. Career guidance and adaptation - introduction of hired workers into the organization;

6. Training - developing programs to teach the job skills required to effectively perform a job;

7. Assessment of work activity - development of methods for assessing work activity;

8. Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal - development of methods for moving employees up the career ladder;

9. Training of management personnel - management of career advancement, development of programs aimed at developing abilities and increasing the efficiency of management personnel.

The general and main task of personnel management is to ensure that the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of personnel correspond to the goals of the organization.

Quality characteristics:

Abilities (level of education, amount of knowledge, professional skills, work experience);

Motivation (range of professional and personal interests, desire to achieve something);

Personal qualities that influence the performance of a professional role.

Management methods are a set of techniques and methods of influencing the control object to achieve set goals, i.e. ways of influencing the team and individual workers in order to coordinate their activities in the production process (Figure 2).

There are three possible forms of manifestation of organizational and administrative methods:

Mandatory order (orders, prohibition);

Conciliation (consultation, resolution of compromise);

Organizational influence on the management structure is carried out through organizational regulation, standardization, and instruction.

Administrative influence on a team or individual presupposes subordination, which is of three types:

Forced or externally imposed (accompanied by a feeling of dependence and accepted as pressure from above);

Passive (satisfaction caused by freedom from making independent decisions);

Conscious, internally justified submission.

Direct influences can increase staff passivity and or lead to hidden disobedience. Therefore, the most effective indirect methods influences that are carried out through setting goals and creating stimulating conditions.

Economic methods take the following forms: planning, analysis, granting economic independence. This makes workers financially interested in the results of their labor.

Socio-psychological methods are a set of specific ways of influencing personal relationships and connections that arise in work groups. For the greatest effectiveness of influence, it is necessary to know the psychological characteristics of the performers, the socio-psychological characteristics of the groups; use techniques that are personal in nature (personal example, authority, persuasion, competition, rituals, culture, etc.). Techniques and methods of social and psychological influence are determined by the competence and ability of the leader.

All methods are interconnected.

Thus, the concept of personnel management is a concentrated expression of management methodology in that essential part, which constitutes the content of the socio-economic side of managing an organization and is directly related to people.

The methodological basis for building a personnel management system should be a systematic approach to the internal use of the human factor. It implies that the personnel management subsystem closely interacts with other subsystems - financial, innovation, investment, strategic planning, production, and sales.

2. Human resource management system researchOJSC« YAZDA"

2.1 Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise

JSC "YAZDA" belongs to the automotive industry, which is one of the key sectors of the Russian economy, in particular to the diesel industry. The company provides fuel equipment to all major manufacturers of diesel engines in Russia and the CIS - Avtodiesel, KamAZ, Altaidiesel, Minsk Motor Plant. The division is one of the main suppliers to AVTOVAZ and the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant (the main supplier of GAZ) for precision hydraulic components and valve springs.

JSC "YAZDA" has the following production shares for individual manufacturers in the industry in 2008:

KamAZ - 72.4%;

Autodiesel - 100%;

MMZ -38.1%;

Altaidiesel - 22.2%.

JSC YAZDA is located on 2 separate industrial sites located in the Zavolzhsky district of Yaroslavl.

Area of ​​the enterprise territory within the fence:

Site “A” - 614,000 m2;

Site “B” - 73,000 m2.

All production and auxiliary facilities, energy and water supply facilities were built in accordance with approved projects, with the exception of the procurement and storage building, waste processing building, road laboratory, engineering and household building 2A. The total developed area of ​​all buildings is 961.1 thousand m2.

OJSC Yaroslavl Fuel Equipment Plant is part of the Fuel Supply Systems division of the GAZ Group. The decision to merge the Yaroslavl Diesel Equipment Plant (YAZDA OJSC) and the Yaroslavl Fuel Equipment Plant (YAZTA OJSC) into one company, Fuel Supply Systems, today confirms its correctness. Until now, enterprises competed with each other, fought for markets and consumers. Naturally, in this state of affairs, both factories could not fully realize their technological, design and production capabilities. The current strategy of the factories is to create a developed business that can successfully compete not only with Russian, but also European companies.

JSC "YAZDA", JSC "YAZTA" as part of the GAZ Group is one of the fastest growing and promising industrial enterprises region.

The strategy of JSC "YAZDA", JSC "YAZTA" is to consolidate efforts to obtain a well-developed business that can compete not only in the Russian, but also in the European space, since the technological, design and production base of Yaroslavl plants is much higher and more modern than the potential of competitors in Russia and CIS countries.

Main economic activities:

Production and sales of mechanical engineering products, mainly fuel supply systems for engines;

Production of tools, equipment, equipment, consumer goods;

Design, technological, design and other engineering developments in various fields of industry, mainly in the automotive industry in the field of fuel supply systems for automobile and tractor engines;

Maintenance of fuel equipment;

Organization of new types of production, technical re-equipment of existing production;

Carrying out construction and installation works;

Investment, commercial and intermediary activities;

Foreign economic activity;

Organization of marketing and consulting activities in the automotive industry.

Main types of products (works, services):

Production of fuel equipment for completing engines;

Production of spare parts for REN;

Outsourced heat production.

Product characteristics: high pressure fuel pumps for diesel engines; precision products for fuel equipment (atomizers, nozzles, plunger pairs, valve pairs); cutting tool(drills, microdrills, taps, collets); tension, compression, torsion springs; threaded inserts, spring rings. Repair of fuel equipment.

In the past year, three types of Yaroslavl fuel equipment with electronic regulators received a certificate of compliance with Euro-3 environmental standards. This allows the use of engines with Euro-3 standards not only on large-tonnage trucks, but also on special vehicles with high engine power for various industries. In particular, engines with similar power are in demand in railway transport.

In the coming year, the Division's factories are also faced with the task of developing special fuel supply systems for a two-level power engine installed on tractors.

Currently, in the production of fuel supply systems for automobile diesel engines and spare parts for them, YaZDA OJSC is an absolute monopolist in Russia.

The technical level of fuel supply systems produced by JSC "YAZDA" ensures compliance with EURO-1, EURO-2 standards of the Inland Transport Committee of the United Nations European Environmental Commission.

Table 1. Types of activity of the Company in 2007-2008, %%

Manufactured products

Fuel supply systems

Spare parts for fuel supply systems

Precision hydraulic components (hydraulic mount and hydraulic tensioner)

Valve springs for AvtoVAZ and ZMZ

Thermal energy for third-party consumers

Other (experimental products, consumer goods, social sphere, etc.)

The production and economic activities of YaZDA OJSC in 2008 were carried out in accordance with the approved business plan and current requests from consumers of fuel equipment.

The sales volume of Yazda OJSC in 2008 increased by 35% compared to 2007 and amounted to 130,687 units. TA. This increase led to a 120% increase in gross profit

The results of the Yaroslavl Diesel Equipment Plant for 2008 are characterized by the following indicators:

The volume of marketable products at comparable prices amounted to 2,464,221 thousand rubles. or 161.3% compared to 2007 (in comparable prices).

The dynamics of production volumes of fuel equipment in physical terms by quarter is characterized by the following indicators:

I quarter - 20.8%;

II quarter - 25.3%;

III quarter - 27.7%;

IV quarter - 26.2%.

Sales of commercial products amounted to 2,679,906 thousand rubles.

With an increase in production volume in 2008 by 61.3%, compared to 2004, output per 1 operating production plant increased by 34.8% and amounted to 516.8 thousand rubles; The average monthly salary per 1 working teaching assistant increased by 20.3% and amounted to 9034.8 rubles.

Table 2. Results of the Company’s work for 2007-2008. (in comparable prices)


Fuel equipment

Spare parts

Hydraulic tensioner

Hydro support

Tool to side

Heat to the side

Other products total

incl. products and services for cooperation

Total marketable products

Products corresponding to the profile of the plant (TA, spare part, hydraulic tensioner, springs, hydraulic support, R&D products.)

Specialization level

The actual cost of marketable products for 2008 amounted to 2,176,586 rubles. Costs per 1 ruble of commercial products in current prices amounted to 88.33 kopecks.

Compared to 2007, costs decreased by 7.7% (2004 = 93.26 kopecks).

Gross profit margin for 2008 was 14.2%, which is higher than in 2007 (5.5%).

According to the results of the work of YaZDA OJSC in 2008, the growth of the actual wage fund amounted to 44%, compared to 2004.

With an increase in production volumes in 2008 by 61.3% compared to 2007 (in comparable prices), labor productivity per 1 employee increased by 34.8%, the average monthly wage - by 20.3% and amounted to 9,034.8 rubles ., thus, labor productivity outpaced wage growth.

The increase in the wage fund occurred due to an increase in the number of industrial production personnel, which is explained by an increase in production volumes (161% compared to the previous period) and structural changes regarding the transfer of personnel from OJSC "YAZTA" to OJSC "YAZDA".

The average number of personnel in the 3rd quarter of 2009 was 5,650 people.

The age of employees at the enterprise ranges from 18 to 52 years. The age structure of employees is distributed as follows:

The main composition of employees is from 30 to 40 years old - 53%, the composition of employees under 29 years old and 40 - 50 years old was distributed as 17% and 23%. Workers over 50 years old accounted for 7%, respectively.

81% of employees have higher education. This is a very high figure, which creates a positive picture of the educational level of personnel. 11% of workers are in the receiving stage higher education. 8% of employees have secondary technical education.

It should be noted that the staff is not fully staffed, there are vacancies.

2.2 Enterprise personnel management system and directions for its improvement

Personnel management is carried out by the Human Resources Department. Appendix 2 presents the structure of the enterprise's HR department.

The company has developed a HR strategy. It is determined by the economic strategy of the enterprise. The main strategic goal of Yazda OJSC is to ensure its long-term competitiveness in the world market. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to introduce new technology and equipment, improve the quality of products and expand their range, and increase production volumes. All this determines the essence of the personnel strategy of YaZDA OJSC: providing the company with labor resources capable of solving the assigned tasks. Or, in other words, the creation of an effective system of training and retraining of personnel, the formation of a reserve of specialists and managers, and advanced training of personnel in general.

The main priorities of the personnel policy are also formulated:

Compliance of human resources with the economic strategy of JSC "YAZDA";

Formation of a management team as a fundamental factor in increasing the efficiency of company management;

Improving forecasting and planning of personnel requirements, advanced personnel development;

Professional and career growth of employees.

The set is traditionally divided into external and internal. The advantages of external selection are that new people are brought into the organization, bringing with them new ideas, and opportunities are created for more active organizational development.

Sources of external selection are: newspaper advertisements, employment agencies, specialized consulting firms.

Thus, recruitment of workers is carried out mainly through consulting (recruiting) agencies. At the same time, when selecting candidates for managerial vacant positions, the organization uses mainly internal sources, and when selecting other employees, the organization turns to special agencies and the newspaper. Sometimes a new employee is hired through other sources.

The advantages of internal recruitment are that the employee is already adapted to the team compared to a newly hired employee, his abilities are rated higher, and his job satisfaction is higher.

When recruiting personnel, the following selection criteria are used:

High qualification;

Personal qualities;


Professional skills;

Previous work experience;

Compatibility with others (personal qualities).

Selection of employees for transfer to higher positions, i.e. from their own internal source, is carried out on the basis of an assessment of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities. The internal relocation decision-making process includes the following stages.

Based on information about vacant positions in the department, the head of the department makes a decision on nominating candidates for vacant positions, determines the number of vacant positions, and instructs the personnel department to search for candidates within the organization.

Compliance of the quality of candidates with the available ones vacant positions determined by the head of the HR department. The head of the department relies on existing job descriptions that define the basic requirements for the level of professional knowledge, skills, and work experience.

Next, the head of the HR department analyzes the composition and number of possible candidates, draws up a preliminary list of promising employees, based on an assessment of personal documentation (personal files (cards), records of the use of working time in order to identify facts of absenteeism, service records, and other documentation providing information about professionalism and labor behavior of the employee). The personal experience of communication between HR department employees and these employees is also used.

The head of the HR department evaluates candidates in the following way: a “three-dimensional” assessment of the candidate is made, which consists of taking into account information about the employee received from his colleagues at work, from his subordinates, as well as from senior management.

The list of candidates is presented to the head of the department, who gives an opinion on the suitability or non-compliance of each candidate for a certain position.

Certification as a personnel assessment procedure in the company has existed for several years. Its main tasks are:

Determining the level of personnel training and its compliance with the company’s requirements;

Rotation of personnel in accordance with the level of professionalism;

Formation of an effective team;

Determining training needs.

Certification, as a rule, is carried out regularly every six months. A schedule of preparatory and certification activities is drawn up for each six months.

The certification procedure itself consists of several stages:

Determining the range of knowledge and skills required for personnel - theoretical and practical.

Development of evaluation criteria.

Collection of necessary information for certification.

Formation of the certification commission.

The actual certification process.


The company also has a staff training program.

The training program is approved by order of the General Director of YaZDA OJSC and consists of two sections: training of workers and training of managers, specialists and employees in several areas. This includes retraining for vacant positions in departments, training in second professions in order to expand the service area, courses intended purpose to study new technologies and equipment. The training program is also aimed at obtaining the right of admission to work under the jurisdiction of bodies state supervision, and advanced training in production and economic courses in order to timely prepare a reserve of high-level workers. In other words, there is a process of involving personnel in the activities of the enterprise through the creation of conditions that contribute to increasing labor productivity.

The need for personnel training is provided in accordance with the requests of the departments based on the personnel analysis of the personnel (the length of service, experience, education, the employee’s participation in training or advanced training programs, and personal need for professional growth are taken into account). A functional analysis of personnel is also carried out to determine the employee’s compliance with the required level of competence and qualifications, take into account the results of certification and requirements for industrial safety and labor protection. Based on the analysis of man-made (introduction of new equipment and technologies, commissioning of new facilities and capacities) and instrumental factors (changes in standards, instructions or introduction of new procedures) affecting the work of personnel, training is carried out in various areas.

Taking into account the innovations being introduced at the enterprise in the organization of production, namely, elements of the “Lean Production” system, an automated production management system, the personnel department team was tasked with organizing educational services for plant employees in order to efficiently and quickly master these organizational areas.

The main goal of professional training of personnel in the field of quality policy for 2008 is to organize professional training of personnel and meet the needs of departments and the employees themselves. Indicators of its achievement are increasing professional skills by at least 20 percent of the average number of personnel and ensuring the effectiveness of training by 70 percent. Today we can say with confidence that the training program for the first half of 2008 has been completed.

Thus, the activities of the enterprise’s HR department can be considered satisfactory. The company has fully developed and implemented systems for selection, hiring and training of personnel. In order to improve HR management in connection with the need to recruit new employees, the HR department can be given recommendations on career management in the enterprise and the development of an adaptation program for new and displaced employees.

Professional adaptation consists of actively mastering the profession, its intricacies, specifics, necessary skills, techniques, and methods of decision-making, to begin with in standard situations. It begins with the fact that after determining the experience, knowledge and character of the newcomer, the most acceptable form of training is determined for him, for example, he is sent to courses or assigned a mentor.

Psychophysiological adaptation is adaptation to work activity at the level of the worker’s body as a whole, which results in smaller changes in his functional state (less fatigue, adaptation to high physical activity, etc.).

Psychophysiological adaptation does not present any particular difficulties; it proceeds quite quickly and largely depends on a person’s health, his natural reactions, and the characteristics of these conditions themselves. However, most accidents occur in the first days of work precisely due to lack of work.

Socio-psychological adaptation of a person to production activity - adaptation to the immediate social environment in the team, to the traditions and unwritten norms of the team, to the work style of managers, to the peculiarities of interpersonal relationships that have developed in the team. It means the inclusion of the employee in the team as an equal, accepted by all its members. It may be associated with considerable difficulties, which include disappointed expectations of quick success due to underestimation of difficulties, the importance of live human communication, practical experience and a revaluation of the importance of theoretical knowledge and instructions.

Career management should be viewed as organized and thoughtful assistance to staff in achieving their goals, professional development, career aspirations and realizing their abilities.

Implementation of decisions made.

Thus, the enterprise should improve the following areas of work with personnel:

Planning the individual professional level and job relocation of an employee;

Organization of employee acquisition of the required level of professional training and experience both within the enterprise and outside it;

Regulating the employee’s involvement in solving tasks as assigned to positions;

Coordinating the efforts of the employee and the organization to implement the individual plan professional development employee and staffing plan;

Monitoring the employee’s activities, his professional and job growth, and the rational use of his professional capabilities.

When planning a career, it is important to consider tenure. A career plan is drawn up taking into account the fact that the optimal tenure of a specialist in one position can be within 4-5 years. Systematic, constant movement (rotation) of personnel has a beneficial effect on increasing their labor productivity.


Personnel management is recognized as one of the most important areas of an enterprise’s life, capable of greatly increasing its efficiency, and the very concept of “personnel management” is considered in a fairly wide range: from economic-statistical to philosophical-psychological.

The personnel management system ensures continuous improvement of methods of working with personnel and the use of achievements of domestic and foreign science and the best production experience.

The essence of personnel management, including employees, employers and other owners of the enterprise, is to establish organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal relations subject and object of management. These relationships are based on the principles, methods and forms of influencing the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use.

Personnel management methods are divided into three groups:

Organizational and administrative, based on direct directives;

Economic, driven by economic incentives;

Social and psychological, used to increase the social activity of workers.

The success of an organization in a market economy depends on the quality of personnel - the most important factor in competition, i.e. First of all, the effectiveness of an organization’s activities is determined by the quality of the selected employees. In addition, if an organization hires an employee it does not need, then replacement costs arise, which can amount to significant amounts in monetary and time terms.

Based on the results of the practical part of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn.

During the study of the activities of the personnel department of JSC "YAZDA" in the selection, hiring and training of personnel, it was revealed that the activities of the personnel department of the enterprise can be considered satisfactory. The company has fully developed and implemented systems for selection, hiring and training of personnel.

In order to improve HR management in connection with the need to recruit new employees, the HR department can be given recommendations on career management at the enterprise and the development of an adaptation program for new and displaced employees:

Identification of the enterprise's personnel needs and personnel capabilities (model of needs and capabilities);

Deciding on a career management strategy in a government agency;

Planning the individual professional level and job relocation of an employee;

Organization of employee acquisition of the required level of professional training and experience both within the enterprise and outside it;

Regulating the employee’s involvement in solving tasks as assigned to positions;

Coordinating the efforts of the employee and the organization to implement the employee’s individual professional development plan and staffing plan;

Monitoring the employee’s activities, his professional and job growth, and the rational use of his professional capabilities.


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3. Blinov A.O., Vasilevskaya O.V. The art of personnel management: Textbook. village - M.: GELAN, 2006, p. 102.

4. Vesnin V.R. Personnel Management. M.: Prospekt, 2008, p. 129.

5. Gerchikova I.N. Management. - M.: Banks and exchanges, UNITY, 1994., p. 193.

6. Evenko L.I. Evolution of human resource management concepts // Personnel development strategy: Conference materials. - Nizhny Novgorod, 1996, p. 170.

7. Korgova M.A. Supervisor. Team. Staff. Fundamentals of management and interaction. - Pyatigorsk, 2007, p. 67.

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Human resource management is specific function management. Recently, this function has become increasingly important, since the efficiency of the organization, its competitive advantages depend on the efficiency of using its main resource – man. In this regard, the requirements for employees increase, the importance of a creative attitude to work and a high level of professionalism increases. The function of human resource management is becoming more complex, the role and place of the head of the organization's personnel service is changing. He becomes one of its main leaders.

The content of the HR management function changed along with changes in production conditions and management goals. So, at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. and up to the 20s of the 20th century. actions in the field of HR management were limited to the creation of disciplinary systems, training and incentives of personnel, since the main concern of management during this period was the task of increasing the productivity of individual workers and the efficiency of production as a whole.

In the 50-60s of the XX century. The main concern of management is the creation of “human relations” in the organization, therefore the main actions in the field of HR management are the creation of a favorable climate in the team, the establishment of group cooperation, and for this purpose managers are trained in terms of nurturing sensitivity, delicacy, and tact.

In the 60-70s. the problem of “participation” comes to the fore. Therefore, special attention is paid to participatory management and tools for involving employees in the decision-making process. The "participation" problem required highly skilled workers, which led to the development of training, retraining and personnel development programs.

In the 70-80s. The main task of HR management is to challenge subordinates who need complex creative work. During this period, labor enrichment programs and the creation of specialized and venture teams are developed.

In the 80-90s. There is a problem of job cuts, displacement of workers as a result of economic downturns, technological shifts, and international competition. Measures were needed to mitigate the stress associated with job loss: various compensations, special seminars for laid-off workers, “early retirement,” as well as the development of retraining programs and orientation of workers in new areas of the economy.

In 1990–2000 the main problem is changes in the labor force and its shortages. Management functions such as strategic HR management, implementation of employee rights, employee development, flexible work schedules and benefits, as well as computerization come to the fore.

In Russia, the function of personnel management throughout the history of the socialist state was performed by employment agencies and personnel services of enterprises. They were engaged in solving a single state task - providing sectors of the national economy with the necessary personnel, as well as realizing the right of citizens to work. The activities of the personnel services of many organizations to this day are limited mainly to resolving issues of hiring and dismissing employees and processing personnel documentation. Therefore, these services do not meet the new requirements of personnel policy and new HR management functions. There is no unified HR management system, primarily a system of scientifically based study of abilities and inclinations, professional and job promotion of employees in accordance with their business and personal qualities.

An urgent task for most enterprises is the restructuring and increasing the role of personnel services, the creation of HR management departments, which is caused by changes in the economic and social conditions of the enterprises.

2. Goals and functions of HR management

Human resource management is the design of an organization's formal systems that ensure the effective use of human knowledge, skills, and talents to achieve organizational goals. Human resources

represent the totality of knowledge, experience, skills, abilities, contacts and wisdom of people working in an organization.

The ultimate goal of HR management coincides with the ultimate goal of the organization as a whole. This is to ensure the stable functioning and sustainable development of the organization in the long term. The immediate goal of HR management is to provide the enterprise with the necessary personnel, to create a cohesive, efficient team capable of achieving planned goals.

3. Strategic and operational roles of HR management

HR management has two roles in an organization: strategic and operational. Strategic role – global, long-term, innovative. It proceeds from the fact that people become the key resource of an organization, and it is with this resource that the organization’s competitive advantages are associated, if managed correctly. This role is implemented through activities such as HR planning; development of legal problems related to people management; study workforce trends; solving problems of mergers and acquisitions; promoting restructuring and downsizing of enterprises; reward management. Strategic management HR provides the organization with a strategy for planned development of human resources, which allows it to have trained personnel in accordance with the needs of the organization.

The operational role is more consistent with the traditional view of HR management. This is an administrative, short-term role involving a variety of current activities on people management and aimed at implementing the developed strategies. This role is fulfilled through the following types activities: recruitment and selection of personnel to fill existing vacancies; implementation of professional and social orientation and adaptation; reviewing accident safety reports; management of fringe benefit programs; creation of favorable labor relations in the team between staff and management; handling complaints; assessment of work activity.

4. Stages of HR management

Let us note the stages of CR management.

1. HR planning – developing a plan to meet future human resource needs.

2. Recruitment – ​​creating a reserve of potential candidates for all positions.

3. Selection – assessment of candidates for jobs and selection of the best from the reserve created during recruitment.

4. Determine wages and fringe benefits to attract, recruit, motivate and retain needed employees.

5. Professional orientation and social adaptation - the introduction of hired workers into the organization, the development of their understanding of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work is recognized in it.

6. Training – developing and implementing programs to teach the job skills needed to perform a job effectively.

7. Assessment of work activity - development of methods for assessing activity and bringing them to the employee.

8. Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal - development of methods for moving workers to positions with greater or less responsibility, developing them professional experience through rotation.

9. Training of management personnel, career management - development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and increasing the efficiency of managers.

HR planning includes three stages:

1) determining the future labor needs of the enterprise arising from production plans, sales forecasts, and the general strategy of the enterprise;

2) assessment of strengths and weaknesses available labor resources, analysis of their compliance with the changing needs of the enterprise;

3) development of programs to meet the future needs of the enterprise in the Czech Republic.

They should include a schedule and activities for attracting, hiring, training and promoting the employees necessary to achieve the organization's goals.

A feature of HR planning in Russia is the change in the external environment of enterprises and their goals. Businesses must operate in an environment of instability, competition and risk. And this places special demands on personnel. Entrepreneurial skills that allow you to survive in such conditions, the ability to take risks, create New Product, service, offer a new idea, show initiative, creativity, marketing skills.

Recruitment and selection are aimed at finding the right person to do a particular job. Modern process selection is viewed as the process of ensuring a match between the candidate and the organization and between the candidate and the job. The requirements and values ​​of the organization and the candidate must match. To do this, it is necessary to have an accurate understanding of the content and nature of the work, the qualifications and qualities of the applicant that are required to perform it. Information is collected in the following areas:

1) labor actions to perform this work and required behavior;

2) interaction with other people;

3) performance standards;

4) machines and equipment used;

5) working conditions;

6) received leadership, authority and responsibility;

7) necessary knowledge, skills and abilities;

8) the minimum requirements that the applicant must satisfy, since not in all cases it is possible to select the ideal candidate.

Based on this information, a search is made for a person who will meet these criteria. Such a search involves recruiting potential candidates for available vacancies in the organization and selecting the most suitable ones.

Traditionally, recruitment is carried out from internal and external sources. You need to know their pros and cons. Internal sources– promotion of their employees, organization of competitions among interested candidates, from which the best is selected, are cheap, stimulate other employees, and improve the moral and psychological climate in the team. But new people with different experience, fresh views, and new knowledge do not come to the enterprise. And this can lead to loss of flexibility and mobility of the enterprise, its aging. In addition, internal hiring requires expensive training and development programs and has fewer choices. Therefore, HR departments must establish contacts with various external organizations from which labor may be supplied.

For Russian enterprises a new generation of specialists is needed: economists, managers, marketers, psychologists, etc., capable of working in the new economic environment. Therefore, enterprises should primarily use external recruitment sources such as colleges, universities, and training institutes. The main form of attracting the necessary specialists and qualified workers should be contracts with educational institutions.

Other sources and means of recruitment are public services employment and retraining, youth employment centers, private employment agencies. A good source of recruitment may be the company's customers and suppliers. The candidates they propose can contribute to the creation of cooperation and business relationships with the company’s counterparties.

A common source of recruitment is random applicants applying on their own for a job. They should be entered into a file cabinet or database of external candidates. This is a reserve that cannot be neglected.

And finally advertisements, which can complement the listed recruitment sources or be the main sources. They should be perceived as a “public relations” event. A well-designed ad can enhance a company's reputation and vice versa.

The advantages of external sources of recruitment include wide opportunities for choice and new impulses for the enterprise: people from outside bring new knowledge, experience, ideas, and perspectives. Disadvantages include high hiring costs, blocking career advancement opportunities for “veterans,” increased risk when hiring a new employee, deteriorating morale among long-time employees, etc.

Methods for selecting suitable candidates may include questionnaires, interviews, testing, assessment centers, the use of references and resumes. These methods can be combined, especially if the candidate is being selected for senior positions.

The most common are questionnaires, interviews and testing. They allow you to collect detailed information about the candidate, decide how well he will fit into the existing team, and provide him with detailed information about the upcoming job.

1) individual information (name, address, age, marital status, living conditions);

2) education;

3) career (previous places of work, salary level);

4) health status;

5) interests and hobbies in free time;

6) information about why the candidate wants to get this particular job;

7) names of guarantors.

The interview requires careful preparation and skills in conducting it. A pre-compiled structured list of questions increases the accuracy of the interview. Its points may repeat the questions of the questionnaire, but here a personal impression of communication is added. It is important to get an idea about health, demeanor, personal qualities, intelligence, ability to speak, interests, leadership ability, sense of responsibility, sociability, the impact of work on personal life, etc.

The most famous system of interview questions is the “Seven Point Plan”, developed by the National Institute of Industrial Psychology (UK).

1. Physical characteristics (health, appearance, manners).

2. Education and previous work experience (details).

3. Intelligence (general outlook, ability to grasp the essence of a problem, reaction).

4. Ability for physical labor, oral speech, and counting.

5. Interests, hobbies that may characterize the candidate’s personality.

6. Disposition – leadership, sense of responsibility, sociability.

7. Personal circumstances (how work will affect your personal life).

In addition to the activities of the employer, the activity of the employee when searching for and applying for a job is becoming increasingly important. If we summarize the advice contained in modern Russian literature on personnel selection, we can formulate it as follows:

1) you should always look for a job (no matter how good your current job is, you can lose it tomorrow due to circumstances completely beyond your control);

2) you have to fight to get a job;

3) be prepared to change activities so that you can cope with the new work and receive satisfaction from it;

4) if you have decided for yourself what kind of job you are looking for, explain it to everyone around you. The more eyes and ears that help you, the better;

5) look for a job intensively, remember that any meeting can have the most decisive (and sometimes completely unexpected) impact on getting a job;

6) personal communication is preferable to written communication;

7) in case of refusal, show gentle persistence, reminding yourself after a while and asking whether the hiring situation has changed for the better.

Tests are one of the most reliable methods of selecting suitable people for a particular position. The main characteristic of the tests is the candidate’s independent completion of certain tasks and their subsequent assessment. When selecting personnel, six main types of tests can be used: physical, qualification, personality assessment, mental ability test (intelligence test), achievement test and work assignment.

Determination of wages and fringe benefits. Personnel remuneration consists of two parts - wages (salary), i.e. monetary compensation for work performed, and additional benefits - non-monetary forms of employee remuneration. There are a large number of such benefits, the main ones of which are: health insurance, life insurance, paid vacations, additional pensions, housing, a personal car, payment for child care facilities, and physical fitness programs.

Market conditions require flexible remuneration systems and new principles for the approach to solving the problem of how and for what people’s work should be paid. And first of all, the results of labor should be paid: work performed, productivity, efficiency, quality. Innovation, skill, initiative, combination of professions, work activity, and group cooperation should be encouraged to achieve the goals of the enterprise.

The fixed part of the salary must be sufficient to attract and retain qualified workers in the enterprise. The variable part should take into account and stimulate an increase in labor output, labor results, and efficiency at the level of the group and the enterprise as a whole.

6. Formation of an effective workforce. Personnel training and development. Career management

An important stage of HR management is personnel development, which includes professional orientation and adaptation in the team, as well as training and retraining of personnel.

When a new person joins an organization, he brings with him different experience, knowledge, and norms of social interaction that may or may not fit into the new framework. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt it to the new corporate culture, its values, traditions, and rules of conduct. A number of methods are used for this.

1. Self-recruitment, when an organization, when attracting applicants, provides complete and truthful information about itself so that people’s expectations are not inflated. With this information, people decide whether the organization meets their needs, goals and values.

2. Training in special work skills, social norms and company values.

3. Mentoring, when a newcomer is assigned to an experienced worker who introduces him to the specifics of the job, professional requirements for employees and social norms.

In addition to orientation and adaptation, continuous training of personnel is necessary. It is an important method for managing the performance and performance of employees throughout their careers. The problem is to find a mechanism for continuous improvement of the qualifications of all employees in the process of transition from one set of required knowledge and skills to another.

The learning process can be defined as the systematic acquisition of knowledge, skills, roles, which are embodied in improving the performance of work functions and job responsibilities in the workplace. The ultimate goal of training is to provide the organization with a sufficient number of people with the skills, abilities and knowledge necessary to achieve the organization's goals. This requires continued investment of capital in the human resource development program.

7. Maintaining high workforce efficiency. Determination of the personnel remuneration system. Dismissal

The next stage of HR management is assessing the activities of employees and their results. Performance appraisal is the process of determining how well employees perform their duties according to established standards, job descriptions, and communicating this information to employees. There are many purposes for performance evaluation:

1) improving the performance of duties;

2) determining the basis for differentiation of wages;

3) stimulation of individuals and groups as a whole;

4) collection of information for making decisions on promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal;

5) informing about the need for retraining and training;

6) formation of new standards, criteria and goals for performing work.

The listed goals can be combined into three groups:

1) administrative purposes;

2) informational;

3) motivational.

Leadership training is aimed at developing the knowledge, skills and abilities required for leadership positions. Methods for training management personnel are: lectures, discussions in small groups, analysis of specific business situations, role-playing training, job rotation, business games. To train management personnel, many companies are developing career management programs that are aimed at unlocking the abilities of employees and using them to benefit the organization.

HR management in developed countries involves the creation of programs to improve the quality of working life. The quality of work life refers to the degree to which a person’s important personal needs are met through his work in the organization.

The concept of “high quality of working life” includes such components as:

1) interesting, meaningful work;

2) fair remuneration and recognition of merit;

3) good conditions labor (cleanliness of the workplace, low noise level, good lighting);

4) minimal supervision by management;

5) participation in decision-making regarding the work of subordinates;

6) ensuring job security, employment;

7) favorable climate in the team, friendly relations with colleagues;

8) availability of consumer and medical services for employees.