Entertainment according to traffic rules in the senior. The scenario of the holiday according to the rules of the road "Visiting the traffic light". Children read poetry

  • 13.11.2019

Entertainment by the rules traffic for children in senior group"Bunny - a know-it-all"

Tamurko Oksana Vasilievna
Place of work: educator MBDOU DSKV No. 41 "Pochemuchka", Yurga.

Entertainment according to the rules of the road for children 5-6 years old "Bunny - zaznayka"

Target: continue to teach children to observe and follow the rules of the road.
To activate words on the road theme in the speech of children.
To clarify the knowledge of children of the rules of the road, the rules of behavior on the street, the designation of road signs, traffic signals.
To improve the main types of movements of preschoolers through outdoor games.
Develop communication skills, attention, concentration.

Preliminary work:
Acquaintance with road signs, traffic lights, learning poems with children, excursions with children on the streets of the city.

Entertainment progress:

Leading: Guys, we live in a beautiful city with wide green streets and avenues. A lot of cars and trucks move along them, trams, buses go. And no one bothers anyone.
This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians.
Guys, do you know where pedestrians go?
word game"Allowed-Forbidden":
- Walk in a crowd along the sidewalk ...
- Cross the street at a red light ...
- Give up your seat to the elders on the bus...
- Play near the roadway ...
- Respect the rules of the road...

How does a traffic light help?
It shows when you can cross the road for pedestrians or cars, and when you need to stand and wait.
Can you play on the road? That's right, you can't. So we want to tell you what happened once with one Bunny - Znayka.

There lived a little bunny in our city,
There was a very stupid Bunny - Znayka:
You need to walk along the avenue a little -
Here lay a path in white steps,
Green arrow on - transition.
What is the bunny doing at this time?
(a child appears - a bunny, runs jumping around the hall)
Bunny - Know-it-all:
I don't need to know the rules.
I am a hare with a head.
I'm jumping down the avenue
I'm jumping on the pavement.
I'll tell you a secret:
(stops, presses finger to lips)
Cling to the tram
cross the road,
When the cars are driving
I love passion, oh - oh!

And the hare ran in any weather,
Where there is no crossing on the street.
Jumped at the very nose of the cars,
Near the angrily inflated tires.
He did not want to obey the elders.
And ... a truck ran into him!
A truck "leaves" on the road - a child, collides with a Bunny. Bunny falls. The truck leaves the scene of the accident.

Leading: Ay-ay! Trouble! We've had an accident! We need to urgently call an ambulance. He takes out the phone. Hello! Ambulance? Come urgently. The truck hit Zaika. He lies on the road and groans. Now Aibolit will arrive, be patient, Bunny.
An ambulance arrives (a child with a steering wheel, Aibolit with a suitcase is holding on to his shoulder). Bunny's paw immediately runs in, runs up to Bunny, falls to his knees:

Papa Bunny: Ay-oh! My Bunny, my boy! He got into trouble, and now he is sick and lame, my little Hare!
Aibolit: I'll take a look at you. Where does it hurt?
Bunny - Know-it-all: Leg hurts ah-ah-ah!
Aibolit feels his leg and begins to bandage:
Don't cry, be patient.
You didn't follow traffic rules
That's why you, Zainka, got into trouble.
You have to listen without argument.
Traffic light indications.
Need traffic rules
Execute without delay
All is ready!
("coming out" of the "ambulance")
You put the bunny
And take me to the hospital!
(The orderlies take the bunny by the hand and help him walk - jump on one leg)

Papa Bunny addresses Aibolit:
My rabbit! My boy!
Will he be healthy soon?
Can he get up soon
Jump on a sore leg?

Aibolit: I'll put plaster on the Hare's leg,
I'll put him in the hospital for a long time,

To get better Zainka your
And quickly returned home.
The orderlies hold Zaika, Aibolit, dad by the arms - all together stand behind the child - an ambulance "and leave."

Leading: This is what happened to Zaika.
Guys, do you know the rules of the road well?
Now we will check it.
Does it start at home and end at home? (road)
A striped horse, her name is a zebra.
But not the one in the zoo - people all go along it. (transition)
That's so miracle-miracles! There are two wheels under me.
I spin them with my feet and roll, roll, roll! (bike)
The house goes down the street, everyone is lucky to work,
Not on chicken legs, but in rubber boots. (bus)
On the side of the road, like soldiers are standing.
We do everything with you, everything they tell us. (signs)

Well done guys, got it right. What are road signs? Road signs are divided into groups:
prohibition signs;
Warning signs;
Prescriptive signs.
What signs, to which group they belong, we will find out by guessing riddles:

Rain and clear weather
There are no pedestrians here.
One sign tells them:
"You're not allowed to go!"
(No Pedestrians)
This is a prohibition sign
Children in the middle of the road
We are always responsible for them.
So that their parent does not cry,
Be careful driver!
(Caution children)
This is a warning sign
The following signs are called prescriptive.
There's a ground crossing here
People walk all day long.
You, the driver, do not be sad,
Pass the pedestrian!
Every pedestrian knows
About this underground passage.
He does not decorate the city,
But the cars do not interfere!
(Underground pedestrian crossing)
In this place the pedestrian
The transport is waiting patiently.
He was tired of walking
Wants to be a passenger.
(Bus, trolleybus, tram and taxi stop)

Guys, but the bunny completely forgot that from the squares and intersections, a formidable and serious, very important traffic light is looking at us point-blank. He is both polite and strict, he is known throughout the world. He is the most important commander on the wide streets.

What traffic lights do you know? (red - prohibits movement, yellow - warns of a signal change, green - allows movement).
Is it possible to start crossing the intersection with a yellow traffic light? (not possible, as yellow prohibits the movement of pedestrians).

Three children come out with “signals” on their chests: red, yellow, green: traffic light.

Traffic light:
Jump across the road
We are always on the streets
And advise and help
Talking colors.

We are three eyes, we are three colors.
Everyone in the world knows this.
Everyone has known for a long time
Our colorful conversation:
The red color will tell you:
"No!" - restrained and stern
Yellow light gives advice.
don't rush, stay with me!
And the green light is on:
"Come on," he says.
You have to listen without argument.
Traffic light indications.

Leading: And now I'll check how you follow the instructions of the traffic lights? Shall we play? (Yes.).
Taxi game.
Rules. To prevent an accident, only the driver gives the signal, and the passenger is silent. Do not crash, who violated, leaves the game.
Need traffic rules
Perform without objection.

Children become couples. Each pair has a large hoop. One is at the front of the rim, the other is at the back. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. When the teacher shows a green circle, they run around the site (drive fast), when yellow, they walk (drive slowly), and when red, they take their places (parking lot). After a while, the children switch roles.
Well done!

Leading: Yes, a traffic light is a friend of a pedestrian,
He is at the crossing.
He signals:
Wait or go ahead.

Leading: The traffic light has been our assistant for a long time! Guys! I'm so worried about our Bunny. How is he in the hospital? I'll go, call Aibolit, find out how the Bunny feels.

As soon as the leader leaves, the colors of the traffic light begin to quarrel with each other:
Red, akimbo: And why am I obeying and lighting up after yellow?
Yellow: And I listen to green!
Green: And it seems to me that I am the most important of all - I allow everyone to ride and go!
Red: And I forbid everything! I want to - I will not go out, and all movement will freeze! (stomping foot)
Yellow: Wow! I'll start blinking and won't stop!
(Starts blinking eyes)
Leading: Oh oh! Trouble, trouble! Our traffic light has fallen out. These are all Quarrels - Slanders are to blame.
Quarrels - Slanders:
Congestion near the square
The traffic light is broken
The yellow light came on
And there is no green.
One hundred cars are standing, buzzing, They want to start moving.
Three, four, five minutes They won't get through.
Why and why
I don't understand anything:
Why is the bus standing, Why is the tram stuck,
Why did the broad-minded people get angry with the dump truck? The taxi's engine has stalled. Why such a congestion?

They go to the side. An accident appears.
Accident: I am very friendly with violators,
Anything you want, by the way, I'll show you
I walked a little, saw the light,
I've done a lot of trouble, trouble, trouble.
Guys! Which one of you is the bravest? Who is not afraid to cling to the car? How about skiing and skating? Who is with me? I will teach you to interfere with everyone: both cars and pedestrians! Let the cars go where they want. Do you want to be friends with me? Well, it is not necessary!

Host enters: Well, I found out everything ... Everything is fine with Zaika, she will soon be healthy and will be able to run and jump again.
And why are you so sad? What happened to you? I don't understand... Not all at once. Explain clearly.
So?! Traffic light... Colors quarreled. Well, it's not a problem. Let's reconcile them and say loudly:
Red! Yellow! Green! Get in touch and make friends!

Three colors of traffic lights scratch their foreheads: And what got into us?
Leading: These are all Quarrels - Klyauzy and Accident are to blame, they quarreled you. I'll drive them away with a broom right now.
(How to threaten, wants to go for a broom)
Accident: And it’s more fun for me to run in front of the tram with a broom, twigs fly, everyone is annoyed!
Leading: Guys! I propose to forgive them and teach them the rules of the road. Stay with us.
Quarrels - Klyauzy and Accident sit on the chairs.
Leading: Look who came to us? Yes, this is our Zayka Zaznayka, and with him Aibolit. Well, Zainka, will you still play and jump on the road?
Host: Guys! It is necessary to teach Bunny the rules of the road. Let's remember together and answer all the questions:
1. How many signals does a traffic light have?
2. Is it possible to cross the street if the red light is on?
3. What color of traffic light can you cross the road?
4. Why can't you wait for transport, standing on the edge of the sidewalk?
5. Why is it impossible to go out onto the carriageway because of a car, a bush, a tree or a snowdrift?
6. Where and how should pedestrians walk along the street?
7. Where should pedestrians cross the road?
8. And now guess:
Explains to pedestrians
How to cross the road
He lights the signals
Helping them along the way
That's right, traffic lights.
Leading: Bunny thanks you for the rules of the road, brought for you a verse by S. Mikhalkov, which he will now tell.
Bunny - Know-it-all:
If the light turns red
So moving is dangerous.
Light green says:
"Come in, the way is open."
Yellow light - warnings:
Wait for the signal to change.
Leading: Well done, Bunny. And now let's all play the game "Traffic Light" together. If I show you a red signal, you must stand quietly, yellow - jump on one leg, green - walk in place. (Spend two or three times)

Leading: Be careful out there, kids. Keep these rules in mind.
And follow them strictly always,
To avoid big trouble.
Leading: And at the end of our entertainment, let's all sing a song about a traffic light together.
Song "Traffic Light"
Leading: Well done boys. You all deserve little keepsakes.
We provide traffic lights.

(winner at the city competition "Green Light" in 2014)

municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 170 Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd"

Compiled by: senior educator of the first qualification category MOU Kindergarten No. 170 Kudryavtseva Natalya Viktorovna Volgograd, 2017

Goal: the formation of older children preschool age basic skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads.


  1. Fix the rules of the road through game situations;
  2. To summarize the knowledge of children about the rules of the road, the rules of behavior on the streets of the city, the main road signs studied at this age, traffic signals;
  3. Educate a competent pedestrian.


Masha is a girl of the preparatory group.

Misha is a teacher.


Children of the preparatory group for poems about road signs and for playing out problem situations.

Equipment and materials:

Costumes for heroes;

Models of road signs, bus, car, prams for dolls, traffic light.

Set of road signs.

Large floor layout with markings "zebra" .

Projector for demonstration. "Magic Remote" with the help of which there is a transition to a fairy tale.

Preliminary work.

Preparation of attributes and costumes for the event. Learning poems, songs, dance. AT preschool groups- repetition and study of traffic rules, signs, various situations on the road and in transport; in the traffic rules room - reading stories, playing on models; on the transport site - a repetition of the rules of traffic rules, outdoor games.

Hall decoration.

On the central wall a screen for demonstration, backlight for effect "magic" , bus layout, traffic lights from balloons. With the help of balloons, the hall is divided into 2 halves - the audience and the fabulous action. There are mock-ups of road signs all over the hall. Later, for a problematic situation, a large layout with markings is spread on the floor "zebra" (fastened with Velcro to the carpet).

Screensaver-background on the topic of traffic rules. Music sounds, children come in to the music and sit on chairs.

Educator: Hello children, today we will watch a fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" , but our viewing will be unusual, because I have a magic remote! It not only allows you to stop the fairy tale, but also to get into it, and in the fairy tale we will be able to communicate with the characters. Well, are we looking?

The lights go out, a cartoon screensaver plays, then the lights above the stage turn on. dance number "Masha and the Bears" , after the dance, everyone leaves, Masha is left alone, sits down at the table, and sees an album with a photo, begins to examine it. The background music sounds, and there are slide screensavers of a bear in the circus.

Masha: "Oh! Wow, those are fairy tales! Wow, yes-ah-ah-ah ... Misha, Misha, Mishenka! (bear enters) Honey, where are you going? Here's what I found, Mishenka, well, let's read it! Readaaaay!

Bear: Oh! (scratches back of head) Masha is not a fairy tale ... this is a photo album! Look, I used to work in a circus!

There is a video bear in the circus.

Masha: How cool! (claps hands). I want to go to the circus too! Want! Want! Want! (stomps feet)

Bear: Okay! I'll take you to the circus, but for this, we need to go from the forest to the city!

Screensaver "city" .

Bear: Only people don't walk along city streets just like that!

When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble!

How would you explain correctly how to behave in the city, on the streets?!... The bear thinks and freezes. lights go out above the stage, turn on above the children. The teacher presses the remote control, referring to the children.

Educator: Well, guys, I invite you to a fairy tale. I think we should help Masha and Misha, because Masha does not know that many dangers await her on the road in the city. Are you ready to get into a fairy tale?

He presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard, Masha and the Bear look around in surprise.

Educator: Hello, Masha and Misha, and the guys from kindergarten decided to visit you to teach Mashenka how to behave on the city streets, as well as the rules of the road. Masha, listen carefully and remember!

Children come out with road signs in their hands and read poetry:

1 child:

The city where we live
It can rightly be compared with a primer.
Here it is, the alphabet over the pavement,
The signs are hung overhead.

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Always remember the alphabet of the city
So that trouble does not happen to you.

Masha: ABC! Yes, I know what the alphabet is! You know, we are scientists, and we don't need to be taught!

Educator: No, Mashenka, the guys are talking about the road alphabet! In the city, you need to carefully look at the road signs, they will tell you how to behave correctly! After all, there are many dangers in the city, and in order not to get into trouble, you must follow the rules of the road! Listen carefully!

Child with a sign "Elevated pedestrian crossing"

Pedestrian, pedestrian!
Remember about the transition!
I am the Overpass!
I am like a bridge!

A safe path will show
And How railway go
Instantly prompt!
Child with a sign "Underground crossing"

I am an underpass
Every pedestrian knows!
Nothing decorates.
Helping pedestrians!

Both children together
A pedestrian! A pedestrian!
You look at the signs
Remember them

And on the road, don't go
Take care of your hands and feet!

Child with a sign "No Pedestrians"

Rain and clear weather
There are no pedestrians here.
One sign tells them:
"You're not allowed to go!"

Educator: You see, Masha, our guys know the road signs, and now you know them too! Remember them when you are on the streets of the city! Well, for now, get ready, and the guys and I will continue to watch your fairy tale, but only when we see that our help is needed, we will tell you again!

He presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard.

Masha: Oh, how interesting! How I want to go to the city as soon as possible! Misha, Misha, can I take the ball with me?

Bear: No, Mashenka, it's dangerous! The ball can roll away onto the roadway - onto the pavement, where cars, trucks, buses, trolleybuses, rush back and forth and the ball will rush under the wheels forever ...

Bear: You can only play ball where there are no cars! And we're on the road with you!

Masha: And the scooter? Can I take a scooter? I'll get to the kindergarten on it quickly, quickly! Like this! (Shows how he rides a scooter).

Bear: What are you doing!? Masha, no, of course not! The scooter will only interfere with us, because the road ahead is long, long and dangerous!

Masha: Phew… well, you can’t take anything with you! Then I'll take headphones with me, so that it would be more fun ... May I, Mish? (Masha puts on headphones, dances. The bear approaches Masha, removes one earphone and speaks loudly in her ear).

Bear: Yes!!! We will only listen to music when we arrive!

(Masha takes off her headphones, puts them around her neck, sighs)

Masha: Oh, how difficult everything is! Nothing is possible! Everyone is banned! And I'm still a child! I want to play!

(The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard).

Teacher: Here we are again! Masha, let's play with our guys and thus remember the rules of the road!

(Children play according to traffic rules, after it the teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard).

Masha: Well, now it's time!

Misha: Mashenka, baby, wait! I have to put another scarf on you!

Masha: Kerchief? No way! What are you? Do you want to take off my scarf? I'm not giving it! (He wraps his arms around his head, runs away, Misha catches up with her).

Bear: Masha! Yes wait! Stop! Do not scream! Just look how she is... (Puts a scarf on his head) There are luminous stripes on it, they are clearly visible at night from afar to any person: both a pedestrian and a transport driver. You will be very beautiful in this scarf.

Masha: Well, sit down ... Are you talking about stripes? Glowing, you say? In the dark, you say? Beautiful, you say? I don't see anything glowing!

Bear: Now you'll see! Because they glow only when a beam of light falls on them. Look!

Dance of luminous costumes.

Masha: Okay! I agree! Come on, put it on. Just look how beautiful I am!

(Misha puts a scarf on Masha)

Masha: Misha, how are you? Do you need a scarf too?

Bear: Thank you, Mashunechka, for your concern! And I'll wear a vest!

Masha and the bear are walking through the forest. On the video screensaver of the forest. The soundtrack of the song sounds. They take out the model of the bus and the sign "Stop" .

Screensaver "Bus stop" .

Masha: Oh, what is it?

Bear: This is a stop, now the bus will arrive and we will go.

(Masha starts running around the bear and the sign, and clapping her hands).

Masha: Hurrah! Let's go, let's go! And I will also run on the bus, Mishenka, and jump on the seats, and more, more ...

(The bear slaps his forehead and pretends to feel bad. The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard).

Educator: I think the guys and I should explain to Masha what kind of sign this is, and how to behave correctly on the bus!

Children read poetry

Sign "Stop"

You walked for a very long time
Finally seen
The sign that says -
Here is your bus!

In this place the pedestrian
Patiently the transport is waiting
He was tired of walking
Wants to be a passenger!

Children read the rules of conduct in transport:

1. child:

At the bus stop Bunnies were waiting for the bus,
They jumped like balls, jumped merrily.
Jump and jump, around.
And the old Mishka was pushed in the side with an elbow.

Waiting at the bus stop, stop! And don't turn around!
And if you hurt someone - apologize immediately!

2. baby:

The bus came up, bunnies in a crowd,
Doors besieged, torn, as if into battle!
The crush turned out at the hares,
They don't want to give way!

Hares do not allow passengers to get out.
They are rude to everyone, pushing, and yelling at everyone.
First, those who leave must be skipped.
And then just go inside!

3. baby:

Animals rode, opened the window,
Here is some gray cat
I suddenly wanted to stick my head out -
The public did not dare to object to her.

She rides the bus proudly,
And the head is visible from the window.
He sees a truck hurrying towards,
Passed by, and at the same moment

The wind picked up on the road,
He tore off the hat from the cat in the window!
The gray cat is very upset.
Children, do not poke your head out the window!

Teacher: We have to go! Bon Voyage!

Masha and Misha get on the bus.

song "In the bus"

I. We got on the bus together
And looked out the window
Our driver pressed the pedal,
And I ran to the bus.

II. On the way like a bird
Our bus is moving fast.
We go, we go easily,
We're going far.

While they sing, assistants lay a floor model "Crossroads" .

A three-eyed traffic light comes out, falls into place, a two-eyed traffic light comes out - falls into place, children with big cars come out - stand in opposite directions, signs come out "Bicycle prohibited" , "Ground crossing" .

Masha and Misha get off the bus.

Bear: When leaving a passenger transport, be polite, always hold my paw and carefully look under my legs, carefully get out!

They approach the zebra model, Masha's bear takes off his headphones, they try to cross the road, but they can't do anything. Masha gets scared and cries. Misha calms her down.

The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard.

Educator: And now it's time to explain to Masha how to cross the road correctly! So guys, can we help?

Three-eyed traffic light:

Here is a three-eyed traffic light!
He drives cars
When to stand and go offers them.
The traffic light is of course strict,

He is known all over the world!
He is on the wide street
The most important commander!
Red light - transport will say no!

Yellow light gives advice to wait a bit!
And the green light is on: "Drive!" - He speaks.
Two-eyed traffic light:
Here is a two-eyed traffic light!

He tells the pedestrians:
“Red light - no way!
You should never run a red light!
And the green light is on

"Drive through" , - He speaks.
Sign "cycling is not allowed"
There is a sign on the road
Strict tone says -

"Forbidden in this place
Ride a bike!"
Sign "Crosswalk" :
Walking carefully, look beyond the street

And only where possible, cross it!
I am a ground crossing!
My sign will point to him,
The zebra will show you right away

Know that only the transition from trouble will save you!

Educator: Look, Masha, what situations happen!

  1. Cars go first, traffic lights show: green for cars, red for pedestrians.
  2. Traffic lights change signals: cars stop, pedestrians go.

Pedestrians are walking

  1. child looking at a tablet
  2. child playing ball
  3. child with headphones

A bear runs, clutching its head, stopping everyone.


Children on the road
You don't do like these
You don't look at the tablet
And take off your headphones

And very, very carefully cross the road!
Always be a good example
And there will be no trouble on the road!

The situation repeats:

  1. At first, traffic lights show cars: green for cars, red for pedestrians.
  2. Then the cars stop, the pedestrians go The traffic lights show: red for cars, green for pedestrians.


Observe very strictly
discipline on the road, and the road to you then
will be a friend forever!
Screensaver: CIRCUS circus music sounds.

Educator: So you, Mashenka and Misha, came to the circus, but you still need to go back, so don't forget everything that we taught you with the children! Goodbye.

The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard.

Educator: Well, the fairy tale is over, but you and I helped Masha and Misha get to the circus, you are great!

Screensaver background - rules about road signs or just a picture

The music is playing and everyone is leaving.

The scenario of the holiday according to the rules of the road in the senior group of kindergarten.

Holiday script for preschool educational institution "Red, yellow, green"

Holiday for children 5-6 years old






Traffic light,

Road signs

In the hall, a diagram of an intersection with footpaths was drawn on the floor, an elevation was made for a traffic light. To the music of A. Filippenko "Merry March", the children and the leader enter the hall.

Leading. Guys, today we will go to an unusual city - the city of traffic rules! But to get into it, you need to buy train tickets.

Children go to an impromptu ticket office, buy train tickets in the form of small traffic lights.

So, does everyone have tickets? Then go!

Children line up one after another as a train and move in a circle with a stomping step. The song "Train" is performed, lyrics by T. Babadzhan, music by N. Metlov.

Leading. Here we are!

He invites the children to get off the train, draws their attention to the roads of the town, to the traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc. Suddenly, the sound of a car engine is heard, music sounds, Dunno runs into the hall. He has a steering wheel in his hands, and on his chest is a flat image of a car cabin.



Who am I? Well, guess what!

What is my name?

Children. Dunno.


I got a car

I will ride in it, friends!

Music sounds, Dunno "rides" in his car in a circle. At this time, Znayka enters the hall.

Znayka. Hello guys! Welcome to our city! (Notices Dunno.) Oh, Dunno, are you here? Hello!

Dunno. Hello! Look at my car! Is it really beautiful? Come on, sit down with me, I'll ride with the breeze!

Znayka. Dunno, are you familiar with the rules of the road? After all, this is the alphabet of our city!

Dunno. Think what kind of teacher you found! I can do without this alphabet!


What are you, a stranger!

After all, the city in which we live with you,

You can rightfully compare with the primer!

Here it is, the alphabet, - above the head:

Signs are posted along the pavement.

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Always remember the alphabet of the city

So that trouble does not happen to you!

Dunno. Well, here's more! I already know everything! Last time I ask, will you come with me?

Znayka. No, I won't go!

Dunno. Well, it is not necessary! I'll go alone. (Starts engine.)

Music sounds, Dunno rides in his car, and a traffic light comes out in the middle of the hall, blocking his path. He holds a red card in his hands.


Stop, stranger!

There is no road ahead!

Look at the traffic light

The red light is on!

Dunno. How is it that there is no road? Where did she go? All these colored lights - e-run-yes!

Approaches the traffic light. A traffic light blows its whistle to warn of danger.

Traffic light.

Stop, car! Stop, engine!

Slow down, driver!

The red eye is on fire

This is a traffic light!

Dunno. Think you can't! I want to run red lights!

Leading. Ai-yay-yay, Dunno! It turns out that you do not know the rules of the road at all!

Dunno. So what if I don't know? There is nothing terrible in this!

Leading. You're wrong! Listen to what the guys have to say!

1st child.

The city is full of movement

Cars run in a row.

Colored traffic lights

Both day and night are burning!

And where there are trams during the day

Ringing from all sides

2nd child.

But who at the red light

Walking straight?

And this is our Dunno,

A braggart and a mischief-maker.

Drivers are worried

All the horns are buzzing

Wheels and motors

They want to stop.

3rd child.

The driver turned abruptly

Sweating like never before

One more minute

There would be trouble!

Both adults and children

Barely held back the cry -

Nearly died Dunno,

Rogue and mischievous.

Dunno. Oh-she-she! And how can I find out everything about traffic lights? I don't want trouble to happen to me!

Leading. Don't worry, stranger! We will help you guys. Listen to our song, and everything will be clear to you!

Performed "Song about a traffic light", music by G. Dementieva.


Thanks guys! I understood everything, I remembered everything!

Follow the simple law:

The red light came on -

Children(in chorus). Stop!

Dunno. Yellow flashed -

Children(in chorus). Wait!

Dunno. And the green light

Children(in chorus). Go!


Well done, stranger! Well done boys!

Distinguish you become clear

Green color,

Dunno. Well, since we have become well versed in traffic light signs, then I suggest you play! Bi-bi-bi-i! All for cars!

Adults help children put on car costumes, hand out steering wheels. The game is being played"Cars and traffic lights".

Cheerful music sounds, children-"cars" drive along the road, at the same time carefully follow the instructions of the traffic light. Red card - and the "cars" stop; yellow card - they circle in place with a stomping step; green card - move on. Those "machines" that made a mistake are out of the game. The winner, the most attentive driver, makes a lap of honor to the general applause.


Guys, I firmly remembered that

You have to listen without argument.

Traffic light indications.

Need traffic rules

Perform without objection!

I'm going to tell everyone what I've learned!

Music sounds. Dunno “leaves”, and Petrushka runs out of breath into the hall.


I'm with you guys today

So hurry and run so fast!

I'll beg your pardon

Which is a little late.

I, Petrushka, really need

Riddles for you!

Because you guys

Everyone should know the rules!

Now I will ask you questions, and you answer me. If you agree with me, then say in unison: “It's me! It's me! These are all my friends!” Well, if you do not agree, then just be silent. Deal? Then attention!

Which one of you is moving forward?

Where is the transition?

Children (in chorus). It's me! It's me! These are all my friends.


Who flies forward so soon

What does not see a traffic light?

The children are silent.


Which of you, going home,

Keeps the path on the pavement?

Children are silent


Who knows that the red light -

Does that mean there is no move?

Children(in chorus). It's me! It's me! These are all my friends.

Parsley. Well done boys! They answered well and correctly!

Children dressed as traffic signs come forward.

Parsley. Oh, who are you?


We are road signs!

It's easy to remember

What each of us says!

Transition sign.

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

Do you remember about the transition -

underground, ground,


Know that only the transition

Will save you from cars!

Turn sign.

On two wheels I roll

I spin with two pedals,

I'm holding the wheel, I'm looking ahead

And I see - soon in the mouth!

No entry sign.

A round sign with a window in it.

Don't rush here in a hurry

And think a little

What is here? Brick dump?

Parsley. Guys, is this sign pointing to a pile of bricks? Yes?

Children. Not! This sign says no entry!

Parking lot sign.

I'm an expert on the rules of the road

I parked my car here

Parking by the fence.

She needs to rest too!

Phone sign.

If Valya needs a doctor,

Or Galya is waiting for dinner,

Or you need to contact a friend -

The phone is at your service!

Medical aid sign.

Lena with Nastenka

in anxiety:

They need a doctor on the road.

Don't look sad

Help is near! The doctor is near!


There are many road signs in the world.

It would not hurt us to learn all of them!

Performed "Song of road signs", music by G. Dementieva.

Parsley. What a good song! Well, tell me again, where do we cross the road? That's right, on the transitional path!

The game "Attentive pedestrians" is being held.

Parsley. Well done boys! Remembered the basic rules of the road, learned the signs, traffic lights! And I want to give you these books as a keepsake! They contain all the rules of the road.

Rules from this book

Need to know firsthand.

And not to teach them lightly,

But seriously, for sure!

Handing out books to children.

It's time for me to run now.

Goodbye, kids!

Leading. And guys, it's time to go back!

Invites everyone to take their seats on the train again.

Music sounds. Children leave the magical city of road signs.

Holidays according to traffic rules are compiled according to the program requirements of a preschool institution and age characteristics. Practice shows that classes and entertainment according to the rules of the road, which reinforce this knowledge, make an invaluable contribution to the development of a comprehensively developed personality, a responsible citizen, and an attentive pedestrian.

Scenarios of holidays and entertainment according to traffic rules

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Traffic rules, road signs. Quizzes, intellectual contests

Showing publications 1-10 of 4265 .
All sections | Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Scenarios of holidays and entertainment

Scenario of the festival of propaganda teams among preschool institutions of the city "Rules of the road" Scenario festival of propaganda teams among preschool institutions of the city “ Rules traffic» Fanfares sound. The Head of the Kindergarten delivers a welcoming speech. Opening of the festival. Sounds "March". Girls come out to the music with a composition "Young Hussars". Leading. Before...

Scenario of sports and musical entertainment "Friendship with road signs" Scenario musical and sports entertainment according to the rules of the road movement with older preschool children "Friendship with road signs» Tasks: Consolidate children's knowledge of signals traffic light, about "warning" and "prohibiting" road signs, about modes of transport, rules ...

Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Scenarios of holidays and entertainment - Entertainment according to the rules of the road "Dunno on the road"

Publication "Entertainment according to the rules of the road "Dunno on ..." Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street. Objectives: Educational: - continue to reinforce the rules of conduct on the roadway; - to develop in children a sense of responsibility while observing traffic rules; - activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; ...

MAAM Pictures Library

(Children pass behind the curtain to the music. 2 LEADERS come out to the fanfare in front of the curtain) 1VED: Hello, our dear viewers, kindergarten staff, parents! (Answer) Oh, how many times in this spacious hall we celebrated the holidays! 2VED: But this holiday is graduation ...

Tasks: - to consolidate children's knowledge about the traffic light; -to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules for crossing the road; - develop attention, observation, the ability to act on a signal. Equipment: - toy traffic light; Parsley. - layouts of road signs; - colored ribbons; - hoops 5...

Scenario for traffic rules "Light up in the dark and become visible on the road" for children of senior preschool age Objectives: Prevention of child road traffic injuries; education of law-abiding road users; Introducing children to reflectors. Tasks: - to form in children elementary knowledge about reflective elements; - to expand children's knowledge of the rules ...

Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Scenarios of holidays and entertainment - Entertainment scenario for children of senior and preparatory groups "Pinocchio in the city of road signs"

Entertainment script for older children and preparatory groups Pinocchio in the city of road signs. Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about safe behavior on the streets and roads, traffic rules, road signs, various types vehicles. Equipment:...

Entertainment according to traffic rules "Journey to the country of traffic lights" (middle group) Entertainment according to the rules of the road "Journey to the country of traffic lights." middle group. Educator: Golishnikova Marina Vladimirovna. Program objectives: - In a playful way to consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road; about traffic lights; road sign "pedestrian...

Scenario of the festival "Rules of the road" for older children Scenario of the festival “Rules of the road” Fanfares sound. Rodionova Svetlana Vladimirovna, head of MADOU, doctor of s. No. 10 "Seagull". Festival opening. “March” sounds to the music, girls come out with the composition “Young Hussars”. Leading. Before you...

Scenario of a sporting event in the second junior group "Our friend Traffic light" Purpose: in a playful way to improve children's ideas about the rules of behavior on the road. Tasks: 1. To consolidate children's ideas about the rules of the road, about the meaning of a traffic light. 2. Contribute to the improvement of physical skills: speed, dexterity 3....

« I single out only one goal of education - readiness for survival". T.F. Akbasheva

In order to release a child into the world, the task of adults is partly to prepare for the difficulties that he will face. One of these important points will be the correct behavior on the streets and roads. locality. The responsible role assigned to the preschool educational institution is to prevent child injuries on the road. To this end, in preschool institutions classes, targeted walks, activities to familiarize with traffic rules are held. The task of such classes is to systematically familiarize with the rules of safe behavior on the roads, orientation in space, which will reduce the number of accidents.

The purpose of conducting classes, leisure activities, entertainment and holidays for the study and consolidation of traffic rules is:

  • Development of intellectual abilities.
  • Formation of cultural behavior on the streets and roads of the city.
  • The development of the psychophysiological qualities of children, which will help ensure the safety of the roadway.
  • Formation of self-esteem, self-control, self-organization.

Targets and goals:

Contribute to the instillation of children's interest in knowledge of traffic rules;
- instilling caution and attentiveness on the roads of the city;
- develop and instill the ability to work in a team;
- foster a sense of collectivism;
- involvement of parents in educational entertainment.

Attributes: cones, sandbags, car steering wheels, gymnastic arcs, traffic signs, scooters, hoops, broom.

Preliminary work: Learning poems, riddles according to traffic rules; study of road signs; preparation of attributes for entertainment.

Event progress:

Children go to the hall to the music.

Leading: Hello dear participants of our event! Today we have gathered you to hold interesting and informative competitions, where everyone can show how well they know and apply traffic rules. Dear adults, you are an example for your children, so your active participation will help our children. Together we will show how well we are friends with the rules of the road. We wish all participants to have fun and once again conclude that the rules of the road should be well known and applied by both adults and children!

Leading: Today there are 2 teams

Contest Welcome

1 team

Our friendly family
This is you and this is me
traffic rules we know,
We do them well!

2 team

Don't yawn on the road
Follow all the rules.
To avoid trouble
All children should know them!

Leading: And now the guys want to remind everyone the rules that you need to know.


A pedestrian! Stop!
And don't rush forward!
The passage is closed for you!
Be literate - you are a pedestrian!
The road sign is blocking the way!
Pedestrian traffic is prohibited!
Think about it, what can happen there?
Let this sign help you. (sign “Pedestrians prohibited)


Leads down from the sidewalk
There is a long entrance under the road.
There is no door or gate
It means transition. (sign "Underpass") - show the sign

Child 3

You, the driver, don't rush
And slow down quickly.
The sign warns you
What if children are playing here (Sign "Caution Children") - showing a sign

Child 4

There's a ground crossing here
People walk all day long.
You, the driver, do not be sad,
Let the pedestrian pass (Sign "Pedestrian crossing") - showing the sign

Child 5

Helping for a long time
Children, our friend, traffic light
Explain without stress
Rules for children.

A TRAFFIC LIGHT appears: That's right, it's all about me! Why do you think you need to know my signals well? (children's answers)

Traffic light: I announce a contest: "Question-Answer"

(the traffic light asks questions, the teams must answer quickly and correctly, the questions are asked in turn):

- Where should I cross the street?
- Where do I need to wait for public transport?
— Who regulates traffic on the streets of the city?
- A necessary item for a traffic police officer.
What does a red traffic light mean?
What does a yellow traffic light mean?
-Where can you play ball?
-Where can I ride a scooter?

Leading: Competition - game: "Take it - do not drop it"

(the players put sandbags on their heads, take the steering wheel and walk the distance to the music, following the traffic lights, passing the baton to the next player) - the traffic lights are reflected on the screen.

Competition "UNDERGROUND PASSAGE"» (obstacle course)

(To the music, the players move around the site, as soon as the necessary signal is displayed on the screen that it is impossible to cross the road, the players crawl on all fours in turn under the gymnastic arches, run around the cones and return to their place)

Competition "The fastest, most dexterous"

(11 people form a circle, traffic signs are on the chairs standing in a circle, players run in a circle to the music, as soon as the music stops, you need to quickly take a seat, picking up a sign and raise it up. The eliminated player chooses any road sign and asks to explain its meaning.

Competition "And in our yard"

(Each team, to the music, must ride a scooter, avoiding obstacles in the form of cones, passing the baton to the next player)

Traffic light: Yes, I see that your teams know and are friends with the rules of the road. And now I propose to rest and guess my riddles.

  • He has colored eyes, not eyes, but three lights,
    He takes turns with them, immediately looks at me. (traffic light)
  • Don't take this tape.
    And you can't weave it into a pigtail.
    She lies on the ground
    Transport along it runs. (Road)
  • The car won't go there.
    The main one here is the pedestrian.
    That do not interfere with each other,
    You need to keep on the right path. (Sidewalk).
  • Under this sign, oddly enough,
    Everyone is waiting for something all the time.
    Some are sitting, some are standing...
    What kind of place is this? (stopping place)
  • What are those tracks called?
    on which the legs walk.
    Learn to distinguish them accurately
    Do not fly like a fire.
    walking paths
    This is just …? (Sidewalk)

Leading: You see, dear Traffic Light, what great fellows our guys are! Traffic light: Indeed, well done! Well done on this one too!

Humorous competition "On a broomstick" ...

(An adult carries a child on a broom, observing the rules of movement, avoiding obstacles in the form of spaced cones. The task is to quickly and accurately transport all members of the team, the task is performed to the music: “I am flying, flying, flying ...)

Competition "Did you call a taxi?"

(adults put on a large hoop, put the player in it and go with him to the opposite side of the site, “drop off” the passenger, return for the next “passengers”, and so on until they “transport” all team members.

Final competition for parents

Homework- ditties.

(parents, picking up colored handkerchiefs - red, yellow, green, perform ditties prepared at home)

Dear pedestrians.
Listen carefully.
We will sing ditties to you
Just wonderful.

You guys listen
What do we want to tell you.
Road rules
Everyone must comply.

Pinocchio, what a shame
Didn't look at the traffic lights
Almost got hit by a car
And there was a red eye.

For passers-by - the sidewalk,
Park, alley and boulevard.
Walk here without worry
There are no roads for cars!

The football ball is round.
Jumped out of the field to the road
Play ball, children, have plenty
On the site near the house.

To not have a friend,
You have misfortune
Don't you ever play
On the roadway.

Leading: Well done. Now we will ask the teams to come out and stand in a circle.

Dear our members. Our competition is coming to an end. And of course, I would like to note that we have no losers today, because you showed your knowledge, showed skill, ingenuity and once again showed how important it is to know the rules of the road and follow them well! And in conclusion, I would like to say:

To live without knowing grief,
To run, jump and play
Must you traffic rules
Observe always and everywhere!

To the music, certificates are awarded to the participants of the event.

And get a certificate for attestation?