School-wide New Year's scenario for high school students. New Year's performance script for high school students.doc - New Year's script for high school students. Competitions at the New Year's disco

  • 13.11.2019


TV presenter

Father Frost.

Snow Maiden

The sound of an airplane is heard.
Attention! Passengers who have booked tickets for flight No. 2015, due to bad weather, the flight is delayed. Please go to the waiting room. The airline apologizes to passengers and offers to celebrate the New Year at the airport.

Passengers take the stage.

How is it at the airport? What are you, I'm shooting a new movie. I'm going to Hollywood.
Calm, comrades, calm.
Just a minute, just a minute. I am a famous Producer. My new show group is due to perform on New Year's Eve on television. I urgently need to fly to New York. This is a disgrace, I will complain!
Unfortunately, dear passengers, all flights are delayed due to bad weather.
TV presenter.
I am a famous TV presenter. If I'm late for the program, I'll lose my job.
Just a minute, just a minute. I am writing down.
Why no job? Dear passengers, I have an interesting thought. Why don't you help organize an interesting program here at the airport.
Are you laughing at us? Are you joking?
No I am not joking. There are many passengers here. Everyone will have to celebrate the New Year here, whether you like it or not. We have Santa Claus, but there is no host of the program, maybe one of you will agree?
Friends, among us there is a popular presenter entertainment programs Well, if he agrees...
Gee, do you have to rescue everyone?
Have to.

Everyone leaves.

Good evening, Good evening ladies and gentlemen! There is something very romantic in what happened, not everyone had a chance to celebrate the New Year at the airport. Friends, let's not be sad. I am sure that a little later you will remember this evening as the most interesting and amazing in your life. And now let's cheer ourselves up with wonderful music that invites you all to dance.

Competition "Dance of my dreams".

5-8 girls are invited, the same number of boys. First, the girls take out notes from the basket and stand in a line in the middle of the hall. Then the boys choose notes from the baskets and stand in front of the girls. Then the first girl is invited to read the note aloud. She reads: "I dream of dancing with the best dancer in our school." The young man, whose note says "the best dancer", comes out and stands next to the first girl. So all other notes are read. After everyone is divided into pairs, the dance begins, to which everyone else joins.

Note texts for girls

  1. My dream is to dance with the best dancer in our school.
  2. I would really like to be invited to the dance by a tiger tamer.
  3. I would like to dance with a famous film actor.
  4. I want to dance with the sea captain.
  5. My dream is to dance with the chef.
  6. .I really want to be invited by the world champion in weightlifting.

The young men, respectively, have the best dancer, tiger tamer, famous film actor, sea captain, chef, world champion in weightlifting.

You danced great. And I thought, why not learn the most popular dance for us? And most importantly, dance together? Oh, it would be a unique sight for everyone. By the way, just now I was informed that, quite by accident, a well-known dance group turned out to be here at the airport. As it turned out, they do not fly away on tour, but simply see off their best friends to America. Let's ask them to support our program and teach us something amazing. Do you agree?

New Year's flash mob

It turns out that we can have a great time at the airport. All the stars gathered here: directors, producers, TV presenters, journalists and even pop stars. Gentlemen, I just saw an incomparable pop star among you. I will ask her to come up to me on stage, and all the fans will enthusiastically greet our star with applause. I don't want to ask you any unnecessary questions (referring to the star), sing your favorite song to all the happy passengers
The soloist of the vocal group performs the song "It's a New Year" to the soundtrack

While all your fans will line up for you in a queue for autographs, we continue our show program. What awaits us next? And then we will also sing along.. We will hold the Musical Puzzle Competition

So that the songs are sonorous and cheerful

You could read one verse

You only read one line

And the other three, as you can see, are not.

The children are given cards on which one line of famous songs is written. Whoever has one line must find the guys who have cards with the rest of the lines of the song. The four who have collected and sang the song best of all receive a prize. The winner is determined by the applause of the audience

"Support the song."

At the edge of the forest

Winter lived in a hut.

She made snowballs

In a birch tub.

She twisted the yarn

She wove canvases

Forged ice

Yes, there are bridges over the rivers.

Ice ceiling,

The door is creaky.

Behind a rough wall

Darkness is prickly.

How do you step over the threshold -

Frost everywhere

And from the windows of the park

Blue - blue ...

(song "Winter" to lyrics by S. Ostrovoy.)

The rivers have cooled down, and the earth has cooled down,

And a little puffed up at home.

It's warm and damp in the city

It's warm and damp in the city

And outside the city winter, winter, winter.

And they take me away, and they take me away

Into the ringing snowy distance

Three white horses, oh, three white horses -

December, and January, and February.

(The song "Three White Horses" to lyrics by L. Derbenev from the movie "Magicians".)

Somewhere in the world

Where it's always cold

Bears rubbing their backs

About the earth's axis.

Centuries float by

Sleeping under the ice of the sea

Bears rub against the axis -

The earth is spinning.

(“A song about bears”, lyrics by Derbenev, from the movie “Prisoner of the Caucasus”.)

Oh frost frost

Don't freeze me

Do not freeze me, my horse,

Do not freeze me, my horse,

My horse is white-maned.

(Russian folk song "Oh, frost-frost ...".)

A moment of attention! A well-known music producer decided to create his new show group here. Now, if you don't mind, he would like to select the members of the group. You have a word.
I saw a lot of you talented people and decided to conduct a selection of members of the new show group. For the group I need a trumpeter, guitarist, drummer, pianist and, of course, the lead singer of this group. So, let's begin.

1st competition "Trumpeter's Choice".
We need to check the lungs of the contestants. 4-5 people take part in the competition. On the producer's command, they must inflate air balloons to the music. When the music stops, whoever has the most balloons is declared the show band's trumpeter. He is awarded a trumpet or a pioneer horn, the trumpeter remains on the stage, all other participants leave the stage with incentive prizes to the applause of the audience.

2nd contest "Guitarist's Choice".
4 people participate in the competition. The task of the participants is to imitate playing the guitar and dance to the music. The participants are given guitars, and in turn, to the applause of the audience, the contestants dance with the guitar. The best is determined by the audience: whoever gets the most applause will play the role of the guitarist in the show band.

3rd competition "Choice of drummer".
4 people participate in the competition. There are noise instruments, pots, forks, spoons, combs, etc. on the table. The task of the participants is to play these instruments in turn to the music. Who will have the most original game, who will get more applause from the audience, he will be the drummer in the show group.

4th competition "Pianist's Choice".
3 people participate in this competition. The contestant is given a children's piano and a card with a task. For example: “Imagine that you are playing at a concert, a full hall of spectators, and suddenly your left ear itches,” and another task: “You are playing, an annoying mosquito has stuck to you, which constantly sits on your nose.” And the third task: you are playing and suddenly you find that someone has put a button on the chair. The task of the participants is to imitate playing the instrument to the music and play the situation that happened to each participant.

5th competition "Soloist's Choice".
4-5 people participate in this competition. The task of the participants is to sing one verse at a time to the soundtrack of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." The best soloist is chosen by the audience by applause.

So, the choice is made! Meet the new show group "Kis-meow"!
Friends, you are witnessing an unusual spectacle. In the future, a popular group (and I have no doubt about it) will perform their first hit for the first time for you.

The phonogram of the song "Black Cat" sounds. The soloist is given the text of this song - the 1st verse and chorus.

1. Once upon a time there was a black cat around the corner,
And the whole house hated the cat,
Only the song is not about
How did people get along with the cat.
Chorus: They say no luck
If a black cat
The road will cross.
While on the contrary -
Only black cat
And no luck.

All other members of the group imitate playing the instruments.

That's great! Bravo! And now we are with new group we continue the dance program.

A moment of attention! Some announcements the administrator wants to make.
Dear passengers, for some reason you stopped asking to resume flights of our airline. This is further wonderful, it means that you like it here, then, I think, you will be happy to meet our Santa Claus.
This is where you should have started. What is the New Year without our beloved Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden. Let's call them together.

Everyone calls Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Music sounds, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear
Father Frost.
Hello, friends!
The old year is leaving
Good, good year
We won't be sad
After all, a new one is coming to us,
May he bring good luck to everyone.

Snow Maiden
I want a sonorous, happy

Children's laughter was heard everywhere.

For the girls to be beautiful

For young men to be wise.

Father Frost.

Let's have some fun, friends

We can’t be sad on the Christmas tree.

Get closer and closer.

Music, play more fun.

We have wonderful traditions, let's not forget them and, as before, we will dance around the Christmas tree with Santa Claus.

Modern music sounds, everyone dances around the Christmas tree.

Well done, this is a real New Year's dance!
Father Frost.
Friends, I did not come to you empty-handed. I have prepared a surprise for all passengers of Morozko Airlines. I am already very old and I decided to find a replacement for such dance evenings. I announce a competition for the position of Santa Claus. The task is simple: whoever fits my fur coat and hat, whoever greets the guys in an interesting way, I will choose him as my deputy.

Competition, selection of the winner. Santa Claus with his deputy distributes gifts to the children.

Well done, Santa Claus! This competition showed us how difficult it is to be in the role of our beloved Santa Claus. And now we continue our program and dance together with the deputy of Santa Claus.
Father Frost.
Wait a minute, friends!
Sorry, I have to go!
Happy New Year
And of course I wish
Fulfill your dreams.
For all of you to be happy.
Don't be bored, have fun
Don't get mad at the weather.
Very soon you friends
Fly away to where.

Father Frost. Dear friends! Let's spend the Old Year with a fun dance.

Competition. Cheerful snake. Calls two participants to the stage.

Dear friends! You must each make your own snake. And after the end of the music, we will see who will have it longer, he will become our New Year's winner.

Phonogram. Participants descend into the hall and make up two snakes to the music. After that, in each snake they are asked to count the number of people and the winner is called.

Santa Claus: Goodbye, friends,

Snow Maiden: Goodbye!

Santa Claus: May your wishes come true!

Snow Maiden: May this year

Life boils and sings.

Santa Claus: Let him give success and recognition!

Goodbye, friends!

See you soon!

Let's see Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden with friendly applause. Goodbye and see you next year! And we continue our holiday ..

Everyone is interested to know what awaits him in the New Year. And we have prepared an unusual New Year's cake for you, where many different surprises are hidden, take a piece and find out what awaits you in the new year. Test task: on a large beautiful tray lies a sheet of thick paper, beautifully painted under the pie, which consists of small squares - pieces of the pie. On the inside of the square, the drawings are what awaits the participants:

heart is love

book - knowledge,

penny - money

the key is a new apartment,

the sun is success

letter, notice

car buy a car

a person's face is a new acquaintance,

arrow - reaching the goal,

hours - changes in life,

road trip,

gift - surprise

lightning - tests,

glass - holidays, etc.
Leading. Good luck awaits you in the new year, and our celebration continues.. Cheer and dance with them.
The song from the repertoire of the group "Strelki" "New Year" is performed.

Attention! Now you will witness another amazing spectacle. The famous director, who was supposed to fly to Hollywood to shoot his new film, decided to shoot a small fragment here. I think he should be thanked for this decision.
Every minute is precious to me, that's why I made this decision. You need to bring to life the picture of the fragment that I will read to you from the script. Let's stage New Year's fairy tale. To do this, the leader distributes cards with fairy-tale characters among those who wish. The task of the players is to “revive” their characters in the course of reading the fairy tale.

New Year's fairy tale (action movie)

Characters: Snow Maiden, Stranger, Tiger, Crow, Helicopter, Forest (at least 3 people-Trees).

Noisy bamboo FOREST. The trees swayed from side to side and creaked ominously. It was dark and scary in the FOREST. Breaking the branches and crushing the grass, a huge TIGER slowly came out of the FOREST. He was hungry and therefore growled ominously. Frightened, the CROW flew from TREE to TREE and croaked indignantly. The TIGER looked back, angrily wagged his tail and hid under a TREE. Suddenly, the sound of a flying HELICOPTER burst into the lunar silence. A STRANGER and a SNOW MAIDEN flew on it. The HELICOPTER's engine roared louder and louder, its propeller spinning wildly. Looking for a place to land, the HELICOPTER began to descend and landed in a clearing. Bamboo FOREST rustled around. A STRANGER and a SNOW MAIDEN came out of the HELICOPTER. THE STRANGER wiped his forehead, the SNOW MAIDEN clapped her hands and said "Hurrah!" Suddenly the SNOW MAIDEN saw a huge TIGER under the TREE and cried out “Oh-oh-oh!”. TIGP looked at the intruders with hungry eyes, licked his lips and growled ominously. SNOW MAIDEN quickly and easily climbed a nearby TREE. THE STRANGER was left alone with the TIGER. Again, frightened, a CROW flew from TREE to TREE and croaked indignantly. The TIGER slowly approached the STRANGER. Both prepared for the fight. Standing upright, the STRANGER lunged with his foot and loudly shouted "Kiya!". The TIGER roared intimidatingly, continuing to approach the STRANGER. The STRANGER winked at the frightened SNOW MAIDEN sitting on the TREE, quickly changed his stance and again shouted “Kiya!”. But the TIGER boldly walked forward. And then the STRANGER, without fear, rushed at the TIGER and laid him on the shoulder blades with a series of well-aimed blows. SNOW MAIDEN shouted "Hurrah!". The CROW croaked in surprise and fell off the TREE. The TIGER roared again, but this time plaintively. THE STRANGER tied a collar around the TIGER's neck. The TIGER looked doomedly at the STRANGER and obediently sat down next to him. SNOW MAIDEN once again shouted "Hurrah!" and descended from the TREE. THE STRANGER took the SNOW MAIDEN by the hand, handed her the leash with the TIGER, and they all went to celebrate the New Year. Following them, the bamboo FOREST rustled with delight, and the CROW croaked in surprise.

The roles are assigned and the plot plays out.

Thanks to all!
Friends, very soon you will see yourself on TV screens. It is a great happiness to act in a film by a famous director. You are not tired yet, are you? Then we continue our competitive program.

Magic bag game. (Everyone stands in a circle around the Christmas tree, to the music they pass a bag in which caps, masks, all sorts of New Year's outfits, the music stops, the one with the bag takes out what came across and decorates himself, etc.)
Attention! I want to announce good news to you. The weather has improved, and all flights of our airline have been restored. Passengers are requested to go through customs inspection of luggage and check in tickets. The airline wishes you a happy journey and thanks you for your help in organizing the entertainment program!
Well, well, friends, I am very sorry to part with you. Still, despite some problems, we had a lot of fun, right? I'm sure we'll meet again. Happy New Year! Happiness, love and good luck!

♦ Heading: .

Scenario New Year's Eve for high school students "New Year. en -2019"

new year potpourri

(The ensemble of the Russian song "Baba Mani". Handkerchiefs are tied under the chin. They sing to the tune "There was a birch in the field.")

Oh, there was a tree in the forest,

Oh, there was a green one in the forest.

Lyuli-lyuli, stood. (2 times)

Someone break that tree,

Break some green

Here the man went for a walk,

Break the Christmas tree for the kids

Lyuli-lyuli, break it. (2 times)

The tree is shining with lights

Leads round dances with us,

Lyuli-lyuli, with us. (2 times)

(Group "Advanced Mary". Handkerchiefs are tied like bandanas. They perform rap.)

Christmas tree sticks, green needles!

On a sunny meadow

The tree grew.

E-tree, tree. (2 times)

Once in a fierce cold

One man came

Saw very sharp

On the Christmas tree, whack and whack.

E-tree, tree. (2 times)

crazy teens

They danced until morning.

Gathered at the Christmas tree

Nice bro.

E-tree, tree. (2 times)

1. Hello, dear high school colleagues, our dear teachers and long-awaited guests! It is no coincidence that we started our holiday with songs about the Christmas tree, because this is the main attribute of the New Year.

2. The New Year is already knocking on our doors, on the pages social networks, on billboards and shop windows of the streets.

3. Indeed, this holiday has long been considered the most long-awaited, most beloved, everyone is looking forward to it with impatience and hope for a miracle - naive and always young adults, not childishly serious kids, and, of course, we, high school students.

4. Everyone has the opportunity to make a cherished wish and believe that it will certainly come true in the new year!

5. New 2019 will certainly bring warmth and harmony to every family.

6. Health is like the greatest treasure.

7. Good luck - to be lucky all year in everything.

1. Love - so that the heart is filled with tenderness and mercy.

2. A huge bundle of gifts and New Year's wishes!

3. New Year is the favorite holiday, magical, mysterious, amazing, unique ...

4. He awakens in people the best feelings, love for everything beautiful, good.

5. It's time to invite Santa Claus to look at him. Have you grown old?

6. Santa Claus? I think we all need to call him and the Snow Maiden together - it seems like this happens at all children's matinees?

6. So, let's get together: "Santa Claus, Snow Maiden!" (3 p.)

(includes Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden)

Santa Claus: Respect to you, dear high school students! Don't forget what to call me. And even all together, the Snow Maiden and I, as in childhood, were called! Well, well done, pleased the old man!

Snow Maiden: Yes, that's right, grandfather. Look, the guys have become quite adults, very soon they will go into an independent life, an adult. But, nevertheless, like little ones, they are waiting for Santa Claus, New Year 2019 and a new miracle.

Father Frost (1), Snow Maiden (2)

1. Happy New Year guys,

My congratulations!

Bright, sunny days

I wish you in the cold!

2. May good luck and joy

Will bring with him

On this winter holiday

coming year.

1. And I wish you

For everything to work out

So that twos and threes

You didn't happen

So that the parents

Putting signatures in the diary,

They exclaimed in admiration:

"You're a genius, old man!"

2. So that mom, having come from work, this very hour

I would immediately put you at the computer.

So that at McDonald's you

ate daily,

Well, with chips, just

They didn't break up.

1. So that your holidays

Six months lasted.

The remaining six

You wouldn't study at all.

2. So that these words

They sounded victorious for a long time.

Happy New Year guys!

Dreaming is not bad!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, there are so many people who want to have fun here! I wonder what they know about you, oh new year holiday?


Father Frost.Well, I invite you to take part in the New Year's quiz!

(The Snow Maiden hands out numbers (20)

1. Gift collection of Santa Claus (Bag.)

2. Props that allow Santa Claus to fight off the wolves. (Staff.)

3. Cold in the ocean. (Iceberg.)

4. Under-roof lollipop. (Icicle.)

5. Sheepskin coat, which is triple for skaters. (Sheepskin coat.)

6. The object of artistic creativity of Santa Claus. (Window.)

7. Nickname of Santa Claus. (Red nose.)

8. What did winter salt in a birch tub? (Snowballs.)

9. How far are 3 white horses carried? (Into the ringing snow.)

10. Elochkina homeland. (Forest.)

11. What color do gingerbread and cones grow on a Christmas tree at home? (Pink and gold.)

12. The process ending with the fall of the Christmas tree. (Cutting.)

13. Ancient, but not aging dance at the Christmas tree. (Round dance.)

14. Performer of songs for the Christmas tree. (Blizzard.)

15. A person running past the Christmas tree at a trot is gray in all respects. (Wolf.)

16. Elochkin snow heater. (Snowball.)

17. Christmas decorations, which causes significant damage to the home budget, not only on the day of purchase. (Electric garland.)

18. A peasant's anti-Christmas tool. (Axe.)

19. A gift under the tree that isthe main irritant of teachers in the classroom (Mobile.)

20. And finally, the last and most main question: a person at school, on whose carpet it is better not to wipe your feet. (Director.)

Snow Maiden. Well done to those who answered the questions correctly. My congratulations! You have become participants in the New Year's win-win lottery, which we will hold a little later, do not lose your numbers! And for those who did not give a single correct answer, I ask you not to be upset, because you will still have the opportunity to become winners of other contests.

Father Frost:

Happy New Year! Happy New Year's dance!

In order to call luck into life, you need to stand in a friendly circle with us!

Come on, tree, come to life! Light up the lights! Invite everyone to the cheerful circle!

Snow Maiden. To make wishes come true

To make dreams come true

Near the Christmas tree

Dance together!

round dance

Father Frost.You all already know that 2019 is the year of the yellow earthen pig. Heis expected to be bright, filled with an active and open desire to live, create, enjoy life.

Snow Maiden.Year of the Peaceful Pigis the year of new hobbies, implementation of ideas and ideas. Let the good Yellow Boar bring a lot of good things in his patch! Now we will check what you know about this animal.

A quiz is being held (Santa Claus treats everyone with sweets)

1. What are the names of the heroes of the fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs"? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.)

2. Who pronounces the following words: “Oh, you are ugly, oh, you are a dirty, unwashed pig!” (Moydodyr.)

3. In which fairy tale do piglets sing: “You are a pig and I am a pig, we are all brothers of a pig”? ("Cat house".)

4. A kid with a pig character. (Pig.)

5. Halfback pig. (Fang.)

6. Pig bath. (Puddle.)

7. Brutal Piglet. (Boar.)

8. An event that increases piggy. (Farrow.)

9. The prominent part of the pig's face. (Piglet.)

10. One of the popular TV presenters of the evening program. (Piggy.)

So, the main character of the day in the upcoming New Year is a pig. Therefore, to appease her, you prepared cartoons on new way about piglets. Let's see them. (8, 9, 10, 11)

Competition (certificates to do)

Leading. And now, while the jury is summing up the results of the competition, we invite you to participate in New Year's fun.

New Year's fun 1 "New Year's bells"

Leading. In Central America, as soon as the clock strikes midnight, all the sirens and bells begin to ring deafeningly. Before the final summing up, it is time to arrange a deafening New Year's bell ringing.

(The host goes to the 1st sector.)

You will play the part of the big bell, ringing preferably low, booming and slow: “Boo-um! Boo-u-um!". Rehearsing…

(The host goes to the 2nd sector.)

You have a middle bell part, your sound is higher and shorter: “Bim-bom! Beam-bom! Trying...

(The host goes to the 3rd sector.)

Your part is the part of a small bell, the sound is even higher and more frequent: “Bam! bam! bam! Bam! So…

(The host goes to the 4th sector.)

You also got a batch of bells, the sound is the highest and most frequent: “La-la! La-la! La-la! La-la! Picture...

So, attention! The big bell begins to sound... The middle bell enters... The small bell connects... And ringing bells pour in...

Well done! What a wonderful bell ringing we got.

New Year's fun 2 " Snowball game"

2 teams of 5 people. Distribute 10 snowballs to everyone. You need to throw cotton "snowballs", trying to get into a large felt boot standing on the floor (each team has its own felt boot). Count, congratulate the winner.

Christmas fun 3

You know, in one of the tribes in Africa on New Year's Eve, when they meet, the tribesmen spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit on each other, but we’ll try to congratulate our friends in African style.

A pacifier competition is being held. The one who spit out the dummy the farthest wins.

Christmas fun 4

What is the Russian New Year without a snowman? Let's try to build a snowman!

4 pairs of participants are called. Ladies "sculpt" a snowman from their gentleman, i.e. wrap it around toilet paper. When conducting this competition, it is important to remember that the main thing is not speed, but quality!

The winning couple will receive prizes.

Christmas fun 5

"Ice Sculpture"

Two teams of 5 people must draw an ice sculpture and give it a name. Time to prepare - while the music is playing.

Well now it's time

win-win New Year's lottery!

1. Portrait of the most beautiful person? (Mirror.)

2. A trifle, always needed.

Without it, there is no ruble (penny)

3. Things are always necessary, not out of fashion. (Shoe laces.)

4. And this item

Helps you remember things

Long gone years. (Empty.)

5. Somewhere among us there is a fellow,

For him, we have prepared the most delicious lollipop. (Chupa Chups.)

6. You are just a darling with us, Here's a cool one for you ... (clapperboard).

7. Means for transmitting thoughts at a distance. (The envelope.)

8. You will be strong, like a genie,

If you eat our vitamin. (Apple or carrot.)

9. The limit of your dreams

I am very happy to give.

Washing machine as a gift

Automatic machine. (Eraser.)

10. And here is the gift of Prometheus,

May your life be brighter

And a little warmer too. (Candle.)

11. They get you -

Lights from Bengal! (Sparklers)

12. Old antique hanger. (Nail.)

13. Not a luxury, but a means of transportation. (Toy car.)

14. So that you straighten your hair more often,

We will give you a model comb! (Fork.)

15. You are lucky: from these hands

You got a laptop! (Notepad, preferably labeled Notebook.)

16. Cool surprise here for you,

Get the symbol of the year as a prize! (Souvenir toy.)

17. And your gift is just a miracle,

I will tell you without further ado.

Keep from me for a keepsake

Raincoat set! (Packing garbage bags.)

18. There is no better gift in the world,

Than branded shampoo in a briquette! (Soap.)

19. And you for your table

Bohemian glass set! (Disposable cups.)

20. So that the New Year leads the way,

We give you confetti!

3. The final part


How fast the time has flown

Minutes, half an hour, hours...

We managed to have some fun

We managed to give you prizes!


And ahead fun party,

Magical 2019!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment

When the New Year is coming!


Happy New Year of the Pig to you -

It's so nice to congratulate you!

And we sincerely wish you

Learn to never forget!


More often, it's easier to smile

And live in peace with dad, mom.

Cheerful, fun to laugh,

Really be friends!

Happy New Year!

(Firecracker salute)


And now we invite everyone to the New Year's disco.

Celebrating the New Year in high school should be non-trivial and fun. After all, the guys studying in grades 9-11 hardly believe in Santa Claus, so you should approach the preparation of the script with great responsibility. Be sure to include modern jokes and outdoor games with prizes. And then all schoolchildren will be satisfied with the evening spent. Here is one example of the possible behavior of a holiday for such an audience.

Captive Santa Claus

Leaders take the stage. This is a girl and a boy, in an evening dress and a strict formal suit. Leading: Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you all to this fabulous hall! presenter: Today is a special day, because very soon we will all celebrate an incredibly beautiful, magical and beloved holiday. Of course, it's New Year's Eve! Leading: Let's spend it in such a way that it would be possible to remember this for another whole year, and it's not a shame to put it on YouTube. presenter: Yes, we are waiting for such adventures that the video of the holiday will gain a lot of views. And all of us will become real stars of the Internet! Leading: I propose to start the fun. To do this, you need to light the Christmas tree. One of the high school students enters the stage with a canister and matches. high school student: What should be lit here? This is us right now. presenter: No, no, you misunderstood. We need the Christmas tree to shine with bright lights. And for this you need real magic. Leading: Well, or at least a garland and a socket of suitable power. Let's call the school electrician and the physics teacher, I think they can help us. Let's guys three or four electrician, electrician! presenter: Do not forget that the New Year is a time of miracles, so we need fairy tale characters. Guys, let's call Santa Claus! The hosts with the guests present at the holiday begin to call Santa Claus. The song of the group "Disco Crash" "New Year" sounds, and Baba Yaga enters the stage in a rocker bandana and a leather jacket. A Santa Claus costume is thrown over her shoulders. In her hands she carries a large red sack and a staff. Baba Yaga: Hello my irises! I am cheerful, oh, that is, cheerful Santa Claus, I brought you gifts, we will light it together - celebrate a nasty holiday.

presenter: Something tells me that you are not a grandfather. Look at you! Where are the good wizard's business, quickly speak. And then we will find control over you in an instant. Baba Yaga: No! I am that same magician, I just met with Santa yesterday, celebrated a holiday, so I look bad. Guys, do any of you believe that I'm real? Some of the guys sitting in the hall will definitely shout in jest that they really believe in it. Baba Yaga: Come on stage as soon as possible, my yacht! I will give you a present. You will be alone, sitting among these goofs full! Hands a schoolboy a bunch of mice and lizards. Such frightening toys can be bought at any souvenir or children's goods store. Baba Yaga: Something you, my dear, I see, are not satisfied? Ali did not like the gift. So I'll tell you how you can cook a delicious soup out of these delights. By the way, it is not a shame to serve it on the festive table to guests. You take a large cauldron, add salt to taste, two packs of bay leaves, the same amount of black pepper ... Leading: So, let's stop this circus. You, grandmother, better become the administrator of one of the social networks and lead a culinary public there. There will be a lot of subscribers for sure. presenter: That's it, and don't talk your teeth to us. Where is Grandpa doing? Nobody here believes you! Baba Yaga A: I have proof. Now my granddaughter will do. They call her Snow Maiden. A kikimora in a green wig, dressed in a snow maiden costume, enters the hall. Leading: What's with your granddaughter's hair? And she doesn’t look like a snow maiden somehow. Baba Yaga: All this is a cursed subculture. My yacht turned into punks. It is she who is without a Mohawk now, otherwise she will come out, it used to be in an open field, and the birds, out of fear, all fly south ahead of time, and some generally fall upside down with their paws. The bear, and he did not touch her, but the hares with squirrels said that when he ran away, he crossed himself three times with his right paw. presenter: Well, if you continue to claim that you are real, let's light the Christmas tree. Santa Claus can do it. baba yaga: One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree. Knocks with a staff, nothing happens. kikimora: Let me try. One, two, three, Christmas tree burn! Nothing comes out, probably the batteries are dead. Come on, crank it up, damn thing. One, two, three, Christmas tree burn! presenter: Okay, stop this farce. Let's do it! We will call the guys from the audience for help and decide everything in a fair fight. If they defeat you, you will tell us where your grandfather and gifts went, and if you do, you will celebrate the New Year with us. Two guys are invited from the hall, the presenters invite them to participate in a tug-of-war contest. Baba Yaga, along with Kikimora, of course, lose and fall funny on the floor. kikimora: It's all because of you, you old hag, I told you, tie a fly agaric stew three times a day, otherwise at such a pace Koschey will seem like a handsome prince to you. Baba Yaga: Good good. We'll tell you where your beloved wizard is. But we also have our own conditions. Leading: what, I wonder - a VIP-class stupa and three million dried toads? kikimora: Not. You will need to answer all of our questions correctly. Would you like to take part in the quiz? Then we will tell you how to save the holiday. Baba Yaga and Kikimora take turns asking questions:

  1. We had a dog with Kikimora, and so she was tied to a rope, the length of which was as much as eight meters. Once she managed to walk as much as three hundred meters. How did it happen? (The rope was not tied to anything but the dog).
  2. What is heavier: a kilogram of coniferous needles that remain after you throw away a Christmas tree or a kilogram of lead? (Both have the same weight).
  3. What is the main difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus? (The main difference is not in clothing and appearance, one is a Russian fairy-tale character, the other is American).
  4. Two birch trees grow in a snow-covered field, each of them has seventeen cones. How many cones are on two birches? (Cones do not grow on birches).

Baba Yaga: Well, you answered the questions, now you can give the wizard to you. Both villains leave the stage and bring Santa Claus into the hall. He sits on a chair, tied to it with tinsel. A bump sticks out in the mouth of a fairy-tale character. The leaders untie the old man. Father Frost: Oh, you, evil spirits of the forest. What did you think! Give me back my staff and my fur coat immediately! For the fact that you decided to ruin the holiday for the guys, I will freeze you. Ice cold, snow whirlwinds, rather here. Santa Claus hits the floor with a staff and both villains freeze in place. presenter: They played a cruel joke on you, grandfather. But today is not an ordinary day, but a magical one, maybe we will free them, but we will take a promise from them that they will not behave badly anymore. Do you agree, dear guests? Father Frost: Well, well, granddaughter, be your way. It’s just that I’ve become old, I don’t have any memory at all, I bewitched them, but I don’t remember how to return everything back. Now... Melt, melt and don't freeze again. No, it doesn't work. Freeze, freeze, wolf tail. Also not that. It's like a completely different opera. presenter: How can we be now? Maybe someone knows this spell, otherwise the chimes are about to start beating, and our uninvited guests are still in a stupor.

Father Frost: My granddaughter knows the spell, but she went to the beauty salon in the morning and still hasn't returned. Let's call her together. The presenters and the whole hall loudly call the Snow Maiden. A modern melody sounds and the granddaughter of Santa Claus enters the hall. For this role, you should choose a pretty girl of model appearance. Father Frost: Where have you been, granddaughter, so much has happened here? Snow Maiden: What happened to you again, grandfather? So I was late for the spa, I sat in line for three hours at the hairdresser, I almost got into a fight with Cinderella. And the nail art master wanted to rip off a double price from me in honor of the holiday. Leading: O times, o manners! Your grandfather was kidnapped by forest villains, we freed him with the guys, and now he froze them, but forgot how to unfreeze them. Snow Maiden A: Well, you do. Well, grandfather, you amaze me. How about calling your foreign partner, with whom you exchanged experience yesterday so that it was not fate that you barely made it home? He takes out his phone from his pocket and pokes at the buttons. Ale, hey, Santa, how do I blow doo? Oh, so you understand Russian? Great, so you walked yesterday! How can we unfreeze two villains? I got it. Thank you! smack! Listen, grandfather, Santa says that they need to be warmed three times with a staff. Father Frost: Oh, right, I keep forgetting how this spell works. Approaches the villains and hits them on the head with a staff. After that, Baba Yaga and Kikimora thaw. Baba Yaga: Forgive us, grandfather, it’s just that no one loves us, so we decided to celebrate the New Year at least once in a good company. kikimora: Yes, she lies. We are just against the backdrop of a beautiful Christmas tree in fashionable clothes They wanted to take a selfie, but they couldn’t light it. Father Frost: Well, okay, jester with you. One, two, three, Christmas tree burn! He hits the floor with his staff and at this time the Christmas tree lights up with colorful lights! Baba Yaga and Kikimora take out their phone and run to her to take fashion photos. They make funny faces and pose. Leading: That wonderful moment has come. Very soon, Christmas trees will light up in millions of homes across the country. People will cut salads, open champagne and celebrate this magical and most beloved holiday! presenter: We wish all of you to celebrate this holiday in the circle of truly close and beloved people. And most importantly, be happy!

The scenario for the New Year 2019 at a school for high school students implies not only dancing and round dances around the Christmas tree with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, but also many competitions, intellectual quizzes and discussion of issues relevant to teenagers. In addition, school matinees for high school students are another opportunity to remind them that the New Year is really a time for miracles, turn everything around into a fairy tale and once again show the power of good.

If the scenarios for the New Year 2019 at a school for high school students are made funny by adding a couple of jokes that are relevant for the age, then the celebration will surely be crowned with success and bring only the most positive emotions! For everyone and everyone, you can cook for the holiday.

Scenario New Year's performance"Mission Impossible: Retrieve Santa's Stolen Documents"

This scenario is filled with different quizzes for ingenuity, and gives every high school student the opportunity to take part in the performance and not be bored. A great opportunity to play detectives with heroes from fairy tales!

1. Santa Claus
2. Snow Maiden
3. Queen
4 Bigfoot
5. Blizzard
6. Pirates
7. Petushki Kapitosha and Antosha

Blizzard and Bigfoot enter the decorated stage.
Snowstorm: Bigfoot, just look how many guys came to our holiday!
Bigfoot: Yes, indeed, a lot of people gathered. Oh, how nice! But where are the long-awaited Santa Claus and his granddaughter, why are they delayed?

Blizzard: Well, Bigfoot, we'll have to entertain our guests so that they don't run away!

4 teams of high school students are invited to the stage, each team has two people. Team members hug each other so that one person has a free left hand, and the other has a right hand. The task of the team is to complete the task, as if it were the hands of one person.

Task: tie the laces on the sneakers. Then from the package sleep the semolina in a jar. The team that completes the task first wins.

After the contest, Petushki Kapitosha and Antosha run out onto the stage.

Kapitosha: Antosha, just look! Santa Claus is in trouble, and they are having fun!

Blizzard: What? Santa Claus is in trouble? We did not know. What happened?

Anosha: Santa Claus took the train to get to us faster. But the pirates stole his documents and he got stuck at the border. The Evil Queen took advantage of the situation and kidnapped Santa Claus and his granddaughter!

Snowman: Wow! We urgently need to find the pirates, take away the documents and return Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

Kapitosha: and the guys will help us with this!

Competition "The fastest"

7 girls are invited to the stage to participate. Each girl must collect 5 phones, 3 men's shoes, 2 lipsticks, 4 men's belts in the hall. Whoever completes the task faster and collects all the items wins and receives a mini-prize.
Blizzard: wow, we have a real team of detectives! Now we can definitely find
robbers and return the documents of Santa Claus!

Two pirates run out onto the stage and sing the song "Song of the Robbers" from the cartoon The Bremen Town Musicians.

Pirate 1: Haha! You will not have a holiday, because we not only stole the old man's documents, but also dragged a whole bag of gifts!

Pirate 2: There is no one stronger than us!
Bigfoot: and we will check it now!

Competition for strength

There are 10 guys on stage. Their task is to lift the weight of the robbers. Whoever lifts the kettlebell the most times wins.

Pirate 1: Yes, indeed, there are a lot of strong guys here. But New Year they still cannot be saved, the evil queen has bewitched the old man with his granddaughter. Ha ha ha.

Pirates2: I wonder if these guys are as smart as they are strong?
There is a riddle contest. In addition to riddles, you can ask different tasks or arrange

Vocabulary Spelling Contest.

After the competition, the robbers leave the stage and take the bag with gifts. Appears

The Queen, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, who are immobilized (frozen).

Queen: I am the most powerful and powerful sorceress in these countries! You've never been right with my spell! I hate the New Year and this old man with his granddaughter! They will remain ice blocks forever! (evil laugh).

Competition "Crack the ice block"

15 people take part in the competition. Each is given 3 darts. The task of the guys is to hit the target. Each hit increases the degree of the stove, which is able to melt the queen's ice and free Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

After the competition, Santa Claus and his granddaughter come to life, I explain to them what happened. Pirates appear, return documents and gifts.

Santa Claus: well, now everything is in its place! Thank you guys for not leaving us in trouble. And what will we do with our villains, send them to hot countries to melt?!

The pirates and the Queen beg for mercy.

Cockerel Kapitosha: Grandfather Frost, because the New Year is a good holiday! Let the villains sing a modern hit that the guys like, and we will invite them to the holiday with us!
Snow Maiden: What a good and kind idea, the Queen and the robbers, do you agree to our terms?

The Queen and Pirates nod approvingly.

A song performed by villains sounds (a modern song is chosen by high school students).
Snow Maiden: and now it's time to check if the guys are ready for the holiday!
Contest "What does a cockerel like?"

The competition is held with the guests of the hall. Peutskie Karl and Karla ask questions about the symbol of 2019. For example:

What should be prepared for the holiday table?

"What is the cockerel's favorite color?"

How many days are there in 2019?

“How to decorate a Christmas tree so that a cockerel likes it?”

After the song, everyone rises to the stage, lights the Christmas tree, receives gifts and the festive disco begins.

Holiday script for high school students dedicated to the New Year. This scenario is a composition that will help each child see the role of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in his life.

New Year's script for high school students

Presenter 1. Good evening to all present in the hall!
Presenter 2. Hello dear guests!
Presenter 1. Hello everyone who came to this hall, and even those who were late for the ball. We congratulate everyone, invite everyone to let only laughter sound in this hall!
Presenter 2. Happy New Year, with new happiness, we congratulate you again. The holiday is cheerful and the evening is beautiful, it's time for us to start.
Host 1. Listen! As if in a magical dream, lights will shine at school today, music will sound here and laughter is a festive evening for everyone today.
Presenter 2. Whoever loves laughter, who knows how to joke, let him come to this hall. we invite everyone, we invite everyone to the New Year's carnival.
Presenter 1. Festive, cheerful, full of healing smiles on every face. Winter, joyful, exciting, it is not repeated twice.
Lead 2. Listen, listen to the highest order: it's time to have fun, it's time for us to rejoice. in the one who fulfills these precepts, now all dreams come true.
Leading 1. Happy New Year, we congratulate you, we wish you all happiness, so that you can live this year both sadly and without troubles, so that you work willingly, but have fun on the holiday. And success to you in business, smiles on everyone's lips.
Presenter 2. This is our opening speech, we all started well, but now we ask everyone to have both noise and laughter in the hall, so that you meet the artists and sincerely applaud them. We didn’t sleep for more than one night and prepared a fairy tale for you, don’t blame me, somehow it’s not in harmony, because this fairy tale is in a new way.
Presenter 1. We ask you, do not sleep! Get in the hall and whistle! They are already sitting on the needles under the tree fairy-tale heroes, we will invite them to this hall for a festive carnival.
Presenter 2. Listen, it's time for us to shut up and start our fairy tale! And so, the wonderful tale of Little Red Riding Hood and gray wolf we are shown the honored artists of our school, students of grade 9

Presenter 1. Thank grade 9 for their fairy tale. Our festive New Year's program continues. therefore more jokes, more laughter, are allowed with us, everyone dance, have fun, because the time has come for this.
Presenter 2. Today we have fun, we celebrate the New Year, and we warmly welcome everyone who came to us.
Presenter 1. Waiting for surprises for everyone in the new year, in the year _____! 11 classes will soon be finishing school, there is only one chore ... do not worry, certificates will be issued in June days!
Presenter 2. It will be difficult for you to go to college in the year ___! Your troubles are completely useless, I want to give advice politely: a lot of good, bright changes await you in the new year, so work, don’t be lazy and the bell will strike good luck!
Presenter 1. Happy New Year, tenth grade! happiness to you! heat in the house! good deeds to you, good friends and best assessments, be strong, strong, courageous, hardworking in health.
Presenter 2. We send the best congratulations to the class we are nine! let love warm your heart, all your life and everywhere, and everywhere! may hope not fade away in you, people always respect!

Presenter 1. Let the beauty of the girls not fade. Let fate bloom luxuriously! let love be for everyone, like the plants of the sun in the field!
Presenter 2. We wish our teachers that there is mutual understanding, that seeds of sciences germinate with a high harvest!
Presenter 1. We wish you to start new business in the new year, and such that your stubborn deeds already thundered about!
Presenter 2. May life in the country become both stable and prosperous, so that everyone can live a life given to us by God! Together: Happy New Year! With new happiness! Happy New Year you are greeted by the melodious voices of our school
Presenter 1. It's time to call those without whom there is no new year, I think that everyone guessed who they are talking about? Therefore, all together, we will call together: “Santa Claus! Snow Maiden"

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter the hall)

Snow Maiden: Good evening, dear friends! Happy New Year! With new happiness! Let me congratulate you and sincerely wish you the best in the world!

Santa Claus:
God bless, good hour,
For goodness to visit you!
To have a lot
For your life to flourish.
We sow, we sow, we sow.
Happy New Year to you!

Snow Maiden:
May the new year be in every school
Bring good enough
Full of sun, full of laughter
All for joy and pleasure.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
And best wishes:
Everyone should live in health -
Both big and small!

Santa Claus:
May your dreams come true
All this year
Let fate smile on you
At every step!
So that in happiness and health
From now your time has come!
Happy New Year!

Presenter 2. Well, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are in place. You can move on to entertainment.
Presenter 1. Oh, I caught a snowflake, I need to make a wish.
Presenter 2. And what?
Host 1: Listen! All my life I dreamed of attending a real ball, well, at least for 5 minutes, so that there were real beauties, princes and a waltz.
Presenter 2. On New Year's Eve, all wishes come true, so you will have a waltz.

(Dance "waltz" from students of ___ class)

Presenter 1. Well, how do you like tonight?
Presenter 2. Seems okay! but I want something super fun.
Presenter 1. Then it's time to move on to games, contests and entertainment.

Competitions for high school students

We reveal talents

There are forfeits in a hat or bag. Each of the guests chooses one and reads. Then, one by one, everyone demonstrates their talents. On forfeits it can be written: depict a statue of a Discobolus, play the role of a drunken loader, sing a romance to the words of a nursery rhyme, dance a hopak, show a double sheepskin coat in figure skating, and so on. The one who reveals his talent better deserves the reward.

news with one hand

Every day, television, radio and print bombard a person with a sea of ​​information. The information may be detailed, may not be very detailed, and may be very short, consisting of literally one sentence. About such information they say “News in one line”. Try composing a one-line message about an event that happened somewhere in the world. In this case, be sure to use five words in the text of the message. And the words should be:
Azerbaijan, skyscraper, robbery, navigation, ozone;
Chile, iceberg, opposition, rally, chess;
Malaysia, stadium, space, emigration, harvest;
Liechtenstein, oasis, film, panic, accusation;
Tunisia, pavilion, flood, illness, anniversary.
All proposed nouns can be turned into verbs or adjectives, you can add any number of other words to the proposed words; the main thing is that the message has at least some meaning.

New company name

Hundreds of new firms spring up every day in our country. Most of them soon die, and only a small part awaits a happy fate and prosperity. The success of an enterprise largely depends on the type of its activity: the fewer other competing firms are engaged in the same activity, the greater the chances of success. And success also depends on a bright name that reflects the specifics of the company. Imagine that in one city a number of enterprises have appeared, offering unique types of services. They just don't have names yet. Help start-up entrepreneurs and come up with a name for the company, if it is known that it is engaged in ...
sharpening disposable blades;
repair and maintenance of scooters;
harmonica tuning;
accelerated learning of the Hindi language;
installation of birdhouses.

New road signs

It is difficult to imagine a modern city without road signs: warning, prescriptive, prohibiting, etc. Road signs help regulate traffic, inform about the state of the road, and warn of possible danger. And, although there are many road signs, there are still such situations, such dangers that are not reflected in the “alphabet of roads”. Help the traffic police and draw a new road sign, which may soon appear on certain sections of the road. These signs are classified as "warning" and are called as follows:
“Caution: deaf old women”;
“Caution: low-flying comets”;
“Caution: liquid asphalt”;
“Caution: Evil Terrorists”;
"Beware of bad odors."


When a person gets a job, he usually writes an autobiography. In his autobiography, he reports where and when he was born, who his parents are, what school he graduated from, whether he has a secondary or higher specialized education, where and in what capacity he worked, in what troops and by whom he served, whether there are awards. Imagine that some fairy-tale characters decided to get a job. Try to write their autobiography on their behalf. This autobiography should belong to...
Baba Yaga;
Old man Hottabych;
Baron Munchausen;
Kashchei the Immortal.

Collective masterpiece

Any guest who wants to feel like a real artist can participate in this team game. Participants are divided into two or more teams of 3-4 people. Each team is given a piece of paper, preferably A1 format, so that there is a large field for artistic activity. And each participant is given a felt-tip pen (or marker). To make it more interesting, each "artist" is blindfolded (with a handkerchief or scarf). The host calls the topic for drawing, it’s better if it’s something New Year’s (snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden), then commands: “One, two, three - start drawing,” and everyone starts drawing at the same time. The team that draws the fastest will win. But in this competition it is necessary to take into account the accuracy of the work performed.

Messed up song

The host begins to sing a song (preferably some well-known, New Year's). But the words from one song are sung to the motive of another song (For example: the words from the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” are sung to the motive of the song “Little Christmas Tree”). The participant who guesses which song was taken as the basis for the performance will win. The winner can become the host and mix up the next song himself. It will be more incomprehensible if there are two presenters and they will perform the proposed songs in a duet.

New Year's masquerade ball

Schedule (estimated for 4 hours):
1. Meeting guests at the entrance (girls dressed up as fairies meet)
2. Getting to know the guests, introducing them to the King and Queen of the ball.
3. Ball - a dance marathon with the participation of a dance master, with competitions, an auction and small dramatizations.
4. Seeing off the old year and meeting the new.
5. The arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Contests.
It is very important to think over contests that will be comfortable to perform in costumes!

Scenario for the New Year 2018 at a school for high school students: Video