Public Relations Manager Training. Seminars and courses on advertising and PR. Financial Public Relations

  • 13.11.2019

PR, public relation, public relations - all these are the names of one interesting activity of specialists in the media, advertising and image. A PR manager forms a good name for the company, makes sure that his employer has an impeccable reputation in the right circles. This provides a great advantage in politics and in business. A good specialist understands the whole essence and importance of working with public opinion, can easily manipulate facts, creating the right mood in society. Such a professional is always in demand in the labor market and is highly valued by the employer. On our site resource, companies are presented that will help you achieve a high level of skill in public relations courses in Moscow.

What can students learn in PR and advertising courses?

Visitors to our classes will be able to learn the main tools and tasks of public relations:
  • definition of the target audience;
  • creation of an effective marketing and advertising department at the enterprise;
  • interaction with the media;
  • external and internal reputation;
  • features of working with social networks;
  • rules for compiling a press release;
  • basic interview techniques;
  • rules for creating and disseminating the necessary information for the enterprise;
  • criticism and negative reviews.

Target audience of the proposed trainings

Our public relations (PR) and advertising courses will be of interest to business owners and entrepreneurs, advertising managers and heads of marketing departments. Students at our PR trainings will learn all the important components of PR for politics and business, and will be able to correctly use the acquired skills of a public relations and PR specialist. The PR courses collected on the B-Seminar.RU website will teach you how to effectively interact with agencies and solve PR tasks on your own.

What will you learn in the Ad Manager and PR course?

  • How to use and evaluate the effectiveness of communication tools in various PR events.
  • Develop a strategy and tactics for relationships with local, regional and international media.
  • Determine the target and key audience and develop a concept of interaction with it using communication tools.
  • Organize special and promotional PR events.
  • Corporate "Public Relations": create and manage business reputation organizations.
  • Public relations in the field of finance (Organization of thematic seminars and conferences, information campaigns in the financial media).
  • Public relations in the field of politics (Develop strategy and tactics for election campaigns).
  • Manage crisis and problem situations.
  • Develop public relations projects in foreign countries.

Topical questions on the course:

  • The course is based on a mixture of theoretical lectures with practical tasks.
  • The teacher of the course in the classroom will show examples from his practice on the topic covered, jointly analyze the material covered, and answer all questions.
  • Groups consist of 5 to 10 people.
  • There are morning, afternoon, evening and weekend-only groups.
  • You will get real knowledge and experience under the guidance of a professional!
  • All material is given in plain language, everyone will learn it, regardless of the level of your knowledge!
  • You can always change the training time if your plans have changed or go through the missed material with another group.
  • The contract can be concluded in the office or by e-mail.
  • You can pay by invoice mobile bank, through your organization, in the office: in cash or by bank card.
  • You can make an advance payment of 30% of the cost of training, and pay the rest in 2 lessons.
  • If after the first lesson you do not like something, we will immediately refund the entire amount paid.
  • If you can't find the program you need on our website, don't worry! Call us and we will solve your questions!


Course program

1. Fundamentals of communication in public relations.
1.1. Definition of communication.
1.2. Sources of communication.
1.3. Purpose of communication.
1.4. The simplest communication model. Message encoding/decoding.
1.5. The main components of communication: the content of the message (message), the means (channel) of transmission of the message (media and natural communication), the person or source.
2. Influence of means of communication on the process of formation and development of "public relations".
2.1. Definition of the concepts of "public relations" and "means of communication".
2.2. Differences between the terms QMS and media.
2.3. Features of use various kinds communications in SO: strong and weak sides use of each type of communication media in R R-campaigns.
2.3.1. Electronic media: television (standard classical, cable, satellite, HDTV), radio (terrestrial, cable, via the Internet), video media, computers, computer networks and information banks. The use of "internet" in "public relations". Corporate "Web-site". Intranet and Extranet.
2.3.2. Technical media - printing, (newspapers, magazines), news agencies, information R-networks, printing and book publishing, telephone and cellular communications, telegraph, facsimile and paging communications, cinema.
2.4. The concept of "database of target media".
2.5. Criteria for selection and evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of communication tools for various PR events and programs.
2.6. Types and specialization of mass media.
2.7. Media ratings.
2.8. The concept of communication (mass media) audit.
2.9. Strategy and tactics of relations with local, regional, central and international media.
2.10. The specificity of the use of various types of SC in R R-support of activities public institutions and organizations, commercial structures, socio-political organizations and associations.
3. The concept of interaction with the target and key audiences of the public through the means of communication.
3.1. Definition of target and key audiences.
3.2. Types and categories of target audiences.
3.3. Internal audience and external audience.
3.4. Characteristics and specifics of journalists as a key audience.
3.5. Definition of "leaders" public opinion and interest groups.
3.6. Definition of concepts: economic (business) community, financial community, political environment, socio-cultural environment, clerical environment, professional environment, ecological environment.
3.7. The difference between the concepts of "business communications", "public relations", "public affairs".
4. Practice of using means of communication in public relations.
4.1. The main stages of the evolution of relations with the media.
4.2. Similarities and differences between the concepts of "publicly significant information" and "news story".
4.3. Functions and tasks of a PR specialist in working with the media (Media relations).
4.4. Differences and similarities in the work of a PR specialist and a press secretary.
4.5. Types of working PR documents used in working with the media, target audiences and their requirements:
4.5.1. Operational working information documents: press release (announcing, interim, final, corporate, hard copy / soft copy), information note (background), press kit, press statement, press interview (face-to-face, correspondence, combined, virtual) , newsletter (newsletter), quarterly information and analytical report, client application for R R-services (PR-brief), curriculum vitae, press dossier, press clipping, analytical report, article refutation, “crisis response red folder” (“Red forlder")", an invitation to the P R-event, a printout of databases of the target media and audiences, the scenario of the P R-event, questionnaires and questionnaires, photo collections and photo reports.
4.5.2. Image corporate documents: presentation booklet, corporate (company) large-circulation newspaper, booklet "Profile of the company", Annual report, Letter to shareholders, history (chronicle) of the company, biography of senior management, slide video or computer presentation, portfolio.
4.6. Peculiarities of using means of communication in PR-events.
5. Relations with the media ("Media relations").
5.1. Press conference and briefings.
5.2. Press tours.
5.3. Thematic seminars.
5.4. Thematic press breakfasts and round tables.
5.5. Training on effective relations with the media.
5.6. Monitoring and analysis of thematic materials in the media.
5.7. Information campaigns in the media.
5.8. Contests among journalists.
5.9. Joint promotions with the media on an exclusive basis.
5.10. Opening and maintenance of specialized headings in the media.
5.11. Creation and updating of target mass media databases.
6. Special and promotion PR events.
6.1. Presentations.
6.2. Exhibitions and fairs.
6.3. Festivals, competitions, quizzes, competitions, lotteries.
6.4. Professional seminars and "work-shops".
6.5. Scientific forums and symposia.
6.6. Sponsorship and charity events.
6.7. Semilings (sampling).
6.8. Tastings and product tests.
6.9. Organization and management of "hot lines" for consumers.
6.10. Interactive voting. Direct mail. Mass cultural and entertainment programs.
7. Corporate "public relations": reputation management.
7.1. Creation and strengthening of business reputation.
7.2. Organization and management of work hotline» for staff.
7.3. Organization and holding of annual meetings of shareholders.
7.4. Celebration of anniversaries, anniversaries and "round" dates.
7.5. Organization and holding of "open days" and visits to enterprises.
7.6. Production of corporate videos and TV films.
7.7. Staff training for representative function. Conferences of dealers and distributors.
8. Corporate "public relations": reputation management.
8.1. Annual meetings of shareholders.
8.2. Specialized thematic seminars and conferences.
8.3. "Business breakfasts" and "round tables".
8.4. Thematic seminars for press secretaries of the financial community.
8.5. Information campaigns and maintenance of headings in the financial media.
9. Public relations in the field of politics.
9.1. Development and implementation of the strategy and tactics of election campaigns.
9.2. Lobbying.
9.3. Meetings with voters and drafting speeches.
9.4. Organization and conduct of political debates.
9.5. Creation and strengthening of a positive reputation.
9.6. Working with opinion leaders.
9.7. Collection of signatures.
9.8. Development of relations with government structures and local governments.
10. Management of crisis and problem situations.
10.1. Development of crisis response programs (product / service - production - manager's reputation - corporate image).
10.2. Natural disasters. Natural disasters.
10.3. Crisis response team training.
11. International "public relations".
11.1. Development and implementation of public relations projects in foreign countries.
11.2. Establishment and development of relations with the international professional PR community.
Test. Offset.
Registration for an open lesson

Course Description

Now the culture, economy, modern society, politics, and public relations occupy a very important place in the development of all these areas. It should be noted that the work of a professional PR manager in public relations plays an important role in ensuring the intra-corporate success of an organization. Such a manager must be well versed in the methods of changing the opinion of society in order to bring benefits to the company.
In order to carry out his work qualitatively, a PR manager must know how to properly conduct PR campaigns aimed at obtaining new customers, he must be able to hold press conferences, presentations, and more. To successfully work in this position, you need to be well versed in many areas of scientific knowledge. Need to understand the organization management activities, the psychology of people's relationships, to assess how effective are decisions taken, to compose the correct mechanism for motivating the conquest of the heights of success, in addition, one should understand the connection between the subconscious and conscious elements of the psyche.

Learning all this and more is offered by our Advertising and PR (Public Relations) Manager courses. The acquired knowledge will enable applicants to conduct presentations, press conferences, PR campaigns, etc. on their own.
The effectiveness of the teaching methods of this course is ensured by the fact that students take an active part in the educational process, new teaching materials. The atmosphere in which classes are held is light and lively, and this contributes to better assimilation of the material.

Experienced and professional teachers conduct practical classes on the Advertising Manager course. After passing the public relations courses, students are issued certificates with which they can work in the development departments of large holdings and companies, in advertising agencies in the specialty "public relations manager", "assistant promotion manager", specialist in public relations, "specialist in the field of PR technologies".

Moscow Educational Center "Lubyanka": our managers are needed everywhere and always needed!

Courses for pr-managers: how to succeed in reputation management?
"Public relations", and abbreviated "PR" - a term that has appeared in our country relatively recently. PR is an activity aimed at building and maintaining a positive image of the company, as well as goods and services, in the eyes of the public. Agree - the task is not easy. But to do without its solution and at the same time cannot count on success in modern conditions no company. That is why the profession of “pr-manager”, he is also an “advertising manager”, he is also a “public relations specialist”, is becoming increasingly popular in the labor market.

What is pr-management?
The work of pr-managers is interesting and varied. This is the preparation of press releases and writing promotional articles; development advertising campaigns and participation in various press conferences, as well as preparation and participation in pr-actions. Routine is excluded - every working day you will solve new tasks.

If you dream of working in a promising field of advertising business…
If you are interested in working with people...
If you consider yourself a creative person...
So, you - to us! Our courses of pr-managers work to make your dreams come true. Courses of pr-managers in Moscow, in our educational center, will help you get a prestigious and sought-after specialty in a short time.

What are advertising and pr courses in the educational center "Lubyanka"?
1. Advertising courses are high intensity training. We tried to "compress" into the course curriculum maximum necessary knowledge. Intensive training - as evidenced by the successful experience of hundreds of our graduates - allows you to quickly master the amount of information that is enough for a successful career start-up.
2. Courses for pr-managers are a flexible training schedule. You can independently choose a convenient time for studying in pr-managers courses. We have morning and evening groups, as well as groups that work on weekends. Get prestigious profession"on the job" - your work or study - with us it is possible!
3. Courses for pr-managers are an individual approach to learning. The course program is designed in such a way that, even with group classes (in groups of no more than 15 people), teachers can assess the level of mastery of the topic by each student. In the event that while studying the next topic you still have questions, our teachers will definitely answer them. Education without "white spots" is one of our principles of work.
4. PR and advertising courses are the psychology of communication and management activities. In order to manage effectively - and a pr-manager manages the company's reputation - you need to be able to competently build relationships. Without knowing the basics of psychology, this is indispensable. The program of our courses for PR-managers provides for the study of the basic principles of the psychology of business communication.
5. Courses of pr-managers are affordable price. Getting a new profession will cost you relatively little. Moreover, you can pay this amount in installments!

Upon graduation, graduates management courses receive

1. I (the Client) hereby express my consent to the processing of my personal data received from me in the course of sending an application for information advisory services/ admission to study in educational programs.

2. I confirm that the mobile phone number I have provided is my personal phone number assigned to me by the operator cellular communication and ready to take responsibility for Negative consequences caused by my giving a mobile phone number belonging to another person.

The Group of Companies includes:
1. LLC "MBSH", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.
2. MBSH Consulting LLC, legal address: 119331, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 29, office 520.
3. CHUDPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL - SEMINARS", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.

3. For the purposes of this agreement, “personal data” means:
Personal data that the Client provides about himself consciously and independently when filling out an Application for training / receiving information and consulting services on the pages of the Website of the Group of Companies
(namely: last name, first name, patronymic (if any), year of birth, level of education of the Client, selected training program, city of residence, mobile phone number, address Email).

4. Client - an individual (a person who is a legal representative individual under the age of 18, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation), who filled out the Application for training/receiving information and consulting services on the Website of the Group of Companies, thus expressing their intention to use the educational/information and consulting services of the Group of Companies.

5. The Group of Companies generally does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Client and does not exercise control over his legal capacity. However, the Group of Companies proceeds from the fact that the Client provides a reliable and sufficient personal information on the issues proposed in the registration form (Application form), and keeps this information up to date.

6. The Group of Companies collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary for admission to training / receiving information and consulting services from the Group of Companies and organizing the provision of educational / information and consulting services (execution of agreements and contracts with the Client).

7. The information collected allows sending information to the e-mail address and mobile phone number specified by the Client in the form of e-mails and SMS messages via communication channels (SMS mailing) in order to conduct a reception for the provision of services by the Group of Companies, organize the educational process, send important notices such as changes to the terms, conditions and policies of the Group of Companies. Also, such information is necessary for promptly informing the Client about all changes in the conditions for the provision of information and consulting services and organizing the educational and admission process for training in the Group of Companies, informing the Client about upcoming promotions, upcoming events and other events of the Group of Companies, by sending him mailings and information messages, as well as for the purpose of identifying a party under agreements and contracts with the Group of Companies, communication with the Client, including sending notifications, requests and information related to the provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the Client.

8. When working with the personal data of the Client, the Group of Companies is guided by federal law RF No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 "About personal data".

9. I am informed that at any time I can opt out of receiving information by e-mail by sending an e-mail to: . It is also possible to unsubscribe from receiving information by e-mail address at any time by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the letter.

10. I am informed that at any time I can refuse to receive SMS mailings to the mobile phone number indicated by me by sending an e-mail to the address:

11. The group of companies takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the Client's personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties with it.

12. This agreement and the relations between the Client and the Group of Companies arising in connection with the application of the agreement are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

13. By this agreement I confirm that I am over 18 years old and accept the conditions indicated by the text of this agreement, and also give my full voluntary consent to the processing of my personal data.

14. This agreement governing relations between the Client and the Group of Companies is valid throughout the entire period of the provision of the Services and the Client's access to the personalized services of the Website of the Group of Companies.

LLC "MBSH" legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.
MBSH Consulting LLC legal address: 119331, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 29, office 520.
CHUDPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL - SEMINARS", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.