What do we know about Google? Brand naming development

  • 15.05.2020

Die Geschichte von Google begann 1995 an der Stanford University. Larry Page überlegte, an der Uni Stanford zu studieren, und Sergey Brin, der bereits Student dort war, sollte ihm den Campus zeigen.

Einigen Erzählungen zufolge konnten sie sich während ihres ersten Treffens auf schier gar nichts einigen – doch schon im folgenden Jahr begannen sie ihre Zusammenarbeit. In ihren Wohnheimzimmern entwickelten sie eine Suchmaschine, die mithilfe von Links die Wichtigkeit einzelner Webseiten im World Wide Web ermittelte, und nannten diese BackRub.

Kurze Zeit später wurde BackRub (zum Glück!) in Google umbenannt. Dieser Name basiert auf einem Wortspiel mit der mathematischen Bezeichnung für die Ziffer 1 mit 100 Nullen und steht für die Mission von Brin und Page, die Informationen der Welt zu organisieren und für alle zu jeder Zeit zugänglich und nutzbar zu machen.

Im Laufe der nächsten Jahre begann sich nicht nur die akademische Welt für Google zu interessieren, sondern auch Investoren im Silicon Valley wurden auf die Suchmaschine aufmerksam. Im August 1998 stellte Andreas von Bechtolsheim, einer der Gründer von Sun Microsystems, Brin und Page einen Scheck über 100.000 $ aus. Google Inc. wurde officiell registriert. Dank dieser Investition zog das neu eingetragene Unternehmen aus dem Studentenwohnheim in sein erstes Büro – die Garage von Susan Wojcicki (Mitarbeiterin Nr. 16 und aktuell CEO von YouTube) im kalifornischen Menlo Park. Klobige Desktop-Computer, eine Tischtennisplatte und leuchtend blaue Auslegware bestimmten nun die Arbeit von den frühen Morgenbis in die späten Abendstunden. Die Tradition einer Arbeitsumgebung hält bis heute an.

Bei Google ging es von Anfang an eher unkonventionell zu: Der erste Server wurde aus Legosteinen gebaut, und das erste "Doodle"(1998) bestand aus einem Strichmännchen im Logo, das Besucher der Website darauf hinwies, dass sich das gesamte Team freigenommen hatte und zum Burning Man Festival gefahren war. Unser Leitsatz "Tu nichts Böses" und " Unsere zehn Grundsätze" reflektieren unsere unkonventionellen Methoden. In den folgenden Jahren begann das Unternehmen, rasch zu expandieren, stellte Informatiker ein, baute ein Vertriebsteam auf und begrüßte mit Yoshka den ersten Google-Hund im Team. Die Garage wurde schnell zu klein, und Google zog in seinen derzeitigen Unternehmenssitz, den Googleplex im kalifornischen Mountain View, um Der Wunsch, die Dinge anders anzugehen, zog mit Und Yoshka auch.

Die unablässige Suche nach besseren Antworten steht nach wie vor im Mittelpunkt unseres gesamten Schaffens. Inzwischen beschäftigt Google über 60.000 Mitarbeiter in 50 verschiedenen Ländern und stellt Hunderte Produkte her, die von Milliarden Menschen weltweit genutzt werden, von YouTube über Android bis hin zu Gmail und natürlich der Google-Suche. Obwohl wir die Lego-Server abgeschafft und uns noch ein paar Hunde zugelegt haben, hat sich auf unserem Weg von der Garage zum Googleplex bis heute eins nicht geändert: Wir wollen weiter Technologien für alle Menschen entwickeln.

When creating a new online store, it is convenient to use a short guide to creating the basic elements of the brand and site style. It is this memo that the site presents


Deciding Who We Involve

The brand of an online store is not a “street sign” that informs any passer-by about something - but a marketing and advertising tool that pleases your ideal customer and satisfies his needs.

Of course, first of all, you need to define your target audience, identify its properties, study its likes and dislikes - and proceed from this in the store identity.

We formulate a unique selling proposition (USP)

Formulate in one sentence: the qualities of your customers, what you offer them (both goods and services), on what values ​​you are based; and most importantly, how you differ from your competitors.

This will be the USP - a formula from which it is much easier to derive the name, the logo, the slogan, and the style of the online store

Inventing the brand slogan - "the experience that serves as the door"

A slogan is an optional, but still preferred feature of modern retail branding. To be read, it should not exceed 7 plus or minus 3 words - but at the same time manage to surprise or please the site visitor.

To do this, use parts of the wording of your USP. You can say in the slogan for whom you work ("for caring mothers"). Or make a difference. Name your values. Describe the main qualities of your service or product. And finally, play around with some word of your sphere, coming up with a transparent and cheerful neologism.

It is also sometimes appropriate to make a slogan rhymed .

Remember that the slogan, unlike the name of the store, can be changed - for example, reflecting a very important, unique feature that has appeared in you.

We do not narrow down the store name and website address

The name of the store is also better based on the wording of the USP - but of all its parts, it is better to start choosing a name not with your products.

Ideally, the name and address of the online store should not define a narrow product niche. After all, if you get promoted, start expanding the assortment, then a narrow-commodity name will become problematic for you.

For a similar reason, you should not use narrowly associative emotions for a new brand - say, especially “cute” words (also with funny ornate “handwritten” fonts) for a children's goods store - you never know what you will start trading in three years!

The name of any store may well speak of the most abstract values.

Or be an object, phenomenon, term unrelated to your product (as it was proved both Apple brands is an American electronics brand and an English record label). .

It can be an abbreviation - or a back-to-back arrangement of two words. It can be a proper name - personal or geographical. And the brand name can be a word you invented that doesn’t look like anything else - or a word with a changed one or two letters.

Finally, sometimes it is appropriate to take some feature, a detail inherent in a very wide and numerous range of products, many of which you may someday sell ( good example: name Rozetka) and use this word in branding.

Checking the brand name

First, check if there are already online stores with the list of names you have chosen.

Secondly, examine the list of names you have chosen for availability and the final cost of a web domain name.

And thirdly, ask young people and representatives of your target audience if the chosen word (phrase) has additional or jargon meanings and associations that are unknown to you and inconvenient for you.

Draw a store logo - vector, beautifully scalable, abstract

Draw the logo immediately in vector for easy zooming in and out.

Don't forget to check its readability in the browser on miniature favicons (16x16 pixels) - or create a simplified but recognizable cue for your logo for these thumbnails.

Best by modern concepts logo is something abstract. You can take any geometric composition - and only then give it an exact meaning with special explanations (but this is not necessary).

However, there are rare cases when trading business requires a more "heraldic" approach to creating a logo - then the above design tips are even more relevant.

Shop style gamma and fonts – studying their associations and visual lightness

The color and font identity of an online store is ideally based, firstly, on the difference from its closest competitors.

And secondly, on generally accepted associations of colors and their combinations with different emotions. And also on other color design rules - such as "three base colors with a distribution of 60-30-10", "high contrast of the button color with the background color" and some others. See, for example, for more details.

Finally, fonts, backgrounds, non-clickable banners and blocks should be selected, first of all, based on their service, secondary role. That is, first of all, they should not strain, not overload the client, not draw attention to themselves - in general, not prevent the visitor from watching and reading product pages and other useful content on your site.

Branding companies is a set of activities aimed at creating a holistic brand image based it on values. Do you need branding in the fieldIT, where the main thing is the ideology and vector of the company's development?

SphereIT technologies is a rapidly developing area modern science and technology. In the 21st century every hour appear new inventions, technologies and design solutions. All new launches forward thinking companies who boldly look to the future and believe that they can change the world. However ideological fuel is not enough for a long time. As with products, it's not enough to just make a good product and hope people buy it.

For differentiation among many other brands, global IT companies invest a lot resources in branding and marketing. In the article we will talk about branding inIT-sphere on the example of well-known companies.

How to create a brand: components of branding

Branding consists of two parts - verbal and visual. All visual elements(corporate style, advertising communications) built on verbal components - the legend, mission and purpose of the brand. Branding helps shape added value increasing the value of the company itself. Wherein intangible(customer loyalty, brand awareness) turns into material(cash equivalent for company employees).

LinkedIn, branding IT company-social network

Social network for businessmen and just successful people - LinkedIn - considers branding an important direction of development. That's why marketing for this IT company strives to ensure that she always looks good in any conditions. Even all the necessary materials from guideline brands are freely available on the website. At the same time, the social the network is an excellent platform for building own brand identity.

→ About Who needs a personal brand and why? read our article: 9 Tips for Building a Personality Brand you will find .

Mission and naming development for an IT company

Mission LinkedIn consists of bringing together professionals from all over the world to improve their productivity and success. Brand naming displays this target - LinkedIn means "united". This social the network gives users a unique means to develop their own profiles and connect with trusted companies. The service is designed to provide a quick and convenient exchange of ideas, information and knowledge.

Development of a corporate identity for the field of IT technologies

corporate font

At the stage creating a new brand the company took seriously development of a unique image. Therefore, for different media and occasions, different fonts. In most cases, the company uses its unique font families Source Sans for headlines and promotional offline materials. In other cases, for example, for registration presentations in PowerPoint, used Arial. Font Georgia Italic applies exclusively to letters to clients and selection of quotes.

Corporate colors

Corporate colors - blue, black and white. The main color is blue. He is the core of the company's branding and must be present everywhere so that customers can easy to identify the brand. LinkedIn uses four more colors to give emphasis. However, their use is strictly regulated and it is recommended not to use more than one accent color. These colors cannot be dominant and only complement the main palette.

Creating a logo for a brand in the IT field

brand logo LinkedIn is the name of the company in three primary colors. Guideline regulates security zone of the logo, his allowable dimensions on various printed products, as well as options for using the sign itself [in]. Depending on the color and brightness of the background, it is recommended to use monochrome options logo.

IT brand positioning

Positioning Oracle builds on three principles partnerships with clients:

  • development of social goals in accordance with marketing purposes;
  • timely provision of expert advice;
  • supply of quantitative social values by opening new opportunities for traffic monetization.

Also for each product(programs) the company develops individual positioning strategies that depend on the target audience.

Corporate identity design for an IT company

For Oracle color palette and fonts are the two main elements that provide a clear and consistent representation of the Oracle brand. They play a major role in maintaining a strong brand image worldwide. For development of an IT company logo used a unique slab font in red. Four fonts are allowed in printed and online materials: Univers 55, 66, Garamong 3, Garamond 3 Italic.

IT company slogan

Google's slogan is " don'tbeevil", which means "do not be evil" or "do not do evil." The founders of the company explain it as one that promotes no conflicts of interest, and requires objectivity without prejudice.

The target audience

Branding Google built around his target audience- these are young people aged 18-25 (28%) to 25-35 years (49%). With the growing popularity of mobile devices and wearable gadgets users want to have the same experience of using a search engine as on a computer. Today, the number of requests from portable devices already exceeds the number from desktop ones. This forces the developers of the company to do adaptive design, which will represent the company ideally in any conditions.

Google branding

In September 2015, the company held rebranding main identifying elements - logo and color palette.

→ Before carrying out rebranding companies need to do brand analysis. It will help retain existing customers and understand how to attract new ones. Read more about brand audit.

IT company logo

The developers brought the logo to geometric purity of forms. Now the logo looks like perfect on any device. He retained the old play of color, and letter "e" everything is upside down as well a reminder of the unusual brand.

Corporate colors

The corporate colors have also been changed. Designers adjusted color saturation if they are nearby. Now red, yellow and green do not look dark in close proximity to cyan, and retain their original value.

corporate font

Developed specifically for the company unique Product Sans sans-serif font. It retained the simplicity and neutral uniformity inherent in this class of fonts. The font is slightly different from the company logo and highlights the brand's main products.

Corporate culture of an IT company

Google supports image open-company mindfulness, where embedded innovative corporate culture. The offices are kept informal because “ you can be serious without a tie". The company is focused on developing the potential of each individual. Thanks to this, Google boasts many young employees.

Netflix - online movies anywhere

Netflix is ​​one of the best providers of original films and series on the web based on streaming media. The work of the company is based on such principles as honesty, dedication, thirst for knowledge and others. Branding helps the company create a strong emotional connection with the target audience which is built on the support of these principles.

Brand naming development

Name the Netflix brand comes from the connection Inter net and flicks (short form flix), which means "cinema". This is how Netflix turned out or " movies on the internet».

Brand positioning and slogan

Like most IT companies, Netflix is ​​positioning itself around accessibility. Anywhere, anytime and from any device the user can watch the continuation of the series. That's what the company's slogan says: See what's next. Watch anywhere.Cancelanytime". At the same time, the company is aimed not only at consumers, but also at manufacturers. One of the directions in positioning Netflix is ​​to present the company as such that helps content creators reach a global audience.

Netflix corporate identity

In 2014 was held rebranding Netflix, which brought together different components of the brand under one idea and created a complete picture. When developing a corporate identity main goal was the creation an equally attractive image of the company on any advertising media. Branding elements should be changeable and at the same time systematic. Form style brand is built on The Stack is both a visual metaphor and an identifying system. The stack is built by piles of individual cards.

IT company logo development

The logo, which had been the face of the company for almost 14 years, was replaced by new flat logo. Thanks to its curved shape, the logo remained familiar to the target audience. To transfer the logo to printed products, it was greatly scaled and cut into several pieces. At the same time, the logo retained its reputation.

Corporate colors

As corporate colors using the standard combination "white-red-black". Many of the successful series produced by Netflix are in the genre drama or thriller. This choice of colors is good emphasizes the style of the company. The use of colors and the logo creates a strong association between Netflix and the actors.

EPAM Systems - software development worldwide

EPAM is global outsourcing company for the development software for financial, medical and other industries.

Positioning and slogan

The brand develops its positioning in two directions. For their partners, clients and potential customers EPAM is team of professionals, which designs best programs. Their slogan is " EngineeringisinourDNA- "Design is in our DNA" emphasizes this positioning. To attract potential customers, EPAM has a business representative offices around the world in the main software consumer countries.

For search for technical specialists the company is moving into markets where there are big offer applicants. To attract the best programmers the company positions itself as the best employer. For example, only in Ukraine EPAM has about 4400 IT specialists and is the most big company in this industry.

EPAM corporate culture

EPAM is focused on results, therefore, in the company's offices one of better conditions work. Here the employees are provided with everything necessary for comfortable life and productivity. Game zones were set up for a reason - switching to the game helps to look at the problem from the other side and find solutions to complex problems.

Corporate identity of an IT company

Logo companies are tag, so in most programming languages syntax elements are denoted. It's right away determines the specifics of the company's work and emphasizes openness companies ( tag is not closed). The company works in the fieldB2B and must inspire the trust of serious customers from global brands. That's why corporate color - blue It is he who helps to communicate with customers.

→ Many useful information about color perception you will find .

Behind our shoulders - dozens successful projects, which bring brand owners tens of billions a year. Remember doing well is not enough. Improve yourself and improve your brand and we we will provide you with all the necessary tools.

To order company branding, please contact us by phone +38044223 20 51 or mail [email protected] website.

    Alex Smith

    The last point is creepy. Goosebumps all over the body. 🙂 And about Google's generosity: today I'm checking adsense earnings, a nightmare - only cent and two-cent clicks. It's been a long time since there were so many little things in one day. Yesterday they were $0.36 each, sometimes even higher, depending on the theme of the pages. And then 1-2 cents. You should be raising your rates, not giving away AdWords coupons for free. I think so.


    Although, of course, there is no need to argue about leadership yet.


    Google has been and will be, for a couple more years, a search giant. Although zero sites can get into its issuance, you still have to try hard for a serious key request. Well, as for the issuance of Yandex and Google, it’s still difficult to say what, personally, it seems to me that Yandex has recently begun to issue more relevant results IMHO.


    Google is a great search engine!

    Although Russians mostly use Yandex, I advise everyone to use google! In terms of functionality, Google is better than Yandex, and it has more chances to find the information you need! And many more benefits...


    Well, what is it that Google will generate an output? :) What can it generate in your subconscious upon request, for example, porn? Never mind. As well as for 99% of other requests. And believe me, you can form your opinion on some issue without Google. So there is nothing wrong with Google.


    Yes, in the last paragraph, you definitely got excited) Microsoft's business seems to me still less harmless than Google. Still, the question of the principles for generating the issuance is not as terrible as a closed code, in which anything can really be. The lion's share of the company's activities often depends on the activities of the program, and not so much depends on one site.


    The last point is creepy. Straight goosebumps

    it's exactly 8), 🙂

    And then 1-2 cents. You should be raising your rates, not giving away AdWords coupons for free.

    Well, yes, there is probably a connection, in the free distribution of coupons and in lowering the prices for clicks.

    Google is now not as fluffy as it used to be. It has acquired a very large number of growths that, under the "good" name of Google, start and develop black deeds.

    Well, yes, when there is less money, it becomes clear who is who.

    Starting from the new year, I looked at my statistics starting to gain momentum bing. I was surprised to be honest.

    I myself am surprised that it indexes sites very slowly. One guy from the forum wrote that he had the main traffic from Bing, somehow successfully optimized for Bing

    To date, traffic from search engines, ..., from Google is almost twice as high

    If it's not a secret, how many visitors does Gosha send to you per day? 🙂

    Google has been and will be, for a couple more years, a search giant. Although zero sites can get into its issuance, you still have to try hard for a serious key request.

    It’s really not easy, and this despite the fact that all filters do not work in Runet, how do sites promote in the bourgeois network 8)

    In terms of functionality, Google is better than Yandex, and it has more chances to find the information you need! And many more benefits...

    And so I use Yandex! But if I can't find it, I go to Google!

    So then you go for the company 🙂

    I myself use Google, Yandex only for the analysis of search results and competitors.

    Well, what is it that Google will generate an output? :) What can it generate in your subconscious upon request, for example, porn? Never mind.

    I don’t know, I don’t have direct arguments, it’s just a little unpleasant that one search engine answers all questions. Given that he processes 40 mld per month. requests, then if one hundredth of the answers to a request is a trick, then this is 4 million requests per month, not so little 🙂

    Yes, in the last paragraph you definitely got excited) Microsoft's affairs seem to me still less harmless

    Well, yes, given that not only firms, but also state-owned enterprises work on windows.

    Still, the question of the principles for the formation of extradition is not so terrible.

    Well, if this is true 🙂


    Yes, Google is still the first in the world. But here's what's scary: imagine that all Google services stopped working! What would happen - without mail, without analytics, without dox, without YouTube, without a blogger and without search !!! Half the internet would not work!

    That's scary!

  1. bescom

    To Flashman:

    Personally, it seems to me that Yandex has recently begun to issue more relevant results