Imagination is much more important than knowledge Einstein. Einstein "imagination is more important than knowledge." About your childhood

  • 09.04.2021

Albert Einstein once said: “In my imagination, I am free to draw like an artist. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination covers the whole world.
When you realize how far humanity has come since the cave days, the power of the imagination is felt in full force. What we have now was achieved with the help of the imagination of our great-grandfathers. What we have in the future will be built with our imagination."

And we? What are we striving for by teaching and developing our children? What lessons are most often in our "schedule" of classes with children? The ones that stimulate the imagination? Or those that force children to accumulate knowledge?

Imagination! Fantasy! Creative thinking! That's it. what kids need!
Where to start developing the imagination?

From games, of course!

Here are some fantasy games from my book:

What does it look like?
Age: from 3-4 years.

Show your child and ask what they look like:
Geometric shapes or bodies
blots (random or specially made),
· «kalyaki-malaki» of the younger brother, abstract paintings by real artists,
pebbles on the beach
sticks or driftwood in the park or in the forest,
· clouds,
leaves, cones, seeds of various plants,
boxes of unusual shape,
other items in your home.

Which of your friends or favorite characters can be similar to:
a random passerby
your neighbor from the third floor,
the hero of a movie, cartoon,
the person in the picture
· and so on.

What the child is reminded of, what they look like:
the sounds of the heard melody,
sounds different instruments,
Unusual car signal
computer sounds,
doorbell sound
the noise of the station, a large store, a playground,
door creak,
squelching sandals in a puddle,
the crunch of an apple that has fallen from a branch,
the rustle of grass, trees,
· Thunder Strike,
sounds made by different animals.

What does it look like:
the smell of shampoo, perfume, cream,
the smell of candy, yogurt,
odors of fruits
smells of different foods
The smell of burnt eggs
the smell of an unfamiliar spice,
scents of different colors
the smell of the subway, a large store,
gas station smell
The smell of a flower stall
The smell of a bakery
the smell of a new briefcase, a new book,
The smell of freshly washed sheets
the smell of air after rain in the forest, in the city,
Other odors - pleasant and unpleasant.

Invite your child to close their eyes and touch different objects. What do they look like:
a fluffy blanket
piece of fur
a silk handkerchief
a piece of sandpaper
a thick rope
a small pillow for needles (of course, empty),
· Walnut,
· glossy magazine,
· TV remote,
a newspaper rolled up into a tube
· and so on.

During such games, try not to argue with the child, not to say: “But it doesn’t look like it at all!”. It is better to ask the child why he thought so. Share your impressions.
The only exceptions are, perhaps, games with geometric shapes and bodies. If a child says that a square looks like an apple, he is, of course, not quite right. But in response to your bewilderment, the baby will boldly declare that “This is such a magical apple, don’t you understand!”. Then agree with him that it’s better for you to compare with real objects for now, and you will draw a magic apple a little later.

Magic Items
Age: from 4-5 years.

All sorts of things constantly happen to the heroes of fairy tales, adventure books and films. incredible stories. They find themselves in very difficult, sometimes hopeless situations.
Invite the child to come up with a magical item or amazing device that he would like to give the hero of a book or movie to make it easier for him to cope with troubles. What properties this item should have, how it might look.
Let the kid draw a hero, and next to him - a magical "helper".
Ask the child what he would do if he had such an object or device in his hands.

Drawing impressions
Age: from 4-5 years.

When the child masters the pencil and brush well enough, begins to draw not “just little men”, but more complex “genre scenes”, invite him to draw at your request:
characters of your favorite fairy tale (you can discuss in advance what this or that character looks like, what he can be dressed in, at what point in the fairy-tale action the child wants to portray him),
Impressions from a recent trip to the zoo, to the circus, to the theater (remember together how the animals behaved, who exactly participated in the performance, how the actors were dressed, and so on),
· yourself and family members during a trip to the sea, skiing and so on.

Imagine and draw
Age: from 5-6 years.

Have your child imagine and draw:
the pantheon of fabulous "gods" - the god of the game, the god of fun, the god of bad mood, the god of the wind, the god of food, the god of sleep, and so on;
various fairies and wizards;
· kings and queens, kings, princes, queens and princesses of various amazing states;
· unknown, non-existent animals: known from fairy tales - hypogryph, snottail, heffalump, push-pull, snake-gorynych; or fictional ones - geometrin, round-tailed, horn-haired, spark-eyed, scaly crawler, and so on (think up yourself or with your child);
inhabitants of other planets (you can come up with the name of these creatures or the names of the planets together with the child);
non-existent modes of transport (both terrestrial and alien), having discussed in advance what properties they will have;
fairy-tale items - magic wands, invisible hats, flying carpets, self-assembled tablecloths and much more;
different cities - alien, fabulous (from one or another fairy tale or “just like that”), real (located in different parts of the globe);
· famous people, portraits of which the child has never seen.

What can be done and how
Age: from 4-5 years.

Discuss with your child what can be done from:
a plastic bottle from lemonade: whole, with one, two, three holes, cut lengthwise or across, into equal or unequal parts, not one, but two or three at the same time, using at least two, but no more than four other items
candy boxes (subject to one or more additional requirements - see above or come up with your own),
a round box of processed cheese,
coffee tins,
caps for bottles or jars
matchboxes (one, two, ten),
wire, ropes, sticks,
a wooden spoon and a shred
cones (same or different),
a smooth plank
multi-colored pieces of plexiglass, leather, fabric,
colorful cotton balls
old mittens, gloves, knitted hats,
unnecessary "baby" cubes from which your child "grew",
an old non-working alarm clock or radio,
remnants of wallpaper
and much more.

When giving the task, specify whether the result of the work should bring any practical benefit or whether it will be something “for beauty”.
When the child comes up with a suggestion, ask what other materials or tools might be needed to bring the idea to life.

This game can be played both verbally and by sketching a product design or making it in real form.

You can play the other way around:
What can be made from:
vase for flowers, fruits or sugar,
photo frame,
piggy bank
a tray or planter (stand) for a houseplant,
· candlestick,
a drawer for small dissimilar items,
a bi-ba-bo doll or a finger puppet,
· collage,
stained glass window
beads, brooch, bracelet, other children's jewelry,
book cover,
a bookmark
a shelf for small items or toys,
clothes for dolls
a visor for a street call in the country,
· hook for tack,
many other useful or interesting items.

This version of the game can be played mainly orally, since you may not have any necessary item, but if you had it, then the “thing” would have turned out.

We compose nonsense
Age: from 5 years.

Start saying something good known to the child poem. At the end of the second or fourth line, pause, and then say not the word that should be, but a completely different one, preferably in rhyme (if possible), and even so that it is funny.
Start reading another quatrain, pause and wait for the child to add a word himself. If the child does not respond, add something yourself. For the third or fourth time, the child will pick up the game and come up with very funny endings.

Imagine that you...
Age: from 5 years.

Invite the child to imagine that he has suddenly become someone or something. What will he hear, see around him, what will he feel, in what environment will he find himself.

"Turn" the child can:
in an adult
in a child of a different age, same or opposite sex,
in the hero of a fairy tale, song or even a famous painting,
a well-known person in everything (actor, president, banker, etc.),
in any animal
in any subject.

Then switch roles - you turn and tell the child everything that you “see, feel” and so on. You can "transform" together and talk to each other on behalf of your "heroes".
You can invent various events for your heroes. Get a whole fairy tale or story.
If the child likes such games, be sure to read (or re-read) fairy tales in which objects act (Andersen has many such fairy tales) or animals.

What would you call?
Age: from 5 years.

Review an album with reproductions of paintings by different artists with your child, reading the title of each painting.
Invite the child to look at the pictures again and come up with their own name for each picture.
In one lesson, consider no more than 20 pictures, otherwise the child will get bored.
In addition, you can ask your child to come up with new names for famous fairy tales, poems, films and cartoons.

We compose fairy tales
Age: from 5-6 years.

Try with your child to come up with a continuation for everyone famous fairy tale. Or, after reading the story to the middle, come up with an ending. And then compare with what the author of the fairy tale came up with.
Try to mix the heroes of several fairy tales and come up with a new adventure for them.
Most good options write, but not while composing, as this will distract both you and the child. And then, once again, having spoken all the details.
Publish "your" fairy tale in a circulation of two to five copies and present it to grandparents. Naturally, with illustrations by a young artist.

Coming up with the rules of the game
Age: from 5-6 years.

If your child loves to play different board games, make your own game with him.
First, discuss what kind of game it will be - just a “walker” with additional arrows indicating where the chips go. Or a game where there are tasks written on cards. A game in which you need to collect something, or, conversely, lay it out across the field in the process of advancing. A game where you have to answer questions, etc.
Then you can come up with a plot together - who or what the game will be about. And additional conditions - what to do when passing certain cells, what needs to be collected or laid out, what can be written on the cards. The more initiative and imagination the child shows, the better. Your task is to make sure that the rules of the game are not too complicated, confusing and help the child change them so that the game is both understandable and interesting.
When all the conditions are discussed and written down, proceed to the manufacture of the game itself.
Help the child in marking the playing field (the child cannot use the ruler well yet). Circles for advancing chips can be made using a stencil. Let the child make drawings himself or cut them out of old magazines and stick them on.
If the game is with cards, cut them up and help your child write the assignments.
You can take chips and a cube from any purchased game or make it yourself from improvised materials.

Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with advertising. She accompanies us almost everywhere - on the street, in the subway, we hear her on the radio and see her on TV. There are advertizing beautiful and interesting, with humour. And there is tasteless, intrusive advertising.
Try to come up with your own advertisement with your child. It could be, for example, a fabulous advertisement. As if in some magical land there is a store where they sell various wonderful items.
Decide what you will be advertising. For whom and for what can this product be intended. Will it be an advertising picture or information broadcast on a fabulous radio.
You can "organize" the whole advertising company this product.
If the child is no longer interested in fairy tales, or you have already played enough of this game, try to consider billboards near your house or watch the latest TV commercials and discuss whether the child likes the advertisement. Does he find it effective? How would he advertise this product or service (of course, you need to discuss in advance who the advertisement is intended for, how this segment of the population can be attracted).

And in conclusion, I would like to wish adults - mothers, fathers, grandparents to set an example for their kids - fantasize, make your life, your life unusual, interesting! And for starters, try decorating your apartment with nothing like hand-made objects.

We can be convinced of the wit and non-standard thinking of the scientist by re-reading his brilliant statements.

45 quotes from Albert Einstein:

  • There are only two infinite things: the universe and stupidity. Although I'm not sure about the universe.
  • Anyone who wants to see the results of his work immediately should become a shoemaker.
  • Everyone knows it's impossible. But here comes an ignoramus who does not know this - it is he who makes the discovery.
  • The question that baffles me: "Am I crazy, or is everyone else?"
  • Nationalism is a childhood disease. This is the measles of humanity.
  • Marriage is an unsuccessful attempt to turn an accidental episode into something permanent.
  • I am a deeply religious atheist. We can say that this is a kind of new religion.
  • Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must move.
  • The mind, once expanded its boundaries, will never return to the former.
  • Education is what remains after everything learned in school is forgotten.
  • We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is a fool.
  • Only those who make absurd attempts can achieve the impossible.
  • Only a fool needs order - genius rules over chaos.
  • Theory is when everything is known, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works, but no one knows why. We combine theory and practice: nothing works... and no one knows why!
  • There are only two ways to live life. The first is that miracles do not exist. The second - as if there were only miracles around.
  • I do not know with what weapon the third World War but the fourth - with sticks and stones.
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while imagination embraces the whole world, stimulating progress, generating evolution.
  • It makes no sense to continue doing the same thing and expect different results.
  • You will never solve a problem if you think in the same way as those who created it.

  • Seasickness is caused by people, not the sea. But, I'm afraid, science has not yet found a cure for this disease.
  • A person begins to live only when he manages to surpass himself.
  • Strive not to succeed, but to ensure that your life has meaning.
  • Mathematics is the only perfect way to fool yourself.
  • The more my fame, the more stupid I become; and this is undoubtedly the general rule.
  • If you want to lead happy life, you must be attached to the goal, not to people or things.
  • International laws exist only in collections of international laws.
  • Coincidence keeps God anonymous.
  • The only thing that prevents me from studying is the education I received.
  • I survived two wars, two wives and Hitler.
  • The question that baffles me: am I crazy or is everyone around me?
  • I never think about the future. It comes by itself soon enough.
  • The most incomprehensible thing about this world is that it is comprehensible.
  • A person who has never made mistakes has never tried anything new.
  • All people lie, but it's not scary, no one listens to each other.

  • If the theory of relativity is confirmed, then the Germans will say that I am a German, and the French that I am a citizen of the world; but if my theory is refuted, the French will declare me a German, and the Germans a Jew.
  • Imagination is the most important thing, it is a reflection of what we attract into our lives.
  • To win, you must first play.
  • Never memorize what you can find in a book.
  • I'm too crazy not to be a genius.
  • To break through a wall with your forehead, you need either a large run-up or a lot of foreheads.
  • If you cannot explain something to a six-year-old child, you yourself do not understand it.
  • Logic can take you from point A to point B, and imagination can take you anywhere...
  • Do you think all that simple? Yes, it's simple. But not at all.
  • If a messy desk means a messy mind, then what does an empty desk mean?

I always think that my inner and outer lives are based on the works and thoughts of other people, living and dead, and that I must expand myself to give to the world as much as I have received and continue to receive now "-

Albert Einstein was an excellent physicist. He discovered many physical laws and was ahead of many scientists of his time. But people call him a genius not only for that. Professor Einstein was a philosopher who clearly understood laws of success, and explained them as well as he explained his equations. Here are ten quotes from a huge list of his wonderful sayings.

Ten life lessons from which you can use in your daily life:

1. The person who never made a mistake, never tried something new

Most people don't try anything new for fear of failure. But this is not to be feared. Often, a person who has failed will learn more about how to win than someone who immediately succeeds.

2. Education is what remains after you forget everything you learned in school.

In 30 years, you will absolutely forget everything that you had to learn in school. Only what you have learned will be remembered.

3. In my imagination, I am free to draw like an artist. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination takes over the world

When you realize how far humanity has come since the cave days, the power of the imagination is felt in full force. What we have now was achieved with the help of the imagination of our great-grandfathers. What we have in the future will be built with our imagination.

4. The secret of creativity lies in the ability to hide the sources of your inspiration.

The uniqueness of your creativity often depends on how well you can hide your sources. You may be inspired by other great people, but if you are in a position where the whole world is watching you, your ideas should look unique.

5. The value of a person should be determined by what he gives, and not by what he is able to achieve. Try to become not successful, but a valuable person

If you look at world famous people, you can see that each of them gave something to this world. You have to give in order to be able to take. When your goal is to add value to the world, you will rise to the next level of life.

6. There are two ways to live: you can live as if there are no miracles and you can live as if everything in this world is a miracle.

If you live as if nothing in this world is a miracle, then you can do whatever you want and you will not have obstacles. If you live as if everything is a miracle, then you will be able to enjoy even the smallest manifestations of beauty in this world. If you live in two ways at the same time, then your life will be happy and productive.

7. When I study myself and my way of thinking, I come to the conclusion that the gift of imagination and fantasy meant more to me than any ability to think abstractly.

Dreaming about everything you could achieve in life is an important element of a positive life. Let your imagination run wild and create the world you want to live in.

8. To become a perfect member of a flock of sheep, you must first be a sheep.

If you want to become successful entrepreneur you need to start doing business right now. Wanting to start but being afraid of the consequences will get you nowhere. This is true in other areas of life too: in order to win, you first need to play.

9. You need to learn the rules of the game. And then, you need to start playing the best

Learn the rules and play your best. Simple, like all great things.

10. It is very important not to stop asking questions. Curiosity is not accidentally given to a person

Smart people always ask questions. Ask yourself and other people to find a solution. This will allow you to learn new things and analyze your own growth.

Some quotes from Albert Einstein

  • Only the Universe and human stupidity are infinite, while I have doubts about the infinity of the first of them.
  • Opportunity lurks in the midst of hardships and problems.
  • In my youth, I discovered that the big toe sooner or later makes a hole in the sock. So I stopped wearing socks.
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.
  • It is impossible to solve the problem at the same level at which it arose. You need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level.
  • Education is what remains after everything we have been taught has been forgotten.

Albert Einstein left a deep mark on the history of mankind as an outstanding physicist, the creator of a number of revolutionary physical theories, and the author of many scientific papers. But not everyone knows that this remarkable scientist was also one of the wisest people of his time, who shared with us in his publications a lot of life advice and observations. We will remind you of some of them in this article.

1. We are all born geniuses, but life fixes it.

“We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will live its whole life believing that it is a fool.”

2. Treat everyone with dignity and respect

"I talk to everyone the same way, whether it's a scavenger or a university president."

3. We are all one

“A person is a part of the whole, which we call, a part limited in time and space. He feels himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from all those around him, which is a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion has become a dungeon that imprisons us in the world own desires and attachments to a narrow circle of people close to us. Our task is to free ourselves from this prison, expanding the scope of our participation to every living being, to the whole world, in all its splendor.

4. There are no coincidences

"Coincidences are one way God maintains his anonymity."

5. Imagination is more important than knowledge

“Imagination is much more important than knowledge. Knowledge is based only on what we now know and understand, while imagination includes the whole world and everything that we will ever understand and know.

The real sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.

“Logic will help you get from A to Z; imagination will take you around the world."

6. Loneliness can be delightful for a mature person.

"Loneliness is painful when one is young, but delightful when one becomes more mature."

“I live alone; it is disgusting to the young, but it tastes great with age."

"The value of a man lies in what he gives, not in what he is able to receive."

16. Never stop learning

"Intellectual growth should begin at birth and stop only at death."

17. Don't stop asking questions

“Learn from yesterday, live today, hope for tomorrow. It's important to keep asking questions. Curiosity has every reason to exist.”

“People like you and me, although mortal, of course, like everyone else, but never grow old, no matter how long we live. I mean that we will never stop standing like curious children before the great Sacrament into which we were born.”

18. It's all up to you

"Our world is a dangerous place to live, not because some do evil, but because everyone else sees it and does nothing."

19. Don't be afraid to speak your mind

“Few people are able to calmly express an opinion that contradicts the prevailing prejudices in society. Most people are not even capable of forming such an opinion.”

20. Let nature be your teacher

“Look better at nature, and after that you will understand much better.”

21. Change your mind and it will change your life

“The world we have was created in the process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our consciousness."

We cannot solve our problems with the same mindset that we created them with.

22. Purpose is everything

“If you want to live a happy life, then you must be attached to goals, not to people or things.”

23. We become happier by making others happy.

"The best way is to please someone else."

24. You have no limits other than those you set for yourself.

"Only one who tries to do an absurd thing can achieve the impossible."

"Here's a question that sometimes puzzles me: am I crazy or is everyone else?"

25. Doing the right thing doesn't always make you popular.

"What's right isn't always popular, and what's popular isn't always right."

26. Difficulties give new opportunities

“Among the clutter, look for simplicity. Look for harmony in the midst of dissonance. Find opportunities in obstacles.”

27. You can't make peace with force.

“Peace can never be achieved through force. It can only be achieved through mutual understanding.”

"You cannot prevent and prepare for war at the same time."

28. There are no small things

"He who is careless with the little things, there is no trust in the important things."

29. Walk your own paths

“A person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. A person who walks by himself can probably find himself in places where no one has ever been.”

30. Listen to your intuition

“Intuition is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and forgets about the gift."

"I would never have made my discoveries in the process of rational thinking."

31. Wisdom is not the result of learning

"Wisdom is not a product of learning, but a lifelong endeavor to acquire it."

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) - theoretical physicist, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921, public figure and humanist. He lived in Germany (1879-1893, 1914-1933), Switzerland (1893-1914) and the USA (1933-1955). Honorary doctor of about 20 leading universities in the world, a member of many Academies of Sciences, including a foreign honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1926). Author of more than 300 scientific papers in physics, as well as about 150 books and articles in the field of history and philosophy of science, journalism, etc. Below is a selection of Einstein's statements about science, first published in 1931: On Science. Cosmic Religion, with Other Opinions and Aphorisms. New York" 1931, 97-103. Here cit. according to the edition: Einstein A. Collection of scientific papers in 4 volumes. T. 4. Articles, reviews, letters. - M.: Nauka, 1967.

I believe in intuition and inspiration. ... Sometimes I feel like I'm on the right track, but I can't explain my confidence. When a solar eclipse in 1919 confirmed my hunch, I was not in the least surprised. I would be amazed if this didn't happen. Imagination is more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited, while imagination covers everything in the world, stimulates progress and is the source of its evolution. Strictly speaking, imagination is a real factor in scientific research.

The basis of all scientific work is the belief that the world is an ordered and knowable entity. This belief is based on a religious feeling. My religious feeling is a respectful admiration for the order that reigns in a small part of reality accessible to our weak mind.

By developing logical thinking and a rational approach to the study of reality, science will be able to greatly weaken the superstition that prevails in the world. There is no doubt that any scientific work, with the exception of work that does not require the intervention of the mind, comes from a firm conviction (akin to a religious feeling) in the rationality and knowability of the world.

Music and research work in the field of physics are different in origin, but are interconnected by a unity of purpose—the desire to express the unknown. Their reactions are different, but they complement each other. As for creativity in art and science, here I completely agree with Schopenhauer that their strongest motive is the desire to break away from the dullness and monotony of everyday life and find refuge in a world filled with images created by us. This world can be made up of musical notes as well as mathematical formulas. We are trying to create a reasonable picture of the world in which we could feel at home, and acquire the stability that is unattainable for us in everyday life.

Science exists for science just as art exists for art, and is not concerned with self-justifications or proving absurdities.

The law cannot be exact, if only because the concepts with which we formulate it may develop and in the future turn out to be insufficient. At the bottom of any thesis and any proof, traces of the dogma of infallibility remain.

Every natural scientist must have a peculiar religious feeling, because he cannot imagine that the relationships that he comprehends were first invented by him. He feels like a child led by one of the adults. We can cognize the Universe only through our sense organs, which indirectly reflect the objects of the real world.

Scientists in search of truth do not consider wars.

There is no other Universe but the Universe for us. It is not part of our ideas. Of course, the comparison with the globe should not be taken literally. I have used this comparison as a symbol. Most errors in philosophy and logic come from the fact that the human mind tends to perceive a symbol as something real.

I look at the painting, but my imagination cannot recreate the appearance of its creator. I look at the watch, but I can't imagine what the watchmaker who created it looks like. The human mind is not capable of perceiving four dimensions. How can he comprehend a god for whom a thousand years and a thousand dimensions appear as one?

Imagine a completely flattened bug living on the surface of a ball. This bug can be endowed analytical mind can study physics and even write books. His world will be two-dimensional. Mentally or mathematically, he will even be able to understand what the third dimension is, but he will not be able to imagine this dimension visually. A person is in exactly the same position as this unfortunate bug, with the only difference that a person is three-dimensional. Mathematically, a person can imagine the fourth dimension, but physically a person cannot see it, visualize it visually. For him, the fourth dimension exists only mathematically. His mind cannot comprehend four dimensions.



Each person is imprisoned in the prison of his ideas, and each in his youth must explode it in order to try to compare his ideas with reality. But in a few centuries another person, perhaps, will reject his ideas. This cannot happen to an artist in his uniqueness. This happens only in the search for truth, and this is not at all sad.

Youth is always the same, infinitely the same.

I do not believe that individuals have any unique gifts. I only believe that, on the one hand, there is talent, and on the other, high qualifications.

Before God, we are all equally smart, or rather, equally stupid.

To work is to think. Therefore, it is not always easy to accurately record the working day. I usually work four to six hours a day. I'm not too diligent.

The intellectual always examines reality through a microscope.

Never forget that the product of our labor is not the end in itself. Material production should make our life as beautiful and noble as possible. We must not stoop to the position of slaves of production.

Hitler no more characterizes the Germany of this decade than the smaller scale anti-Semitic riots. Hitler lives (perhaps it is better to say "sitting") on the empty stomach of Germany. Once economic situation improve, Hitler will sink into oblivion. He amateurly plays to unthinkable extremes. Speaking in short formulas, one can simply say that an empty stomach in politics is a bad adviser. Unfortunately, the corollary of this statement is also true: as long as there is hope to fill the stomach, those who better understand the political situation are not listened to. Personally, I feel that enough technical knowledge has now been accumulated in the world to make a situation like the one now in Germany impossible. Enough necessaries could be produced to provide for everyone, and at the same time everyone could be provided with work. Of course, this would mean short working hours and high wages rather than the long hours and low wages often offered.

The psychology of the masses is a difficult thing to understand. I am afraid that historians have never taken the psychology of the masses into account when writing history. They look at events retrospectively, based on the idea that they can accurately determine the causes that led to this or that outstanding event. In fact, apart from these obvious causes, there are undeterminable factors in the psychology of the masses about which we know little or nothing. Unfortunately, my theory can serve as an illustration. Why did the general curiosity choose me as its object, a scientist who deals with abstract things and is happy when he is left alone? This is one of the manifestations of the psychology of the masses, inaccessible to my understanding. It's terrible that this happened. I suffer from this more than you can imagine.

I do not like to approach such delicate matters with a measuring ruler as a genius. Shaw is undoubtedly one of the greatest figures in the world, both as a writer and as a person. I once said about him that his pieces remind me of the works of Mozart. In Shaw's prose there is not a single superfluous word, just as in Mozart's music there is not a single superfluous note. What one did in the field of melodies, the other does in the field of language: he conveys his art and his soul flawlessly, almost with inhuman accuracy.