Trade management 8 2. The program "1C: Trade and Warehouse" - training and opportunities. Wholesale trade automation

  • 29.07.2020

Modern trading enterprises offer their customers the widest range of goods, which amounts to thousands and tens of thousands of items. Moreover, many positions can be sold on different conditions: prepayment, deferred payments, discount, markup, lot size, etc. Clients are often divided into categories - VIP client, ordinary client, regular customer, wholesale customer, etc. Commodity items can be completed and disassembled, many goods are subject to mandatory certification and hygienic research, substandard items must be written off, inventory must be periodically carried out in warehouses, each company must have its own marketing policy, etc., in general, a modern trading enterprise is a living organism, in constant motion. Obviously, all this vigorous activity requires automation. To solve this problem, there are special software tools, and in this book we will introduce you to the most popular product designed to automate activities. commercial enterprise- "1C Trade Management", which is implemented on the latest technological platform version 1C 8.2.

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The following excerpt from the book 1C: Trade management 8.2. An understandable tutorial for beginners (A. A. Gladkiy, 2012) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

First acquaintance with "1C Trade Management 8.2"

The first chapter of the book contains basic information about the program "1C Trade Management 8.2". You will learn what the functionality of this standard solution is, what are the features of the program compared to previous versions, how to run the program, create and select infobases, and much more.

Functionality standard solution

One of the key advantages of the considered configuration is the flexibility of the platform, which allows the program to be widely used in a variety of areas. The implemented mechanisms for managing wholesale and retail sales, marketing events, wholesale purchases, the warehouse and finances of the enterprise, other assets and liabilities open up wide opportunities for accounting and go far beyond traditional accounting and management standards.

The tasks solved with the help of the program "1C: Trade Management 8.2" can be formulated as follows.

♦ Management of stocks and purchases of inventory items.

♦ Maintenance of primary documentation with reflection of data in accounting and printing of documents.

♦ Registration and accounting of warehouse operations, maintaining warehouse documentation, conducting an inventory of valuables stored in the warehouse.

♦ Accounting for the internal movement of inventory items.

♦ Planning and control financial resources companies.

♦ Calculation financial result company activities.

♦ Accounting and adjustment of debts, carrying out mutual offsets, writing off debts.

♦ Maintaining multi-currency accounting.

♦ Carrying out and recording the marketing activities of the company, with a variety of analyzes and the formation of various reports.

♦ Formation of the pricing policy and control of its implementation.

♦ Automation of work with sales representatives of the company.

♦ Maintaining an extensive customer base with the ability to store a wide variety of information on each counterparty.

♦ Management of wholesale and retail trade taking into account all transactions, formation of orders, registration of receipts, sales and returns of inventory items.

♦ Automation and accounting of customer service.

♦ Accounting for cash and non-cash Money enterprises, maintaining a cash book, accounting for accountable funds.

♦ Setting up, generation and printing of various reports on performed operations.

♦ Use the built-in organizer to increase the convenience and efficiency of work.

♦ Customize and use the Desktop to suit your needs.

In addition to the above, with the help of the configuration under consideration, it is possible to solve a number of other tasks, the presence of which may be due to the specifics of a particular enterprise.

Start configuration and select operating mode

Each software 1C family can work in two modes: "1C: Enterprise" (applied solution) and "Configurator". The mode is selected by pressing the corresponding button in the program launch window (Fig. 1.1).

The "1C: Enterprise" mode is an application solution of the program in accordance with its purpose. In other words, it is in this mode that accountants, financiers, managers and other end users of the program work.

As for the "Configurator" mode, it is intended for setting up and administering the program. Here configuration objects are created and edited, interfaces and dialog boxes are configured, the appearance and content are defined printed form documents, as well as a number of other similar actions. Usually works with the Configurator System Administrator or another authorized specialist, as this requires specific knowledge (administration skills, etc.).

Here we will not consider in detail the issues of configuring 1C, since special literature is intended to get acquainted with this topic. Note that without the most serious reasons, it is not recommended for an ordinary user to independently edit the Configurator: this can violate the integrity of the data, and in general lead to unpredictable consequences.

However, some settings of the program have been moved to the mode of operation of the applied solution. You can edit them yourself, and how this is done will be described below, in the corresponding section.

To launch the program, use the appropriate shortcut on the Desktop (when installing 1C, it is displayed on the Desktop automatically). Double-click on it - as a result, the launch window will open, which is shown in Fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. Program launch window

In this window, the required operating mode is selected (buttons 1C:Enterprise and Configurator), as well as the infobase.

The list of infobases is formed in the central part of the window. This list may contain an infobase with a demo configuration; this base is included in the delivery package and is intended for preliminary acquaintance with the program. An infobase is selected by clicking on the corresponding position in the list. You can add new infobases to the list, or edit and delete existing infobases – the corresponding buttons in the right part of the window are intended for this.


In this case, the infobase is the data that you plan to work with in the upcoming session.

The lower part of the window displays the path to the infobase directory where the cursor is located.

The procedure for starting the program is as follows: first, you need to select the infobase in the launch window, and then click the 1C: Enterprise or Configurator button, depending on the mode in which you want to start the program. As we noted earlier, the use of the program for its intended purpose is carried out in the "1C Enterprise" mode.

Composition and structure of a typical solution

Users of previous versions of the program immediately pay attention to the fact that the user interface has changed dramatically in the new version of the configuration. At first, this may cause some difficulties, but adaptation is fast, since the advantages of the new structure of the standard solution are obvious.

The main window of the program "1C Trade Management 8.2" is shown in fig. 1.2.

Rice. 1.2. Main program window

At the top of the interface there is a section panel that includes links to the following sections of the program: Desktop, Marketing, Wholesales, Retails, Stocks and Purchases, Finances (this section is open in Fig. 1.2), Reference Information, Organizer and Administration. The first thing the user must do after starting the program is to select the section in which he plans to work. In the process of work, the user can freely move from one section to another - depending on what he intends to do.

Let us briefly characterize all sections of the program "1C Trade Management 8.2".

♦ Desktop. In this section, you can create a list of the most relevant tasks, documents, and other objects. In other words, everything that requires a priority response is displayed on the desktop. This section is not mandatory for use, but increases the convenience and comfort of work.

♦ Marketing. In this section, the marketing policy of the trade enterprise is formed: types of prices and price groups are formed, standard agreements with customers are set up, conditions for granting discounts and markups are determined, marketing events are planned and carried out, etc. The data from the Marketing section can later be used in other sections of the program.

♦ Wholesales. This section organizes and records wholesale sales enterprises. In particular, transactions are executed here, client orders are maintained, shipping documents, invoices for payment and documents for the return of goods from customers are issued, work is carried out with sales representatives, etc.

♦ Retail sales. This section is used by enterprises that carry out retail. Checks are written here, a list is formed outlets, documentation is underway retail sales. In this case, you can use external equipment (fiscal registrars, acquiring terminals, barcode scanners, etc.), which must first be connected and configured in the Administration section.

♦ Stocks and purchases. This section keeps records of wholesale purchases of the enterprise, as well as warehouse accounting. Here, partners' prices are registered, orders are made to suppliers, shipping documents for the receipt of valuables and for the return of goods to suppliers are registered, warehouse documentation is maintained, documents for the internal movement of goods are drawn up, and a number of other actions are performed to manage stocks and purchases of a trading enterprise.

♦ Finance. The name of the section speaks for itself: it is designed to account for cash, as well as calculate the financial result of the enterprise. This section maintains all the documentation for accounting for funds (cash orders, payment orders, cash book, advance reports, etc.), generates income and expense items, draws up applications for spending and orders for the movement of funds, calculates and adjusts debt, a payment calendar is formed, the distribution of revenue and cost of sales by line of business is configured, etc.

♦ Reference information. In this section, you enter the regulatory and reference information that is necessary to use the program. In particular, it is here that most reference books and classifiers are filled. In the 1C program, the directory is a repository of basic, basic information, without which the program cannot be operated. For example, in order to generate a document for the receipt of inventory items, you need to indicate in it the supplier from whom the values ​​\u200b\u200bwere received, create a list of these values, indicate the warehouse to which they will be credited, etc. All this information is taken from the relevant directories, where they should be entered in advance. Note that you can add positions to directories as the program is being used (for example, directly when entering documents), but it is much more convenient to enter the necessary minimum information in advance so as not to be distracted by it later.

♦ Organizer. The program "1C Trade Management 8.2" has a built-in organizer that allows you to organize work and rationally use working time. In this section, you can set up accounts Email, create lists of tasks and performers, plan meetings, interactions and other events.

♦ Administration. This section contains all the main settings for the program, and many actions for its administration are also performed here. This is where lists of infobase users are formed, their access rights are configured, a system event log is kept, accounting parameters are configured, etc.

As we noted earlier, a section is selected by clicking on the corresponding link in the sections panel.

Each section has its own navigation bar and action bar. Using the navigation panel, you can select the required operating modes and activate the corresponding program functions, and the action panel is intended mainly for generating reports and switching to some service functions of the program. The navigation bar is located on the left side of the section, and the action bar is at the top, just below the navigation bar links. On fig. 1.3 shows all panels of the program interface (in this case, the Retail Sales section is open).

Rice. 1.3. Program interface panels

As for the main menu of the program, which in previous versions was located along the upper border of the interface and included the items File, Edit, Operations, Service, etc., it is now called using the button with an arrow located at the top left of the main window (Fig. 1.4 ).

Rice. 1.4. Main menu of the program

Further, in the process of studying the program, we will refer to some commands of the main menu. Note that they do not directly affect the functionality of the applied solution, as well as the procedure for using the program, but mainly include service and auxiliary functions.

The central part of the main program window displays the contents of the current mode of operation. For example, if you click on the link Incoming cash orders in the navigation panel of the Finance section, then a list of previously generated incoming cash orders will be displayed in the central part of the interface (see Fig. 1.2). If you want the contents of the current mode of operation to be displayed in a separate window, click on the corresponding link while holding down the Shift key.

The buttons of the toolbar, the All Actions menu, as well as the commands of the context menu invoked by pressing the right mouse button are designed to work in the selected mode of operation. On fig. 1.2 the toolbar includes the Create, Find, Print buttons, as well as a few more buttons whose names are displayed as tooltips when you move the mouse pointer over them. The All Actions menu is located on the right side of the toolbar and is similar to the Actions menu, familiar to users of previous versions of the program. As for the context menu, some of its commands duplicate the corresponding toolbar buttons and All Actions menu commands. Note that the contents of the context menu may depend on the current mode of operation (for example, when working with a list of documents and in document editing mode, the context menu will include different commands).

In general, work with the program is carried out according to the following algorithm: first, the required section is selected, and then in the navigation panel or in the action panel, by clicking on the mode of operation, in which all further actions are performed. The most relevant tasks for quick access to them can be displayed on the Desktop - a special section, the contents of which you create yourself.

Keyboard shortcuts that can be used in the program ("hot keys")

In the program, you can use the so-called "hot keys". For example, adding a new item (document, product, etc.) is done using the Insert key, switching to the position editing mode by pressing the F2 key, marking an item for deletion (as well as removing such a mark) by pressing the Delete key, etc. Next, we provide a list of "hot keys" that are most in demand among users.

Table 1.1.

"Hot keys" of general purpose

Table 1.2.

"Hot keys" for managing program windows

Table 1.3.

"Hot keys" for working in the editing window

Table 1.4.

"Hot keys" for working in list interfaces and with hierarchical lists

Table 1.5.

"Hot keys" for working with input fields in edit windows

Table 1.6.

"Hot keys" designed to work with spreadsheet documents

Table 1.7.

"Hot keys" designed to work with text documents

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    The organization of the work process is one of the main tasks of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. To automate work, it is recommended to install 1C enterprise 8: trade and warehouse. Thanks to such a program, all documents will be interconnected. Thus, it is possible to link invoices for receipt of goods with administrative documents. As a result, all data will be displayed in the statement.

    Application 1c enterprise 8 will minimize all errors that occur in the work. It should be noted that with the release of the new version, useful innovations are added to the program. Users can fully customize the application to suit their needs. To do this, just enable or disable options. It is recommended to get rid of the functionality intended for large organizations. After removing unnecessary components, the 1c enterprise 8 interface will become more intuitive, as there will be no unnecessary functions.

    System requirements 1C: Enterprise

    • Processor clock speed - 2.4 GHz;
    • RAM - 1 Gb;
    • HDD - 40 Gb;
    • Operating system - Windows XP and above (including server OS);
    • Architectural bit depth - x86-64 (support for AMD64 or EM64T is required).

    In addition to the basic requirements, for the correct operation of 1s trade and warehouse, you must have an SVGA video card and a USB port. As far as database server requirements are concerned, they are those of Oracle Database, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, or IBM DB2.

    Key Features

    • Support for components from earlier versions;
    • The ability to transfer documents to 1s accounting;
    • Work of several users in one base;
    • Ability to work with standard and non-standard configuration;
    • User account customization;
    • Customer relationship management;
    • Purchase and sale planning;
    • Accounting for 2 or more legal entities. persons;
    • Internet update.


    If we compare 1s trade and warehouse with products such as S-Market or BEST, we can highlight a number of advantages. First of all, the flexibility of the program should be noted. Unlike competitors, 1c is open, that is, programmers can easily add missing components or change existing ones.

    Program 1c: TiS allows you to closely interact with the accounting department. As for analogues, things are much more complicated there. In order for accounting to work correctly, you need to download all the necessary modules.

    Another advantage is the analysis of demand for goods. Of course, competitors have also implemented a similar function, but in order for it to correctly display information, you will have to work hard. Everything is clear in Trade and warehouse, and most importantly, the information is true.

    The program for warehouse and trade allows you to set up pricing. It doesn't matter how many price types there are. It is also worth considering that the purchase data is stored, and on their basis the retail price is formed.

    It is important to consider that everyone can download 1s enterprise, while it is better to download the latest version of the product for free. The only thing worth remembering is that for full-fledged work, you still have to purchase a license.


    Unfortunately, the warehouse program has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the high cost of the license. Please note that to work in the network version, you will have to pay for each workplace. Do not forget that the development of the eight will cost more.

    In an organization that uses less than 10 computers, 1C version 8 will be slower than TiS v.7.7. Do not forget about the support that is not provided for obsolete versions.

    Downloading 1c: trade and warehouse is not difficult, but only qualified personnel can work with the program. Therefore, you will have to spend money on training employees.

    How to download the program

    Before proceeding to download the program, you must purchase a license for 1s. This can be done on any site that distributes and maintains TiS. It is recommended to choose a company located in your region.

    It is not difficult to find the 1C: Warehouse program, but only the training version can be downloaded for free. It is also possible to get a thin client for free. To do this, it is recommended to visit the site "". As soon as the page loads, you should move the mouse cursor over the "1C" tab. In the menu that opens, you need to left-click on "1C: Enterprise 8. Thin Client".

    In the window that opens, select the product you are interested in. For warehouse accounting, any version presented can be used. It should be noted that on the same site you can buy a full-fledged product.

    To download the selected version, you need to click on the "Get the product for free" link. It is important to note that only one license will be obtained.

    The final step is to fill out a questionnaire. After that, a download link will appear.


    A user who downloads a free product should consider purchasing a license. Thus, it will be possible to get not only a full-fledged program, but also its support. If you are just starting to learn 1C, then it is recommended to download the training version.

    Video review 1C: Trade and Warehouse

    Alexey Anatolievich Gladkiy

    1C: Trade management 8.2. User's manual

    The information contained in this book has been obtained from sources believed by the publisher to be reliable. However, in view of possible human or technical errors, the publisher cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy and completeness of the information provided and is not responsible for possible mistakes related to using the book.


    Modern trading enterprises offer their customers the widest range of goods, which amounts to thousands and tens of thousands of items. Moreover, many positions can be sold on different conditions: prepayment, deferred payment, discount, markup, lot size, etc. Clients are often divided into categories - VIP client, ordinary client, regular client, small wholesale client, etc. Commodity items can be completed and disassembled, many goods are subject to mandatory certification and hygienic examinations, substandard items must be written off, inventory must be periodically carried out in warehouses, each company must have its own marketing policy, etc. - in a word, a modern trading enterprise is a living organism , which is in constant motion.

    Applications of the 1C family are confident leaders in the market software, designed to automate accounting and management at a trading enterprise. AT last years rapidly gaining popularity solutions implemented on the technological platform of the new generation - "1C 8", the latest version of which is "1C 8.2". From a conceptual point of view, continuity with previous versions has been preserved, however, many mechanisms have been radically redesigned, which positively affected not only the functionality, but also the performance of standard solutions.

    In this book, you will get acquainted with the most popular product designed to automate the activities of a trading enterprise - "1C: Trade Management", which is implemented on the latest technological platform version 8.2.

    From the publisher

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    Customizing the program interface

    Desktop customization

    Section bar customization

    Navigation bar customization

    Action bar customization

    Customizing Forms and Dialogs

    Setting up list printing

    If you have previously worked in previous versions of 1C: Trade Management 8.2, then immediately pay attention to the changed interface and program tools. The usual main menu, which was previously located at the top of the program window, is now missing, or rather, it has been radically redesigned. The choice of most operating modes is now carried out using not the main menu commands, but the corresponding links.

    Features of the program interface compared to previous versions

    The working interface of the applied solution, which is displayed on the screen after starting the program, is shown in Fig. 1.1.

    Rice. 1.1. Main window of the applied solution

    At the top of the window there is a panel that includes links to the following sections of the program: Desktop, Marketing, Wholesales, Retails, Stocks and Purchases, Finance (this section is open in Fig. 1.1), Reference Information, Organizer and Administration. The first thing the user must do after starting the program is to select the section in which he plans to work. In the process of work, the user can freely move from one section to another, depending on what he intends to do.

    I will briefly describe all sections of the program "1C: Trade Management 8.2".

    ♦ Desktop. In this section, you can create a list of the most relevant tasks, documents, and other objects. In other words, everything that requires a priority response is displayed on the desktop. This section is not mandatory for use, but increases the convenience and comfort of work.

    ♦ Marketing. In this section, the marketing policy of the trade enterprise is formed: types of prices and price groups are formed, standard agreements with customers are set up, conditions for granting discounts and markups are determined, marketing events are planned and carried out, etc. The data of the Marketing section can later be used in other sections of the program.

    ♦ Wholesales. In this section, the organization and accounting of wholesale sales of the enterprise is carried out. In particular, transactions are executed here, client orders are maintained, shipping documents, invoices for payment and documents for the return of goods from customers are issued, work is carried out with sales representatives, etc.

    ♦ Retail sales. This section applies to retailers. Checks are written here, a list of outlets is formed, documentation of retail sales is kept. In this case, you can use external equipment (fiscal registrars, acquiring terminals, barcode scanners, etc.), which must first be connected and configured in the Administration section.

    ♦ Stocks and purchases. This section keeps records of wholesale purchases of the enterprise, as well as warehouse accounting. Here, partners' prices are registered, orders are made to suppliers, shipping documents for the receipt of valuables and for the return of goods to suppliers are registered, warehouse documentation is maintained, documents for the internal movement of goods are drawn up, and a number of other actions are performed to manage stocks and purchases of a trading enterprise.

    ♦ Finance. The name of the section speaks for itself: it is designed to account for cash, as well as calculate the financial result of the enterprise. This section maintains all the documentation for accounting for funds (cash orders, payment orders, cash book, advance reports, etc.), generates income and expense items, draws up applications for spending and orders for the movement of funds, calculates and adjusts debt, a payment calendar is formed, the distribution of revenue and cost of sales by line of business is configured, etc.

    ♦ Reference information. In this section, you enter the regulatory and reference information that is necessary to use the program. In particular, it is here that most reference books and classifiers are filled. In the 1C program, the directory is a repository of basic, basic information, without which the program cannot be operated. For example, in order to generate a document for the receipt of inventory items, you need to indicate in it the supplier from whom the values ​​\u200b\u200bwere received, create a list of these values, indicate the warehouse to which they will be credited, etc. All this information is taken from the relevant directories, where they should be entered in advance. I note that you can add positions to directories as the program is used (for example, directly when entering documents), but it is much more convenient to enter the necessary minimum information in advance so as not to be distracted by it later.

    ♦ Organizer. The program "1C: Trade Management 8.2" has a built-in organizer that allows you to organize work and rationally use working time. In this section, you can set up email accounts, create lists of tasks and performers, schedule meetings, interactions, and other events.

    ♦ Administration. This section contains all the main settings for the program, and immediately performs many actions for its administration. Here, lists of infobase users are formed, their access rights are configured, a system event log is kept, accounting parameters are configured, etc.

    As noted earlier, a section is selected by clicking on the corresponding link in the sections panel.

    Each section has its own navigation bar and action bar. Using the navigation panel, you can select the required operating modes and activate the corresponding program functions, and the action panel is intended mainly for generating reports and switching to some service functions of the program. The navigation bar is located on the left side of the section, and the action bar is at the top, just below the navigation bar links. On fig. 1.2 shows all panels of the program interface (in this case, the Retail section is open).

    Select the desired software product from the list 1C:CRM CORP 1C:CRM PROF 1C:Enterprise 8. Trade and customer relationship management (CRM) 1C:Enterprise 8. ITIL Management information technology enterprises PROF 1C:Enterprise 8. ITIL Enterprise information technology management STANDARD 1C:Retail 8 1C:Retail 8. Pharmacy 1C:Retail 8. Bookstore 1C:Retail 8. Auto parts store 1C:Retail 8. Shop household appliances and means of communication 1C: Retail 8. Clothing and footwear store 1C: Retail 8. Building and finishing materials store 1C: Retail 8. Optics salon 1C: Retail 8. Jewelry store 1C: Enterprise 8. Pharmacy for Ukraine 1C: Enterprise 8. Shop household appliances and communications for Ukraine 1C:Enterprise 8. Clothing and footwear store for Ukraine 1C:Enterprise 8. Car service 1C:Enterprise 8. Car service Alfa-Auto: Car dealership + Car service + Auto parts Prof, edition 5 Alfa-Avto: Car dealership + Car service + Auto parts Ukrainian version 4.0, for 1 user Alfa-Avto: Auto Service + Auto parts Ukrainian version 4.0, for 1 user public institution 8 PROF 1C-Rarus: Hotel management, edition 2. Basic delivery 1C-Rarus: Management of a sanatorium complex, edition 2. Complex delivery 1C-Rarus: Children's health camp, edition 2, Basic delivery 1C: Document management 8 CORP 1C: Document management 8 PROF 1C:Document flow of a state institution 8 1C:Salary and Human Resources Management 8 1C-Rarus:Ambulatory, edition 2 + License for 10 jobs 1C-Rarus:Ambulatory. Registration + License for 10 jobs 1C-Rarus: Ambulatory. Registration + Insurance + Pharmacy + License for 10 jobs 1C-Rarus: Hospital Pharmacy + License for 10 jobs 1C-Rarus: Management medical organization+ License for 1 workplace 1C-Rarus: Integration with telephony client PBX Integration with telephony. 1C-Rarus: Cloud PBX 1C: Integrated Automation 8 1C: Management small firm 8 1C-Rarus: Non-credit financial institution, edition 1 (basic delivery for the microfinance market. Software protection) 1C-Rarus: Non-credit financial organization, edition 1 (software protection) Microfinance organization, edition 1. Basic delivery 1C-Rarus: Pharmacy management. + License for 1 workplace 1C:Enterprise 8. Accounting of the bakery and confectionery enterprise 1C:Bakery and confectionery production 2. Module for 1C:ERP 2 1C-Rarus:Food plant edition 1 1C-Rarus:Restaurant management edition 3 1C:Enterprise 8 Catering 1C:Enterprise 8. Catering for Ukraine 1C:Enterprise 8. Catering CORP 1C:Enterprise 8. Restaurant 1C:Enterprise 8. Fast food. Front office Module 1C: Catering for 1C: ERP 1C: Enterprise 8. Accounting of the poultry farm 1C: Enterprise 8. Management service center 1С:ERP Management of a construction organization 2 1С:RengaBIM and Estimate. A set of solutions for 3D design and preparation of estimate documentation. Electronic delivery 1C: Rent and management of real estate for 1C: Accounting department of a state institution 1C: Rent and management of real estate for 1C: Accounting department of a state institution (USB) 1C: Rent and management of real estate based on 1C: Accounting 8 1C: Rent and management of real estate based on 1C :Accounting 8 (USB) 1C:Rent and property management. Module for 1C:ERP 1C:Accounting construction organization 1C: Accounting for a construction organization (USB) 1C: Accounting for a construction organization CORP 1C: Accounting for a construction organization CORP. Electronic delivery 1C: Accounting of a construction organization. Supply for 5 users 1C: Accounting for a construction organization. Supply for 5 users (USB) 1С:Customer-developer. Module for 1С:ERP 1С:Customer-developer. Module for 1C:ERP. Electronic delivery 1C: Contractor of construction. Construction management 1C: Construction contractor. Construction management (USB) 1C: Construction contractor. Financial management 1C: Construction contractor. Financial management (USB) 1C: Construction contractor. Financial management. Supply for 5 users 1C: Construction Contractor. Financial management. Supply for 5 users (USB) 1C: Realtor. Real estate sales management. Module for 1C:ERP 1C:Realtor. Real estate sales management. Standard 1C: Estimate 3 1C: Estimate 3. Basic version 1C: Estimate 3. Estimate 3. Special delivery for 50 jobs for users "Estimate Plus, network version for 50 users" 1C: Estimate 3. Special delivery for 5 jobs for users " Estimate Plus, network version for 3 users "1C: Estimate 3. Special delivery for one workplace for users of "Estimate Plus" or "WinAVeRS" 1C: Managing our construction company 1C: Managing our construction company for 5 users 1C: Managing our construction company for 5 users. Electronic delivery 1C: Management of our construction company. Electronic delivery 1C: Construction management. Module for 1C: ERP and 1C: KA2 1C: Construction management. Module for 1C:ERP and 1C:KA2. Electronic delivery Configuration Elite construction. Accounting Module Rental and management of real estate for 1C: Accounting 8 Module Rental and management of real estate for 1C: Accounting 8 (USB) Module Rental and management of real estate for 1C: Accounting of a state institution Elite construction 1C:Enterprise 8. Trade management 1C:Enterprise 8. Trade and customer relationship management (CRM) 1C:Enterprise 8. Taxi and car rental 1C:Enterprise 8. Transport logistics, forwarding and vehicle management CORP 1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle management for Ukraine, Main supply 1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle management Prof. 1C:Enterprise 8. Motor transport management Prof. (USB) 1C:Enterprise 8. Motor transport management financial institution, edition 1 (software protection) 1C-Rarus: Back office, edition 5 1C-Rarus: Depository, edition 2 1C-Rarus: Mutual investment funds, edition 2 1C-Rarus: Accounting for securities, for 1C: Accounting 8 1C-Rarus: Data Management Center (MDM), edition 3 KORP