trigger chains. Trigger mailings. Abandoned view of the product card, brand, category

  • 13.11.2019

How to attract buyers? What methods will increase the conversion of the site, help retain customers? Among the numerous tools of Internet marketing that provide a solution to these problems, a separate place is occupied by triggers- personalized e-mail-letters containing useful information for a particular visitor. Messages are composed taking into account the behavioral factors of the user.

What are triggers

  • viewing the category of goods;
  • search in the product catalog;
  • registration on the website;
  • placing an order/cancellation;
  • no visits, no purchases for several weeks/months.

Orientation to the visitor is the main characteristic of such a marketing tool. The client receives information that is interesting to him at a particular point in time, which increases the percentage of response to messages sent.

Why are trigger emails sent?

Analyzing With user behavior scenario, personal trigger emails are used for the following purposes:

  • increase in the number of repeat sales;
  • the expansion of the customer base;
  • customer retention;
  • increase in cross-sales.

Personal mailing letters remind the consumer of an unfinished transaction, contain an offer for a bonus reward, and introduce new promotions for goods.

Types of triggers

  • a welcome letter containing personal data (name, patronymic) - sent after registration;
  • text for the growth of cross-sales: the client made a purchase - a reason to offer related products;

Trigger mailing for cross-sales

  • a reminder of an unconcluded transaction (“forgotten” cart) – the visitor postponed the product, but did not want to order the product;

  • messages containing a list of promotional offers from the category of products where the person performed the search;
  • next likely purchase - a forecast of possible future acquisitions based on behavioral analysis;

Trigger mailing example with product recommendations

  • mailings aimed at renewing interest - a registered customer does not visit the resource for a month / six months; use special offers for motivation;

An example of a return-motivating trigger mailing

  • holiday messages

How to apply

An analysis of behavioral factors, on the basis of which chains of actions and reactions to them are developed, is performed, taking into account cookies, a transition map, utm labels . These parameters are complexly used - systems that perform mass collection of data on behavior and preferences. Software components allow you to specify individual scenarios, according to which a person will be sent a welcome, reminder, motivating letter.

Trigger mailing service is an embedded module that provides increase in sales due to detailed segmentation of the user flow with the construction of trigger chains that meet the specifics of a particular target audience.

Triggers are a method of personal interaction with the visitor, the implementation of which, when communicating with the user, will increase interest in the Internet resource, make them return to the site, register, purchase, view the product catalog.

They are trigger mailings. Such messages have become especially common in recent times. This article will help you understand what trigger emails are, why you need them, and how you should use them.

What is trigger mailing

  • retain customers from an existing customer base;
  • create additional sales;
  • increase conversion.

The word “trigger” itself comes from the English term “trigger”, which means “that which sets in motion”. Mailings fully justify their name, as they are sent only when the client has performed (or has not performed) some action. Trigger notifications are by far the most effective email marketing tool.

By the way, it is worth dwelling on the conversion in more detail. You can increase the number of users on the site by obtaining information about which pages on the store's website the client visited and what actions he performed. This includes browsing the catalog, searching the site, selecting products by category, reading reviews and reviews, adding products to the basket.

Mailing Trigger Examples

Among the mailings, it is necessary to single out those due to which it is possible to actually attract a buyer to the site and encourage him to purchase goods.

Abandoned carts

It is used in the case when the client has previously added a certain product to the cart, but has not yet paid for the order. Typically, this trigger mailing contains a friendly greeting (be sure to use a name or nickname), the name of the product or products, as well as a description of the site's service. The latter are represented by fast dispatch immediately after payment, inexpensive or completely free delivery, as well as a possible track for tracking the package. You can also use at least a trigger phrase that the purchase must be made as soon as possible, otherwise the product will run out.

Item back in stock

Back in stock - this is a popular scenario for triggered mailings, the letter is sent as soon as the product is again available in the store, previously added by the client to the "wishlist" section. It often happens that the buyer wants to order something, but this product is already out of stock. If the product is really necessary for the client, then he adds the product to the desired purchases, after which he can forget about it for a while. The task of trigger mailings in this case is to encourage the customer to make a purchase again when the product becomes available. in a great way to influence the consumer is the repetition of letters so that the client constantly has a reminder in front of his eyes that he wanted to purchase.

Price drop

The price of a product has been reduced - the most effective trigger of all available. Any client will give his preference to those products, the cost of which has noticeably decreased. And periodic notifications of such news will guarantee that the buyer will go to the website of the online store to familiarize himself with the offer. It is not necessary to send a trigger mailing about those products that were previously purchased, it is enough just to indicate several products from different categories in the letter. The client will be interested in any case, since each of us is always in search of inexpensive and high-quality household items, wardrobe, and electronics.

Trigger mailing services

Letters must reach a huge audience, so writing them personally or hiring specially trained people for this is very difficult. Such an organization of the process is inconvenient both in terms of time and money. That is why you should pay attention to services that allow you to automate the distribution of trigger emails.

For example, . A very convenient system, including for beginners, since it already contains 10 ready-made campaign templates in order to increase sales. These are the aforementioned types of mailings, as well as congratulatory letters, after-sales campaigns, mailing lists for VIP clients, etc. For stores that have existed for a long time, the function of attracting already departed customers will be especially useful. The service divides all buyers into several groups, depending on how long ago they ordered the goods. After that, the most effective letter template in this case is selected with a headline like “We miss you” or with a discount offer. Attractive pictures are also used, which the client pays attention to faster than text.

Another good app to create trigger alerts is . If the previous service can be adapted to a site of any orientation, then this application is a special development for online stores. When a user tries to close a tab with a site, UniCatcher displays a subscription form, thanks to which a potential client will be able to receive notifications about various products. Also, trigger mailings are sent immediately after registration and purchases, which encourages the client to look at other categories of store products. The team of this application is also good in that it develops its own script for each site, which means that UniCatcher will work as conveniently as possible.

A trigger application with convenient settings is . The range of templates is only 6 types, but at the same time, the system has a self-learning function, making it easy to work with it. MailTrig provides full and detailed analytics on how effective the online store is, as well as all the marketing tools that the owner is already using. Also, the application constantly updates information about the profiles of visitors, their actions, which allows you to determine to whom to send this or that trigger template. The most popular emails in MailTrig are a thank you trigger that the customer receives immediately after paying for the purchase, as well as activity bonuses. For example, if a user has made 5 purchases within a certain period of time, he receives a discount.

Service SendPulse offers its own option for creating trigger chains. You have the ability to use three communication channels to create a chain: email, SMS and web push notifications. Initially, the service offers three standard events - "Registration", "Abandoned Cart", "Purchase". But you can also create your own "Custom Event" in the "Event Manager". You can read more about how to send an event to SendPulse in the knowledge base. Also, a useful feature for online stores will be the segmentation of recipients by gender, place of residence and date added to the list using a filter. You can select any variable in the "Filter" block, depending on what information you have available about the subscriber. The service allows you to create up to 50 blocks and provides comprehensive statistics for each message.

Are trigger mailings really necessary?

Of course, they are needed, since trigger mailings are a really effective way to increase sales. Without them, it is absolutely impossible to imagine the quality work of a new online store that does not yet have a permanent customer base. Trigger alerts are also a more subtle marketing tool than regular mailings, since they are aimed at interacting with the psychology of the buyer, and, moreover, they are not annoying spam.

Therefore, if you need to attract as many customers as possible or regain the trust of departed customers, then you should turn to trigger mailings. All you need to do is install the application on your website. And since developers can adapt many of these services specifically for your online store, using the trigger system is easy.

Trigger mailings are made to one person, a visitor to your site, to perform a specific action or event. The information is sent via email. Frequent communication with buyers improves communication ability with customers, and increases conversion.

triggers is a purchase, following links, automation, registration, visiting, i.e. the user performs certain actions on the site, which add up to various scenarios of the behavior of typical visitors. Trigger mailing- This is a sequential action that can be performed after a certain time in response to the user. To help such mailings, there may be an autoresponder. For example: send a draft "Thanks to" or "Greetings", after the subscription has been confirmed. Such mailings can be typed at any time of the day and stored as a draft, and launched on a specific day or time. Therefore, trigger emails have taken the highest place in Internet marketing, as they are considered an effective tool.

Trigger emails are important for:

  1. meeting new visitors;
  2. conservation existing base with clients;
  3. high conversion.

Difference between regular and trigger mailing. A regular mailing list is viewed by a large number of visitors, while a triggered mailing list is sent to only one specific client by email, to perform a specific action or event.

Trigger mailing in examples:

1. Welcome letter (contact with a potential client). The first contact with a client on your web resource: a welcome letter is sent immediately after registration. In addition, the letter contains information about the company, containing various baits, to attract a new visitor to cooperate in the future in your company.

A gift, a free bonus, a promotion, a discount, or a deal can serve as bait ... Treat the client officially by name and patronymic, provide good bonuses that he will not resist and make a deal or purchase.

2. Letters after the transaction (Did you forget to buy and ..?). An email is sent after a purchase is made or after an order has been delivered. How would you remind him about your company once again by offering him to purchase an accompanying additional item, to yesterday's purchase. At the same time, a letter is sent - a reminder of the purchased order number, its amount due, a list of goods, delivery time, etc. Then again, after two or three weeks, send several letters containing new products to the same client. The list of new products is small, two or four items, so as not to overburden the client, but point out that this product is in limited quantity or reserved for a selected client.

3. Letters to complete the order. If your client has already chosen the product they like and put it in the cart, but did not pay for it. Such an action is an "abandoned cart". This means that the site visitor has taken the first step. And your task is for him to complete the transaction and pay for the goods.
Your specific actions: after a few hours, for example, after two hours, you remind the site user about your company, offer to additionally add a related product to the cart, which is allegedly left for him.

If the client didn't respond to your first offer. Do not despair. The next day, send a second letter again, and offer a small bonus, you can provide a free product, a discount.

4. Letters that respond to behavior on a web resource. To improve the conversion, analyze the behavior of the client on the Internet resource: which product he likes more, sort the information product according to the categories he has chosen and send an email with new products and bonuses.

Do an analysis of the behavior of the client, what interests him:

  1. Catalog browsing;
  2. Search on the Internet resource;
  3. I was considering a new product, and did not put anything in the "abandoned cart".
  4. Read product reviews and reviews.

Do not lose the client, write a personalized letter for him, thoughtful and meaningful. You see, the client went to the Internet resource looking for a product, but did not purchase anything. Unleash his hesitation. Offer the most information about products and great deals.

5. "Letter-Returner". Do not abandon a customer who has purchased a product earlier. Trigger "return letters" remind the lost buyer about yourself, about your products, about the company. Write a letter about returning to the site, as if we have a mutually beneficial and interesting offer for you.

Some incentives to return to your company:

  1. Gifts for a regular customer.
  2. Cumulative bonuses for the buyer.
  3. Conditions favorable for customer service.
  4. Decent promotions and discounts.
  5. New items you'll love

To successfully return a client to an online resource, identify the reason why the client has lost interest in your company. Send a new letter with an interesting offer for the client, then he will return to you.

6. Letters for the holiday. Such letters are usually sent to the birthday, to new year holidays, for Christmas. It will be nice to receive a free gift or a product at a discount for the birthday person. He may not need this product, but out of respect for the company, he will purchase it. And the client will be pleased that they remember him on his birthday.

For the New Year holidays, for Christmas, you can offer a client not only for himself, but also for relatives and friends small gifts.

If you observe that the product is not in demand. Come up with an occasion "Holiday for your beloved!" and arrange a sale of this product for a promotion.

7. Thanks in letters. Affectionate words warm the soul of any person. Such as: “We are grateful to you”, “Thank you”, “We wish you good luck”. Gratitude for the purchase of goods, the completion of the transaction, registration on your site - so write in this letter. Do not miss the opportunity to make suggestions about new products at the end of the letter.

How to increase sales by 30% with trigger emails

How much are you losing because your email marketing is inactive or ineffective? Let's see what the statistics say.

According to DMA 2015, every dollar invested in mailings results in a return of $38. The average order value from good old email is 3 times higher than from social media.

Growing a pool of loyal customers is more profitable than spending budgets on attracting new traffic. In email marketing, triggered mailings are responsible for this. In this article, we will analyze what they are, how they work, and what an increase in conversion they can give for your online store.

What are trigger mailings

These are email threads that are triggered after a certain action or event - a successful order, an abandoned cart, or if the user has not visited your online store for several months or has not made a purchase for a long time.

Example: after registration, the user receives a series of a welcome letter, a list of promotions and special offers, a selection of personal recommendations based on the products viewed, and a coupon with a discount on the first order.

The most popular chains are a cycle of welcome letters after registration or purchase, an abandoned cart, a series for reactivating users who have not visited the site for a long time or have not made a purchase. Typically, these emails are easy to customize. They are universal and increase sales regardless of the subject of the project.

Advanced - letters with personal recommendations based on BigData, content mailings with branched scripts, targeted collections by season or hobbies, as well as dynamic content. it aerobatics, and you should approach their creation when you clearly understand who your customer is and what you want to achieve - sales, engagement, loyalty.

Why should they be launched in the first place?

Trigger emails increase revenue by up to 30%. Therefore, you need to launch them first of all - immediately after you have opened an online store and the first sales have started.

Unlike email marketing, which is integrated into a content strategy, they do not require regular and systematic preparation and release work. You set them up once. Further - either optimize if you want to experiment, or leave it as it is. Letters will work while you are polishing.

If your online store is powered by 1C-Bitrix, you can start the mailing list in a few clicks. You will have to tinker with other services, but this is also real.

Tools for setting up trigger mailings

  • Popular mail services(Mailchimp, Unisender). Among the advantages, we note the ocean of opportunities, advanced analytics and letter designers. Of the minuses is the complexity of the setup: after the intervention of a programmer who integrates the service into your business processes, you will have to read manuals, understand, and test.
  • Postal module 1C-Bitrix(if your online store works on it). Cons - few opportunities to create your own templates. Pros - ready-made scripts for chains of letters and convenience. With it, you can launch the most important types of trigger mailings in a few clicks.

Letter design and mailing scripts

Beautiful letters are read more often, while mediocre ones are deleted immediately after opening. Curved text layout, sloppy blocks, scattered buttons - all these are conversion killers.

In words, everything is simple: the design of the letter should be simple, informative, involving - preferably on the site and ideally in sales. In fact, it is difficult to create such a letter if you do not know which block and where it should be.

Let's look at what trigger emails might look like using new templates and . Using their example, we will analyze popular chains and find out what increase in sales and conversion they can give.

Forgotten Cart Email Template

On average, 70% of orders remain unfilled. According to SeeWhy, 55.8% of customers return from a purchase via email. Conversion to purchases in this case can reach 67.7%.

What to do? Send emails to those who abandoned carts at the checkout stage. Such notifications are like a kitten that asks for your door: it is impossible to resist.

Do you want the conversion to be even higher? Use the forgotten cart notification mechanic with a discount coupon.

Feedback template on Yandex.Market

90% of shoppers admit that online reviews influence their buying decision. 68% look for them in in social networks. And only 8% of them are left in the catalogs. However, the game is worth the candle: store reviews can increase conversions by up to 14%.

Order Information Email Template

The unknown scares the buyer: what will happen after I clicked on the "Place an order" button? At what stage is the shipment? What to do if something is wrong? Such letters remove fears - once. Two - they work great as an advertising channel. On average, they are opened more often than mass mailings. So why not use free ad space?

Email template with promotions and special offers

Tell us about your great deals, arrange a holiday sale, emphasize that it is important to purchase a product today - the mechanic is mass!

User Reactivation Email Template

Another useful letter for those who need "returnees". They will remind you to those who bought once and never returned or registered and never bought. If the letter or chain is successful, it gives +16% to repeat visits and purchases.

In this letter, you can give a discount, a certificate, talk about contests or promotions with prizes. Or just to remind you how good you are.

Do you want to increase the efficiency of this chain? Send out a series of letters. The script could be like this:

1. We miss you

2. We offer a discount (using a promotional code)

How to set up trigger mailings in your online store

You can switch to new templates in the email marketing module of the site admin panel.

The template constructor has the ability to upload a logo and phone numbers, compose text, insert links to your communities in social media. Select a block that will be automatically generated based on the content of the site - for example, teasers of benefits, promotions, products from the catalog. This is in short. More details -.


Correctly composed email chains increase conversion up to 30%. Thanks to the functionality of 1C-Bitrix, they can be launched in a couple of clicks, and new email templates from Aspro will allow you not to think about design and layout.

Read more about the new product, you can test new templates on demo versions of Aspro: Market and Aspro: Optimus solutions. To receive a beautiful letter, it is enough to abandon the basket at the checkout stage.

As a conclusion, we share an interesting infographic from

Data on views and conversions depending on the length of the chain. Optimal quantity letters - from 2 to 4.

How emails from trigger mailings are viewed and converted depending on the period. Conversion peaks occur in the second half of the month.

What affects the number of spam complaints? Oddly enough, the phases of the moon. It is worth considering when planning large-scale promotional campaigns.

Implement, test and increase sales! And don't forget about discounts: until January 9, 2017, Aspro: Market and Aspro: Optimus solutions with beautiful templates for trigger mailings and other useful features.

Trigger emails help build customer relationships and get four times more click-throughs than standard emails. They are relevant and expected because they are sent in response to specific subscriber actions. Today, using the example of mailing lists from online stores, we will look at what types of trigger emails are and in what cases they are sent. And we will also clearly show how to create a chain of trigger emails using the Automation 360 system from SendPulse.

First some numbers

According to statistics , trigger mailings outperform standard mailings in terms of opens and CTO (Click to Open Rate), and have 4 times higher CTR.

yesmail ranked the popularity of trigger mailing types among marketers - welcome letters were in first place. They are followed by reactivation campaigns and the abandoned cart. Next, consider examples of the most popular trigger mailings from well-known brands.

Confirmation of an order

The user ordered the product - immediately send a confirmation email. Such a letter performs several useful functions for the client:

  • informs that the order has been accepted;
  • for which product;
  • price;
  • when and where delivery;
  • how to change or cancel an order;
  • support contacts.

According to this scheme, an order confirmation from Modna Kasta was compiled. It has detailed information about the order with the image of the purchased product and the contacts of the support service. And if you change your mind and want to cancel or make changes to the order, there is a link to the return page and a contact phone number.

Thank you for your purchase

Thank the customer with kind words for choosing your product and be sure to include all the elements from the previous paragraph so that the letter also serves a practical function for the customer. Read more about the importance of thank you letters in our article " ».

Warby Parker eyewear online store showcases selected products in a thank you note.

Purchase Feedback

Customer reviews play two important roles in customer experience:

  • give feedback,
  • make the customer feel important to the company.

The first role is purely practical, because Feedback allows you to see your weaknesses and optimize work processes within the company. The second role is a bonus or side effect of a psychological nature. The client is given the opportunity to evaluate the service, which means that his opinion is important for the company, and it directly depends on it. . An example from the Rozetka online store.

abandoned cart

69.23% - so many purchases users do not complete. Abandoned Cart Trigger Email is a chance to bring a potential customer back to purchase and mast the trigger chain in ecommerce. In the email, inform the user that the product is reserved for him, and if he makes a purchase before a certain time, he will receive a discount.

Abandoned cart chains of two letters are considered more effective. If the user did not respond to the first email, schedule a second one in 2-3 days. In it, remind about the discount on goods from the basket. An example from the online store

abandoned view

A popular type of trigger emails in the field of renting and buying a home. A registered visitor of the site views the page several times and if he does not buy, he receives a letter with a reminder of the viewed positions.

To give an example, we went to and looked through hotels in the resort cities of Spain: Estepona, Malaga and Fuengirola.

On the same day, a letter arrived with a proposal to choose hotels in these cities.

Receipt of deferred goods to the warehouse

In the product cards of online stores there is often an option “notify when goods arrive at the warehouse”, where you need to enter your email. it good way replenish the database with more segmented and heated leads and not miss the buyer.

An example of a letter from the Allo store.

reactivation letter

If a customer made a purchase and then did not take any action for a long time, remind him about yourself . Take an interest in the reasons for inactivity and do something for him special offer- maybe he didn’t have enough discounts for a new purchase.

On the Teespring platform, everyone can sell T-shirts with their own design and earn money from it. If there is no activity on the site, a reactivation letter arrives, which contains the statistics of the goods sold and the revenue for past campaigns. Everything to inspire you to new achievements.

Letter for a special date

The special date can be either a birthday or an anniversary of the subscription.

To send a letter by a special date, you need to collect customer information in advance and systematically. When it comes to birthdays, there are several options:

  • questionnaire with a discount for specifying the data,
  • add a line with the date of birth in the user account,
  • a letter with a proposal to indicate the date of birth for a gift or discount.

In a birthday letter from Nasty Gal, the birthday girl wishes: “From all of us behind the glittering scenes. We wish you a day filled with sweets and dancing until you drop." And the call to action button “For you!”.

Littlewoods online store congratulates customers on the anniversary of the subscription with and 10% off your next order is a way to build loyalty in the long run.

How to create a triggered email in SendPulse

The above emails can be customized in , and most of them - without the involvement of a programmer. New system Automation 360 allows you to create complex trigger chains based on user actions. The chain can include email, SMS and web push.

There are three types of predefined events in Automation 360 - "Purchase", "Abandoned Cart", "Registration". There is also a "Custom event", which the client can customize to suit the specifics of his business. All events that the client creates must be registered with the service.

To send emails based on the information you have about the user in the address book, use filters. Using the filter, it is convenient to segment mailings by gender, place of residence, and the date they were added to the list. You can select any variable for the filter.

Conditions are used to customize emails based on recipient actions. The conditions can be the subscriber's actions within the chain - openings/following links in messages and external events. For example, the user has done target action- receives the next letter of the same chain, not fulfilled - is sent to another chain of letters. Or you can perform an action with a contact - change the variable, move, delete.

We will show how a chain of trigger emails is built in the SendPulse Automation 360 system using the example of an abandoned cart email. It is configured in 5 steps:

Step #1. We create an event on which the letter will be sent.

In the "Event Manager" we select the ready-made "Abandoned Cart" block, where the standard variables are set, and, if necessary, change them for ourselves. The system will generate a URL to which you need to configure the transfer of data from your online store. The system also generates an example of the data that needs to be sent to this URL. Contact a programmer who has experience working with your store script. Once you set up the transfer of data from your store, then you can independently configure the sending logic in our service.

Step #2. Let's start the series and create an abandoned cart email.

In the menu item "Automails" go to the block constructor. We set the start of the series on the abandoned cart event. Drag and drop the "Email" block into the constructor's working field - our future email about the abandoned cart. We write the subject of the letter, for example: "You left the item in the basket." Select the time to send the email.

We insert variables from the event into the template. If there are variables that match the URL of the image, then they can be inserted into the "Source" field.

Step #3. Set the condition if the user bought/did not buy the item.

Drag the "Condition" block under the "Email" block. And we set a ready-made condition from the menu, in this case, the external event "Purchase". There are two conditions. "Yes" - the customer has made a purchase and receives a letter of thanks. "No" - send another email offering a discount on items in the cart.