A set of moral rules. Professional morality is a historically established set of moral precepts, norms, commandments, codes on the proper behavior of representatives of certain professions. Diversity of moral standards

  • 06.03.2023

The unity of the ethical and aesthetic aspects of business etiquette

The rules of etiquette, clothed in specific forms of behavior, indicate the unity of its two sides: moral, ethical and aesthetic. The first side is an expression of a moral norm: precautionary care, respect, protection, etc.

The second side - aesthetic - testifies to the beauty and grace of forms of behavior.

For example, to greet, use not only the verbal (speech) means “Hello!”, “Good afternoon,” but also non-verbal gestures: bow, nod, wave of the hand, etc. You can indifferently say “Hello,” nod your head and walk past . But it’s better to do it differently - say, for example, “Hello, Ivan Alexandrovich!”, smile warmly at him and stop for a few seconds. Such a greeting emphasizes your good feelings for this person; he will understand that you value him, and the sound of his own name is a pleasant melody for any person.

Business etiquette as a whole moral standards and rules of conduct in business communication. Basic rules of business etiquette

Just being polite and friendly is not enough. In business etiquette, general principles take on a specific coloring, which is expressed in the following basic rules:

  • - First rule business communication- be punctual in everything. Lateness of any employee interferes with work, in addition, they indicate that such a person cannot be relied upon;
  • - Second rule business ethics communication - do not say too much. Any employee is obliged to keep the secrets of his organization; this rule applies to all matters of a company or institution: from personnel to technology. The same applies to conversations between co-workers about their personal lives;
  • - The third rule of ethics in business is to think not only about yourself, but also about others. It is impossible to conduct business successfully without taking into account the opinions and interests of partners, clients, and customers. Often the reasons for failure in business are the manifestation of selfishness, the desire to harm competitors, even colleagues, in order to advance within the limits of own enterprise. Always strive to listen patiently to your interlocutor, learn to respect and understand other people’s opinions, get rid of intolerance to dissent;
  • - The fourth rule of business ethics is to dress appropriately. The main thing is to dress appropriately for your surroundings at work, without standing out from the contingent of workers at your level. Your clothes should show your taste;
  • - The fifth rule is the ethics of business communication - speak and write good language. Everything you say and write must be presented correctly. Your chances of concluding a particular contract often depend on your ability to communicate. In order to succeed, a business person must also master the art of rhetoric, that is, the skill of eloquence.

"All people on earth are equal"

Relationships between people nowadays are increasingly becoming tragic. Lies, betrayal, hypocrisy, hatred, malice, arrogance, greed, cruelty - and this is not the whole negative list of what fills the heart modern man. And the whole point is that people forget to comply. Some don't even know what it is.

Moral standards- this is a set of all types of relationships between people that arise in the process of communication, living together (pasting time).

Starting from early childhood, a person develops his own ideas about good and bad; about what is good and what is evil. Of course, the first ideas about moral standards parents lay it on their child, telling him what is right and what is wrong (or not telling him, then the child draws his own conclusions from what he sees and hears). When a child grows up, society replaces his parents. And the more parents and (or) society are morally developed, the closer person to create a virtuous personality, healthy family and a harmonious society.

But at the present time, people (and, accordingly, society) are degrading. People stop developing spiritually and forget about moral standards. Their ideas about life become negative, which affects their standard of behavior in society.

Morality in spiritual life people are very numerous. Below is a list of some moral standards which a person must observe:
1. Truthfulness. It is very important to always be honest and tell the truth.
2. Reliability and loyalty- a positive spiritual and moral quality of a person, expressing steadfastness and constancy in feelings, relationships, in the performance of one’s duties and duty. We feel calm when there are reliable and faithful people nearby. So you too try to become a reliable person for other people.
3. Sincerity- the absence of contradictions between real feelings and intentions towards another person (or group of people) and how these feelings and intentions are presented to him in words. Sincerity is one of the most difficult qualities to possess and one that must be taken very seriously. When expressing your sincere attitude to a person “in person”, it is important not to cross the line of politeness. This applies to your negative assessments, which may be offensive or offensive from the point of view of the interlocutor. In this case, it is better to refrain from your negative statements and simply stop communicating with the person who is unpleasant to you.
4. Politeness, correctness- rules of conversation and argument that characterize the behavior of a person who outwardly shows respect for the people around him. Whatever the nature of your conversation (whether it is pleasant or unpleasant for you), always show respect for your interlocutor. Be correct in your statements and polite to people.
5. Expulsion of vices from the heart. Free your heart from anger, hatred, envy and other vices. Meditation helps well with this. Communicate with those people who make you happy and inspire you to positive actions. Fill your heart with positivity!
6. Moral and physical strength. Courage is one of the virtues that reflects moral strength in overcoming fear. By developing moral and physical strength, you can easily learn to endure suffering or not experience it at all. Strengthen your spirit, mind and body.
7. Tolerance and the ability to forgive- a conscious decision not to do or commit any kind of persecution (punishment). The ability to forgive is characteristic of a spiritually developed person. It is important to remember that in order to learn to forgive, you must first learn not to be offended! And tolerance will help you with this. It is also inherent in people with very developed moral strength. Every person should understand what can be tolerated and why to endure. Sometimes you just need to say goodbye to a person so as not to cause yourself mental pain. And then you won’t have to endure anything, and there won’t be anyone to be offended by.
8. Modesty- a human character trait expressed in the following:
- moderation in all demands;
- lack of desire for luxury;
- lack of desire to excel, to show oneself;
- maintaining the limits of decency;
- sedateness in communicating with other people.
9. Dignity and self-respect- a person’s objective assessment of himself as internally positive or negative to some extent. Develop spiritually and self-realize. Become a worthy person.
10. The search for wisdom and knowledge, the desire for self-education and intellectual self-improvement. Always learn something new. Read more.
11. The desire to devote all your time and your life to good deeds. Either do it with kindness and a pure heart, or don’t do it at all. If you have already decided to develop spiritually, then kindness is the first thing you should fill your heart with!
12. Generosity– important moral standard person. It consists of openness towards other people, the ability to share with them both your material wealth and your abilities, knowledge, and spiritual strength.
13. Patience- calmly enduring pain, misfortune, sorrow, misfortune in one’s own life.
14. Reasonable management of your funds. You shouldn't spend money on something that won't benefit you.
15. Sociability, kind attitude towards others.
16. Passion for cleanliness and beauty.
17. Aversion to evil and sin.

Every person is obliged to constantly purify and improve spiritually, morally and physically, striving to become impeccable. People must refrain from actions that can corrupt and destroy a person. Also, anything that can cause harm to the soul and body should be avoided.

P.S. Extramarital affairs are considered the main source of complete decay of the individual and society, leading to the moral and physical degradation of people.

oxxxemiron 2017-01-25 19:20:56

What kind of PPC

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Irkutsk branch of VGIK

Ethics of Business Communication

report on the subject Management

Completed by: Bogonosova A.D.

Checked by: Khitirkheeva N.K.


Ethics of business communicationa set of moral norms, rules and ideas that regulate the behavior and relationships of people in the process of their production activities. Ethicsbusiness communicationrepresents a special case of ethics in general and contains its main characteristics.

Ethics business communicationdeals with identifying the norms and rules of communication adopted in certain situations and conditions of communication, as well as predicting and determining the line of behavior and studying the factors influencing behavior in the business sphere.


Business conversation arises on the basis of and in relation to a certain type of activity associated with the production of a product or business effect. In this case, the parties to communication act in formal (official) statuses, which determine the necessary norms and standards of human behavior. Distinctive feature business communication is that it does not have a self-sufficient meaning, is not an end in itself, but serves as a means to achieve some other goals. In market conditions, this is, first of all, obtaining maximum profit.

Social contract

The basis of modern business ethics is a social contract (an informal agreement between a company and its external environment on common standards of behavior) and Social responsibility firm (maximizing its advantages and minimizing disadvantages that affect both business participants and society as a whole)...

Building an Ethical Argument

Today, there are two most common principles for constructing ethical argumentation: the principle of utilitarianism and the principle of the moral imperative.

  1. The principle of utilitarianism
  2. An action is considered morally justified if it produces, or tends to produce, the maximum benefit to the maximum number of persons. The total benefit is compared with the amount of damage caused. And if it outweighs, the decision is unethical. If all alternative actions cause some degree of damage, then the “lesser evil” is chosen.
  3. The principle of the moral imperative
  4. Moral decisions should not depend on a specific result (any bribe is evil; deceiving one client is as immoral as deceiving many).

General ethical principles and nature of business communication.

Business communication is a necessary part of human life, the most important type of relationship with other people. Eternal and one of the main regulators of these relations are ethical norms, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, the correctness or incorrectness of people’s actions. And when communicating in business cooperation with his subordinates, boss or colleagues, everyone in one way or another, consciously or spontaneously, relies on these ideas. But depending on how a person understands moral norms, what content he puts into them, and to what extent he generally takes them into account in communication, he can make business communication easier for himself, make it more effective, help in solving assigned tasks and achieving goals, so as to complicate this communication or even make it impossible Ethics (from the Greek ethos custom, custom) the doctrine of morality, morality. The term “ethics” was first used by Aristotle to denote practical philosophy, which should answer the question of what we should do in order to perform the right, moral actions. Morality (from Latin moralis moral) is a system of ethical values ​​that are recognized by a person. Morality is the most important way of normative regulation of social relations, communication and behavior of people in various spheres of public life - family, everyday life, politics, science, work, etc.

Basic ethical principle in business communication

The ethics of business communication should be taken into account in its various manifestations: in the relationship between the enterprise and social environment; between enterprises; within one enterprise between a manager and subordinates, between a subordinate and a manager, between people of the same status. There are specifics between the parties to one or another type of business communication. The task is to formulate principles of business communication that would not only correspond to each type of business communication, but also would not contradict the general moral principles of human behavior. At the same time, they should serve as a reliable tool for coordinating the activities of people involved in business communication.

In relation to business communication, the basic ethical principle can be formulated as follows: in business communication, when deciding which values ​​should be preferred in a given situation, act in such a way that your desire is compatible with the moral values ​​of the other parties involved in the communication and allows for coordination interests of all parties.

Thus, the basis of the ethics of business communication should be coordination, and, if possible, harmonization of interests. Naturally, if it is carried out by ethical means and in the name of morally justified goals.

Therefore, business communication must be constantly checked by ethical reflection, justifying the motives for entering into it. At the same time, do it ethically right choice and making an individual decision is often not at all easy.

Market relations provide freedom of choice, but at the same time increase the number of decision options and give rise to a complex of moral dilemmas that await business people at every step in the process of their activities and communication.

Despite all the problematic nature and difficulty of choosing a moral position, there are a number of provisions in communication, following which you can greatly facilitate business communication, increase its efficiency and avoid mistakes in the process of interaction with others in business. Remember, that:

  1. in morality there is no absolute truth and no supreme judge among people;
  2. When it comes to the ethical failures of others, one should not make “moral elephants” out of “moral flies.” When we're talking about about your mistakes, you should do the opposite;
  3. in morality one should praise others and make claims against oneself;
  4. the moral attitude of others towards us ultimately depends only on ourselves;
  5. When it comes to the practical approval of moral standards, the main imperative of behavior is “start with yourself.”

Particular attention should be paid to Golden Rule communication ethics:

Treat others the way you would like to be treated. As mentioned above, in the negative form in Confucius’s formulation it reads: What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others. This rule also applies to business communication, but in relation to its individual types: “top down” (manager subordinate), “bottom up” (subordinate manager), “horizontally” (employee employee) requires specification.

Ethics of business communication “from top to bottom”.

In business communication “from top to bottom,” that is, in the relationship of a manager to a subordinate, the golden rule of ethics can be formulated as follows: Treat your subordinate the way you would like to be treated by a manager. The art and success of business communication are largely determined by the ethical standards and principles that a manager uses in relation to his subordinates. By norms and principles we mean what behavior in the service is ethically acceptable and what is not. These norms relate primarily to how and on what basis orders are given in the management process, how service discipline is expressed,
defining business communication. Without observing the ethics of business communication between a manager and a subordinate, most people feel like they are in a team
uncomfortable, morally unprotected. Manager's attitude towards subordinates
influences the entire nature of business communication and largely determines it
moral and psychological climate. It is at this level that the first
turn moral standards and patterns of behavior. Let's note some of them.

  1. Strive to transform your organization into a cohesive team with high moral standards of communication. Involve employees in the organization's goals. A person will only feel morally and psychologically comfortable when he identifies with the collective. At the same time, everyone strives to remain an individual and wants to be
    respected for who he is.
  2. If problems and difficulties associated with dishonesty arise, the manager should find out its reasons. If we are talking about ignorance, then one should not endlessly reproach the subordinate with his weaknesses and shortcomings. Think about what you can do to help him overcome them. Rely on strengths his personality.
  3. If an employee does not follow your instructions, you need to let him know that you are aware of this, otherwise he may think that he tricked you. Moreover, if the manager has not made an appropriate remark to the subordinate, then he is simply not fulfilling his duties and is acting unethically.
  4. A remark to an employee must comply with ethical standards. Collect all information about this case. Choose the right form of communication. First, ask the employee to explain the reason for not completing the task; perhaps he will provide facts unknown to you. Make your comments one on one: the person's dignity and feelings must be respected.
  5. Criticize actions and actions, not the person's personality.
  6. Then, when appropriate, use the “sandwich” technique: hide criticism between two compliments. End the conversation on a friendly note and take the time to talk to the person soon to show them that you don't hold a grudge.
  7. Never advise a subordinate on what to do in personal matters. If the advice helps, you probably won't be thanked. If it doesn't help, the full responsibility will fall on you.
  8. Don't play favorites. Treat employees as equal members and treat everyone with the same standards.
  9. Never give employees the opportunity to notice that you are not in control if you want to maintain their respect.
  10. Observe the principle of distributive justice: the greater the merit, the greater the reward.
  11. Encourage your team even if success is achieved mainly due to the success of the leader himself.
  12. Strengthen your subordinate's self-esteem. A job well done deserves not only material, but also moral encouragement. Don’t be lazy to praise your employee once again.
  13. The privileges you give yourself should extend to other members of the team.
  14. Trust your employees and admit your own mistakes in your work. Team members will still find out about them one way or another. But concealing mistakes is a manifestation of weakness and dishonesty.
  15. Protect your subordinates and be loyal to them. They will answer you in kind.
  16. Choose the right form of order, taking into account, first of all, two factors: 1) the situation, the availability of time for nuances, 2) the personality of the subordinate - who is in front of you, a conscientious and qualified worker or a person who needs to be pushed at every step. Depending on this, one should choose the most ethically acceptable norms of behavior and forms of command.

The forms of the order can be: order, request, request and the so-called “volunteer”.

The order should most often be used in emergency, as well as in relation to unscrupulous employees.

The request is used if the situation is ordinary, and the relationship between the manager and the subordinate is based on trust and goodwill. This form allows the employee to express his opinion on the problem if for some reason it cannot be solved. And if you pronounce the phrase appropriately, then the employee will have no doubt that this is an order.

A question is best used in cases where you want to spark discussion about how to do a better job, or encourage an employee to take the initiative. “Does it make sense to do this?”, “How should we do this?” At the same time, employees must be proactive and sufficiently qualified. Otherwise, some may perceive your question as a sign of weakness and incompetence.

"Volunteer". Question “Who wants to do this?” is suitable for a situation where no one wants to do the work, but nevertheless it must be done. In this case, the volunteer hopes that his enthusiasm will be appropriately appreciated in future work.

Ethics of business communication “bottom up”.

In business communication “bottom up”, i.e. in the relationship of a subordinate to his boss, the general ethical rule behavior is possible
formulate as follows:

Treat your manager the way you would like to be treated by your subordinates.

Knowing how you should approach and treat your leader is no less important than what moral requirements you should make of your subordinates. Without this, it is difficult to find a “common language” with both the boss and subordinates. Using certain ethical standards, you can attract a leader to your side, make him your ally, but you can also turn him against you, make him your ill-wisher.

Here are some essential ethical standards and principles that you can use in your business communication with your manager.

  1. Try to help the manager create a friendly moral atmosphere in the team and strengthen fair relationships. Remember that your manager needs this first.
  2. Do not try to impose your point of view on the manager or command him. Express your suggestions or comments tactfully and politely. You cannot directly order him to do anything, but you can say: “How would you feel if...?” etc.
  3. If any joyful or, on the contrary, unpleasant event is approaching or has already happened in the team, then the manager must be informed about it. In case of trouble, try to help ease the way out of this situation and offer your solution.
  4. Do not talk to your boss in a categorical tone, do not always say only “yes” or only “no”. An employee who always says yes becomes annoying and comes across as a flatterer. A person who always says “no” is a constant irritant.
  5. Be loyal and reliable, but don't be a sycophant. Have your own character and principles. A person who does not have a stable character and firm principles cannot be relied upon; his actions cannot be foreseen.
  6. You should not ask for help, advice, suggestions, etc. “over your head”, directly to your manager’s manager, except in emergency cases. Otherwise, your behavior may be perceived as disrespect or disregard for your boss's opinion or as doubting his competence. In any case, your immediate supervisor in this case loses authority and dignity.
  7. If you have been given responsibility, gently raise the question of your rights. Remember that responsibility cannot be realized without an appropriate degree of freedom of action.

Ethics of business communication “horizontally”.

The general ethical principle of communication is “horizontal”, i.e.
between colleagues (managers or ordinary members of the group), you can
formulate as follows: In business communication, treat your colleague
the way you would like him to treat you. If you find it difficult how
behave in a given situation, put yourself in the shoes of your colleague.

In relation to fellow managers, it should be borne in mind that finding the right tone and acceptable standards of business communication with employees of equal status from other departments is a very difficult matter. Especially when it comes to communication and relationships within one enterprise. In this case, they are often rivals in the struggle for success and promotion. At the same time, these are people who, together with you, belong to the general management team. In this case, participants in business communication should feel equal to each other.

Here are some principles of ethical business communication between colleagues.

  1. Do not demand any special treatment or special privileges from another.
  2. Try to achieve a clear division of rights and responsibilities in performing common work.
  3. If your responsibilities overlap with your colleagues, this is a very dangerous situation. If the manager does not differentiate your duties and responsibilities from others, try to do it yourself.
  4. In relationships between colleagues from other departments, you should be responsible for your department yourself, and not place the blame on your subordinates.
  5. If you are asked to temporarily transfer your employee to another department, do not send there unscrupulous and unqualified
    after all, they will judge you and your department as a whole by it. Remember maybe
    happen that you will be treated in the same immoral way.
  6. Don't be biased towards your colleagues. As much as possible, discard prejudices and gossip when communicating with them.
  7. Call your interlocutors by name and try to do this more often.
  8. Smile, be friendly and use a variety of techniques and means to show a kind attitude towards your interlocutor. Remember, what goes around comes around.
  9. Don't make promises you can't keep. Do not exaggerate your importance and business opportunities.
  10. If they don't come true, you will be uncomfortable, even if there were objective reasons for this.
  11. Don't get into a person's soul. At work, it is not customary to ask about personal matters, much less problems.
  12. Try to listen not to yourself, but to others.
  13. Don't try to seem better, smarter, more interesting than you really are. Sooner or later everything will come out anyway and
    will fall into place.
  14. Send impulses of your sympathy - with a word, a look, a gesture, let the participant in the conversation understand that you are interested in him.
    Smile, look straight into the eyes.
  15. View your colleague as a person who should be respected in his own right, and not as a means to achieve your goals.
    own goals.

Professional morality is a historically established set of moral precepts, norms, commandments, codes on the proper behavior of representatives of certain professions.

The subject of studying the professional ethics of a lawyer is professional morality.

Subject, structure, goals and principles of legal ethics

Legal ethics is a type of professional ethics, which is a set of rules of conduct for employees of the legal profession, ensuring the moral character of their labor activity and off-duty behavior. It is also a scientific discipline that studies the specifics of implementing moral requirements in a given area.

So, the specific moral standards of a lawyer should not contradict the principles and norms of universal morality. They only complement and specify them, taking into account the conditions of the lawyer’s activity.

The task of legal ethics is to humanize the morality of lawyers. It focuses them on observing moral requirements, ensuring justice, protecting the rights, freedoms, honor and dignity of citizens, as well as personal honor and dignity. Legal ethics should have a positive impact on state legislation and law enforcement.

In general, the principles of legal ethics generally coincide with the principles of the general theory of morality. Particular importance is attached to the principle of fairness. The main problem in legal activity is the relationship between justice and legality. Sometimes situations arise when, due to imperfect legislation, decisions can be made that formally comply with the letter of the law, but are essentially unfair.

It is appropriate to note that the word “justice” translated from Latin means “justice”, that is, justice, first of all, in relation to a person according to the principle of “giving everyone according to his deserts”. This principle is decisive in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the legislation of modern democratic states, and the Constitution of Russia. Justice in content is often considered identical to justice, since a fair decision must comply not only with the letter, but also with the spirit of the law.

Professional morality of lawyers is normative in nature and has a legal basis, which is reflected in the goals, principles and means of activity presented by legislative acts regulating the professional activities of lawyers on the basis of standards of ethics, morality and morality that correspond to international legal documents and domestic legal acts.

The structure of professional ethics includes general moral norms and principles, which, however, undergo certain changes related to the specifics of this type of activity. Indicative in this regard is the structure of legal ethics, which includes three elements:

1) the moral activity of a lawyer and its specific features;

2) moral relations in the field of law and law enforcement;

3) features of the professional and moral consciousness of lawyers.

The first two elements essentially constitute the objective side of a lawyer’s professional ethics, and the third element constitutes the subjective side.

This division of a seemingly single process allows us to distinguish between the goals and objectives of lawyers in relation to their activities, identifying on this basis also three elements:

1) the purpose of legal activity;

2) means that are used to achieve goals;

3) the result of legal activity.

As is known, the goals and objectives of the activities of lawyers are: ensuring the personal safety of citizens; prevention and suppression of crimes, their detection; public order protection; providing legal assistance to citizens, officials, private and state enterprises, organizations and public associations in the exercise of their legitimate rights and interests.

The criterion for the morality of the means used in the professional activities of lawyers should only be legality and fairness. Based on this, the goals and objectives of legal activity are normative in nature and provide for a certain social program, which must be performed in the process of professional activity. If the goals of professional activity should be understood as what this activity is aimed at, then the goals of professional ethics should be understood as what it serves. professional ethics.

The most important principles of professional morality of lawyers are:

· humanism (love for people, respect for their rights);

· legality (compliance and correct application of laws);

· justice (correspondence between offense and responsibility).

All these principles of professional morality for lawyers are mandatory and normative in nature.
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In this regard, the peculiarity of a lawyer’s professional morality is the result of refraction general principles and moral standards in their official activities and non-official behavior and is expressed in following features:

1. In no other area of ​​life are norms of behavior and morality to the maximum extent mandatory and definite. Professional activity a lawyer involves detailed regulation of all aspects of his life.

2. The moral standards of a lawyer are legally formalized and supported by firm legal provisions established by the state.

3. The norms and principles of professional ethics of lawyers are imperative in nature and require diligence and mandatory compliance.

4. The actions of professional lawyers, with all the rigor, must not be humiliating human dignity, fair and understandable to the people around them, must be irreconcilable towards violators of the law and inhumanity.

5. When professional lawyers communicate with citizens, they often penetrate into the details of spiritual and personal life, which requires an individual approach to people, the presence of a certain moral culture and tact.

6. When applying the law, it is extremely important for lawyers to approach everything from the point of view of the law. This means that a lawyer, when applying the law to the maximum extent, must have objectivity, must look at this or that event from the point of view of the law, renouncing his personal likes and dislikes, affinity and kinship, considering the case from the standpoint of law, morality and justice.

From all these features, the professional ethics of a lawyer is formed in its entirety, his moral culture as a whole.

Professional morality is a historically established set of moral precepts, norms, commandments, codes on the proper behavior of representatives of certain professions. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category “Professional morality is a historically established set of moral precepts, norms, commandments, codes on the proper behavior of representatives of certain professions.” 2017, 2018.