Opening of the first clubs for children. Description of the enterprise in general terms. The room should be divided into several separate zones

  • 23.02.2023

The ancient Chinese thinker Confucius once said: “Find a job you love, and you won’t have to work a single day in your life.” Two charming women Sofia Timofeeva and Anastasia Shevchenko decided to follow this aphorism and turned their life's work into a very successful and profitable project. Being teachers not only by education, but also by vocation, they opened a wonderful children's eco-club "Umnichka", which for the past 5 years has been continuously delighting kids with its exciting activities.


However, they decided not to stop there and last year they founded a new business project, Your Club, whose main goal is to provide practical assistance to everyone who dreams of opening their own children's center. In their interview, they told how to start a business, how to develop it, and what mistakes to avoid.

How and when did you get the idea to open your own kids club? Why did you choose this particular type of business?

S.T. I am a primary education teacher by profession. After graduating from LGPI them. A.I. Herzen, I worked at a school for several years, where I gained invaluable experience, because working with children allowed me to more deeply absorb the knowledge that I received at the institute. After working at the school for several years, I returned to my native university and became a teacher in the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology.

I really liked my work, and I could not even imagine that someday I would have to part with my department, where I held the position of deputy dean. But fate decreed otherwise. My husband is a soldier. He was transferred to Moscow. His transfer and our move coincided with the birth of Yaroslav's daughter. At first, I enjoyed my wonderful family life, fully knowing the joys of motherhood. However, a year later, a quiet, measured life no longer seemed so beautiful.

I wanted vigorous activity, activity, with results and achievements. And then I noticed that for a long time I was seriously interested in the features of the development of very young children. I didn’t have enough of my own knowledge, I wanted to communicate with the same enthusiastic mothers, and I began to take my daughter to the kids club. In total, we traveled there for about a year.

And from lesson to lesson, I was struck by the unprofessionalism of the methods. The children were given tasks that were not suitable for their age. It was then that I had the idea to open my own children's club and do everything in my own way, to put my many knowledge and rich experience into my own business. I wanted to create something special, where the best teachers will work, and the children will study according to the best programs and attend the best classes.

A.Sh. I had the idea to start my own business at the age of 13. However, I had no exact idea of ​​what exactly to open. After graduating from school, I entered the pedagogical university at the defectological department with a degree in speech therapy and successfully completed it. During my teaching practice, I had the opportunity to see how all educational institutions work from the inside, as well as to observe how children learn in kindergarten and at school.

Most institutions had huge record keeping requirements, while teacher salaries were very low. It was in practice that I realized that I definitely would not work in budgetary organizations. Already in the last years of university, I began to look for a job where I could realize myself. So I came across an ad that determined my choice. This announcement was about the search for teachers in a new children's club.

The club was not far from my house and suited me in all respects - employment, salary, as well as creative work with children. I actively participated in the life of the club, played the mouse for free at all New Year's performances, designed the club with interest, and composed various activities for children. The work fascinated me completely and gave me great pleasure.

At one point, I realized that my desire to create something of my own had not gone anywhere and began to pop up in my head more and more often. Coincidentally or not, it was at this moment, after only a year of work in the club, that I received an offer, which, of course, I could not refuse. So, at 21, I co-founded a wonderful kids club.

How to start opening a children's club? What is the first step to take?

S.T. In order to open a kids club, you need to determine the initial investment in the business, and for this you should. This is an obligatory stage of business planning, since the profitability of your club will directly depend on how carefully you think over your place among competitors, designate a pricing policy, and decide what range of activities to offer in your club.

Before drawing up a business plan, you should definitely decide on the mission, decide what exactly your club will be like, what goals and objectives you will set for yourself. Will it be a theater studio, where the creative abilities of children will be mainly revealed. Or it will be a club with an English bias, where the first acquaintance of children with the magical world of foreign words, songs and poems will take place.

Then you should analyze the target audience, monitor competitors and form at least an approximate image of your children's club: paint a clear schedule of classes, determine the mode of operation of your institution, think over advertising methods, choose the legal form of registration of your enterprise, etc. And after that, go to clear calculations - the financial part of your business plan.

Where to get initial capital? And how much should it be?

S.T. Good question. I know that many people who are going to start their own small business are very afraid to take loans. Of course, they can be understood, since the realization that you will owe a decent amount to the bank, and the sword of Damocles will hang over you in the form of a loan, inspires fear and inspires genuine anxiety. And in the minds of some people there is still an illusion that you can get by with your own means.

But, unfortunately, this is practically impossible, unless, of course, there are rich relatives. I didn’t have such an opportunity, so I opened my club with borrowed funds. My friend, the owner of a successful business in another city, offered an interest-bearing loan. So the first 300 thousand rubles were found for our "Umnichka".

A.Sh. Completely agree with Sophia. It is difficult to do without borrowed funds. I am from the most ordinary family, I don’t have wealthy parents and rich relatives either. At the time of opening the club, I was only 21 years old, so there were no personal savings either. I had to take out a loan. And so our kids club was opened.


  • Legal registration: registration of an LLC with a legal address: 15,000 rubles
  • Repair: (wallpaper, carpet, iron door, curtains): 160,000 rubles
  • Furniture (tables, chairs, shelves, reception desk, sofa for parents, aquarium): 65,000 rubles
  • Toys, educational materials: 65,000 rubles
  • Cash register, copier: 16,000 rubles
  • Payment for the last month of rent: 145,000 rubles
  • Large colorful sign: 32,000 rubles
  • Authorized capital: 10,000 rubles
  • Tape recorders: 2 pcs. - 6 500 rubles

Total: approximately 660,000 rubles

What is the approximate cost of providing services in this business segment?

A.Sh. Many factors influence pricing: the region where the children's club is located, the social status of the area, the level of the club - premium or economy class, and the qualifications of teachers. Therefore, the prices for classes are different everywhere. But thanks to such variability, parents have the right to choose a children's center depending on the size of the family budget, the ability to take the child to classes, etc.

Is there a bonus payment system, promotions, discounts?

S.T. Benefits and bonuses play a very important role in the development of the kids club. Because they help solve a number of serious issues: they help increase the number of customers in the kids club, help keep the customer, stimulate the first purchase and timely payment for services.

Some bonuses help keep groups full during the summer and during long public holidays. There are also benefits of a social nature, for example, for single mothers or parents with a disabled child. Therefore, benefits, discounts and promotions are a very important marketing tool that should never be forgotten.

Is your activity subject to licensing?

S.T. This is a rather slippery moment, since there are legislative subtleties here. In accordance with the law "On Education", the activities of preschool educational institutions are subject to mandatory licensing.

However, here it is necessary to understand the terms and define what a preschool institution is. In accordance with the same law, a preschool institution is an organization that, in addition to educational activities, also provides supervision and care for children. Thus, if you conduct classes with underage children in sections, circles and studios, then according to the Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", such activities are not subject to licensing. Therefore, if you open a children's club, and not a kindergarten, then you do not need to obtain a license.

A.Sh. At the first stage, the entire advertising campaign of your club should be aimed at attracting the target client. In this case, outdoor advertising media begin to work actively. : a sign on the house, showcase windows of a children's club, pavement signs, banners, streamers, signs, etc..

In addition to outdoor advertising, you can distribute leaflets on the street, hang ads in the elevator, etc. Advertising in the headings of magazines and websites dedicated to children's leisure and development, publishing information about your club on relevant forums, blogs and online communities will be very effective. And, of course, we should not forget about word of mouth, since the best advertising is the satisfied reviews of parents.

Personally, I have never treated my club only as a business. Our clients for me are, first of all, friends with whom it is always interesting to communicate, listen to their suggestions and improve our club accordingly. Personal trust in our business is the key to success and the best advertisement.

What methods are used for training in your club?

S.T. In our club, methods are given very close attention. As a teacher, I understand that the technique should be effective and give a guaranteed result. So that any child with different levels of development can learn to read, distinguish a square from a circle, make a plate, etc. However, one of the main advantages of our club is our own teaching aids.

Anastasia and I are the authors of numerous methodological books for the children's club, published by the well-known pedagogical publishing house Yuventa. These are "Development of color perception in children", and "Outdoor games", and "Modeling for children", and "Finger gymnastics" and much more. All these are unique teaching aids, which are the result of our many years of experience working with children.

In addition to managing your Umnichka eco-club, you are co-founders of the Your Club business project, within which you conduct training seminars and master classes for those who want to open their own children's club. Tell us what inspired you to start this project?

S.T. We know from our own experience that starting a business in our country is a very difficult task. Before our eco-club "Umnichka" became a successful and profitable enterprise, we had to break a lot of firewood. We collected all the information bit by bit. There were many questions to which I had to look for answers, studying numerous literature, delving into various sites.

And now we understand that if we had then had a professional consultant who would have warned us at every step, then many problems and unnecessary expenses could have been avoided. Over the years of managing our eco-club, we have accumulated a lot of useful and necessary information about the opening, operation and development of a children's club. We know how to find good teachers, how to advertise ourselves, how to avoid problems with tax authorities and fire departments, etc.

Like any other commercial undertaking, opening a children's center cannot be done blindly. Therefore, all beginners will definitely need theoretical knowledge and practical advice. And our project is ready to help you with this, the website of which contains materials related to the opening, operation and development of the children's center.

What topics do your seminars cover?

A.Sh. We try to devote our seminars to the most relevant topics that concern our clients. People from all over our country come to our lectures: from Syktyvkar, Nizhnevartovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, as well as from neighboring countries: from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, etc. Therefore, all our seminars are purely practical.

The person who attended our lesson should receive all the answers to his questions on the stated topic. At the seminars, we talk about the motivation of teachers, and about the features of organizing and conducting complex classes for children of different ages, and about accounting nuances. Moreover, all information comes to our visitors, as they say, firsthand.

How profitable is it now to open children's clubs in the regions of Russia?

A.Sh. There is certainly competition. There is no escape from this. But I prefer to see the positives in everything. Competition makes you never sit still, constantly move and develop: improve your club, come up with new directions, develop new methods. Of course, the rules for doing business are the same, but the success of the club largely depends on the personality of the leader, his values ​​and beliefs. In your club, you need to implement the idea that you believe in. Only then will the club be real, alive, feeling the care and warmth of its owners. And this means that with a large selection of children's clubs and development centers, there will be a client for everyone, since the clubs still turn out to be different.

S.T. In our club, everything is arranged for us. I love the smell of wooden furniture, I love the cleanliness of the club and the nice plasticity of expensive toys. This is all for me and for our clients. In addition, my club has everything my children need. My daughter wanted to sing - we found an excellent musical director and we have formed a wonderful vocal group that participates in festivals, competitions and wins well-deserved diplomas.

How many projects do you currently have? How do you plan to develop your business? Are you planning to sell a franchise?

S.T. Now we are running the Umnichka children's eco-club, we have opened dance studios that have their own names and participate in competitions and festivals, our children are invited to auditions in TV shows and advertising. Now we are developing a new direction - mini garden for children 2.5 to 4 years and 4 to 9 years.

Modern parents pay special attention to the development and upbringing of children. In this regard, in our country, in addition to kindergartens and schools, many educational and entertainment institutions have appeared. We will talk about how to open a children's development center from scratch in this article.

Types of development centers

Why open a children's development center? First of all, you should choose a direction of activity. There is no specific model of such organizations, since such an occupation is a creative process. Some development centers offer support for children literally from birth until the moment they go to school. In other institutions, there is a narrower specialization. They develop the child in only one direction - drawing, sports, music, and so on. There are also centers that prepare children for school.

After that, the following actions should be taken:

  • Develop a business concept;
  • Register officially a children's center and obtain all the necessary permits for its activities;
  • Find and rent suitable premises;
  • Purchase the necessary equipment;
  • Hire staff;
  • Organize an advertising campaign.

It should be noted that developing centers for children differ significantly from ordinary kindergartens. Firstly, they offer a wide range of various training programs. Secondly, the development of children is carried out by qualified employees who do everything to satisfy the desires and needs of customers.

Activity registration

If the name of the institution does not contain the word "educational" or "teaching", you can open a kids club without a license. Under the current legislation of our country, this is quite realistic, which cannot be said about opening a private kindergarten. Therefore, entrepreneurs who are engaged in babysitting arrange a children's development center as a business. In fact, it can be an ordinary kindergarten, so when choosing a preschool educational institution for your baby, pay special attention to this.

Interested in how to open a children's development center legally? Everything is very simple. You need to register as an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax office at the place of residence. If you plan to hire staff in the future, it is advisable to immediately register a legal entity.

During registration, you need to choose the OKVED codes correctly:

  • 85.32 - provision of social services to children;
  • 95.51 - opening of a children's institution of a club type;
  • 93.05 - provision of personal services.

Before opening a children's club or development center, you should inform Rospotrebnadzor about the start of work. After that, you can expect guests with checks. The condition of the premises should be checked by SES employees and the fire inspectorate. If everything is in order, they will issue you the necessary permits and you can start your business.

Choice of premises and equipment

The premises for the development center should be chosen depending on the direction of activity. If you want to prepare children for school, you will need separate classes for classes. In principle, you can rent a room in one of the municipal kindergartens. This will allow you to avoid problems with regulatory authorities, since such premises comply with all established requirements. Pay attention to the fact that there is nothing superfluous in the room, which can lead to injuries. Every classroom should have good lighting and ventilation. You should also check the wiring, heating and sewerage.

The room should be divided into several separate zones:

  • Reception;
  • Staff room;
  • Classes for classes;
  • Game room.

In addition, it is necessary to equip two toilets - one for children, and the second for adults. If children will stay in the center for a long time, it is necessary to equip a separate area for daytime sleep.

What do you need to open a children's development center?

  • Furniture. Buying ready-made children's furniture is a thankless task. In addition, such pleasure will cost you a round sum. In stores, high-quality furniture at affordable prices is extremely rare, so it is best to make it to order. This will allow you to save a lot and get exactly what you need;
  • Consumables for classes and toys. You should not save on this. Choose quality baby products, not Chinese consumer goods. In this case, the toys will last a long time;
  • Educational materials. At first, you can buy textbooks, notebooks, cards, etc. only if necessary, depending on what classes you are going to conduct. To make cardboard aids last longer, they need to be laminated;
  • When developing a business plan for how to open a children's development center, do not forget to include an expense item for the purchase of office equipment in it.

For work you will need:

  • Xerox;
  • Printer for printing educational materials;
  • TV for watching cartoons and various educational programs.

The walls in the room can be decorated with children's drawings of your previous pupils. They will be an excellent advertisement for parents who will bring their children to the center.

Children's development center staff


Before you open a children's development center, you need to select qualified staff. The success of your business largely depends on this. Regardless of the format of the institution, the following specialists should be on staff:

  • educators;
  • Psychologist;
  • Methodist;
  • Administrator;
  • Accountant;
  • Economic worker.

Methodists and educators receive an average of 20-25 thousand rubles. The administrator is paid 13-14 thousand rubles. The salary of a housekeeper and cleaner varies between 8,000 and 10,000 rubles. These are average wages. Naturally, they vary and directly depend on the region of the country.


So, you have firmly decided that I want to open a children's development center. In order for such a business to bring good profit, you need to choose the right range of services.

For this you need:

  • Decide on the age of the children who will be trained at the center. As a rule, such institutions are intended for kids from 1 to 6 years old. All students should be divided into groups according to their age;
  • Try to develop your own training program. Of course, this will require special professional knowledge. Don't miss this important point as it could become your competitive advantage in the future;
  • Create a detailed class schedule.

Customer acquisition

At the start, a children's club will need extensive advertising:

  • Bright sign;
  • Banners;
  • Road signs;
  • Billboards;

Also, do not forget to place advertisements in the media and the Internet. Another effective way is to post information on social networks and on thematic forums. When you have your own client base and the club starts to become popular, you will not have to spend a lot of money on advertising. At first, you need to draw up a detailed plan for an advertising campaign and allocate funds for it on a monthly basis.

Financial investments

Now let's talk about expenses. To quickly draw up documents, it is advisable to seek help from a specialized company. It will cost you 20-30 thousand rubles. At least 300 thousand rubles will have to be spent on equipment.

Also, when drawing up a business plan for a children's development center, fixed costs should be taken into account:

  • Premises rental - 65 thousand rubles;
  • Nutrition for children - 2.5 thousand rubles daily;
  • Staff salary - 75-100 thousand rubles;
  • Security - 10 thousand rubles.

Do not forget about the variable costs for the purchase of stationery, dishes and other things. In addition, money will be needed for advertising and customer acquisition. When the business begins to develop, you can create your own website on the Internet, where customers can familiarize themselves with the proposed list of services.

Profitability and business relevance

We figured out how much it costs to open a children's development center. Now it's time to talk about profit. In the first year of work, you should not expect large incomes. During this time, you can only find clients and declare a business within your locality.

Modern parents pay special attention to the individual development of children. Since they are constantly busy with career and personal growth, there is no free time for raising a child. In this regard, the business at the opening of developing centers is quite a promising and relevant area of ​​activity. Families with a good income are willing to pay decent money for vocational training and proper child care.

If you want to understand whether it is profitable to open a children's development center, you must first understand the sources of income:

  1. Developmental classes;
  2. Preparatory group for preschoolers;
  3. Learning foreign languages;
  4. Drawing;
  5. Dancing;
  6. Music.

In addition, it is possible to offer clients the organization of various children's parties, birthdays, as well as concerts and various competitions. Expanding the range of services will allow you to earn additional income.

On average, from one client, the children's center receives 7-10 thousand rubles of net profit with a full board, or 2-4 thousand rubles when attending certain classes. Net income for 1 month is 50-70 thousand rubles. It's quite profitable. Such a project can be implemented in any region of our country.

Profitability and payback periods

The payback period of an institution is 1–2 years, depending on its format. To bring closer the moment of reaching net income, find out on the basis of the development center. Equipment for it can be purchased from specialized companies that are engaged in. Inexpensive toys are best purchased in bulk from domestic manufacturers. Another option for additional income is master classes for parents and children, which can be held 1-2 times a week. Some developmental centers also offer the services of a child psychologist and speech therapist.

At the stage of formation, the profitability of the business will not exceed 12-15%. Over time, to increase the number of customers, you can open branches throughout the city or in small towns. You can also rent a larger room in order to be near the development center. The most important thing is to choose the right assortment so that parents who bring their children to classes can buy everything they need there.

  • It is advisable to open a children's club in new areas of the city, where there are usually problems with free places in kindergartens;
  • If you are not sure that you can organize such a business from scratch on your own, you can buy a ready-made business of a children's development center or purchase a franchise to work under the guidance of professionals;
  • Find some "zest" for your center that will attract customers. For example, you can organize monthly holidays with funny contests and clowns;
  • Keep in mind that this business is seasonal. There is a lull in the children's centers all summer, as parents send their children on vacation. During this period, it is better to take a break from work or organize a summer camp for children.

If you love children, then

  • What is important to know?
  • Preschool educational institution or development center
  • Business plan goals
  • Financial and organizational component
  • Room structure
  • Material and technical base
  • staffing
  • Current expenses

Dreaming of a promising business that is in demand? We invite you to find out how to open a children's development center from scratch in 2019. Keep in mind that this current idea does not require significant investments, but at the same time it involves impressive ongoing costs. This is due to the nature of the activity.

What is important to know?

There are about 47,000 municipal kindergartens in the Russian Federation. They are really capable of more or less quality service for 60% of children. Therefore, almost from the birth of a child, parents have to stand in line for admission to the “kindergarten”.

You have to pay for this - make voluntary donations, but, in fact, give bribes. However, no one guarantees the quality of services. Under such conditions, private institutions for children - kindergartens, early development centers - become the optimal and rational alternative. Features opening a private kindergarten is the high cost of services, so you should focus on people with an income above the average.

It is most profitable to open a center for children in a metropolis with a population of more than 1,000,000 people. In a small town, private institutions for creativity and development will not be so in demand.

Preschool educational institution or development center

When registering a business, you need to pay attention to the choice of OKVED - the name of the activity. A great solution would be:

92.3 - "Other entertainment and entertainment activities."

An educational institution, an educational center must have a state license for the provision of services in order to operate legally. It is also required to own or rent a separate building with a closed, fenced adjacent territory to ensure the safety of walking.

A child development center may not meet these requirements. You can open it without a special license, the main thing is to comply with hygiene requirements and ensure fire safety. Although, in fact, it will be the same private kindergarten that provides childcare and childcare services.

What documents are needed to open a development center? For a complete understanding of the task, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our article on the design of IP.

Business plan goals

The business plan is focused on opening a children's development center that provides the following services:

  • education - preparation for school: teaching reading, writing, mathematics;
  • aesthetic development - classes in music, dancing, drawing, singing, fine arts;
  • organization of leisure - walks, visits to the theater, exhibitions, cinema;
  • organization of four meals a day;
  • organization of living conditions: provision of toys, beds, separate lockers for storing personal belongings.

May be of interest: Business for women

A developing children's center can be opened for no more than 15-20 children. It can be 1 or 2 groups, depending on the staffing - the number of training and maintenance personnel. The developing preschool institution is focused on working with children aged 3 to 6 years.

The planned profitability is 90,000 rubles per month with an initial investment of 500,000. The payback period is 2-4 years. This is due to the impressive current costs.

Financial and organizational component

To open a private development club, and in fact an advanced kindergarten that compares favorably with municipal institutions, you will need the following:

  1. A room with an area of ​​at least 100 m 2. The weighted average rental price is 750 rubles per 1m2. This is the price for small settlements in the presence of adequate repairs. If it is absent, the cost may drop to 250 per 1m 2. It is difficult to determine exactly how much rent costs in large cities, it all depends on the location.
  2. Special attention should be paid to fire safety. This implies equipping the premises with an alarm system and primary fire extinguishing means - fire extinguishers. This needs to be taken care of in advance before opening your center. According to the law, this should be done by the landlord, so it is advisable to look for a room equipped with everything necessary. This will be a significant budget savings.

Room structure

Where to start organizing a children's developmental institution - with the definition of its structure, layout. Before you open the center, you need to imagine the entire structure of the room:

  • reception;
  • office for staff;
  • game Zone;
  • class;
  • bedroom;
  • sanitary facilities: bathroom, toilet.

Material and technical base

The opening of a children's center will require the purchase of such equipment and technology:

  • children's furniture: beds, lockers for things, desks, tables, chairs;
  • toys, teaching aids, stationery, books, coloring books;
  • bed linen at the rate of 2 sets per child;
  • detergents, disinfectants;
  • dishes;
  • pots.
  • refrigeration equipment for food storage;
  • washing machines - 2 pcs., preferably an industrial design.

The start-up capital required to open a children's development center includes the following expenses:

  • repair, redevelopment - 150,000–500,000 rubles;
  • children's furniture - 70,000–100,000;
  • wearing materials: underwear, toys and other - 60,000;
  • household appliances, kitchen furniture - 200,000–300,000;
  • an advertising campaign that includes the launch of your own website - 150,000–200,000.

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The total opening will require 630,000–1,110,000 rubles, excluding rent. When creating a deposit (prepayment), it will be related to start-up expenses, and if paid monthly, to current expenses.


Opening a children's development center requires a well-formed team. This step-by-step instruction will facilitate the search for personnel and guide you on the correct compilation of a list of job responsibilities:

  • Director - 1. Salary 38,000 rubles. Carries out general management, supervises personnel, imposes penalties, encourages employees, conducts economic activities and accounting.
  • Educator part-time teacher - 2. Salary 18,000 plus bonus. Engaged in the education and development of children.
  • Nanny - 2. Salary 17,000. Responsible for organizing living conditions, helping the teacher to solve disciplinary problems.
  • Nurse - 1. Salary 12,000. Maintains personal cards of children, provides first aid if necessary.
  • Cook - 2. Salary 17,000. Engaged in cooking.
  • Cleaning lady - 2. Salary 10,000. Responsible for the cleanliness and sanitization of the premises.

In total, in order to open such a business, you must understand that the payroll, excluding taxes, is about 157,000 rubles.

Attention! If the owner of a preschool institution does not have a pedagogical education, you can use the services of graduates, in accordance with the law.

Current expenses

Expenses will eat up an impressive part of the operating budget of a children's development institution:

  • rent - 7500 rubles;
  • utilities - 10,000–12,000;
  • catering - 60,000–80,000;
  • detergents, disinfectants - 10,000;
  • payroll - 157,000;
  • operating expenses: purchase of new toys, benefits (can be hung on parents) - 10,000–15,000.

For normal functioning, this business requires 254,000–279,500 rubles a month. Download the business plan of the children's development center with more detailed calculations you can contact our partners. The quality of calculations is guaranteed!

Now you know how to open a children's development center from scratch in 2019. It is better to plan the opening of such a business with the help and support of the state. There are regional and federal programs to support private preschool institutions. They should be used to ease the financial burden.

Finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the training video on the topic of the article:

Perhaps it will be interesting:

  • Opening a children's clothing store from scratch
  • Organization of holidays for children as a business
  • How to start a homemade cake business

Business in Russia. Guidelines for starting a business in the regions.
We are trusted by 700,000 entrepreneurs of the country

600 000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

2 000 ₽

Monthly subscription cost

40-50 sq. m.

Min. square



Today, goods and services for children are gaining more and more popularity. One of the first places is preschool development centers. Due to the catastrophic lack of places in public institutions, developmental centers for toddlers are a great idea.

Modern parents are increasingly using the services of children's development centers. According to surveys conducted in large cities among parents of children from 8 months to 7-8 years old, more than half of mothers already take or are going to take their children to developmental classes. At the same time, if earlier visiting commercial centers was not cheap, now such pre-school education and development is available even to people with an average income level.

More and more new moms are thinking about opening their own kids club and turning it into a permanent source of income. Despite high competition, business in this area remains attractive and profitable, as the number of children increases every year, and there are still not enough good childcare facilities for preschoolers.

Classification of children's centers

There are children's centers of various types. The owner of such a center himself determines the areas of work he is interested in, the level and list of services provided. Regardless of whether you plan to take funds to start your own business or are going to make do with your savings, before you start, experts advise you to draw up a detailed business plan. Such a plan for a preschool institution, which aims to develop the intellectual and creative skills of children aged 1 (less often younger) to 8 years, includes several sections: an overview with a description of the specifics of the industry, a description of the enterprise itself, a list and description of the services that you plan to render, analysis of the modern market, production plan.

If you do not have the funds to consult specialists, conduct your own market research of similar organizations in your city and in the area where you are going to open a center. Interview potential clients - parents of children (respondents can be found at playgrounds, children's clinics or kindergartens). Ask them questions about the location of the club, where they would like to take their children, about the program and teachers they are interested in. Find out what they look for in the first place when choosing a children's center for their little ones.

First of all, in order to organize your own children's center, you need to find the optimal premises. Most entrepreneurs do not aim at large areas, preferring rent a small establishment with an area of ​​​​about 40-50 square meters. meters. The main selection criteria: convenience of location (in the city center or at least in a large residential area, in a place with high traffic), the minimum need for repair work (although, most likely, you can’t do without it), the availability of a separate bathroom and space, where parents will wait for the end of classes.

Let's return to the question of choosing the area where your center is located. It does not depend on your preferences and amenities, but on the target audience you are targeting. Assess your financial capabilities. A children's center that claims to be in the high price segment, with excellent repairs, the most qualified teachers, a professional administrator and demanding clients, will be very expensive. Such an institution should be located in the city center, where the rent will cost a pretty penny.

For a simple kids club with a low cost of classes, even the first floor of a multi-storey building in a residential area is suitable. Decide in advance on those areas that do not suit you uniquely in terms of remoteness (you will also have to travel to work every day) and / or according to the contingent and solvency of the population, competition and other factors. The area of ​​your premises also depends on the goals and objectives. The study room (if there is one) should be at least 30 sq. meters. Some children's clubs open in office buildings or shopping malls. Ideally, they should be located on the ground floor so that the little ones do not have to climb stairs or take the elevator. In this case, there may be several study rooms, but most likely they will be small in size.

In any case, your center should have a waiting room. Often, the heads of the centers try to save on rent and do without it. However, many parents will wait for their children while they study. If they have to stand all this time on the street, they are unlikely to go to your center for a long time, no matter how good it is.

Taking into account the study rooms, the waiting room (or hall) and the bathroom, the area of ​​​​the children's club should be about 50 square meters. meters. If you don't have the money to rent a large space and can only afford one study room, of course, and such an institution can be profitable, but you greatly limit the choice of courses you offer. With all the desire to “score” the whole day with classes, it will not work. Kids come to practice in the morning - before lunch and daytime sleep.

Older children attend classes after 17-18 hours (when they are picked up from kindergartens). The period from 13 to 17 hours (in fact, half a day) simply falls out of the schedule, as older children spend this time in the kindergarten, and the kids sleep.

As an option, you can offer discounts for classes during this time, but this is unlikely to completely solve the problem. On the other hand, the main rule of the rented premises is that each meter of it should bring you profit. Therefore, renting or buying a large area that you simply have nothing to occupy is also not worth it. The list of classes in your center and the schedule of lessons in each of the rooms must be drawn up at the stage of choosing a room.

When searching for premises, it is necessary to take into account the norms of the SES and the Fire Supervision authorities. For example, a children's center cannot be located in the basement, semi-basement or basement. The premises should be well ventilated, have a separate entrance and a separate bathroom. Of great importance is the convenient access to your center, and the availability of a place to park a car (this is especially true for the city center, where it is very problematic to find a free place during rush hour).

One of the main conditions for the success of your institution is its staff. Moreover, it includes not only the teachers themselves, but also administrators. True, it will be easier to find a good administrator than a teacher who loves and understands children, knows how to find an approach to them and captivate them with any activity. For the position of administrators who will answer phone calls, receive visitors, schedule classes and solve other organizational issues, you can take students or recent graduates. Administrators usually work in shifts. At first, you can take on their duties, unless, of course, you yourself are going to conduct classes.

It is much more difficult to find good teachers. Qualified teachers with extensive experience in kindergartens or even schools will cost a lot, but worst of all, having a diploma of special higher education, certificates, diplomas and other documents does not at all guarantee that your teacher will be able to find a common language with children, and not beat they have a desire to learn. It also happens that recent graduates of pedagogical faculties turn out to be better teachers who are liked by both children and their parents.

Conduct face-to-face interviews with potential employees of your children's center. Pay attention to their appearance, communication style, evaluate their passion for their work, initiative and innovation. Sometimes even mothers of toddlers who do not have a special education, but who are very passionate about various methods of developing children, constantly attend various courses and seminars, are interested in new phenomena in the field of preschool education, and, most importantly, understand what their children need. On the other hand, the presence of a diploma of pedagogical education for your employees, of course, will be useful, but still this cannot be the only criterion for choosing an employee.

Do not forget also that the services of your center must be advertised. Your target audience, first of all, is mothers of preschool children. It is they who, as a rule, choose clubs for their children. Undoubtedly, the best advertisement is your favorable reputation, thanks to which parents themselves will recommend your center to their friends and acquaintances. However, the reputation still needs to be earned. To attract customers at the first stage of work, you can use standard advertising methods: posting ads, distributing leaflets, advertising on the Internet on forums and websites dedicated to the topic of raising children.

Consider a free (or heavily discounted) first trial class where mom and baby can decide if your center is right for them or not. As a rule, the centers offer two options for paying for visits - a one-time visit at higher prices and a monthly subscription. In the latter case, the cost of the lesson is 15-20 percent lower.

Let's say a few words about the legal side of the issue. Until recently, many children's centers that provided services in the field of preschool education tried to avoid explicit mention of this in their names and documentation. This was explained by the fact that obtaining a license to carry out educational activities is a rather complicated and costly business. Therefore, most of the small centers and courses for preschoolers were opened as individual entrepreneurs (IE), and not as a non-state educational institution (NOU) and did not license their activities. They positioned themselves as leisure centers, clubs, private tutors, etc. However, now the situation has changed.

According to the new Federal Law "On Education", an individual entrepreneur has the right to officially conduct educational activities with the involvement of other teachers, but for this he needs to obtain an appropriate license before January 1, 2014.

In the near future, by-laws are expected to be released that will clarify the procedure for obtaining a license for an individual entrepreneur and the conditions that such a preschool educational institution and its employees must comply with.

Calculate the cost of opening a children's center. This includes the rental of premises (depending on the location and area), repairs if necessary (from 150 thousand rubles and more), purchase of the necessary equipment and materials (about 200 thousand rubles), purchase of furniture (minimum 80 thousand rubles), wages teachers, administrators, cleaner, advertising and promotion (at least 25 thousand rubles per month). The cost of one subscription for 8 visits is from 2000 rubles (depending on the city, target audience, program). The payback period for such a project is one year.

Profitability calculator for this business

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Quite promising in the modern world of business is either a child development center. Often, for ease of understanding, the organizers of this business simply call it a kids club. How to open a kids club? How much is it in demand today?

The measures taken by the Russian government to increase the birth rate have borne fruit. But the growth of the birth rate, the increase in the number of children, gave rise to the problem of the lack of preschool institutions. Often, young mothers and fathers complain about the impossibility of placing their child in a good, in their opinion, kindergarten, postponing this event to a later date due to lack of space. Only approximately 60% of children in need of kindergartens have a real opportunity to receive the coveted referral for admission to this child care institution. It should be seen not only as a help to parents, but also as a place for communication and development of the child.

What is the difference between a kids club and a kindergarten? Today, along with municipal, private kindergartens, developing clubs and centers offer their services. Their specialists have a high level of professional training, flexibly use modern methods of teaching kids. Teachers of such children's institutions strive to help parents raise their children to be diversified, educated, successful and happy.

In the municipal kindergarten, the programs do not differ in variety, and the children's club draws up a development program with the participation of the baby's mother. If the baby is at home with a nanny, visiting short stay groups is an excellent solution to the issue of development. The nanny brings the child only to those classes that the parents choose. Methods are flexibly aimed at adaptation in the team, individual development of the child. The benefits are undeniable. How to open a kids club in your city?

Kids club business plan

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Overview section of the planned event

A children's club is being created - a pre-school day care institution for children aged 3 to 8 years. The organizational and legal form of such a club is an individual entrepreneur. Advantages: simplification of financial reporting and accounting, low tax rate. The high success of the project is due to the lack of places in kindergartens in the vast majority of Russian regions.

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Description of the enterprise in general terms

The outdoor kids' day club is open from 7.00 am to 7.30 pm. The schedule is convenient for most clients.

Description of the services provided:

  • finding a teacher with children from 7.00 to 19.30;
  • classes according to the method chosen by the parents;
  • catering "breakfast-lunch-dinner";
  • daytime sleep;
  • organization of children's games.

Production plan

An action plan is drawn up to implement the project. A 4-5-room apartment will be used as a premise. We consider 8 people to be the optimal number of children to ensure comfort in such an area. After cosmetic repairs, it is necessary to purchase inventory and equipment. The club will need:

  • children's beds - 8 pcs.;
  • children's furniture (tables, chairs);
  • children's dishes - 10 sets;
  • sports complex (simulators and Swedish wall) - 2 sets;
  • development kits - 10 pcs.;
  • toys.

After the premises are ready, staff is recruited. It can be teachers or just passionate and caring people. The final part of the preparation is the advertising campaign. The easiest way is to put up posters and leaflets on yard bulletin boards. Less commonly, promotional leaflets are handed out to parents whose children are of the right age for a kids club.

Financial plan

Calculation, as an example, for the regional center of Siberia in Russia, approximate prices.

  • rent of premises - 1,000,000 rubles / year;
  • equipment - 350,000 rubles;
  • staff salary - 320,000 rubles / year;
  • advertising - 12,000 rubles.

Total: 1,782,000 rubles. required to start.

  • parental contributions - 12,000 rubles. per month per child.

Total: 96,000 rubles. per month, per year - 1,152,000 rubles.

The payback of the children's club will be a little more than a year and a half. A relatively good indicator, there is hope to successfully build your business.

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What should be considered before opening?

There should be no trifles in such a serious matter, it is necessary:

  • go through the standard procedure for registering an enterprise for legal activities in accordance with applicable law;
  • prepare an amount of funds of at least 2,000,000 rubles. (perhaps a large amount) to invest in the business. It can be a bank loan or investor funds. In the second case, it is necessary to draw up an agreement;
  • choose a room with the required area (a reserve of 10 sq. m does not hurt at all), concluding a lease agreement for a certain period;
  • acquire or have knowledge of psychology, pedagogy. They will be useful in the selection and verification of personnel, to resolve conflicts;
  • select qualified personnel trained to work with children;
  • open a bank account as a legal entity.

The words “training”, “educational” should not be used in the name of the enterprise. In this case, the instruction requires a special license. This is not required for the kids club. To reduce costs, you can follow this path: issue an IP for one person who has a completed pedagogical education, then a license is not required. The cost of registration will cost 1000 rubles. All other employees are registered as nannies.

Choose a simplified taxation system. Then you can do without the involvement of qualified specialists, keep minimal bookkeeping - this will reduce the cost of maintaining the club for children.